HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-9-16, Page 7•
4i s
� r
You feel safe
Wheal you've washed
with Lifebuoy Soap.
No matter howgrimy
your hand. -no matter
how germ -laden they
nay be troot the day'.
work, Lifebeoyeleanses
and safeguards your
skin. The mild carbolic
odor quickly vanishes,
but its benefits linger.
• Ata aaooaas
50AP ..
Courity and District
OW each
to that
Today i Thursday) V dyne holiday at fund 4asrlone aslUse war should IoM
Keri Oooksoa. of Natter, has opened BRUSSELS.
a harness sbup at H.osaU. The staff of The Brussels 'Poet was
Adam Dodds, of Winthrop, fell fro m op vocatbo last weak and Do waptw
▪ partook paytk sad broke bis left arm was lowed.
atsove the elbow. Ths Red Cres fete h -Id here 00
B. Heriiogton has roW his fags on Labr Day netted over Imam tar toe
the 130h euoeseetoe of Hullatt to R w. roads 01 tin. Soeisty.
Ball, of Loodseboro'. EXETER.
She postofaee at Omer* has been Thos. Senders Wee NOD* is Tomatoelo.ed, .i.tbe num mail route b now 1.0 eater the College of Pharmacy
eareipg [bat locally. there
James W. Edgar passed away' &t bis Dr.Bond. foeerly of )Laster. who
bona uo the second °Dm•°dt /lily. I had recently [talo practislog at BteMMr,
Hawick on lirpt. ober bib. mi 1 Alberta, benlisted with the tnedbat
1110•00v.0 years. Alberta, corps for oeerwae eereiee.
John Corbett has 'old his farm on
the 4th conte -sloe of Mullett to John
Shanahan, who gets poeessson about
November 1st.
Lily. the two-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. Carter, of Wroxetar,
died on September let atter several
mouths' illness.
Henry Kraft passed away at his
home at Dashwood un elepteti'ber 5th
in his .evenly-1lftb year. His wile,
four sons red five daughters survive.
James D tela. of the 5:h concession
of Morris, has purchased the :here
farm. know as the Cameron feral, on
the same concession. The price was
.o many
Spell & Son. of Hullatt, took
prices in the Leicester 'beep classes at
Toronto Exhibition. The landed five
tints. six fecund*, two thirds and one
James Malcolm, president of the
NEW 6 A T E Kincardine Red Crow Society, dons, -
ted h10 quart Trutt
sealers and ole ton
lot sugar for use in putting up fruit for
Having purrbased the T
livery business of Wm.
Knox. 1 am improving
the equipment and in- ♦
• tend to provide
2ZZTT Good Horses
Prompt Service
Up-to-date Rigs
daughter of Mr. and Mrs:
James Hoyle, of St. Augustine. was
married at Guelph on Septof ember
F tKitb
to J. Kirrr, prep i
livery. of that town.
George i)ale It Son,
the of roe
road, Tuckersutitb, P
at 1'rnnto Exhibition fear heavy -
draught foal and second prize for
heavy -draught mare.
Mr. and Mee. U. S. Joey, who wan
married at Exeter on February Sitb, made Freels The Juices e1 Apples.
ltit1'. celebrated their golden
nit Mang O=....eseeidaadps.o.. combined
on August Stith. at Cry y. with Tewin, and Aotisewtke.
"Fruit-a-tives" -mews health. In
years to come, people will look buck to
the discovery of Prwi.t-a-Liven' and
wonder how they ever managed to get
along without these wonderful tablets,
asade from fruit jstces.
"FRUIT-A-TIVES" is excelL•nt for
Indigestion. Dyspepsia and Sour
Stomach. 'Fruit -a -uvea' is the only
certain remedy that will correct chromic
Cowslipaliew era Liter trouble.
'I'ruit-a-tires' is the greatest Kidney
Thos. Thompson has leased the store Remedy in the world and many people
in Stark'& block, on Mon s•rest, and I have testibed to ito value in servre cases
will use it in connection with his prod -
t t tt 1. _ a .li ta t
Muff sad spider webs are likely to
"FRUIT -A -VIES„ ua Ir. mho and he.. be set
us Ow rales Sas least rapes[ it.
Cis Insstta.-Litton( vs should be
built from the grouted up• and ourer
rest on wood supporta Tb. g
of the woodwork will cause cracks its
the cbiuloey. Nor sbould the chimney
walls be used to support joists or other
woodwork Soft brick rod poor woe
are ofteresooruible for defects
the chimneyCT re a Rood y Y
brick end cement mortar. Cbimney
wens bbotild be et least eight toebee
1 tbiek, the flue of ample size sad heed
Had R.�wd Meow Cara di I with fire clay or terra cotta. Never
stuff up the flue boles with rags or
Stemmed, Liver, Blood, paper, nor .over them with •oythloi
andrei� Trouble but • metal stock. (`blmseys should
t+wybe ckened frequently.
Tba.a Any Otker Medicine Fee:seem.-Protect all woodwork
&hove sod around boilers, if within
three feet, with • metal ekield, ale)
8.11 woodwork near furnace plpee. It
is hest to rivet the lengths of pipe to-
gether to prevent disjointing. The
pipe should fit perfectly how the (-him-
bev. Examine the pipe fewluent seem
rust boles or other defects Keep
free from dust. fluff and spider webs.
which are easily Ignited.
Dininors -Defective stoves. bollen.
furnace., nipea and chimney. should
be nromptly repaired or replaced.
OTCRI(rATtNti. - Beware of over-
heating stoves. boilers, furtaeee and
KA.suge. - These should never be
Paced in wnL:deo receptacles er bine
on wood Hoots or ag•inat wood parti-
tion., wells, fences, !wilding* or any
other woodwork l's.- metal recep-
taclee only, and dump ashes sway
f rom all budding-.
Cees...- These matters are technical,
but very simple. ,ted merely call for
ordinary care. You cannot afford to
be careless, when the liver of your
loved ones and the property of your-
self aid neighbors are at stake. Let
"•Care end Caution" be the watchword
and in this way assist in reducing
Canada's enormous tire low.
Florroee Mae, daughter of Mr. ad
Yes. Wm. Hancock, formerly of
Exeter, was married at her boew at
Enteredo, N. D , on [September 1st to
Wm. B Stevenson.
The engagement is announced of
Annie, only d&ugbter of Mrs. Mary
Emmerson, of fonerkip, Ont.. to Wm.
Turnbull, only sop of 1b. and lira.
Andrew Turnbull. of Rester. the
marriage to take efface this month.
Miss Ethel Grieve has gone to Ber-
lin to train as • nurse
A barn belongiog to Samuel cher-
♦ • weed. of Crewe. esu bused d Iwo re-
• orotic while tht•esbulg aperstl'.tts were
, i.eiag .ori i d nn • l'rec:i• +sly i1, the
and s !contents were saved.
Amos Doan died at his home at
• Giotto on September "tb, aged
• seventy-five years. He bad bleu a
• resident tbere for over torte, years.
• His wife and three sone survive.
tieorge Andrews, of t sborne. has
sold his itl)-sere term to Melville Skin•
nes.: )r the sum ot Melee. Possession
will to given next spring. Mr. And-
rews will remove to Exeter to reside.
Matthew Switztbe t faew ow f J.rg,
baa purchased
O'Rourke, near Shipks. Stephen
chased the faarm otowcohip. Mr. ccupied ipi d bye Hs enry
All orders will receive
prompt and careful at-
TO srttosr: No. 1;3 /or
• good to-n'ut.
ure businies.
Miss Steil& Purcell, daughter of Mr.
James Purcell, ot Seaforth, was mar-
ried et Hiebmond Hill on August . 3rd
William Kelly, of Oakville. Ttrey
of Ries.sratisws, Sciatica, L umbaro,
Pais is Me Back, Impure Blood,
H •a.l'aches, Neuralgia, A mrties, Blotches
sad olkter Skive Trvrbtis.
Fltl'iT•A-TI\- has been one
•f the great successes of the century
u Mr and Moe G. F. S. Garden. of
Hermon i I ['Teach end the United States. 5tk. a
announce tee engagement of their quite handsome, Iovey dear r Hubby
daughter, Margaret , anywhere near your birthday."
('unt ffe, to Ed- box. 6 for ..O, trial size _3c. At allpt of •q --Yrs: it's way 1 have when it gets
ward L. Pegaegna of Toronto, tbe
1 ' in Oct&
Melvin `Icon, ,on of Mr. andMos.
adealers or sent postpaid on rd-rei
will reside at Toronto. I o
and the sales are enormous, both in
Mlle formerly of Seaforth,
>Ir. and Mh. Philip Collier, of But
talo. who were survivor+ from the
gteamer Arabic, recently torpedoed eff
the coast of Ireland, have been et.tt-
irg their curtsies. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Moore. of Tuckersmith.
W.11. H. Brown, e0 &gest resident of
Port Albert loestity„divd on Septem-
ber lith He was ben in England
seventy-one years ecru red came to
this country when seven veers old.
His wife, ala: deugbteis red two tone
%Vm. Morrow. • young men whip
rd 1n the Tierney of
arise away
'They asked me to their reception,
but it wasn't because they liked me : +t
w as only because 1 an sing." "Oh, I'm
.ure you're mistaken •
Wife-"D'ye know vou're growing
riage to take place ear y - price by Fruit-a-t,va Limited, •,uawa.
Archibald Scott, of Se•farth, has re- I place at the home of the bride'
cantly uprtled a new piano watehotrs another, was conducted by the Rev. E.
at Edmonton Alberta where he is the n -mood. On the Friday • vening
representative of vee
WiYis Piano ing her marriage the utile was
of Moptreat
made Lbe recip.ont of a "kitchen
CLINTON. Imhof/es" by her girl friends.
[rinds. Tie.
Come in and inspect our new
showing of
Fall Hats
We feel sure that they will
please the inostexacting buyer.
A large ,variety to pick from.
McLean Bros.
Semi -Ready Tailors
Earnestness in life, even when ear- Whatever the occupation of a man
ret to♦t1 extreme, is something very 1s t it he should give.his first and
noble and great.-Ilumboldt. gretittest attention. -Blackstone.
1 New Term Opens
tar relict of the late young couple will r
• fres meat it on feel B.ckaeh� sir
Thomas Freemen, pas CHURCH have bladder a
home here on Lirplembrr etb, aged I glass of Salta
p tes-
of St. Paul's church, commenced hell .
duties here on Sunday last.- He was ([berth union between the Pi eahy- leo man or venom who rata meat regn tthWi t, nti. sensed -
formeily tector of Clarksburg. terian, Methodist and Congregational Carly tea male a mistake by flushing the I� d pair own iknent's -'. and
cburetiees ne Canada is to be brought to k daeys otos[ S, ewe- runtano c > oder
While Jackson. is ckl, s r had his h borne final • issue of vote of
of Wm. Jackson.
leg badly cut withs adz''kbe was us. + the Preebyt •riane'chur h t ot Canada
ing. Four artet its were severed. with.n toe next four months. An nitres.'
pamphlet oont,r,tuiOg copies. of all docu- seek. Nearly `w
Jahn W Hessian, of hew Y"ort. ! D approved by the General As- I the blond. then we
who is a native of Clinton, recently sembly hes just been puleh•hed and rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, 1
d ine3s sleeplessness and
Jomse . Perdue. I y SEPTEMUER tat at
sed swat at bee UNION fro Dle-Taik.0
en y n" nz u ed to resby
Rev. J. A. Robinwu, the new rector . Q°H WA Chmtbes for Final Decision.
sr t three years.Bu g ' wit
• I)%'. K SQUNt), ONT.
s r'au.rlw- katI-
Call and inspect our new
stock of the above high-
grade Buggies.
We have the latest 1915
designs to suit all
re -
Loudon-Sept . 10.1$
Vralkerioo-sept, 14-15.
�� .
Stratt1JMAMrNiacF• •
.lad -sept' sum.
AI i -Aopt• 3-
fteektarth--11ept. 11-111
�SrrRhw M- _8' 35, 30.
iOet. 1.
>M•Ost. 1.
11DOat- 1.
ona:l says a well-known
authority. Meat Arms uric acid which
excites the kidneys, they become over-
worked 1rotn the str•tin, get sluggish and
fail to filter the waste and poioons from
,•,t patten[ Principal. We Wake.. (a(a1 Sane .
o -ate. lu 10..1 1
a'. A. V1-F,NI\(1, F'.1'.A.. Prinelpal;
r,, It. PLKs4tS ', ttecretarr.
paid a visit to his mother flare. Fort distributed &moult the cburcbes. The nervaisnest. is , -
the past five }rant Mr. Hessian bas documents tell .he complete story of urinary c::so>rders Dome from sluggish eta
held the title of cbampilo title shot of ihe.pmgrsett of the union movement i kidneys
America He has or hi Y launched from its, incept 00 in 114111, end *bowl The moment you feel a dell ache in the
b for himself in th•, 11 beginnings it has
kidneys or your Deck hurts if the
o;1L into business O 1 er
bore [tom oma which
manufacturing of mumtinne fur tbe gathered iz-peals I urine' is ebpSy, oQppenstva, full of rnL-
All lar ' t -d in a sweeping vote of A meet trregu f
sodding, atop
gradually Ra :Um rot or &deeded by 1
culminated meat
a), reverend the, -1 in its favor at the Kingston e. a eraa&tioa O
Judge Holt, on apps d toe a
its rich tOwee i bur. o r, a tyb1edpoon Ful in a OLIO of water before
township, who was Hoed al and shoat statements ta of Sap esu.-- each Dreeklse and in • few days your kidney.
rests for exposing may br rale, on set:.+og forth the reasons for red I w&h><yt amdfa
information laid by Joseph Wheatley• ylpmvt chunk 1n h �-I will act fine. This f salts is,made
chief of polite. His Honor allowed
Potter 111.' costs in the case and or-
dered that his deposit, t., cower the
cost of the action, ba returned to him.
decision u[ Police Mylktrstr Andrews
ser0hly lent year. and gees lout four ounces of Jed
the of T Potter, of Godes a pamphlet oleo contain• two l Gals [rom any pharmacy: take a
union. Three state -
menta have been drawn up y
majority and the minority of the
church union committee and are clear
had been employ god eoeoiee an their dictiou. The sup-
at the home Sep- porters of Mown lay special guess up -
Wm. Mop lrry, at linens, on 1 w1NGMAW no the growing needs of the churches
timber 11tb. He had recently under- 1 Mr. and Mrs Fred Morris have re aid the peoples in Canada for • united
ar operation from which he I
moved to Oshawa, vtbere Mr. Morrie and allied front• and for the elimina-
tion of merely monetary cemretition.
Misty Eva A. Hooper was married •t George Pretwell, act aged resident It emphasises the tar• that tbe basis
home of her parents, on the Mb of this neighborhood, passed &wee ua at union is thoroughly evangelical and
that the policy is distinctively Pres-
byterian and nothing vital will be
•••� illness.
concession of Bt10 Vied township, on emcee -her :inn after • lung
September Stb% to Victor Saw er, of He was nmety.o*e veers old. Hie
Toronto Many friends from es i
ems' wife survived h m
Kirkton. Toronto &awl other emote'
Mr. A. J. Alderson. who has been a
were P(eae0t at the eeeemony. I foreman at the furniture factory here,
Stepben .1 Etberington, an &gid is r.moviog with his family to detail -
resident of l-st)orne, died on Septem-
ber Ittb, al t,be home of bis son.
George, on the o'.h concession. H.
was born eighty-five years ago Dear.
Toronto. He removed te the Mtwenty-four
ship of UabD
old and bad sines resided _
our sons and three daughters
The staff .f The LocIsm know Sentinel
week red 00
were tsttl!id yie
too, where be hes a positio0 in the
G. T. R. freight offices.
MINN Willera Chestnut acted as
flower girt at the marriage of bee
enueti)Miss JessRe b n
Jessie M. eon, of
Hibbert, in Wal. W. Sebben, of
North Reetbope, which event occurred
at the bridi • home oe September let.
In, the rami -finals of Western
gameOntario A. L. A. the game between
Wingham and Orangeville on Labor
1)sy resulted in & ,fiveThe
paper return match playtiaOrangeville
Twenty-five applicants for aeoom-' on the loth by in • win for
O1 aon
od ti ILL the otinuatioo elassee the Orangeville teem
he large enrol-' the 9th Instthe ham of Jon T.
of p.uekpublic ublic school had b During be violent electric storm nn
refused on acme
DL »
mens ende limited faeilttles. Moet) Corrie, who lived &boot one ando
of those refused were from Huronl halt miles fr em the town, wag struck by the basis of ,union appreveri by t t.e
lightning and burned, together with (Iowa! Aesemhiro (1915? Ye.. No.
The reasons &g'inst union, as set
forth in the minuets 's statement, rou-
tend for the preservation of the old
dietiocuons and rail for more co oper-
ation. They claim that there is no de-
mand for union. and that the pr-eent
agitation is hurtful to the church
that the basis of union it Inferior to
Presbyterian standards.
The first vote to he taken is in the
mission fields, and this has to be con -
1.4 next The
tended l befores e
vote before De-
Pre.Prestotrriee wall take the
January 1st. iti16. All the returns
must be in the heads of tae clerk of
the general Assembly no: Liter than
Marcb 1:1, 1916. The ballot paper con-
tains ooe question : "Are you in
favor of anion with Use Me:.hodi,t and
Congregational churches of Canada on
from the seid of grapes and lemon juice.
combined with lithe'. and has been used
for generations to flash and stimulate
tbe kidneys also to aeutrelize the acids
is urine so it no longer dotes irritation.
thea ending bladder weakness.
Jed Salts is isexpenaive and censor,
injure. makes a delightful effervescent
litku-water drink which everyone
should take now sed thea to keep the
kidpeys ele•a and reties and the blood
pure• thereby avoidiag terioaa kidney
county. the weans'• crop, reeenNy thresthed,
Ata Use Pt1 Ins ti by held at Walker- and .Dale imptementa. Lad autumn
ton el file 9th Inst Grid. county to Mr. Currie lost his house by fire.
conned it rale unanimously mouth
derided data hter of Mn.
contribute gt.01U per month trop the Llllis0, yonegsrt R
pat� I Isabelle Robinson, was married n0
otic fund. fuJo to the . Roe., utadleaof
Lock- deptember 7th to Wm. Lamb. of Kis-
nocace Joat e had
Lott n which took
Kin -
now, &orlotssoed that be ►ad deeidtd cardisw The ceremony,
mos_-d1et. 7.s
k valsevar 01 reeds. woes
y r aotaM
w hoer. -Mlle
-.:JI1'4 •:
von~in. - w.t�
S' a.
Roasts retain their natural flavor -
bread, cakes, puddings, etc., baked in
a`-.. -�
*Dyelllwaya come fresh and.sweet
ftom its perfectly ventilated
oven. See the McClary dealer in your town.
"Scheel Days" Meaa Sc`.ol ' SLees
Hew the Dagger cd y Be Largely
MThe season is fast approaching when
cool evenings will demand the starting
of fires to our hoose. September and
October bye become known to tire -
Men as the month* wbe0 chimneys
sod floes rause the most trouble.
The following soggestioos of a prac-
tical nature, if faithfully followed,
wi'.1 do ouch to prevent damage to
property and Wes of Me.
frt•nvna,-Place a metal stove -board
on the wood floor under the stove, and
ixtending at Nest twelve inchee in
frost of the ashpit door. Protect all
walls and partttUoea 'vitiate two feet of
r. bew.etshield
the wall have iso kladliog or other
wood in the osee over sight. Do not
bang clothes too sear the stove or
ma~ -See that tbe I ,t''r of
Wed aro well LSd togle
front rust, holes at parted mass.
wired Irmo y and Attad perfectly into
Ib. chimney Ytovaelpee planing
lone.. walla floors. •thee
throne' era dangerous et hest
Where thane mast peas ibrlogb parti-
tlestlr. waft oe Some. elww/a me a
Mega. ventilated deckle tibtoohla 'ett
aide. They ma or less
able. They
1 ki e are
headquarters tor
cho o l
Our stock contains a large
;assortment of Solid and Sub-
stantial Shoes for boys and
girl.. Built for service. with
due regard to comfort and
appearance as well No-
where will you hid a better
selection or better calves.
Bring tie Sc`elan Here !
Wm. SHAntiwi
Corner East Street and Square
Business anti
Westervelt School
l'. ht. t'. A. il.uld.ns
London, Ontario
/ _t
l'nilegj 1st to July
natal! - any time.
J. V1'.
Great Reductions in Prices
Summer Goods
Lawn Mowers
\Vas 116.11). now 14.011
Was 16.11), now ... . 1,5,111
Wail $6.Vii, now ..... . $5'•'-'
Wes 17.5o, now.... • ... . .10.111
Was 8111.111, now 811.111
Screen Doors
Were PL5i1, now .......... $2or
Were 12.25, now 81 111
Were 11 75, now ...... ... $1.5o
Were 81 :i3, now. .. $1.2)
Were 111.21, now...... ....11.10
\Vere 115.50, now $4.1:1
Were 111.25. now • 13.111
Were $3: 50, now $2.76
Were $3.21', now 12.5[)
Were $3.11). now FLO%
\Vere 1.2..25, now ... 11.75
and many others.
One wee 111.111, now. .
One was 1;)3.111), now. .131N
One was 1N 111, now 16.5111
Screen Windows
Were ale. now........
Were :Inc, uow fee
Garden Nose .
One half-inch corrugated, was
17c, now 15e per foot.
One Rambler, 1441.11). mow x10.011
One Welland. 1.70.00. sow Sal let
Two were 136 11), now ....126114
One R. H. (lenl's $15 p1
One leirl's Wheel........ 113 1e)
-A great snap in Graniteware-15c each for pieces worth 25c to
:1.'c, and if you purchase five of the 15c pieces you can get a pail,
dish pan or large sauce pan for 15c.
Are you going to"require any Binder Twine for your corn? Now
is the time to get it, as there is going to be a shortage.
Have you any patching to to to your walls ? if w, tier Pari
stone Wall Plaster. it is all ready for use. For the finishing
coat use Monarch Hydrated Lime. It is Tacked and ready for
Now is the time to have your furnace overhauled before Ilse
dirty weather sets int We keep competent men for the purpose.
Send your order in now and it will have prompt attention.
We carry a complete stock of happy Thought Ranges and Ra
diant Home Hea ers. Call and tee our :•tore• before making
a purchase.
In Shelf and Heavy Hardware Our Stock Was
Never Fiore Complete!
i,ct us figure on your Plmvibing, Heating. lsaveetrovghittg and
Electric Wiring% All work promptly attended to
a 1 fully guaranteed.
Chas. C. Lee
STORK 22 -- - PIONLS --- -- HOUSZ 113
maga tease- o. R a....,. . ...$
able Ifgcrtleree tr-tabtwp► Awa 1wst1.-