The Signal, 1915-7-29, Page 6• ltiroweu•r, Jour SI 1 1$
PEG 0'
By J. Hartley Manners
Copyright, 1913, by Dodd, Mead & Company
M'd be happier frith me father!
r'OME,THINO may be saved trues
tbe wreck," reasoned Mrs.
Cbkbester more hopefully.
"Until I get really started,"
said Marie with a sense of climax.
Mrs., Chichester turned to her daugh-
ter. "Ethel?"
"whatever yon decide• mamma."
Mrs. Chichester thought a moment.
then decided. "I'll do It." sbe said
determinedly "It will be bard, bet
I'll do Il." Mho went slowly and de-
llterstely to Mr. Hawkes, wbo by tab
time had disposed of all his documents
and was preparing to go. A look to
Mrs. Cblebester's face stopped him
He smiled at her.
"well r tie asked.
"Por the sake of tbe memory of
my dead sister, I will do as Nathaniel
wished," saki Mrs. Chichester, with
great dignity and self abnegation
Mr. Hawkes breathed a sigh of ea
"Good!" be said. "I'm delighted. It
Is splendid. Now tbtt you hare decid-
ed so happily tbere is one thing more
I must tell fou. Tbe young lady is not
to be told the conditions of His will
unless et the dlscrrlioe of the e,,ecu.
tors sbould some crtel. crier. Sire oltl
be to all Intents aid hurl..., - it ur
guest In that way wr uses tee aide
to trete at a more rear 1 $ I...wtrdge
of her character. is ihas eiwirnd,•
Tbe family signified artrntlly aril
collectively that It ate.
"And [row," beamed Ihr Lawyer hap-
py at the fortunate outwore ..t a alt.
Walken that a few moments before
seemed so strained, "where la your
bell r
'Marie Indicated tbe bell.
"Hay 1 ringr asked the lawyer.
"Certainly." replied Agaric.
Mr. Hawkes rang.
Alarlc watcbed him curiously. "Want
a sandwich or somethings
Hawke" smiled benignly on the un-
fortunate family and tubbed pts bands
together self satlatiedly.
"Now I would like to send foe the
Yoneg Indy-fps b.�
"Where le ehst lit as peri, Melee -
"Sbe arrived from New York this
'morning. and 1 brought her straight
here. 1 bad to call on a ellen[. so I
gave ber your address and told bee to
come bere and waft"
At the word "wait" an uneasy feed-
ing took poseessloe of Ethel. That was
the word used by that wretched little
creature wbo bad es rudely intruded
upon her and Brent Could It be pos-
Tbe footman entered at that mo
leen t.
Tbe lawyer questioned him.
"Is there a young lady waiting for
Sir Hnwkear
"A young Lady. air? No, air," an-
swered Jarrts.
Mr. Hawkes was puttied. What In
the world bad become of ber? He told
the cabman distinctly where to go.
Jarvis opened the door to go out
when a thought suddenly occurred to
him. He turned back and spoke to the
'There's ■ young person sitting In
the kitcben-tame rap and knocked at
the door ■od said she bad to watt no.
til a gentleman called. Can't get noth-
ing out of ber."
Hawkes brightened op.
'That must be Miss O'Connell." h.
said. He turned to Mrs Cbicbester
and asked ber if be might bring the
young Indy In there.
"My niece In the kitchens said Mrs.
Chichester to the unfortnnate footman
"Sorely you should know the dlliitr
else between my niece and a servants
"1 am truly sorry. madam." replied
Jerrie to distress, "but there was noth-
ing to tell."
"Another such mistake aid yon sen
leave my employment," Mix Cblchee
ter added severely.
Jervis pleaded piteously:
"Upon my word. madam, no one
could tell."
'That will do" thundered Mrs. Chi-
chester. "Bring my niece here --et
The wretched Jarvis departed nn his
errand. muttering to himself: "Walt
. •
lir Every 10c
Packet of
kill KILL MORE FLIES food 14
iallaS 1 KK� ATCNf A
unto rney see bet'. Wbo 10 the wont
could tell she was their mistiest?'
Mrs. Chichester was very angry.
`It's monstrous!" sbe exclaimed.
"stooped!" agreed italic. "Doorid
Ethel said nothing. The one thought
that was patting through bee mead
was, "How much did that girl bar
Brent ay, and bow much did she ave
Mr. Brent dor
Hawkes tried to smooth the otiose-
derstanding out
"1 am afraid It was all my fault," be
explained. "I told bee not to talk -jurat
to ay that abs was to watt. 1 want-
ed to have an opportunity to explain
matters before Introducing her."
"Sbe should hays been brought
straight to me," complalped )Jr,. Chi-
chester. 'Tbe poor thing!" Tb en with
a feeling of outraged pride abe saki:
"My niece fn the kitchen --t Hingsuottb
mistaken for a".errantr
The door opened sod Jarvis came
into the room. There was a look of
halt triumph on his face .a mock es
Mrs. Chieheeksr Was angry! Ethel
aald Nothing.
to say: "Now. wbo would not make a
mistake like that? Who could tall MN
girl was your niece?"
He beckoned Peg to come Into the
Then the Chichester family teeaivet
the second shock they had expeeteoe d
that day -one compared with which
the failure of the bank paled into la -
significance. When they saw the
strange, shabby, red balled girt shack
1 into the room with her parcels and that
disgraceful looking dog they 1.11 the
band of misfortune had indeed fallen
opoo them
Aa Peg wandered into the room Mrs.
Chichester and Mark looked at bee le
horrified amassment.
Ethel took one swift glance at ber
and then tnrned ber attention to Pat
Jarvis looked reproachfully at Mrs
Cbicbester as mocb as to sq. "What
did I tell your and west eat
Alark whispered to bis mother:
"Oh, I ay. really, you know-lt ha't
true! It can't he."
Pet suddenly saw Miebsel and began
W bark Curiously at ltlm. Michael ne
.eponded rigorously until Peg quieted
At this juncture Mr. Hawkes came
forward and. taking Peg gently by the
arm. reassured her by saying:
"Come hen, ley deer. Come hen.
Doo't he frightened. We're all your
He brought Peg oyer to Mrs. Chi-
chester. who was staring at her with
tan of mortification in ber eyes.
When Peg's eyes met ber aunt's abs
tabbed a little coarteey abe used to do
as ■ child wbemever she met some of
the gentlefolk.
Mrs. Chichester went cold when she
saw the gauche act Was ft possible
that this creature was ber stater Aa-
gela's child? It seemed locredIble.
"What Is your 'ismer the asked
' Pec, ma'am."
"What r
"Sure, me name's Peg, ma'am." and
she bobbed toolber little courtesy.
Mrs. Chichester closed ber eyes and
shivered. She asked Aiarie to ting.
As that young gentleman Passed Igthsi
on his way the bell he said: "11
can't really be�trne! Eh. F.iheir
"Quaint," was all his sister replied.
Hawke, genially drew Peg's attss-
tlon to her aunt by intr:doting her:
"Thea lady le Mrs. Chichester -yolk
sant." Peg kinked at her doubtful/1
n moment, them turned to Hawks sad
asked him
"Where's me under
"Alas, my dear eblid, year bites Y
•Teadr• exclaimed Peg 1. aerpdg ,
I"Afther eendln' for me'r
"He died just Were yen titled,"
*Advo[ Hawke,'
Cbooe. year sugar ae carefully as you do your fruits. LAM*: &NM
sakes clear Jellies aad perfect preserves because It la pare caw saga[•
granulated i Ib, cartons sed 10 and Is. s t i �'and iogs. 100 li begtbe package.. cosmos grossilso
tlo.. Weight guaranteed. -
b la Mead packages aid leek tar tie LAIff1C Red Sall se sofa pe
"Ood rest Ms soot.-' saq reg pommy.
"Sure. 1f 1'd known that 1'd oever bare
some at .1I. I'm ton late, then. Good
day to ye," tad she started for the
Mr. Hawkes stopped bee.
"Where are you goingr
"Back to me father."
"Oh, nonseneer
"Bat I must go back to me tatter
V me sacle's dead."
"It was Mr. Hi.gaoortb's last wish
Mat you should May bere under your
soot's care. So sbe bas kindly con-
sented to give you • borne."
Peg gated at Mrs. Chichester 'earl -
"Have yes she asked
Mr.. Cbicbester, with despair fa ev-
er, tone, replied. "I haver
'Thank ye," said Peg, bobbing se -
other IIWe courtesy.
Mrs. Chichester gaited at Peg and
cerered bee eyes with her heed .. if
to shut out some painful sight.
Peg looked .1 Mrs. Chichester aid at
the aiguiticaut action. Tbere was no
mistaking its slgulticaoce. It eoovey-
ed dislike and cootempt so plainly that
Peg felt It through her whole nature.
She turned to Atavic and *hood him re-
garding bee as [bough she were some
strange animal. Ethel did not deign
to notice her. She whispered to
"I can't stay here."
"Why sots aaked the lawyer.
"I'd be happier with me father." said
"You'll be Quite happy bere--Quite."
"We're not wanted ben, Michael!"
she murmured.
The terrier looked up at her and thea
buried Ma bad ander bee arm .a
though ashamed.
Jarvis cams In response to the ring
at that moment, bearing a pained, agar
tyrtlke expression on bh face.
Mrs. Chichester directed bl>, to sato,
away Perms parcels and the dog.
Peg frlgbtenedty clutcbed the terrier.
"O4 no, ma'am," sbe pleaded "flare
lave Michael with me. Don't take him
away from me."
"Take It away," commaoded Mrs.
Materiel. severely, "ad never let tt
Maids the bootie sga:
`Well if ye don't want Wm amide
yer boos. ye don't want me inside yes
booms," Peg snapped back.
Hawks pleaded.
"Nor said Peg firmly.
give him op"
The lawyer tried again to take the
dog from ber. "Come. Miss O'Connell:
yen really most be reasonable."
"I don't care about being reasona•
Me." replied Peg. "Mlebael was given
to me by me father, an' be's not very
bie an' be's nota watchdog; he's • pet
dog -an' lookr She caught sight of
If tbers little poodle, and. with a cry .f
self jootlficatlon, the said:
"Bee. she has a dog In the house -
right bens 1n the bona. Look at itr
And she pointed to where the little
ball of white wool lay sleeping of 'gib-
ers lap Theo Peg laughed beartlly.
9 didn't know what It was until at
r'I wtll sot
('O!fTt$trgn NEXT WEXK.
Common-sense in Road Maintenance.
Orillia Packet: 1t 1■ evident that
the present system of road -meting
its breaking down tinder the increas-
ing 'volumes of traMr, and [.bat some
better method will have to he found.
This will proisehly take the form
of constant and regular meinten-
.nee The present practice is to build
a road and leave it three or tour years
till it is worn out. Tina is • wasteful
method. A small bole is woos wore
to a large one, and it begets others on
both sides. "A ditch in time saves
nine," ted a harmwful t11 atone would
often forestall the need for a wagon-
lo.d later on What is needed is
that men should he kept no the main
roads all the time repairing the holes
as fast as they appear, filling in the
nota end keeping the drainage gond.
It is se logical to maintain roads in this
way as it le for railways to keep men
eo.etaelly at work on their roadbed.
And in the lung run there I. no doubt
it would pay One man meld keep .
long stretch of read in repair once It
was properly huilt. This is the system
in vogue in the (NA Country, retry, and In
Australia It is •lancet certain to
rose sooner or later i. Csnda.
Who ta going 10 bs the first to adopt
it1 The .-minty of Simone led the
way In the master of cownty roads.
Why should it toast lead in this further
sdvanee i. awed -buckling methods'
s s
Weak, Tired, Depressed
That Is the Usual Condi-
tion of Persons Afflicted
with Anaemia.
Anaemia is the medical term for
poor. watery blood., It may arise from
a variety 01 caueee, such as lack of ex-
ercise, hard study, improperly ventil•
• ted rooms or workshops, poor diges-
tion, etc. The chief symptoms ■re
extreme pallor of the (ace and gums,
rapid breathing and palpitation of the
hetet after slight exertion, headaches,
dismisses and a tendency to hysteria,
swelling of the feet and limbs
and a distaste for food. All thea
symptoms may not be present, but
any of them indicate anaemia, which
should he promptly treated with Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. These Pills
make new, rich blood. which stimul-
ates and strengtbeoe every organ and
every part of the body. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills have made thousands of
anaemic people bright, active and
inmost. Tb. following is one of the
many cum. Mn. Phillips, wife of
!tee. W. B. Phillipe, Princsten, Ont.,
says: "Some years ago, while living
with my parents in England, I tell a
victim of anaemia. The usual cow-
plteatioes set in and won I became
but • shadow of my former self. My
mother, who bad been • former nurse
of itneny yeeri experience,"tried all
Mal bee knowledge suggested ; tonics
of various kinds were tried, and three
doctors did their best for me. but with-
out avail, and a continued gradual
decline and death was looked for.
"Later my parents decided to join
my brothers in Caned,, and it was
confidently expected that the ocean
voyage, new climate and new condi-
tions would cure me. For • time l
did experience temporary benefit, but
was soon as ill again as ever. 1 was
literally bloodless, and the extreme
paper ■'rd geeerail) hopeless appear-
a.ceof mycuadltioncalled forte waov
eipreesioaa of sympathy from friends
wbow we mads in our new home in
Acton. Oat. biter a friend ureed me
to try Dr. Williams PILL Pills, and
although in a rondition wbete life
seemed Lo have little to hope for 1 de-
cided to do •o. After using three
boxes i began to mend. Coatiouing 1
began to enjoy my food, slept almost
normally, and began to have a fresh
interest in life as I telt new blood once
again running in my veins. Dr. Wil-
liams. Pink Pills brought about a com-
plete cure and 1 am today in robot
health. My husband is rectcr of tbispar-
ish and 1 have recommended the use
of the Pill" to • great number of people
with wbom we have come into contact
in the course of my husband's mini" -
try. for we both know what Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills will do "
These Pills may be had from any
dealer in medicine or by mail at 61)
chits a box or six boxes for 1r2.:,1i from
Tbe Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
It Was Som. Scrap
When the Hermans finally entered
Belgium a native of Liege made him-
self oheoxioua to one troop be his coo -
slant loud talk about the brave de-
fence. Finally the commander sum-
moned him "Now you've boasted
about enough," he sato. -.%Ve can't
listen to you any longer. I'm going
to give you your choice ; you will be
shot or you will swear allegiance to
the German Emperor."
Oo.sideraMyauhdoed, the ngecder
pondered, ell," be decided, "1
don't want to die, so i guess 1'11 "wear
allegiance." And he took tbe oath.
"All right," said the commander,
"now you are one of us. You can
come and go we you like "
The saen walkedliregsards the door
sad was riidt. when suddenly
M turned ' ." he exclaimed,
"didn't those Belgian' give us an aw-
ful fight 1
A do Mistake.
A Boston man hie way Wed
on Important nominees In the oppos-
ite section of the Pullman ata •weet-
faced,tared-l.ppearing woman with four
entail children. Being fond of children
and feeling sorry for the mother. the
Bostonian soon made friends with the
Marty the next morning he heard
their sags question. and the patient
"yes. dear," of the mother. as she tried
to dress therm : sod looking nut he
saw a email. white foot protruding be-
yond the opposite curtain. Reaching
across the aisle he took hold of the
t and b.gan in melte :
" i little Mg le market; thin
little g grayed at • this 11(13.
pig ha toast ireef: tt • little MR bad
sone ; this little pig cried, ' %Vee !
wee!' ell the way home."
The font Iran soddenly withdraws,
and a rnld, quiet voice -that of the
Mother -aid, "That 1. quotesufllcient.
thank you
"What le the, mattes!- said a man
who was having a ride in • friend's
automobile. as the rlt..ffeor got oust,
"The imagism. is wt•a.e.' replied M•
hived. 11e it really 1 as. sanest sore
we bed It where we etaaesd."
Gott Strafe America Soon 1
German View of America's Note is
• Very Angry One
Berlin, July 27-Tbe American note
was published In the Sunday news -
ostlers. Tbe Tages Zeitung declares
that the contents and ,wording far ex-
ceed the most unfavorable anticipa-
tions. Count lteventlow writes: "The
note uses languag. which will find no
response with the overwhelming ma-
jority of the German nation, since It
means domineering demand. Tbe nuts
breathes haterul disregard of the Ger-
man Government's standpoint." The
Vossicbe Zeitung says: "The re:usal to
accept Germanys proposal to protect
American passengers .howa an abso-
lute lack of readiness to understand
the German standpoint. The pr..•
clple that belligerent States must pro
tect neutrals is untenable, as 1t would
mean abdicating to neutral States."
The T.. eblatt nays: "The United
States must realise that to change our
submarine warfare 1s out of the quer
tion." The Rnersen Zettung says 1t
regrets that it is compelled to say
the note is a very unsatisfactory one.
and that "one cannot escape Welles
that the shadow of Senate steads bp-
thind 1t."
.% --a
Socialists- Again Traits/re •
Montreal, July 27 -Another ttla
patriotic demonstration took place yes-
eaterday when a soldier wttb a recruit-
ing poster attempted to speak at a
meeting which was being addressed by
a Socialist. who denounced the seed-
ing of more men to the front The
soldier exhibited 64 placard which
bore the words: 'Three hundred mea
wanted." and the crowd made a rush
at him Help was secured from as
armory nearby.
Doable Tragedy at Garden Party
Victoria. July 27 -At a garden party,
Alfred E. Watson, guest, was handling
a revolver when it accidentally dis-
1rcharged and the bullet killed Mrs.
W, A. Irish, the hostess. Watson im-
mediately turned the revolver on him-
self and died a few minutes later from
Do It Now
▪ All wiring done by the latest
Hydro•Electric rule.
All work guaranteed.
if Electric repairing of all kinds
promptly attended to, at rea-
sonable prices.
• We carry a complete and (up-
to-date line of Electric Fixtures
and Supplies at; all times,
Office 82—JUST PHONE—House 193
Catalogue on request.
C. A. PLrxlxo,F.C.A..Prineipal,
U. D. Fr.antrte, Secretary.
Western University
Income Doubled, -now $73.000.
Another Large Addition to
Faculty and Equipment kn
Arta and Medicine.
[greatly Increased Enrol-
ment in View.
Write for particulars to :
E. E. Braithwaits,'M.A., Ph. D.
Motoring two things—n pietist:7c and a
buukiesa. One night say it v.- o uced sixty
per cent. far entertainment cad forty per
cent for con u e: cial purposes Yc t n )
Usenet whether ycu use your cur to get
orders cr ozone, your greatest economy
v:ifl be the reduced coot cf mishaps.
No accident ever befel an automobile but
what the tires were forced to play a part in
it. And no accident ever was averted but
what/ the first Lad ti a:.y in that. too.
If you will !rive fast,
If yen will r.-ake those sudden stops.
If t!: city will water asphalt,
If rain will make muddy roads:
Why then—the possibility of skidding
e}wa� s be with you, unless you fifths
c- thous elements of danger when you bay
your fires. When you think of how to
avert clanger in motoring you immediately
think cf