HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-8-26, Page 8• TMT. Lotter 21. ISIS Hol for School Opening Wednesday, September 1st. for public and Separate Beheole. • Tuesday, September 7th, ter Collegiate leetitute. on the •boys dates the school bells will call the pupile beak to them studies. We were sever batter prepared to fill 1hsdr needs. Hen are some of the Wogs they wall require: EXERCISE AND SCRIBBLING BOOKS. oyer AO kinds w select tram, oommsaoing as low as la eeah. Sc. S., 10e, 15c. 20c, 23. PLAIN CEDAR LEAD PENCILS, with or without rubber, 1c, 2 for Ss. end Sc mob. Poi grade Urawiej Pen0011. ds highest graDrawiyneon uon made. All degrees ....... Se each GILLOTT'S 292 PENS, 50 PER DOL. Spearoerten Pens, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, 10c per doz. SCHOOL ERASERS, lc each. Genuine Ruby Rubber, large else, 5c SCHOOL BAGS from 25c up to SI.00. TEXT BOOKS. A toll stock of all the authorised Text Books for Public Schools, Separate 8:bools, High Schools and Oollegiate Institutes, at publishers' cut prices. FOUNTAIN PENS. Waterman'. Ideal Fountain Pens, with • variety of point suited for the individual requirements, 52.30 up. Porter's Perfect Fountain Pens, specially suitable for stu- dents. 14 -karat gold point, fine, medium and stub, material and workmanship the best obtainable, special price. regular size $1.00, larger size SI.30. The Hoderich Book & Stationery Co. GEO. PORTER ensWeeseePereseieSPOWesetiedereeteerMW Good Teeth improve your appear- ance. To have good teeth yoe need • good dentifrice. Na- 1)ru-Co Tooth I'•Ote is what you are looking for. Put up in two forms --pink, win- tergreen flavor: white, peppermint flavor. They cleanse and preserve the teeth. 25c a Tabe C. L. COULTIS, Pk..6. THE DRUGGIST rxona 19 Developing a n d Printing -„ptompt.ly and quickly done. TO INSTITUTE SAVINGS FUND Far Beneficiaries of Patriotic Fund is THE SIGNAL GOIERIOH ONTARIO Iik An Innovation in the Tailoring Art IN GODERICH, WHICH HAS IEEE INTRODUCED IN ALL THE LARGE CTI'IEs AND TV/NS IN CANADA I have secured the sole agency in Goderich of three of the best sample order houses in the Dominion, and can therefore give you samples to select from that the whok town of Gode- rich rich could not carry in stock to show you. We let the whole- salers carry the stock, but you have the samples to choose from, and at any price you want to pay. Suter Overc.wi te year order, $1L$ ss��a aa1qq price yrs wast te ger Every pry GUARANTEED. We bane also added to the above line Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing and have secured in Toronto one of the best French -cleaning agencies to be found anywhere. We retommeud this process. as it takes every particle of dirt. out- loss not press it in again as in the ordinary way. We intend doing also all kinds" of local work in Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing, which will be done on the premises. EEEE is price Bad comfort p b P ' DHAM, the Tailor , goal STREET 14110/11411114111101411101411414111111.4140414041041104.40411141114111 by the Huron County Branch of the Pat: iotic-J uad and will be governed in the best interest of the recipient as far aa possible. When the war is over, or other justifiable eoedltioo• arise, the money will be pail over to the person who is justly entitled to it. Hero° County. Consult your Reeve in all cases Atter consideration of circumstances where you wish to obtain information, or have any complaints to make. that have developed or are foreseen in 1 connection with some of those who are ani, yours respectfully, ANDREW' P,.R7stt (I:oderich), reviving aid mil' the t'anadian Patti- Treasurer Huron County Branch otic Fund in Huron county, the follow- Cl•nadia° Patriotic Food. ing letter has been issued to the bene- ficiaries of tube fund : Goderich, Aug. 23rd, 1915. Dsaa MADAM, -At the regular meet- ing 01 the Huron Count Branch of the Canadian Patriotic Fund held in (.oderich on Saturday, August 21st, it was deemed advisable by the commit- tee to institute • system of savings for all those who are now receiving an •ppropriatioa from the food. I ale ittatrucled to inform you that in future 60 per cent.. of your monthly allowance trona the fund will he re- tained by the oommittee and deposited is the saving' branch of some chart- Appgw. 'sr •ted bank in Uoderich. (Example- Cents If you have an allowanee of 110 per (Blast month, you will wet a regular cheque pares.' , ._ per Cwt. for 115 and seri will he credited by the tam r ort eem.lttse to your savings ; if you get•••• $15 month, you will get • cheque amis. 1•r tp for $7.60 ands7.50 will be credited to pee , . .aHM ip your •cement, Ind so on.1 This food will be entire) controUed I Steer UODERICH MARKETS. 1'NrNOVA v.AUaa-t• b. D heat. per bort a .at to 11 La gat'. per bait .... ..... ... :.ns t .tp boat an Darkly. par bt LOO m to 1.70 Psas Buek:br.at,ppar buy►. .... 'lour. fatal*. peewt. • • • • Mrs., . w . Oe oer oft ttoo ro 5, Store, 10c, c aid 60c boxes. portono to p 'too Woo Me *500 to 11.4.• wd, p kssd sstl W a 171 Dote. p.rH. .i' to .ser I'sx. tiara. per het.ii:�.1n to .O.76 to ppno 7.0 so MO its. to 0.75 sa to ala aw to 7.00 7.0 to 7.70 .7! to 1.00 .11 to .11 .. '0 to 3:7473 .' 0110 to SUMMER SPORT&. At the Deter Tofrnemast Of the four (ioderich rink* that started In the Exeter howling tourers - moot, C. H. Humber's was the only one to go hack last week to take part In the postponed games, the play having been interrupted by rein the week before The Ooderlcb men were the runners-up in the second event. the South Huron trophy match. Miog beaten int he final game by osly one shot by the Elliott rink from Mitchell. The four members of the rink -L. B. Doherty, C. Campion, Fred Hunt •red 0. H. Humber (skip) -each won n cut - glass berry bowl. Constipated women find Rexed Or- derlies a gentle, natural laxative. Sold only by H. C. Dunlop. the Rezall •• ........... pws`.t .M i LISTOWLL BUSINESS COLLEGE L I s T 0 w E L B U s I N E s s C 0 L L E E Profit Sharing Year AT Listowel Business College -BEGINS ON ---- TUESDAY, SEPT. 7th, 1915 WE already have more students enrolled for the com- ing year than have ever entered at a fall term opening in the history of the school. Our aim is to enroll too new students during the school year from September, 1915,to June,iglt6, and if succesafyl in this -and we fully expect to be -we will share our profits by hand- ing each student registered during the year a check for 10 per cent. of the Tuition Paid. Our past record of fair dealing, coupled with the success of our ex -students and graduates, who, by the way, are our best advertisements, is going to enable us to reach our ideal of 100 New Students for Profit Sharing Year Write now and let us know when you are coming. The best time to enter is at our fall opening -or as early after that date as possible. - ADDRESS Edwin Cie Matthews, Principal •r ievown. ev8Imse tow= cse L s 0 L B U 5 I N s s 0 L L a There is a reason why Edwards' ice cream is in demand -because 1t Is made of pure, rich gale. Orden de- livered. Phone 200. Pure, wholesome ks os'ale and bot evenings go wall together. We'll deliver the former any place, any time. Moms O4. J.T. SAL6.ZLD DUNLOP. Tvasp.T, Aug. 24. Ran Caose Woart.-The auxiliary of the W. M. H. met last Wednesday attaesoon at the bome•of Mrs. Jamin Arf�a. There was a good average st- and and soma geed work way Meta*. eil . i.,ssettam s � Otago ideal ail b blown as the "Leis Sham beaeoh' and will. no do good work 1n the future. ase the umsal meeting oflioen were fleeted for the ensuing year. and dele- gates were chosen to attend the an- nual eonventioa to be held at Ssaforth on the loth of September Norse. -Mw Mary Linklater and Miss Belle Shaw took a trip to Strat- ford us Friday of last week and will Spend several days visiting friends ttahferr�e On Hooday Dight of this week t be Misses Laura and Lillian Lauten.I Iyer entertained a large num- ber of their young friends ata marsh- mallow tn•.1 on the beach below tb:; farm o, Mr. John Farrish. Bonfires were Iigbted and the venal sport- in- dulged in, while those of a mon seo- timentm! turn of mind wandered off in pairs to seek core romantic glades from, wh'eh to admin rho glorious full moon and discuss matters of personal lot/trout Ne. Harry Shields is at present engaged in renovating and Oslarging his house and r•sbingling his veranda Mrs. JamesAndrew., of South street, Godeteb, and her son Brock are visiting at the home of Mr. Percy Stewart this week Mrs. Gloria CluMon, of Stratford, with her four cbildreo le visiting her mother, Mrs. John Horton Nee Hillary Hoxton, of Exeter, bas returned home after spending some weeks visiting friends mad relatives in this vicinity. rTo Keep Your flair in Condition -to promote i t s natural growth a n d lustre, noth- ing Will help you more than Penslar Hair Tonic -the • 'r dressing that has become nationally popular because of the splendid re-- stilts e.stilts it given. Oomvi yourself. get • ggenet•- ows trial hottis today for Don. Theo yearn wast the fun dollar .1. Jas. A. Campbell PHI'. s. CENTRAL DRVG STORE "NORTHWAY" COATS FOR FALL ARE HERE The Fall Stock of the famous Northway Coats has arrived. We were a little disappointed that they were not here for last Saturday, but these high-grade tail- ored Coats are now opened up and ready for early buyers to make their selection. "Never,- and we can use that word with perfect safety, has it been so desirable for people to do their Coat buying early as it is this season, for it will be simply impossible to duplicate cloths as the season advances. In many cases they are withdrawn already and cannot' be had. We strongly advise early buying of Fatl and Winter Coats and will be pleased to lay aside any you may select until you wish to take them. Whether you care to buy as early hs this or not, come and see the stock while it is at its best. All ready now. This cut illustrates one of the many tailored Northway styles we are 'showing for Fall. It can be had in a variety of cloths, either black or colors, and it is right up to the Northway standard in every respect. SHOWING OF NEW SUITS Advance sl.ipment of new Tailored Suits for women has arrived and already they have started to sell. These Suits reflect the very latest New York ideas in Tailored Snits for the coming season. They are made from high-grade materials by expert workmen and have the fit, style and finish that appeal to good dressers. High-class Tailored Snits $16.50, $20.00 and $25.00 Ready with New Millinery The Millinery Department will be ready for Fall bootees. next week. This season it will be in charge of Miss Sitzer, who for some seasons has had charge of one of the bast millinery depart- ments ie Western Oaterfi,. Rbc 01tzer is at present in the market. leaking selections fog Fall and will be ready to show you what is newest and best in Millinery for the coming season any time alter Monday, 30th inst. ADVANCE SHIPMENTS have already came to had and if you west your new Hat before then voodoo 'how yea some very Ratty .haps and rawest idlemlags. The Fur Display Our Midsummer Display of Fun is now complete and we are showing • particularly good assort- ment of the latest and most fashionable Pun for the coming ween. Our range of Black Fun is particularly good In Wolf, Fox, Lynx, mad the values the best we have ever shown. These Fun promise to be more popular than ever the Doming season and we are in a position to give you higb qualities at very moderate prices. We have made arisegewent• to take care of special orders foe Fun of al! kinds right up to the very highest grades obtainable and are in a posi- tion to ante prices that, quality for quality, are as low as an to be had. The Fuwe sell are Furs of Qealitn y only and we are ready to stood behind all that leave the store, whether special orders or selections from our own stock. Re -Modelling Furs We give special attention to this class of work and if you have any Fur: or Fur Coat you wish to have remodelled or made over, we can do it for you in fleet -class manner at very moderate prices. Prices and estimates cheerfully furnished. Direct Importers School Hose • Boys and girls' Rcbool Hose, heavy rihhed rotten. spliced heels, tart dye. AU -ions per pair 1 Rh GIRLS' FINE HOSE. -Extra quality lisle. very floe rib. All sizes per pair. .... .. ... Rale BOYS' EXTRA HEAVY RIBBED COTTON HOSE. -Avery 'trona serviceable Mackie. Just Use thing for tall wear. All dee., per pale. -.111B0 Out go the Colton Dress Gods 1114 reilsetioes Is sake a spes4y durance AT 15. PRR YARD. -Saturday moe.I g we put on ails 600 yards mnsUis. pelage. fancy voiles. ste. A doom or more of the ssa.om'• best and Most .b .mv.s design.. Regular prams up to 16oWe group them sly one lot and give you yosr choiceg•o at So AT Me PER YARD. -The gatheringother of d Wash Drees Goode in white aretinas, P.E., Bedford cords. eta. Regular Styr, 50e and 75e. Pee yard. ifs Big Selling of Dresses Saturday There will be the biggest bargains we ever offered in Wash Dresses bent on Saturday morning. Every Drees in stock must be cleared. The teat of our bit purchases of sample aeronaut+ will go at prices that are just •boat one-half the makers' prises. They an Ice cheapest Dresses we ever sold. Every one is up to data in style and will be cleared out commencing Saturday morning. We cannot give a detailed list of prises bat you will get a Wash Drees for less money than It costa to mute them. Umbrellas 16am:oi Have you an Umbrella that requires a new top? 1f so, bring It In and we can mate it 51 good as new for very little money. HODGENS BROS. "P" 25 1 Miss Luby. of town, spent • few day. with Mrs. Tobin last week. Thrashing bas commenced herr. It is that grain will be • light • the strew is unusually heavy will be hard to thresh. OX CONSIDRRS THEM HER BEST FRIEND. Mire. Fraser Tails Why she Rfc.eemeeds Dodd'• Korey Pills. Has Freon. Qoebee, Aug.4Ard (�eeW).-•'1 comae, Do44. Kidner mete of my best mows-- T� M is the unte.emt et Mire. Joseph Fraser, a 'erg estimable body Eying near hems. I had every erne b.ek," Mrs. Fraser sootinwus, "ad deddfd to try what Dodd'. =Maty Fw. would df for It. I Omit Ivo beam le ea sed tam happy to M7 1 an quits wsi age&. lj] bask le Y steam as ger seer cam. 1 al. whys keep Deo • cld..y PM & the homes who are weak gad nim dews -.g. r. tdMee buret always & ad"e Do=Ideas PIM~rwr-t seta MUNICIPAL (.'OUND0.si. BART W♦W♦MOSM. Missies . et1.wr1f tetestfstt res on ♦ttgtl.t sera los.' .5 present, • Minutes of last ....ting read and con- firmed. Gout ort sevidoa oo the Blyth creek mamba ilea& bylaw was opened as pee lease, There being no apt 015.61111 Rot ammmmeo1e the law a. reed mar paesed and mann of . Bylaw 01Nt x tion oe . following year, ntea of tax.uo.,-t°r the. t ,ear, viz. Oouoty rate, 2 5.1 sails • township rata 14.10 leills ; epeeist school rete, 21 -to sails, and a rate of oma mill on dm &Mr to meat the requirement of 11sTreetiolej war tax. also bylaw No. 5, 10A ittlog and empower- ing mpowerin g tba es0ester to sheep and collect $ per age& gotta os t• tams sapaitamme 0...e.bras4 and Ilio mgt, MIf; he toilesarsistato phieensue /w'L- : The ltlss WceM, 91.38; 1 Pa= . p76 timber, : ♦. PxtaeSeM, NOW* destine. 000 J, OosItM,widowing dosenlimi ter i rWla.►- and Thoso !1.05 t7:721J. Member7 aseftra. mod plank aid .a.mtqtt.Wttt ensead.n Ile ttt..ase t dm 4. t a. Oa J. e's-errhas d trod tie itppe�etmLiar. 'MAR t er peMswag sated mita* sl siLtaallwgr'oR eo w«�msifrnM2*t • ars, -15.00 ; J. E. 9711., c°mosoeslios statute labor tax, 41E75 ; Ola.. 3.ho - .tort, commutation statute labor t .11 20 C : . SO Z ; Mahn sioeNl aylor ttra.ek 51 a6, For grao.j-$. gr.;; : P !flag, to • J. lyys t S. Frisby. $7.90; 8&Mmes. Mart J. Jobsete.. 0.M t R. 54.50 ; J. etasdepe 19 ' W WaMr1t111, 0.10 ; Ig. , MA t IprW t W. 1. ``1. �a,,0 ; W. se J. J, Ras', M.= : 0. rMm. ' w. w 52.00. Neat of imonefIsla be bele on Mosia�� m A. Poorr.rti r., 0i. r1 • New Teemoeslte • s&PTEMKit 1 M d THE NORTHERN SWsdvlraCOLLEGE wog