HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-8-26, Page 4110•00011t. /Meow 110 1916
No doubt you are aware
that woollen goods are
very scarce and prices
high, hut, fortunately for
us and for you, we .buy
from the largest clothing
house in Canada, and
they have by far the largest
stock of woollens in Canada --
bought early last fall at the
old price. The only difference
we had to pay was:the extra
war tax, freight charges,
etc., which amounts to about
fifty cents a suit. New, then,
we are in n position to sell
you your clothing at the old
price or a very little advance.
You can flalsb year wash smiler
and wrier—just let Sunlight
Soap du the work.
Sunlight saves the clothes and
the hands, treattre of iuperfect
• 'part ty.
Sold byf 1 all smears
It will be to your advantage
to see our Clothing
before you buy.
W. C. Pridham
"Society Brand Clothing**
King Hots
The time is here again to
get your boyar and, girls pre-
pared for school.
They will need good strong.
serviceable Shoes, the kind
that 'trill stand the test in
any weather.
In this line we have ex-
celled all past efforts and you
will find at your command
the mast complete stock of
neat, reliable School Shoes at
the '
Lowest Possible Prices
Our stock of Shoes for working-
men bet been selected, with the
greatest care from the fret
manufacturers and doer not in-
_ilnde anything that will not
give satisfaction.
Geo. MacVicar
North side of Square
Mummy!. Aug. '.1.
!/lm Irene Joye is borne from
Mir ida Flynn, of `fault Ste. Marie,
le an A.blirw s tailor.
DNies Elttalrfb trNei: of .Jackson,
Mich., is visiting her . randmotber,
Mrs.. Ju. t+eunit.
Mrs. F. Rota:nson, of Iiudriicb, and
Mau. Jaws M. Phee and children are
visiting at MIAOW) Hroniger's.
Mts. Kerte and Misr \tame Kenny
returned on setutduy to Detroit after
a stay of two mouth. at the funnel's
bonne bete. ,
The Very lies. D. O'Oonuor and
Fat het Harding, of London, also
Tether W. I'. Br. phy, of Lee'. Sum-
mit, Mo., visited here la•t week.
TyK..liar. Aug.' 24.
NUTES OF TH6 Whitt:. —The thresh-
ing season has cowweoced in this
vicinity nr. Ww. Wateon has
completed Lis contract of cutting
grain for Mr. D. B McKay ..Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Elder and little eon, of
Norwich, are visiting at the borne of
the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrt. Wtu.
Cunningham Miss Mary Robert-
son has returned atter vi.itint( with
friepds at Auburn Mrs. W eir and
daughter Josephine of Auburn spent
euoday at Mr. A. Johnston's Mr.
Joe Connors, our local dealer in live
taxi., shipped r catlo.ad of hogs last
1Mc L'aughIi n
Call and inspect our new
stock of the above high-
grade Buggies.
We have.the latest 1915
designs to suit all re-
rta sn
Compare the paper bag that
tears and spills with the tidy,
Them de mere than keep the SNOW does end
bendy--ehey cremes year wails, as e•a•.1.•
REDPATH — Caserta'. Messes wow ler
thews genet -Mena
2 and 5 lb. Grtms--
1 e, ZQ 50 and 1160 Ib. bib Bahr.
• :Y
"L•t faella Sweetslrt it" 1
week.. ...Mr. pareses Pettey leases
today us the eaeawtea for the great
8T. HIE Lams.
17 a quite, pretty weddl.g was eels-
eirheated at the house of Mr. sod Mrs.
Payr (lark, tit Helens, wheel duds'
daughter Lilian was wilted in marriage
u Rev. William Mackintosh. B. D., of
Band Dead, Ont. Tee eeresnoey was
perf..rmeal by R.'. J. til. Duocan, B. A..
of Lucanuw. To the strain of the
Lohengrin Weddlog March played by
Miss Orece Wightwaw, of Auburn, the
utile entered the drawled -room WOW -
ug • gown of ivory silk crepe de chine
and chantilly lace triwmaed with sled
pearls, and cart vinga tw,uquesof white
lores>,nd lily of thtvrllry Interspersed
with sprigs of white heather. After
the ceremony and congratulations a)
dainty supper was served in tbedining-
room. shortly after which the happy
couple left for a trip to Montreal and
Quebec. Ou their return they will be
at the Meuse, Bond Head.
DUNOANNON. prompt relief in all
iirs. Wino tie
�nnm..i r Tried II
Avow, May 1sth, 1914.
"I hap P
used 'rait-a-tives' for
Itrr;gnlws rti
and awat4pws with mast
excellent meets, and they eoutinee to
be my o•*y mgdleine. I saw 'Fruit- .
Lives' advertised with a lotter in which
some one reeommen.1 ..' them iesy
highly, so I tried them. 1 he results were
more than satisfactory, and have no
hesitation in reoommeuhng 'Fruit-s-
Tame is proving that 'Fruit -a -Uvea'
can always be depended upos ere
eatenut coashjistion
!toss—Derv.—A quirt but most
pleating event took place on Tuesday
morning, 17th ins:., at the home of
Mr and Mrs. H. M. Duff, In this vil-
lage, their second daughter, Edith
Florence, being united in the bonds of
matrimony. to Mr. Frederick Roes,
Principal of Dungannon public school.
The wedding cerecony was pet formed
sy Rev. 0.Ootnm in the presence of
only a few immediate relatives, the
wedding march being played by Mn.
James Mrdd, aster of the bride. The
latter, who was given away by her
t father, was attired in a dress of white
silk and carried a shower bouquet of
white sweet peas. After the cetewooy
the wedding breakfast was partakenof, and Mr. and Mrs. Roes left for a
two weeks' trip to Toronto. Hamilton
and Niagara Falls before taking up
their residence in Dungannon. The
bride's travelling dress was of blue
serge. The groom's gift to the bride
was a beautiful gold wate•h and lob.
Many other valuable presents testified
to the widespread popularity at both .
bride and groom. The Signal juin• j
with the .whole community in extend- 1
ing beet wishes to the happy couple.
Teel nAY, August 21.
Limners Ltx'ALa —John l:bisholn
ref. t,r Saskatoon this morning, kirk
ing advantage of the harvest excur
sion .... Mi•,ses Sbaw and Linklate
:are visiting fiends at Stratford the
week Mrs. Btazu and children, o
Iand Stomach Towels. de
boo. a boa, 6 for $250, trial e 25c.
At dealers or seat postpaid by Fruit-
, a -aloes Limited, Ottawa.
a warded to headquarter... A great deal
of the credit fur ibis collecting of such
• good sum was due t.. the soliciting
done by t he popular deputy postmis-
tress, Mier Alhe Baugh Quite •
number from here left on Tuesday
gowning via C. P. R for the Westra
harvest gelds, there be,rq fifteen from
herr. In addition Mr. Wm. Jackson,
C. P. H. ticket agent at Clinton.
brought up a trunk -load. SUIT more
would have gone if the harvest Isere
had not been so backward Rev.
W. D. Turner, pastor of St. Andrew'is
church, is at present on his vacation,
and on Sunday Rev. \tr. Carswell, of
Wittbrop, occupied the pulpit here.
Mr. Frank Nixon, who hes been
in the employ of Mr. R•,bt. McKay for
the past two yewrs, has severed his
connection there and Zeit on Monday
morning for Weyburn, Bask., where
he is engaged to manage the large
• jewelry department in McKinnon k
It o.'s deprrt mental store Mr.
John Livingstone, of Baden, who at
a one time managed the Hex nosiness
- here, accompanied by his wife and
• family, autoed here Ina week and
✓ spent a couple of days visiting old
• friends Mr. Wm. Moore is in
1 Arthur this week looking after the
B -rile. spent a few days with Mrs.
}t. rio • sinter, Mn. Robert Bogie .
Mrs. Gayin Cluttou and family are up
from Stratfotd on a visit to their re -
tante. here Thomas Bogie came'
home from sailing last week, the boat. i
be was sailing on being sold Mrs.
W. Lawrence and daughter have re -
waned to Chicago after spending a
month with stn. M. Foley.
A GOOD SAND -OFF. — On Monday
evening between forty and fifty of t6
young people from around here and
Goderich spent a pleasant evening •
the beach at the end of Mr. J. Par
rieh's toad, the Misses I.wtenalayer
giving a marshmallow roast in hong:rot
eir brother. Elmer, who is leaving
for trite West.00,Teesday. The
was perh.t for .an occado• of t14
kind. At midnight lunch wee served
on the bank, afterwards all rdturntng
to their homes wishing Elmer, who ls
is favorite among the young people, •
safe and prosperous journey.
0012M To KINCARDINE—Rev. T. H.
Farr. who has been the popular rector
of Trinity church here, Is to he re-
moved to Kincardine. The citizens
of Blyth will receive the news with
sorrow, as while here Mr. Farr his
endeared himself to all people, no
matter what their religious faith. The
work here, however, was too hard for
kin). as be had three •barges and long
driver, and where he is going he
will have only the one church.
NBvettiwe. Ceawos.--Mr. L. J. Wil-
liams, who purchased a hardware
business here about a year aZn, haw
found It impassible to devote the time
necessary w make this business a suc-
cess and last wek b
.a disposed of it to
Dr. BleekeL11. of Bdthwell, who will
take poon at Once. The new,
purchased ie no stranger b#re. as be
formerly lived at Clinton. We Air-
atand it is Mr. William' etent4ob' o
MOW* to BMgraee, white be formerly
Mr. J. Stuylie is not enjoying -his
usual health this week.
Miss. Maggie Yitnghlut is on • two
weeks' trip with Brucefield friends.
Mr, A. Dickiusose brother Nom St.
CatharinesIs apenditg't ie we tsektet .
Miss Jemima Mortised. of Toronto,
le spending her holidays witb bee par
Miss films Mutcb doer not itapeove
in health as her many friends would
like to see
Mr. David Mole and family have
returned to Rochester after a week's
slat with Mr. Mule's parents.
Rev. W. Conway preached in North
hardware business there while the
owner takes a trip to ('alifornis.
Mrs. 1 Dr. Tennant and d 'tighter. Miss
Florence, who have been spending a
few weeks with the tanner's mother,
Mrs. J. B. Taylor, returned to their
horns in Carson City, Mich., on Tues-
day Mr. John Watson spent a
few days in Toronto the past week
visiting friends.
SroRrs.—Quit• • number from town
went out to Mr. D. Mcliowan'e on
Thursday night to without a yet).
interesting game of baseball between
two Iadv teems iron, the 8rd and Oth
liner of Kut Wawanoeb, which re
suited In favor of the eltb line. There
were some good players on both sides
and with practice tither team would
be able to *bow some of the mea how
to play the gamy Four rink• of
the Clinton bowlers visited the Blyth
green on Thursday evening and played
• friendly game with the Blyth howl-
ers. The home teams were victorious
by the following score :
Dr. McTaggart, sk. to Jobn Nedieer. .k. 13
.e. Mr 1 agg.rt, .. 13 ().s. Robertson... la
53 Dr. (ren. • 13
M. Thomas. ,, Is W hose). ..1r
7�5 � M
PERIORAL AND eintiSA l_ —The rain
of the past few days has again Inter-
fered with Mneatir.g operaUoes, but
the few days that were fine enabled
the farmere to get coneidwtable grain
out and oleo to get in most of the
wheat ........ Mr. John Haman, who
has been visiting with hie brother in
Wisconsin for the past few months,
returned home on Friday and reports
having had a most e•joyabl• time,
although they have also bad a great
deal of wet weather oat these
Mr. T. 8. McArter. who baa been la
Southern Manitoba for the past two
fears. returned to Blyth on Saturday
or • short visit He repents that the
farmers in Manitoba are Mrelly •s -
gaged in tete coati leg of tbeir Ismeses
bervestt and be says It le ere of the
beat they bays ever had and that 1t le
vow peat the dearer mark. Me SRarw
that this year's efop will be • great
boon to Manitoba u with the high
pile* of grain the farmers and eveey
person elm will have ee•siderabla mor-
phs* money The poetry/Roe here
bbitu bele rdMetSg • Reed toe the
*Implying of tobacco and gum to the
soldiers at the host. Tole was dossed
ea Friday, atavism reamed the large
amount of $44.14. whisk tris hem tor -
• Fabric Water Nese
—1Noalded—a ny
leash up to 500 feet.'
Giyea more service std
boetM service — .ad is
everyday damage.
Withatsmde 500 ilia
Swirl w Haresirseen
Have you tried our
new Bread i'—
--the tastiest in town. Nice
soft cruet — close -grained —
made from Fleischmann's
Yeast. Everybody flays it is
the test yet. Try a loaf.
Then M thorough satidaMlee
for those who hay our 011111 II,
and Pastry. if you do not know
bow good they art, we should
like you to try them.
Smith Bros.
The ON R.ii. last St. s.,,
reseed '1AL
WE have exceeded all past efforts in securing a de-
pendable stock of merchandise for the coming
fall. Our customers will have the advantage de-
rived from successful and experienced buying. Having
placed our fall orders early enables us to make prices rule
low all through the store.
Dress Goo&
Berges have been great leaders
department for this season and will
°rites in the coming fall. They will
ebbs store In all the leadl,pg colon.
More new 3h -loch Slits this
Popular, prices 51.00 and S1,25.
every way and excellent wearer,.
D k A Corsets are leaden In Ht.
and nulerial, handsomely trimmed
They meet the demands of fashion
wear. Always buy D & A. They
well se good.
Standard Patterns
Patterns, Destitute and Fall
In the dress
continue far -
be found in
week in black.
Dependable in
and finished.
and good to
are cheap ,as
Quarterly for
Lawn Waists
and MIDDY BLOUSES. Ladies', miss..' and
children'sWash Dresser, will be offered at prices re-
gardless of coot from Friday of this week. Big
bargains way be expected.
Cotton Crepes
Don't forget our clearing sale of Crepes at
12/1c., Whlte ground. and small colored patterns
—absolutely fast colas.
New Coatfnjys
Some new fall Coatings herr already in white,
red, navy and black. I'rices 51.75 and $2.2&.
Ladies' Collars
The very latest creatine direct from
rnskrts in white, white with black edges
white with colored edges, and in sets, collars
v%18% J. H. COLBORNE
is Uric Acid in the' blood.
lnhrahhy kidneys are the
cause of the acid being
there. If the kidneysacted
as they should they world
strain the Uric Acid out
of the system and dicutna-
tism wouldn't occur. Rheu-
matism is a Kidney Ilia-
ea'e. ra.d.i'. Kidney Fills
have m:..:_ a great part of
their reputation curing.
Rheumatism. So get at
the rause of those fearful
shooting. fairs and stiff,
aching joints. Thera is
bet one sure way—
National Exhibition
at reduced are. to Toronto hem as station. in
Canada. Special train denim and low rate
excursions from on principal points on certain
dates. 5.1 Agents for full particulars:
August itch. from station. Toronto to North
hay ineluanve aad Sad, but not includfnrI�g
Ktansten. Hertrew er Zs..t tbereof. Aegoat
Atli. front stations in Ontario. Nerta and a e4
or, Toronto. but not 'wcluding line Tomato to
North tar.
•r paAt'alars Bra to UeSs amid et windpee.
enrol,r. T. LAWRENCE t DONS.
Trunk Ticket Arena
Kbett set church,. Oodsrick, on
tr710. hie work here being taken by
Mr. A. M. Robertson of Ooderich.
Mrs Oso. F. Yungbrut, of Waterloo,
and bey dtwghter, Mre. Boehomm, of
Hewall, former residents of Auburn,
were renewing acquaintances here the
end of last week,
Messrs. Joseph 1.'8ngblut, Frank
Fisgland, Murray Fiogland, Alex.
Manning, Oliver Lawson, Russell King
and Jame Ferguson left on the
C. P. R. harvest excursion to the
West on 'Tuesday.
RED CROSS WORK.—Tbe general
business meeting of the United
Patriotic Society of Ooderich town-
ship wIU be held at the home d
Miss Wakefield on Wednesday, Sep-
tember lst, at 2 90 p s. 1( those
haying finished hospital shirts or socks
would kindly Mus them at this meet-
ing, mother bale could be shipped
both the shirts and socks should be
laundered. The bale forwarded to the
Red Crass Society, Toronto, eo•tamood
the following : 72 nightshirts, 10
posies of soaks, 241, mouth wipes, 40 face
Tvranar. Aug. 10.
BRtirs.—Mles Belle Taylor, eL
Chicago, is ependtng bar vacatur
under the paeeotal rout .. Kees
Pearl Drennan has returned repp a
Writ in Detroit . Mr. asd ]rte.
/dmund Beckett and Miss ltsgie
motored from Detroit Out week sol
spelt a sew days at Mr. Alpert Beek-
ett's Mime Haves Cathcart ed
Mac Dyson of Winnipeg. are
at the former'• boss- &n
Nary MasWureby is hose after trIelt-
Ing Mr abler, Mn. flea Pergu.ne. et
Ratted.... . Mr. and Ms. M ♦
('. Ma
Imeelc, MW Anna and Mr. John Mae -
kende attended the waddles of Miss
Lilian Clark to Rey. W. Manki.to i,
M to Hellas, we reesday fact
Mimes 141i.• and Ogees McLean left
recWS:er Alberts
"School Days" , Mean , ., School Shoes!
We are headquarters for 1130:1Rlo
t {
1 I
drool 0 ;�i� �I
"t J
hoes ' J`
tt ,
Our stock contains a _ _
large assortment of RIO
Solid and Substantial Shoes
Built for service, with due regiacomfort .and ap-
pearance as well. Nowhere will you find a better sel-
ection or better values. ' Bring the scholars here 1
Wme SharmanCaner of East Street sad Square, Goderici
—:—AND— .—
Write fee Farb:elan
Registrar. MtD, (Deasy) Pei•eipaL
Address: -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont.
— T�
$19,.60 TO M APES
reran seam
I $11.11 FROM NII EI
sail lNr—rmv tiweva,. T•, never J,.. gwMr LM RsM.e sal NM r 1M
o, Iaol.NrI.ar..drw satyr
�sr•osmet at 0i•• -s' .•a Vx.r
art aa*
IMAM AM Bed fate—►n.. Th.s... auto M. strM. not, ..sea Ret is ate Prewar* of
lr"rwoM,.rwedt 4ta.b..
ran O. raeasawl"
r laeii.rr,taJr
*mime Awe
*mol learnsaf?ammo .w ',Wertrtaw',Wert xrrrtaar ofse'
iTbame naH.
ww wl
rr .
....... Yarlr, °.l.
ear res rr.wt.e ..rays.,,
$..re.atra ism of W Irea e...,ee, creast C.I.A. Aad or ema—
il. G. MURPaty, ea.wrtet
eareearpr airs., era ►.a IN., Tee•uT.
Fall Terms front August 140th
•TRAT*O11 ,
Thu 1. fimend'. teed /watts! teslehig
asked. with Otaseserelel. ilhertiess see
TeleQwehr Mpeste mla Ore seers.• see
teweeelk uM M4resUas are sesnts.sea,
We Mess e.tm.ta le se*arew•. war
Mer bee sate/erre at ewes nod 188011
DINNINta sem.
4 A. ado sc1Lall. Prie.y.l ^ •