HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-8-26, Page 6• iihOttaDAT, AUOtftR 110. 1916 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO PEG 0' MY HEART By J. Hartley Manners Copyright, 1913, by Dodd, Mead & Company Peg ellncbed both of ber bands Into little lista and glared at Brent wblle ber breath came In quk•k. sharp gasps. "1 love spirit!" cried Brent Then be looked et ber charm, dres et ber stynth coiffure. at tb elu, spray of towers at ber breas ng t "t am." elm said frankly. 'Trost what you've told me qt your wife must be too." "Don't treat me lib this!' be plea ed distractedly. "What shall I do." asked Ethel wt wide open eyes. "apologtze? The odd. I've been welting for you to." As Brent moved up toward tbe w down Alartc came In behind hl through the door. "tIello. I:rent," he called oat beert- fly l t are ye ;" Very evil. tient you, Alarlc." he said. controlling tea surprise. "Good. Tbe dear wife w::1 too?" "Very." "And the sweet chlidr "Yes." "You must bring 'em along some time. The mater would lore to see them. and so would Ethel. Ethel loves babies, don't you. dear?" With. out watt:ng for Ethel to reply be bar- ! reed on. "And, bilking of babies, bare you seen Margaret anywhere?" Ethel nodded In the direction of the i garden. "Out Vivre!' "Splendid. The mater wants her. We've got to hare a family meeting about her nod at once." Alaric heeded 1 out tkrough the windows into the gar- den. I!!rent hulled oral' to EtheL "I'm at the hotel I'll be there un- til morning. Send me a message, will you? I'll watt up all night for one." He paused. "W1:I your "Perhaps," replied EtheL "I'm sorry if anything Pre sold or done has hurt you." She checked him joet as ber mother appeared at the top of tbe stairs. At tbe same moment Iter.nett, tbe mald. came In through the door. Mrs. Chichester greeted Brent cour- teously: .How do you do. Mr Brent? Yoe will excuse aa.r tiara tnraed to the maid. When did yon see my Move Iaatr "Not this boar, madam" "Tell Jnrrts to search the gardens, the stables, to look up and down the road." "Goodby. &Ira. Chichester -and -Nth - el," said Brent 1.10 looked meaning - 1Y and significantly at Etbel as be stood 1n the doorway. The next MO- ment be was gone. Alarie hurried In through the win- dows from the garden. "Not a algn of lfargaret anywhere." he said furionsl=, throwing himself nto a chair and fanning himself vigor - oust It? Your wife all over aMila, est' He came back to bar. "No. I plies you tar above ber, far above a11 pet- ty sump!, ions of carting narrowness. I slot: you as a woman of understand- ing.- Ile nderstand•it►i - ile : re an ejne Ovation ot pleasure. "What • wonderful change to a month! Yue most! certainly would not be stent to the ktteben now. Do you krt�w you bare grows Into a most at - tie young lady' You are really delt.btful angry. And you are angry. aren't your And with me eh? I'm 10 sorry U 1're offended you. Let us dries and be friends." He tried to take ber In b1+ arms. Peg gave Lim • re- souudieg box on the ear. The door opened, and Ethel came into the room. Peg hurried out through the win- dows. Brent Bulled to Etbel "My deur" Ethel looked coldly at blm. "Wby did abe run away?' Brent smiled easlly and confidently: "I'd surprised one of ber secrets, and she flew Into a temper. "Secretsr was all Ethel said "Yes. See." Ile walked nc•roes to the eoruer and turned back the carpet and, kneeling down, rcarched for tho book, found 1t and held it tip trium- phantly. "Here!" He stood up and open. ed the book and rend the title page: "'Lore Stories of the World.' To Peg from Jerry: Oho!' crled Mr. Brent "Jerry! Eb? No wonder she didn't want me to see it! Jerry! So that's how the land Best Ilomantic tittle cblld!" Ethel looked steadily at him. "Why don't you go after herr and she nodded In the direction Peg had gone. "Ethel!" be cried. aghast' "She Is new and bas all the virtues." "I assure yon"- he began. "Really- I Etbel"- 'Were you 'carried away' sob r she sneered. Surely you're not $edeue--et B -4 - child r •No. I don't think ft's kaUllp," said Ethel slowly. "Then what Is itr 'DLwgustr' She shrugged her shoul- ders contemptuously. "Now 1 ander- stand a by the scullery 1s sometimes the drag of the drawing room. Tbe love of change!" Be turned away from ber. Ethel watched him Quietly. "Chris. come herer' Ile turned to ber. 'There! It's all orerl I suppose I have been a llttle hard on you." She held out ber band. "My carves hare been rather severe- ly tried this past month," Ethel went I on. "Put a mongrel into a kennel of thoroughbreds ant; they will either de- stroy the intruder or be In a continual C condition of unsettled, Irritated intol- erance. Tbet Is exactly my condition." a Brent sat beside her and said softly: 'Then l've come In timer Ethel sullied. "No did 1, didn't Ir and she Ind1 t eated the window through which Peg c ran after axsaulting Brent "Don't! Please don'tr' be pleaded. 'Very well," replied Ethel compla- cently, "I won't." "7'm sort►, Chris." remarked Ethel tlaally, after some moments had pass- ed. "A month ago it wouldn't have It mattered so much. Just now -1t does. It's been horrible here." M "A month of misery for me. too,' re- plied Brent pes$Tobately. "I'm going away -out of It. Tomor- row!' be added. "To Petersburg- Mo1w'-Slherla"- "Oh, the cold places!" She punned. (ben asked, "Going alone?" He whirs pered almost into ber ear: 'Unless some one -goes with anal Will-you--gor And he waited treatb- leavly. She thought a moment hooked at him again and said quietly, ''Chris, 1 wlslt rd been here when you called - Instead Of that -brat" 114" dread wits the marks of gicnaer s r �nn d muddy paws, Peg was also breathing I SAGE TEA gAi' Kgs gtdckly and teldent!y more than a lit- i ii est 11e excited. Cs "Take that antmal out of the room:" cried Mrs. Chkbester indignantly the to ( moment l'eg appeared. Into the garden and ala b Mrs. Chlcbester welted for a few 1 moments, then called out to ber, "Mir garetl" ,ben more sharply: "Margaret, come bare: Do you hear me?" Peg event on partying with Michael sod jest answered. "1 hear ye." "Come here at once:" "Can Michael come In. too?" came from the garden. You come in ant leave that brute outside:" 'Itf elicbael can't come In 1 don't wont to." obstinately to -ted Peg. "Leo as I fell you. Come beret" com- manded her Hunt Peg tied Michael to one of the French wlndons and then went slowly Into the room and stood facing ber aunt "Look at your dress.."" suddenly cried Mrs. Chichester as ate caught eight of the marks of Mlebael's playfulness. "Michael did that. Sure tbey'fl come off." Mia Chichester looked at the flushed mass of the young girl, at the ass of curly hair that had been carefully dressed by Bennett for dinner and was now borertng around ber eyes untidily. The oldeady stral^htened It. 'This cannot go onf' cried Mra, Chd- heater. I should think not, !meed -runty boat ail neer the plsee." Mrs. Chlcbester held up an open tel- egram. "Mr. Hawkes telegraph' be will call omorrow for his first report What anItell ttlmr a "What will ton?' asked Marie. "Am I to tell him that every tutor Tee engaged for her resigned? Net one stays more than a week. Can 1 tell him that?" "You could, mater, dear, bat would be wiser" A moment later reg entered with Scheel cradled In ber arms Sbe bad CHAPTER XXi. Complications. B1bENT turned away up again he the window treat crying, "Oh, this la unbearable! Ethe! st;ld netts calmly! 'is • ' Every Packet of WILSON'S FLY PADS .„ Ili KILL MOAE FLIES Tit Sir°w TM OF ANY STICKY CATCNT0 Irap be ...MOW t wit saws ether. ttbt.- sale •l1I Nek of trt.npb is ince area MPs tbs trtayt of bur ekarnatsg our MR 1011 SHADE Peg turned and walled atral1bt out Dont stay tray! Here's a simple Michael on tbe grass D yl g with recipe that anybody can apply with a lair hast. 'Can you trot keep your hair out of your eves? Chat do you think will become of you?' "I hope to go to heaven, like ell good j people." said Peg. Mrs. Chichester turned away with a gesture of despair, "What is it?"continued the old lady. "I say what isttr "What Is wbatr asked Peg.. Is It that yon don't wish to improve? I 1 Is It that?" `1'11 tell you wbat I think It Is." be- ' ,tan Peg belpfully, as if andons to I reach soma satisfactory explanation. 1`I tbink there! s a Utile dirt, to me ly- tar' there, an' every now an' again be jumps oat" "A devils cried Mrs. Chlebester, hoe - riled. "Yea, aunt" said Peg demurely, "How dare you use such a word to a me?" "I didn't I need It about meself. I don't know whether yon bare a Mill In ye or not 1 think I bare," Mrs. Chichester silenced ber with a gesture: `Tomorrow I am to glre Mr. Hawke. My first report on you." Peg laughed soddenly and then check- ed hermit quickly. "And why did you do that?' asked ber aunt severely. "I bad a picture of what ye're gola' j to t'etl hidom." "Why yon cnnat>sntly disobey mer pursued the ofd lady. N "1 suppose it is the original sin In me." replied Peg thoughtfully. The rtes of Beare and Sulphur for M. storing faded. prat- emir to ate esturcl I color dates ..eek o grandmother's tuna 61re used it fes ken ter hair beautifully dark, ;tome and ,abundant. Whenever Lee hair feel eat or took oar that dull. faded or streaked aplearnnca, Ude aim- ! pie mixture was a ?piled with wonderful ,eticct Lot brewing a beans Is. massy and ' outc.-date. No ..d.cyi by asking at any drug store fur a 50 seat both of "Wye t.4 'vagi ..a•; Sulphur Com - r pound," teas w.:: t:.;. famous old irecipe watch elan be depended upon to restore natural c;'nr sail beauty to the hair awl" is spleedid for dandruff, :dry I tatrerie4, itchy sc.'p and filling hair. , A 'r..;i-known downtown druggist says it d.:rLens the fair so naturally sad seely that nobody con tall it has been oplied.' Yea simply ffitmpan a sponge or soft brtsh with it and draw this through yot:r hair. taking one strand at a time. Cy raoreintf the gray hale:Re- appears, anti aft_r s-; other application or two,e;c;: it b.es i�_ ifut!y Sark, glorify. eo`. and r..,' -dant. ently. "Brent?" tried Alaric. "What oar earth does be write to you torr "He wants me to do something fer him." And she tore the letter up tato the smallest pieces and placed them in a receptacle on the desk. "Come, Aiarfc." And bra Cbkheas ter left the ruck after admootstuag Peg that as boar would be sufficient to sit up. "Let os be honest with each other, Ethel," Bald Peg wben the two girls were left alone. Peg went'l¢bt over to her and looked at tier compassion- ately.. `What do you meant sald Ethel. with a sudden contraction ot ber breath. `Yon 111:e Mr. Brent, don't yer So the moment brad comet • lbs ttttfa pp bad been watching her. Well.sbe would d;;ht this common little Iris. ncbody to the bitter end. ill *be an- ger in ber nature surged uppermost as Ethel answered Peg• bat she kept ber voice under control. "Certainly I ate ML Brent He 1r a very old friend of the familyr "He's got a wtter "He hair' "An' a baby?" "Tee --and a baby" Ethel was not going to betray herself. She would tut wait to see what coarse this crew tura was tolng tis take with ber. They were now seated together. LYh. bolding ber little white poodle. at which Peg pointed costemptaoaaq. Peg went on: at cried Mrs Chichester, agm% taken completely aback. 'Oh, I say, you know! That's good! to Bar And Marie laughed heartily. Peg b domed in and laughed bearetly wtth him. Alarlc immedateiy stopped. Ethel took absolutely no notice of any One. wi. "01 coarse rre never seen the wife the baby became be sever teems have them with him when be eats ere. Bot I've often beard Alarte sat afther theft." "Weir asked Ethel eoldly. 9a 1t usual Mr Radish badlands th babies to Idea other women's handler And Peg looked swiftly at her comm. Ethel cheeped aa outburst and fadll quite calmly: "It Is a very odd and a very reaped. ed custom." 'The Mail dnabt ft hat tib old. Pat not so gore about ria reaped- Wbiy doesn't he ktsv me tors band as weir Ethel could not eostrol base.! Beet longer. Ij was becoming unbearabb she mused the rood, die mid with little beet as pssrslble: "Ton don't nnderstasd." "Wen, but Pm tbryta' to paral.Md �. -Mare why i watch ys •0 the , Ube] turned the w/ sow et half. Kon watch river ' Aren't ye are •oddT eta contempdisor Med Whit "Aare I only ate rte bid aa' 111. spectsd custom' by stteldeat—wean 1 cane la tbrougb Heave • ssostb age at' ones ones when I ease ta agar` by accident—a tow days •ttber'wsr . 1 eoalda't bele .eats• int beth ttm< Aa', an toe Dein' tent enable. Ib, say se sore the emeses doag't de arr'•e V tb eestempt" Raw was are+ doomsday a'sawL Iammo, tt1atoo ma! toewe Ow • mild or the egoomasa past,,, eshould es dasabasd the emseemo alt • get people.* -"Keefe fl ht,• MOW Pat MINS regent down beside ber aunt and ez. plained to her: "Whenever 1 did any- thing willful or dtetnrbtn' as a child me father always Rain 1t was the 'orig- inal inn' in me an' that 1 wasn't to be ponlabed for It became 1 contdn't bete It. 'Then be used to punish himself foe 1+4 fault An' when l saw 1t bort him I tssen't to do It again -for ■while at least I thick that was a grand way to bring up a daughter. I've been wee- derinsince I've been here if an sant As could bring a niece up the same way." , n And Labe looked quizzically at Mts. Cblchester. Jarvis cane In with a letter oar • fairer. 'Well?" asked the old lady. "for Miss Chichester, madam" And be banded Ethel the letter. "By basil, mho. - Ethel took the letter gnats epees- setoo•ly and opened It "Who to it from r .eked Mrs. Ch1• cheater. "Mr. Brent." replied Ethel India. MAGIC !BAKIN&POWO,ER` :a When yet buy Lantle Sugar iMr Preservlag, you get more than the Choicest Cane Sugar, of fine eves greaulatiou and brilliant sparkle— You get it In, full weight bags, cootalning 10, 20 or 100 pounds of this matchless sugar. You can also get fine or costae granulation fa the 100 pound bags, ST don't see why Chip common people should bare all the decency an' the aristocracy none." Is t foolish impossible wasstayed here. Yoe don't understand. Toe never cooed Understand" - Peg interrupted: "Why. I never saw ye excited before -not a bit of color In yer cheeks tW now -except twice! Ye look fast as ye did when Mr. Brent followed that old an' respected cus- tom on yer hand." cried Peg. Ito young girl's eyes were ablaze. How vtrldly she remembered tbe eventful scene that confronted her when she first arrived at the Chichester home days before! Ethel answered this time, excitedly and indignantly. giving full and free rent to ber just anger: "Be good enough never to speak to me again as long as you're in this house. If I had my way you'd leave ft this moment. As It Is -as it Is - Her voice rose almost to a scream. Her rage was unbridled. What more she might bave said was clerked by the door opening and Jai. via 'bowing In Jerry. Jerry walked cbeerfally-end smiling- ly into elle room and was amazed to find the two young ladies glaring at each other and apperentty in the midst of a conflict Ail power of speech left blur as be stood looking in amazement at the Combatants. euNtINI•ED NEXT N'EEK. The Only Cure for a Weak Stomach. Indigestion and Similar Troubles Must be Treated Through the Blood. Indigestion can he treated in many ways, bit it can ooh- be cured in one way-tnrough the blond. Purgatives cannot cure indigestion. By main force they move on the food. still in - digested. That weakens the whole system, uses up the natural juices and leaves the stomach and bowels parched and tote. It is actually a cause of in - digest ion -not a cure. Orhets try pre- digested foods and peptonized drugs. But diugs which digest the food for the etcutacb teeny weaken its power and make the trouble chronic. The digestive organs can never do the work properly until they are strong enough to do . , themselves. Nothing can give the stomach that power but the new, rich, red blood to abundantly supplied by 1)r. William.: Pink Pills. 90 the reason for the success of this medicine is pain. Nothing can stimulate the glands and nothing can absorb the noutisbm.nt from the food but pure red blood. And Dr. Williams' Pink Pills surpass all other medicines in giving that new, rich blood. Miss B.E. Jobneon, Hemford, N. 8 , says : "For mouths I was a great sufferer from in- digestion : food of ant• kind was dis- tasteful to ane, and alter eating I would suffer motel:. Naturally I grew week and wax hilt a shadow of na former self. i was taking a doctor s prescription, but it did not help tan in the least. Then 1 read of a case sim- ilar to my own cured through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills sad I de- cided to try this medicine. By the time 1 bad taken six oozes the trouble had entirely disappeared, and I ev,uld eat heartily of all kipds of food. More than this I found my general health greatly improved through the use of the hills. I ran therefore strongly recommend Dr. Williams Pink Pills as a eerie for Indigestion." You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail, post paid, at bbl cent, a lox or six tx+xes for taw from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. (The ?ban who hasn't an enemy Is never mentioned among those who do thinge. Romany other ways of killing time 1 have been found that the crazy quilt has gooe entirely out of favor. t Many request• for advice are prompted by a sub eonecioue desire to base someone else on whom to put the blame if something goes wrong. DON'T WAIT ! Do It Now HAVE YOUR HOUSE WIRED BEFORE THE SPRING RUSH BEGINS, AND AVOID THE RUSH All wiring done by the latest Hydro -Electric rule. ` All work guaranteed. Electric repairing of all' kinds promptly attended to, at' rea- sonable prices. We carry a complete 9nd "up- to-date line of Electric Fixtures and Supplies at: all times. ROBERT TAIT Eleariws ELECTRIC R.isI GBS and H11 'ERS .4 SPECI.1 LT 1- OfB o $2—JUST PHONE—House 193 FARE S2?! TO CLEVELAND CsR !INF. EVERY ▪ THURSDAY SATURDAY v W THE STEAMER "STATE OF OHI- O" (Anes r awsasaws.r MV ' tf M. cwfie lei' tees .a ....a .A t.,r.Zvi soiy�e'r os:salr' ss re. awe! eN e,frimt. AA+ t aawt f" be►.L viva k Lg " as "dm' EXCURSION TO CLEVELAND—EVERY SATURDAY e.....a M"'tom tu. fp. r roeirti/. D -' e, N. t brute POI t ea knee s, w Tender saw firs for twangmM ... , ti .s, t r.a.r ren at s rsr Cm rayeaw,s eeilct 0. \:. ►..a ore. Carat s A A t ran inns% Oct. & *UFFAl1) TRAY 317 in OiIIOr CLEVELAND. -P5?"' � �: arm=/wsN • r • Printing? JOB AND COMMERCIAL' the Signal HOWELL HARDWARE CO., Liniked Portland Cement We have only a limited supply-. Special $1.50 per bbl. Binder Twine Gold Medal and Hobbs Best ilio feet pure Manilla. Special 131,c CASH cw East and Dr. Williams' Insect Destroyer It pay to keep the flies off your horses and cattle. Either of these will do. 1 gal. can $1.00, ', gal. can 60c, Sprayers 60c p 2 -pronged Hay Forks Ont only Hammock whiletthei last regular 93.110. 2Sc each Special $2.50 Electric Irons Guaranteed forever. Stand so they can be used as stove.. [Special $3.25 We have Rome ALCOHOL STOVES. Just the thing for traversing. See our window. Special prices to builders on BUILDING MATERIAL. Howell Hardware Co• LimitedCo., tiODRRIOH, ONTARIO - P110N1 57 st