The Signal, 1915-8-5, Page 3THE ATONAL : GODKRTCH : ONTARIO Twca$DAr, Acucai A, 1016 a H E MINA IND ONLY REHIRE BMWARB OF 1UITA- TIONS SOLD ON THB MISHITS Ob IINIRD'S MIEN? 11 BBl)0BBL NDIN(i MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. SOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS Allpromptly attended te bon at T IL ION A L. Gehenna. m Marble A. 13, TAYLOR. th salvoes. MEDICAL D14. GEM, Ht1LEMANB, Ot!TE- PATH. specialist in wwme.i', and tell insal.doseaase, acute, 'brm,lc and aeevessMe- =dem.1 . oar. nose sod thread. partial Nat mesa laussgo and rheumatic eoaehior. Ade- mime deadiee ntrwt,t with•ut the knife. ,ales at. sealdesce, owner N•1 nn and S.. Aedew'a e4es1,. Al home tea r M ontsa •. ti edardare OSA eat.aday: any etroing by appablma.l ki.. J. R. FORSTER-EYE, EAR. a and throat Doty. Bow moa. rk Ophthalmic and Aural Amidst.. liar. Nagaland -1 Meat deutsrw, and Mooreaetd Kes saalead• Oece. 611. W M., Irtraewl. :rat. Kooz Church. R a.Biet.•-. tless.a. Telsebses a. AUCTI HIEZE. iIIHOYAS SUNDRY 1 AUCTIUNZZR, Iles C.11edsrIch. All inArwettase by sial ler: at 81anel Dice will lie prampW at ended us. itasideno., tatstAAuc 119 LEGAL r 1! C. Hdlg .BARii18Th1t, S.'1.ICITOR. NOTARY " PCbut. kat. Bank Blset Mamilltim Brest. =bie1'es.Pau.. es. Sisal Idaho Leans and la''arsses P15OUDFUUT, AC I LLiOSAN t PROCDFOOT Stamm MA bOLUCITUltttl, NOTARI11R PUBLIC, BIC. ,•• /12ee oa tie equate. wound door from Boni - Mew street. bi.aauet.. vilvate [wads t0 Iwo at lowea rater. W. Psocoruor. KA . J. L. Mutons• W. Pnoturotrr, Jia L (it. CAMERON. K. O.. HARRIS 2Mt. miscotor. notary FMB& Obese duvet. Uudertch. t1trd deer b•. Bream At Climes, 1 sundae of each week to epee on Aibei t street occupied by Mr. 160upar office hours k. it. to 101 p. W. GtYAk(Lliti (JARROW, LL.H., BAR- MeatlateY 1 to attermd at' lowest rents t • U.M.• BEAGER, BARRISTER. MOL lenge. Notary Public and C•eev . So.-Uourt )louse. Uedeich. - ONfs d IJ4SUSANCS. LOANS. ETC. r 0,000`ToYDS TO to . Barrister Uamilton street. Oederled WWR. ROBERTSON, . iNeURANCIt AOIiNT. Ilan urn I4UTCIx'' : Brtdib, Canadian sod erica ApaoeA' ~BroaiMk.W xs AND PTaia. L 4 erAatrs: TM uoUoa, asUle L1 Accident Ina./>asurr oro OciaAxnra Boas : The U.8, Fidelity and OwataatesCeatpaar. Mee at reoNeaew Northeast steer of Tb Med std ills Davide etresta, Pb... 176 Mc1LILLOP MUTUAL FIRM IN - II OR •N C 1t C 0.-i'arss sod laolat.d tt+w•,y usatod• pussese-J" .7. Mclean, Pres, 0e•Isrti P.O.; ossssfm, Vim -Pram. lied. obk'. IL. hays, IMo.-Trusi .. P U. IA P, McGregor. Sak itb; John �prep RW, Conatenee,k: Zoom. weed; iso;Maol Ages, : J. W. Yew Iielmesvin.: realm/MAW. Clinton ; wWisa elealw th /MAW.. !,start►. sea pay a u and get their windotea a, fik•rriebr Clothing us•epiaaea•It. e iRewrydies isea street. NM- MAMIGAGE LIM OUR OTTAWA LETTER 041•414411HSy K P. 0•01807'100400•4141411 Ottawa, Atynae L -The Ministerial Onion of the Lower llai.kaod of Reit- lab Columbia have troy out a Maoe- dooiao cry 6o the Dominion Govern- ment to neap m %bemeans ut a royal commandos to levestlgete the affairs of Brawn Columbus. The Unto& demaada that the robbers be brought to justice and that the guilty parties, whether companies. syodicaaes, individuals, Cabinet Ministers or 00••• 'roaming odiciate wbu have .bated in the plunder, be jailed and forced to dissorge. 1 be Mioistea tai Caton is a body e: meek and king -suffering men. It I.im so polities save the public good. But ten yeah of McBride rule in Brit- ish Columbia has left it in a state of aterm bordering on panic. Unless the (editing is stopped they see nothiog but ec,somie and esclal ruin for one of the meet richly endowed Provinces in lbs L)owintoo Their allegation Is that the Province with the consivanoe of leading mem- bers of the McBride Uo ernment has brim practically gutted by the ex- ploiters, and toe broad outlines of their ease are set forth in a pamphlet compiles' by M. B. Ootswortb, • an English statist of repute. who has been several time, called in by the McBride Uoveromeot as an expert,' and who consequently knows bis British Colum- bia like a book. Mr. Cot boort h naturally thought be had been called in to telt the truth, but when be found his reports suppressed, his work on the Civil Service Commission choked off, and his own honor assailed by at- tempts to bribe him, he threw up his task in disgust and joined the re- former*. In Mr. Outs worth the Minis- terial Union bas • splendid ally --be supplies the facts, figures and detailed knowledgewhich put its charges be- yond question. Citizens of Canada wets greatly dis- gusted with the etroag-gent gang in Manitoba. Their work was coal se and careless. 1 hey did not even take the pains to hide their tracks well. They did not clatter the public by practising any Macbiavilhan atts Of deception. What they wanted they went out and took and If there were eye-witueems they got them out of the country ■flet giving them their share of the swag to keep quiet. Nothing new or deuicate about these .; methods -just plain rsmu,t and bat- tery and nigbwey robbery. with ab- duction and subornation of perjury thrown in for good measure. But what they did to ManlwbA, brazen ae , it war, is tint a cltt•umataOCe 10 what happened in British Columbia. Reside the Brittsb Columbia outfit of black -jack artists, high -binders and porcb-climberr, the Manitoba gang looked like a band of hpleortb Leag-' uets engaged in en uplift meeting. Manitoba is worrying over a matter , of a million, perbaps two millions if . the Agricultural rite is included, but what the looters did to British Culuh.- his runs into hundreds of trillions and then some. sir Richard MCBrid. ap- peared recently before the Devdsun Commission at Ottawa and Pointed out what • patriot be was to purcbas- tag •a bees of subutariors for $400,00) toter. iice r than the manufac more t P o ithmetic which bewilder ins sort of W AL1IR IL OUDIR11BCH ONT. P MUZR Or MARRIAGE LJC1WERtl• Patent Sol:ester ,I. S. BIBCOC1 1,atttysr IL,1 nasi Rade rataml attorney. ht sass• ex9sAms0a�C_a^� W l,' Canada U.n. le premptle estessee. rode eta IeMus��� and valoid eailestil a mites% mita t =slime pared far eeea.`YLL Expert %witness in patent suits, Pat nests oesalr.ed in all countries. 99 St sissies Street, Montreal. Write Ise ref .-.w.nen. 1 Have beautiful decorationswindow Nothing gives so much pleasure as a well decorated window. Your windows will be the envy of your neighbors if you use the d`T�eeE Flat Rod -for certain and merles Guaranteed not to sat or tarnish There is a Kinch Flat Rod in a chlor to match your woodwork or draperies. Every rod coouias a en /nen Rumness that it will not ecus or tarnish_ it's es easy to Aims ass attractive asiissbr ,with the Kirsch Flat Ile/ (louse in and see them 1 (I 0. HOHMEIER Seasonable Footwear WE feel the very least we can do for you when you come into this store is to give you Shove or Rubbers that will he aheulutely.com- fortable and will wear to your eatiatacticn S%e want you to realize that your well - fate is our first consideration Our pnces use moot reason able. REPAIRING Geo. MacVicar • Ninth side of Squire Goderich legislation of 1910 practically doubled the value of thews stolen land. and eighty-four "wtrkers" cornered 1.749,- 840 acres in that year. The Land Act of 1011 doubled tue price or land. and us severed the tet lines of tee lucky y speculators. Staking thereafter wens goes a long way towards explaining on at the rete of 4S0,IIUl acres a week. the present financial troubles of British ; The game was a sure thing and every - Columbia. The people out there have ' hody with a pull wanted to g• t sat .,n enjoyed that kind of arithmetic for it. the last ten yeata and have at last . As a matter of fact, staking was so turned against a Conservative Govern- ,i eager that a ran ahead of the existing meth which conserves nothing hut its surveys, and when Mr. Cotewortlt, as gratting friends and ltd own pocket. chairman of the Civil Service Lowwi.- •1'he alienation of Beitisb Coluwhia lawn. drew attention to this abuse he lands as uncal •Liv Mr, l'tttawortb tikes I was deet with the suggestion from the shape as a colossal crime which suis- g=Mutive Council that he hsod in his leading ststewents by Cabinet Minis- paprar, end his work tiro the commis - ten, cooked atatustics and false have failed to cover up. The British trouble. It was also suggested that Columb a people are asked to believe air. Cutas:ottti get did of ads chief en - that there are .tver 00,(f . i)I) acres of gioser, M(r. F' C. 1. ►male who was as ma W aim and accept $'i i. 0 for lits time and land surveyed and betel' for the pre- socorrupribie a. he war. Comtel, emptor alone: tbat 1.i.'»).tn'i,sere* of stoner Cutehorthaccepted none of the this lin within three wile. of a rail- I suggestions, stout by his chief eugni- way; that all these lands have been eer end brought in a report that was rescued hum the clutches of the spec. 1 never printed. Although tbe Yuprewe ulators and that they are free to the !Courts of British Colon hie and the settler who is given every assistaotw Dominican of t'aoad• have both de - Lo get un the land. Th.- actual frets, I Glared that this method of staking as asn•rtsintd by the Ministerial land is fraudulent sod illegal. the game Union's enquiry, are these. There are went [fight along until the Wow burst. perhaps 1r.tasl,I'l) acres of available 'see lands arty assessed at ten cent* an agricultural land in British Columbia acre. although the I:overnment paid of which '11 per .•rot. has been banded over to laud grabbers and speculators operating under "dummy" names with the connivance and legislative aaiet- ance of the British Columbia liovetn. went. Of this ngt icultural land there is not an acre felt wit bin twenty miles resold it et higher prices -nut • bit of it at tees than sever. dollars and a half an acre -to unsuspecting settlers who were unable to get • proper title to the land Often tnongh thews foreign ape relators were not tart iculetr about the land they s.,ld end ,,any 'sees of hardship have 511M0 s.uoug +shrives who thought they had bought farms brl:eve Lha: l'.i'•il:et Minirers and and found nothing hut sand and moonlaih scenery Ooverument uA1, iris Are inter.sted u All of abich gore to show th it the silent panne -s w many • t these syn- bona fide B&hish Columbia settler has dicstes. '1h•: statistical p,sges of the a fat chance under the 112 Htide e e - Agricultural •Commissions report of tem of exploiting Crown lands. The 1914 have been cleverly manipulated to alienation of the pnblic domain. how• cover up the most glaring instances of ever. is only it small prtt of the indiet- land-grabbin in certain districts. The Ll forty cents an acre for railway suh•idy lams in the some district•. The grab- bers usually secured this land from the Government on a part. payment of fifty' cent. an acre. perhaps paid nothing further on it, not even taxes. and then of a roadway or a wagon road :rid the all -ted folder" issued by tbe Govern- ment is a cruel piece of uii.representa- tiun. Millions , 1 acres are held by land•gr•bbiug syudieulet controlled bout Meanie, Po. fund, Spokane, Sail Francisco, Chicago, New York, Lon- don, Iierlii, Pal is and the European centre, of flnauce•. 'forte ie teaenu 10 laws of Bailie Columbia set • limit of 040 acres for any one person until be bas cultivated his fret purbase to the extent of P.(lt per acre. But in 19117 the Mt -Bride Government amended the Land Act by adding these words : "Land may be staked or located by an • agent under this seetkln." This joker sad permitted any man to make y thousands of acres of land in the names of (-there who had never oven it, said names being essay obtained alleetieueePaPanwsit Brophey Bros. 0ODERiCH The Le•+la Fooerld Directors *ad Eabslaers lreisls, skit � sir trey. for a dollar. or a driok, or the mere asking from tbowe wbo intended to take up land With these signatures and a bogus power of attorney which purported to ive an Irrevocable transfer of the land from the person whose came le used to the grabber, thew land thieves sent their agents out to stake the best lands alotig tba line of prospective rail. ways, whom location hod been off to them by friends on the i The immediate remelt of Otis amend- ment Klein* power to stake land by agent was an increase of 102 per eseit. in applications to rewrites* land in itiil9, and Mt per cent. in 1910. 1s the find three years after the amesd'ment was passed, a total of 1374.509 &Oyer wee staked In Ibis way by 117 asset.. •n,. average per seeker in 1910 was 8). KO arras, in the two years following the amendment thirty-three stokers garnered MUD flans. The reilWS7 went araioet tbe ri,i.b Columbia Government. Coal land.. timber re- source'', railway subsidies, pulp lessee and company promotions are mute's of scandal which have transformed, at The Vancouver Sun remarks. • flour- ishing Province "into • community which is not far short of bankrupt and where employment is at a min mote." H. F. O. IIARIETQOOTAThkSI1P AUOOBT 2 Tereate Cottle Market Extra choice steers ....1a :6 to $$.10 Butcher steers. good..., 7.50 8.10 do. medium 6.75 7.26 do. common 1.50 6.11E Hellen• good to choice7.60 7.71 do. medium ... 7.00 Butcher cows. choloe.. , 6.60 do. good 6.10 do. common 4.50 Botcher bulls, chokes,6.76 do. good Dulls e.20 do. medium 6.75 do rough bologna4.50 Weeders, 900 to 1,000 lbs7.25 do. bulla 6.50 Stockers. 700 to 800 lbs6.50 do mod . 65C to 750 6.25 do. "ght, 500 to 150 6.00 Canners 3.75 Cutters 4.60 Milkers, choice, each60.00 Springers 50.00 Calves, veal. choice.,.. 9.00 do. medium do. common Lambe, yearlings Culled lambs Buck lambs Ewes, tight 7.00 1.60 7.00 7.00 6.5'1 6.10 Sheep, heavy and bucks 3.50 Hogs, weighed off cars. 9.t do. fed al:d watered. 8.75 do. f.o.b. .... 1.40 7.26 7.26 6.0J 6.09 7.10 6.30 6.00 4.75 7.f6 6. NI 7 2:. 6.50 650 51 6.00 80 00 90 0J 10 25 0.00 6.00 7.50 '0.1.0 C.10 7.0'1 4.70 Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale prices to the trade: Eggs -- Special (cartons) .... .24 to 75 Extras (selects) ' 22 .24 No. 1 (new laid) .2122 No. 2 .18 .19 Cheese -New, large. 16c: do. twins. 1614c; old, large, 22c; do. twine, 2214c. Butter - Creamery prints, fresh.27 .29 Creamery solids .26 .28 Dalry prints .22 .21 Bakers' .19 .21 Honey -Buckwheat, 714c a pound. to tins; 7c tc 7r4c in barrels; strained clover honey, 12%c; 14c in 5-1b. tu.s; comb honey. No. 1, $3 par dozen; No., 2. 12.40 per dozen. Poultry Live Dressed Old fowl. Ib .. 12c 14r 1,: 18c 'Spring broilers 17c :cc Old turkeys .. 16c 20c Turkeys ...... ... ... 23c 25c Ducklings ..... 13c 15c 17c 18c Don t scold the child if she M crass give her ,texall Orderlies, as the trouble ie probably with the bowels !gold oily by H. C. Dunlop. the Rexall Store, 10c.. 25c. sad felt. boxes. Toronto Grain Prices Manitoba flour quotat!ons et Tor- onto are: First patents, 1:.10 In cot- ton; second patents. 16.'.0 in Jute; strong 'bakers, 06.30 in jute. Ontario oats -No. 2 white. 5:c to 58c, outside: No. 3, 57c to 56c. Buckwheat-Nomtaal. Bran -Mani( ,bat 827, in hags, ortpr- onto, and rbs 829. Toronto. mid dlings, 630. Rolled oats -13 to 13.10 per bag. Barley --Ontario No. 3. 70c, nominal. outside: feed barley. bit. Manitoba wheat- Bay ports -No. 1 northern. i 33 ; So ; i + _. f 1.30 No. 3. 11.3:, trace . lake port... Corn -No 2, sSc. cul f . bay .:sorts; Canadian No. 2, nomi;nal. Ontario tour -$4.€0, seaboard. Peas- No ', rnin nal. Rye -No 2. nore!oaL Canada Wtstcrn oats -No. 2. at bay ports. 61c. Outerio wheat -Y-02 : white, 81.15 to $1.18. ou:afde. Mistress langriiy i --How dare ynu talk to so le thin wily ? 1 never beard sods i'mpudesee. You have a kit of serve to Dan yonaself a'lady's said f•' New Mata -"1 dont call 'myself that sew, m am. brit i was a lady's maid before i got this job." • Toronto Wholesale fruits .'terrier. goad, batt 1 .4oto8 .6t do commot. .40 .Ot Raspberries. qt. box .09 .12 do. back, qt. box..,.dA ''iackhsrrtes. qt. boa._ .01 .11 ?trawberrtee. 't b•tx..; .0• Riesbaries. tier bs:ctl.uto 1.50 Goosebetries. i,skt .35 Red currant,, Isrgt bskt. .25 do. per qua. -t - - .04 illark eurrar.t bskt1.00 %pp'es. hamper 1.50 Plums. 0550 1.25 !'eadie:. Cal . ease 1.25 r!n. C•.:rgas, can'.. 6.75 Lenon.. case 3.75 Orange.: case 4,75 Melons, ease 4.50 0,. "A Man's Ability Is His Passport" FRANK WEAVER (rraaneer er Meek sad Vela mpee,elM. Twssbw Vase Calm* ..4 An...e S. (.05110.1, Oust Artie tterwam - bark Cwsl law...... cad bawiegnow ►w nems sed 1tArw.MMw empty u . iron .5, .00 1.2 1.71• 2.00 0.0) 2.25 4.00 5.0I. 6.00 Dressed Moab RTnle•ale house. ;:re quo:1ns to the retail trade .•e roL'•'ws: Reef. hindquarters .. 112.75 to 81.'..7 do forequarters 10.75 11.75 Carcases, choice 13.75 13.75 do. common ' 10.75 11:75 Cca:s, comn.un 7.70 9.00 do Medius 2.00 .1.00 do. prime 12.00 14.0.1 t'envy ting, 9.50 10.50 Shop hogs 12.50 13.On Glutton, heavy 9.00 11.00 do. light . 12.00 14.0,1 •:prine teeth 0.24 0.26 Year'! -g lamps 17.00 19.00 East Buffalo Cattle Cattle-Reeelpts, 250 head; active and .trorc Vtsais-Rrce:pts, t'•' ben' ; active; 84.6e to 011 Hogs -Receipts. 1.700 bead: slow: ptgvy, stead:. heavy. $7.25 to 17110: wised. 17.77 to 1111: y'rhers and pigs. SS 10 1/.10; :.ughs, 16 t0116.65: stags. 1410 to 15.50. - W1aeeQ end lamb•. -Receipts, 600 hcsA; Male., sheep steady: lambs, 81 to 8$.40; yearlings. 84.50 to 17.25. wedhera, 16.26 to 16.75: ewes, 83 to 86. sheep. mined. $1 to 86.26 D.MILLARuSON Clearing of Summer Stocks AUGUST IS THE MONTH WE CLEAR ALL SUMMER GOODS AND ALL GOODS OF PASSING FASHION ARE MARKED AWAY DOWN REGARDLESS OF COST PRICE. LADIES' WAISTS Special clearance line of Ladier' Weide in lawn and voile. Regular prices up to 11.511. 49c To clear at each... White and colored Cotton Crepes, regular 1:x and 4111111110. Women's White WASH SKIRTS Special showing of white tailor.d Rash Skirts in piques and teppe. newer' .tv1n, At each $1.50, $2.00 and 2s25 Children's Embroidered Sun Mita. These 25e are last season's. Regular OI.IJ., for each All summer Parasols. ,slues up to sl.,w, 98c at each aryl - to to clear at 'a 1210 COVERALL APRONS Special ,slue in coverall Aprons, extra large size, made from good ,lu.lit y washing print in C two different styles, each... .. .. .... JR.1 NEW SWEATER COATS ..pother shipment of silk and wool Sweater Coatsijust to handall the newest styles. We are headquarters for women's men's and children's Knitted Coats. Women's Knitted Coats from $1.5o to $IT.50 each. Men's Knitted Coats from 52.0o each. C,bildren's Knitted Coats, at all prices. McCALL'S PATTERNS FOR SEPTEMBER NOW IN STOCK KAYSER GLOVES PRIESTLEY'S DRESS GOODS Phone 56 Miller's Scotc/i Sore The Square, Goderich, Ontario Phone 56 FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 1st -1-1-101-7 Toronto. does rat ask for a nett. r repot-. t. • tkun it already ad Nr get ion- 1, Mani -indent, each )rar. l.,t al..gw Ir. W. J. R,.l,n)Tr. Principal `h Yon.:•• .,rad,h ,!,-pt- •He laddressing the little sister of h s beta 'Abed i-• • Don't you Know me, lit t I r 011e % Wbn •w 1 then Little Ont (hsightlyl-"I tknow. You're my sis ter's last cbabee, 5T08ATTDRD. ONT.. (iatnrl,i. mts.t •u.--e•..(ul practical training •ehuol. loin -her. .re toes. - tent. eo•2rsp' are though vial crad.i- nae. ••meed. We received more 1.10:: cur 0.1. tai. mouth Surm we had on C.1/1. gt•.du. ,:e during Inc twat -ix mantel,. the tin e.• aipIie.'ion- r. tyle ed m•.( .e 11.1ly weer tar lad, -trnngrnppher Ai rt.,. huokkeel•er at t*e•, and commweaal teaeber rat 111"' per annum. Buattaw men want our graduate-. tier oar catalogue at once. L. A. McLACALAN Principal. NEW TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 1st rat THE NORTHERN BUSiNESS COLLEGE l'ttningut• on re,; lest. C.A. FLrJalxss,F.C. A.. Pt iocipal. lir. D. FLltxtro, Secretary. Chicago Uwe Stock Cattle-Recelpts. 1.000, market steady: salve ateet- 10.20 to $1026; western steers. 16.5)) to 18.15: cows and betters. 13.25 to 19.25; calves, $7 50 to 111 25. Hogs -Receipts. 20,000: market steady; light, $7.05 to $7.70; mined, $6.26 to 17.00; homey, 15.10 to 17; rough. $4 06 to $6.20; pigs, 16 10 to $7 40: bulk of sales. $6,18 to 86.90. Sheep-Riseelpts, 14, martin steady; sheep, 16 to 16.90; lambs, .attve, 163J to 18.86. 811.4 May .ad Straw Msttimsts are sow baying as track. Torsste, at the followleg Hded bay, Na L toe. $17 .Orr$1111.1111 de. Me 1 11.00 16.00 %lel straw 7.00 0.M 11.111111111111 HOWELL Harvest Tools 7-8 and 1 -inch pure Manilla Hay Fork Role, per 11,:. llc 3 -8 -inch Trip Rope, 20c All Iron 'Pullry:s. each 3Se Wood Sheave Pnlle) 9Me 3 -prong Hay Forks ' 25e :;-prong Hay Forks.. lSe. 65c 70e -and Tse l'cst Steel Tit:ts and Hickory Handles. emilmolii t HARDWARE CO., LTD. o 4 allilli aril. tl'c Ates off fuer tu't.- Sprinkling Cans and get more milk by usittc I)r. Williams'Fly anti Inst 35c, 45c, 60c and 65c Destroyer or Cc.* last j gallon Hand Sprayers 1 gallon: 51.00 �l1ftabie f. r -nr.t) ins trees, Warranted Government, Stai:- shrubs, putatc,cs, henhouses clan} pure Paris Gre1::. 1 t,! - lb r and cattle ........ ....... ire ib • 35c Eng Finish. per lir. Knapsack Sprayer L:n:'l }'laxity. per lt,. to $5.04 Get Our Prices on PORTLAND CEMENT Scythe Snaths Reaping Hooks _ Scythe Stones LawnMowers i best_ _ make We have a few left -that we will not carry over at these special prices. Regular f7.10 for 55.83 - " $5.7.5 for54.48 " $4.75 for $3.71 Buy now ani: save money. Gold Medal and Hobbs Special 4,5o feet pure M mills Binder Twine. Get our prices before buying else- where. Hammocks Just a few left. Go«1 color- ings and weaves. The prices are right. - Screen Doors Keep out the flies and let in the cool summer breeze. We have Screen Wire, Screen Doors and Windows. When you paint don't forget to get Lowe Bros. High Standard Paint. The hest ready -mixed) Paint on the Market, covets best, goes fatthtst, wears longest ant keeps its looks. � I We carry a complete range of colors and also can supply yon with th right Paint for every kind of work. Detroit Vapor Stoves Juxt like city sax. No wicks to renew or keep clean. Btirn 'i'her till or gasoline. Von can sec them work and get prices at our store. 1' HOWELL HARDWARE CO., LTD. -. 'PHONE 57 a- Ltore Closes Wednesday afternoon during July and August• 111111111111111110 alIM111111 i i i i