HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-8-5, Page 4• 1•
4 FISUllelleilf, Ag011eT b 11,113
Are you hard on your
, Hosiery?
If yOu are, try a box of Hole -
proof guaranteed Hose
Six pairs guaranteed hi six
months --yon get a new pair
for esters- pair with a hole
in within the six mouth,
Six pairs for
• $1.50 and $2.00
Men's Cuff Links 25c
Traveller's samples - just
three dozen, regular ...etc, on
Saturday 23c
W. C. Pridham
Sole agent for
"Society Brand Clothes"
M c L aughlin
gWe have the latest 1913
rade Buggies.
Call and inspect our new
stock of the above high-
desizns to sutt all re-
quirements. .
Itaestombee tn. Rod 1. -wise ,l.. et
nesweitteag P.i k louit Wedeesday
WItoNISIDAT, Aug. 4.
M. F. Stalker. of Woodetoak. is
Melting hls steels. R. J. Mditie.
Mr.. Om. Denstedt is spending her
holidays visiting Berlin friend'
Mi.. Merit MacD•inald. of Pickfonl,
Mich is visiting her aunt, Mn. A
Mr. Jas. Lawson arrived home from
Niagira last work. unable to mend
the • 0E1 there.
(1.0 Bat ihy meted Ws straw shed
lot T,141/41•y, 1.11141 w.11 ;rive him
leo e io lki 1... lii. .srls.
M. and Mrs. .1.1'i Manning left
To- .I.y is'. • a •4 .4 yirdt to Pilot
Mosem ei11 other %V. -stein pr4ste.
slb . 11 W. 1. at litrathroy,
being cel!..1 . to Monday on
• retiont of his us .5 1 es '• speikre Weems.
Alr Robert St ilksr Is assisting
Mr -..r. Neeeel & L .itsn 84 Brunets
iu installing the macbinery in their
A considerable number of Auburn
people went to the Puint Farm this
Afternoon, ancomp.nying the Aukturn
baseball note, who played there
against Dungsmm. Tee hove were
without their 'regular pitcher, hot they
pot up a good a rgoinent, *ad although
they did not win t •.ey had an enj .y -
aisle game. iesuertiody has I lose.
Tilt HED (Items Ft -No. -The Red
tt,0.8 /society of Antonin wi.be•
hank all bow 'et h • in any way c
iletted to the money, fe.ro
t on ,•iv.c It -Int VI. Toe
atomism receivid sea• $115. .1: this
))))) $71 has been sent to head-
quarters et Toronto. From
held in Jen. ES wee received. Of
This amount $.70 wasp sent to Toronto.
Thr b dense of the money is to he
used li, tusk ng shirt*, sock.. etc.. far
the soldiers et, the h-ont.-Miut. RID-
DICI,L, Sec V.
Al:ItURN (i11418 ARK ALL RIGHT.-
Till're 14 ttttt eh itelltnation here over
an item in the Auburn correspondence
of last week's Gederich Star reflecting
on the gists of Althorn, who. it was
said. were in the halitt of tramping
the et' -et t 4 at "'untimely hour." This
isati turtolled•for slur upon mu. girl..
islm are innidret and well-behaved. It
the Star cortespendent has 5 perpet-
ual grouch wit h the wos IJ, that it no
reason he shonla cent it in euch un-
warranted veinal's,
DEATIt 51-' itiliN ATURDY. -On Tut... -
day evening John Sturdy. • one of the
oldest and mut highly reapected resi-
dents of Auburn. passed away in his
ninetieth Fest:. after several months
of increasing feeble nelisi front paralysis.
In the rally drys ..f this enmity Mr.
Stan dy took an sirtivtepatt in clearing
t be foren• and electing dwellings and
' resale fir the eel ly bottlers. ' He •ortit
i tevei al yeai s urs t It- Province of Mall i•
10,4 when it we. all prairie, and in
Party Sound district. cleering hi. firm
there. The list several veso• he spent
here with his 1 outle raj lying • Well-
eArneil res'. H. it is a strong ail vie
rate ot tetupersi.ce peinciples end was
a men wars believed in tu•king his
word .. good ea his bond. He w is •
member of the Olssonic craft and of
the Orange order. He 14- survived br
three eon•- Henry, and
1e -once -and two daughtera. Mrs. J 41.
Leidlaw and Ws- •noie. The family
ti.s• the syrup %thy of the corn:mind y.
The funswal.take. plane on rbuitelay
•ftes coon to Baler cemetery.
Tresose. August 3.
1114110001 A I. a ND 61NEM‘L
beifte Dow her attsnded the ,Yount
.Ptd meeting on %Vt.:dm...day even -
,g le bear the auhjekt 44'.tez-nship-
4inillIROSI. by ft -.v. .1 Itinhertord.
• lielensill.,. The meeting was vet y
tveselhtlid . Rev. John Young. of
Pit-learg. 1. 11441.111g in 515-5'
.. M.. A. T. C.osse., «1 Clinton,
will occspv .1.• pulp t„of SnitHill
-events rev %wade!. in behalf of the
41.111110110 Temperati,-• A
r. Java Illia4mtber and eon* terently
1 spored .d two Sow bore*. to Cherles
%knees, .1 Clieston .. Some of the
• sag melee meet • veil- enjoyable
•eastag at the Poise ?ems on Yriday
Wry Hedy. of Hamilton, i cis-
. me at I ba home nf Mr•. Andrew
Maas -i. Bean. Hardy and
Julio Walter are .im-ting cement silos.
1111r Joeeph Coonor *hipped •
ear .4 math. anal a car id hogs Lo To -
roar., thi• week . We e•mgratulat•
',hoot ....tie*. No 2. No. :I and No. 8
..ty Atm OW VW all.,sees as teechere of
Moe Reis Wee, Mier Tenn Jnhnston
When you pay for good fruit. and spend a lot of time ever
It, you naturally want So be ram that your jell.ss and
preserves en:. turn out Just right. You can be, 11 you use
"10 Sugar.
Absolutely pLre, and &Ism, the seme REDPATH Surer
has for sixty years proved most depsodeble for preearvtog.
canning and 28117-rnakIng.
1118 Just as easy to get the best -mod
well worth while. So WA your groom
It must b. REOPAT14 Sugar. la am
of the packages °Henan! he
2 owl 5 L. &old Cu
Is, a, Si sod NOM aoliklogos
142 Surissten It"
If yoa have Ibislosche you have
Kiekbry Disallibe. If you neglect
Backewite it will de.velop into
something worse --Bright s
ease or Diabetes. There is no
u.c rubbing ens! doctorinuyour
tuck. Cure II;e kiJnevIll There
IS only or 3 kklaey medicine tut
it awes Backache every fans-
FOND Callta.-There seems DO sad 10
Kidney et al delivery day •t London, as towards
salvo! ForJautossobiles in titillate -
Lion . Monday must bare beets a gm -
evening tbe cats kept renting through
Pills cars of the 191t$ model that panted
here and there 'met beer heen ptty
through Myth. A number of them
wrete for the local &gem, Mr. Brown,
- while . °Merit were tor WhIgl
And mtva wady. Levy. an of carlow.. Lueknow, and farther north. Tome
Qlite a number of the ceighbore gath- who brought the card up went to
ered in to help Mr. John Levy move London iu the morning and ran the.
and . hia I J Kir a . f can bai.k. Ou acrount tif the rain and
Nile, ha. the contact of building the mud the cars did nut loot like new
foundations Mr. Thomas Burns "es•
nutst he proud of hi> beautiful field of BLY rife CIvn' HOLIDAY . -Last
fell wheat ler -dhrorge Clark has I tVeduraelay being Blyt Ws civic holt-
improved the appearance or his farm i day all the places u: business were
by adding a vet./ attractive fence to ; Meted. The wonting wo• very threat -
the front The hay crop hu • entitle but uotottbstenditig this a
tuned 052t nitieh better than the farm- i greet many firma the village and
ers expected. Some fields of red clover : country vete at the C. I. R. station to
have produced a much as thtee tons: take in the Sunday school excursion
to the acre. to Goderieb, 'here being in the neigh-
borhood of WO tickets told herr. 1 he
UENMILLER. tricureiount. retorted has Mg a most
NV HDNESDAY. Aug. 4. ebjuyable day at the lake shore. Two
rie.k. of the bowler.' ales went up with
1311111Fd.-Mr. Reg. Smith, of Torons the intention of caving ft game with
tie bee been visiting Rey Moose for a the uoderich rink.. tout when they
few stays Two of Rel.. F'. .1. Ruth. arrived Mete they fount that it was
erford'.. timer, Mra. Husband and Alin Impossible to 'laic a iiiik game, as
Rutile, ford. are visiting at tbiparson. 1 these was a luesl tournament in
age this week Thr rain ou 1 ile. 1Scotch doubles going on. Thee eu-
day tlettened nut quite a bit of the termi into tbi-, bus they .10 not llswak
corn end oats in this district On very highly til these treatment by the
account of the quarterly meeting ser- Goderich fowlers.
vie. at Bethel euurch, Sunday school Pertaosat AND (IIINERAL.-The rink
will not Its -held at Benmiller until of bowler. who --went to the London
3 Se next Sunday • tournament lad week did not meet
'DUNGANNON With much success, practically going
Witmes'e leertroTes -The Dungan- out -one; two. three. kit. po.sibly they
will do better next weelt at the Ezetir
non branch of the Women.* Ictaitute Loovoim„t,. woe,. they intend 10
held a meeting at the Preribyteriani compete
church on Thou -eddy lest. A good at- Mrs. Ling .e .. and two
chilaree, oi Niagara Tails, are the
tendaner Slat reemded. A splendid guests II( Mrs. 0. E. 11cTeggart.... 1
wiper by Miss ',sure ertitlatid on
-Getting the Best Out of Count, y Mr and Mrs. S. H. tr ire: who have,
leen •pendiog lb* ;at taro ItreltS
Life- was well receive!. It Wa. 'de-
r,ded to ho:d • pirnic at the Point with relatives at Looduti tied Detroie i
The :
Farm iu the neer future. A web of returned home on Set uidey
cloth erne purchased and will be dit• litheri•c tars that hare been preva-
u ihuted for melting into Karmen,' for lent here to the p eat, 4 I I weette are
It, int v well wiped out li d it ie hoped ,
the wounded soldiers and any- who that our usuallv healthy village will'
would like to assist in tete work of now 1..4, vp , . .1. ep, ( W., 1, il, , , 1 , b . . . . ;
Ulla Intl the garments may r ill at tit. Ne.ar,... • E Watson a ik n. shipped a •
posit -inter and get supplies. A I erfle
ear of cattle ae4 sem Of hogs I-.
number renewed their euemlikerobis
ow 00nnen year and s..,,.3p fur nee trih.eirea.tr; tilse..on.irsame Jewelt.. W....Atria:ad
Mega Ler • were resulted. ' an sego ts ip this week to
bLiestfo.n..w4.bems. d.
they: aUl viert reiat-
TU,1(40.41-, Auguet :t. Fawcett of Palmerston is speeding ta
c.taipS41 04 weeks le,t ,fa 1114tC motts...1 two.
Toisimm.Y, Aug.*3ed.
7Bilt WINATIlltet. -The cootiessed wet i•
* 1.1
im:!shizis awmajety the faraseLe, as ow. !ristandard THE COLBORNE STORE D & A IF!
Milptiser of the pm* few day' III Obitia- 1
a heat ie 0551 then le court/Wei iu .4 Patterns Corsets
mese locelttee• of Ile allattuss us &pious. 1 A
It- Is too bad Lb/it Illset.bie weather 3 , 1:
would not, come neer so that the '- - - ---
farmers c Julia get their heavy crops •
▪ d
A tionD Hett`Olittr -The 'Myth imbriol
has sa2.0• epiensi4Shi.,eiugill the p
LW° examination& LW, Ras• . rest ati-
tectemeed. I tle• one Iasi, out, the et.-
I M./AV to the estristall &deeds, out of
tseeive 11 vim nine iesesed. 11
IF I llg tisane Waist Addy 11.e 11.4/A tete
county who Deceives 00
speaks well for our istb,..1 We Can-
n ot undes 'dead t of assure or
the pupils grow bete to wood to high
school.. lo other place, ashen (hoes
securing their educatuoibete can du
so well_
PEIntriNAL Noce., -The Mi- es Mur-
iel Auti in and Marion litiffin. of ' . •211r- te: E. MfT11.111111".• 4. T R.
tire:tern-h. are visitiem her. . . Mr.. If - "mmt• i'ltn hat beim Weediest the' Piet
tel'onnor and Allis. A. Hurley street tero *eau at Stet.," so d eic•nit Ir. leas
a couple sif d tys lam. week with frienss "'la's" 40 •im• P"'"a• • to -lima 'uue•
Illr A M C., hw.
•t t% biLeeleitch mt.. mio y Nii .. , ',freehold s
Court, of Dunrgaruion, end Mr tel.. ataanwitt us lam Haab ..4 Itagailtant, um
Ktitebsti. of fit. Aiwa...tine. vowel 'Lin his b46111" "'I 51 s Silk ail. 6114
X ingehridge ['Wilde on Sunda•. tamely left OS 11111004•low It Osten "mead.
whims be Meg spew* litto two weeks.
tletentled 10, 44- ertw I
te etsutacii at W. so. Haw.. i . Joins hp?. .kr imeer... i i•rnasti IOOR II vial
Dilebegirish.lr. aselierh....; 4.0T hew. rum.
Mos Jomphine Kesroty.of Ooistieb. 41111.84. 01 thip
and Mat y Call ot li sti. 4.1 Wilt .ecisast ch. will isommes og g , mese" h.. "As
spent, Solidity with relatives Isere latimill-s of ibir Myth Flag t'o •tis
Mis. Marro -et Ol'onnor I. ••i' I 'it hems in • term owneem of Iwidessw 1•
under the parental tied ...Mrs 11'..fl .„4,,,, wish tb. "Anna IA.,' "woo,
Desmond. Miss Annie Hstel.r, John 01.10 ed Gm. If too lirogillOrlaggii 4.y
ate renewing actin...trainers here
lessmona, sr., and John Deentood. j. „kw...6G by= se pea., Tao ...els
i -b. One and wield a era ban
FIVE SAILINGS WEEKLY' TPA of seed am I sem 1 essellfty a Sem.
th ft Ason,Asse 0 and inn". alai
new* Com at M.e.ts• Met Mr seem
Port McPlicol to Sault Ste. Marta and it... ase a• praperga • teariag heels with
Fort William,' the hater .. hemline. Mr J Ilea mini-.
• II .• , He report. that beimpie se nal atech
. •
us 1 kw \Sem. Mt that the mem an
LRAM. Stomeships heave Port MeN.eiell. ww.i, aid al tom,' die
Mondeyo. Tueedaya, lit'edtiewiey% 4..t. in, a.n, enno., of -he
hured.ye and Satitid•ys for l‘iwik f,,resoss *di ban wim a the lient eenrre
Ste Mamie. Prot Arthisr and Fort has. kw" in rem. Mr
Steanizhip F.xpres. making Freak yetealf. oho bi„, mos oftgAmod
direct connection leavers Toronto 12 4Il "
P.tie merenia. Dna 1110.11%. •..
74 I 'fa'
Pei Oculars front Canadien ParLiSe• fide. Asol,„,„,
ticket agent•, or write M. O. klurpc.V, bloodily to 111811111110 bin liklaidto. nen
District Patsenger Ammo,
erame. beedieutiellie will be at
1 Regina. Sask. Mr. *see ilf i. • first -
clam Jodie of bait mid wherever he 1.
ST AUGUSTINE. stationed be will shot/ se partiality
Tugs's.% Y. Aug. 3 .. ..• Miss Hannah Millitrety ia on •
Nityt's Nureco Mr. and urn. A. visit to her sister at Stratford.
Kirkland. of 1'e...water. Spain ths When down loom a.isteoppiog sod
week -end with f. isnd• Mies niffering frum the beat, wait our ice
H McAllister returned home on Um.
day 'after a week's visit with Ripley
sad Kincardine friends. ...Mr. A.
IllissitIn visited Whitechurch friend+
last week ... Mias Jiinevis Taylor, of
Reuesehr ',Woad at Wm. McAlli•tee's
this week ..Mr. and Mrs. John
jr.. of Auburn, •ietittl in ibis vicinity
imt week Wm. Davidson, of
Winging', le drilling a well for Wm.
McAllister at present The St.
Auxustioe branch of the Woameti's In-
stitute will hold a lawn *Celia at N.
Thensveon's on the evening of Au -
gust 1 tb
ruKACIAT, Aug. 3.
NUTS* -Mr. giiihrge smith, a
Woodetork, is weeding a few day. at
' 0 W. Potter's
Mrs. Sterling and
Mies Nina Morgan returned to Port
Stanley on Saturday Mr. Pear
MeDougall le visiting at Detroit. . ..
Miss Rby uPater returned home frogs
WoOstook on Saturday. .11isis Luella
Tiebbora• left last week for Chicago.
where she intend* spending • few
Miss Aida McDonald hes
retuned to Detroit, having great two
weeks at her mother's. Mies Lea•
gat, of Phtsburgh. ie visiting at, Jobs
Torrance's idiom Height, of Dods -
Meek is visiting ot W. Jaingeloa's ....
Mr. Howard 001 .punt the week -en/
at Ilierifthenk . Mrs. Richardson,
of Logsdon. is visiting as Km Iffincint'a
. . .0. W. Potter bee engaged ReY
Tabor, of Roseburg. to aloft him 1.
Ift shop.
crimes peeler, always cool end omit.
Salkeld s liallours1 We, phone 04.
Don't stay grey! Sage Tea and
phut darkens bair so eaterally
that nobody eft tall
TOO as. tars gray. lasil hair bow
tifully dark mid brow aftest oft
*14 if you'll get a 1110 esat beetle all
'Wyetkii See and Fulglier Compound"
at aay drag Item. MilMos a bittles ad
Ode 014. 1...... Sep Tat Reim are sad
ammally, sari a well -Main *vied
Mee, Imams it dark's, this hair as
astamilly 'sad mealy that ao am ors
tell it hag him applied.
11wee liftwe 0.1, 1. Ihrotag rey, hi-
santsi Isile4. dry, serer sod take
lift • worrier weal them homes
altar ems to twe apt thg grog
hair elhalidellIP kod Mara Memo
Isomeleally dark sad Ass.
anti gess, seal, higiftg and babe hate
alsigis is the ago of penlitestp-heihmil.
o ftinraistim fe0os weal
se pit %.1.10 Wygth's lb. end
Oar side% he delligkedll
rtt:zeo Mir gad pee
.... ..S. IST4 "Eh I
articular Peoplcare as much -often more- for good quality and
1 late style as they do for low prtce. Those who
11 think only of the price are often not the most economical buyers. You Nt ill find
AI prices here -low for the quality of goods offered. There is a reason.
3 Rags
431 We are taking special prices this week on all our
1 Rugs, tospeetry. Brussel., velvet isod Axminster. yet.
II Crepe Dress Goods
1 Light grouod and neat colored patterns Beery
apiece merited down from 15,: to 1210,* .ab -tut 34.4
11.1 yards still left.
Table Linens and Napkins C.
Our stock never better and no alvauce in prices 11-.
Dress Goods
3Nstw fall shipmente coming already in serges, pop -
▪ lib. and fancy t weeds and plaids
Kimono Cloths
▪ coming for the coming season New patterns,
and prices Mille as hist year.
Crash Towelling
A large assortment to choose from. Buy now, *
Forty'six pairs still left or the 23 and 3S-cect
colored lisle glove* going now at 10o.
prices are advaucing.
Never had iso good an assortment ncr such
low prices They come to us direct from the F
makers nod of the very tweet design.. The beet 6;
211e and 80o collar. to be had anywhere.
MONDAY. Aug. 2ed.
Worthy Ryan. of Nil.,
occupied the Westfield and Dummy -
brook Methodist pulpits on Monday
lase in tbe alr-ence of Rev. W A.
Conway, who is taking his holidaye.
Miss Ida Barkley, of Dungan- f
non. is visiting her 'sister. Mrs.
W. A. Campbell Mr. Charlie
Roger tal SF. *ling Mr. We•ley Fee row
to take off hie harvest.. ....An elf wt
is bring made through the cluntry to
gather up the old and Untiseal r.z ire
tor the use of the soldiers ist the front.
The rex n• are sent to Toronto and
thence ho Sheffield. England. where
they ate cleaned and restr2und. Mrs.
Hardisty has acciltuuluted a number
end intends forwarding 'hem to Tor-
onto. 's'e think this a splendid plan.
at many it the heave fellows at the
front are often bidly in beed of a
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
bY tor'.* applications. as they cannot mach the
,2, -e$ -ed portion .1 1h e.r. Triere 14 ordy
tea) to rule detainees, and that it bv ,noetitu
tional reasedi-e. Dashes -t i• ua-wO by an in-
fl,ersed 1.03411 Wel of the st Op.:04d hillier
nt tho euaashia0 tube. When this tubs
Inflamed sou bays • ritual/11as mend
ae isaterteet Manse. and whew le lig
est vete timed inahreo le 14. Bawl*. obil RD -
leas sae Matimmaikes ass be
e dsw taeot44t • weSaass
seertretet.ta .nuile
t M are Mi
be en•rnt. whines la
Intlanitd roodlt too et the
W. well Ors ono kundre.I disbars for mei
sane destnes• es ...sal by e-nsrrtil that realest
he cured by &Lath ore. eese feeds,
• War free,
r .4 'iativek 1 I), Toledo. O.
s•ani Is dienonst
14. 15.51. V•...18 foe °Dna undi in.
TI.:ZaD•Y, Aug. 3.
114;41TOel TH. NV KKK. -Me Jai.
Maker repeats to de 'be ftr,ittarestsing
• the• eireses on Mr. [Meld 'Todd's
faros this ergot ... Mies Margaret
dillaggeogs. al Lucknow. and Master
Linftay Lagerence, of the are
ellellesee at Mr. Jame. Durnin's A
el yens. cile sprat * very ea-
-day at k Horses Litt. cia I
. ...The ht. Helens baseball
Saws mercer' to ray fiseedly Kassel
01 Womseild ilcm /May Mr. Oeo.
IlIark, el Illaimilusa, is visiting et the
dig home . . Mr. John Rutherford,
of Omit 54. Marie. is visiting bill
11118141. Mr. T. Todd Mi., M. Forel,
Of reberseed h. mune on Monday.
Kiel Wiles* !thaw, ni Bluevale,
rod Nies Vera Webb, of Wollaston,
me emitters at Mn. John Millet a,
The Women'. Miesiontary Hoci-
. tit rinse( will be held in Calvin
rimer* parlor on Wednesday, August
I Iltb, at 2.311 An invitation is ex-
tended to ell the ladies to be presesiL
Mr. and Mn. V,. Detail and
deggifters. Mimes Pearl and Irene, of
linessee. Melted at Mr. Jas. Durnin'is
lest week Mrs John McPherson
awl Mies Angie returned to ti uelpb on
Megiday after spending a month with
her mother. Mrs. H McDonald
Roo Wm. Mackintosh having st-
eered • call to the amociatod charges
of Bond Head and Schougherg, in the
Presbytery of Bserie. Si. Helena Pres-
byterians ere again without • settled
minister. Rev. J. M. Duncan. of Luck -
now. has been appointed Interim mod-
RIBA BROKILD. -What might have
been a vet y Mu' accident occurred
to Hugh Shields on Tueeday. July
VOL when be was pitched from a load
01 0.,. He was unfortunate to have
several rIlle broken and also received a
had cut on his bead which rendered
trim unconscious for 'time time. We
hope soon to hear of het recovery.
Nitwit Norge -Miss Ida Barkley is
spending • few days with Westfield
friends Mr. and Mrs. J. Arm-
strong. of Goderich, went a few days
last week with Mt, and Mrs. 14
fibields Mrs. =Heti and Mrs
Hogg retareed to Whothare last week.
altar visit's* with their sietsr. Mrs.
allobnetoe Mime Nettie Bell and
frikiid. of Doderieb. meet Sunda with
the former brother. ahem
Mr. ead Mrs. Art. Liningtoe. of
Goderieb teireasip. visited at the
home of Wm. Obevre on finalay hug
. Kr. simil Mee. Albert 073=ii
end little dasighof tee, W .
visited at the lame of the lady's par-
ents. Mr. and Moo J. Barkley. Mgt
week aftelow bons monad
hs teak in the mobile st
gal ilhopoardten lam week, bssbprow-
=be eery egresemfal. ...11hareis
was elhanged heft to the
tante for Particulars
Registrar. Mao Bac. iDanelmi Principal.
Address: -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont.
Steamer. Leve l'ort MeNicoll Monday...
Tuarala)•. Wein.-day. Thursdays and -.5
rtel•se to- I'LT -TE. Pogr
Ittetunsr "Manitoba,- from Port Ildeltle•Al
• e I medals v all. at Ogres 5.14 IO.
'111114AMS4UP EXPItgair learnt Taintate
1i* p. deft ~DI Wilk& iog
▪ eiggasuits. DRS ateasners at Part
McNeal' we adder dors.
Aka to Attaalla Coed Rowe.
IsAet Newness Dee [Awl
Polat au•Baell
M wank* Lek,.
Frew\ end Pickerel Myers
Senora 11.1 3.13
55FPE T.
Fast Time. Corivewient Train Service, Modern Equipment
Matures. Montreal. Ottawa. Termite Detroit. Chicag 3
alt. THE w.'.TO
NIS iN4411 OF
Particulars from Jo.. Kidd. (*.PAL Agnst. sr write M. G. Maridt. D.P. A- Toronto.
yr- -
, .4111111111N
, .
Run No Risk!
Vou will make
mistake in purchas-
e Have Nothing
But the Best I
The best makes, the
best styles, the best
leathers, and we give
you the best fit. That
calls the climax for
Oor Scat St. and Square.
boor lest Pluaday 10.30, a. ot., with •
fairly good sasedisece.
Monnor, Aug. 2
(beim Aim Donn -Kr ••111 Mrs.
Dan. S. McDonald, of Ripley. visited
?Heeds fa thee vicinity last week
Miss Jessie Jobastee is visiting trim&
at Dammam. Mr. Halo MeDoss-
ad has rammed home after • trip
throagh the Wester, Proolocee to
Velowever Mime Herniae Raw-
lings and 10We Crassly, who have hese
the gems of Miss 055ft MeMureby for
the pain week. haft roftwood to their
The Hod Orem la eerie& for ow
wounded million. Help the geed mese
Iaseatsteadiag the Red (Noes tea at
meg Park nest Wednesday.
&Miller Service to Highlame of
°Mario from Torouto
20.1a m daily 1. r Haskol.• Lake, daily es.
rept euniey for !Ake et Hey.. %Igo..quin
P.rk. Maganetewan hewer and Tusesstul Lek.
Is 15 a.m. dell, except bundar for liaciestan
liar. Lake of hap. aud Magenotowan River
1201 m daily .sept Sonde": ter Muskoka
Liaise. Lake ist Bays aad .tbron.into Part
I eaves Tomato
.4rtiveo Sarnia Wharf t_til i.e.
gaeh Monday. Wellowday. and Ratstdiajr. can -
rafting with NN. ..polat1.1 steams" silt:
Sault Pte. Maria. Port Arthnt. Fort
snd ISnli.th. and et Tort 44.1111ani .4155 G.T.
Railway 1. r WItintrav and points In Wetter%
Can•.I a.5 ow be-. r 1.11sr•re-Catr and
Parler•Lihr•rf-Rss.:t c.r. between Terset•
• am lisroia %bait
all otrtienlius and Orbs,. onspialtratins to
T. F. l.AWRgNSL Mt% Timm
triad Ticket Mellen Flinn* A 0. H. LAI!
!Blades fieltat Attest, Pitons 2.0.
Have you tried our
new Bread
-the tastiest in town. Nice
soft crust - close -grained .-
made from Fleischman',
Yeast. Everybody says it is
the best yet. Try a loaf.
There is thorough siatiefectIon
for those who bay our Oaks.
and Peary. 11 7051 do not linow
bow gond they are, wewhosid
like yogi to try those.
Smith Bros.
The Melbas bet IL Hiker,
Phoes 184.