HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-9-16, Page 3THE
bound or repaired.
(By Peter MtArther)
A couple of yens ago a Japanese
scientist-ortlst-modcl•n-perfumer gave
a super-m.thetic group of New
Yorkers an entertainment that was
perhaps unique •In the world's h`.story,
sad yet he might have made 1t more
wonderful than it was. Owing to the
versatility of his genius he knew that
there are rhythms of form and color
as well as et sound. and he perfected
• mechanism by which he was able :
throw colors and lights to certain
forms on • screen to the eccompaal-
ment of music. At the same time be
released Jute of odor In the same
rhythmical way. His parpos) was to
cater delicately to as many senses as
possible. But why did he stop wits
the senses cf form. color, sound and
perfume' Why didn't he spread a
banquet and cater rhythmlc_aily to
the sense of taste! Our fealty.
for Instance, from the earliest
strswberry to the latest peach give a
range of flavors that a master artist
might arrange into a sympkos4. The
sense of taste can be catered to just
as delicately and effectleely as any
other, and the housewife witch a full
fruit cupboard can at say time evolve
sonatas of flavor. or tasty lyrics that
will appeal to any palate.
Probably no country in the world
is more fevered with fruit than Can-
ada. As some poet las obberved It
has a protu_ton of berries!, "truckle,
rasp, and straw," besides currants.
cherries. peaches, plums, pears. ap-
ples. grapes. quinces, and other fruits
too numerous to mention. a flavor tad scrib-
of thpsq trite e
ably: lndlvideaL --•'esei
HL the way. is it potsibta to de-
scribe it flavor to a way Neat will
convey to the person wh3 has not
tasted it what it is like! Of course
we can give an Idea a brings as be-
ing sweet. sour, salt. or insipid but
the penetrating, arucs•t:c flay073-
howare they to be desetribsr:', I know
of only two attempts it defPcribtng
flavor that were at Mi successful.
One was the atte-npt by U•avid 1ar-
em's sister to desert/re chartpcgne.
She said It was like drinking &.der
and sniffing horscradtat at 'the &tine
time. The other was the answer meds
by $ small boy elm asked what
vichy tasted eke. 'He sa . •'k tastes
like your foot's asleep." If 1 coated
harm a heart-to-heart talk elk that
Japanese oclenttstertlst-tasleiaa-p--:-
tumer 1 would op is get him to pre -
pore something for the annual ban-
quet of the Canadian Fruit Growers
aad have him add *avers tom sn�Rer-
Wammet Bet perhaps
Growers would object Ther Prob-
ably agree with the average house-
wife that the flavors of our (;aaadiaa
fruits are sufficient in themselves
without being added to. Thep have
-Dolor, and aroma also, and it is gait*
sufficient to set them to the music et
tinkling glasses and silver spoons.
This season when the fruits are so
plentiful and so good every fruit cel-
lar la the Dominion should be • sym-
by the mu Inthe ngreat alembic operfected
Canadian summer.
�d.w ptoopotn LEATHER GOODS
A. 11. TAYLOR. SI &Arrows.
pm&(iiiU. HhILKMANN, OI1TE-
PATH. emelan.t ta .,see. and Mil Lbe.wr. scene. tbnr&l0 sed aareeesdIr
aresse e. ear ere :snarl vernal nest-
ym embalm sad -beawatie amiellioas. Ada
melds reewre l webowt the WO*. UMs• at
e.rddsaee. sawhel.a,s sad $t. A.dr.ws
newsy. At basae dam Mq.dars. M•r•+dsys
seri Wanes.:any media ler .se a1 •sat_
rT18. lir. J. 11. YURBTZB-IML SALSA
awe awl obist eery. ORM���.��pWssasaaaeseari...,,
York Opetbakds sad Aeral 1�4WpM
daa Asim. ear, l
it a5ss0e�a�
tide.. seesee. eel
Nersbed. fie, is a awe.. ww.t.
atawleed. geselae gem Chmelk. Mew I.
risa.s..stotww.. tuellp•a. Tsbsaaea
Mb as Waal igeg ewi e�'tduj be
1) c. 1tA1 �
ott. sop icirjaa• IreTAEY
Qiw-gbeing Bask Meek, 8sstww Levet,
3e4 5o5. Telepeo s al
Beal Rena Leans sad hearse's.
ALARMI M& soucrroltg, liotAHirg
Ptrbl.tc. RTC.
Moe se the Beaara wooed 6 ,tree HIM
Mrtv•11631, liesieciab.
retirees reads to leas at laweet mr,Jre Y a
W. Pam:proS.C.
wr. PaoVDSOOT. la.
G. CAMZRON. L. O.. -
Aseastasriieb eatery weblia Mem
AS brica thwil dad be
Tr orb week m. t street 551 sonapled d orb
• Mame am to w.-
Nsereer. se reser, .se.. 0.4.
•M mime re krona rete,
Mee --Court Rouse. aodse4ot
J. loner. Notary Piddle sed tr..t1ee;•a••••
1111111EANCE, LOAN& ETC.
(��1(�(� es. PRIVATE FUNDS TO
U V v leAcedy to M. CA
0. M-
.asn10 a.sntoa Mawr. Oderli
RIM arm laeleratne : Brttdi, Casedisa eel
Twomey. Strrrsftsa& ie. Mei $
Tills How She Was Made
Well by Lydia.Pinkham's
Vegetable Cempouud.
-_ - ; �eT meta sa.
WNW, reelaramis
Tues iia
Olds �k red's stream
olua.or MUTUAL 1Ii11.1N-
Y II0*ASCU 0riaer eye Wed
P• O.
: Jobe
New Gams. La.-"I
~fig theme Ease
merman ay grati-
tude to yon. I ears
only 16 ars old sod
work la • tobacco
factory.I have
boss a vary sick girl
Wit I have Improved
taking E
ptnkham's sista-
kis Campalpnd and
set now �ytg fine
sed beam a tbess&d *ass bktt.r.'•
-Miss AUOLIA JugaUi.aso, 1961 Tr
bospMoa's St., Now Orleans, 1...
8t ask. Ps. - "My mother was
alarmed beam* I was troubled with
suppeanin sad kV pain nache•. my
I i back
Ma, sed a, sod towers
pitman ea say tam, plosion was
sallow, my sleep was d♦•tnrbid, I hod
nerroos aptly was very tired and had
no ambition Lydia E. P1nkhsm's Veg-
etable Compound has worked Ifite a
charm in my saes and has regulated me.
I worked in a mill among hundreds of
glrh and have recommended your medi-
cine to many of them.'-MistEBTltu.A
MAGUUtg, 110 Timing. 8L, 3t Clair, Pa.
There Is nothing tat teaches more
than expsrienCe. Therefore, such let-
Lters from girls who have suffered and
were restored to health by Lydia E.
Piakham'$ Vegetable Compomd should
be a lemon to others. The same res sdy
is within reach of a11.
it yes wast pedal advise writs M
Lydia ii. nation Iedld•s Ce.
Ostia) Lis, Mess. Tsar latter will
be epos rend set enswerei by a
wemaa Mei bail Is Moat .nideass.
serreMBLR 18
Toronto Cattle Market
Heavy cattle
Butcher cattle. choice
do. good .....
do. medium
do. commas
Butcher cows, ehtlee.
do. good
do. medium
do. common
Cutters 4.03
Butcher bulls, choice6.60
do. good 5.00
do. common ...r 4.75
do. bologna .4.00
Feeders. choice 7.00
do. fair 6.00
$s .00 to $1.11:
. 7.75 8.60
7.00 7.26
6 50 7.00
6.00 6.36
6.00 7.00
6.75 6.00
5 75 5.6)
5.00 6.26
3.75 4.26
Stockers. chotel . 6:25 7.00
do. common 5.00 1.00
Milkers. choice . 60.00 110.00
do. comma ..40.00 60.00
Springers. each 10.00 110.60
Calves, choice 9.00 10 ee
do. medium 6.60 8 t
do. common 3.60 5.0
Sheep. ewes, eget 0.00 6.60
do. heavy 4.60 6.50
Yearlings 7.00 7.10
Bucks 4.00 6.00
Spring lambs, best,, 8.00 8.60
do. fair to good, 7.60 7.76
do. cull 7.00 7.10
Hogs, off ears 9.65 - 9.80
do. fed and water'''9.50 ....
do. f.o.b 9.16 ...-
Psdd Serehn
Tin begtesesg of tit postal swim
le vial r sow tits potted Stains lase
Aur )SS. when • bows, r De t5.
was ~am* .2 ter tfo reedps et Mem
ter and Abet tis old world L 1011
Ike gmvenmsett of !tow Tort sodomy
eMahaa-M a post to go lomat/ from
Maw Tent is Boston. A reserat poet,
saes was seuittliaaed in Virginia la
Mt sod 1• PbthdNpbla to las. la
MIA wan the federal goversmsat
west tab .per.tios. too somber et
Idles • the domes claw woo only
laMst esrostrOvy-stew lest Amur
- - - -
A fine expression of 10yt1ty and at
the same time a sane and 'pithy bit of
ressoning as to the motives tmpsiltnl
Irishmen to take up arms for the em-
pire 1s contained In a letter trcm
Maurice Healy. nephew of the noted
Tim Healy. the Nationalist agitator
and fiery parliamentarian of the old
days. to a friend in New York. Healy.
fighting as _econd tieutenant in tb.
Royal Dublin Fusiliers, wrotF: "We
are all in this battle-Unlontats and
Nationalist. if England le beaten In
thea war. there will D. no Ireland lett
to fight for. And yet I do not thick
we are In it for that reason. i am no..
1 am In it and 1 think all irishmen
are to It. be nese we think it cowardly
aad criminal to stand by when ar.
attempt 1. made to subvert all prin-
ciples of liberty and honor, merely be-
cause our ancient enemy happens to
be fighting on the right side."
"When our fellow countrymen now
is America lett Ireland this were
very different from what they are now.
They have utterly titled to grasp what
has kappsaed In the last fifteen years
it soma to be of no import to them
that every Irish leader to-eay advises
the Irish people that they mast throw
their lot in loyally with England If
they wish to continue to exist at all.
otherwise they are a set of slaves.
WW do they think the Germans will
trait them any bettor• than they lave
treated the Belgians?"
$o 1 am trying to do my little part,
a lettering soldier, a peaceful blood
eviller; hating the whole thing. liter-
ally, not in the slang sense, like bell.
fearing death and pain and discomfort
and trusting that God will deal with
re as He thinks beet. and will dual
with my •country as • gentle and lov-
ing Father 1 as sot lighting for the
Heittab Empire or ter world power
er for terrltortal expansion; irut 1 hope
!bat any sufferings allotted to tree and
the thousands lake tae will pareba.s
Mer Ireland • term of pose* and Myr
purity in which N• will bind up her
wensds and oats �pta be bumpy._
AdwIee frsgfiil7 is Sive
Tho British .Tresenry lana iss1ed •
•eels. of povular *idiots for dtfersst
ydlosa elf it • Rrltlah Peale, advising
thaw low to save. lite Woo Is to
wiry the advice to aesm'eaaeo wita
eke typo of loon 1a wile\ a a.a
Y lodes
at OM sIeredi g chines ea whisk a
eamast. with the istealisa
Vim; wan& eeesemiatt k advised.
that an sotto& of Mar
Eszelluillppwsasoa . ieY leo akar
sed sawing ip oaeseseM M
Owasso •s a p.1lslls este.
1110Dl1 RIca, ORT.
MU= or etARilault iiQ>~tm•
roast Solic.Nr•
py"i�ssa�.- •�t��� git a
d. leiaar
e-.-_ ha
Eap art wassail ars 'MGM malls. Pat-
inae mBOs sled M ail wmeseisa. Mat
*loseseras mr L*.. .Mot
Brophey Bros.
Ise Leading
Ferrel pwCMrs
aid Embalmers
Wes V.O 1llb %Vile /fag
A V. Ot.hsa loss piked' b
i eat U was salsei
w�ee&yre•a1 maw
lice OSBttt w vomit a
as a casual b 1M
whey treed
wet b r'1„et b
The time is here again to
get your boys and girls pre-
pared for school.
They' will need good strong,
serviceable Shoes, the kind
that will stand the test in
any weather.
In this line we have ex-
celled all past efforts and you
will find at your command
the most complete stock .of
neat, reliable School Shoes at
:Lovest Possible Priers
Our stock of Shoes for workieg-
men bar been selected with the
greatest care from the beet
manufacturers and does not In-
clude anything that will not
give relief act ion.
Geo. MacVicar
North side of Square
Wholesale Produce
Toronto wholesale prices to the
Egg. -
Special (cartons) .25 to .27
Extras (selects) .27
No. straightness-leitil .24
No. 2 .17 .13
utterCreamery yrints, fresh.. . 29 .30
Creamery wilds .t` .=9
Dalry printt.25 .23
Bakers' 2
Cheese--L4Tge. 14c to 14%c; twins.
14tec to 14cc.
Honey -Buckwheat. 71,4c a pound.
M tins; 7c tc Txe in barrels; strkiped
clover honey, 12c tc 1.2 . in 6 -Ib. tins;
comb honey, No. 1. 83 per doze's; No.
2. 82.40 per dozen% 604b. tins. 11%e;
10-1b. tins, 12c.
Poultry Live Dressed
Old fowl. lb. .. 12c .. 15c lic
Spring broilers 16e 17e ...
Old turkeys .. 13e I7c -17c Mie
Ducklings .... llc Ito 17e sic
Turkeys ...... ... ... 21c 22c
Trento Grain Markets
Manitoba wheat -Track, lake porta:
new crop; No. 1 Northern, $1.04',4;
No. 2, $1.021,.
American corn -No. 2 yellow. 84c.
track, lake potTa
Canadian corn -No. 2 yellow, 84e,
Ontario oat. -No. 2 white, new
crop. 38e to 39c; No. 3 white. 37c to
Ontario wheat -No. 2 winter, new,
1t0c to 92c; sprouted or smutty. 70c
to See; wheat slightly tough. SOc to
Peas -No. 2, per car las, 11.25.
Barley -Good malting barite, 62e to
64c; No. 2 teed barley. 46c to 48c.
Rye -No. 2. 76e to 78c.
Manitoba flour -First latents. to
lute. $5.76; second patents. $6.26;
strong bakers'. $8.C5.
Ontario flour -New, winter, 90 per
:ent. patent.. 83.80.
Millfeetl-Car lots. delivered Mon-
treal freights; bran. per ton. 826:
shorts, per ton. 827; middlings, per
ton. 130; good iced note-. per bag,
MacEwen Estate
Bseiusive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
Any quantity hest all Myr
Mobs. Mitred Weed. M. leek
riles Lisdlhg loathe ee Phe.)
resider* sae er
East Buffalo Cattle
Cattle -Receipts. 4,000: slow; prime
steers. 88.75 to $9.35; ahtpping. 88.25
to 88.50; butchers. 86.75 to $8.36; heif-
ers. 85.00 to $7.76: cows. $3.25 to
56.75: bulls. $4.50 to $7.10.
Vela -Receipts. 1.100 head, slow;
ieavy, steady: 85.00 to *11.50.
Hogs-Reeelpta, 16.000 head; active;
.eavy. $8.00 t0 $$.20; mixed. 88.40 to
18.:0; yorkers, 87.76 to 18.60; pigs.
;7.60 to 87.75; roughs, 86.40 to 16.50;
stags. 86.00 to 86.75.
Sheep and lambs--Reeelpts. 8.000
%aid; good. active; others, slow;
Iambs, $600 to 89.10; yearling.i, 84.50
..0 $7.36; wethers. 86.26 to 80.50;
me" $3.00 to $6.76; sheep, mixed.
w00 to 86.25.
Fall and Winter Coats
THE new Coats are meeting with the approval of all who
have seen them, and never before have we sold so
many Coats so early in the season. '•Theres a reas-
son." See them for yourself.
$IO, $I2.50, $15 and $I6
See our Coats before buying
Special Values in Dress Goods
We are c ffering some splendid values in the new Suitings. Serge, are extremes) popular
for fall Suits and Dresses. Serges at all prices from 55c to $2.50 ptr lard.
Gaberdine Suiting in all the newest shades, in individual Suit lengths, no two pieces
alike, 54 inches wide, 11.75 per yr rd. Black and white checks are much in evidence this season,
our 'showing is most complete.
Cord Velvets
Ccmplete showing of Cord Velvet, in all the snost popular colors, extra quality, 27 inches
wide, title yard. Cream Cord Velvet for Coats, 11.0U per yard.
Special Values in Women's Fall
Women's Cashmere Hose, "Penman's' no seam, super quality, extra value, 50c per pair.
- Our leader, "Pen Angle" women'. seamless Hose, a splendid Hose at a popular price, 3k
pair, :; pairs for 11.00.
Women's black Cashmere Hose, extra.quality. English make, special 2:r per pair.,,
OEM 16.
Piwne 56Millar's .Scotch Store Pleo'
Chicago Catt:e Market
Cattle -Receipts. 17.000: market
weak; native beef cattle, $6 to 810.26;
western steers. 86.60 to $8.75; cows
and heifers. 12.90 to 88.30; calves, 88
.0 812
Hogs -Receipts. 25.000: market
'res. unchanged. light. 87 45 to *8.30;
nixed. $6.50 to 88.26; heavy. 86.30 to
'7.811; rough. 16.30 to 86.60: pers. 81.60
Q 87.75; bulk of gales, 86.85 to 87 86.
Sheep - Receipts. 22.000; market
weak; sheep. 16.35 to 86.90; lambs.
native. 86.40 to 88.90.
'Old Device.
••1 ase Marconi bag invented a de-
vice by which you can ere .through
Ibrick wells. -
"Somebody invented that lona ego."
••R'ho was it. I'd like ro know ?"
"The roan wbo first thcegbt of put-
ting windows inlet."
l Observing the Rule
"Bobble, why did you take your
little sister's randy end eat it? Why
didn't you ask ber it you could have
lite1 Why, I dire mamma, and she said
1 couldn't."-Bo•ton Tranrript.
With advancing yews comes enn-
stipation. Resall Orderlies are a
Dreysd Meets
Torootc wholesale houses are quot-
as to the retail trade as follows:
3eet. hindgnarters....$16 'Oto 816.60
do. forequarters .... 9 60 10.80
dorhotco side.... 26 12.64
do. medium 76 12.26
do common . .26 9.21
!tenon. light. cwt i .00 14.00
prime. cwt 13.60 16.00
;hop hogs 12.00 18.76
g ooey hogs 9.26 10.60
Am M. spring, cwt 14.00 11.00
Imperially *trod laxative for ageing
THOSE IN THIS TOWN I iwropie. ''d only t'' H -C. be
exalt Soo.. 1(le, 25c and fere hues.
that needs our attention ? The
longer you delay making the
needed repair, the more damage
the weatber is doing and the
greater your expense.
National progree ie the rent of in.
d:vldual industry. energy and upr ight-
r 0155• eo national decay 15 of ind.viduel
I idheees, selfishness and vice.-ttu.i're.
Teach self-denial and make t+ prac-
`tJee pleasurable. and you °trate for
the world a destiny more •ubliare than
'ever issued from the brain of the wild -
'es( diearner. -Walter Scott.
roofs, also huildirg gutters and
leaders, is our part of this world's'
work, and we do it well.
Better send, for us now and be�
ready for the coming weather.
Termite Whisking* Vegetables
'abbeire. cote $1 00 to 81 16
)stow.. basket .46 1 00
roans toes. basket .20 .10
td g plant. basket .40 .60
Vegetable marrow. bakt .26 .80
`oro. dozen .10 .12
7eeumbers. basket . 40 .76
Peppers, red. brisket .00. .00
do grows .16 .00
Petatosri. bag 16 .00
valet May and Strew
Local merchants are sow baying es
pack, Tsroedo, at the following
WWI bay. now. Ns. 1.817. IS to $10.60
M No 1 16 00 16.M
1 » 0854 alga ... a .,A1. N 0.91
Fred Hunt
Aarnifton Sfrr-t tPmte ebb
Spectres of the Past
"•1 see • man hue just t»en arrested
for • crime _•ommnittrd in 1870
-That kind of news makes me nerv-
ous ?"
••W by so
-When 1 was a young man i plated
Ibe cornet." -Exchange.
Ontario's Rost Business College.
Our lc.tructoee is •aprricec d, J4pele
Mit idlvMmat ..lira sae gnaw ave
reseed 1. pmsltM•. We s n manias • e-
plicatieoe we cannot meet. Students may
enter at any time. in at far our tree cde-
base and see it it it tweet. your
D. A. MCLACR1.A5. Principal.
=! _4It7T T
]]''' .r -,rat,. a Mea
t ba. a well-earned rivulet roe
n*+u p.•rerr beslase sail .be.iaand Moastiee
.rad foe r 1.451 .ideate M Melee
resin .•n..• saw. relak4ue trey CMI.
I.Itrr. r. Principal, 71 Tones it. Tongs .5d
t't.a Me. 11a.
The Signal until January
1916, 25 cents
That MSM* of life is most happy where
superfluities are not required. *01
necessaries are not wanting.-
1f the world peens to u. to he upside
down we may be sure that it i• due to
the feet that we ■re •tandinpl on our
beads.-Ik. Coley.
No a»Sn ie born into the weird "
whose Week is nct torn with him':
there 1. always work, and tools to
work withal. for those w114, *411 ; and
Mewed are the borny bands of toil. -
Your Relief Is Guaranteed.
The D 11 D. Prescription for ermine,
• mild. antiseptic wash, open .bat
awful Iteb In.tantly
Ds urea* Ibroughnnt the city have
whammed sotb nsarkaNe cures with
this remedy that they now anlvers•8ty
veeoraeso D. D. D.
As proof M their eoofdeie., they
offer yes the lest tell•dusd bottle on
to that eskers it dose the
AMZ FOR YOU, It roses yon sot •
cost. A generous trial kettle few 116e.
Cosiest Dreg *tore. (4oderlek.
IL, D. D. Is elms 1a Oardas
It's sure to be Pure
if it's
For sixty years the jireagit
Refinery has led Canada n*
modern equipment, up-to-date methods.
and the pursuit of one ideal-ab.oiut*
pare sugar.
In the Packages introduced by 6440
-the 2 and 5 ib. Cartons and the 10, 20,
50 and 100 Ib. Cloth Bags - you get
Canada's favorite sugar, in perfect condition.
"Let Apagfir Sweeten it").
CANADA 11 Aa emu= co. IJ11ffm.MOIgi11ZAt-