HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-8-5, Page 7THE BIGYA T, : GODEBICH ONTARIO
TSwasoaw. Amore Its MIs 7
Utilaee every heat unit. Flues arranged so
hes' is forced to travel over top of oven in
*nye down behind it and twice un-
der the bottom before escap-
ing to chimney. See the McClary dealer. es
Spray Your Orchards
Nothing Pays better
1 ism agent tor .11 Spray
Metered, Lime Sulphur,
Dry Soluble Sulphur
both Dry and Paste Ar-
seoatr of Lead.
-both power .rad hand
m whines.
We have the best brands
mid at .11 prices.
Conic in and see we be-
fore placing your order.
(iodesich, Onr,
Is)Your Roof One of
Those in This Town
that need our attention ? The
longer y.,u delay nothing the neele
repair, the more damage tb
weather is doing and the greats
your expense.
Tinning and Repairing
roof', also building gutters and
leaders. is our part of thin world's
work, and we do it well.
Better send for w now •n1 h • re ad
bur the euiu.ng weettler.
Fred Hunt
HLrnilto- Stunt Phone 1.13
Having purehseed the
livery; business of Wm.
Knox. I am improving
the equipment !and in-
tend to provide
Good Horses
Prompt Service and
Up-to-date Rigs
All orders will receive
prompt and careful at-
Twi.iPHONe. No. 173 for
• good turnout.
The following letter was received by
the ezecutive of the Huron county
r,rencb of the Patriotic, Fund, and is
III I hem' submitted to the people of
this county through the local ppress.
The appeal speaks for itself and rbould
call forth a response from ell those
paces in the county which have not
yet sent any contribution, to the pa-
j ttintic fund.
We are now drawing from hat fund
over 1111.1 1.10 per wontb to meet the al-
Iuw'ancei made to tl:e families of cel•
Merl who have enlisted from thea
county and there will 1.e is continual
increases other men enlist. Can we
not "do our bit' still more by further
contributions to the general fund,
which, as is .bowl by the letter, is be-
ing eo severely taxed ? And the end
is not yet.
Any contrite loons intended for this
ful.d may he sent lar our treasurer, Mr.
Andrew Porter. Goderi.b, w will
drly acknowledge same grid f•rd
the amounts to the executive at Otta-
wa. By order.
.1 H. Mello:ive, Chairman.,
n d
• 1! 11(1, 11
J.titrs MIT.'IIILL, Secretary.
Copy of letter..
Canadian Patriotic Fund,
Ottawa. mrd June, itis:.
As tone goes on and the number of
men which Caned* is reeding to the
front iu.ieaies, the demands on the
Canadian Patrioti; Fund constantly
grow. This month we shall aasirt up-
wards of sixteen thousand families at
an expenditure amounting to neatly
gsl),gN.IM1. During the summer and
early fall we expect this to be still fur-
in looking over what the virions
cuuotiem are doing. I hod that wlide
Four county grant of Stir Mee a month
is being regularly pard, there does not
seem to be any money coaling in from
Huron county as a re,ult of voluntary
subactil,tions. During the past fee
weeks we base received s number of
cheques from different parts of Bruce
county, where 1 model stand they are
bolding patriotic meetings and .Emu-
lating wtet-est, but from Huron. with
the exception of 8133.25 from HeesaLl
received on tbe :Oat Aptil, nothing
has conte in during the past three
month.. Would it not be possible for
your committee to undertake to stim-
ulate it,t re.t throughout the county
in the fund: We .ball need generous
eontributions if the work ie to c,1n-
tinue, and I tun mire that three must
tee malty pie.ple in Huron county wh.•
iannot go to the front at)d who would
ix wiling to pay. being unable to
tight With such a valuable -auxiliary
a. your county press, yoti ought to be
rite to worts up a splendid canaptigo.
i shall be vet y glad to hear from you
on t his mutter at your early conven-
reucr. 1-uurs truly.
Her -meet B.
Honorary Secretary.
Wbee a swan le down sad est
�taRlt tea ia.
County and District � REMARKABLEgo1Mn.NAM
Miss Bather Bruce and Jack Melted-.
Immo( Belgrave, were married uo J my
Mias Violet Stevens has been eo-
ine d es principal of Deviled, school
ata salary of /nee.
Miss Gladys Meguerrie bee been
secured es teacher fur the Miller school
on tbe 5th concession of Morris.
Harvey Koos, a former Morris boy,
who was wouaued in 'Europe on May
2I.h. is makiog progress toward re-
Charles Pepper, son of Mr. and Yrs.
Thomas Pepper, of Hessall, bad bis
leg broken in a wototcycle act ideal at
John McKenzie, soli of R. McKer.zie,
of Verne. who rad been with the
Northwest Mounted Pulite, bar en-
listed for war service.
The flax barvest in Hurno county is
now being garnered. A party of 112
duos has been eniploveti t , gather
the crop near Hensel!.
Charles and Chris. Muir, sons of
R. v Walter Muir, of Edinburgh, Scot-
land. formerly pastor •t Brucrtield,
are with this whiten at the front.
Miss May Meilion, of Lucknow. be-
came the bride of William Hamilton.
of the and concession, Kintner.. oto July
21st. Ke,. J. S. Dolman oR12iated.
Despondency and the "blues," usu-
ally the result of constipation, quickly
41c.•0101) to Rexall Orderlies. Sold
only by H. C. Dunlop. the Rexall
Store, late., 25c. and 5Uc. boxes.
eldest daughter et Mr. and Mrs. H. 8.
Maus of Smuts Dumfries.
The work on mac da.nizing. Tare -
berry lancet has been commenced. Thos.
McLean, of Wiaabaw, is the contrac-
Mies Beatrice Vurry will teach at
No. 1. Turnberey, and Miss Elsie,
Walker at klarrbWn during the next
public school term.
The Red Cross garden party re -eptly
held on the grounds of W H. Kele
resulted in $95 being added to the
Mr.. Aleft. Voisin, • resident of
the Goshen line, hay, passed away on
Jely 11:h after a brief illness. Her
hustand and a baby, one month old,
Benjamin Kerwin, a rot mer resident
of Wroxeter, and tether -in-law of
Robert Hooper, of that village. died
et Clifford on July 'Ji:h in his eighty-
fiftb year.
Stephen Proudlev. who had been en-
gaged with A. E. Toner at Currie for
a number of year*, was found dead in
bed on July 24th He was twenty-
eight years old. .
James Robertson. of To •icerstnsth,
Ia.t week cold fourteen steers for the
sum of $l,41.10 They had been fed on
alfalfa corn ensilage acd roots, and
bad had no grain.
Mary '., daughter of Mr and Mrs.
Robert Reid. of Hullett, wan married
on July 27th to J. Elliott S tmrrville,
)13. Se.. of Edmonton, by
Reid. rat Loode boto'.
The engagement t, announces of
Nellie Alecia daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. David Hazlewood. t . Charles D.
Pkul, allpf Kirlton. tate marriage to
tale /lac! in August. '
Sarah Ano Savage. was of V, w. t.
Armstrong. pine -d away at het home
in tire! township on July l3 11. aged
tbir t v -seven veers. Her husband, one
son and f .ur brothers survive.
Philip McKenzie pease.( away at the
horse of his sitter, Me.. John 1 ole, in
Kant Wawanosh. on 'J _l -t. He
was sixty-one years old anis survived
by four sisters and two hrr,thers.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Bell, of Blyth,
announce the engegertlt-nt of their
second daughter. Anna Wionifred, w
Harold Dean Gilman, of London, the
marriage to t eke place in Angust.
Ile Winona. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Sundercock. of Hallett. was
marl ied at her home cn the r.:h con-
cession on July :?S:b to Wm. ll. Way -
mouth. of Lundoo, by Rev. l'.f;. Kaines
The Nunn( Samuel Hunter, at Elim-
ville, was destroyed ht fire on July
Z; d a1r. Hunter. who was away at
the time of the fn, lied gnat : owpleted
baying. There was GOES insurance.
The proprietor of the Commercial
hotel. Hemel!, was fined $.rt and coats
last week for keepiue Moor for sale.
The rem wan tried at Clinton. In-
spector Ti rrance laid the information
Tbr ladies of Kincardine collected
all the old magazine, and newspapers
they could around town and chipped
them to the city. receiving finita for
them, which was devoted to Red Cruse
Int..ded for (sat mesh.
Wgo:vgan.ty. July 2,
News 4orxe. - Mr. John Jones,
Elrmville, Is visiting• am nog his old
friends, who are indeed glad 10 tea
him . Rev Meier*. Johnston and
Blown. of Varna. exchanged pulpits
last Sunday. the former preaching
very acceptably in the Methodist
church here... Rev. Mr and Mis.
Richardson are back from their vaca-
tion at Woodstock and 81. Augustine.
air. Richar.lwo occupied hi. pulpit in
8t Aodrety's lest Sonde y......The
t.rassick family held 1 notation on the
old farm here last week, when all
were present, includiog tbe parent..
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grassiek, and
Miss Lottie, of Hensel!, Miss Jean, of
Toronto, Donald C end wife, of Ct-
taws. and Mr. and Mrs. Walker and
children, of Seatnrtb, all being the
guests of M'. and Mn. James Graaaick
on um old Mr. Vineeut woods and tittle son,
leek. left last Monday for their home
at Santa Berbera, Cal., atter an ex-
tended visit with friend. ben. Mrs.
Wood (nee Mies, Ila Dinedelei was
formerly the poplar organist in tbe
Methodist church. Mr. Woods is sup-
erintendent of rbc repair whops of tbs
(way at !Mote Har-
ms MCBeath baa
lether in R. 8. No. 4,
BtanI.y. et a lialary of 1100 per an -
nom. and Mr. M. M FI h.r in No. 7,
at the same salary.
44 goes L000tgu %Va _--Owing to
abundant rains all spring crop are
lag well. Bons are especially
nut termer* ars Reding it
rd la sewrelanaes to 'reap them hoed
prosody ea aleenunt of the large awe -
mire lace% sad Ile scarcity of help.
Ilowetr. r, blahs i.y so well they are
wi1� W birth th an extra effort to
far M than Gang. of Relgiaas
1 sod R -se are .trending to sae
and bwing of the sager best
Ss the Barns Sugar
IHist Co. do all the bores
work. such as ewtt(vstIng. teawieg to
i the statics. ate., and tie Cowpony the
South Patifle B
bar• MIM
been appointed
be 1a Most of tie bawls a lot of friends whet
we anal nest titer .
John Malcolm sad family, of Pala -1
tine. 111., are visiting F. Malcolm. f
Heber Powell. of Godericb, is visit-
ieg among trieede here.
Mrs Will Barber and children hive
goo.- tc their home at N„t th fiend,
B 1,.
Miss Christie Graham has returned
from a trip to Springfield, Mo.
Miss E. White and cbildreu breve re-
turt.ed Seafortb after spending
several vieeks here.
Mrs. Robert Ross, of a i rand Rapids,
and Mrs Reid, of Toronto, are vied,
ing their mother. Mrs. M,Leao.
Rev. Leslie Armitage. Mrs. Armi-
tage and faintly, of Toronto, are .pend•
ing • vacation here with the erverend
gentlemen's parents, Mr. and Mrs
James Arruttuge.
\\'m. M._kenzie shipped a carload
of tine horses to Toronto 1.a,1 week. I
Mel R. D. C'receron was et Toronto
last week attending • meeting of the
Het.i1 Mercbanir' Association, of
which he war reelected a vice-presi-
Mrs. D. H McMahoo and her little
daughter, Helen May, who had been
spending several mouths here, tate
y;ooe to their home at'uewdale, Man.
Miss F rancte M. hidden is awry on •
t brre months' trip t , the Wert.
A carryall returning from a picnic
at Point Clark one evening re--entiy
upset near Amtxrley, and dumped out
its load of Lucknuw young people.
Foitunatelvv no one was Burt.
Will R. Johnston. formerly head
.let k in Murdoch & Co.'s store here,
and lately of the E..ton store at Win-
nipeg. has been visiting his home here.
He has enlisted for service in the'war.
Two recent marriages in Lucknow
were those of %Valiant Hamilton, of
h.unloes. to Miss Direly Million. of
Lucknow. acd Mr Ernest Pearcy to
Miss Dorothy Swendall, both of the
village. Rey. J. 8. Duncan "elated
at the -former. and Rev. A. W Rich-
erdsost et the latter. Mr. and Mrs.
Hamilton %III reside in Kinloss, while
Nr end Mrs Pearcy will continue to
make them home en Luckoow.
The following candidates at the
l.aclnow centre were successful in tbe
high school entrance examinations :
Honors -Helen Mackenzie, 4:a:.: Berths
Blair. i1Ri ; Gordon Mcl'wll. eon: Stan-
ley Buena, 467. Pas.. in alphabetical
uederl-Evan Allis, Alma Alton, Wil-
lie Andrew, Stanley Bough. Alba Fox..
Annie- Hodgins. Owen Hughes. Stella
Hu,1soo, Maggie Malcolm. Sadie Mc-
Doneld. Joseph afrf lure. Jennie Mc-
Donald. Angus McKay. Willem] alit
ler, Ruth Mitchell, Graham Miffat,
Kenneth Murdie, Annie Pickering.
Nelson Raeboro, David Scott. Willie
eoott, Norma Thompson, Calvin
-ollowing are the names of the stu-
debte attending the high school dc -
pertinent of the Lucknow school who
were successful at the recent examin
atioos for entrince to normal schools
W. C. Caonell, M. I. Connell, M. M.
Duruin, M. L. Greer, P.M. Irwin. L.B.
Jobnstun. A. M. McDisrmid, S. C.
MacKenzie. M. K. McClure. N K. Pet-
erson, B. Stewart. V. M. Tulin, H. E.
Twatulev. ,
Mrs. Herman Tyler passed away at
her home at Daabwood on July'S:th
atter a short einem. She was In her
thirty-eighth year and ie survived by
her husband. one daughter and two
Tue Browntawn school, Morris
township, will be in charge of Mies
Marjorie 1'uilt next term. and Miss
Tena Yuill will be the instnicter at the
Anderson school on the 3rd conces-
sion, Morris.
George Grierson died at the home of
his daughter. Mrs. William Atkin. et
Donegal. on July:t5:b. He was eighty
yeses old and was well known in the
vicinity of Atwood, where be farmed
for some veers.
Karl Leroy Eckenier, of Blairmrte.
Alta.. sou of Mr. and Mrs. Christian
Eckniier, of Ethel. was married re-
cently t MIN Elsie May Frank. f"rm•
erly of Hillcrest. The couple will re-
side in the West.
Joseph Farmer. son of Dennis Farm-
er. of Centralia, died suddenly at St.
Anne de haemo e, Quebec. :he r. -
mains were. brought home and inter-
ment took place at Centrals', on July
lath. He esu twenty-eight years old.
8. M sore. id Bayfield. who hes heen
in the bee nosiness for sisteeu years.
says the average yield of Loney per
colon this year will be bat twenty
pounds. As • rule fr'um sixty to one
hundred pounds 1. the prodne.. of •
Iwchlio McNeil, an aired resident of
the Iltb `'eoseeseion of lint'.. maned
away on J1aly 29rd in bio eighty-fourth
year He sea0 born in Lanark cunt!,
nut bad lived on the farm on which he
died for sixty-two year•. Four daugh-
ters and two some 'survive
Mrs. iswie. llelliott has removed her
household effects to Stratford and will
In future redder there
The new grist mill Is almost com-
9rwn. new waeblssery has
arrived and is bring installed. 1t is
es -petted that the mill wiU be ie opera
aline in • week or so.
A horwheyer who vWewd hers last
week p.rebassd twenty -live gond
bocce foe shipment to the Old
Andrew Berhsrt Monteith, barrister.
forsasii .1 aresse. was asserted
hit M6tSanaa INorth. on sIMsobel Maw*
Declaims Lydia E. Pbkkanit's
Vegetable Compound
Saved Her Life
and Sanity.
tl\a_wak Mu.- "1 teal It my day
HO WO We psis the eeoRtion of say
lksalth before win
pip- medichis. 1 had
falling, laflamm.-
dos and coegsstion.
female weakness.
=both both aides.
Mtaebsa and bar-
eerbag down pains, was
abort of memory.
bervous. impatient.
pawed s l e e p l e s s
nights, and bad
neither strength nor
•R•rgy. There was always • fear and
Head in my mind, I bad cold, nervous,
weak spells, bot flashes over my body.
I had a place in my right side that was
so sore that I could hardly bear the
weight of my clothes. I tried medicines
and doctors, but they did Ilse little good,
and I Dever expected to get out ague.
1 got Lydia E. /Inkhorn's Vegetable
Compound and Blood Purifier, and I cer-
ertainly would lune been in grave or in an
asylum if your medicines bad not saved
me. But now I can work all day, sleep
well at night, eat anything I want, have
no bot Rashes or weak, nervous spells.
All pains, aches, fears and dreads are
gone, my house, children and husband
are no longer neglected, as I ant almost
entirely free of the bed symptoms I had
before taking your remedies, and all is
pleasure and happiness in my home. "-
Mrs. Jolts Hatt, R. F. D. 1. Box fl,
Shamrock, Missouri.
If you want special advice writs
Lydia F. Ptnkhatm Medicine Co.,
(confidential) Lynn. Maas.
Victor [boherty,aeon of Mr. and Mrs.
D'betty, of town, has graduated
from the University of Alherta.-sst Ed-
monton. caking his degree of LL. It.
While working at the addition being
erected at the Collegiate Institute
building Mr. D. Prior fell a distance
of ten feet end severely injured his
back. He is now under the doctotb
Isaac Parr fell a distance of fourteen
feet while working at a barn which
was being :.aken down on the farm of
Levi Trick He sustained injuries to
his hack of a somewhat serio.ta nature.
The report 'bad Ra.. J. C. Potts had
jmned the loath Battalion as chaplain
is not correct. Mr. Potts will become
curate of St. Thoma: church, Toronto,
at'thr, Iosr of his pastorate rt Clinton
on August 17th.
Miss B.s-ie Irwin, who is a aletho-
di.r deaf -ones., has tern reappointed
field wotlet in the Toronto Confer. -
Clinton Model school will open on
August frith.
The KIity hand acoowp:.nied the
Breams to TboroM ow civic holiday.
The railway espouses were paid by
coatsibulkrw from cabana.
Hobert and Charles, sow of Alex.
Stewart of tieafwth, received • gold
medal et the Paneu.- Exposition for
a display of Iuwherrwo's and beard -
ware supplies. They tete in hominess
at Portland, Oregon.
John anile, baggagewran at the
O. T. 14. station, ha.l baa hand hadly
injured while unloading tto.aega•pipes
nue day recently.
James Arcbibaid shipped Iia beavy-
draugbt horses one day lista week.
They were gathered from all over the
county and are being sant to England.
A new poultryhouse is being
erected at the sowgrounds lit z 41.1
feet. 1t will be cowpteted in time for
lbs fall fear.
An ettewpt was made b persons at
present unknown to burn No. tt ware-
house of the Ogilvie Milling Co. last
we. k, The Ilse was discovered and
easily extinguished. Upon investega-
Lion oil -soaked rags ant, waste were
found to have been placed under the
door where the fire warted. Over Aro
I UI bushels of wheat weer in the wair-
house at the :iwe.
bleu. Duffield, of New Patterson,
New Jersey. is suiting at A.
Davidson's. Mr. ltuAleld was form-
erly a resident here and was
the man who drove the first railway
train through Seafottn, trove Brant-
ford. over sixty years ago.
Drink Iota of water tad stop sating
seat for a while if your ELdder
troubles you.
%Then yese wake up with backache and
dull misery in the kidney region it gea•
erally means ycu have been eating too
much meat, says a well-known authority.
Meat forms uric . acid which overworks
the kidneys in their effort to filter it
fr-m the blood and they become sort of
parslczed and nem-. %Mien your kidneys
get sluggish sad clog you must relieve
them. like you relieve your bowels: re
moring all the body's urinous waste,
else you have backache, sitck beaded"
dizzy spells: your stomach enure. Wows
is coated, and when the weather is had
you have rheumatic twinge*. The urine
is cloudy, full 'of sediment, channels often
get erre, water welds and you are obliged
W seek relief two or three times daring
the night
Either consult a good. reliable physi-
cian at once or get from your pharmacist
about four ounces of Jud Salta; take
a tablespoonful in a glass of water
before breakfast for a few days and.yoer
kidneys will thee net fuse. This faaous
sale is made trosn the acid of grapes
and lemon juice. combined wife lithos.
and has been used for generations 10
clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys.
W neutralis. nds in the urine so it
aald tenger untate., thus esding bladder
wsaknwasoa- t.
Jad Salts la a lite user for nodal
meat eaters. it is uexpeneive. eaauet
injure end makes a delightful, Ede.
♦went litkia-water driak.
Great lake
To t h e
Water le.
V ovages"-.--t,
On the Great
Lakes -ideal Travel
and Recreation Cruises
-with el the material eomfnrrs-'usurious
appointment' and pleasant enjoyments of ocean
travel on the Largest linen.
wlr. 0, Wind tl wwww ne ..rani .RN...,. .t.. :• ,., 1. `t - w• .,ser .wA SN,
hale -r ane rem mem e.rarr are. • a r:w 4... -..s tem.
a. •sew .n. .os...
w .-
To Duluth, Fort William, Port Arthur, Soo,
(Medd ae, Georgian Bay
and the 30,000 islands
tar ar .._Ewa ser-��^^•... e... .1I •v
eve mom H, .ea w'sT""sn,.
0001. .4 tae.
S,e b. w s. we.eien.i
rem*. arse •ae "w.•Ale .ars womb Ow
aces ammo Or m,wo. et Isar w r. W awl
Owe " Wreak '• -.a ow N.M.I.
111.11111.1141•16•••••• .err .res.
Lie is .vera we to s..••»t r ,mar .taus
Ice res. raid warn rs..sar
rewrerr ver asm..r owllr-
ark ta. eat r Maws rr W wY gibed
r•rwevesy Ow•woas Owasso
Swam sew s t..... o.. taa.t
w . .M „r.... rt► Sm. R
ens.,. •►
amass beta.. PIsew s. 0... w f
,,.. rOw w ...r. 'ea sr. •
aoba lis.. a •- tw.. ?wow .e•
,a.e.wa 16ra Twit go. f.•
.cert IN •. In. T.wr.. 11•1114...
•=ro• ►... T...r ...
t es.v-,••t ,c,..,. Tress swam eve
ColLoNOW. � s.. i. teoellOoe Wk. Wow W
Ow WO et Tse... / from
CirOva.• eve tT 0110 a14 CWW.00
.. a+
elle.....••.r. �ws�we
. Ontario
Thomas liovd, the nine-year-old sun
of Mrs. H. T. locks, died on July 21st.
Mies Jewim.r McKenzie was married
on July :Nth to Archibald Forbes, of
Dublin, Ont., by Rev. D. Perris. The
young couple will reside at 'Millie. t
At a rt -cent meeting of the high
acbool.board Mr. Southcombe, B. A.,
of St. Marys, was engased as teacher
in classics and history in the piece oil i
1'. M. Ewing. who has enlisted, end ! t
Mire Anderson. a former teacher. was
engaged for the commercial work in 1 e
place of Mise H. Kettlewell.
Hector A Mutton has been engaged
as tracber for the school at (.ower
\Vingbam for the emoting term.
The \\'ewtern Foundry Co. ia enteric-
ing Its office building. The cowpiny I
recently increased its staff by tweoty-
five hands and is still working over- i
time No war orders have been se-
cured. j
`sergeant Richard Harron. who is
with the troops at the front, has been '
promoted Sergeant-Major and 1?. S.
Ccpeland her been pr ted Sergeant. '
H. V. Hider, of Sudbiu y, has been 1
engaged as leader of the band and will
male his first public appearance here
with the band.on August nth.
Citizens at the st.utb end of the town
are giving their attention to beautify- 1
ing Victoria ('ark and have recently •
laid down a cinder tennis enure and
erected a bandstand. The town coun-
cil i
bas matte a grant cf =:.11 for supply•
ing luml.-r t.. build seats and other
wise help make the park pleasant sod 1
Mr. and Mrs. Win. l'enhale are on •
visit tu California, where they will visit
the Panaws F.ep.•.ition They will
probably he sway several months.
Garvey Acheson h w gone to St
Thomas to work in the oRm:es of the
Pere Mani tette Railway.
"lies," said Madge, "I spent the en-
tire evening toiling that nice young
lsiarder ..n the heath that 1'd heard he
had a terrible reputation for kiwing
girls against their will " "Aril what
did he d.. ?" '•He •st there like a
booby and denied it r
at Big Reductions
Cut Prices on all the
Straw Hats in stock.
McLean Bros.
Semi Ready Talon
Carhartt Overalls Fitwell Hats
Holeproof Hose
e •
St.t Jerorrte's
eolle je
BERLIN - - - Op4T. '
Excellent Commercial Department
Excellent High School Department
Excellent College Department
New Buildings with latest
Hygienic Equipments.
The largest Gymnasium in Canada.
Running Track, Swimming Pool.
Shower Baths, Auditorium.
First -Class Board
Comfortable Sleeping Rooms
Rates Moderate
REV. A. L ZINGER, C.R. President
Summer Goods
seers the boy assortment We
have for.you to choose from ?
Oil Stoves. «e have
the Xirw•
Perfection and the Jewel.
These are two of the Vest and
moa economical oil '-tore'
vu the market.
Screen Doors and
Windows. Styles a n
sires to -flit
every person.
Hammocks. .gee a _
ortinctit, pi -it -y.41 x.011 $222. up.
Binder Twine. h;\e
just received a large shipment
of Gilt Edge. 6:0 -ft. Hinder
Twits, the a atm .duality you
got last year. 1)o not leave
off hazy ing your twine taw tong,
as there is going to be a
scarcity owing to the extra
large acreage in the West.
Hay Fork Rope and
stip LinesWc belie
. j ti . t re
ceiverl a large shipment. We
carry ropes from j in. to 1
in, in stock.
Ready -Mixed
Paints. These poaint err
acknowkdgetl to
be the hest paints : therefore
the hest value on the market.
CaII and we what .i fine range
of colors we have for your
Are you going to have your tarnaceoverh:Ink.l this Nall
Why not do it now and he re4,Iy for Fell?
Now is the tiarae to get in voor•winter supply of coal.
when the rnarkcts arc at the lowest. The re is a pntssi-
bility of a mint rs' strike in the hard foal fields next month
for higher wages. These. if concealed by the owners,
mean that cowl will le higher. if not conceited there
will he a scarcity of coal NOW IS TML TIME TO
PROTECT YOVRSLLVLS. ['resent pore; cool are
(t at Cssl $7.50 Stove Gal $7.SI Egg $7.2S
Let tis figure on your pl hang. heating. electric wiring.
eavestronghing. etc. All work promptly attended to awl
felly guaranteed