HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-9-16, Page 51 amoaaaree.. sammerwr " at s In Your Oil Can? MAYBE your livercoIkid- t• tR hot --smokes-and tis up in $wtgv, Ireturned ts their reepseti.e liana ibis week. The mime leas tart trees as rNeaieet her Oho visitors or as posthaste ott: : entre tains," sit some former oarst hest with all Ile• drawbacks se • w.: wet somas ...y Moment hours At the Waterfront Tim et.amse Oso. A. Graham arrived oa Meadey with 47.700 k seitele of flax mad Vs= betebsla ae wheat foe the (iodate** Thr boat cleared for the "firs," light. oa !timidity eves - "lite steamer Msrisk• arrived on Tuesday wit► 117.000 boatels ut No 1 aasd No. 2 new wbeat toe the Oudo- t ich devotee. Fair Week Attracta,* at Open House. There will be a 'lair week" suzec- 1Did it ever ooatr Goa .t victoria Opera House, the to you thaft * tttw.i firer-Viaeeet Stork Oomp.oy beiag be the ail you're bdTuesday. kd foe Moody,, Tueay, widens. day and Te needy evenings, Septento ber L7, Dc, d and 30. Tbis company Any pilot of �1�s � Jew- thing. is well known baro bat p Pfwsen ^��)"�r�rJr audiences when It played in ops, its high** eg�j when iiod.rieb last excess. tad it comes OrtrAe y I sow with all new plays, scenery, Tr�'�7 s aontg- electrical effects and vaudeville ■pe - mote to it than amply "sound tattle The motto of the company is. ing•• "Nothing is too _good for Ontario." There's m1 oil that's justriehOn stn edaeeday, September rob, et ev.r9 put of�r ce-onotet,!d3tka....rvery quiet t wedding was Ove you ate results you ffuoM haw. i a in church, (ioderich, where Gof K Gladys, elder And were in a position to tell you daughter of Mr. W. J. McNevin, was whet R >^+t+ is end supply it. I united io marriage to Mr. Alfred Har - wry Hord. M. A., sou of Mr. lanae Hurd, of Mitchell, Ont Amid e W ''. abs }t•adqusrt,rs for ties spall shower of confetti the young couple automobile s'tandries boarded the train at the G. T H. station en route for Hamilton, Moo- ....o.....� oral and Pen, Yon, N.Y. State. They will settle at Wolseley. Mask when I the grootn is a n*ober of the low firm East Street Garage of 1botupsoo. Kennedy a Hord t'be good wubee ')t • large circle of friends follow the bride to her new home 1 Fruit for the Fighters. teems should be secured early. Hord-McNevin. LOCAL TOPICS. -- These is quite a jam -several kinds of lam, in fact -at the Red Crow store int the Square this week. The Lelia !have fleets holding a jam and fruit •• ' ".power" for the lxaetlt of the soldiers Police Court Fines. I at the front. and as a result • big lot A obeyers for We) WWI h+nded, in of home -mode canned fruity. jam, this week •t the town hall Ii ' marmalade, pickles, etc.• will be sent Ponce acnes to Europe W tickle the palates Magistrate /Cellu,repraientiag oinks-Iof our brave soldiers The hcwse- t ions made in the Police Court io the keepers of tioderich and vicinity are form of line. during the quarter end. !giving of their best, remembering the iog August :31st. 'Biblical saying. "By rbeir fruits ye G. T. R. Tower Struck. • lobed know them. About :ai'r joie During one of the *evert e:ectrie by already leen sent in. and the storms on tionday the tower of the • �fnre will remain open until s•urrday. O. T. It stall,,,, was struck and a large' V. e uoderetaad a let o[ the donors jagged hole Toro in the toot oo the' will te. publubed nexc wee&. j Moot side. Tho .late. mem tea of?; Wm. 4W. TreyPlsntirgr. Ij and scattered in every darectius furl 1 Air- i fl Hill. of Beuwilier, ie mak- orany yards. After naitrace t ng lb. ring an interestioe venture in the line 1 pof tbe rocedureolt left no trace u. iti f urther f of tweet cion. Last spring be planted met trees ..n ■ lot on the 13th tun• Tourist Season of an End. Ice.ei•.n of Mullett which be bad been The summ.r touri+t searon for 19131 ten^ :'e a pasture• lot. the soil being is again a thing of the pipit. The few rather ItgL' The trees were one-year teaa•aning guest+ at the Hotel2u u1.•seedlitsga. about tux Lucian" high. ball the Park House and the Point= red Me'. white pine, the ret Scotch The Right Place FOR CLEANING. PRESSING AND REPAIRING I intend to open the stand un Montreal street uekt to Swarts' livery on Monday. August 23rd as a Dry Cleaning. Press- ing and Repairing Estab- lishment. First-class work at moderate paces. Give me a call when you need anything in my line. L. de PEUDRY. Tailor. �pias. They have come along well this 'emmer. some having grown ten or twelve ioebee. The tree.. are planted about four feet apart eseh wayand rover %I.031 two scree. Mr. H1 will add to the plantation if the prospects for sweets continue to be good The idea is to produce timber, and in time the pont sill *notably have a . very eoosiderable value. Pert:k Library. Th. public litrary board me: on Saturday evening last, with a good attendance of members. The following account+ were ordered paid : Chas. C. Lee, balance (.f account due on 'omit.Site; lira. Potter, books delivered in OFFICIAL FRUIT BULLETIN T ' THE B WAIJ t GODEkICH ONTARIO The World's Finest Tea 11 Tea out -rivals and out -sells all others, solely }hrough its delicious flavour and down -right all-round goodness. !fay. Q11).9ti : Mr. Stevenson, Carting ashes. 50 Beats ; George Porter, blank boot, ffi cents : Robert Tait, two dry batteries, 70 rants. The Collegiate Institute board was granted liberty to put cords sad pulleys is he windows of the basement coo -ivied by them foe cheese, at their own expose. Tbe librarian reported receipts, for Jaly and August of 1113.25 sad 119-T'l reopen- tively. also an Sea cf book* and magazine' amounting to 1757 and 17•M for the same period. Fire Caused by Lightning. Caused Cy l.gbtoiag tin broke out in the loft of the small barn °wood by Mr. Jos. Breebler, corner of Bruce street and Cambria road, on Sunday "venom. Aa alarm was sent in and the dreams were quickly on the spot. The loft costatoed • yuan• icy of hay, and en oil -task cootaanfsg oil wag on the main floor. The barn and con- tents, were thoroughly soaited with water and it wee believed the Are bad been extinguished. Shortly after the firemen had returned to tie Hie -hall , a as and alarm was sent in from the some place and the firemen fo end it necessary to remove some of the .id - tog CO get at the seat of the tire. Uoly aligst damage was done. Water and Light Commissio'.. The water and belt( commission beld a meeting last Tbursdevening. A req.uert from the town council was pre- sented asking that the comwia..ion present its account to the town month- ly. The collector was instructed to accede to the request. The engineer was instructed to install electric power and light srrv.ce at the Ninth Ameri- can Chemical Ilio 's plant. The presi- dent of the above-mentioned company having expre..d his bettafaetion witb the price quoted bin,. of $1.0.0 per year for water, it was decided to rn- stdtl a six-inch water-tuaimalong; Mait- land road to the salt block, and prices are to be obtained for the necee-ary supplies. The water rate charged against iota Not 24$ and 219 war can- celled, as there has been no house on the propeitv for the past two years. A number of accounts were ordered to be paid. . �toyd-Van Store rat ui ARAN, It -Darr. nr„aamct'tArtma. Not man, A•y. Nn for -arming the beet Phone ▪ Peaches, and P1ne ' nn ford mad 10- berte ;Poch.. are eibtasnd,k at ttsaderane pairs.. but prompt sore oil: be wocemart' to those wi-hieg a supply of tbeeedel e'osa hsatth-g" u,g fruit . 1: 1, impossible to Mor tee much free in our t w1a. f ters. The Red Crow dockt1 weds be g rate of fora few lar: for nor bey. 1e France, and the O ver r.+ Club tat eranme� ,r to look atter deli,y weary C.aadlaa hon./wife hau'd p)t down n11 the tr•it- e.prrinll Pr rhe. and Plnm.-that she cam p•••tblyafford THE MODEL THEATRE on Tuesday mad Wednesday, Sept. 21 and 22 ea will be shown a $2.00 Broadway gensation. One of the grtest comedies ever written, when Len Field d Webber & fame will he presented in "Old Dutch" *Assisted by one of the strongest casts possible to obtain, includ- ing such stars as Vivian Martin, Chant. Judek, Geo. Haagen, Marie Empresa, Chas. Prince and other Musical Comedy Stars. EMsnir a =2.00 P oieti-u liar 1Rc alit! Sc. � lie Broken Com" M Every uLy, as predicted, is tits mew sena eeR whim BILLIE RITCHIE, again this Friday, in "vee Curse of Wim" • Is a sidesplitter. Sattenlay, Cleo Mortises in "VANITY" is a eery fine piece. ♦ prettywedding took place at the hewn of Mr. and Mrs. Ricbatd Moot*, of Colborne township, this ITl:ursdayl morning at 9.3t) o'clock, when Mien Mary E. Van Stone was united in mar- riage to Mr. Royal L. Lloyd, of Gode- rich. in the presence of onle a few of the immediate relatives ut the con, Lracting parties. The ceremony woo performed by Rev. F. J Rutherford, of Benmiller. The bride. who was given away by her (other, but was otherwise unattroded. was goosed in a ptetty Drees 3( white corduroy vel- vet ehifenn and lace. Mlle Elle Oke played the wedding music. After par- taking of a dainty wedding breakfast Mr. and Mre. Lloyd left by auto fur Stratfrrd, Niagara Falls. Buffalo rind other points. The bride's travelling dregs was of African brown diagonal cloth. with •elve hat to match. On their return the young couple will re- side in Goderich Mr. Lloyd is a pros- perous young business man of Oode- rich, and his many friends tender con- gratulations and wisb bum and bis bride long and happy lite. The Patriotic Fund. About a score of representative citi- zens of Goderi-b and thee roanty mot at the court house on Moods after- noon to confer with Mr. %l -.J Remo,, Western Ontario representative of the Canadian Patriotic Association. in • brief address Mr. Roan pointed oat the position of Homo °ouoty with regard to the patriotic fund, his statement being sot very romplimeotary to the county. Warden Govenlock was prime ant and *toted that the Warden's com- mittee was to bold • meeting on Wed- nesday of this week and he would lay before the committee the matter of calling a special aeseloo of the 000nt 'council for the purpose of dealiog with thea patriotic fund. it was advised tbot citia.ne be present and wafer with the Warden's committee. Mr Roan eonaented to attend ter meting and it was decided to wik the Mayor to sail th • public meeting of e canons of '. Ooderleb for Wednesday ..lee, to be •ddre•+ed by Mr Roan It wee regger1.d that • enemies be drafted- and sent to the tmw p.pere in the county asking them to give protean- Noe rom •ia- oe to the work of the Patriotle As- sociation. Some of those pramat were in favor of • "whirlergrt isd earopai" la iodeicb. as wdl as greatly 'areas lag the eooaty grant. Children's Aid Society. A ale.Neg of the Cbhldren'. Aid So. slaty wee bold ne Tuesday •hirsooe Oeo.ty Agent 14. M. Elliott presented as Intimating report of a number of eases duet with eines the last wasting . f for $safety. neves ehildeen ►.i bees mins wards of the !Society on [aaglast stf orders : four of thews were fro Gerrie, and one escb tram e4i Manus .sd Ooderieb. ala bad Wes pstsrs.d to their peewits es probation sod a boy of itv• bed bora pro, ldsd with • hoee is the eo.atey A eetlaier of so nest@ amosntlalg to $1n.51 woes ord.r d to b. paid. Tb. !folk/wise sestribotioss bad re estly bees rtisdv.d t lbws .f Wiwgba.. 1119: it . •.R.mtts. Wos tes'e 1gw - Fa.te. $1$1 W.Ito. tett...'. Isstiata, FRUiT �JL LETIN e6: (.so. Porter, MI; Mrs. H. I Strang, Mrs Waiter Here, Mian rand Rev. J Grasse and Wm. lir Mc('rraib Si sash Thew came were reported of Miifdree who are not at.tendiog schist and who are greatly neglected. 1'blsa will be ineestigeted and thee aseeesst y action taken' It was re- p�oetsd that bootee wen seeded for a segtee Catholic boy of right years, en tirely free from bid habits : for a boy of nine years and one adz. A lad of e xtra, with experience on the farm, would like a situation by the year. To some who are interested in uta Soci- ety, providing homes for these neg- lected children might prove an avenue of service. Supreme Court Next Week. A sitting of the Supreme Court of Ontario for the trial of Huron countyas case will be held et the court house next week, commencing Tuesday, be- fore the Chief Justice of the Cowman Pleas Division The docket contains tbree jury mases and a. motion for judgment PERSONAL MENTION. Mea Bas ata agate M rliMlag et Latiew beet RWants es Rank tett u ti et Leaaesltats Me. Jobs Chathela, sd rostered. wt a Ave slate 1. tow tfr. T. Mtwara (lank k tae Wooers rate .t Leaden tido west aims Jessie irenr.•••routes at bee beets Weew setas w . Mice . io Alm (Axed W. N. W rfrtoa. ,f utestfoA, r eta tai west. la Moderk'8 tawest. Mira T. E. 1latbw.an, .e Torose, was la toot for. few day. 18ls week.,. lira Ota, cabana" strait. ha. an tted rTenets from a ,(resat Fiat at Tets MM a Clinton.Kato Parts, woe the gleet Vthe Allows Oaldtherp• eve a *naay. Mr.. Gew.e Name ase ber gaetber lin. MeI ver. aro 'idling nrlat I via at Lieearas t. Mr. an/ Mira Lawson. of Amhara, w..t •..a•a with n, e Nr.aart MWalter Moore Mr. W. soman( Lane, K venoms et. A. C., 1. Montag kIs paewt. Ma sad Me.. wane. Lamb. /Ow/Owe Mseb.s•a MaimsMaimsthis week te dna Obi winter wife kir brother Glome in . piled (biwlaefa r Nn today for Ia.- (MGM. arbors be von proton T maids for mare • , Patriotic Organization Meeting tcr Men. After the public meeting held in Knox church on Wednesday evenidg, it wise decided that the Mayor should call a meeting for men on Monday next, at N p. w., in the Temperance Half, to consider what should be done in (loderich for the patriotic fund and to maks necessary arrantrements. All men are invited to attend. Organ Recital. Mr W. T. `Sharpe will give a recital on -Ube new organ in Knox churrh On liaturclay next, 1Sth in -t , commencing at 1 o'clock p. tn. Mia Little wil assist as vorsiM. A e ullection will be taken in aid of the rh:dr. fund. The following i. tbe•prngram: Fourth organ -onto i .. Mendelsohn let movement `ti I.: o lest& Ito (iramtChoras Vocal bolo Miss L'ttle Cayenne. Bohm Festive Much Smart n Star of lave., 'Tennbapser ( Wagner Vocal solo L ., be Little • - rtfeHandel Javocatioa, �„Guilmant Greed Chorus .Guilmaot Death of Miss Pearl Hillier. Tbere pawed away at Moyle, B. C'.. on Thursday. September 1eho a native and flrmer resident cf %clench in toe person of Miss Pearl if. Hillier. The deeeaee(i was burn. is l,.daeich twenty-eight yeare ago and was the youngest daughter of the tate John Hillier, of eloderich, food Met. Hillier. About seven years agoremoved to Vancouver and since thea had re- sided at Craobrook. A. C. Calgary, Alta.. and Moyle, B. (' She bad been unwell for about three years and her death was not entirely unexpected. The remains were brought to Gode- rich for interment, the funeral taking place from the re.idence of Mr. Fred Hunt, hrother-in-law of the deceased, on Wednesday afternoon. Rev. J. 13. Ford conducted the service, and the following were the pall beaowe : Messrs. J..1. McEwen, l`. H. Humber, Harry Hunt and A J. Paltridge. The re- mains were accompanied from the West by the deceased a mother, ber sister, Mra J. W. Fitch, and her brother William. Another brother, Harry G. Hillier, and Mr. and Mee. H. t;. Horton, uncle and sunt of the darmee , carne up from Toronto to the funeral, and Mr. Joseph Coombe, of Blyth, also was present. The sur- viving brothers and sisters of the de - eased are : Mrs. R. H. Curt and Mrs, Fred Hunt. of Oodericb ; Mrs. J. W. Fitch, of !go ie, B. 0.: Mrs. W. J. Rutledge, of Nelson, B. C. ; hire. R. A. Hill. of Cranbrook, B. C. ; Mrs. W. B. 8ebwanta of Vancouver. B. 0.: William, of Edmonton, Alta. ; Jack. of Calgary, Alta, and H. G., of Tor- onto Whet Lion. CHURCH NOTES, Rev. W. R. Hager will preach at boob ..wirer in North street Metho- dist church next Sunday. Morning subject, "Life's R.ipoositelity.' Even - lag subject, "Work and Nest." Boy, (deo. E. Rost will preach in Knox rhumb at both et vice. next Sunday The subject of discourse in tbs morning will be "Religion aid Cieilisstdo.," and in the eveslag. "Christ in His Church." This board of foreign missions of the Presbyterian cbureh in Canada meets at Toronto next week, 1I)t$ te Iliad leaf This is the first the amalgam western toads by $• useably lo lone last. Rev O. M. Holmes will preach ..at abed•! both morning and evening, is t►. Bapliet eborc►. The morning subject will be 'The Christie. Hees." ie the evening the took will h. "Th. Shut Door." All strangers are woe - soma at these services. As los ertaat estnf.renre of • few I.adiwssspeasosttives of the retrials �eheP�g��jg Of the Dominion and of the Medelleal Council of the Y. M. 0. A" e wW Mr. William Mirk. of Moe- niest. In 11wosta. es e°t. T.eredagr all •` spm s iziso rot Is r: Won for tie arhygksinhabtry. . hen. 11. Rees. teemh ed the.411 sRfor the wW rgreaeal st 12. M Presbyteries et eder.des. Very isepelag/i (+Ise to eve espowd Irma this intordesmals- .Wewl mikes. India robber le select we •l•e:e as Me emessicMa el a palinodes. Item a Ydeo /taawm mkit ir.n, et Guelph. . prised bre lather. Mr. Ora fid, en. w b, l..pendlag bag6ys hese. ('gyati-e. a[iyew Er.: Mn. Y. C. Scr,ton and left wYa O./seSt► Meaads.r shay to spend • wort Mrs. /mak gets kr ,.+urned to Toronto steer Welting Mrs gnat., of Saltford. and Mr-. firs C�Irbedm. et town. Thema Settler of Oeterich tow n.hip, la via i• !1e .01.,. Mn'. Wm. Jordan. at !:retold, Wt .F . ISN .ec.rml muster. Mr. John Kennedy, of Mo• eja., 1..persdina' the.aaron .i'h her daughter. M.. Anru• lir tampon, St !acid.. otree:. Mia Ratledge, trained oar -e, se Clinton, epos( M'etned .ey in town. tb•• gurnt of her grandmother. Mn C.rMaoo. ''ttatop New. Resod Mn.. Kerr ha. been uniting her laughter, Mr. , r••.1 Taylor, of (i.derich. during the part wash. Mr. and Me. 'Hirer 4Lek and Mr- Walter Mumo attended the wedding of Mi+. Marion Wilson ar Hrur:etifeld la.' ta'edneaday Rev. K (i. Powell, fink' w.•tetary of the (',aunty Teniparan.r !Argue. and Linen -c In- apator Mitchell were In town on Mood..y 8tenttord Iteacon : Mr- J. k Moeller And Mini Mae Orifln have r.••urn.l to their bonne. in (Iodruiab .ftrr •*.haul Mr.. Prank Harkin. Nebel street. I Stratton/ Ream() • Yr. Ind Mr.. NI. .1 Ile- Cauley. rro"t +-net. are endo dug • Vi -at with friend- in God••rieb. S.atorth and other -err roundnng ,loos.. Mrta,nak' h..: received a able .tu*ng that his duet: r. Mi.- Evelyn. who .a*Yd 1a.t wdek from, Sew York, bad arrived +ately u Yadmonla. England. Wi.ter3e•f.. or Gr Lu.t• eoo.t•or Mi -.r Alice and rMh. vldted with their trend - mother. afr..t .tn bibatd, -r . and vel. b ,.then ' relative. bete thi- w eek ' Pie. Arthur M. Matb. of the 3174 Rattal•on, jLeaden. and (Ate Ono eugtto.. ..f the Lath Highlander-. N'.g .ra. were vt,ilina their Ra epeen.e homer here over the were -eel. Moo Ethel Nalco and -Mus, Mary f'1.rk len oa Morday 'o atteu1 the $trwtfnr.jj "frame,'wbrr,l. Mr. '' +. Naim areea.pd'nled her daugh'er ant made a brief soot its the' ( ity. Mr. sisA Mn. wt. and' f ro daughter-. of Wofrerton and Mr. Lockhart and Mt.. of New Hannb.•g. who ...Tr reentered at ftheo-Mere. 'e. E i.t *rev bare r fur •: d to their i $n. -$tsetse. gipowon efrdR. and • 'tutgb,er I..ve retd:ne.: frrra a ton month. • i-tt in 31edon. M..n Mr-. Rork'•• P'acltbaan alit da't.hter, of Toronto. IAA her.(+rt•.". • Raker, ora sow the cued+ of air. and 31:-a -uron, The "anal h+- m.. h plasm-. '•. re• "-A nr t he t.,'t these Mood •.. cep -.,:,her Ire r,. +he nloety-the.. bir•h4.,) +oulver.uyof Mr. lba. Bond. of zee Huron rod The •nr.iserer ebim heat h. The many happy feree• hall Ad. scar • 3r-. lier.r:ld'• Roder. A. A.. ef London. w.. • w ek-,M '4 -tor at ' h - hom;� of her oncie, ar r. !+. A. Nof%o. ati•- Hod'�ptr'ee was reinrntng to (1•de'irh to rr►um. ber delle. sat tn.. Collegiate Inn byte -tett Mo. .kala MO lecher. y ha- returned to ber holm in tiode-kh after •peridina :wo week. wits her eeaan. -Mini Olive Jock+m. Mier Ma -bite A. get,. R. N.. daughter of Mr. and Mr -..1. el. kelt+ I -'s ht bowie_ •tn.t, havirg . ompi' .t her tratnu"r a1 t. Vir.. c •'aL. tt.ntai,al. \ew lett .o . at Jaw•, i.. the examination. of : he L'• verity of :1.e State of Now York -at Albany and. hiring pared with Moore. ha. rev"!sed a diplopia frt.du the Vniyer.i•y tad le sow • rewi,.terred nor•c of the 13tate ut Sew Ynrk. There i. more c:.•arrh in tht..eetlon of the oeuntry than all other '14.ea.e. pot together. and tor lithe lee; fewy.ar- we, +ups Dyed to be ineurab:e. For a great many attar* doctW- pn.neean ouooed it a local dlese and pre-cred 4oewl remedies. and t► c'io+tautly tailing to cure with 4•ral treatment. pronounced It .n curable. ti.&icor. ha. proven eatanh to be a Nino itatlnnel di-e..e ■nd the-efore ee.our.. •-on.t',Wean) treat'rent: Hall's'at arrb Curr•. manufactured by F. J. Cheney Sr. Co.. Toledo. obis, 1. the r sly ooas(Itutl,oa: cure nu the market. It i+ oaken Internally. It arm. directly on the blood and mneon. au Maes• of the .yet em. They ogee one hundred dollar. for any .4.. 't fail. do mire. rani fur tie ul r ,.id tea' i monla4. Addrr..• F.J. CHK'.ETk' 4,, Toledo. "lea "-aid h dr,ugteV,'S.•. Take .lJ r:l . Family Pill.( for eon rte pet i )n, SEAFOkTH LIQUOR CASE. Pinot Magistrate Gives Dectaioo on a New Point. Seefortb, Sept. 1 i -- i n a case brought under the Canada Temperance Act a abort time ago, against Thomas Stepbena, h" telkeeper, of Meefortb, the prosecution showed that come liquor was found on the premises, but not in the barroom Lawyer Best, who acted for Morpheus, put no eri• deuce in, but he contended that, as no liquor was found in the barroom, the pfoeecution must prove that the liquor found in any other part of the prem- ises was there for sale, and that it is only where any liquor is found in the barroom that it i•, under the ace, deemed to he kept for sale. The poli amagistrate, Mr. F. Holm - .ted, K. O.. accepted Mr. Best's con- tention and dismissed the ease, Mr. Seeger, who was actiog for tbe prose- cution argued that the liquor is deemed to be kept for sale it found anywhere in the hotel premises and declared be would carry the cane to a higher court it is reported that Mr Seager has since found that Mr Rest's contention was right ad that it would he useless for him to appeal The deelsion is an important one from the hotelke•pore' standpoint. NO ALUM Tlapagr&T. Derreraaa Is, IOUs 1 Unnon mcoArass, P CANADA. i • ink 117 d Save bog Mats Mall us the cheques or cast you receive, with your Pass- book which we w11 return with the Deposit credited Then you can pay your bills by cheque'. Which we will honor, or M you want the cash yourself, send us a oblique in your own favor and we wtU forward the moans by return Dap In and talk to the Manager about ft. Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. lam_ im cream by the diet, lee emwwt by the quer,. ice cream by the .AMM air anon. Try some at the Rebore! Cafe. T. J. Salkeld, prop, Phase M. New Things for tie Baby Everything Dainty and Comfortable for Baby at the Singer Store bhsraters and Bonnets, hand-knit of fine wool, trimmed in rosebuds, stripes and dainty edgings or plain, Silk Wadde,l Kimonos and Buggy Spreads. Bath Robes, Rath Blankets, Rath Towels and Wash Cloths. Fine Linen Tinsels and Linen Pillowslips, Fine Cashmere \Vrap- per. and Nightingales, theses, Hits, Bootees an.' Stockings Blanket Cloth by the yard for C oat., Buggy Sprc.ul., etc. SINGER STORE MRS. TAPE RED CROSS NOTES. The Maple Leaf Chapter. 1. 0. U. E., ha. undertaken to sand tsew.papen once a week W our c)nvalesciag sol- diers in England. We are told that our soldiers are. • simply longing for Cinedian newspapers" and anyone wishing to aunt in this work may leave newspapers at the lied Cross rooms on North otreet. The beautiful painting donated by Mrs.. Wigle fur Red (;roes funds was raffled on September 7th by the Maple Leaf Chapter, 1. O. D. K. The lucks number '241 was held by Mrs. Powrie. The amount realized way 81(1. • • • Toe Red Cross society of Ooderich Wit month inaugurated a house-to- house eansiass of the ton n for weekly subscriptions for our wounded and sailors. Eighty-seven . col rs raised from ell subecribere the gems rum of !Mittel entire of these were iinnuol subscription's and the Society is guaranteed a monthly income of 11241 tr.: The collectors cenvaseed the whole- town with the exrep:ion of thirty-nine houses. the occupants of some of which litd not returned from t heir noliday, and met with only ieventy-six perscns who refuges! to stilocritie. Soule of thee.. however, ere strew:1y giving a wbole day's wage per month to the patriotic fund It is to be hoped that the remaining ones will yet awake to do their "bit" and support ao necessary and worthy a cause. The Society asks the subscri..- ere to read the local papers and see how well their monen le spent on our brave men at the front. the whole of the money going to the cause. Subscriptions were revived as fol - The fled Crowe Society very grste- fully acknowledges the sum of $1.010 from Miss Bawl, Toronto. for surgical dressings, also the following supplies : Mrs. Dr.) Taylor, 39 personal property bone Phalen, 1100 mouthwipa. A bele was sent to beadquet ten last At a special nieeting of the Red Cross Society on Monday it wax de• cider* to secure the services of a lody deinonstrator for tbe Red Cross booth in connection with tbe Misner Menu - fact urine Co.'s exLibit at the lioderieb fall fair. The regular meeting of the Red Croon tiseietv will be held io the rooms oo North torero on Monday, Sept ember 30th. lit 44 to In. Many thanks are doe from the Assciety to the followina Wive for con- t ribuunne of socks reeel$ed florin( the past week : Rohl. Young, 3 pairs : Mrs. Robt. Sharman, Mr. Hey, 4 pairs each ; Miss leahy, Mrs. W. L. Horton. 3 poles eaeh ; Mime Walter*. Mrs. Mc/Minim, Mrs. IDr.) Whitely, Miss Beinitt, Miss Mon orn- each • Mien Sender, lire. Fred 'eir. Mrs. *Walter Smits. Mrs. Bonet', Kiwi Higgins (Dwaytannoiril, Mies riekear, Mee. Eliot. Mier Mot, Mrs. W. J. Mefflven, I pair each. Learn to fty Net and it will be of more nee to yens Meth to be able to read Obeilib--17Migia.sm 1 wee a bey. you !sew_ t imam mid if 1 didn't slop g=811 -'•Well. why didnI you nem T-bones Traiweript A IOUs lad id arqsairitenes antlydhsewsred Irby the &ref% has mil Oboe sissit-" Thum Me bead la Ise laa from Ms body," he ereollanted, Tesorati•g. noel 1411. new, arose ma to tr.os Cattle. butcher: mom. per. ....cwt7.30 ho •ou Cott le, butcher* Medislim. UM to 11.75 Sheep per eel SO 7.no HIdee. per lb .11 to .12 Deets. per lb II to Have beautiful vrindow decorations cives so much pit -26w,, a-. a th-corated window. i of your nci;:!ibiors if ion use the ! c.TT'Aefirk Flat Rod -for coo -rainy and draperies a or tarnish I window r.:-kh the Kirsch • Flat Rod 1 Come in and see them GW. HOHMEIER i LYRIC THEATRE THE HOUSE OF QUA L171" Tues. and Wed Sept. 21 and]ii JESSE L. LASKY presents the eniinent romantic. actor MR. ROBERT EDPION in a graphic motion picture pro- duction of his biggest stage iiitiCettee "Where the Trail Divides" The solution to a difficult social problem, in five acts end OW sconee. showing the potent power of love erases all raeial MOUNT' picture. Also Thur., Fri. and Extra Special Engagement of MAY A. KEENAN presenting their norneily Satire ace of Van &embolic Hard 'Thor Dancing. Contralto Stewing and Trick programme each night. Moine- thing mitre to plea* all who flee Owns. and nothing to offend the most fastiders Don't forret, 3 days on I , Ala every FRIDAY NIGHT t he detective serial "The EXPLOITS of ELUNE" of levet/try sod snore • lit int than mr for any of thee. performeocee. Atialerisa always let k. Limo @arty amd metre need