HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-8-5, Page 8•
C TgtplMM&T. Lv.awr g, 1116
Sad in Note Paper
and �Enerebpei - -
of this week.
Twenty-five reams gea-
uine HoUaad limen Note
Paper and twenty five
thouaaad genuine Hol-
land L arrtMal vetoes.,
choice of three correct
dies Note Poper and
three correct shaped en-
Note Paper per quire...., 10e
Envelopes per package - . lOo
This is at least 96% less
than out-of-town priees,
See *bow window.
T1 001111101 BOOR &
Ss. Um
1'111W 1 /ER -You want the /IFS?,
and avant it quickly. ,
Phe.ne 19 and you'll get it.
WE .\ I M to give you the best
values at the lowest prices.
To make stopping a pleasure.
ltv waiting on our customers
promptly and satisfactorily.
Hy giving each one our un lividrd
attention, w-erther you phone
plot order ..r .niike n personal
re. tsa IP
MacEwan Estate
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
Any quantity best all Maple
Stele. Mixed Wood, Hemlock
and Kindling ,Cedar or Pine.)
TELEPHONES. office oil
rr.sdemce rU or 65
Parks fiat*up Flavor.. 2".c
Part's Pickle Mixture Sc
Jar Rubbers. quarto and pints.
■ a dor or tI den. for 21"rr
Jar Bohlen., quads and plots,
Isle • damn. or l dor for sc
t o, kr. all sins
Bungs for pickle jars, all sieve
Ilalf-gallon candy bottle for
pickles hash. tet•
Freed'. Bottle Was lUc
Paraffin Welt, per Ib 16c
Pure Spices, etc.
Jas. A. Campbell
The Ideal VattaWt Newly
The Comedies P 7
Prrweb acid
PMkoeel Rive•,., 1-.veew River. Mery
Yate Lake.. Kawutha Lakes, Rideau
Lakes. Lake Ontae^ meets, eke. it
yea es.templete • trip vet any emigre
earn& Onnedisa Parise ticket srrsbl0
we swain M. G. M.upby. Dark* Fre
gagger Agent. Tbwr.lo. eft
As is &swing Sheth - of Fifty Years of
CJrtrct Life.
Hethaay Presbyterian ebareb held
its jubilee movies, on Sabbath. July
l$sb, Rett. Dr. MoCrae. of London. be -
tea the pessohsr of the day. The Ns
tar comrsgaiios of St. Andrew'., Hay-
w thdsew allf1+361 and gooey
of theoo.pre at es atte ached Bethany
church bath m.et/has .ad itemise.
m... .. .4... ~lied the Mame an-
niversary ethe e iednf ion and
broughtt tt a 4 clow • periot of mime ee-
ligious.ig.idrame 10 the community.
Some tlr.. In the Stat ban of least
century a Mule colony of Scotebmen
settled in that patio. of Ooderieh
town hip earrosseding wbat is .ow
known as Pcremes Hill. The .emss
of the«McPbaile, MeD..
gals. Mc� .
Torra.om, S Mime
-were suAteieot.midima of their tab►
tioaelity. They bad all Use qualities
of their rate, thrift, prsd.oce, pen
.evera.ce, aad underlying all a ,trema
foundation of religiou. feeling.
Such • people could not be !log
there without seeking to make softie
Provision fol the worithip of tined. and,
being Preebyteria.a to the cure. they
naturally sought the form of worship
to which they had been accustomed in
their youth. At that tone the only
church !wilding iu the oeigbborbood
was a lit tie log Methodist church. This
was placed at their disposal on certain
Sunday. and services were bell
here by various minister., among
whom tete name of Rev. Ches. Fletcher,
of (iadsrscb, steads out prominently.
Whim no minister was available they
beta prayer -meeting services by them-
selves iu 18. homes, ani thug kept the
flame of religious life brightly buro-
inAs the years passed and they be-
came more prosperous, t hey resolved
to build • church of their own. and in
1!185 their efforts were crowned with
succere and the Hot Bethany f reshy-
te.rian church was opened fur worship.
This was a 'neat frame building and
for twenty year's he Congregation
gathered joyfully within it. walls.
The chore, was not then attached to
any regular charge and bad no fixed
minister. but was served by different
men for varying terms. Among the
names which occur most frequently
during this period err those of Rev.
Chas. Fletcher, Rev. Geo. Jamieson,
Kev. Wm. Forrest, Rev. A. Melville,
besides the resident ministers of Gode-
rich, Clinton and surrounding par-
ishes. The Hist elders chosen were
James Torrance, John Slitting, Alex.
Stirling and George Stirling, while the
praise was led for souse years by Mr.
l'amphell, teacher at Porter's Hill. and
efterwatds for many years by Peter
In ISIS tame the union of the Pres-
byterian churches and in the next
year Bethany was joined to 11•yfield
and formed into a mission field. For
a few years the field was .upprie! by
students. the first -being Mr. D. L.
McCrae. now ili. McCue of Landon.
In l$ the,Hr.t ordained minister was
placed over the charge, in the person
of Rev. Nathaniel Paterson. Six years
later he was succeeded by Rev. D.
Forrest, who remained five years.
1t was during Mr. Forree:'d ministry
that a great mi,fortu.e befell the con-
gregation. In DM the church with
all its records was utterly destroyed
by fire. Nothing daunted. however,
the congregation set about erecting •
new church and the next year the
solid tri ick building which atill *tends
had replaced the old one. In ISM Ree.
R. Henderson Ieecame minister. fol-
lowed in kith by Rev. Wm. Grabens.
After hint iu 131S1 came Rev. John Mc-
Neil, and iu 1911 the present minister,
Rev. A. Macfarlane, was called to the
charge, which had now become self-
sustaining. The elders during this
period. in addition to those already
mentioned. were Arch. McPhail, Wm.
Stirling and the two who are still act-
ing, John Ton.wce and Thos. McDon-
Circ stances have changed tours
since tboae early days The population
d the district has greatly decreased
and nunvtirally the congregation is
weaker today than it was fifty years
ago : bat the same heat t t-, loyal twilit
*till persists and the church i+ starting
forward with hope and courage on this
new stretch of its congregational life.
is to Find if Year - Symptoms Are of
Kidney Disease, thea Use Dodd's
Kidney Pills.
Upper tlosn•touche. Kent Co.. N. K.,
August 2nd-t.peciall•-Miss Gene-
vieve Bastara be, an estimable lady
living near here, M telling her frtends
of the benefit she has received from
Dodd's Kidney Pill,.
"1 ant indeed happv to be able
to slate that l have Leen cured of
kidney disease by Dodd's Kidney Pills.
1 wait often so feeble 1 could not work.
My sleep was broken and unrefreshing.
1 beadacbes and cramps in the
musette. 1 suffered from rheumatism
and backache and was always tied
and nervous. 1 was in this miserable
conditloi. when 1 decided to tryDodd's
KidneyPills anti 1 had not taen two
boxes ll 1 felt better and three hoses
cured ser "
A little girl was teaching her little
brother the Lard's Prayer the other
night. and when .be had said, "tilte
us this day our daily bread," be sud-
denly called out. "Pray for syrupp, too,
sister, pray for syrup. ton."
The Business Men on MN We .teen
cannot afford to leave out. the citi.s
flat handle the crop, Port William
and Port Arthur Tate the ()anodise
Feriae route to Winnipeg, the way
the business travels Daily service,
obeereeti -n and dining cars, electric -
lighted equipment. Double track more
than half the distance (safest,
seen.vy and one nsanageemet all 18.
way. ni.tet ie blooded meals, the
.eessUSc ronsbieation of food for trav-
ellers. Pertlewlane from Oanadies
Pacific Uct.t wets.
"Ob. Mildred 1" cried one lady.
meeting a wheat Mead of some twe
flames past. 1'tte hoard the great-
est peam of sews. (las toe trap e
meet r ' 1 don't teaw, - said the
Mead. i ••1 .ever triad. Inuit le It r
-Allstate J.es.aI.
illi the shag who Wade hie q• sad
p1 Mt sleeps me Mowery beat N e'a
thamaie Treble W •heem.kl.m
till.._ •.
E18. rooms over the Delray Rook
Moe kindly beam loam* by Mr. W. L.
H orton as Goderich beadqueetere for
the tied Cross Society. Oa Mosd.y,
August 1 ie., at 2-3) o'clock, Mrs. Tay-
lor and flee. Witte will be is attend-
ee** there to sive all who with to bele,
wWeber i.anb.nor not, supplies and
i.struetlose for the making of band.
•gee and eargies1 w
rbc Rad Cross Cieli7ty wieebee to
tbaak 18. mom bere of Victoria street
rhumb for the following dooations
wbieb were put in the bale sent last
week : 211 bandages, B5 mouthwipes,
9I1 handkerchief', 144 wash cloths, 2
bospital nightshirts ; also Mrs. Reyn-
olds. sr.. for 1 dozen knitted fees
clothe. 1'be f.,llowing subscription is
acknowledged a iib thanks : Yr. V. C.
Rohe tsoo. Cb , ciao.:'=-
Tbe Society thaukfully acknowl-
edges the follow tag oontrioutions
received durio.; the peat week : Mrs.
Hee. Jame*, 10 pairs socks ; Mts. Wm.
McMub, 4 pate rocks ; Mrs. J. Miller
ilirk+w„ Yrs. John Somerville, Mrs.
Hay, 3 pa ins sucks each : Mrs. Hasid-
im, Mrs. Burnet, Mrs. A. Elliott. Mies
M. A. Burri•t, Si,. Freeman, Mrs.
Morrvb, '2pairs *oeks each ; Moe. H.
J. A. Macawao, lire. McCoowll (Salt -
ford). Mies Dark,' Mies Burrett, Mrs.
W. E. Kelly, Mr*. Muir., Mn. E.
Mitchell. Me Robe ,Clark, 1 pair
socks each.
A good supply of yarn is expected
this week for the knitters. It may be
interesting to i.00w that the Goderich
Red Cross branch bas already sent
LIN pairs of socks to the front and has
OD band 52 pairs, making a total of
1,3:10 pairs of socks for the soldier
boys. Yarn supplied at Mrs. McKim's,
Church street.
The Colborne ked Cross Worketa
An entbuei.stie weetisg was held .t
the home of Mt,. E Fisher, Carlow, on
Wednesday, tuly Leitb..ben a num-
ber of the ladi.-. of the vicinity met to
organize a societ v for Red Cross work.
A busy aftetuuan was spent in knit-
ting. sewing .even pairs pillowcases,
seven towels and .ix hospital shirt+,
the material for which was vety
kindly donated by the bostess' sister,
Miss Robertson The meeting cpened
with the National Anthem. after
which the foci t y wan organized under
the name of the Colborne Red Cross
Workers, with the follow tug officer.:
President -51r.. A. Johnston.
Vice -president -Mrs. J. J. \Yalter.
Secretary-51re. E Fisher.
Treasurer -Mame. K. \l. Yctins .
Cuuven.r el knitting committee-.
Mr*. Alex. Yoking.
Joint conveners of sewing commit-
tee -Mas. Geo. Clark and Mn. Wil-
seArrangeweota were made for the
nff�xt'meeting and discussion+ were
held over future work and ways and
means of procuring fund*. A collec-
tion amounting to 15. in addition.to
the ruemHlrebip fees from twenty-
four wsm*en. laid the financial fouod-
atic.o of the moiety. The meeting was
cls -sed with the singing of the doxol-
ogy. after wbi-b dainty refreshments
were served from tables with patriotic
The next meeting will 1:e held at the
home of Mr,. A. W. Young, on the
afternoon of August 10th. All ladies
interested in the wort are cordially in-
304 Champlain St., Montreal.
"I have bees restored to health by
taking'l;;rnit-a-tives'. For two yeah,
I was a miserable sufferer from RAea-
watisewand SSowaea Trouble. I became
very weak, haul frequent dizzy spells
and when I took food, felt wretched
ami sleepy. I suffered from Rheumsl-
tism dreadfully, With faiwf ier my bath
and saints and my hands swollen.
A friend advised 'me to try'Fruit-a.
tires' and from the'.utset, they did me
go.sL After I had started the second
box, I felt I was getting w.•II and I
persevered in the treatment. I can
truthfully say that 'Fruit -a to et' is the
only modicine that helped 1 n:e.
"FRUIT-A-TI\'ES" is the famous
wrsdu-ie wedeln:nu/resit juices. •
60e. a box, 6 for 12.:,0, trial size. ?Sc.
At all dealers or sent on receipt of price
by Fruit -a -tires Limited, Ottawa.
Freedom of City elf London Conferred
on Sir Robert -A Stirring
London. Aug. 2 -Not even a crows-
ed head could have bad a more mag-
nificent reception than was accorded
Bar Robert Borden last week when he
received what has ever been prised
as the highest honor, the freedom tY
the city of London. .Cltfzens assem-
bled to large numbers outside the
Guildhalls to greet the Premier of the
Dominion. while within the ivaint6-
cent hall.'that historic link with the
put, where monarchs bans esloysd
tbe.hospitaltty of the lhnplre's eapltal
tate highest dignitaries in. the land as-
sembled to h000r Canada's Prtme
'Minister and at the same time Intl --
Rate the grateful recognition of the
mother. country of 'the part taken by
he Dominion to the war. The music
the Maple Leaf Forever from Lit.
Mayor's recruiting band herald-
ed Premier Borden's arrival. The
vert company rose in a bodj ani cheer-
ed the Dominion's Premier as be en -
red the Guildhall. Sir Robert -fa
reply to the Lord Mayor• conferring
tete freedom on him said to part "1
ase deeply conaclotn of the high honor
uonterred upon me. tlut am equally
testa it Is not eo much a tribute
in. as • to the great Dominion be-
yond the . Atlantic which 1 have the
r to represent. The love of tibia -
sad is.Mta.ee upon the rtghts,of
the people, memorable everywhere
within these islands. have capieNaly
distinguished the cltleens of Landes.
nor, do I forget that the same gcalttlss
characterise the people of the neigh.
boring -country. within the gnlot of
whims churchyards sleep those whose
blood rens in my veins. For • tbou.
sand years the progres and advanceatte
yuof this great city have kept time
'Nthpthe.marcb of civilization. in the
bege.nlag In them Islands the foetid -
tag of the nation and the oonsepue.t
hegsn.fty of ord.rty government cons-
a gstem autocratic to character
methods; then came the great
,barters of freedom and the will of
the peOlds to make thetr own laws
sad govern themselves 1 can to wtt-
asss the events for th• put twelve
loath: Australia. New Seakead. South
arias, Canada. and thew peat, free
asthma possessing fell rights of self.
a erament •ed enjoying Parliament -
say iastltutio.*. Leese by the vote.
of the people, va .y bare they joined
1. thio omelet. and why ars their
cielmoa from the remotest corneas
mash llgAttng side by side wftb tits
me. est Ids island home la the great-
est war the world has ewer boomer
Oil *Stoves!
Imo nsee- 'sae
We handle the New Per-
fection and Quick Meal
Oil Stoves.
And have also two De-
troit Vapor Stoves, prac-
tically as good aa new.
to be sold at about
Hall Price
- --
ts... 131 H mdtas Street
Cool Your Skin
With D. D. D.
Hot weather brings to the surface
all the lurking diseases in the skin.
Prickly heat, rash, poison is y, bites
and other tualadies are most distte!-
ing in summer. You can instantly
cool ycor skin and relieve yourself
from all suffering. Just a taw drops
of the soctbing compound of oil of
wintergreen and r I her healing ele-
ments c.illed D. D. D. Prescnptto■
will give you instant relief.
Come to us today for a generous
trial bottle, only 25c. We it flee the
first full* ze bottle on the guarantee
Haat it w.:1 give fou instant relief or
Your money buck. Ask also about
D. D. D. Soap.
Central Drug Store, Goderich.
D. D. D. is made in Canada.
Wife with newspapers -'•What
next t Here'. a woman mate of a
'hip. Fanc • woman sailor'" Hub -
"That's noting. Wasn't Lot's wife a
female sett ?"
"Can anyof you children tell me
anylbiog about Moss inquired tb.
Sunday school teacher. •'Yes, ma'am,"
said • little girl hopefully ; "be was
the only man that broke all the Co'mmandments at once.'.
"ROUGH ON RATS" clears nut
Rus, Mice, etc. Don't Die in the
Howe. 15c and 26c at Drug and
Country Storrs.
I und.rstail you began your hie
as • newsboy," observed the friend,
admiringly. "No," replied the mil-
limetre. "Someooe bas been fooling
you. 1 began life as en infant "
( ee Rexall Orderlies for chronic con-
stipation : they are gentle in action,
mild and natural. bold Daly by 11. C.
Dunlop, the Renal! Store. 10e, roc
and Sete boxes.
The muielpal council of Colborne
township met in the township hall,
Carlow, on August 2. Members all
present. Ybntera of last m.eUng read
and adopted, on motion of Snyder and
Hetherington. The following accounts
ware peeped and orders drawn oe the
ter.a.rrr fcr the ease : Jame. Omen,
ggeea.oeWelt n. ooh. 4, 1190.16: John Me-
Lar'ty's appeal re Jewell diteb, 166.40 ;
Percy Jones, gravelling on division
MM .t W. Long's 551.75; Jamie
Jesse, repairing advert., 75c. ; Geo.
Freeman, fesng, Dos l 1, $5.75 ; P.
(:deers, gravelling, 0015 4, $140.60 ; H.
IleMtll.., 55.301 11. arked-
ley, repairing mod eat-
vverts coop. 18 sod 11.515.65 : Joaetem8�
McCue, drawing stun., It days,111.* ;
Ol•rrsee flembew, 3 days drswims
erase. *11.1, 3 day. Medina rooms.
$1,111--$13.110; Jap. Josue,Inrperrdes.
OLIO ; M t R ili.lANain1e�....'. 1.g 1 go't0rf.'
dB ark
eresher weed
llt1S; 0 e: M.aelrh.11i its fief and
B r.tt.t, *11,1I1 S wlyg
.t Me 0 poled, /fa 71 : o YeleR
Saturday, August 7th, We Start to
Sell a Big Shipment of
"SECONDS" in Linen Cloths
and Napkins
We are fortunate indeed in being able to offer you these "Seconds" this year.
Had it not been that our contracts were made a long time ago, we would not
have been able to get them at all. These "Seconds" are from one of the
largest British linen manufacturers and the lot comprises Cloths and Napkins
in nearly all sizes and all are of very superior quality. We strongly advise you,
to take advantage of this offering, as until the war is over, and in fact for some
time afterwards, it will be impossible for us to get Linens at anything like the
prices that prevail today. Authorities state that it will be two years after peace
is restored before business and prices in the Linen markets will bepback to nor-
mal. For this reason, if for no other, you will be money in pocket t.' lay in a
supply while you can get them at prices this lot is selling for.
Embroidery Values That Are Real
Each item of special value selected from our big stock of
high-grade Embroideries. Well worth seeing if tun
have Embroider' buying to do.
At 5c theand
Hundreds of yards of Embroideries and Insertions, nee.• r.:1
attractive pat teem* on muslin*. nainsooks and camoricr. �C
Good value at more money. Per yard.. hash ..........
At 10c the yard
Embroideries up to 6 inches and 7 inches wide and Insertions
that were worth regularly up 10 _'tic per yard. All grouped
together o0 one table and you take your choice at per 10c
yard only Vl.
Insertions 12!.c
A whole tableft:l of theta. Beautiful designs, all widths up
to 4 and S inches. This is a clean-up of the stock of high.
quality Insertion*. the Embroideries to match haviog been
sold out. Regular prices up to 35e and Wc. All at' 1 epl,
one price. and that
Corset Cover Embroideries 15c
Half dozen patterns good quality Corset foyer $tubroideries.
Regular up to 2.1s'. Full width, strong cloth, attrae- 15e
live patterns. Pei -yard only,.
At 25c the yard .
A tableful i 1 thew,. Patterns suitable for Corset Covert..
skirt frills, also 'G -inch Flouncing"' suitable for children's
dresses. Best value at MI. price and the biggest 2:ec
worth of Embroidery we ever sold. Per yard.... .. 2/��,
At 3qc the yard
Cometl'over'Emhroiderier. Dainty, delicate deyigne on the
finest of tousling and nainsooks. Patterns that will appeal to
every lover of beautiful Bmhroidery. Regular 'rite. itch,
Very special, this lot. per yard
The Last Call for Millinery
Last sail for Millinery for the summer lesson. We
bring it to a close no Saturday. August 71.h. and our
big clearing sale of Trimmed Hate continues until then.
In order to make • complete clean-up of shapes and
trimmings our milliners have trimmed up every shape
lett in stock. They used good trimming., Mowers, nh
hone, etc., for our Instructions were that the millioery
stock should be completely cleaned out. These Trimmed
Hats, no matter what their price, cost or value, are
being cleared .t the absurdly low price of 11 rel.
Any Trimmed Hat in the Showroom at this price
and there are between 30 and 40 to &hose from
Any Trimmed Hat $1.00
Children's Hats 3Sc
About 21 Children's Straw Hats. all ready to -wear.
Regular 73e, 51.(11 and 51.21. This lemma s •Cc
goods and styles. Any of the lot for only
Princess Slips
Ladies Drawers
Dressing Sacques
Choice of 30 Garments
There is a whole tableful of them.
Between 30 and 411 in the lot. P, to-
re*. Slips that sold up to e.1 5e) and
11 (14. fine, dainty Dressing Reeloes
that were 11.Z, and a collection of
sample Drawers that ere worth from
et -.el to glen. Nose of them better
quality than we usually keep in stock.
These came in a lot of ampiits. Choice
of all these garments fur only 79c
Sale of Dresses
Big Sale of Sample Dresses will con-
tinue until every one is sold. Therm
hresses are from one of Canada'. lead-
iug makers of Ladies' Dreams and they
are the last ;arments shown this
season. Thele are no two alike.
Regular prices Mi.00 to 114.00. We
offer yoo your chokes for os.atty
Mises 16, 18. 36 and a few 36.
Hose at 25c
The biggest and hest ••=c" values in Ladiei
and Children's Hose at our Hosiery counter.
For example, you can buy :
Silk saki@ Hoer in black or white.
Penman's seamless lisle Hose, it black,
white or tan.
Black cotton Ho+et, with natural wool
All there for ladies.
Or we can give you
Fine ribbed metceriz•d Pale Hose in all sizes
for boys or girls, in black or white ; or a
very heavy ribbed Stocking suitable for
boys' rough wear, at per pair 2,:c
A good Stocking for boys is our special rib•
bed, in black only. at per pair ISc.
Umbrellas Re-covered
1f you have an umbrella the handle and
frame of which are good. bring it in and we
can get it re-eovered at a moderate cost.
Direct Importers 1YODGI3NS BROS. Ooderich, O n t.
gravelling nn division line at J.
Treble's, 1.16*); Jobn Fowler, gravel,
56 55: N. Krrnighan. use of .--taper,
11.00: John Levy, 3 days' work on
rru.ber, 18.1$1 ; Thos. McPhee, work
on crusher. IS 50 ; E. Johnston, wort
on crusher, $4 (11; Jas. Hardy. work
et15 crusher, gats: Elvio Moore and
Irish Pat, work on crusher, 113.00;
(Arvin Young. drawing wood sod
water for eruaber,16.00; R M. Young,
work on crusher, 118.(0; John Brom,
:Sel loses gravel, 17.6(: John Berkey,
plank. 111.75. gathering donne, $1.50,
operating grader. 1300, repairing
bridge atCarney's an McNeil's,$4.96-
115.hi: A. Morris, that, 11.75.
drawing crasher to O h. drawing
crushed Stene, plowing divides lino
end 5 cords gravel. 1144.311; Joseph
Metaphase spreading oriehed striae.
t:t•aw1m crusher to Oodsrbh, 56.40;
Victor Young. 1 days writhes crasher,
$1.75 ; D. McCann, wart ea crasher,
11.75; Hoary Wilson, woad for
crusher, $10.00 • Thos. Dougherty.
act bMI and prattle( in euie mer 4-
lajhldj brepairiosadary, WOO: Jabs
shilsid 'boundary
WWII MI.Iplaulti RR brl�ga mai
tewdag ea vim i3,1!.00; O. Ga.ree.
law crests re eolMetl.g gl.phessa MOM.
401.00, re seeks psrwheme, OM; age
net Priatiag C.., aosuu .
OLIO*I'.w.Mles Co.,
arose elntrhse uM by
Tramp sad 1118 that the awaewrer pay
rear to the tetaphose system say
Iglerwo) that may be 1. Ms baste (
tW h. 8. fon lpat IM
amounts on the collector's roll as pre-
sented by 8eeretary Kernigban from
telephone suheeribers. Moved by Hill
and Young that the collector be re-
funded 1100 on roll as dog tax (uncol-
1.etaMe). Moved by Hetb.ringtoe a0A
Snyder that bylaw No. e be passed,
ening the empty rate at 3 6-10 mine,
township rate 2 5-10 mills, C.P.R. rate
4-10 mill, and lb.t the siert be em-
powered to ,mks the rate for sehool
purposes as requested by school
trustees Bylaw read first, seeoed
and titled tins* and peened. Mobed by
Hill and Young that we adjourn to
most em Wednesday. September 16, at
1.30 p.m. R. Mt ILwAIn, Clerk.
Regular !meeting of ermine,] hid
July 36t b. )embers all preset,
.scope Reeve Murray. who was tisk.
Motion by Pardue mid Johnston that
Oo..eiMsr Naylor he Reeve pro terse.
Carried. ill geese el rMeloe
July a .sd "SIM woollioi J
waw road and pes..i. M r.etiss elf
Memel= .red Malloy!• Flusibial
staiaaas1 read by erasure h.wint
Wawa ea band MELMELvosar�
r�.p d having mewed • forums
pri�asforums es Mask balsams. •1.o la the
metier of, ..sheep' with M ant ofw% J
.lMw,w. Z. wuma served et comma _tC
whit webs to einem oat end past 1w a
w repair EtItetrm2=Z:=
aiirT assets writ
said drabb. lo order to petweat injury
to the lands adjarat to the said deft,
Bylaw No 7. 1915, was read Mibi
timtes, signed and passed, ea ankles
of Mallough and Johnston, aukborlilleg
John Rogers. U. 1. N., to nabs inti
'itemisation end report i. the _have
et Yo.ns s creek drain perimam to
notice served by W . H. Wilma. Mr.
Rogers being present fully etiplttrgS
ihs walking of m ,pl
Act, also answering
by mainh.re of council.
b.tlelleting to 1219.86 were party grid
.bade for !tame issued o0 aatilss at
Jobastwrt sad Pardon. Com.il ad-
journed to most August :iK at 1 p. m.
WI modem of Johnston tad Pur loo..
A. A. Wtt.eow, Okrk,
(Jt1OtRMOM 111411KETs.
Tusemeav, Awe.* sit
ode M 1
wheal.O le
bosh •
wee ::ii......
5oras cwt
1 f.75
is ae
Per sem..»�
le It