HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-8-5, Page 1National Portland or Canada .CEMENT (• We are offering Cetncut at a very clot figure and have a ftcsh stock on b�ci of GODPRICH PLANING MILLS, LTD. JAMES BUCHANAIL, PegatnesT •111 k1&1AYIa. Theme 41 A. P.U. Boa ►a. • • 1 Protect thane dependent tits you by taking a policy in The Meted Life AseMrlsll ce Co. of Canada-- "Canada's only Matelot" : • A. G. NISBET : : REPRESENTATIVE Geodere• 'Phew/ 50 P O. Be 364 MOM ■ Oft • -REPAIR WORK Bring in your )(ACHIN"' and have them over- hauled by us. We are well equipped and have experiencailaen to do your work • GIVE tS A TRIAL Ol.-R PRICES ARE REASONAISLE / • THE DOMINION ROAD MACHINERY CO.. Ltd. EAST STREET - - CsoDILRICB, ONT. MUM IMITICE WN" Ji=1 illi a- . Ireev ho • d eeAt ba. d pnrwepf r . twyrv. ! ,ar .Sala het! tees. ler este. leers am teem 7 deb•etnem d dIAwwt •meets•. dee Iran •were MUM" sese.. 1•tsoou ►.10410 yowl, by 1•rerrt qa- pee. The eesoao:tes arm bears mmen//or to rshe � tees seam.he haw -ope as rills. rod will he Memel to ee�tpC mlgnee fee, any ewe a sswe♦ b. 041 ksoiiiamis up • ore adw•damuser.4 = UM1 1 w Ort•Ae ltatiwa, e•e 1S.04 of beetle nay M seen at %Bellew, clerk's ware. C%•deele` 70 D5 wigs sassau 1. faraidy 'author ;aeweatloe apply re Ike we doedbeelL L. le KNOX, Twee Clerk. 7Nt 0ss.ieb. [ler. VOTERS' LST. 1915 MUNi(IPAUTT Or TMK TOWNSHIP OV CO111040I, 1CHON Cu(: N TT. 01111. i• mesh Woo Met.11 0.'. t verett to Me embers awl s •f w Tates' tit AM 101 wessumm=red ►v tie mg weir w be .e Res rteede or Mii.ew.d of w pars meat to ton Bald Ailed W p11iseaa• tea= tlY1. w ism[' evbd eaewre0.t ►m deckle , was e ton W meleatine .t .Wd= tet me04490 .t ttItrsgt.latly.1 Ma seed ee eee d .tasdstp•I 4lctttlet ser tikes eb..sI.riw}rier•sk ... srst meter day et Jost 1pta, sw•ntli :•iaeCs''the'k Mie etpsd .res to sell i ee Mena yet �k au eenhems. er may ewers ere tma te.M to Lb weedtMM pt.aesaltpt mire w sold eras sew mead K 110 w. R. McILWAI' T.waaklp Leek. • let. Jib Lits, cels. IiAa ••I ernar twt4w to nannartierNont Itch. me GODERIOH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. AUGUST 5 1915 THE GREAT CITY AS IT STRIKES A CANADIAN. One Mont Go with the Current in This Grade Whirlpool of Life -Just Now Presider Borden and Major-Gen- eral $lughes Are Being Lionized - fledge Attendance Falling Off. T nat. British ore. ljlisdaR on to asset tsit- uation. TN Iflae1. of labs are Nradpopulated me k1 ki EDON �mem N ostheir Moulder% M the same degree de- pleted pined of mon Is civil.. guestimate. As tt i• In the streets so it is all over the city. Mao are tattiest the is... planes. Street ear cosduo ors are .ow giving place se some knee to "ooa- d uctum eseee. A doles women star ted yesterday delivering letters in wb.ets an London. Woman is proving ber adaptability in every whets of activ- ity. Nothing SMT than the spirit which Mrs. Pestilent bas shown *toes the outbrest of liar Could well Ire tm- egioed. 1.be bra supported the basis of the lioveseeneet an every move. Saturday wilt see the gnateet demos - titration on tis part of women desiring to du their hit to usereowe the tier - maws that Um world baa ever seen. Mrs. Paukhard is the moving spirit ani the directing force. , Promoter Borden laa Leiden This uareoewbie stolid old tows bas been more IM,r..ted in the emit of /Sir Hubert Borden and General earn Humber Oban in any recent event. The p.p:n ale all giviog them ouch more than the usual attention Both own seem to have grasped the spirit of London at ibis time and Loudon io turn has affectionately taken thew to her breast, .o to *peek. Sir Hobert Hoiden, who is highly held over bete. added to bus pawtlge by 11111 bobie •perch at the Pat hamest- ary luucheuu given for him oo Tues- day. air. Bosse Lew, who by the way Pleertal a Tbe Signal by IJeet. W. H. Curran.' Loaders, July 15.-" Well, how do you tike London r Away back in the distant past of half a year ago -it Memo ten half - years -before I left greed old Canada, that was a standard temu k of one of the t)ontinou's gieetest curlers when the shot bad been [Dada and the result lay oa ton tee. "How do you like London r 1 suppose there is a climax to every eitwUon. Materially London is the climax -the greatest material prod- uct of our civilization. Do you ogres that London is that? if OD. memos by climax that all the cbaracteriatica of all peoples are herr so blended that thougb retaining their own individu- ality they flourish in harmony, the answer most be }es. Loodua is befit nig. It is irritating. It is overpowering. itaftliog beveu.e it is fou great. too powerful, too com- plete to he uuder.tutdl. 'ibe Sotto wiud of the young prison from an Outariu small town finds London sutuetbing too tremendous to attempt to gta.p. The nervous energy typ- ical ut all Canadians here meets its master. When one gets iuto the whirlpool of London he must go with the current laud change his ways and ideas of living whether be likes it or net. The miracle of it is that a *bort stay in London tpakes • Lon- doner of one. Lonesomeness is not known in this city as itis in New Yorlsor even Gods - rich. It is as though oce were .aken in strong arras and carried along. You leery in the strength, but you feel • little helpless, consequently a little peeved. You fill with pride to thick Unit Canada is a part of the Empire of which Loodou is the , entre ; at the 'Nee time in war tithe you lrtel that you a odd like to w'ke Loudon up. Aud as you realize that you are too tiny to do anythiug yuur•el( to Mir end .� rah rep' i-"i'k* Irish -lk rtibly morbid seri of wish. catered probably ty the feeling that bete is strength untold that once aroused could accomplish anything. Loodon in War Time. Birt London is stretching itself. It is beginning to realize that its great sttength is required and like all of 10. lf•f tam le rn•e�•r ru Stype. are /maw a •eon bylaw. ' Ape farther take not ee that 0. Monday. the Mb dee d A feta the •aid r•etur.ung snow win a aimedM Ire Halt •t .' o rine* the a sem up ibe nuaberof rote. dew .p int rid byaw. Aad Nelms' take .etp-er that .0 ie..eholden decreer of sod enabled to tot. moo .aid by- te. m e r mien[ at Nast tee day before the ep of vetted be ab with the tra.te,:- of .aid e •.fallacy de.iaretisi of ooelln..tion. moaners. to.eetalwfai..*0-.er. 3. of 't he itarel 1e..wrwtw Moir mom wt,l not Ate Vier es the veto.' H•t for rid voting. • OWROK LEMY. OM1 .g lit DRIA TT.. 'Trustee.. •Dlt liNMUHHT,, DOCTOR OP CHIRO- ••t C. bee wood • seam. Iee�W •f ��trwmf- eeraplmd b trite: 7 M II 0. Oleos.... C -i- aides boa t7114.l pa a. 1 T1=V U LLA(it MA sO r Svsorre v • Hserwame IMAM so le assrerrito TO IMO Havee•troe • fro POWs Ti1J,aen v Matsonemme a Sarttnedv, tl,m Mk DaT S► AMOR dei VI ta.+..re w for its ie�1 ant weloo at WSW emalit end NOM i• (1. e•etwordd slowld u[ tbe mob MOO the whirler • illbeame at Heil t .end's e11 40 e ' ewOs mart u Mei glee PIT of owl To Ns AHATHDt - AUCTION SALES. (ILBARINO AUITION SALE OF RISIDSNCIL AND MOUSYHOLL FUR- NITCRF. - M IL Gammas COCK FIELD will .'a h /able auction a' ton ppee*smi-e- on Wilms meet. Gess kb. 0 Mayday. Augu-t I Ilaeemew,1 M et 1.)' p. m : 1\e ewe'ty .s..4.. log or oo.ihb acre of load. se wsk0 there 1. • good eminent block. srnwe>e00 bwautreut to 1911; the home le y„Mor W . e 4 cellar. Mtb ant toile. /est. TMa 1. dr a new garage er driving e\l/ Leal.. A; the .ams Dom end Magee the fte,Mebeld ftrs*kko ei11 be mid. oo,.Wtot el I .elect parlor ser. three peeve; 1 parlor tam 1 porter lamp. 1 parlor rags 1 coal beater. 1 Yymr nought rmre'. 1 3- net coal oil wap with eves. sew h-4 year;1 sew ask 44.- �e/ 1 new mak east+fes table. 41 leave.; 1 teH lemf table. 041.4...kaan.4 aloof bedroom fkm,Nere.limo bed. • 1-b .01 tee• and sprier., ! themes.. 1 large racking choir. $ klteken 'baba. sone[.. mutate.. Wad., Mabe. �eber� and et Mr snick*. Tetfse-01 taeolta ,. e•.h; es the pnperty. Neer Best a ton tracheae ..nears •e be paid .t Gam •f one. the balance to be paid within )K area. iverptbtu. wait I.oetl.0*, be •old; Mere UI Moe r..ert t. OSORUI COCKYIELD. T.OUNDRY. 1,00h•ar. Aaetleweer. M1e ef11� taw.* mem msaarsr 11�m,/sri�tm e�Yt..it •'' r•�b.•''yesn" rem Imee'i d► bseter.a atuipmEttripM rweres «� „It •Mete a+."els n 7tf iii emcsi bon ` ARD OW TMANMIL-i WISH TO lbwwem'e / AMft is bs ear sobs ireMwl w • 11141.8811.816 =Me atom hirer.' mil'Mler LOST OR FOUND PERSONAL MENTION. Mie Sr,.. Hut le sesrdtee • ,malleo at HMlel was bleed. Weed Mrs item 111. Penes. of Terence. are baldeskag le tree. MaC.dtTebaett..t heron. beflee4. . eoead. Me iiimI to tree. Mies flet Heet1t meet the week mad with raterlvw.t fl salted. Mr. Omega Peletee..1 Tewlete. Meat Sun- dae .t Mr. H. J. Merry M.. McIswt Ills•[ waw bone hem To- Moto .r.wto ler :be week -one. M.r McWolr. of Tensa. Y w greet et woe weeebreek. Mr Umbels Rebheee. of Toronto, vldtad ton .id b.um here ere Ss.day. Mr timere7 Hama Tomato. b vldtLee kir ptost.. !moo Sad )gee belt. Mfr lasrat. Me New Verb. le vette, ber amok Mr. Irete.1 J. C Weed. Mrs .1 I11rre, et leaden. le whiting at the sore of Ms. Fe.. dent• more M1. web/gees.of M. meaty rsst.try Mike. h .,pedterbegde,s at l'eterbore Mrs. M0CUPSSeb. of Vueltas. M Melting et the is... .f Mee. rater Macre.. •Mtn Erma Rebteess. of Decree. te the greet of err cwwar. tin Mime. lemma.. Mis Mabel blokes,. et *mew tic if •bloc e Mr uwlr. rte )114-m. Bradt.rd Mm. Irreverent Tumor km retained from Dauer. entre .M .pot bee vr.tiis. Mr *Ws Macias: k•. mime • oo-Ilion a• clra sob Mr c L,teen -. drsgit.t. Mr On week came wtut Weed free Toronto y *tend : he tete Umberto* IAes -east 10. past wee mottos friends at Hvktill w 1.0.40.. I Mr J M •idd.le of !Mattered. meat the FOR SALE 116 35c to Jam 1, Ilii The Signal will be sent to tbeeaddremi of any new sub- scriber in Canada or Great Britain for the remainder of this year for 3.5c. 1 To U. S. AMseress, SSc f1) lJ THE SIGNAL PKINTihO CO., LIMITID, Pceuaaaas THE BOYS IN berm wme )wan ago to take w pt.ee oe • Itbe Bank of l:o10mett•oe stag, and tb0 R� won leoru in New Brume wk. preceded 'w":",4'!"`". of Mr.. P. ter 3l, Finan. Britauula him end Mr. Honour followed. Both are epleudid spokes*, but `Sir Itobert'e Hee Dr:adRee. or, r, of % .'ern Can oratlub stood ens like • gem in a et ye- ad. College. Calmar, v sty guest of Jydge Cal setting. lis "did l'ranada proud •' Hu,t. On Thursday be attended the Cab- Mr. Aloes Nova r. of Dundee. . and Mr. A -- y tour Itockett. d Toronto. •pint we etre is inet u Mr. Aeq. lb's invitation. This t}yrLL is • more important evert dean it may or.M. A. S. lnder.on. of w sterling Bank at Heat serve. Never before has tiny keno. w born. tree -[erred 12 tee Bo maid aoluni.l Premier satisfied and partici- mance. paced in roe proceedings of the Ile- 3 , w Mt- µ'altar'. alilkr. Of etrutoda 1. vl.. peril Cabinet with ell the privileges lI edayh•� [arms 94 al. 't >: n.n•1 l' and of • member. 1e this the thin edge of Mr. J. Hes..eu. of Itoele ter..N. Y.. 4. ibe the wedge to colonial representation gum.- of bee res. Mr. Heun-en. of ibe Kingston in the admtotrtratire council of the 4.eie1 bakery. Empire y Mr. Gerald Lana hha .n1 Mi,. wank. P L.u[kltn. oe tendon, are the goad. of Mr. and SIM Higbee Discreet ' Mr.. Jelin epabr. London bra not been partial it fa- Mia Rtlrr. of tende•bo+o'..r0* M4,. tt'. We - team of Iewlen, were Scaife. .,t Mr. ueorre eon to Obe Canadians and General ter .dfmd • lhi, week. Sam Rogues has had a Splendid re- M1.• lora Jct.., of 1h t-ott. *..pending the ceptioo. Oo eel sided b. is pi -aided as a Milder See -.11 walk her gra nd•wtler. Mr. t or•en. Kenya.1raM. man of great who lets ns up..o ern P. f'a'te sf .t•4aeld..n 4 511.' Em.lioe stand in his way.London took. uptw L-y,r.efDr�tyw t.•have heau si-[ting era Fred him as • typo,* l'an•dua and the Brbanos. WOMB best Is sone Hs ' ma Mir Pointe Aodmmw�•e To base ►ur>» tine wusie and siaaiag cage M ion I1isthallei son �� to ►b a �w 0�t10111 (t oM� y (latret and daagkwr Mal el of Pert t tip and*tre are4ehtlon Highland Isiperialpatriotism. �*0.- Welk r,.1ngeh.ea*treat.. leis had a teirJAc storm bele the At the first a the week • review of 1b. freed. of Mr. . W. `ree.. Trate Mar otbrr day. To rthrr w ith the strong the Second Diviaoe ie being held at erre( will ler fled to fear, that .1.e ha, quite d R Shoroeliffe. Sir Hobert tied lien. Sam nessysese eros' 4er recent tllnt-•. weld an hall, torte was cobsidrnble will review this •pleodid cootiogrnt. , �t �MatrLe�1.M mated sodchildren. �ildpr'm'rloh1 '.d -K. got a e done, And • lot of os fellows This .011 be • great nrliitary rven1 led Kb.1 rtl•tne- the pa.t .reek. Rut •good drenching, but rain it [nod from • Canadian standpoint and ton Mr. and Mn. Cordell. of l lmton. are tfrit for young ducks. the weather is very officers osd men are all keen to .bTosvS what tbev can du on parade rivalry between the different batted - ions is erre keen. Theatres Not Preeprees. k week tr with b iee.d. sad naafis ea hen. e re 1150.5 at the Humber and bunny.*.1 of betr..lt. tie . u CMb.tue tem Altos. of Loader. o•lip mad lamella,n )11.. MW Pearl Kegs left ..t t3aturdey for To- ✓ onto. whom .me et.l .peed • m0Itbe var•oo0. este 1 .era Howie of t'.. -o, t°. 14 rleitlrg at a'dun of the w bole oommunit y em with him Dow as he leaves to engage At Carling's Heights. In the war. Pt.. Acthar MaeMatb, of the Med A torture 'itemiser of the local Com - Battalion , London, writes to The Signal under date of July X0: Just • few liner to let you know that 1 reached soy point of destination in safety Ars tying ea Loodon on sched- ule time I was directed to Carling s Heights, where I was received with kindle.. and hospitality. l'bin is Saturday afternoon and a half -holiday. Some of the boy■ were paid tills morn - leg and are now Away down to the city to get rid of Orr ir money. Pay- day comes twice a montb. As a gen- eral rule everybodyis "broke" at the end of the two wees. However. that doesn't prevent us from being happy. There is not • dull element in the whole day. if you were to visit Lindon camp you would never go away with the impressiou :hot these was a grim war 'aging; in Eur -pe at the pres- LiH1NGLES. -I AM STILL MELLINO 17 the best grades of Hritl.b Columbia tingfle@ at reamer price.: and will take orders tor C. B. (Clear Buttal at 73e. per bancb. 'B. C. MUN\1M14 Whom l3tr 17 tt 'LORSALB.-BARGAIN. ABUGGY. geed as new, cost llih. wl;l take lee* than MX: atm esw,e1 of .inge barn.... apply SHIARDOWN'S blacksutitb Mop. H ttmll:ou A rept. LIIiT. -ON WEDNESDAY. AU - OUP? 1 all w lake look, Cobourg Krell. • Meek s a4b,ntsta1�g meso l snot of seal,. 0ewrd WIWI SIGN AL OPTIC E. 1a0UND.-ON THE SQUARE, A C gold hraebr. la.afbed "IAM Jw. The Msa„) lam .eon se to NIPS ON. MotMtreet, ekercb. >` WAITER' IY1.N RAILWAY OPHI ATllfll .meat 71.�.}c•tAtrlyga M waw'. •� nts6Ree.srOms,dp,ea FOR SALE OR TO RENT rico RENT. -THE EIGHT -ROOMED 11 rod -brick cottage on hast street owed by Mr.. C'orbould ire for rest. tortoni with Iran tree. and • bars .ultable for garage . Apply st CHARLES DARROW'SOFF1t'C. ---� FOR SALE .-ONE AN D ONE-HALP s an IM41IL 1tljl! T. J. nlfi�er�s W. A . r...o. t. Amy red -brick home!: all osiers e.n- veeiencee. 4ftomed 0. Newgate Mose. rise p.itleabn a on the peelers toRMRS. MARY HOOK. �CHLB WANTED-P110r1Twi'bSeTa- AJ�(Tf..ater swL Shears 01 �asees M Lt. ge*1v Sir •su.a - Y�0. )L va 1, tea. Jt♦1't;TO t dYrw.�1 7►!k CV! OF THAM7<1t. Sot time. They are certainly a jolly buneb of fellows, and always lropy to do a fellow comrade a good tura. 1 guess Caoad• will not have to re- sort to. conscription, es recruiting its pretty Nisi, at present. Most of the conlpaoiec are over -strength 00v•. There were about tie' y urea 1•ectett• hero when I came. We write put in a separate squad for pielisinary traie- ing and have mustered the foot move- ments, which constitute the forruing of folio., rigt.t and left fxmsquad, standing At e,..e we like the /trading at ease pair of 1t hotter than anything else in the whole Trill), right and left turn. light mei left hand wahrte, And so on, and ale now at rib' drill. IleV- onel drill is the nest thing on Ilie pio- t utv-tea n about h There ate R ram. 1 h movements in this drill, awl it le at flrat given to os In nowhere ; in tact we get etervthu,g in uuull•rro for the first few days. The cannon sounds the hour for met, ..eff, Mr. M. A. Pearson. whose borne le at 1+tiafford, alts is eolbting with the A. NI. C. and will be ■ com- rade of Mi. Heid. Mr. H. Hose is Mill pursuing en- quiries with reamed to his Moa, Pa. H. E. Hobe. of the Ann Canadian contin- gent, who brie not been beard from since April. A letter which he has just received trona the Enquit y Office of the British expeditioni y torts at Boulogne, Fiance, states that no trace 4 the missing soldier can be found in any hoepital and that the [oust 1 hat can be dose is to make enquiries through the Red Cross eommiUee at Geneva as to whether be is • prisoner of war in tiermany. SERVICE OP INTERCESSION. Rev. J B. Fotheriogbas's Address ea the Actium/sari of the War's Beglbning. 'l'be intercessory service held at St. (irorge's church on Wedne.dwy even- ing was well attended, many from otber tougrrgations unit ing with the Anglicrns in the solemn service. Spec- ial psalms and the litany wet e read end special pryers were . Rowed for the soldiers and sallute ; for the wounded, both our own and the enemy's ; for those caring for the wounded ; for the bereaved. sod for the cessation of the war. The address by the rector, Rev. J. B. F.,Lbcringb.m, was lased upon the words found in l.aiah '44:5: "My .worn shall be bathed in Heaven." He said tin peau: The text and context, to anger o Good aroused were • picture fK against his enelu;es. It was an un- fsn.iiiar pielure, a sword being used in celestial haul., but the ureaos and iostrulnent• mord on earth should be the .anile as threw Used in Heavwu if we tieing at J:DI a. in., when everyone is ale fighting the battle for ugh[. One enppuerd to he op, diens.,', w•+hid year Ada Britain un►beathrd her ' sod ready for I,rade at tl l"•. tire w•old, which was 'lathed in the twilit have physical drill every 'morning he- of Heaven. Many .explanations have fore breakfast, wtti'h gives ne ail ex- been put forward as to the cause of nelleut appetite. The brood is good, the war, and while there may be some too-uo pies nor cakes and such like, truth in each of thrid the true ex - hut good sutatantist food. planation lies in the words of the Thr boys of C C'tn.pany all marched prophet : "teal is in the midst of down to Ole Y. M. C. A. on Friday for battle." 1t we nay man caused the • bath and we all enjoyed ourselves ears. we admit that tarn ie the ruler very much. of Hie smith. Cod nut only permitted Baseball, football, ' heroes. and the war but He is coot rollirg it. Had cricket cow the principal Ratites He so willed He coull hate preveuted of sport: leo!" heave w1su a plan° it in a hundred neve but He did not, at tbe.r optimal and we certainly and we have tau 1.uw beton the rte- __ feet that He permitted it IR 7 T is herd to trace God to the blood and elaui.hler and terribly in- human c,. .1uct of war. These things bring 'ngui.h to the heart ut God, hot it is romruuer1 necr.•ary to will thin*• contrary to our will that good may be accomplished. God Is in the midst of the war and rules the destiny of a simile Soldier all well as the destioy of a mikey', but if we believe He is a ,(Tod )( gn..ilnrae it crnunt he for a purpose PO -- ae e emelt o 5. A Santeb sled and touchiest • bleb Plop! o[ r`..ewr.w ectesded riot to lire u d mese ` i y" whi: h cr1 t .Twit' was laughable. Rather • sigaigraot indication of the chaoge in the 'psychology of the London public is the falling tett to ' w,,0. M-pe,,,liug ho( dap. at the parental home theatre attendance. The "Seamenie here still in full .wing -i. a . what -mason- Mr..\. A. Mt 1 hoe. of Ike roil. left ori 4.,tit• there has been Int11 year -but it i. rW ,yy after .1. 0duer'tf the meet •lid with hi. par - mored that several of the b,rtitie anti. Mr. and mfrs. H. M. Ybee. Moutu,;m music halls are to 1.e closed. The .rreet o n totems for • be day. and are the mar. o f Mr K M. Jemmy, =south •tart. Ret w K Hewer •rd Mr. Hager will -pond ton month of Awned at their .2nuner bome on tk,,eeral•. am. Deer Penetangel.bene. eta R 0. 1yde left on Piton -day for her Mose at, Mandatte, after a e.:n.,nt ei41 with relatives sad freed. in Gottlieb and etctolty. Mr Win wooly. K ton beat oMro of the W,4aen .'•n..la Floor M41'- Company at Tor- young or Don. t Forget The Red OMO a Cross Tea MENESETUNG PARK Wednesday, August 11th Tee nerved t to 5::111 p.m. Tea : , : - : : : 15 ants Vietrola Dance in evening` 8 to 11.30 p.m. 5 cents per dance. Jitney .Auto Service 25c Return Trip Can start from oMce of Proud - foot, Killoran & Proudfoot, Ho- tel Sunset and Park House, 3.110 p.m. and every twenty minutes after. 1 Leat week'/ Imes d The Innis Peet -e_Mles the ketredeet.ry at the aa" Mr. 4.1 . Its de Tim Pestle • Mei W �.n. we Tess Iboll young men are traioio,7. and the Me•. ote1.4 W. ]I. Merlinof inndnn. and Nile. (lib -ow. dem- see. • of r- uoke - Pre -be lc' fan Muni. Toronto. ars guest• of Mr. Lear stalk The women -e parade tomorrow ie old, e•,.dd raid. going to he .owe event. The fret that Mn S Work and fami'w left ye -ter i+y for there will he ninety hand. .0d 7111.0[Mir new moil. et emlth • F.,,,.. Mr tv.rk. collected for ton field kitchen fund by banner -bearers gives wme idea of the vibe 4.a C Y K enei^ewer. h.- 1.,.1 ti!.. headyuer the Woman's Patriotic Society of ton proportions of the demonistr•lioC. tae teen for •.un. Lin'. County of Huron : There will be right sections. Belgium Mr waiter ata. Donald. cf the Don, ini n To ca ab asetrihatione from • Bank. T.Noste..Ret the week ,' .'I in town. Cornea Brat, heeded by • bettered bac., �,e144.4 hl• p.rentY. aft D MacDonald. County. alt eweM Illel_ 70 mer. teen follow Prance, Russia. Set b- 1 ,rt ,take ant)! MacIl.o.11. By c••.h pereh•ee ottee* field young ladies nursing. wsrul here at tiwee, hot there is an old tree on the drilling grounds which affords eumarnt shade for alof ill. With the faith that God is {n • few minutes rest at intervals. the war we can face it with optimum, we must, equate our shoulder to the toed and not merely be te.igned but cernretly es -i -t. We need a faith that not only .lauds stoically but heroical- ly. remember in. Hum who said, "Lo, i am with yl a all the days' -in days of darkness It,. well as day• of sunshine. The text pointe out that the instru- ment of Heaven was handed to man. A purpose of riebtroueneee has been handed to u• to carry out in the face of which cowardice is unthinkable, in- action imp o ible and co-operation the only tbieg po.sible for us. Britain, who unsbealbed the sword in right- eousness. has used it in • righteous Way ; her hands ars clean, her sword unstained. A sword hotbed in hell bate been drawn again•% her which only b les sword bathed in Heaven can uvrt- rmme The Empire Cas given of its best, and no stain can rest upon its MAW Today we bailie our mold anew -in the spirit of Heaven. We pray for our soldier.. we prey for com- fort for the stricken homes, but we also prey for victory and we pray 'Toy Kingdom come.'' On Monday, August 2nd. there,is to be • grand military competition and athletic meet at ' Carling '• Height*, which will include bayonet exercise.. physical dl ills and various other forms of military tactics. FIELD KITCHEN FUND. Statement Showing Disbursement of the Moseys Collected. The tellowing- tatement and letter show the disposition of the moneys --�} STAR -COLE LiNE seTh Steamer ;tura Levee Ooderleh fel Sault Rte. Marla, Ttleb., via North Cbawnel ( and Reerglao Misty Poets, army Ttst.d•y at 11 p.m' , and ter Pert 1 Hewn, Detroit, Toledo and Cleveland. every Ratorday at 11 a.m. Ono. II. lawn, J. W. OtAaNnr. 1 Montan sad Japes The Blit- I a, os egro. Rev. H. F Thoruloe and \Ir'. Thorelop. of ieb section is to be led by a girl is! r Mlt.wltarn a.. ramping •'� the lake ebbe* H Mfr -ti•g the Overseas Du- este the Point Fein. Mi-- 7hmntos wan Ba• y terlls(t drwtt. .ant to t [eon'. ($s than siren."' nb.b,rrminee0ta re travel. tingcxproeewand mossy fen-. to(' 1 teen and Lon- don of r.Numittee, tele greni., n Witham... print ing.Kuala",and cacti..�se tat to3 d w repro.r mime... N... tet akbur t says it will for.rerl7 7114' Ill .n )ia,Mann-. of 1 otban•. Ity be the biggest thing ever' tentlent of 1be ei H. ...dee . Olretort.. tlf out s ho.11ay [Mem (lrveland. o Mr. \•1rn and children THE GODERICH EXHIBITION .re rowa.ninp for • I:ne0r ,.-.t with relative" 91571 Of 010) is the 100o cl.). uu exert.. ceder. M Preparatioas Well r Head fes r an,tn. ran the Big M M frank N . mid td t mr", Mr. -- Event lithe Fall awe Marr, Lyes and t.mu'• of 1 °mints. u, +reit Lt -uta -Col. Americo., )16. P. Kok and Mfr Fanny Peter., of King Queen'e Canadian Hoepiutl, Tis directors of the lioderieh Indus- ewe.-.p.f•t last Friday la toe n, trial and A,r;celtunl Soelety bate Mn MAter W«t -tree• and deeeeter ShotnrhtTe. Mr, w'rw. Lynn ..4 fou lr. Mr. went airs. 11 M12 70 sol Bearhhenirougb Palk, revised the pi ize lists for 1915. There I Mn. Hand., Smith. sad 1 00 rblldnr. hove err' Dot very many changes proposed. Hr+rrn fro •Neo t'o'hN.i •flaoa49 but in souse claim* Gm e'ctloss have i Mee veined Mends at the ".real, to -Soo and been brought up to date, particularly i at Echo Bay. in flowers and in the ladies' work,' Mr W McC'lu-kn, who eta. ,1- ung hie classes in which the unending vagaries , father. Mr. J.eeph ..4 io.k •). he. left to M- ot fashion exercise an influence which tanto Hawaii. w hen he oil' .nperintead the must be recognised. The sections of edeMnd.el lhahl0.esloSwonrhkt.r•or n nwtu1mIteemeprorof-f '.yda'ti•on l•IOdo•. waMMnlr preserving and picklier have been Sep- mated from those of baking and con- meet aid borltkw Sha• *bey Ie,r Induced him teetlon.ry, to ligitee the work of the 1SIet.rn Tb. Peet two or t Mae rey• be bee judges, and to ss'srs fairness A 'Ps" lh 141 gime•. large somber II 'Dairies feibises clomps Ira Edward. Bre minis road, haw returned M looked for. from • ple•r•b et •felt 10 her son. Mr. Jo.el id wad. at k]I'.boro'•Bask. on her wry hone The speed Vit for the '!coed dee' •�e,• td • *Olt t. thee Mare. Mro lleorge Cna. has been decided upon to be ••'free- s4Torm�4�aherno."Jjn tioror:eRrli MI�- loran with • pores ref WO Thle sinew' of sewn, bar tote], bees math a. Treasurer.should secure a good attendance of reeved, her Me. bears . "Teddy• bating been r•• oompotiton and be a source of inter- 91.1.4 sweet. w war mese. ---. eel tem the visitors. As usual, high-/ Mr and Mrs W. H. Libel. of etrehmors. THIS IS THE RIGHT STUFF. Clam attractions will he ted, Ren. torowtr of temp. ere ►Mndl a Ser protested, k V Qetar+o mad •t foment err rop.t WWI a ug or Mr ad n r 0.. sop %irmer the &emery of Henry Meyer- .reset. Mr =fore I. csane-t'd with the _ P R Ge a the Prost as • Private. 11 Mies faun t atrabmree beteg t. The es hate horn selected and Ua.re h.0. led route in the Wet OM year. thorny, are Mb end the neat may Sates t ban' Meant 1boy ripest . Mrs- Jobs Acheson and the Mild** Elizabeth and Laura Acbesoe, of Tor- onto, have Imes revisiting (ioderich this week. eterying at taw Hotel Sunset. Mrs. Ohm. lane (fortnerly Mies Irene Aebesnsl, of Detroit, with her two ebildr'ee. also is In town, ton cleat of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lam. Dr. LAO* peel • week here .ad returned to De- troit yeeterdey_ 1ttglend. Dear Sir, -Herewith please H n d sterling draft for el:., 14', rid, or 11x121.(4), for the heoetit of, the Cana- dian wounded soldiers at the Queen's Canadian hospital at Shorncliffe, which the Woman's Patrhotic Society of the County of Huron have much pleasure in contributing. Trusting thin will help somewhat to ameliorate the sufferings, and sid in the comforts, by the purchase of necessaries for some of our brave soldiers, I remain on behalf of the Society. Respectfully yours, R. u. Rlsv'oi.l.e, 70 t 7e ith enteral 10s.i feel es ,Seared Ser M "Alward / he e� M Lint A.N Red 'bias Enksted and Will ho0 ( lac 1, New York. �"n.�r • Tett 40.14m�M. IM poultry eoear1m•wt. , He my. the 1 work of ion is MR estltinH lin bend. Dr. M Clark W appointed treasurer olt the Society. Obalreasa tirmarr N Incising .furs the track, which will be in its meal Owe so.dition If the. clerk sof ibe weigher win mint. it is belled that our tonal wdaet- me a will .sent try wales di oleys .f •'remde ks Osdmttele seeds Mui of ton war re.terteb, "bleb weal /wee of Were* le ttwy. The Miss ter ton etintities ars fiber Lttlh Nth end fpr. Weisemlay. A.got TI. le the date et Me Medi lass sad dr....t Illessettenti Pea. Retall Orderlies are free from harsh &�a�s .d are the skeet iasative for eaddren Sold only by M, C. Dusky. ton Recall Store, iso, lie and We hoses. Lieut. A. P. Heid, of the local branch of the Bank of Commerce, has enlisted with the Army Medical Corps and leaves this atteruoon to join the corp at London, Ont. Lieut. Reid .0100 time ago, be•ibg taken his course qualifying him as an officer, applied tor • commission, bot having failed so far to receive one, and tieing earnwet is his desire to serve W country. he bas eelieted as a private. This shows the epir{t that will win the battle for tree. dem tied humanity. Our yoallft townsman's act is the more marked frost the feet that a brother. i(wrgt. J. L. Reid, who was flghthng in Fiandrs helm Sot b..s heists from Ones aM Uwe Wawa, Om reser-tisk w0eiiset.... eaogolwy battle of Laags.aret• iieseeng Lee --a eneffOS/s .` ' 1 Least. 8544 has always been highly Seem mad norms, OM Y►ilMiiew1 regarded 1. 11odarieh .ince be else. AsedMs gtil•-0•0410I MILITARY CAMP AT C. N. 13 War Activity to Be Vividly P.rtrayed at Toronto Ezhibtwe. Every'treneh of war activity to be wren in Eutope today will be vividly portrayed at ibe Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto. Aeroplanes will land at the military camp after taking observations in mid-air; miniature battleships will he blown up in the lake : three will be bridge and shel- tered trench building, armored ears, hospital autos, field ambulances with st ratcber-twarer tedious, field dressing station., field bakeries and cookeries, ammunition column., homb.tbrowere, signal corp-, observation masts, etc. The ramp will be occupied by several hundred officers and men now training for oversea service at Niagara and ()Mer ramps for the infantry, cavalry add artillery units. BORN. SAt N DIR'. 1. (o.ierich. on Weilmod.7, 051 0. 1th. to Mr .red Mr.( harts. K. 5... der.. ••+n. SALK 5.1.1' - At A:ra.ndr• beepital. Dederick. on Tharday. Attga.t Slh. In Mr. a•d Mr.. H. L 4elke . adau[bter-Ivety• iteth. DIED. STURDY -.A1 Ashlars, on Teenier. Aaga•t >N. J n speedy. U kb Pith r. rea Mar LK" LO. -In As0a.ld..n Friday. July ell. John Merle .ld. @ORTIR GederichPease. s� a ar dal. July Slat, Jahn SODS. - 1 n Ttt.�)Jadgt see 1111,t0*'. J. J. Doyle. e�rne�L Mr�a�,en Tee* d'q. Algae Garb \•e tett, lesak for of Ms. Thome e Mbtc MOWAOIRRTN[MENTS-Avg. NI. Pees •