HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-9-16, Page 11 tht „Sion BSc to Jai. 1, 1N6 The Sipa! will be teat to the addrten of any new sub- scriber in Canada or Great Britain for the remainder of this year for 28c. To U. S. Arles su, Mc National Portland or Canada -1l ~f G'EMENT We are offering Cement at a very close figure and have ack fresh Noon band. GODERiCH PLANING MILLS. LTD. JAM= Bt1OHANAJN, raamosos•r ago. 'Pimatus&tl>ta. 'Pbo47 A. Y.U. Sox 111 REPAIR WORK— Bring in your Maces and have them alter - hauled by us. We are well equipped and hone experienced men t0 do your work . „ GIVE US A TRIAL OLTR PRICK ARE REASONABLE Tax DOMINION ROAD MAGI�INU CO., Ltd. EMIT1>d. • ■ re u a 1 t i GREA TIES T DISTRICT F A mr I l T __ I I I l Goderich Industrial Exhibition Tuesday, I�i�ednes- se day and Thursday 28-29-30 to Entirely New Grand Stand Attraction LEFFEI. TRiO, 3 Perfariners 3 TWO SEPARATE AND DISTINCT ACTS Very funny and exceedingly clever trampolene acts, funny falls, and slip -slap comedy A very entertain- ing future—Something' that will more than give great satisfaction. OTHER ATTRACTIONS AND MIDWAY. Skeleton of Mammoth about 150,000 years old. a predecessor of the Elephants.—tbe largest bones in the world of this species. JOHN8 GLASS BLOWERS will reappear •iteral many seasons' absence. They have a new troepe and natal and is London were a great attraction. Hundreds of young people have never seen them. Give the children a chance. SPEED TESTS. The bast in the district. Any horse that is classy will be found on our good track. Admission 25c Children tOc Membership ticket $1.00, six admissions. Carriages and autos 25C. I Pte rat d. Dr. I J. Ades Fowler, Treasurer Secretary 1 a r BODSRIOH.. 01111110 , ,.i PUBLIC IOTICs. PATHIO?ICPIC11IC. Enocesetal EMS Is Tows*. le ram gentler hong Aar, Amagaam. 416y, 1S s p "dot tbe PaW- Tho e[ James �shoot"'G`' 'e� .Ira eesstN7 of to.rotshfp tee rale , ee tb Noris take. er *arm of Mr. ar Assrstar, who tided .ser hers ..�.►r. ttd...n .r.}... L. .tom. a_ tr. see.et... Nen 'skated are hoes ltd u Zia mast le tbe 6w Y Neal /ae 4e the Pathei last l�t(mltifkm reemet wet k+�i state the aWtw1lka to tM r ee m appraisal' roalah la it hat dielsell to etre N �/ eM r, IM{, Itutr �Mr Wa �� -tied mew else mmmYmaaga/dga w�aemw rWww e« had a be by wrame.�r neer fag srttsitb• of their er- bower. 011.1 e r Jooee ltaN- esean er t•lerewa sed the Basra et the wear- alea pat it. M welgb t of the heAlsru keelism ra tit l l�r� etre ebureb that Bat Mawagb. raid lobster wig rrewd a 6eai W Men made tb . s41 tt»r.M...t.. twee.setlr for Ibe s....kt sDevsDiescu o. •=isests et *Mob ✓ thlM tawete, lit rerl�i�rlre;pe tu.lalat■ ibe /.subsea sues of whom wen then MU be feeadtrM dha Mala Mai maw. 'ide O hip o t ►•d I, on pro tee. • 1flee spa •Mia. sass 'idea, whip arwsts a dab -poet was vet taW for llama riser ee eek WI re operation. frees* �el many •Snnge omot hresolvedW whew bg rot en t date of to dee' "Y O1 the des, ware .ztraeted, t Dalai lab 4r a August lelii sad a booth from which were die- Pa.'iNNON t Naiad ,G .I b, (M1 ~seed leo cream, peasants. card and Pa.'s d. • Nr 71.Ust•1 7?eet Carlstas ited ('`� not toes Ed. good br . Ltalt,t is 7' Ono of the u tract S was • grw.ing (torttst. For the cess of five ovate use was given the pellellege rat guess- ing how crena meg 'aeteFllk• candies dare were embedded in tete icing sugar of • cartels spike, the nearest guesser to became the owner of the cake. A certain e, whose name bas already been mentioned, with a rule sueewrsd the aide and by mathe- wtLai ealculatioa secured bimeelf r bet he bad the emsernnmber. W hen the flo.l count was made, however, his guess of DDM was ipleuly out of it. ratite exact D was M8 and the tale was weft Miss Cousins, wbo guessed Two rat her nom • politer. guessed and 7 respec- T►Nr lively. Many Usk adv a of the beauti- ful weather and my breezes to bathe in the writ of Lake Huron. Owing to tbreshine rations in the mi neighborhood malty the youngen n weunable to be nt mod a gime of baseball whims w on the program II NOTTO CDITOIII$ AND AY SEP1111BER 16 1915 g%, emir Nj�l7lNorth street Methodist MI Uemi, i hs ?alit! ! Mhos HIM The aid tlss� y� your for Me. IMM LAttU♦ IOTT,TRAURER Aro.er ro. has Mr mad her eta ••• acest clad to ens vs pupils he La erne. BLL • ed and i bird .rale. et Corrat.rt. ry aerie . re. u . iC. • poy to Wed I.AaCA 1LLIUlT, brow era. EDUUAI IONAL Wester a hl41hgreda Cer•en etal and Mier* an - hd Ms ass ti Nr Ceurrr .l a low oast to all C•e•dlan Deese Prot I.• Par lnel.r.tha .tully tarnished.. at ass*. The he Carrs.ee•, eras rchrd,MO Yeaeesesot. lir.tte tett ((1� ,INN T. pi* r'OR OV C$IRO- �JlJ. Mo CfIC. has ate a pramment et aea at W maid armor oft leetse sweet ad Labia read. �bmes hewn : ea 11 • r.. an I to i p. a, d 7 to s A a l,uesullatise tree lady eiteedant. The demand for Blacks -*awe defter We seam in both crejorssy em tlotwae M blerbatt. Phs.. *10 torr yaw asst ardor. �■�wTM ggadyo of the Mioaae 114. Osy. iio�wll Mr We e Sod be to triem dinpiny .dd FOR SALE.—A GOOD DRIVER. •sero, sly pea old. to geed esedtree. M▪ ao w dbo�..ltise 0. M. KiDaaeto. or HOR$1C8 AND CARRIAGES FOR TALL Kane," try herr. rz years old, sand one rlaht. Afraid el neither setae age shwa ser Fiera Anyone ea drive bra. redo w tar • third hens oe • Ara - stage er drake. 1.7 meats rare. side 7o•re e1L Oise of tee easiest dduvet• le as ae.ry. dead .ed right ; a raw pat Co. show soar met.. ♦ drag hale rare for Ur paw a Tee hew. nary sew : Oar r.wAMore. M' Ia sell sikSls se srpssusw. 71'41 B ARRY R NAM Oodetiee. 1 HIYULEM.—I AM STILL MILLER° bee s se Rtltlri .rA tMe d i ..'• " 7! l les bsnab. 0. / .. bow* Wiartre.--A ele T Meet ter *�s,at�beem� to Rs. C. L MOBiP1GN. !t Wage orace.l TRANSPORTATION. Railway OpeaYime sad Teleasagb Moe awes 111 weak r tMeO _ u. s ae Jimastah a al. J. FOE SALE 0E TO EUT UOUSR TO RENT.—ALL MODERN a,nvsdssows. Commas toasted. Appy ACHaRON t SON. 76:tt, HOUS.!'E TO RENT.—ON GLOUCE- TeR TKRRACL, with waders masa lance•, het water besting. ter., bedroom ad bathl Inman, parlor, dant room, wletsr and simmer Warr. p1., whit oos tuba Piwe be essi pm Rr eared. wQHC. mums. Mw 71142 LOST 02 POUND. LOST.—ON SUNDAY EVENING, Between Dr. aaN's reside isse, 51. Gestee'• Cperr.eessnt: sad Pt fiery, aura. a small ealgcrescent. Reward offered. MRM, C. h: SAL THIRTY-TWO MILLS. G.dsrkb's Tax Rate for lets Two Mills Higbee than Last Year's. A special meeting of the town coun- cil was held on Tuesday evening, when the lax rate wax struck. For goneeal purposes twenty -ewe and three-fourths mills will be the rate, for school por- poises eight and one -bait mills, end • special war tax of three-foortba mills, making a total of Iblrty•two mills on the dollar. The special war tax will be levied on all eatemable property over and above all other taxes and no such property will be exempt. The school rate is made up of six and °be- half mills foe the public mamas sad the separate school and two mills for the Collegiate institute. A disoouet of two per cent. will be allowed on ail taxes paid before October Itab. The general rate is three-fourths of a mill higher than last year. the sebcni rate one-half mill blether and the three- fourths mill war tax is additional, shoe making the total rate two mUls In advance of that of last year. Our fine ooateetloM reach o. In prime ceadltioD. Wellies, them on to you In Ute eenedltIoo. Give them • trial. T. J. Salk.id, ;those 64. THE 61011A1.71L1BTiM000..I.13111rItD. Py ran@ --- WHAT WILL HURON DO? 1 THE HONOR ROLL. Bruce county council met last week and decided by ueaoiesous vote to eemWbute 114,000 • month to the natlocal patriotic fuod so long as the war *bail last. What is Harm county going to do t This °aunt? is Dow coslrihuling 51,000 a wroath, but in the fens of facie that have recently been promoted, and in the face of the example of Bruce county, something more must be done. W are told by the representative of the patriotic food organisation that Me Omadies people generally are glvlag to the food at as average rete of about nos dollar per bead. This mammon one year's giving*, sod of course this fund must be sustained by repeated givings for each year the war con- tinues. We are now informed that Huro.'s centsibutions to the fund for the first year of the war represent only about fifteen cents per head of the popula- tion of the ocaoty. (It is only fair to add that the county vote of SIAM a west* represents Dearly twenty•flve cents per head, but it did not commence until the beginning of the calendar year.) That the fund has not been mon generously dealt with up to tb• present time by the people of Huron is perhaps not the fault of the people of Huron. During the Dist months of the war there wets appeals fur • number of step - twat' funds—notably the national patriotic fund, the Belgian relief fund and the Red Cross fund. Our people contributed in various ways to all of tees,. Then the county council took up the matter of the natiunal paulotic fund W and voted 51,0 • month. Nutblog to the contrary being made known to them, it was, we believe, generally supposed that this ^onuibution through the county council frilly repiesented the obligation of the people of this county to lb. fund, and attention was diverted from it to bihor funds; the claims of the Red Cross work prutieululy receiving generous attention. Now that the figures presented to them indicate •bet Huron is away be- hind the average in its contribution to the fund, the people of Huron will not be found failing in their duty. A special meeting of the comity council has been called to deal with the matter, and we believe it will be dealt with iu the spirit of patriotism and regard to duty. Huron's population fe approximately 50,1110. A contribution of $5,1010 • month, or 090,000 a year, would place this county • little above the average in its support of the fund. If tbe.county council votes such an amount, it should be understood that this covers the county's obligation in the matter (.t any me until new conditions arise) and that the people shall not be asked to con- tribute in other ways to this particular fund. Then the people will feel few to devote their individual generosity to other causes which appeal to them. The object of the patriotic fund it to provide for the wives and families of our Canadian soldiers who have gone or are going to the front to right our battles. Its appeal is imperative, It would be an intolerable disgrace to per- mit anyone to ire in want because the bread-winoer of the family has offered his life in our behalf. Thr good old county of Huron will. we believe, not fail in its duty, and the members of the county council may depend upon the sup- port of the ratepayers in discharging that duty. bed to be withdraw Napper was served tables erected in the orchard .adlit took over an hour to satiety all tlge hungry people who presented tbienselves at the tables. Before the sleet bitting was over Rev. - J. Br Fotherin ham aoueted • plait. and io a brief, carefully -worded rem eulogized the ladies of the to fp for "duiog their bit" *tad poin to the need of svde_bi..,t ort. was 'ailment in brief addeimae l'y , r. Dermot Mc- Elroy. Raw. .. Jones -Bete -- nes. M.. Harry and Mr. Col• Iib, the last mold lag a special appeal to tie nos ' into 000ver- maim with Dag', who was pass.-'. and *sad,would tll e ,.• ti .see.. -of nate iii: to tall and the puny rap. I _,___1 to Mks ap again "She Weld round. tics roossou task." rr tr eehod atld..e.onged by eke social boors moo together. Probably 300 people were present during the after - soca and the proceeds, which are to be devoted to patriotic porpoise, amounted to sob. THE CHOSEN FRIENDS. Splendid Program Given at Open Meeting so Friday Everting. Temperance Hall was filled to its capacity on Fiiday evening last, when, at the invitation of Ooderich Council, No. 157, Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, • large number gath- ered to enjoy • social evening. The object in holding the gather - was to lel the general public know something of the aims and methods of the Order. It wee expected that Mr. W. F. Campbell, (irsnd Organizer of the Order, would be present end de- liver an address, but he failed to put in his appearance, baviog missed the mala at London. WbUe the members of the Order were sorely disappointed, an mom* had come in from Holmes- eille, Clinton and Porter's Hill, the visiting public scarcely felt the ab- sence of the speaker, as the splendid program rendered left no room for regrets. 11k. Emmerson acted as chairman and In his opening remarks advised any who were member of the Order not to drop out until they were linked up with something better. He stated •bat he bad joined the Order when it had only 3,010 members, and It now had upwards of I0,00(. The Stewart Orchestra wen prevent and delighted the audience with • large variety of pi.ees which were Interepettied throughout the program. Four-year. old Donald Buchanan sen Tipper- ary" in pleasing manner. Miss i)or• Hopkins gave a hunrotoos r,eitatioo entitled "Parliamentary Law." Miss deny Reri ogeour sang. "The Song That Readied My Heart," and revponded to winos vigorous rs with bore the Pour -leafed Clover Grows." A recita- tion by Miss 1. Foster was very amus - leg. A humorous Sketch put on by Masers. Panama and Sturdy enlled fort\ moth vigorous applause Mas- ten (Jail Lyon and Herold Reynolds man as a duet a patrlotk piece entitled "Wien the doll is Called for Menke." J. Taylor *sag very Sweetly . M* Bark to Canada,' and if, as the writer war told, that was her lint • IMP a 1 / ■0■ MON Prltect Noma dependant on yoa by raking a policy in 771e Menai Life Assurance Co. of a,anumR-r'Canada'a only err : A. G. NiSBET : : REPRESENTA TIVE CslrriA 111rrl50. P. 0 Aar 36i sip 1O/ •�■.� woe rel.sriRullsstaro radionas M Or SS If to ■ appearance on the public platform we predict • bright future for ber in the musical world. Mr. E. C. Belcher sang "Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep." Mrs. T. Hutcbinpon in a reei- tatiun, "'lb* Joiner," was particularly good and replied to vigorous applause by reciting "Wean Father Rode the Goat." lute.l"`...w.illab`ttan"' I itt dos MrlP*iab Oetiafl of the Moan Primes eootsided et but fort= member*. Plenty had b.Inittiiatileedd Nam Mr. Vant•ssel bad been in town and it was expected this number would be raised to one buadrrd within Use next few months. Touching upon the recent increase in asessement dues, be said this was made necessary be- cause of the targe death -rate caused by the war. At the close of the pro- gram the "fourth degree" ems exem- plified in i4* form of • dainty lunch which was served by the lady mem- bers of the Order. Motions of thanks were tendered to those who had helped to make the evening's proceedings so successful and the singing of the Na- tional Anthem brought the ptoceed- logs to • close. IT'S COMING. Geduld' Industrial Exhibition Open September a. Week aft*: next the big district fair, the (o derieh Industrial Exhibi- tion, will be on the boards. "Bigger and better than ever" is the motto of. the directors, and d1 indications are that the fair this year will be consider- ably in advance of iia predecessors In several respects. The merchants and manufacturers are taking a greater interest this year, and the directors are finding difficulty in providing room in the main hall for all the exhibits that are promised. There will be tome very interesting and attractive displa s on both floors. The exhibit of the led Cross Society will M on the ground floor and will attract much attention. The lighting of the buildinzs and grounds will Ire improved this year. There is always good music at the Ooderich fair, and the year will be no exception in this respect. The prize* offered for the seed testa hey. been increased, and there will be route good track event. The Midway will have • variety of attractions. The youngsters will he interested in knowing that there will be a merry-go-round on the grounds. The Johns glass blowers will be here and will give an interesting and in. structiv. exhibition. The performance before the grand- stand will he a good one. The Leffel Trio, in two distinct acts, are said to he a clever group of entertainers. The exhibit of live *tock, farm products, eta, should he .zception•lly this year, except possibly in it, and the fruit men my their ex- hibit w111 not Mao had after all. Prise Hate, entry form*, etc., and further Information tleelmvd may be bad on application to the secretary, J. Ades Fowler, Gnderich. Mr Howell Is generously Riving the goods in the exhibit of Misner Mfg. Co. prnduets at the fail fair for the benefit of the Red Cross Society. z/bw you w Edward.' ice cream Lean tool waned that It in made •rpm pure mains. Orders delivered to all parte of the tows. Phase 200. Look for the Rad Oross exhibit at the Goderieb fair. THE NEW PASTOR. The flldllowteg have .alleged here for the Test B•ttalios ted ars now et Lon- don oo-don with D Company for training . LiewelIyn Taus' t. Broom Noble. Geo. Rom. Cyrus Oulllos. Chas. K.U. C. H. Robin,oc. Md. McDonald. Roy Lumby. Howard Youageon. Joe. Piazza. Hobe. Howling. tie*. McNeil. A patriotic rally is being held ibis evening, LL -Cole Sutberltod, Rev. J. B. Fothetiugbam and Mr. M. G. Ctmeruo being advertised as the snorkel s Rev. G. M. Holmes Cesema nes His MitiMry fa Giedoicb. ire.. G. M. Holmm commend his ministry In kioderbsb Mt Seoday last by preaching lire venoms to °eager Rations which. eonidering the 1n - element weather, were very Satpettag- fly: Ws ath.m. hi theltlsaotinll limos Ela tmYlko tion to sowtbese In a Ood- glv.. ]�Da i�4 Paul e•ns." t to Timothy, •'I know whom I have believed," and appealed to the congregation to get personally acquainted with Christ. Mr. Holmes is a graduate of Sarnia Collegiate Institute and of McMaster Usivenity, Toronto, when be took the degrees of B. A. and B. Tb He bas bad ,oesiderable expos ience in tem Gospel ministry, having held peator- tette in Ilbe Weer, at Eastern avenue, Toronto, and at Georggaetown, ODI Fur the pest year Mr. Holmes has bean editor of the B. Y. P. U. page in the Canadian Baptist Mesa. Holmes and family arrived in Godericb last week and they have taken up their residence on Elgin avenue. in lbs horse previously occu- pied by Rev. W. H. Wrigbten. Presbytery of Huron. The Presbytery of Huron held its regular September meeting at. Seafortb on Tuesday, 14th inst. The following Were present : Mr Jubnstoo, moder- ator, Dr, Fletcher, hissers. McFarlane, Sharp, Carswell, Argo, Carriers, Turner, Harper, Richardson, Smith, Reid, Ross, Larkin and Hamilton, ministers, and Messrs. Dougall, Hig- gins, Fraser, Strang and l'rquhart, elders. During the day the Presbytery- was visited by Reif D. W. S. Urquhart, of Collingwood, and Rev. R. M. Ham- ilton, of Toronto, assistant secretary of the board of floatoe. The latter at the afternoon sea.ion made • powerful appeal to the Presbytery io connec- tion with the Midget and spoke of the dangers threatening the church today. "Had the church in (iermany 'been really .live there could have been no Kaiseriem." Mr. McFarlane was appointed mod- erator for the ensuing six months. Messrs. Larkin, Argo and Harper and their eiders were appointed a commit- tee to consider and report on matters remitted by the General Assembly Aid -receiving congregations ora 10 he visited by two laymen, Meson. Higgins and Strang. The budget allo- cation to the Presbytery of M24,11011 was accepted and the subject is to be brought to the attention of congrega- tions shout the end of November. A congratulatory reerlution was heartily adopted by the Presbytery in t•onnec- lion with the annual report of the Presbyterial of the W . M. N.. which shows • great iamb•.s of enthusiasm crone the union of the two missionary encietles, and givings that are greater than any year of the pest by about :4t Ill . Arrangements were made for the taking of the vote oat chur,h onion. The nest meeting will Ie held at Clinton on Tuesday. December 14th, at 11 o'clock a. m, Imist rte the beet. 1's, lllsekstoa.e' d.lielous im cream of superior quality. Mime 240. The exhibit of Milliner Mfg.0o. produete at the God.rlch Kebiitioa wi11 be one of the attractions of Um assist ball. The roods are to he sold f(r the bootee' of the Rood Cross. • Dew. ern eller row +ew... w^- ,. 11 11 Se 11.M JM AS. A.OAPDRLL. a.,••a.,•• t.» •'» Umbria Di Q 14 _• les QsMdIU Next Thursday Night. There will be aoolber meeting tett Thursday evening, to be bold on the Square if the weather he favorable. Good weaken will be on band and the !.and of the Sint Regiment will play. • • • Mr. Waiter Saunders, who has been engaged iu railway engineering work at Waterford for some time, returned home last week to visit hut parents, Mr. and alts. Alex. Saunders, before going to Niagara to offer himself ler service with the Usn•dian troops. • • • A letter from Pte. J B. Brown to • friend in town, written from the Nor- folk war boepitSl at Thorpe, Norwich, England, suttee that be is doing nicely, though he is not touch taken with hos- pital life. He describes the fight i■ which be took part neur Ypres, the famous charge of the Canadians. The eget lasted for several days aed not one occasion • bullet went clean through the top of his cap. He wishes the war were over, but is wlU!Ds to o back to the front if he is needed. Hs sends his kiodeet regards to the people of lioderich and especially to the boys of the Bird Regiment hand. whq have remembered their tarsle comrade with gifts that he approval - atm. • • • Lieut M. P. Lane. the youngest eon of (Minty Clerk Lane, who has been with the Hank of Commence at Revel- stoke, B. ,3., has enlisted for war ser- vice and is with the Kootetasy betas). ion in training at Vernon, B. C. Maitland on the Rampage. Wingham, Sept- 14 --The Maitland River went on a rampage yesterday afternoon. when • heavy, swelling water came dews, tarrying a Iarg� anomias 01 �PMagaa and aga 1x11., tb sod Matrtab heals *den wank. is . nigh iit N 44s galas at gee boor dam of w river, cassias the wow is rise els the pommy la welt* John Martin bad mm* beef (rattle, lie bad great dME- tulty in getting them out, as they wen standing to their knees in w•taK. Luckily the gams of too dam broke and caused the water to take another mune. As soon Y it is fit ' moo will repair the dam. LOSAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Mia bkiinings wishes through the columns of The Signal to thank Use choir id Knox church for pur, basing a copy of "Golden Leaves," with which to preterit their pastor, Row. Geo 13. Rua, We regret to learn that Mr. R. Muteb, keeper of the county bouts of refuge at Clinton, and ether of Mr. Joseph dutch, of town, was taken with • paralytic stroke last evening and is in • serious condition, !bath of Mrs. J. H. Comb•, Cilnton, Clinton, Sept. 14.- -Mrs. J.H. Combe, who had baen • resident of Clinton for tlrt y -seven years, died yesterday at her home on Rwttenbury street, and will be buried from St Paul's English church on Wednesday. Her burhand wan one of the first inerchanta to locate in Clinton, and the first drug store was started by him. Mrs. Combe suf- fered from a stroke about two years ago. and full recovered from its effects. Major H. B. Combe. who Is connected with the Clinton Knitting Co., is a son, and Mn. Lattetnell, of St, Thome... and Miss Maggie, at home, are dangbtere. BORN. Fit IPHUt.M.-A'. Alexandra ho.ptta', Gads Areve lee, .'n Are ember at h. 10 r. end Maw 3 J t hl -holm, a daughter (Je..ie Mee. 'tarot t. MARRIED. BUND-MCNKVIN —in Koos church. Goths rich. on Septerbre l.h, by Rs.. theme L Icor., R. A., R. D.. Alfred Haney Hord, 51 Washy. Nae.. amt Gladys 44ne, danfarer 01 Mr. ssad Mrs. William J Mc\e.ls, Oaderlo McDONALD-uHIrrlN. At Know °burrs more, Owl/rich. on Seetereber 11, by Ire. Oeo. 1. Resin It A.. R D., Murdoch ]Ie. Donald end 1larg4rel Asa (piffle. both of tloderlrh township Qt'AlD-I!TKIIBR('IK.-At tb.tt�e et ♦ictaris street Met/enlist ch.rebd ieee. rite, os Weleeeday. September Ike. by Res. J. t reed. John Quaid, of S,t earott, ad Anode Im•4a lase rest, et Clow. MCCARrL.N-o4I.(_TBORPIK-At n Mae K ](sun es s rhe wle.lper, a.en Wad. *venisg, tbpiettber Itis, by 1('s►. 7. 0eedev., p4. Isobel. served darns - 'lets. o her. sed Mrs J. T. trotdt . (lute. 'lets. to Meng A. blet7e,t,.,. 1A Wrnipe % DIED. Mt LILA - est Meets 8,C . w. Thursday, Asp' leveller NC Pearl M. BIfI.r, youngest d•egbter of rho tale John BIpMr. of Oats ✓ ine NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Sept. 1 Ata. Pugh Part Crescent feet -Mrs. C. K. Sae hams wes.ett--M. rl' Wsdeen, Teresa 3 sieves( W aril -]raw C. K. 1..ders 1 eerier- Meath best 1lstfrsdet (bssM Oweatat Merles Pali --J. AMe name. bay1 Pasha -A W. OEM. Wedded News use slate -Y: IL HIM 1 breast waned -Wm 0. IL Robinson 1 •