HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-7-8, Page 11TRS SIGNAL : GODT+:RICH ONTARIO
titillate" dint ,esti
'-'."6.7511111rSirigelr. '111°
*said Shipment from Court wad
Neighboring Pinata
Mrs. T. C Tetbewey, of (:irouz
Lake P. 0., Northern Out uie. sends
to The b *nue perliQJ+rs of the
food w which is bi.ing -dime by the
Iiad Crass Society in chat part of
Ostarto. The lied Press works."' to
Godes ich may be inte,ested in knowing s
what others, are doing for the segue,
good cause. The Iuilow log is the
record for Cobalt :
•'With a grand total of almost ytt,ltter
separate pieces. the Cobalt t( d cruse
Society yesterday easily rsiabli.brd a
record for • moat shipment Nighty.
six cases of goons, all in peeper condi•
tion for immediate despatch to the
dries line, were .set out from the
beadyu*rtera of the Society nn Argen-
tite whoreet ce tit, T. 0. oorward. OUR OTTAWA LETTER.
from whence fury will b, r.rrwsrdru
without delay io Toronto on the flet
stege of their journey to the front.
The appeal made by t be Red Crowe
Society for a geuerous contribution of BY H. P.
neo.s.aries for the brave men fighting
for King and country, and for liberty
and freedom, was responded to ,nag.
niflcently by the eit.zeos of the silver
camp. and their record shiputetet was
their answer to the call.
**Seven branches and the parent fib-
ciety contributed to the consignment.
Bandages made up the greater propor-
tion of the .hipmrut, and of these
much needed t otiets, tier'e were'Si,itelt
sent out In addition there were ap-
proximately 11,04 surgical dressings,
Many of which were stern vol. Nearly
1200 niglltihiru were alae include,'.
and socks and pillowslips made up 'be
remainder of the abipm.ent. The
branches coat Ratting wereih. towel.
Cordage', Penn Cauadiad. Beaver,
TTmiskaminir, Goma: lake, Mileage
1(N, ladies un the East side of Cobalt
Lake, and West Cobalt. New Li-krrrd
Indira erre also represented. The
shipment gives to l'uta.lt the proud
distinct ion of second place among the
(tranches of '1' he Canadian Red Cow
Society-. the district being exceeded
only by Tea -onus"
Giroux Lake ie credited with twelve
cases in this abilwaeol.
Fresh and Refreshing
IS 76
is composed of clean, whole young
leaves. Picked right, blended right and
packed right. It brings the fragrance
01 an Eastern garden to your table.
That Tired Feeling
The tired feeling that so often
cones with Spline weather is
as likely to result from the
wearing of winter shoes atter
they hive been ';riled in as
from any of the other cause
to which it is usually ascribed.
Many Remedies are Suggest
but we believe you will find
A Pair of our Light, Stylish.
Corrfertable Spring Shoe*
A Sure Cure.
Ottawa, July S. -While the espies/s-
lims. and recniuinati•.na of 'Zebulon
Anton Leah. K. l' , anent the burned
Whorl snail contieue to excite comment
at the capital, they cause no .urprise
It is conceded that Mr. Lash is our
ea,rugb and rich enough to have set
()pinball,. Three opininnr. which have
grow,' steadily stronger with advanc-
tug Alae, sepal. /Gird biro from the Lib-
eral party in loll and Iu.ded him lair
and square among those who believe
in ruling cla vee and things like that.
It it coa►idried only natural that
lir. Lista should entertain the views
he drier. 11e is a corporation lawyer
of great repute, the guerdonrd guide,
the paid philosopher and fldu.'iary
Mead of the liwutyed interests, hid
✓ elations with the -O. N. W. and the
C. N. R. bring especially intimate.
Piloting wealth and power as he does,
lir. Lab feels, doubtless. that public
sues who have these matters at their
di.poeal an loo respectable to be
g uilty and consequently that srey tale -
grains Iv the contrary are better gut
rid of.
Some uewsriapers are speaking of
his arbitrary actiou in the Winnipeg
buodle.orad•, ss contempt of court,
but Mr. Leah's contempt (toes deeper
than that. It is aatu,al�that he abouts
have contempt a courts. because bet
is familiar with courts anti familiarity
breeds trontempt. but that he ebeuid
have a teal old-fashioned, eighteenth
centavo .attempt for the people needs
venue enuring out. Very, few "nen in
this deuo,cr*ue• age and country 'can
afford i , unless, like Mr.. Laub, they
bappeu ti he in the millionaire class.
and even then the fled it more profit-
able to keep at under cover.
Mr. Leah, according to The Mon-
treal !1 ar. is one of the twenty-three
At biers a lin are at the foundation of
Canadian finance. Consequently beds
♦ great pillar of the state, and pillars
of the state are not always as respect-
ful of Oe state as they might be. be-
cause the kodw bow the .uper.truct-
nre is both. Therefore wben Mr Lash
speaks at the Royal Commission ap-
pointed by the people of Manitoba to
search out and nuni•h graft as a mere
••inquisitorial body-' he is speaking
from the heart. these are. vs thou[
doubt. the honest and deep-seated con-
sittions of King Zebulon and it Perms
a great pity that a constitutional mor)•
niche has no greater reward in its
gift for • benevolent ('anedian despot
than as knighthood. unless, of course,
lir. Lash should remove to England,
when, he would at once gtatitate to
his proper place in the House of Lords.
Meanwhile actions speak even louder
than word•. The burning of the tele --
Creme by the . (Heists of the 0 N. W.
Company. of which he is president.
and of which the t'. N. R. is prarticallc
ows►r. is a plsin announcement that
)er. Lash i4 011 the side of those in high
Osiers who are likely to he wronged
c haring the truth told In some re-
spects his motives are held to be I.ud-
able-he has eyrnpstby with the under
dog as long as the uoder dog in Man -
Oohs is the neDer dog at Ottawa.
What's more. thine may have been a
contusion e1 d..ties. The l'. N. It. is
now the partner of the Nationeliat-
l'ons.rv•tive 11 ivernment at Ottawa -
the partnership heing in these terms,
iii-real,.oi ii water for the people of
of the
i. sow be, y Pr.9ar.'t. sad addu.ar sed rhaames
101i11.Hoary he mammal to ear Laid 51anws.r
of awe.
Itwe ,e.. r. eakeem ! no.. .ho bars
tell yon Jai i t i. sa n saw prnetat s of modem
Why ant mew to -day j sad ban year
nam i s the
The Bel TekpboseCo. of Cana&
moooaarM�wsus rrww MA R1LLL.dU. Mazza
mai. Ioaaw WO r
load rtr hAe aa,�sf\r asamsa anew. llbatmss Obi. M. row awaN em
Csnada and tl1it,lr00,0)11 solid residuum
for Mackenzie *sad Mann. in return
for which Canada shares in the obliga-
bligetions of a railway company which is
four hundred mallows of dollars in
Keep track of this connection of
Mr. Lash's with the C. N. R.. for it is
the coupling pin which hold. his train
nt thought 1 getter. Tbe C. N. R. 1.
t he partner of t be I3 ,rden Government
and Mr. Lush is a director of the
C. N. It. He is more t ban that -he 111
its chief counsel and head lobbyist.
Never were there such lobbies as %eb-
uion A. Ltrh swingy lie penetrates
easily where leaser men roilnt get
a perp. Hen.shes in hli sly where
even Sir William Mackenz f rs to
tread. To see his greet mind d deft
hand at work on Parliament iv loth a
delight and a liberal education. Sir
\Vilfiam may run the can in to draw
it away, but it's %rb ilun that lands
the owner.
The C. 5;. H. ie a pariner of the Bor-
den libvernment—:hat iv to say, t be
Government owns one-third of the
C. N. R. common stns and the
C.N.K. owns two-thirds of t h. Govern-
ment. Tbe C. N. H. owns Z-buion A.
Lash -that is to say, it owns him to
he its manoeuvring brain at the cap-' Oe;-wany'a tures.• co:tir.u1nd to lie ds-
it.t. The C. N. R owns the G. N. W. talntd'on the Ru'etan front for prob.
and the G. N. W. owns %admires A. ably several months to come. At pre -
Leah at its ple.iient. Whari, the pent the- Germans . hare stra'ghtened
ownership is so committed and coniout their iine. and are advancing
Enemy Offensive on the Moselle --
Russians Can Stop [weeny From
Wlthdrawtr.g Troops
Paris, July 6-Levell pg the Vrencb
.rencbes with • burr cane of high ri
plosive shells. the Germans have
launched another 4,elent rffer.slve In
the west, bis time en It.c 13:.elle
Heavy forces, se.epirz forward to
the attack in Le Priers. woods, have
stormed French positions extznding
ovtr a front of mor*• than 1,100 yard*,
penetrating 435 yards Into the maze
of trenches. South of Nor:oy, .n the
Moselle. the Counties also blew up a
French blockhouse with 1's .nines.
garrison near H..ut de R1.upt. The
attack, which was made cu the we -
trru border of th' forest, w;:s yrs
ed• d by a cannonade of trer.1 ndous
Int( witty and v.o:ence. Saug.iaary
fighting continues am d th maze of
cowmen:cat n trechts waged with
hard grenar:
Sad t ayore t.
Austrian Drenthe. Fails
Rome, July f -In the rtgit.n of the
Tyrcl there h:.s b.s n a ccotr.uance
of artillery, acti 1:=, supported by
small Itailaa dee-chxena pnab:ng tr-
ward the front. T_e Hensel fon wad
reached a number cf times yesterday
Supported by continuous artillery fire,
the enemy attempted to retake last
night t:rnebes on the northern s:opc
of Valgrande, occujlkd by our Alpine
troop• on July 2. Th'. attack. eke
those rreceding IL was repulsed. Our
cdversary renewed yesterday with
particular' violence ccanter-attacks
against several Lanes cf pcsittons con-
quered by us on the Ca so 1'lsteau.
in s;;Ite of the flrt• of n:achina guns
aidartillery. these counter-attacks
were repulsed with heavy losses. We
captured 300 pHs Jntre, too I.Id can-
ner). guns and uunittona. According
to .pr sone'?, the,Auttricn losses, es-
pec:a:ly frcm cur. crtillcry fire. have
be. p i t riaus la* the Let f w days.
Russians to Detain Enemy
Fetrcg'ad, July 6 -It :a now plain
that the Russians' allies in the- west
may count safely on the great balk of
mingled isit any wonder that reasons
become entengied ? Looking at it
from Mr. Lash's point of view the
C. N. R. bas every right to consider
"(veli an' active, rather than a silent
partner, and coosequently to allow the
officials of a .uborumate company to
overlook any telegrams whets might
injure the other member -of the firm.
It is to be hoped that tbis explication
will silence criticises of Mr. Lash, who,
in issuing the fatuous order to burn
telei(raw., was merely doing his full
duty t , ■U the parties with whom and
about whew he is cnrcerned.
Cynics are pointing nut that , Mr.
Laois'. conduct in holding the aegis of
the G. N. W. and the C. N. R. over
along a northward line, which is over
one hundred and fifty. miles in length,
and extends from the. River ,Bug to
about a day. mutts West of the Vis-
tula. Taken together wtth the. Ger-
enman operations in the Baltic provtti-
ees,it 1* obvious (hit Germany is try-
ing to force a way Into Russian ter-
ritory from East Prussia and trona
Galicia, behind the Hae of the Vistula.
Constantinople Preparing For End
Mltylene. July 6-A general land and
sea attack aaIn.t the Dardanell:s was
opened on Sunday by the allied forces.
Preparations are being made to Con-
stantinople for a siege of the town,
which is expected soon. "Useless"
the accused is directly opposed to that I p.rsoss--these who ere enable to
of the C. P. Ii which handed over iparticipate. In the military defence of
without question all telegrams, in- the clty-hive been ordered to quit
criminating or otherwise, to ttltHuyal the capital. All Christians also have
Commission. It. is alao opposed to the , been ordered to evacuate Canetantin-
enlighteued poii,;t,Bon
of Hon. oh Reg
re, whose mg.". toe opts., whilethe Mohammedans ac-
etate, is now breathing tbresteoioge tually in the capital are to be sent
and slaughter against the guilty . to Asia Minor. Scutari, • city on the
pasties. Rob wants the, Commission ; Astatic coast of the Bosphorus also
13 hew to the line, let the •t iteuwen, has been evacuated by the civil popu-
ir..they old. pals like Sir Itodmond Illation. The Turks have mounted
Robliu or new chums like Dr.Montsees, guns at such posttiocs as to be abie
frill where they may - The Honorable to destroy the great mosque of Setae
Hub was supp...edfy clear of these Sophia. as soon a. the .tiles eater
Manholes Pertiameot buildings before Coatanttnople.
the trouble began and he calculates
that none of the Portland cement will
spatter on hien.
The Hon. Mr. ('.aldwell's telegram
(bat "It means more to you than it
does to us" can be construed more
ways than one, but meanwhile it tells 1
nnlhioe. Nobody knows what secrets
Dr. Simpson's strongbox holds, but
the Honorable Bob is is Winnip.g tc
look alter Manitoba registration fur
the Conservatives, and as his visit
synchronies, so to speak, with the
opening of Dr. Simpson's hex, no
doubt all will end well. it is true that
another Royal Commission will ie.
.estigate the Agricultural College
deal, but the telegrams in that case
have long azo been destroyed, and No
ter as the G. N. W. is concerned Mr.
Lash will not have to promulgate any
new rule assisting the dead past to
bury its dead.
While Mr. Lash claims to rise ahoy
the both parties in his independent at-
titude toward the final disposition of
telegrams, his policy brings him in
itemiser touch with the Manitoba scan-
dal then mat pubic moralists of his
stature would care to go. However,
to the pure all lblogs are pure, and
while Bob Rogers may seem to have
the edge on Mr. Lash just now as a
public-spirited citizen t tient is no doubt
that lex. Loeb'. talky will justify it-
self in the long run. indeed. there is
every chance of the president of tbe
G. N. W. becoming • freest public
beoefaetor, because this besides', will
lead ultimately to tbe nationalizstioe
of thepea, to the wrest altant-
age of t a and people in the
matter of dispatch, cheapness and
effective service. Woes that day
eoeea the t I.grsphs will no more be
mod to shelter crooks than His Majes-
a jes-
&bt . Mall is now. Incidentally nation-
estioa of telegraphs will settle
•Pother g.ievaece of long standing -
the glisvanee of the newspapers
agaIYt a esrpaay that can ie. news
being In the[sews-vending boniness it -
INN H. F. G.
Bummer vacations,
A delighted sesamee vacation eon
be spent at the seashore of the Odn-
wettest coast at New London. Witteb
Hill. Bleak lelend and Fisher's island,
where the following attraetlose aro
offered : Warm sea bathing, serf
batlliaa and drop OM Robing. Req of
aseaaek ewe t'o run from Mottreel.
via Arend Trust and central Ver-
mont Railway. Write for handsome
Uluetr+ted booklet etiolate's. fa11 is -
formation 10 C. R. Horsbtyg, Dlletriet
Passenger Agent, Grand ?tusk HaU-
way, Tomato, Out.
German Air Raid Minimized
London, July 6 -The British Admin
alty announces that with regard to
the Berlin report of an air raidon
Harwich the following are the tale
of the Incident, which, otherwise, ;r
hardly worth recording"' "On dater-
atarday forenoon a German seaplane and
aeroplane appeared off Harwich, flying
very high Our aircraft Immediately
itarted 1n pursuit and drove them oR.
The hostile aircraft then dropp.4
their bombs into the sea and trade
Nr escape, .till eying at a mot
"Did 4Nee oak. bee bewhand'a fail-
ure in the right spirit r •`O►, yea
Jade ea seine ea .b. ktww he wse nohow
ender sbe went out and bought her
maim winnow omit."-Deetes Trsas' des ss haM (flat.'
Subseartn.. Were Beaten
Loudon. Jury6-TLe big British liner
, gio Californian limped into Queens-
town harbor yesterday • •er1tabl•
boating shamble. atter having outran
German iubmartae. Her wfrdsas
apparatus, her bridge and upper works
shot away, her funnels pierced and
her decks littered with dead and dy
Ing, she accomplished the feat vasty
attempted by tie Ill-fated Armed,"
a week *go :c_like same_ tetarx.
••r. London's Candid Opinion
London, July 6 -"'rhe •rgumaata it
sued to Justify the .inking of the
Lualtania might equally well be used
to Justify the attempt to murder's Yr,
Morgan. There Is qo reason why
almtiar attempts should not be mads
upon the life of President Wilts* or
say other Americans who have dared
to uphold international law." says •rhe
London "Star" le regard to Mr. More
pa's attempted assassination.
Hawgary Will o.ee be `Henry'
Paris, July I -Beginning Raaday
Nat, rye Sour wttl not be mired la
wheat goer In the Hengatlan capital,
and the daily ration for ace parses
will be tnereued from 7 to
maces, according to • dispatch so -
salved by the Haves Ne s Ageaer
Lesterday from Budapest by way of
'outflg Suit, Shirts and Trousers!
You will soon be spending your vacation. Whither you are
going you will need an Outing Suit to thoroughly enjoy
this warm summer weather. Cone and inspect
our large and varied range in thus. lines.
Outing Suits, large choice of greys and browns, Norfolk style,.
very cool and dressy. Prices from $12.1111 to $20.10
Large range of (biting Shit ts, in. Iodine the "`emit" Sbitt. A
new and nubby shirt for o1 tdoor life. Also bier y sit ierd AIM
plain e.ahiuerrs and cottons, soft collars. Priers 75c to $2.A0
Plain white duck Trousers, all site., prices. $1.25 and $1.5O
White cream Serge Trotser., plain and stripe effects, all pure
wool, floret quality good., ranging in price $5,00 to $7.06
A varied range of Bathing Suits
Seri -Read; Outfitters s Agent fitwell HatMcLean Bros.
Western University
Income Doubled. -now s1.51N14•
Another large Addition M
Facult r Emil Equipment in
Arts and Miedicine
Greatly Increased Enrol-
ment in View
\Vrite for rise 'ciders to :
E E. Braithwaite. M A., Ph. D.
President -
Catalogue on request.
C. A. P i.z*ues.F.C.A.,Pi incipal.
13. D. PLNIIII s. Secretary.
-What dors our patty eland for?„
aakrd the ntaehine senator -Vete,
for one thing," replied a ran,ons rni.e
ere,', the rear of the hall I'hilardel-
phir Record.
Taranto. da.- ant .r-. 1ur a halter rrpnl.d a..
than i t .bratty i...rawnt Wrart rya.itk.e. Mr
trimly 'lsilent. each year. •.."(•Meme tter-
W. J. kl.1.19rr. Principal, t:w Tomes tt..
Tonin aaat 4'ha rl.•.1fto.
English in Kentucky.
An Re lish professor, lrsvtlline
through the Rentoeky hills, 'steed
various ouaast etprssaiona Per in-
etanee, *11ow a lose tide the pe'nfeeor
songbt p o.leinwe at a laonntsln hot
Wbst d' ye ' -all want!' called out •
woman. "Madam' said the pr'nfeeeor,
.'fns[ we get saes eons bread here
We'd like be bey wens of yon." •'Co'a
bread t' Oe'n bread, did yo' saes'
elm rsr
Thee eeltarkl d to bslf, sad her
manner grew amiable "Why, If win
Weed's all yo' twat, einem plebs In, fee
that's lewhat 1 Mist get bin'
Coal Oil
Silver Ware
We handle three makes, the New Perfection ; the
Detroit, for either oil or gasoline ; the Clark Jewel.
Call and see them demonstrated and get our prices.
It is "a penny wise and a pound foolish" not to
have a good refrigerator. You lose more in pro-
duce in one season than would pay big interest on
the investment, to say nothing of having your food
kept sweet and fresh. Call and see our line of
Keep the flies out. They are big carriers of dis-
ease. Call and see our large assortment of Screen
Doors and Windows ; prices and sizes to suit
every person.
In Hammocks we have a very large range for your
choice ; prices from $2.00 to $8.00.
June Weddings are now on. You will want to get
something nice for your friend. Have you seen our
nice assortment of Depos-Art Silver Deposit Ware?
This Deposit on china is Sterling Silver. The
pieces consist of Tea Sets, Cocoa Sets, Salts and
Peppers, etc.
Are you going to do any building ? We have just
received another carload of Portland Cement. Call
and see us before purchasing.
Coal Now is the time to make arrangements for your
winter supply of Coal. Do not forget that we
handle Scranton Coal and that all our Coal is
weighed on the market scales. Chestnut Coal,
$7.50 per ton during June ; Stove Coal, $7.5o per
ton during June ; Egg Coal, $7.25 per ton during
une ; Summer Wood, $2.25 per cord ; Hard Wood,
25o per cord.
CHAS. C. LEE Phones: