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Peg o' My
A Comedy of Yen& Fossded ftp
Mr. Mannon oa Nit Gnat May
of the S.. iido - 111E
habeas Frees Pisaso
geek, of to Play
Copyright. irti by Dodd., Mead •
Enemies N. Longer.
TEEL rank down into a chair
and covered her eyes.
'The wretch"' ab* waded.
-The wretcbr
"That's what be ia," said Peg- "Aa'
ye'd give yer life into his kapin' to
blacken so that no decent than or wo-
e.man would ever look at ye or spats to
"No! That is over! That 1. overt 1
hate my.elfr" Ethel cried between bet
sobs "Ob. bow I hate myselfr
"Ethel aeushla! Don't do thatt
D:Lrlln', don't! Ile's not worth it Saps
yer lite an' yer heart clans tintll the
one man in all the wurrld comes to ye
with his heart pure. too, an' thea yell
know what rale happiness means."
She knelt down beside the sobbing
girl and took Ethel to ber arms and
tried to comfort ber.
She helped ber cousin ap and sup-
ported ber. Ethel was on the point of
fainting. and ber body was trembling
with the conrnlstre force of her halt
suppressed sobs.
"Come to my room," said Peg In a
whisper as sbo helped Ethel over to
the stairs. "I11 watch by yer ride till
amnia'. Lane on me. That's right
Put yer weight on tee"
$be picked up tbe travellbg bag, and
iit the two girls began to ascend
Ethel gave a low choking moan.
"Don't, dear: yell wake up the
house." tried Peg anxiously. "We're
only a lltUe way to go. Msy now.
Nota sound! flab. dear! Not a man
set o' noise!"
Jost as tbe two girls reached the
landing Peg In ber anxiety stepped
short, missed the top step, lost ber foot.
Ing and tell the entire length of the
staircase tato the nom, smashing a
till china fiowat v repos-
faga3lept i4' - .
?be worst
hare happeued was Jost what did bap
Peg instantly made up ber mind that
they were not going to know why
Ethel was there.
label must be saved and at any coat
'Holy motherr she cried. "Tim
whole house'II be awake! Glve me yer
• —
" Take care. water -keep bureit let
s deet with them." And Aback, with
as electric flasbllgbt, appeared at the
head of the stain followed by • Ms
mother and the servant Jorma
IIs began a systematic morel ant
room e1/til soddenly the reflector
the tl~t ahem* fan oa I1e tee
Ethel was sitting Hct MMindsg is a
chair. clinging to Pig, wbo was Stam•
Ind beside ber trembling
"Etbeir cried Marls to amasemient
"Margaretr said lira (Miens/Mr la
"11 it, 1 mean to stir Maculated the
aatouuded young man as bs walked
seroma to the switch and !loaded ttae
room with UghL
"What dem this meanr asked IL't
Chichester severely.
"Sure Ethel beard sae bore," answer-
ed Peg. "au' she came In, an' "-
"What were you doing berer
"1 was gotta' out, an' Ethel beard me
an,' came In an' stopped me. an ;r
"Where n ere you going?" penlated ,
the old lady.
"Just out -out there." and Peg point.
.d to the open windows.
lIrs. Chichester had been examining
Peg minutely. She suddenly es -
-Why, that la Ktbel's coat!"
"Sure It 1.," replied Peg, "en' thin
is ber bat I've got, an' here's her bag."
Peg was strlring ber utmost to divert
Mrs. Chichester's attention from Ethel.
wbo was In so tense and nervous a
condition that it seemed as tt she
might faint at any moment She
thrust the dressing bag tato the old
lady's band. Ilya. Chichester opened
It Immediately and found just inside it
Ethel's jewel box. She took It out and '
held It up accusingly before Pers'
eyes. "Der jewel box! Where did you '
Set this'"
"I took it," said Peg promptly.
Mrs. Chichester opened the box. It!
was full. Every jewel that Ethel own-
ed was in 1L
'Der jewels -Ethel', jeweler
"Yes, I took them too."
"Too were stealing them?
'No, I wasn't stealin' them. I just
took 'em. I wanted -to wear them."
answered Peg readily. Suddenly I'eg
saw a way of escape. and she jumped
quickly at 1t "I wanted to wear them
at the dance." _
'What dancer demanded Mn. Chi-
chester. -
�Os1<r there -In tbe Assembly rooms
-tonight I went over there, an' I
danced, an' when i came back I mad*
a noise, an' Ethel heard me, an' she I
threw on some clothes, an' she came in
here to see who it was, an' It was tae,
an' we were both coin' up to bed when
1 slipped an' fell down the stain, an'
some noisy thing fell down with my
an' that's MI"
Alartc called out from the window:
"There's some one prowling In the
garden. He's on the path. He's com-
ing bere. Don't be frightened."
Alaric posted his electric light full
into the Astter's fans sad fen back.
"Good bearens, Jerry ,^ be ejaculate&
completely astonished. "1 say. you
know," be went ort "what 1. happen -
I ing in this house tonlghtr
Jerry came straight down to lira.
"I saw your lights go tap, and I came
here on the elm. 1 guessed something
like this bad happened Don't be bard
on your niece. tics. Chichester. The
whole thing era* entirely my fault I
asked her to go."
Mrs. Chichester looked at him
"You took my niece to a dance in
spite of my absolute refusal to allow
her to got
"He had nothin' to do with it," said
Peg. 'I took him to that dance."
Mrs. Chichester looked. steadily at
Jerry for a few moments before she
spoke. When she did speak ber voice
was cold and hard and accusatory.
"Surely Sir Gerald Adair knows bet-
ter than to take a girt of eighteen to •
pdblk Dan without her relations" sanc-
andtion r
"I thought only of the pleasure it
would give her," he answered. "Pious
accept my sincerest apologies."
Peg looked at him in wonder.
"Sir Gerald Adair! Are you Sir
Gerald Adalrr
"Yes Peg."
"So ye bare a title, hare yer
Peg felt somehow that she had been
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In yer rhltd's n tad. Why don't
s11 down beside her sometimes aa'
find out what sbe thinks an' who she
sew! Take her Mud In yer own an'
get her to open ber soni to ye! Be a
mother to ber! A lot ye know about
motherhood' t want to tell ,e me fa-
ther knows more abont motberbood
than any man In the warrit"
Poor Mrs. Chiebester fen beet crush•
ed and humiliated from Peg's oa
In a few moments tbe two men re-
turned with water end salts. After
awbUe Ethel opened ber eyes and look-
ed ap at Peg. Peg. fearful lest she
should begin to accuse herself again,
helped ber up the stairs to bet own
room and then she sat beside the un-
strung. hysterical girl until she slept.
her band locked 111 both of Peg's.
Ow thing Peg had resolved -aloe
would not rpeod another night in the
Chichester Mime
Her tittle heart was bruised and
.ore. The night bad begun so happily;
It bad ended se wretobadJy.
And to think the one person In whom
she trusted bad been just amusing
himself with ber, leading ber to be-
lles be was a tatmer-"i@as tbsa
rwome bid wfib 1eeg-irWen ale- was
saminaosed • turd.
He was preparing, In ills spare time,
Ia bletory of the Irish movement from
twentz/ years before down to the pres-
rement day. It was fascinating work for
hies, embodying as 1t did all be bad
ever felt and thought or done for Qui
"great cause."
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"1 geln' mit and Ethel *topped
se.*," mid Peg.
Mat," be bad ones said. and all the
time be was a man of breeding and et
birth and of title.
Poor Peg telt so haminated that aha
nand* up ber mind she would nevi
an him *gala
In the morning *be would go beck
to the one real affecttoo of bar life -
' A Man's Ability la His Passport;
(Profsaso r of Music .tae Poke Spsdahistl
Teacher V..e. Culture and MINK Smpns
S le, u!. w. — S...d. Conroe. blunt .ton .ns
For term. ane Mfor...ati•n .sear
i By Rupert Brooke
! Here L a poem that for sheer besuty
equals any t.:.s war has produced. The
author, known as a brilliant Deet, was
! one of the young Engltshmea who
went to the relief of Antwerp in Win-
ston &Crtnaval brigadelie
died afterwards of sunstroke in the
i Dvdanellee. The poem appeared In
"New ?iron -ben" a quarterly.
It iiat
die. think only this of mo:
at there's some corner of a for,
sign field. -
That is forever England. There shall
In that rich earth s richer dust
Chest British Victory 15 Pinion GYM concealed;
Almost Unhs rd 01t A dust whom &gland bore, shaped
made aware.
Betties wt tel beton this war would Claus. doe* her Bowen to 10/441er
have been considered of good she ' ways to roam.
have been *ought and practically over- 1 A body of England's breath/11F �s
looked to out of -the way campaigns. i
Bah air,
Persian Gulf district of Persia A I Washed by the rivers, bie.ttby mals
young British omcer writes the foliose- of Home.
the account of an engagement neer I
Bbalha, In which the Turks had 31,000 think. this heart, alt cult SI"
engaged: "We have bad our Dig
battle bore. and are nicely recovering. i away.
All are full of beans' and ready los 4 pale in the eternal mind. no lege
The Turkiab defeat was a magnlfi- thought* by England given;
vent affair and a far more cruaafag
ghts and sounds, dreams happy
as her day.
illi -laughter. learnt of Mends; and
it the hearts at peace under as
English heaven. •
such as the BriUsh invasion or the
further tIIorta somewhere back tieee. somewha
one than the accounts to the papers
indicate. For two days some I11.0M
Turks attacked the portion of air
army ettueted la the delimit.. posi-
tion. In regular German fashion, they
pretty well completely envelogad oar
Beaks, digging trenches neerar eel
nearer our works each night •
In case we attacked, they also had
a permanent lino of works in shames
of welch all their night ang10*
trenches were. Well, oar fete.@, tsar
der General 0—, midared a hot sr-
PUllery and ride fire for about two days
to the moa wbo hewer burt a d1ssP and two Manta at oodtparatively close
r.nge. During this trate there were
palated bet -bet father. many many *settles minor tndMnti.
• • • • • • • such *a cavalry *barges. eta
Ws will now leave Peg for awhile Our mats effort took the pima os
and return to one who claimed so the third day; it was, so to s§y, a
Much of the reader's attention in the case of 17p dards and at 'em.' Due-
, lug the hottest portion of the day our
whole ford formed line and went:tor
It had not been a'1ap97 mouth tar the Tarts. Ws drove them headlong
him. from their advance treoeb.s until we
He felt the separation from Peg came to 'heir main pasttloa. This.
Mealy. At first he was almost in- after a most severe dgbt. In which
ettmsslabJ . the Turks showed themselves mas-
'J7ae day, passed slowly anti] Peg's nlac•nt opponents, we carried at the
Ont letter came. It contained tis point 07 the bayonet During the lard
news o[ Eingsnorth's death -Pep's is attack of can the Turkish maatmm
thanes Into the Chichester family, ber
were aved superbly They did alt
the damage to aS. ,We raptured most
dbeastant, ber Iongcng to be beck of them. killing the working parties.
ODed in New Tort becameThwas We became masters of the formidable
fblbwea by more betters, an more of enemy's lino by evening Ume.
I cheated. Wby bad he not told ber? km in the same key. Really be wrote ' 71te enemy were rostsd--there Is
Why did be let her play and romp and _ ber to etre it all ap and come ' no other word tor 1l. In the rear of
1 joie and banter with bum as though back to tdm. Be would not have tits 11. lines were his eases. These were
I they bad been children and equals? Noe daughter tortured for all the ad- all abandoned. By the monies tit*
"1 am ashamed of you! Toa have mama those people coaled gtve flat. remnaata of their force were twenty
disgraced us all!" cried Mn CDlchee qhm bar lettere took on a dlaersmt mites away. by the sect dar torte
r-•9 Fell the Entire Length of the mile:. into our hands fell nearly IAN
tut' Gain! An' Ter cloak. an' yer
ban!" Peg began quietly to prat on
Ethel's bat Ind cloak. tiff own Shit
nogg out of sight beueetb tee greet
oak table.
"Now remember," the dictated, "ye
come here because ye beard me. Ys
weren't gotta' est e' the house at all eel cried out:
Te just Daard me worth' about is 'Watt toothed dhe mustn't Ba W
berg Stick to tad!" have an teen grousty enter to ba 11
TI. sewed et voices ha the distaste is I sbosld go. Tonight sits sewed tae
broke ie as t►Sm. troa• -obs mead me trona"- 1.1lls3F
"Tbegrtw *mei ." ty ROM reached tbe hen11UO gull
She sense from Peg's arms ea Se
date sue ?e to tofu* Beer and ter elle
ter at Peg.
"Have Ir screamed Peg fiercely.
"Pre disgraced ye, have I? Well. none
or you can tell me the truth I'n ge-
hr' beet to me father."
"Go beck to your father. and gtsd
we are be be rid of you r
Beare Peg could say ■nything tier
Mot, ietbel soddenly rose insteady
meld Dag ..,�
w a...-.
Peg knelt down heed* bar:
"Sash fueled. Ctrs hes air?
Peg bowled dither's dress sad Idled
M ber a6 the width. seg lst4 end
Marts burred out t• Orem* deur
team !m meet of restanetewa
Bella Obtrbs.ter ease Mermi 11611r1
tlMmtobly alarmed *ad epee
Set Fog weeld est lel Mr wet
Me imnurite gtii.
"Oe away from b.rr else Peg
`•Mage. -wise geed de per Melt
se. M ber? Witt N ptee WM
burl Toe demi haw
Per tlydltla. Ts
aspect They contained a curious ball prisoners, maxima, Pia.. badreda 01
Bek* of bappiness to thea- No loam ,,.s. tents. melba/ atom sad sst-
SlmmWa or returning. Ou the cow monition. This latter laeleded esrrers1
Osla. Peg appeared to be making tie hundred beim. costmlatag *hell sad
Met er tbe conditions in whteb Ills about 1,000.00) rounds se rile tams-
- Paco& nhtios. A11 their toodOtsis WOOS ISR
'JAMB later letters set ('Osumi eros► behind. and. to task, yes as *sly
dense Bad the great menage est life
sem to bis little Pee'
A1besg be aIwsys felt it mould
Mems ohne day, sow that It seemed al.
scot a very teal posetbUlty be dried.
el tit Then were so few Mtbreo
weald understand her.
!Mat Peg was develapiag her der -
seer and Mr moue delta. these claw
womb wag clear to Memel. s1.
Mete Ism me bar lettere MI chemise.
Met se ward e[ bees ammo Mm any
dew 1s Ile nal Nate M bpr *MeV
Mega tae dq be .,esime least al.
mist cede* eanpesed et dnmlpeame
e1 M• aAMseate tends Of Weft
method et thought cad tlgsasMsn oe
sue leery. Tao L...i hs let M• Hes
amnia* M that be q'asaalfy WARS
M mime Mrf be eammiw wee Ms
psoase erbe had se mNMy
memlr M rag. Aggro*.
am Ind INA* Jo Sup Sew ter•
IMO a ammme mese et r
rail It an %boohoo 1tt'torr. it gas s
stroke of gen gsaasra sod•
den lightning
Turkish ea mars soak
rather naivety. that we Meal lbhw the
game. They **MMMsq u�
r ettios and MeerreBaasr if 1
of siege warfare. Of setesws. May Mal
lots ad Osmium with these-iesgff
advisers. Poor Ni15; Moss Weasel
appear to he maty their *mel imiss1er
Ti. Kung of itsiy has slwaye best
favorably dittoed tower& Meals'd.
ss hs. leen 11@ Consort They Mese
an RatNab governess [tar Mair doer
lea roses daesMur. the Prisms§ Ts
WMs sew et tbe enemy is metered
be a elseneld b fables to hall teem
Ile rel• and bargee a esmOsmiMd.
VilereMee iempem l ..1 Esso of der.
lrslldeaee awaited sleladir f• lb*
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Registrar. Iva Bat. (Dumas) Principal.
Address: -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont.
He Wired the coveted di>;i etton dur
Ing the South African war, tbrosgb
which he served as surgeon -captain
in the South African Constabulary.
Th* Cross was awarded for minister
lag to a wounded man. and also an
eager, ander heavy fire at Vlakfoo•
Lein; while engaged in this @man•
task. be himself was .hot three ttmea
The clasp, which is equivalent to a
second Corsa, was awarded for con-
spicuous bravery and deem 'on to duty
during the present campaign. especial-
, ly near Zosnebeke, where under con-
stant tire, Le rescued a number of men
who had been badly wounded.
This mu, a stoker named Tureen
came safely through yr•• of ilia
greatest steamship d en In the
roils et history. tie use of the
esreivor. of the T1tasN wreck; two
years iat.r was saved when the ley
prime of irelied sack. sad was row
seed whew to Lositanta was *auk
ay a Osrmam torpedo.
British Doctor Gales Unique
limo for Valet
Lieutenant Arthur Martis Lemke„ M
11te Royal Army McNeal Corps. woe
tie drill tae to be granted a Awe
l his Tktagia Mea Nave the elver
TOMS' .coma IMiRsted la
Captain Loxley's Dog
The story of "Captain Lcaley's 111-
tle dos." which went down with his
master on the Formidable, is cleverly
told by the author of "Where's Mast-
er?" Many, . specially lovers of dogs,
will be delighted with the author's
still to telling all that the little dog
thought and did. trotting ap and doves
the big battleship. There were good
sod us times before the signal
Mad were nbmartnes about. and
the little dog enjoyed than to the MI_
Wles at last great sass broke over
them and Captala Lethal. looking so
proudly and so laciest' at the row of
His men below, saluted the gag sad
said. '1 go down with my ship" be
reeembered his dos. sad hl. eyes
dropped to Broee-rlgtd at 111, rest:
"Yen cad I, Brsee. ire go doers with
thtr akto."-•OMertes.
Dv, iorom
S1Ms•hnd• et have settled
tMalarg Nave war MPs. 71st'
carR+la.ed theCroselmettfaimse was
atet 1s iRsese cad
!Islami is ebsad are pate
t�sr wast
!� Italy
tea meet
they Owe eirpostath
war emblem Ase.
them Ilam siesta were
lar mMhr'y daty, but
the-A-Wtfse erase.
slew e•O_HaOI s mead eve
bet sa16 they stay, e-
kee. that very a*vwrm
swags Ibnmi Y they seeds
Hercules Bnii led
Fabric Water dose
-Moulded-a ny
length up to -400 feet.
Gives more savvier and
better service - sad u
everyday duty, tow
Witletaad• 500 lbs.
%id he Hamer. a»i
Oraadaia's Sago Tali ail
talplorsa dor o intiealb
ant sl•►esb map* I
Ile�sle~yenss M IMO Ike Ili
bred 5. 41.saes* aim sad are
ea tits bedr Mei
ale, ds dmeralf. los 51g map
.kap Neer. Yeas .go the meg
way to pt this aslslan era to Naar la
at Mew Nle la array and 1mtYm•
.e.. Ihenilmia, II wets et az=
=patimidir.""%181110111117:t • Wry, bee-
tle at Oft famine old gulp tar dna
le sada lei
Det soy phlt Ply NI Idle alemu M1 IMM
limb ey i e II urs tomo
% b N rad 6.w tW*tYwaonge ga
s urIsm fsg eat Metall Neth td a
r@i�� rlr4