The Signal, 1915-7-29, Page 7THE SIG: AL : GODERICR ONTARIO
tor every SPORT
the,ma ls
�7 7
(r as
Is Your Roof One of
Those in This Town
that need our attention 'r The
longer von delay making the reeds
repair. the more damage th
weather is doing and the greate
your expense.
Tinning anla'Repairing
roofs, also building gutters earl
leaders. he our part of this world's
work. and we du it well.
Better send (.•r ua now and b'• read
for the cote ng weather.
Fred Hunt
Hamilton Street Ptah( 1y.7).
Spray Your Orchards
Nothing Pars Cater
i am agent for all Spray
Material, Lime Sulphur,
tiny Molutie Sulphur
beth Dry and i;aste Ar-
eenate of Lead.
-both power and hand
to sr h i nes.
V. have t he brat brands
and at all prices.
Come in and see me he -
fore planing your order.
Getterieh, Ont.
toile a r 7�ar.coniew
want, merles are therewith wad 'TAW
Car seemed. t• • metered tiere moil
cation. this manta then we Awl WI-
ewas her IAM t• daring gas titter . eM.*I Oooast
mom sem . t t .use ler Ley
samemsener et t"at. Ae,Akerper nt
«M sea werweretao terser as $tMu
we ammo. raster• mea want ear
•shoals, filet OW eatslarrae at ease.
D. ` )]setacirI.AN primeval.
County and District
Tuesday, August 8rd, is the date
*elected for Yt eeidiue's civic holiday.
Rev. D. Jubnatre, of E.hel, broke
his arm while craukaug hie car urrd day
Di. 1'. R. Gaitfoyl-. of London. in-
tends opeuing an oflMce at Belgrave in
the .ear future.
The Desbood planing mill is t unnins
twelve hours a dry to keep up won
order, that ate being booked.
Mise Ida Frain has been re-engaged
frit the toted year es teacher t4r the
Barker ocher:, (.irey township.
biome person or persons so mutilated
a cost helooging t s Mia Brown, of
Harpurhey, ttat the animal bag to be
drain yed.
The train of Norman Mitchell, of
Centralia. tan away one day last week
whale attached to a Linder and badly
wrecked for machine.
Mn. Michael Schlundt, of Dash-
wood. parrs/ away on July iath. aged
stzty•erght year.. Mb. is survived by
Ler busthand and two sons.
Mtn. Bender. an aged resident of
Hay towu$Lip, passed away on July
19ta at her hurtle on the Babylon lone.
She was in her righty -ninth year.
Fl i, core, the eight-year-old daugh-
ter ut Mr. and Myr. L. Eckmier. of
Jamrstu..u, broke her right arm near
the ihouldet when she fell duwustaira
Oise May recently.
Rev. \V. C. Millet. who has been
Pastor of the Lutheran church at
Zaricb for the past two years, has re-
signed to accept a call to Newcastle.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ricker, of
Rippon, aaaonaee the marriage of
their daughter. Maude May, to Norman
W.Ir yhu,of Webb, Sask. '1be happy
event toot place at Regina on July Y
Mr. and Mn: Robert Reid, of Mul-
lett, annousee the engagement of
their daughter. Mary 8., to J. E. Som-
erville, B. Sc., of Edmontoo. Alt l.,
the marriage to take place this moot.a,
O. E. Wade, of Furdwicb. set fire to
himself when he li: a match to investi-
gate what had gone wrong with his
auto Moine gasoline caught fire and
Mr. Wide was burned on the leg and
Th. marriage took place at the
,rause. lalckevw, oft July 7tb. of 'Miss
Alartba Broom. of Ki.tors, to Rex Mc-
Bride. of Culross. The young couple
reside on the nth .canceIaion of
The remains of Mrs. F.I. Itntkrlge,
who died at Cleveland on Sunday, the
18.1a inst., were interred at Bayfield the
following TOseday. The Rutledge fam-
ily were emoag the eat hest. settlers at
While unloading bay in the harn on
the farm of inn. Joe. Sevier, Stephen
township, Jacob Regier•'fell from the
load to the barn floor and fractured
his skull Be hes in an unconitcious
Miss Elizabeth 8. Lawrence. B. A.,
daughter of Mex James Lawrence. of
McKillop, was Mottled at Edmonton
on June anh to Frederick Albert Moult.
of Toronto. The young couple will re-
side at Edmonton.
Mr. and Mr. John Berry. of Wal-
ton, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary
of tbeir we.'ding on July _k►th. Most
of the sons and daughter* were able to
be present. The couple have lived a1
Watton fur rorLV:Iire fears.
Wns. Birdie, of the fat h eon-
ce..i.n a f'11cttiliop. rnrumi•ted suicide
on Jul- 17t:► by hanging herself in the
barn No reason cap he a. -signed for
the Malt art. She wag. forty -Ove years
old. Her died four years ago.
T1.e Irn ue r t Mr. and Mn. Alex;
Buchanan. ne,r Ilen%t11, - ,was de-
stroyed by ere on July 17th. The
louse was constructed ref brick with
wetalli'S rent. 9'hete waw SUNS in-
snraor on it. Most of the captai s
was eased. -
John Marshall, a pioneer of Turn-
herry township, departed this life on
July 17th, aged eigbty-tbree years. 14e
was sensitive oil bad lived
on the farm on which he died for fifty-
two years. His wife. Ilse, sons and
one daughter survive.
Mrs. John Turner. of the lush cou-
rtesies) of Weet Wawanusb• died at
\Vingbam on Jule iI•h. Moe wa.
:he daughter of Mr. John Wall,
of Culross towuship, and was in bee
twent yeightb year. Her bushsud and
two young daughters survive.
Mies Madge Lovell, of Bluevale, was
nee of the: o atod..ts of the Moody
,Bible Institute of Chicago who sang
at the fifth World's and twentyaterenth
iutsrnationalChristian Endeavor con-
vention held at ObieaRo recently.
The old structure at Kippen known
as Reil'a mill. which was built by the
Canada Company seventy-dve years
ago. has been pulled down, se him also
the residence of the late Robert Nellie.
built fifty -ween years ago. Thus two
more lints with the peat have disap-
Mrs. RobertShnrtreed pa.%•ed away
at the home of ber adopted dauabter.
Mrs. John Cutting. on the Rth eoores-
sion of Morris, on July iiith. She was
burr is the county of Halton eiggty-one
years ago and shortly after her mar-
riage to Robust Shortteed In ISOM
moved to Morris township Her bys-
hand diel sixteen years ago. She is
survived by one son. Wm. H , and two
adopted daughter+. Mrs. John ('umibg.
of Morrie. and Mrs. Wm. Far, of :East
W awanosb.
F. G. Rweet, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Sweet. wq appointed to the
board of 'eased et Toronto gbh
Mr. and Mrs. P. V'. Hodgen. wbo
had resided hen for some time. the
former being engaged st carpenter
work. are twno.ed to Obicago.
Klee Anna Dow bac boas vermeil to
teach in the printery room of tie loth -
lie sebool altar the vac tion. Mies Ida
Armetroeg awing reslgvad.
Private R. Loftier Nero. ane of Mr,
and Mrs. Philip Hera, wbn several
weeks age was reported wounded, Is
new reported wounded sod miring.
Repeated eegwfrke have failed to re-
veal his wbereabouts.
ire Candy, of Aylmer. was before
Mag* its Randa.+ charge with vie -
latiorethe Motor Vehicles Act. en
the line between U.h•orne and Bid-
dulpb, on the night of July 12th, be
hacked hie auto into a lig owned Ly
Janes Walker, awa*hieg the buggy
badly. Candy weut off without giv-
ing any assistance Constable White-
side got after bin, and brought hitt to
justice. He was fined $.') and costs,
and in addition he bad to pay lir.
\Volker $25 fur damage. to the buggy.
Mr. Scutt Hay.. of Regina, is visit-
ing his patent*, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
E. Hey a.
Mr. George, of Aylmer, has been
engaged as organist and choir leader
of for Presbyterian church and has
already commenced bis new duttee.
There will b: but one change on the
public aebro! teaching staff this fall.
Mia Mary Habkirk .uceeeds Mira
Somerville, who is on a visit to the
Mee. Gray. widow of the late W, M.
Gray, formerly of Seafortb, died
auddeuly •t 'loronto on July '.led.
Interment took plasm at Seafurth on
M unday.
Wm. Seeker scalded hi• foot while
working at the slaugbterbuure toe
day recently.
•Miss Beatrice Curry bis been en-
gaged air teacher for C. S. 8. No. 1,
1'urnberry township.
Mia Maggi. D. Shedden. formerly
of Brussel., has taken a position iii"'a
bospital at Clare, Michigan.
For the past thirty-Hve years Brus-
sels has contributed (ever ditto earb
year to the Upper Canada Bible So-
Miss Hazel Lowry has been re-en-
gaged for another year by the trustees
of the school she bss Oren t -aching
near Atwood. An advance ot 8'Li was
wade in her salary.
Wednesday, August4itb, is Clinton's
civic holiday.
Dr. and Mr. (icon have returned
from their trip' to the Pat.a ua Expori-
The Doherty Piand Co. retxutly
shipped a piano to Dr. and Mrs. R.
Struthers, at Bonen, North China.
The Clinton Sebool of Commeree bss
been removed to the old Waverley
hotel building. which has beeg ran-
Mina Jennie Rand,, of Brussel., has
been engaged to teach Is the public
school here. She has been teaching for
two or three years at Borrie.
Frank E. Walker, son of Mr. Robert
Walker. 1.1 the Huron toad. was mar-
ried at Niagara Falls on Jul- lash to
Miss Margaret Notq•iey, of Winnipeg.
Tn. report circulated and copied Ov
many papers that Mr. and Mrs. Olaf
Olsen, former residents hen, had .been
killed by acyclone in the \Vest turns
out tote incorrect
Capt. Henderson, who had been in
charge of tbs Salvation Army herr for
erase months past. has returned t
Toronto and ()apt. Moffatt, who was
here on a former occasion as lieut-no
ant, is now in charge.
Rev. Jercld Potts. who has resigned
as rector of 8t, Paul's church. has de-
cided to go on active service and it is
undrntood-wilt be attached ai chap-
lain to the delth Battalion, now in
training at Niagara -moths -Lake.
A ronsidetnhle amount of petty
thieving has been going on here lately
and lay: week A. .1. Gregg's jewelry
store was rubbed. -Two yom)g lads
were apprehended when they went to
*nether atone to have one of the stolen
watches se'. Much of the stolen
property has since been recovered.
Robert Stone and Wrn Boardman
hale imitated in "the fourth l'anadlan
Harvey Willis. who underwent an
operation for appendicitis s few weeks
aftn, is W . to be around again.
More than slaty men from Wing -
barn and vicinity have joined the va-
rious Canadian contingents for k
in the war. '
The Ct.icago unit of doctors and
n urses P bo volatnteered for service at
the front, with whom is Miss Jean
aiiltillivray, of Wingham, is now in
Maitland Iadge, I. O. O. F., held
decoratiou services at the cemetery on
Sunday. the I4th inst. Visiting Odd -
fellows were present from Bausseis,
Blyth and Luctnow.
Prirate Ge,rge Robertson, wlo left
here with the first contingent, and
waelu the teenches until about seven
weeks ago, las arrived home owing
to nervous breakdown.
J. Smith, A. .Stratton and T. Malone
have volunteered for active service
and will leave soon for the training
camp at. London. Bandmaster Willie
also leaves at an early date for the
the home of Mr and M's. John
Mcl'ool waw the *erne of • pretty wed-
ding on .tiny 21st, when Margaret
Tibbs became the bride of Het loot .1.
Marshall, of Blyth. Rev. J. W. Hib-
bert performed the ceremony.
The engagement 14 announced of
Etta V,. daughter of Mr. and Mn.
(4. H. Raker. of Tees WIMP?' to Mr.
Jack Mason, of the firm o1 Mason t
Son, of Wingham. the mat -dame le
take place the third week in August.
Mr. and Mrs. ge Moon en-
noosee the entre went of their
daughter. Mae K . Mr. ti smart T.
(argosy. manager of the Bank of Ham-
ilton, Uranus). Alberta, the marriage
to take place the second week is Au
eneragrmeet ie aanoueetel of
♦{hese, danebter of Mr. and Min Feed
Florae. of Theesalo.. Ont., to i.orse
sassed Ostenphelt, of Bdeen'tos. Aha
Miss Flores attended sigh reboot here
and bas many relatives and friends In
tas►s. •
Robert Montgomery, a rrgwrt•d
rwsidsut sof Winebaas, died at bis
hose Mee o' Joly lith, is kis einem
/ieth year. He was a sadv. of low
lased, but bad lived in Canada for
y.are One breamand four
Mowhtav, July 28.
Tn• C►uoess-*tab Sibs haying in
this section is nearly in and It has
turned out a hotter trap Baa was at
trot expected The tall wheat wise ie
nearly read he cut toss tool gs.erany
it also is a ready
crop. Dui ma taw
laid it is son,.wbat rsJgwl
A limns WORM. -MOW. of the cid-
:toe here ate engaged In a very com-
mendable musk, ty laking children
from their citybr�sae� and keeping
thew bare fur •fest a during the
hot weather. t be • groat
treat to the tattle ours. In maay rases
ilii. is the only chance they have to
get • breath of fresh sir, as a number
of them cotate from the toogested dis-
firoRTar.-Quite a number from here
went over to Brussels last Thursday
night to wane*" the champ' hip
game of football between Listowel and
Poole. which ended in a win for Lis-
towel by 1-0. We undersand the
gauze Is protested Three rinks of
the Blyth bowlers played • toieudly
game with ('limon, at Clinton, on
Thursday night and wet. beaten l.y
two shut. A rink of Blyth bowlers
are to Londuu this week taking part
,n the W. Or B. A. tournament. the
rink is can/Posed of Mrsen. J. M. ,
Hamilton. A. %V. Robinson, G. E. Mc-
Taggart and Dr. McTaggart, sup.
Two Turnout tNt 1: At -r. -Rev E. G.
Powell, cuunty sees irony for th.
Tewperence Alliance. occupied the
pulpits here .end at Jacksou'e church
iso Sunday and bis sermuua were along
the line ut temperance and the wean*
to enfoter the present Act. We metier -
.t and it is the intention to appoint •
committer to lire that the Act it totter
kept in Blyth than it is at present. It
looks now that before long the Act
would lie atlwolete here and at other
places in the county and we, cannot
ser that the tetnpetisnce people are
doing touch to enforce it. IL was
shown by the vote they got that the
people of the county were behind theta
but with ell that they eerie to be doing
vete little to enforce the Act. Possibly
444444 e this new utganization they may
do better.
PEItSONtI..tND ligetnR.tL.-Mr. (leo.
Booing, wet Lest week brad the tubs -
tor thee to break hie collarbone while
playing s game of football, is doing as
well aa call be expected, although it
will be some title before be will be
able to do any work.. ..Miss Ella
'Tay:, r, wtu it cue of the teachers in
the public school at '!foes.; aw, is at
present petsding the bottle/nye with
berpareats here. On her way down
she attended the world'. Christian
Endeavor contention at Chicago
Mrs. Thos. Poulton, of Cleveland,
Chiu, is visiting with her sister. Mrs.
John Bennett Mr. and Mrs.
Arehie Bell had the misfortune to lose
their infant on Thursday and Mr
Bell conveyed the remains to the
family burying ground near Ripley.
Mr. and Mn. Wm. Moore and
family are "spending holidays in the
neighborhood of W erten, where Mr.
Moore has a Mother.. ...A number
of the -Canadian Ceder of Foresters
from Blyth Attended divine service
with theta brethren at Belitraye on
:Sunday Mr. Harold li,llian. of
London, is visiting -at eh home of
Mr. ,trd Mn. Wm. Ifsll Mr.
-arab this through' faded, lifeless
locks and they become dark,
glossy, youthfuL
Hair that losses its mint and lustre, or
when it fades, turns gray, dull and life-
less. is caused by a lack of snlph,u in the
lair. Our grandmother made up a mix-
ture of Sege Tey and Su!pasr to keep
her locks dark and beautiful, and thou•
sands of women and men who value that
even .obr, that beautiful dark shade of
hair which L so attractive, use only this
old-time recipe.
Nowadays we get this faetnus mi:f ore
by asking at any dr.a store for • 60
eat bottle of `WyethP• Sage and Sul-
phur Compound;' a hich darkens the
bait so naturally, so evenly, that nobody
can poaaiLiy tell it has been applied. Be-
sides, it takes off dandruff, stops scalp
itching and falling hair. You just
dampen a sponge or soft brush with it
and draw this through your hair, taking
ors small ptrand at • time. By morn-
ing the gray Bair disappears: but what
delights the ladies with Wyeth's
and Sulphur is that, besides beautiful
darkening the hair alter a few applies -
tie's. it also brings back the glom and
lustre and gives it as appeaser* of
By Lydia E Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound—Thar
Own Stories HereTok.
Edmonton, Alberta, Can- - " I think
it is no more than right for me to thank
you for what your kind advice and Lydia
E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound have
done for me.
"When 1 wrote W you some time ago I
was a very sick woman suffering from
female troubles. 1 bad organic inflam-
mation and could not stand or walk any
distance. At last I was conrined to my
bed, and the doctor said 1 would have
to go through an operation, but this I
ref iced to do. A friend advised Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and
sow, after using three bottles of it, I
feel like a new woman. I most beartily
recommend your medicine to all women
whosuffer with female troubles. I have
also taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver
Pills, and think they are fine. 1 will
never be without the medicine in the
boom." -Mrs. FLANK EMSLEv. 903 Col-
umbia Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta.
The Other Case. -
Beatrfce, Neb.-"Just after my mar-
riage my left aide began to pain me and
the pain got so severe at times that I
suffered terribly with it. I salted three
doctors and each one wanted to operate
on me but I would not consent to an op-
eration. 1 heard of the good Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was
doing for others and I used several bot-
tles of it with the result that I haven't
been bothered with my side since then.
I am in good health and i have two little
girls. "-Mrs. R. B. CHILD, Beatrice, Neb.
Wm. Win'erbiwrn, who belongs to
the Geological Department ut Ottawa,
and his wife have been spending a
short time with Dr. and Mn. Allison,
the two Indies being ►►sten . ...Mr.
J. 8. McKinnon. of Toronto, paid a
flying visit to Blyth last week and
while here disposed of the store and
lot wbich he owned here, to Messrs.
Popkstoue a 1,ardiner, who havr it
rented fur a general %tote . _Mitre
Maisel Colclough, who is employed at
(ioderich, spent Sunday with her par-
ents here . Mi. Jas. Cutt spent
Sunday with friends at Saltford.
Council met July 3. instead of Jane
28 as per adjournment. Mewtrers all
present, Reeve Murray presiding.
Minutes of last meeting read And ap-
proved, on motion of Naylor and Pur -
don. Financial retort read by Treas-
urer Thomason, showing balance on
hand of $34$.91, filed on motion of
Naylor and Mallough. Clerk read
notice from ft. ('. Hays. barrister. on
behalf of W. H. %Vil.on, West
\Vawanosh,with reference to the deep•
ruing trod aw,provine of the tartans or
creek known as V. ung'' creek. This
notice was received June :7) and sub-
mitted to council July :i. Motion by
Purdon and Mallough ,bat title notice
i. laid on table for further
tion. Carried Mr. J. Irwin warted
on council asking that weinethitg he
done with the Brophev, Campbell
and Glen'i hill, in order that a reguler
service be ooaintained during -the• win-
ter months, le the ,natter of a ennui
fence suggested for hill at 1..t 'Si, con-
cession Il.and 7, ('owmiseioners John-
ston and Mallough were autheriaed'
to take up this preposition and art in
the best intereeta of the municipality,
on motion ^of Purdon mod Naylor.
Councillor Purdon reported that he
haat failed inwaking any arrangements
with the different parties to the ditch
opposite lot 24, concessions l' and 9, re
the cleaning out and improving of the
same. Motion by Johnston and Naylor
that V. M. Robertts' eervieee at engin-
eer be dispensed with. This
was not voted on. owing to the 1'ol
tick er,ain not being finished. Clerk
was instructed to write Mr. Roberta
and insist on this work 5erng tiniabed.
Clerk was instructed to write I:ngin-
rets Roger, of Mitchell. Boulton, of
Listowel, Johnston, of Stratford. with
Great lake
To the
\Vater Sr,
Voyages"- ^.
On the Great
Lakes -Ideal Travel
sad Recreation Cruises
-witk Jl the material cominins--haveriou.
.pprrintrneets and pkasare enjoyments of ocean
travel un the Largest Liners.
win its Wee r-.m....r S 004 e.rowl w .w arw,v rail.-I.wweelet ►.ww sea Ms
Iwf.-,titre 1,1r. Moho P.0.. . new►'. war. Moir- n.r. M..le-W . -
. a:. ►.ea• afar est
To Duluth, Fort William, Port Arthur, Soo,
Mackinac, Georgian Bay
and tis 30,000 Islands
Tee lea 'r.rtaws ewMttw raw avow, an No
W e male asasea the earlis rl._ wen
$wnlrr---n..,elre as,. W de *wired
WSW ureala
Paw e. Nab boa "swat•• .aha wad/bag
war +eat t:. mem& M IOW w .a. sea OM
num. asset moon '• - r w afaMrtlr
sus w Or Twain torr wow.
Cliees• rear craw
la w re Ts. r •••wase. Tw .wawa
we tow'steer tri r animam bowman
u Praa. oa,w Ohms ase..
Cama r wan raw Yen/ tww, lis/ w.d Was/
ti e.wdr.sws ars..
C..r.e . 1 via
,, rise•
., •- . Inn. et
a..,.. • , fee
. a u st ..sane. n.. .
r•.w e., art ,et w.. ••• aye. .
rLt. Ira. • ►.w T -www ..•
-Mar. N ei•M T.-wa 1
1..ww.1 t..w.. M,w. and
11.00 Sped %M. ole•
4r• r, n ss /wear es ass••
✓ a
•.sIa sY. a Pr.wt .0
c.s wt-wa T..elh .a w.,.. r
- ,$c.a1..r.s
- .Wa.'. Seasaw N.wan.
Sarnia , Ontort°
TIMmosantlf, Jut.v 211, IIS 7
the intent that Use aervkee of sostr
*se may be secured for the seieskipalt
uy, aim what temuoeratwa wools be
exported. Aceouats were pawl and
paid to the amount of t:tl7.:IfI, ea
'notion of Naylorand Mallough. Coun-
cil adjournto nowt Jul 24 as 1
o'clock. W. A. IVIL,w/e, l'rrk.
A special tweeting of the West Wa-
wanosh council was held July i:i, for
the purpose of eecurmg an oughts",
fur the township. Motion by John-
ston and Naylor that bylaw No. :1,
l912,appointing'.'. M. Roberta .engineer
for West Wawaou.h, he
Carried. For this -purpose bylaw No.
6,1815, anis sweltered, +igoed and sealed.
Bylaw No. It, 1915, nae prepared ap-
pointing John Roger, of Mitchell
township engineer at SS per day and
espouses, on ruotion of Naylor and
Johnston. Mr. W. H. Wilson being
present and having heard notice to
tang's Creek maul aa prepared by hie
pole -two took otj,-,tion to the word
south, refer, ing tc the south side of his
property : the wont should ie north re -
terrine to the north side of hie prop-
erty 'Tia error will be rectified before
next meeting of council. Mot' by
Mallough and Johnston that noun -,l
meet on July _'11 at 1 n'.•Iuck instead of
July 24 as per last adjournment. Car-
✓ ied. Qouocil adjourned. W A. Wu.-
Vit:mos, Clerk.
Statement as to Penalties m Cases of
A. T. Cooper, president of the Huron
county branch of the Dominon Alli-
ance. sends out the following informa-
tion with reference to the Liquor
License Act :
The Ontario license hoard of com-
missioners have now instructed their
officers to lay all informations for
drunkenness in Canada Tenaperaoce
Act counties as well as other no -license
wunicipalitiee ntxier section 141, which
reads as foliowe :
Mei-t. 141 :�Wtaere in a municipality
in which it local option byIw is in
force or is which no tavern or shop
lice -noels Matted a person is found upon,
a etrwet or in any pr.blic place In an
intoxicated condition owing to the
drinking of liquor, he shall be guilty
of an offence against this Act and
upon any prosecution for such an of-
fence he shall be compellable to state
the name of the person from whom
and the place in which he obtained
e ucb liquor, and in case of hie refusal
to do so he shall be isuprlsoned. for a
period not exceeding three months 'or
until he discloses such information.
2 bleo. V., c, 55, w l:t.,
. fleet. 79 provides the penalty: for
viohtioo of above clave and iu,Noes
a line of Irons g•Llt to $;/1 and costs for
the first offence, 110 to sept for the sec-
ond offence and for a third offense
three months in jail without the op-
tion of a One.
Since Mai int some rases have been
tried under the municipal act, but in
future all ewers of drunkenness in dry
territory will be severely dealt with
and also made t tell where they got
their liquor.
It Is Spreading.
David wasviewing the wonders of
the zoo with hie father. for the first
time. David's mother is an ardent
Over the cage of the sorretary bird
is an inscription which reads :
"The orale secretary bird hatches
the eggs and rears the young "
David slowly 'spelled out the {nwrrip-
Iion and turned inyniringly to his
le the eereetary bird's wife a suffra-
gist, too. pa= he asked. --Judge. _
If you make a rat's -paw of a friend
you are apt to get scratched.
at Big Reductions
Cut Prices on all the
Straw Hats in stock.
McLean Bros.
Semi -Ready Tailors
Grimm Overalls Fitwell Bats
Holeptoof Hose
St. Jerome's
G olle$e
BERLIN - • - ONT, f
Excellent Commercial Department 1,
E.geellanl High School Department
Excellent College Department
New Buildings with latent
Hygienic Equipments.
The largest Gymnasium in Canada.
Running Track, Swimming Pool.
Shower Baths, Auddoriuni.
. Fitt -Class Board
Comfortable Sleeping Rooms
Rates Moderate
REV. A. L ZINGER, C.R. President
Summer Goods
Refrigerators.' 11•o u
seen the hole assortnit,-ntwe
have for yott'to choose from ?
Oil Stoves. t`;•e have
the e w
Perfection and the Jewel.
These are two of the hest and
most economical oil stoves
on the market.
Screen Doors and
Windows. :tYle4toasititilti
every person.
Hammocks. large ass
-ort merit, prices from $2.'_5t1p.
Binder Twine. ,,e.
iu•t received a large shipment
..f Gilt Edge, 1150 -ft. Binder
Twine, the sante quality you
got last year. I w not leave
off buying your twine tali long,
as there is going to be a
+scarcity owing 'to the extra
large acreage in the Wet.
Hay Fork Rope and
Trip Lines. We h4ce
ceived a large shipment. -We
carry ropes from 1, in. to 1}
in. in .tack.
Ready -Mixed
Tidesc paints are
acknowledged to
be the hest points : therefore
the hest vain on the market.
Call and see what .r fine range
of colors we have for your
Are von going to have yoesr furnace nevi -11:1114d this Fall
\V h'. not do it now and be ready for Fall'
Now is the time to get in 'one t.intt ...Mph,' of
when the markets are at the lowest. Then- i. a pn.a-
hility of a triter.' strike in the hard cool fields next tnonth
for higher wages. Thew, if conceded by the owner's,
ocean that coal will he higher if not conceded them
will be a scarcity of coal. NOW 1S TMC TIMC TO
PROTCCt YOVRSCLVLS. l'tr-ci t price-, of coni are
Chestnut Coal $7.56 Stove Coal $7.58 Egg Coal $7.25
Let tis figure on your plumbing, heating. electric wiring,
eayesrt'onghing, etc. A11 work promptly attended to and
tally guaranteed.
STORE, 22 PHONL& ---- NOVSC 112
tr a