HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-8-5, Page 5THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONTARIO Twcae.DaT. Amt► ft 1a 3 A Patch in the Hand Is Worth Two at the Dealer's A patch is a lied* thing but Lick of it may coft,p.l you to take to 'shank's hors,.'' It's a good idea to have some along. Something de- pends on the qual- ity of the patch, too. To repair a puncture in a new tube with a poor patch is like plug- ging a rat hole with cheese. Put some of our patches in your tool box. They are new live rubber- s, good es the tube. And we have the rig_h�t' �-e th"stickiest" to go with them- . "sW[MR" cement you ever saw. EastStreet tiarage LOCAL TOPICS. A Warning. W. b•.* beds silks .1 to pwbtisb • weaning to moue people who are cir- culating slanderous statements about the wins of soldiers who ads* serving at ibis frust. A heavy penalty any be infl •ted foe in/Aims tales sL.temente and we advise greater control of toe torgus, The Prize Good-Iookse. The Gudench fire brigade, accom- panied by sura tea members of tb. Med Regiment bead, attended Ib• annual firemen's convention at Thor- old on Wrduesday. Oa account of the unfavorable weather the program of *pot ta was called off. but the parade was b.4.1. 'hist "Barney" Tbuwp•ou` of the Goderich beteade wee awarded tint pari' for the fluent -looking chief on parade Red Cross Tea and Dance. A "jitney" service is being arranged in c Junection with the Red Cross tea and d.nce at Mene.etung Park next Wedn.eday Automobiles will Lace the uH1:e ur Proudfoot, Killoran & P,oudtout, Hotel Subset and the Park Howie at twenty -minute intervals. commencing at 3.:i1 o'clock. This will Afford .. pleasant and convenient. wa. of reaCtu1 g We Park, and the proceeds woll help to swell the Red Cross fund. The fare for the round trip will be 25c. A Contr.bution from Chicago. Along with his suberriptiob to The Signal for another year. Mr. tr. C. Red Cross dares atMen.setung Pork Koine trots. of Chicago, semis a contra - pelt Iv. duet( ay „mob g. notion of *ZOO) to the Red Dross fund. The Maple Leaf Grocery ON HAMILTON STREET is again open fur business with an entire new stock of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, FLOUR and FEED and CURED MEATS. OnaCashBasis Came and get a trial order and you will see the cash system is the only system that will reduce the high cost of living. Goods delivered to any part of the town by the General Delivery. Four detiv'eries'daily, five or. Saturday. Butter, Eggs and all kinds of Grain taken as ca:;h. P. T. DEAN Prnpriator, Hamilton Street, Goderieh, Ont. Nee /1(odeI : theatre Just a.few words ni. th_ subject of quality. That i. •where we reign supreme. for we are using the products of the World Film Cor`l>oration Company and the Universal. the largest and lit -est film manufacturing concern in the un- iverse. Some theatres try to get the Universal service. hut they can not do it. ".The Model:. has it. Some of our Quality productions to be shown iu the following month are Clara Kimball Young in "Deep Purple.'- and 1 -illi .n Rtiss-ell in "Wildfire" from trio: World people, and the following t-nivcrsal subjects and stars : A Modern Enoch Arden, three -reel. Adele Lane and Edward Sloman. The Dancer, three -reel, Cleo Madison, Joe King and Chas. Gihly'n. Shattered Memories. three -reel, Robert Leonard and Ella Hall. The Torreut. two -reel. Marie \Valcamp awl Wellington Playtor. Court Martialed, four -reel, W. Welsh. Al. Holubar, F. Nelson and H. Hurley. Nabbed. two -reel. Francis Ford and Mina Cunard. The Smuggler's Lacs, two -reel, Gene Gauntier and Jack Clark. A Life in the Balance. two -reel. King Boggot. You Can't Always Tell. two -reel, Wm. Garwood and \'islet Mesereau. The Pursuit Eternal, two -reel, Hubert Henley and Francis Nelson. An Idyl of the Hills. two -reel, Pauline Bush and Wm. C. Dowlan. The Trail of the Upper Yukon, two -reel. Ben R'il-son and Dorothy Phillips. The Heart of Cerise. three -reel, Pa line Bush and Wm. Clifford.. Baby, two -reel comedy, 1i. Myers and R maty• Thehy. A Witch of Salem Town. two -reel. Mary Fuller and Matt. Moore. The House of a Thousand Relations. two -reel, Rose- mary Thebv and others. The Judgment of Man. Mary Fuller. Trickery, two -reel, Frank Lloyd and Helen LTslie. The Silent Command, four -reel, Robert Leoblflyd and ?glia Hall. As tl.e Universal has gone into the feature business we get Misa Jane Cowl in "The Garden of Lies," five acts. Allen fotubar in "The White Terrier.' four reel.. "'Scandal" and "Conscience," five and four teels respectively. Two more installments of "Process Hassan." Four more installments of "The Master Key." Then watch for the biggest sinal ever produced. "QUALITY" "QUALITY" "QUALITY" AAhissio•as Usual - - 10c an Sc .5 THERE'S A DELICIITFDL 'SOMETHING 11 about the flavour of that can only be produced by the skilful blending of really fine 'high -grown' teas. This peculiar charm of flavour makes it unique among teas and is the secret of its 23 years of increasing popularity. B so This has been handed to the local branch of the Red Comm Society and is included among the acknowl.dgwents published this week. Mr. Robertson to a former resident cf Outlet lett. and •Itbougb it is •ool many years dace w he ernd the line he does not forget the old bonze town His contribution will help in the good work of alleviat- ing the sufferings of Canada's wounded soldiers. Upper School Examinations. Of the ten atu+tents of the Goderich Collegiate Institute who wrote at the entrance examination for the faculty of education the follnwing nix were successful: Pett I -Mabel Gilkinson, Flora Hess, George MacEwan. Joseph 1: Pat t I1 - Nora 1 i rittin, Hec- tor McKay. Liquor Cases. Police Magistrate Kelly has had • number of liquor cases to deal with Ibis week. Oo Monday A. C. Watson. of (:.aelpb, appPered to answer to a change of shipping liquor into "dry" territory. He pleaded guilty and was fined girt and costs. There have been several cases of drunkenness, includ- ing those of two young men front Blyth, who were fined E_ai end costs each, and two men from Hayfield. arose cane. have been adjourned until Saturday.. Field Crops badly Damaged. The heavy rains this week. coupled with the wiled, did utuch damage to tbe farm crop+. Wheat. oats. barley and corn all Puffered mote :;r tear, hitt the greatest injury was to green crops. such as late oats, much'ot which waa almost hopelessly lodged. Grain which was itpe seemed to stand up 'Duch better. Fall what that was cut and Icing in the field: is badly, sleeked On the ITliole,it has been a serious week for farmere. who had leen looking forward to harvesting bumper crepe If we ge worn. dry weather nnw the prcetert will 1.e lucre hopeful, as sorne of the grain will (land up again. Front repots at band it sppeara that this district has suffered lei.. injury than other sections t0 the east and ruuth. DUNOANNON, Tut'ssDAT, August S. Mrs trip and Miss 'Terry. of Lass - doe. are guests at tee iitome of Mr. David $pissat- Mr. Bailie Permit and Mimeo Luella toad lilies Parrott visited at Mr and Mrs. A. Eirbis during tbe part week. The trustees of S. el. No. 3, West Wawabo.h, ae we engaged Mies MiGaie Sbackle,on. of Crewe. as taecber in their eabool. The Ashfield voters list, which bee just tv sa wowed, contain the amass of 1,0tirt municipal voter'.. Tits is an incr.aae over last year and entitles the township once more to elect • deputy reeve. Mr. sad Mrs. W. J. Moffatt re- turned last night from their wedding trip and will spend the next two weeks at the home of Mts. Mofatt's parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Junes, he - fore leaving for Edmonton, where Mr. Moffatt is engaged as a teacher. MAME OF CANADA i CHURCH NOTES. Word has leen rereiv.d of the ..... Rev. Dr. A. Meldrum, cf Cleveland, will preach in Knox church at both services next Sabh tele Rev. E. G. Powell. of Clinton, will conduct the servlcea in North street Methodist church 'rest Si.oday. Rev. Harmon Roe, who received a calI to the paaturate of :he Baptist church herr. ha• iteclineal and ha, ac. copied • call to Midland. death of Dr. M. Bice, tf Rhurne Sta- tion, B. -C.. wbieh occurred on July 13th. ae the result of cancer. Dr. Bice, whn was for many years a resi- dent of Dungannon, left here about two rears Ano to live with his daugh- ter, Mrs. Whitaker, in her house near Vancouver 1 Are ' Your „ airea LearnMg N Save Mosey T Each maturing son and daughter should have a personal Savings Account In the Union Bank of Canada, with opportunities to save regularly, and training in how to expend money wisely. Such an education in thrift and saving will prove invaluable in later life. Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. Alex., Malcolm, Catherine, Mn. Mc - Charles and Mn. Duncan were Fuwr during the last illnree. The fubetel. on Monday, the 2nd Inds[., t) Kinlail cemetery was largely atteodrd as • last tribute to one who Lbrougboat lite, in a quiet and unassuming man- ner, endeared himself by his rugged LAURIER. honesty and sterling character. MONDAY, Aug. 2, THE CIVIC HOLIDAY. AN OLD RESIDENT Dar'A RT% -John LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Macdonald died At his home on the Yesterday was Goderich'+ civic boli- l 12th rnnceasion of Arblleld on Friday, day. In the worniug it baked as it Jul kith. He bpd beer,' ill only a the persistent Rain which ear have had The silk quilt, one of the pr nes du• I y ' of late would spoil the day for pleasure - short time. Mr. Macdonald was one nand in cobbection with the Roman short and several events which had Catholic Pptc'ric at Parkhill woe won of the pioneer. cf Northern AibfirW, by Mr. JaWPa McRae, of Ptrkhfll He cane.from Ross -shire, Scotland, been planned for the holidat wens slay -tan years ago, and with the er- caneellydl but shortly after mon the Kume of the tickets weer -old in Gude- ■un came out and the rest of the di.y ceptlon of a few years sailing had lived continuously on the Tend upon rle•n was fine and pleasant. 11 yr a want a pleasant holiday. wbi..h br died. in February tut the V..obe street alethu.li.t �undac spend next NVednec day at Men•setnng deceased and hi+ now bereft partner in sebc td held its annual picnic its the Palk. A .plendid dinner is served in life quietly celebrated their golden anile---- et Harmer Prirl. Although I anion -, quite as latgrly atlrrideu beds 1'r to the Park hotel at K n cls. Ie. Red C r, se weld He leave surviving his tea in the ats.rboon and dance in the g furwep year a very rnjugal ,e time widow and ren children : Murdoch, was spent, and upwards of one bun- l et ening at. Schuler, Alb.•rta; l)ur.cau, of Du - Send The Signal for tt remainder Inth : John, of Luwb B. C.: Ale: , area sat down to supper in the peril- 1 y' which was gaily decorated with of for year to pour friend away from I of ('ranbrnok, B. C. .Malcolm and hunting end Hage. home Nothing would he woreappte- 1'etberine, of Vancouver. H. C.. and The Relekah L,wlge outing et Hay- i cared. Only 33s to new subscribers I Mr.. ateCharlr,., a Nelson, le. C. ; field and the L'a1 t int ?Sunday school to January let, 1911: to United Stairs Madge and Mrs. Duncan. of Toronto : picni •, which had been planned for the Addresses, IlOc. 1 and \Villiane of Folkestob, Alberta. day, weir called ufT. The regular meeting of the W . T.1". The Point. farm had x Targe crowd, will be held in the Temperance Hall on'- of which Dungannon, Auburn and • - Monday, August 9th, at 3 p. w. The I Goderich furniehcd the tinge ptopor- super intendants are requested to tale 2 tion. The hig event of the afternoon was a haseb't11 match between the Dungannon and Aubut n trams, who put up an interesting game. Dun- gannon won with a sort.. of lD to 9, The teams were : Auburn -R Munro, c.f. ; R. Pater-' ono. Ib.; 41. King, r.f.: tI. McNeil. 12b. ; J. Stalker. an. ; W. Carter. l.f. ;' 1 J Arthus, es. ; F. • Stalker, p, ; J. notice and I,e its their places. &shots always welcome. "Speedy justice" will no doubt nnw be the rule in Huron county, Ceown Attorney Seagrrhaving invested in an automobile. The .•ar is one of the Ford make. Mr. W. E Kelly, the Ford dexter, also has sold a car this week to Mr M..1. Farr. FraMk Hodge. of Gorrie, who was remanded upon a charge of neglecting his wife and children, appeared hefot•r Hi. Haupt Judge Doyle last week and Ito. allowed to go on euspendrl sen- tence Through the good offices of Sloe.. M. Elliott, a tit uatiun has been secured for Hodge and the family re- united, and be is being given a chance to wti►e good I ``Conductor Ausebrook Retires. I 1 A Poor Job. After fluty years in the service of the Ocessionaily we meet a good brother jGrand T, link Itailwav, (*.ieductorI Ausebrook hae retired and is now tak-I or slater who thiols ilial when the (deg • well-earned rest. Mr. Awehrookj �� made them Ifo font to make :hug in 18(13 as A G.T.H. brake- thew right, and they have os. talents, man et Brantford. Five years later I gate or graces such as their neighbor I he became a conductor. For twerty-! P"ar'es' A Sunday ech fol trochee art fire years or note he has been on thet sc14olsrsuch a case once. the beaked her Buffalo and Gnderich run. snakscholar,.what they hat to ly tbanktul 1 reeidence, in Goderich, and he has had ,%0lily renew e d dress, es.'' Ato last ther Ishr lbs ernfldrnee and goodwill of thri tarste to a little fellow with fief red travelling pul,iic and the respect of his r Y townspeople in an eminent degree. i hair, a t.omely Hoar. and a face full f Mr. Ausehr.^k has Forced in his ti