HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-8-26, Page 5A Patch In the Hand la fm rOPitS. Is Worth Two at the Dealer's A patch if a liedo thing but loci of it may compel ton to taste to It's • good iclea to shank's horses-" have some sloth. • Something de- pends on the qual- ity of the patch, too. To repair a puncture in a new tube with a poor patch is Wee ;lod- ging a rat hole with cheese. Put some of our patches in your tool box. They are new live rubber -- as good as the tube. And we have the righm Mitt cement to go with the - i. "stickiest.' cement you ever sew. East Street llarage The Right Place FOR CLEANING. PRESSING AND REPAIRING I intend to spec the stand tem Montreal street next to Swarts' livery oil Monday. August 23rd as a Dry Cleaning. Press- ing and Repairing Estab lishnient, First-class work at moderate prices. Give me, a call when you need anything in my line. L. de PEUDRY. Tailor. THE SIGN I 1 A!" ! : ONTA RIO Now esimilbarst &w have The big. sal foe the l4ntiw of tbls year torr tier, first New Wheat The first load of Dew subset brought to town was delivered to Mr. Aloe. Career on Mosd•y by Mr. W.eiey Ferber, of Colborne. It was • very talc sample, aad weighed S)L to the Mobel The price paid was $1 per hue ori. Reg Pratt b England. A .•hie wa• received by Mr. J. 8. Pratt of town, from his eon Reg., of Um C. P. A., ;tis Brigade, trout Sand- hog Unmet Englund, annostcing hie safe arrival there ou the 18ts kat.. left Valesrtter on August 5th and arrived safely after fourteen days on the ocean. Toronto Eahib.tion The Grand Trunk Railway offer the following low rates : S2.1) going on certain dates and returning within three days, or 33 tG good going roan - noticing At•gnst :24.h and returning within 11.e days of date of Wile ; also 1$: 3u good going from August '?(th until September 7th. return limit Sep- tember 15th Above rates include war tax. Fur tickeu and full informatio apply to F.F. Lawrence & Soni, down town agents. A Muscat Evening. The Signal is.eequeated to announc that Mr.. Mount. of Philadelphia pianist, and Miss Walli., of Toronto vIoI ui.t. have kindly offered thii services for a musical evening to be given at Hotel Sunset on Mondaj nest, Slab inst., commencing at. 8 o clack Moo G. H. King and Mos Mildred Mc Coll. two favorite Goderich vocalists also have consented to take part in i the Koffman. A silver collection iho less than Zs-) is to be taken, and lb proceede will go to the Ked Cross fund Mrs Mount tend Miss Wellis are skilled musicians, and it will he a *Pavia' privilege to herr them. it ie bopel these will be a large audience, .OL only beeauee of the rare musical opportunity. hot shotes show appre- elation of the error% of the ladies in behalf of the Red Cross work, Too Much Weather. Owing to the threatening aspect of the weather and the low .tate of the temperature. very few attended the combined Fred -owners' and Stewart Orchestra pienic at the Point Farm yesterday. Abut • score of cars went out during the afternoon and sufficient men gathered to play an in- teeeetipg game of lneeball, tout that was the extent of the organized sport. The teems were captained by John Farr ani Joel- Doyle and the game resulted in • win for Doyle's- team by a more of 8-4 The line-up was: J. Doyle, c : E. Dean, p: G. Higgin- nom, lb; E. Kelly. :no G. Johnston. sh: N. McLeod, l f : G. Symonds, r f : M. Maroon, c f. J Farr. c: M. Jeffrey. pP ; M. Farr, b; T. Hutchison. Yb; A. Steelton, 3b; Rundle. I 1: G. Newton. r f: E. Dwyer, c 1. Umpire -J. T. Gold- oepe A number engaged in bowling dur- ing abs aftersonn and shortly after rapper the party broke up and re- turned to tows. Garden Party at Saltford Heights. The effort of the citizen* of 9alttord is behalf of the Red Cross work, In lbs form of a garden parte at Saltford Heigbta on Tuesdayening, resulted in a sublet ential adveition to the funds. No doubt tb• heavy tbunuerstorm in the afternoon prevented many from attending. bot In spite of this several busdred people gathered upon the grousde at Reef. Bisset'• hospitable residence and spent a very pleasant mains. Supper was served at tables RU$HLD FROM CE£YLION /1 Taj II22 Is electrically weighed, hermetically sealed and dispatched to your table fresh with all the fragrant odors of the Sunny Isle. Sample from Salada, Toronto. on the lawn, and the ladies provided a ennead that did infinite reedit to their generosity and tbeir culin try ability. One's only regret woe tbat his appeti was not equal to the opportunity offered In such an avrav of good things. After supper the brow not the hill was lined with people enjoying the beautiful view of the river valley and the town beyond, and later the Stewart Orchestra tuned up n and gave an excellent program of hand and orchestral nuniLere. Mr. Fred Egener, of ingereult. Also con- tributed to the pr i,r•o., singing 'The Death of Nelson" in good form. Alto - e (ether it was a very enjoyable and successful evening, and tbe citizens of , Saltlord are to be congratulated upon ✓ the result of their effort. The proceeds of the supper and of the sale of home - wade candies) and ice-cream, etco wi.1 net about $lug) for the Iced Crow fund. Bean -Ford Wedding. Phe marriage of Miss Katrina t Payne Ford, daughter of Rev. J. E. e nod Mre. Ford. to Dr. John Arthur Bean. of 'Merton, Ont., was guistiy celebrated yesterday at noon at the Victoria street parsonage, the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed by the bride's father, asuisted Ly Ler uncle. Itev. W. J. Feud, of Glencoe, the wedding party includ- ing ohly a few immediate relatives of the bride and groom. Mise Bowlhy, of Windsor, cousin of the hridr, played the Wedding music. The elrawing- r)om, in which the ceremoby took place, was prettily decorated with cut flowers and greenery-. The bride was lovely in a gown of white net over silk. with seam trimmings, and hearing a bouquet of white rosea and lily -of -the - valley. She was attended by her t win sister, Muss Willa, attired in white and carrying pink asters. The grooms- man wets Mr. Herbert Bean, of Toledo. (thio, brother of the groom. Dr. and Mrs. Bean left in the afternoon for a brief trio hefore settling down in their home at "Merton, where Dr. Bean is • medical practitioner. The bride's going. away gown was of blue serge. with white telt bat. The bride had not long been a resident of Goderich. but she had 'tilde bere • number of warm ft lends, whose sincere and hearty good wishes go with her to her new borne. The following paragraph is from Clinton: Mies Olive Cooper entertained last Thursday evening in honor of Miss Kate Ford, whose marriage ,ter Dr. Bean, of Menton, had been announced. The guests, who were all girt friends of the bride, Took advantage of tb. occasion to sbower bee with kiseben utensils. a large elotbee-baaketful'of . tbeto. The Ant to he presented was an artistically trimmed hat, whish upon investigation proved to be a granite pudding dish. During the' evening the guests hemmed dusters and thee, also were showered on Gael bride-to-be. Mies Ford returned to Goderich on the midnight train. the entire party escorting her to the 1 . weetrooseameseesosiosonesoonsowoopeoso 1 R nun NEWS larbeak` nag.. rid .raest(eer Plum. also Triumph Pesetas. are sow at their bent for canning. The thrifty Idswtvif. win pot apiece* feet Mid year t 5a. reef he. ferePlums with their auasesu. munetieto prsent a chase for table dam.wt weir. 1. not possible with any other eerier .t (nit Pua.t.. az. •■psetatb favttahie r a noes canning and preeerring fruit- Iy pre- served aad drnrfou. who served os the table. Oroser. ere Quite wining to taut seder. ahead and bos.ebotder. .huuW ..e throb dealern In peal time, an thle rear Y • home canning yam if ever then sus. or... 'Lotion to throw after her the rice which alasys expressos bus wishes for future happiness. Mise Ford was on the stiff of the Clinton Collegiate Institute, retiring this summer. Another Busy Week. Police Magistrate Kelly ha. bad another busy week. On Saturday a conviction for being dr(tnk was regi.. tered against a local moo and sentence reserved, On Monday • charge receive the proprietor of the Bedford hotel for selling intoxicating Liquor on August 5th teaulted in • conviction, sentence toeing reserved until Saturday. An adjourned cane against a 'nen from Bayfield, charged with drunken nese. was allowed t r drop, as ..,use ..f the Crown witnesses were eutocuer visitors who had left for their homes ih distant cities. The charge of keeping intoxicating liquorfor sale against the proprietors of the Union hotel and the Saults house was again adjourned. The Crown was prepared to proceed, but material witnesses for the defence were absent. A charge against two then from Blyth also was adjourned to give the defendant.' counsel eu opportunity to prepare his case. A Sudden pall. The hand of detail was laid with startling suddenness upon Mrs- John Somerville yesterday (Wednesday morning. She had risen and parteken of her l.reaktast with the other mem- ber, cf the household, apparently in the best of health, and had just dis- patched a basket of plums to a neigh- bor'. when ebe wit. seized,wfth a pain at the heart and in stew moments bad passed away. The deceased was horn In Colt:cone tnwci•hip fifty-four years ago and was the youngest daughter of the late Alex. and Louisa Reid. She was married t o her now bereft bus - hand in September, 1007, at Toronto. With her husband she resided at Kirkton, io the county cf Perth, for • number of ye:,rs and three years ago removed to Goderich. Besides her hu.btod, one sister, Mrs. Jes..s Orem- mett, of town, and one brother, Mr. John Reid, of Ami.k. Alberta, sur- vive. Miss Annie Grummett and Hr, Geo Grimmett, of t'abri, Sask.. ere niece and nenbew of the deceased. Mrs. Oottaerville bad bees for many years a member of the Presbyterian denomination and her life was fruitful oI 'pod works,. Sb. wU( autiesly missed, 1�ot only by her b. wed hus- band and other relatives, but by the large circle of friends in which she moved. The funeral takes place o0 Friday from the residence oo Victoria street to the Colborne cemetery. Rev. Geo. K Boo will conduct the services. 111 it seams that you coot to Walter. & Co.'s and et your pick of tbe finest Footwear in the land. et prices that average about 40 per omitless than you have to pay in tbe ordinary way. It means you can save • whole lot of money if you buy now, sot only for your present needs hut for your future require - names - READ EVERY WORD or THIS AD.-il' 19 WORTH YOUR WHiLE. Big Mosttry-Saving Chances for Men. Aeroplane Quality at Submarine Prices. NEWS OF THE WALTERS & CO.'S BIO 3LAUQHTER SHOE SALE What This Sale Means to You People Idea' Hiigh Shoes, S.imeri.e Prices $3.0 Ladies' $4,110 sad 86,00 ('Jho. Lady Elgin and Vas- sar Rig% Shoes. Bab pries OM pear pair. Pat - sot colt, goetwrrtal and taw eslhkin. either button or lace. Isle lot reprwete the newest et vies of the leading maskers of ladies' Idiom. Win' Shoes, Submarine Prices $2.411 per pa Ladle.$3 50 and «3.75 Shoes, American Beauty-. Ever Right nod otber well-known Haw in patent Dolt, gunmetal and viel kid. some !loth top, mili- tary and low beats. Ladies' Cushion S.. Shoes, Subman.e Pries Still Per Pair Ladies 19.75 sed 14.(11► Ou sblon Sole Shoal for SE -at( Made of vies kid or patent colt on an extra wide Iamt, with cushion gob.. Wise' $4.19 Shoes, S.bmar,e Prices $1.111 These are Odd 11e0., sizes 2 to S; both in Oxfords, pumps and high /boss. leathers, peteot coltskin, denim's kid, gunmetal and tan cal6tis, either bottowor lase. Win' Shea, Submarine Piicas P.19 perpair Ladies. 14 2. high Filmes, potent, vied kid. gun- metal end tan leather*newest styles, all sous. Childres's high those. with bard soles, for We, lib .ed We Mads of ehmiee dosgola kid. either button or 'tarn, sins 1 to 7i. IBM' Hord Knock Shoos, Sehmerm. Prices $1.31 par pair. Good wearer.. extra boot, sobnode de especially to Mead all kinds of bays kerb. Mm's Gunmetal, Vici Kid, Patent Cok and Tan High Shoes, Submarine Prices $3.i9 These are high-class goods. made on the new receding toe last, buttoned or laded. sole. are Goodyear welted with low and medium solid leather heels, a shoe you would pay 113.00 and 15.110 for is the ordinary way. A Shoe for tie Far>•ert aad Outdoor Workers A Shoe for the farmer and nutdoor workers for 11.18. Malde of strong split black Canadian leather, blucher cut, soles both wire stitched and pegged, solid leather sluare heels, sizes I1 to 12. Mew's Grain Calfskin Shoes, Submarine Prices :2.48 per parr Either in tan or black with solid leather wiles and insoles, double soles right tbrough to the best. Sizes 11 to 12 Men's Urns Calf Oled Gran Shoes, Submarine Prices $2.0 per pair Blucher cut, with or without toe cape, viscolized sole and strong leather outside counter, a shoe that will stand the hardest wear In all kinds of west her. Hartt Shoes for Men, Subesarie Prices $4.4$ Patent colt, gunmetal and tan calf high Sboes: these are for good dresser., who Ilk* cnmtortahle footwear, all sizes and beet styles, button or laced. Regular 111.00. Men's Shoes, Suhmari.e Prices $2.11d per Ni Times are splendid Rhos* for everyday wear or ss000d beet. Ask to see them. Boys' Huish She(ea, Submarine Prions $1.91 Patent eoltskln, gunmetal or box natfekln, 8hoes that will give the boys great weer. New Method Rhos RefrlrtK Old ghee, Lao► ube New Primes es venal Walters & Company OODIU �aQNTAIN e 811CCEftssORA4'() JlIfls•8. MCCLilr'POW Ease 1 ;ears IleMoire Telephone Ne. WI Teems Gash 1 r LYRIC RIC i HGA-1 RE Tat ROUSE OF QUALITY Extra Special _ Announcement Aug. 31. Sept. 1 Dasiei Freiman precepts the world's foremost film actress MARY PiCKFORD in • modern and original version of the century -old clank Cinderella in four big acts supported by an all-star cast. Particular pains have been taken in the pr)duction of this feature, and its many impressive settings and beautiful costumes dneatly enhance the artistic and ramatic value of the subject. An unusual pbotoplay that will please both young and okL Don't forret the date.-Augurt 31.t and September 1st. Mao the big nets serial start- ing Monday, August 30th Who Pays A series of twelve three-part dramas that will crake every nerenn who sees them really think. A different question of modern life is bundled in each drama And each will create • profma Impression. The first of tit will be Price .1 Fame in three pact.,' with Ruth Roland and Besory Klee. Bach drama is detinet and bomplete is itself. "Who Pay." will interest people who never read the .tory, who don't know the stars, hitt who are effected by wonderful •et- hrg,"net and scenery Mtart in os the Bret Monday night Seery Friday night '111 UPLOITS of ELAINE" the great detective serial More etr.Ithag than ever ADNIMION /0c and gc Our programmes nature plays of etra.gm not I..gtb. 1'rrtd)tr Amour 21, 1815 BIGGER AND SRTTI[R, Godenet Industrie' azWrues, 8e/pts• kr se, se ..d Jo. "Bigger and better than ever" ir the motto of the board of rimesters at the (iodericb Industrial Exbibiuun this year. To Miele tbis end they coon - dually set the a•sistaece of one and all of Use citizens of Goderich and of the residents to the agonise townships. "Every little help., and with a united effort -and • long and 'trona pull all togetber the Exhibition will be sot osi eta feet and retain its position as the largest fail fair of the district. The strand stand will bore its usual attractions of firm clam talent- The board is assured of some splendid speed trona, and the indoor exhibits, with • nearly arranged prize bat, will afford much interest to visitor. In thew timet of daprwsion look for relaxation for a day or tor,, get your minds off the w r for a spas and see the sutlling products of peaceful effort. Take it all in and then write and tell the boys away all about it and the old county town. in spite of the financial stringenc, the board is offering the prize list without reduction of premiums. The most competent judges have been secured aed the prize lista and mem - bersbip cards wiU be in the bands of those entitled W them in the next few days. There is alma s room far now mewhers and the Maoist impel utility Is secured (.y tbesysteut of entries aced judges' awards. if you never tried I before try now, and help all you can 1f there (s any errand the kid's will do with more alacrjty than another, it's one with ice cream at the end. Try it and see if were not - right, the kids will appreciate it. T. J. S-toogu.. SINGER STORE Selling Off We - are selling out several lints of good, BELOW COST Ladies' ready-made \l'aist. at 1 -3rd off. Children's Dresses, 4 to 8 yrs., at 10 per cent. disco ret, Crystal Rope Embroidery Silk at 2 for 5c. Pure Silk Embroidery Floss 2 for 5c B. P. C. mercerized Crochet Cotton 13c per ball for all sizes Nos. 3 to 7O-. MRS. TAPE UCAC1NM[AT ct.ocsTHrkJEJNEys Take a glees of Batts if year Dark MieleBladder er yea -Drink were lar. If yon must have your meat .Tory dab LIR it, but flesh your kidneys with salts oeeasionally, says a noted authority who tens us that meat forms uric add whish almost paralyzes the kidneys in taeir ef- forts to expel it from the blood- They become sluggish and weaken, then you suffer with a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or nick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongues is coated and when the weather is bei you kare rkeumttic twinges. The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the ehaanela often get sore and irritated. obliging you to seek relief two or three time during the sight. To neutralise thew trritati.g aside, to cleanse the kidneys aad flush off tae body's urinous waste get four ounces of Jad Salta from any pharmacy here: take a tableapoonbil in glass el water before breakfast for a few des sad your kidneys will then act Ana. This famous salts is made from the and of grapy and lemon juioe, combined with Il tbi., and has been used for generatioss to flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys, aio to neutralise the acids is arise, so it no irritate., thus ending bladder weakness. Jad 8.1ta is inexpensive; eaasot in- jure. and makes a delightful etlerve.cene Lthia-water drink. SIT TAKES MONEY 10 have good jobbing done, but 1t costa more for • poor job le the end, TO GETGOODTINNING ymt Intel employ those who know how. Yon will not nuke any mistake If you rail on us. We do work that time and weather will show wasdon* right. Much is fob Is worth • rrasonahie pries .led your and nor ideas os that point will be found pretty eine. together. Fred Hunt Xeroilto. St.w/ Peons ILA Wommi OF CANADA i 1 Wiles wW Tau San If yea dis'I Save NSW ? Thowch your salary or thaws* win no doubt increase. Ito will youreapertaar--andrttany find that the latter more than keep pace with the (Domer. Nov is the Ume to start a Reserve Fwd --and the Savings Department of the Union Bank of Canada is the place to keep 11. Depoett the extra -you have on hand nose -you can open an account with any sure, down to ono dollar -pod draw rest os tt, Goderich Branch --F. WOOLLCOM BE- Manager. FRUIT BULLETIN The feuu.u. Yellow St John Peres. Nia lean Diet ofd Grown. n... at it. b, -t will he (ulk,wed by oiler .radon, wariellea Many rariotlan Pruni+ r..aly fur 'aaning. Honrkdep•n order 1'r wires and I'tuuw Iw.w. E. Cr) dower halalle. U,.a• 5 EVERYTHING you arc inters.ted in 1. worth a picture. At the picnic or onyourt'ihmgorhanti:rg trips, wher- ever you go there arc .,•encs and inci- dents that you can preserve for ail tittle with the click of the Kodak *batter, We ,earn• a full line of Kodak* and Supplies. Mail and tele- phone orders will have .our prompt attestion. R. R. SAi.IA)WS, Have beautiful window decorations Nothing give; so much plea -u: :..: a tvell decorated window. Your winc!ows will be the ens -y f,.A:r t:,:i:l.'ibotF. if you u:: t. c`" •:-Yrssk Flat Rid -kr c:': taina cod draperi:s .a Guaranteed not to sag or tarnish Thor: L. a Kinch Flat Rod in ■ color to Hutch your woodwork to tiiveric:, Every rod contain, ., wr:tt' a g.tartttee that it wi-1 rids or t.:nuf II Jt': w eery to bane an oeteroetive tr':tdow with the Kirsch Flat Rod ' Come in and ser them CFO. HOHMEIER Maple Leaf WHERE you can get the greatest valve for your money- is here you *ant . to spend it. People are beginning to realize, more and more that the place is P. T. Dean's Grocery, Provision, Flour and Feed Store, Hamilton Street where you receive mil and not intaritrurp volt;e for your stoney. This business is trans- acted on a cash basis, thereby securing to you advantages unequalled elsewhere, P. T. DEAN THE ,MODEL THEATRE On Monday, September 6th will be shown one of the greatest pictures ever filmed, presenting the perfect woman, ANNETTE KELL1'RMAN, in Neptune's Daughter! It is unnecessary to say any more about this prodnction, as it is well known as being one of the wonders of filmdom. This pic- ture is for one day only -matinee and evening. Matinee at 2.115; Evening, 1st show, 7 p.m. sharp. The admission is 25 cents. Seats can he reserved at the box office any morning, or from 3 to 5 p.m., or any evening while showing. lu addition to this superb production the first episode of the greatest serial story ever written will be shown, "The Broken Coin" Francis Itorail and !.race Cunard) arc the stars in this fine piece. Also on Thursday, September 2n.l, we are showing the first epi- sode of "The Black Box" THE STORY OF MYSTERY There is always a -Quality House" in every Inwn, .red •e.ryhody knows where to ge to se* "quality Production." in (ioderi;l• The preesding pie torte are all !Intermit'. with Ino. more of their calibre following. WATCH ANi) WAIT FOR THEM. The World Feature for next T,readley and Wednesday is ROBERT WARWICK, in "ALIAS JIMMY VALENT, E" A Big Star Performer in a Bit; Star Production,