HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-8-26, Page 11- s printed Stationany , How about your MSggk 1 of Printed St Letter - 1 theads, Railheads,"slopes, Etc. ? If you need as in this list The Signal will be glad -to receive your order. , First-class Work Phone 35 1 NZTYaEYENrt tIRAt-lie ft. National Portland or Glada "ENT We are offering Cement at a very close figure and have a fresh stock cm hand. GODERICH PLANING MILLS, LTD. JAMES BUCHANAN. raanntnrr AND naneein. 'Pbose 4T A. P.U. Des I& • Jaw 1 Protect these apiendmet ow yon by taking a policy in Th. Albini Life Asee nanet Co. of Canada-"Canadaea owl► Aietnnlrr : , A. G. NiSBET : : REPRESENTATIVE G.4eskA P#aaISQ. P. 0. Box 364 ■C1u1 l ■ ■ r • RE AIR WORK Bring in your MACuIMRS and have them over- hauled by us. We are well equipped and have experienced men to do your work - GIVE US A TRIAL OUR PRICES ARE REASONABLE TRK DOMINION ROAD MACHINERY CO., Ltd. EAST STREET - - GODKAICR, ONT. a 4JNJG C 43 ES! silts& Gs Monday. Hili 13th y/ a 1 • 80DERICH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26 1915 25c to Jin. II; 16111 The Signal wW be Mille b tbe'addrese ot my new stub- scriber in Canada or Great Britain for the remainder of this year for tic. Ts U. S. Addresses, Mc s10NAL:PRINTING CO.. LIMITED. Porn-snnm 0. C. L Sep Forwa.er. t• bait Mem (Dr.) Guest. of WI■aIP.L bee ISSNves from her heather, Mr. Swann, who I. wilt the Canadian tr'0OP'a'in-RsRymdt • Tetter la ',bleb he mentions having att.aded mincer old bo, ice.y Godes wrho `bre arte e *bout twenty Eve in the first and second oon- daisais. lir. Swains msatiooe Basso. Case, Wm P1nglaed, Roe. Itothe- toed. Archie Tom and l/slvillo Ander- sen. Be my* they bad •time chatting over too old days ladOedo- rich. mimic roue; NOTICE-RSWARD SUFFERED ter :afarrat w that will Med w the eon - Mottos of tho eves who treks tie wfadew 130 (7s.tral ebu.1 lam we.L ItTRAITON, Secre.•ry School Re..4. ^J It COURT OF REVISION. -- Nal., Is beano give, that • tart will be baldrs.t t. the Oat/iris Voters.' Led Aot hf 01.m0MM the Jodie* sl,tee fla.ty Court of ta• ('ousts of Stane at the tew..hlp hall. Cur low. on the 1 to der of September. 1915, at alp ueloek la the foresees. to beer ..d 6.i., 1ea oemiki.to of rtes and tmals.i..a to the voter: Bated the mot beloalitr of Calton,' tor Dated Antal W. MIA Neel Crrk.1 MC cel ibrw..T N. Neel VOTERS' LItlT. 1913. MUNICIPALITY or TICK TOWN OF 000ERJCH, COUNTY Or RURON, Netto, 1a horsey time that I MVO tr.a...lt. tad s de tveeed to the penton. m Mfrread In maim 9 e( the OotaWw.. V1 1..'. Asx the .sgra reenked - by add armies to be es I oneenitted se Maitre(od et the 114 made p.r- meet to the said Acta all possum bs the last revised .mesr.mpet roll thee mid mla tee unicipality m pality to be omitted to vettar MMn of tin Lmefal.Uve Apra mod at mtmripal electieswd . that the IBM Ile nam irut posted ae at ms pilau Y the Uwe Ra11. Oea.4e►, es the lath ler at Aseo5t, IS1i, raj rea.inw there ler 5ssodi.a. Aad I hereby Dail cpm all oaten to tab tee. teeth- 5u1mndrr o, love aaser,wa cremes oath . dwderseh tkM ee Mb W at Amltad. dart /. L KNOX. Clot of the Term a tlederi.t KNHiHT, DOCTOR OF CHIRO- PRACTIC, 4s! SPUME • permanent et - et hie roeblesds orae el Naim nryst bed Cambria mod. Mee boors: • pre 11 a m... ei I tem.. s t to e p . Cns.aeste katise tree, tem AUCTION sura. LEARING AUCTION BALE OF Ali *l'BIM 1M S N AND te s.g IIU.EU p5 ii O Ill sossms=mQ.m.ratbalirs .t the U the r 1915. The following will be the subjects : 1. Woodworking and Mechanical Drawing 2. Cooking . 3. Drtewwsnalang 4. Afillinery Three evenings per week will be devoted to each iobject Competent teachers for the different subjects have been engaged. A fee of 111.00 per term payable in advance will be charged. As these classes did such good work and were so successful last term, it is hoped that during the coming term all who are able will take advantage of attending the courses in the above subjects. Remember date of opening. Monday. Sept. 13th, 1915 The members of the Committee are : His Honor Judge Doyle, Mr. I C. Meanings, Mr. Moore of the Dominion Road Machinery Company, Mr. W. L. Eliot o/ the Bank of treat, Mr. Rigginaon d the Doty Engine Works, Mr. was Saunders of the Goderich Organ Company and the Chairman. Pull information will be gladly given on application to any member of the Committee and pupils will be enrolled on . applying to Principal Hume oft Collegiate institute. PHILIP HOLT, Chairman. 24th Augtst, 19115 ORGAN _RECITAL MR. FREDERICK T. EGENER Organist esti Choirmaster of St. James' Anglican Church, Ingersoll, will give so Organ Recital in Knox Church, Goderich, tomorrow FRIDAY EVENING. AUGUST 27TH at 5 o'clock. Assisted by MRS. KING, MISS McCOLL and MISE ELDA STODDART A silver collection will be takes. The entire peck will be devoted to the Koos church eb ebolrui nd 2. 2. 4. 0. 7. 5. 0. 10. Following is the programing. (Cwt it est and bring it with you) : "Phlandia" Ore -posse steges in Pinland) aiv ease Vocal WI*, Parewt HISS McCOLL "The Shote~ "OpeoY. the Gates of the Temple" MRS. G. KING (a) "Gondoliers" (h) ."Venetian Lave Song" (from the smite, "A Day in Venice") • Vaal Solo, "Gently, tend, 0 Gently Lead Us" >n^,• MIM ELDA STODDART Toccata i■ C D'.YIIY rile Curfew" sioNbren "Msreb *iidser" 40171101) (4O0) SAVE TAR KiNG SIWNLlnt-a r.IMARE WINO I.IMWVna KNAPP Mk Oen aim est ea awhile Wow One epeemwat.4 4i4,1 gkursw veto remiss it iger* sol iyaat1 ee rTYina mar 0 Geist IA.fwirgeed dines e. l wsnisei s wsadh i twidier, eta, i1 se me ftwinow herr hose is am lore rms. whla.„breshes. Casale and ether dams Mr, Nibs. who tan bees wrpesendlaa the sem- mar 1e °adoriot W 4whiled to Mee*" a everything bore advertised belay be reveres to Tonto and h pdames be a ed a.es t. r psiser Toronto, w bene.. Meser sad ear;, sieges at your owls pros Al tbe timethere will be holt one try smear egress. a.55lR, Ilse yeas cid. + Oa• bey 'moral pneps.s mars, Ilse year* old. f*o ehestn,t road msels your. ofd: a Iris, metaletal mare wouldbe a proper hese.... a tae& yawr ymcow. with calves at fool,sa-AD sans a 510 and -midee. cash: overthat anises,. tis months' redlt will be ea ferelehllsg approved joint -naee. A recent at the rate of 0 per clot per annum ensued for ash so credit amounts. THOMAS OUNDRY, Aurtimeer. FOR SALE PUB SALE -ONE TWO-BURNKR 1' 01100 or., on. twoeallr, 0Oea., one era trio Men, only end one month by •.mt.s, vh- Itor.. who are Warring to the cin Apply'o MtRS A. .. THOMSON. OVE*.tnt:-WAY IIOR$$E8 AND CARRIAGES FOR 11 BALL , "Kenny," bay bens orx pesos old. weed end eight. Abeld or neither er &ata. oar imam ,to Veb&tnettsee. Asrsm n. drive hem right one for third hr.. en & Era • eta!l..r dsebls eta bay sweetest e&r,. dglt ye.re std. OMe M tN right drives. In trio w mss. d and right : & stable pet. ('...how .sees • A gre.d LtW mu. for the ladles to w w keo. n wly sew: Or -&y manufacture. Meshes, &grytw. 1241 MARRY R. BA BB. (iede rob. /JINGLES -1 AM STiLL SELLING the best 5f Mtn& odobia at 'WIers iL (Cleara at Ms beset eed win take 11. C. iNOO Mime I p)tf r0! IIALO of To OUT mO RENT. -FRAME HOUSE ON 1 isT ayeew 30.5. EdA D. rawc Ald it %%a' :° g11 i mom. tiNT.-THE RIG 11T -R00111115 at FOE GALS. -0100 AND ONLF vtrHALierseee.Me4 mN. t mtwpb s=" maw m the premises towar RS. WAITEu. .)TAA'1I 11DrTo LEARN THE lagnaimus. iwmANIv at ewe, 05411 laaese1lr RtgA 1pLwpA T A s ail etm.ebsf y 6.44. CHASING"?HE KITTY. T- TOURNAMENT AT THE WEST STREET (S;INLING GREEK. Seventeen Rinke. Take Part -Hunter and Humbert of Goderich, Win First and UMMtd in Trophy Match -surritt, elf MIscholl, and Taman, ot'Exstsr, Wieners in ens Murcia Hen Match. The tournament of the Goderish bowling club, held oo Wednesday ad Tbur.day of this week, la being con - eluded as The Sigurd goes to press. Seveoteen riab took part, seven of them ueing from the local club, three from !Utensil, two from Iixet.r, and ora each from Lucknow, Wiogbam, Paisley, Brussels, 8eatortb. The trophy notch was won by Dr. Hunter's local Mink. the runeer.•tsp being C. H. Blrlsber'e rink, also of town. Pbe final name Iia the association snatch was between W. Taman, of Exeter, and Dr. Boerne. of Mit.bell, Use Burritt risk wiooiog. The consolation roaieb and the doubles are not yet concluded, The acorns In the that two events were as follows TROPHY MATCH. prtaboHoderke. Y1t LetlDow. W. L.LIMOJ. L ny 1. B. Tap. W. W. J. Greenwood &wood T. McDermott,.kIp-M W. Mott. .51p-13 First Rased. oodsceet Eiemr. W.L.r, J. Stamm t T. me/umiak. skip -Li N T mm..klp-9 Qe4.or Lhg• Ooderldr 1.00. ytasrt artial Cr. Maid iom; C.A. Hiunb.r, ddF-lit lc mMcI ...p`..klp-te P5(•lel. code ieb es w. Ra. r1 i J,•. FTemfug M Predthas L ahho iter r. 0.at Goderiei. ,R1p-)It R. LRnaeMS *.-1 :: :L.. L P:w • ni e. ! OwMriot •ala -16 11LJ$L bight -' MF Wham . Maas M. (LW, skis -.i4 A.G. L..t$p--M a.deisa. %, lanssY.; kwer Prta ; IA. gtaldgp eA --d DL a i nMsat1F-n lm.knew. Ramer. suer t". Swat W..Ulla. .kip -14 W. J. 17s•mms, Second Roast tioderich. O. H. Hamby -JL T. M*Dermots-110 Paisley. s- Sboem•ker-12 R. T. Edward h. s-11 111 Goderich. 8esforth. Dr. Hunter -18 W. G. Willis --10 Mitchell. Lucknow. Dr. Burr$tt-12 W. A11ia-11 Tlerd Rend Goderich. Paisley. O. H. Humber=15 L 8boomaker-11 Goderich. Mitchell. Dr. Hunter -18 Dr. Barratt -13 Final. Goderich. Ooderich. Dr. Hunter -l5 O. H. Humber -11 ASSOCIATKJN MATCH. First Round. W. i lliott, Mitcb.U, bye. Exeter. Goderich. W. Tames --19 R. McLain -10 Nitcbell . Goderich. W. Morena -17 R. 0. Reynolds -13 Goderich. Brussels. A. 0. Nisbet -12 D. C. Rose -9 Exeter. Wingbam. W... Heam•n-17 D. Holme. -10 Seemed Reend. Exeter. Hitchen. W. Taman -13 W. Elliott -12 Goderich. M itch.11. A. G. Nisbet -20 W. Morenx-16 Goderich. Exeter. H. T. Edwards -16 W. J. Hearnan-11 T. McDermott, Goderich, bye. Seaforth. Lucknow. W. ti. Willi. -14 W. AIBn-15 Third Rosas. Rester Godericb. W. Taman -II A. G. Nisbet -11 Goderich. Goderich. R. T. Edward. -16 T. McDermott -15 M &forth. - Paisley. W. G. Willie -1I J. Shoemaker -10 Dr. Barritt, 11 molten. by.. Fourth Reid. Exeter. Goderieb. W. Taman --19 H. T. Edwards le Mitchell. Msalortb. Dr. Burritt-15 W. G. Willis -14 F ms1. Mitchell. Exeter. Dr. Rorritt-13 W. Tan -11 Nim McKinnon. of Mise Cameron's stere, bas notarised from Toronto after amen the fall and wester millinery styles. Miss Cameros Is now ready for tall and winter °rases in [nos aerie next $s day Rev. Seo. R. Resp will be alby Bre. C. W. DeWitt Oo.sas. Il. A., wb, will deliver an address on beb.N of the 1Istko and Foreign HMIs ovssiag tl5,,.... will be tfSavIllmai ions «weak #aa :r. DEBENTURES SOLD Imperial Doak of Camas the Piedras/sr -Tows Council Meebmg. The regular meeting of the town council, held on Friday evening, was of brief duratioo. The mem ben pres- ent were Deputy Reeve Lasitowaite and Councillors Wilson, IVlgle and Paltrldee, with Mayor Reid presiding. ♦ oommunleatioo from the (ioderich Collegiate Institute board, &eking the council to levy, 84,0W /or the use of the Institute, was read and soot to Lite finance committee. A request from Chief Poetelthwaite sad Sergeant Moore, far two weeks' vacation, liaised of the usual one week, was granted, if suitable substi- tutes can be engaged. The finance committee reported that the *14.04O.53 of local improvement debeatur•ee bed been deposited with the Bank of Montreal. The deben- tures had been advert'sed fur sale by tender and eleven offers bad beeo received. The committee recom- mended that the offer of the Imperial Bank u/ Canada o< 513,208 be accepted and the necessary steps taken to h..16 the deal closed. The committee had had • confereuce with the tax collector and owing to the urgeot need for money bad lnstrutued him to Wks all oeoesmry steps to collect all arrears of taxes at once. The report was adopted The fire committee reoommended that IOU feet of fire hose be purchased tnr the fin department aid reported that the police clocks are now in work- ing condition and recommended that the police be instructed to register the rounds as formerly. The report was adopted. The cemetery and parks committee reported that the trees in the court house park bad bees trimmed a1 a coat of $16 ; that a portion of section XI.,reage 0, of Maitland cemetery had been cleaned and levelled at a cost of S5.75. The report was adopted. Councillor Wigle drew attention to the paragraph of the finance commit- tee's report rebating to the gale of the debentures and stated tbia the offer was considered .cry satisfactory con- sidering the general state of the money market. It hod been figured out that the debentures would net the pur- chaser 6.31 per cent. Moved byCouncillor Paltridge, seconded by puty Reeve Laitbweite, that an order for 10U feet of firs hose be pieced with the Ossadien Consoli- dated Rubber Co. Oaeried. The council torn adjourned. GERMAN GAS OUT OF DATE. means eine ap thinking the Rae bad overcome eat men they jumped up aid either shot them or made teem prisoners. Well, guess CII close hoping t►le Beds all well, sham Y it leaves your brother, A t.rtx . MOURNED 1ST COMRADES. A Letter from Chester Macdwld's Friend at the Proot. Miss H. Macdonald, sister of the late Corp. Chester Macdonald, bas received the following letter from a comrade of Chester's at whom home in England be visited at Christmas -tine : Bogpro r. in Belgium, J u]7 31. 3013. MIPS H. MA(•DONALD,-Tbongh I do cot know you personally, only bs.- i0g heard of you wben la converse with your late lamented broth., Chester, 1 thought perhaps you would care to know bow he met with his wound which revolted in such • din manner. As you know, his duty as an attache of the medical arm of the regiment was that of attending to the wounded, and right well did he always perform bis duty. At ti'e.tubert be roomed A wounded man who had been in front of the German tleiches for four days after several sten had been killed in trying to succor him. Many • man has been decorated with rte Cross for lesser acts than this. Un- mindful of his ono davger be was always to he found in the front when duty called him. We were being hestrily shelled at a place called La Prettiest, Maas tour miles from La Basset, when a shell dropped at the centre of the village, striking some comrades who happened to be on the road. C:iestt•c instantly ran up to see what he could do, not thinking of the flying pieces. He was .struck in the knee and sustained a slight shrapnel wound. i was at the other end of the village when he was rushed off to the hospital, so did not speck to him before he left. I received two letters after- wards in both of which he made light of his coedit. -.n. When the news reached us of his sudden end 1 was thunderstruck and would not believe it until I had communicated with the hospital at Boulogne through my mother. Unfortunately it was too true. With Use medicos Lis lose is distinctly felt. All the boys say be was the best mai they had. We will all mise him, as will my owe people and the numerous friends that be made on his sport stay in England. Moths, has written to your own mother sad is sending lin his papers to you. 10 this tilos of bitter pais for you I could sot f voicing my deepest 57 ars& L ter pained opt es• all PERSONAL MENTION. M1. McM,,dr, .1 l olsds.. le vl.4iy h iaa4 Vtewn. The M Iwo Cud•.. a wlm1pwr, are viouag their relative 5r,. Mies A.aJ. *0141. 5.4.p. 4130 her ....rte. .t atratto,d aro Mrs. Fte4 Bnlyva..rd.... Clytee, of tow,, 5. vi.IU.g euros« u tows. Mee. W. 55.1.. V 0.55 he, dattg•ter, Mra 11551 r u T 145.. W. A. rla..sn, a McDwe Twa_ 5. m hi. usual 555ar,Wt to (►wrist Or. Dsv a.s•a ..n, a M..wss1 1. v11t5.g W hither. Mr. Aura 5- .•a..., 5.IIDrd. M,. 0... J&1 0 5.4 MM Jssa5 Jaffray. a OUt. me rogWe,vm at M..s.tmg Par► ester. M55Utara losng, a Terme. 1s v at Me Ana a 5., wrWfal Mr, Mr. Asa ,. t Yta Arthur MaeMatl• a 15. Sad sattagoe in slog at Lo.doa, ver tem. foe die week. Altos YantWet, &17th, Is visiting ler Osier. Yrs. Overs. tistiissot. Tru5lger d,wL Mr. Robert Bon,. .r E.wrijw, W re - mowed to town .ad i.5mployed u 41119/11 Oioa' bakery. Mr. and bra A. Tltwo..keod and NUB Dew thy .peat Sunday at Mr. Bcotcbaar's, la 11..- 1.7 wwn.kgp Mr. &td Not. D. T. Gledhill, a Rim•ediae. are Wilting 1 h forme'. twenty, Mr. and Mew T. ol.dhw.M Ih. sad n, 0. W. Crosby and 0504,.., .t Toronto, are ratting al the boos of Mr..ad Mrs Hume. Mn. Stewart and Mho Helen 'Stewart, of Be.auU.r. L... been Wattles relative. at L'le vela rid, 0. Mims Hotta and Herd. Outrun loft so Tuesday to epsud two weeks at their Lase mar Litotes. Mr. and Mr.. Hebert Nicholls, of w vetting the 1.ttet'. parent., Mr. sed Met. E. J. t.ur.tudl Mn MIv W. Jeffrey. of Bledsoe, i• home skating his paranor Mr. and ]tea Joseph Ja. ftw'yl.oh .•fanhe. M,a Utast ad r we. Mr. Spencer Oesd. a W inuipm. all. tbmtng at the has of Mot. Slecldtr. 15-tte.alt road. Mrs. IL Faint, of Tomato, who had boss vienieg tier newt. Mrs. isms 54556, returned to the 04th r n '1W.day. Mrs. JNa schelts ad two 05114,.., at As. burn. all i lifting the forme • .Ist.r, lin, 53... Jetties, Paliatntoa street. Mr.. C. A. Nairn ad daughter Altos. lobe had spent the creat .t: ease at Meing Park, ka.f :Lamed to tow.. Mr. and Wry. Osera..rlina a.on, .t Pletrernr, w .pe.d7..Tg:d a woos 1n tewu, the a ,1 Mn greats Mr. 5 C. Can le. Milt Nim SMrm.a, et D55oit, Mies Evolve Jones end MW Adelaide Naha spent a taw days at Mmsestase Part til. week. Mr. .d hire. F. Wright ad roe, a Roust - lord. .y..t The wert-nd at the Mme .t t former • mother o. Palmers tee ..tr..e. T. Donald Hems, of The Treete Why hall staff. Y spsdln has !Abuse with ole ptmsao, Mr. mid Mee. N.m., geltaanta read. Mao Monis Nairn, who meet testing mooch visiting in tow., mare. to W ,4 Friday and will. be anpotop.yer d J. Mr. and M,.. Tuttle. of w Perry. Weya many, N. T., ye v 1 Jung at Mr. and } m II Olo411 Ww. . sad at Mr. J.. 6tasi 0. S OansaR - Norman Eumb.J', of bholr Iver. tratabill, T. fallowing Meter 'Mar -A1r 'M* E.sauif 44 Pan Alhert). who is with the Anadlen troops in Prance, has been reeeived by his brother Dun- can :, July 11. 19u, DEAR Dvoc.,-1 received your letter of the 17th a few days ago and am much obliged for all your pithy, nitre - rioting news. I'm getting along the same as awl. Not too much money, too much rich grub, or too much work to ruin my health, or too much excite- ment to break down toy nervous sys- tem. We are in a quiet part of the line now and a pleasanter countryside than we've been ioet. It'. rolling and has some woos but not ,very good, nor too much water; no courtlier swim in. Maybe you have been reading the Canadian Eyewitness' account of the part t5* Canadians took in the recent fighting at Festabert and Givenchy, in the La Basses region. It was et Givenchy that the great O'Leary won the V. C. The Ontario brigade were engaged and Western Ontario regi- ment 41st Battalion) did good work at Givenchy. There was a great refer. twee te aGledhill led from Benmiller. Some Leave has been granted here lately, but very few are goingat. 'a time, and with average lucone couldn't get it for at leant two months, and we may be in Berlin by then. At present there are three or four men a week going ont of a battery of 126. They get six days in England mid free transportation, which isn't bad for the luckyones. Ware having very nice weather hen now ; not much rain, fairly hot days, and considerable Ales, winch torment the borers some. Are you having favorable weather in Oan•da Then are grain or bay crops on nearly all the band here ; there is a lot of hoe crop too, spuds and mangolds. it all looks good. Most of the grain is wheat or rye. 1t is ground into sour by windmills which. though a little old-fa.bioo.d, are very economical. i gueesou have seen pictured of them. They have four big irntn with bits of sane on them. The wheel or sails and the•bouse with the grinding machinery all turn oo • base about four feet around which is quite close to the ground . They are used for observa- tion, concealing snipers, mounting machine guns and target practice (for art 'Dory ). W. saw the Germans knock the top off a thumh tower and set the roof o0 O re with their shells a few night. aro. The village where this church was le about three miles from here and they seem to have quite a spite at it. ae they drop & few there nearly every day. it does thous no good, however, as the people have 31) left. it's the only place they bother anywhere around here. We anvil had only terse shells nearer than *Sreequartere of a mile to ns for too weeks. They don't bother the Infantry much now, either, and we lever bear anything of gas. I guess gas Is out of dote stow. The respirators and helmets ars so good at 't'bo Br4U.h fooled them quite • lot at Tptee by lying down le Ube treseb whets the gee mane sad Wass the Wind Mew It ovae, and whim Me Neem awn. Cela- L. Wturn's, 949 A Sgeadeos. TWO MEW DIRECTORS. E. W. H. Blake, of Toronto, and R. 0 McCulloch, of Galt, Now Idasti4.4 will Urtica Bank. The Union Bank of Caoada, the president of which i. John Galt, of Winnipeg, announces the election of two new directors. These directors will take the place of two gentlemen well known in Canada, and for some years connected with the Bank, who recently passed away, namely, E. E. A. DUVernet. K. C.. of Toronto, and the late Hon. 8. Barker, P. C., M. P., of Hamilton. The two new directors are Edward William Home Blake. B. A., of To- ronto, and R. 0. McCulloch, of (salt, (hit. Mr. Brie is a .on of the late Hon. Edward Mike, of Toronto. Mr. Blake was called to the Ontario bar in 1888. but !soot now in practice. He is identified with importsnt interests in Toronto, whose be baa spent his life, and is well known to leading business men in all parts of Canada. Mr. McCulloch is • son of the late Hugh McCulloch, of Galt. He was admitted to the bar in 1888, and is in active practice a. • barrister at Galt, Out. He is secretary - treasurer of the Ouldie, McCul- loch Company. of Galt, and has been prominent in all heal affairs in that city. H. was formerly president of the (:alt Board of Trade and chair- mon hairmon of theks commission. He is • member of the executive r f the Ca0- adian Manufacturers Association, with whioh he has heen closely klenti. fled. In sport, Mr. McCulloch has taken much interest, especially in cricket, and some years ego published, with J. S. Hall, a volume entitled "Minty Years of Canadian Cricket." The Union %lank bas been for many years very intimately bound up with the financial fife of Western Canada. It h.a assets sow exceeding SADI IIl),000, and it has many branches in ail the Western Provisoes, with an equally strong contserstion in the Rest. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The dance announced to be given by the Stewart Orebeetra at M.ne.otung Park oe Prlday everting of this weak has heels eeneelled. The regular moitbly meeting of the Ooderleh branch of the %Vernon's in- stitute will be held tat the home of Mrs M. McDtrnald• Lightbou.e street. tee Thu rod• . Rept ember 2ed. tit 3 p. m. A full &ttend.nre M re iuested. Visitors always woleohte. Owns to the torbaket state of Lake Huron the passenger .tamer Huron. which arrived from Detroit wry Wednesday moraine. is still lying In pest. Hee ampule •t mpted to maks the trip np the lake last night. lent atter being pet shoot alt hours re- turned to part. This •hmrsoon the psse.sgore prided the Square in a • wha ed made things look lively for ile, moor pia Ma 'flag with bar friend I wMm to, Mine limas . .Greco Magerect fiinsa4•bait fres ratM noww4 ` ` 55•a•.. Lbs. lot ' mnt '5555. Wktte:y &d her our gr..d- 45.gbter, MIm Hirai. a Parr, .,e vlaYag with Mrs. idtely • deer Mru, j, 115tg5rth, tlyffeld road. ]tea B. Lamson. Pito bed spent the pest Il sump. with raa5sl. u _Ua r4t. has rot tsrewn. Mr W. J. •555 went te Moron te accompany hi1s maw boat. Mrs Louis Path win teach this year as Ute public lebod sterna Meant Albert. mar To- mato. 8M it spedlag tel. week visiting n i..d. at Myth. Acton sod Termite. Mrs. R. J. Phelan, Britan.l• road, and her emo war r, 5 Tewin 55.1 n Katleen A. west a ib. funeral a the lam Mr. Catharine M.151... Ill .• Gertrude W555ba54, of Taroeto, who W bees venting In tee., sad Mies (Mite Oelaitnerse left m Wides.day foe Sarnia le take • wese'a trip ea lube Moro• ..d the O..Ktaa fir. Mr. mid Mrs. J. H. Timer a Hamilton all vbkUeg relative in the vicinity. Mr. Tweet. who • tsar years ago was • preaseent seeober of th. Goderich bowling club, toot pan in the toRra•meot her tit. week. Mn, 8. S. Resell, oe Beaklo, N. Y.. who bee been the `out of her daughter, Mr,.. F. 0. Wetmor, for the Davi week. retuned to her home on w 54neeay. Mlw Ardis .t•etmore 5eamt•nb4 her for • ton day. vI0L Mr. F. W. Bobtneon complete 1 his .ervtes s. 01 111126( of et U.;erp • church as sond•y last and harm oo Saturday foe Toronto, waw. M will spend • few 4T .for, pro- ceeding to hit now duties at Mosstjaw. Master Orville Hopkins, of Cedarville, Mich., le tIW week the gest of his grw.dmethr. lin. O. T. Heptlar. and his greet-grmdpareot... 31r. and Mrs Joh%q libation. H. e•.tt down be the sta5mer Hum, a000nagsmled b 11• ter mas•I gr$dmot5er, Mrs Dewar, who 1a vidtl.g bet father. lir. -Marble Walters. ot Benmlflllr. BORN. BRATTY. -Al Irebo14. Sack.. as Aug5.t 131h. to Yr. and Mn. C. C. Neatly yT laVero Manning, formerly a Beon,055). • hon- Kenseth William. BROWN. -At Verne, on Sunday. A artist `Rh. to R... A. N'. and Mew lirows, • daughter. MARRIED. AHIF.LD8--8TCK1.8. - At the parsonage of Vtrtort& .trot Methodl.t Shur -e 0.1.. riot.. es Wednesday. Aug,.t ash. 6y Rev. J. C Ford Mr clanmee Psrry shield. and Mr tune Hazel Streis, born a .4.►neld HLAN- FORE. -At the ►eme a ale bride'. parent •. Uedrl-h. en Vi ell•MbiLy. Ammo Li 1' try 15e bride • Ml M r, 14..•.1 K. Fere. + 01 Mt0,1e street Meth olio eh. se Owed by ben uncle Her. W.J. Ford B, M thrice, Yl•s Karina Pyne Ford to ih. Job. AnIur Bean. a Ildert e, slat MAi-KINT(wi -CLARK -A1 tae Doane of the 5 -ride'• parsnip 5'. Hokin., 101 . tun Anguet 17th. by ger .l. P. Doom_ B. A. a eekm., Llllm da•ffbt•r et kir. and I. Mn ems. I •I&rk. to fay. William Mack - Mime. )l D . of toad Stead Out. DIED. 8OMRRViLLL-In Clederich, se W.ffnewlay August 1111.. Kate IL RMd, band wife of Mr. .105. Ilgmer.tll.. • Th. f i&e-sl w114 take ptwee from h -r tar. reddens. Victoria street. (55s,leh, en Friday. Ammo t)t1 a 40 eelesk p, e.. to (1Ib.,tl. n meter,. atervMo et the boom at 1.3P *Week. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS_ Aug. 20th. age 5ph51t Ready Rs-TbeBolus is p 5dar Nsathme-CPR Reward OffN.d-A 1treitoe 1 Ceeet a Revldm-Tbwustlp 51 UsSh....., . t /tort lea dale - ThOnmdrr ... 1 Bq Mewled -Sheol age 554.y.......... stove 15 ear -Ms A J Themme l R..dep--Mian (5.wa..................t organ R..etat--ileus 05.05 Ob.4i Seim teatime -alp A D Metwas. 1111111.11 •se