HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-7-8, Page 10IN MMUS
VIA 111.446 L
man=ad MP-
I wield
lad11.1061w bad Wad IL l:<� tltr� � ise ad t
aid at;tslrtkr
funk Idella
Wok 2141Pladidlitria"Pailhja=tigHar ad!
dasilHOIS Is
amakawdl ••_rlfRo
• •s'her era War.
ealliegase--Tes, this is better
raw. Remo people think en
tA, salmi we had • httI• time ago was
tarn9Ml1/ hili Sting of heavy Runs in
Dsrinttsr-1 die% urs how that
ma be, -,dans, tier i remeether we
seeetiy the Rooth Ahd wlaaa er r.—PPu.Aweeh°°rf°l
"We • besatifel day. "Yes," vs -
pilaf G. U. Geweipeh, the noted pes-
simist. "bat aeemem sed. for this
lime at She year."—lestdm ase Ameri-
Fr—ger oor
Ior every SPORT
and Rt RLAT1011
%bra lir
ist the
Mb IN Aid wip sem[ * trp
MrralyW Maws Ne 011111lm es r►
Moe.. "Red* mod "'Wane ver/sirs,.
U yes have rheematLa or gest. or
Sall sa1eri•g with cep rills. the *u..
Mr ls very likely to cut "red" Mat
from your diet
You will as aL.wed "white" ram&
however. ad Mbtttsmh has Ism •
Widely accepted their, that "red'
Meat 1 sot only Interior t0 astrattve
gaallties, t at pecullsrty Irritating >•
asses a rheumatism and kindred at
The theory dates back 1. the cagy
part a the 14th costary. when u
1t91gt1•k surgeon, Arlene, aweerted
that there visa • difference la the food
valves of the t we varieties of meat
Y wee as 1a their Irritative proper.
Ow It has heel seamed without
Sreetlm la all the years, never my -
1g hese seriously obaLeaged mate
pate rwcaetiy.
It the penes' le late. It la at least
vlonlsr sat welpty. It awes
Mat a chemical lave.tlgatto. reveals
weft la "red" meat whisk dllt r-
madlaea It tram "whits" meat as •
diet ler rbessesstie. ieoth are cam
some at muscle Mime They ere
Mas' peat to alueaaseas onateaL
IN.tihlog L the shape .fan mitre Pret-
tiest h•a Mea found 1a -red" meat.
aer la the ebemlet aklet to dlaeo►.r
may at Its i molators's from which
mei .a dement is likely to be pro
Owe fe say stage of the digestive
Tke .wits era meet in the dietary
d th• rheumatic toes amt eater late
the present e•etrev.y it may or
_•7 act es desirable or permlaal W..
The peat le that the two kends a
meat '~laid es all twit" The
ghempagek Meeed to eat white meat
metal it me lower Masses the eras►
aza ed asm«ito, sass at Lit ..star.
Iism beef steak at • bit a game.
Aat V he saran as a ,astute tars
l tae esssadlag ralsatioa.ehat a hiss
meow a `wane" cwt weld sae
given him au much exits meta Sad
me grattheatioa wbatwer. Or mere
oostorslsg let. he has the Mettler
'firs a maedical aathortt7 1a gilts
Wriest the ag.acy of memiela .111
Mr., McDonald's two nieces were
speech nagg their summer holidays .t
her eeeid.00e. Tate day following their
arrival Leine Sunday, tbey both ac-
cepted her levitation to accompany
her to the church service. Both were
attired entirely in white. They were
rather lata la eatenyt lbs church, and
ap the three passed down the Male the
mainline was giving est his text, wbkh
read :"What are theee which are
arrayed is white robe. r The cos-
tReltatloa was rather startled k bear
s rs McDosa/d smiting the rept•
'Ihsyre r tura new free gabs.
been .
A small. hoe.paskad.
masa was abort to
1*3. i
silos use I
dissipate. do yosr'ask d the phynic/Ma.:
me be made mealy for the testa. *Wm
a test -liver or aeythiag of that .ort Y'
Ths little man hesitated • moonset.
looked • bit h(Rktest d, thew replied io
a amyl, piping voice: "I sometime
chew a little gum."
f Writs far Pantomimes
Reim. 'tea. Ric. (Dsadm) Priecip&.
Address: -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont.
Do It Now
AVOID °THE RUSHionmommo,
All wiring done by the latest
Hydro -Electric rule.
All work guaranteed.
I Electric repairing of all kinds
promptly attended to, at rea-
sonable prices.
1 We carry a complete and [up-
to-date line of Electric Fixtures
and Supplies ata all times.
ZLS TRIOWOJEleetrietiga
Rea f bay TBR•.. SPNC/4Lfur
Moo 811-401iT PfiONC—nasi►. 193
Remelts ef Gess-
log frim Roane
B ydasy 11. North, o1 Loudon.
I4/Sder sad editor a the Petroleum
Tear limit sad ocher alae pe
tikes. hwellies the tbliewLg
nls ea the blocking et dl suppiles
sena ,Melt et the war:
lime* Mews teWomans Woman e1 Olt.
opeslty Adventurous Type
A Risks girt of U. Alexandra
llpktmova• Lagerevs by name, has re-
ceived a commission In one a the
�. from th
regtae.•a of Don Coesace.s. Her pro
erotica e ranks liras • reword
a special services. s. During ole of the
Wes- battles la the Suwalki Government,
wee t3.. lar/k1 .0( to wklcb *he belonged
wee surrounded by superior numbers
sad captured trop certala remarks
which the Hermans let tall, and from
the wap 1e which they looked at bee,
M it was evident they had guessed the
sea Moret of her sex. Perhaps this was
sad the remelt that. when the oder
the prisoner' were divested of their pro.
•c- party, she was allowed to retain her
but watch sad compaa• The prisoners
were locked up In • church. outside
el- which a sentry patrolled.
out During the evening the party was
visited by several German officers,
who seemed to take a lively interest
h h Alexandra. and laughed • good
et. deal among themselves. When .0 was
he quiet the prisoners broke a window
n- sad clambered out. and Alexandre
at tolled tube sentry with • stone. The
refugees succeeded in recoverttag their
- horses, and picked up one or two
O stragglers, who Increased their num-
ber ter -seven. This force attacked a
of German patrol of 18 t'hlans, and cap-
aptured them all
• The lieutenant In command of the
la patrol. os discovering the number of
to bb captor'. flung off his hat and tore
kis hair with rage.
• He sass Lound to be carrying docu-
ments of importance. and they were
bemetght to the Russian Commander of
Alexandra, who seems to have been
the virtual leader in the whole affair.
She is of medium bright, slender and
graceful, and talks of her experiences
of war very much as art ordinary girl
a her years might speak of • tea
Om of tke most tmpert•at epees -
Rem 1a width the Allied sine he
•agai•d 1 that of *peeing ap the
rests boas the acslets a pians
Rowena is the highways a
wand. Tbs mUuary elects of this
tina may le a vital slgnlllcaace,
the esememile elects are .1111 more
t4tat, la1ssas1g, as they do. the w
lam at alibiing within sad with
these two countries.
It is a matter of memos kaowled/th
that t►. prt0clp&l morose from whk
we draw oar a1 to Ugkting heart
kw feel. aid to motorcars, are t
Vallee Stave., Rust•. the Dutch 1
dirt Imumaota and Mexico. Soon
tar the war broke out part of these
sources was Nosed to us; and the fig
ant newsmen' the shipments t
title ooaatry from America are el
gems of the wonderful response
ear seed male tram that quarter.
Dense them put hew months tit
ail well. oe Reesfa *ad itouaaaa
ooatttatr0d to produce dl. and bad
matinee to do so where labor was
•vaflable. for the closing down et
producing well L • costly, and aftm
names resort The of must either
he pumped unremittingly or water,
ewe hasdepds of het dowa. may per -
Delete tkrollgk Into the well and flood
M. beyond redemption.
A few lames will show clearly
inlet 4,3* c.tt•tlon of Reich's export
Made has dos. to the oil Industry.
Rusin Steres
The eutpnt of all from Russian of
wells eso.ats approximately to eight
Milks Loos a Tear; of wealth. after
manias. • largo quantity nor into
the intortor, and the balance 1s ex
ported. la the year 1913 the total
quantity of different oil products
ameaaed to about five million toga;
la 11814 this had team to about three -
mad -ober sillies tons.
REtch* is net the worst of the case,
ler. le eo..equsnoe a th. stoppage a
eager* Amiga the Dardanelles. the
MOW had accumulated to the extent
utmeesad.ialt Milson tans, or halt
..•aaweih agate compared with s year
111rtasstely, ar esfortan•tely, sev-
eral ee the sewer districts, such
the Draleaffaian and Emba-Caspian
d1strle a, are increasing their prodac-
Clod rapidly. and the storage accom-
modation for all this •vergrowtng
q attt7 of oil is not •utllcheet In
the year 1911 we relieved Russia of
'bitty -01x million gallons of different
doscrfptlons of oil, more than • third
of which was benzine or petrol; last
year. owing to the war, we could only
get twenty-one [Melon gallons.
111• year we have taken, nothing
from tier a any description. so that it
moods little Imagiaatioe to .conjure up
the vast .coves of liquid and solid
wealth Mils% are waiting to now
through the Dardanelles.
Roumania is la shear plight. but
tether worse, Inasmuch as her organ -
Malin' and fa0Ultles are not so ample.
Her lot la, indeed, a bard one. For
years past ber oilmen, locked by the
government, have striven energeti-
cally to build up a prosperous indus-
try. Her ambitions lay In the dlree-
tGoa 0t securing some portion of that
most profitable section of the trade.
the manufacture and sale of benzine
or petrol. And bar success was con-
Roumania and Galicia
The total output from Roumanian
wells 1a 1913 'mounted to 1.866,e00
tons; to 1914 to 1,771.000 tons, not so
great a decline, considering the ad-
verse conditions. Rut. unfortunately,
she Is one of the innocent who suffer,
and only the opening of the sea route
&Sala and the resumption of her ex-
port trade cam save bar from disaster.
Compared with Russia her old industry
is small. yet at the end of last year
the accumulated stocks of oil amount.
ed. according to the "Petroleum Re-
view," to 600.000 tons.
V•dd111 Vodtaaoy. • victim of Ger-
ream savagery. was visited In kitten
Hospital In Russia, by a well known
Lett author, who asked him to describe
ala experiences. As the man was un
ale to *peek with his mutilated tongue,
paper and • pen were given him, and
be wrote the following: "Tide torture
was prwctl•ed on me by the Gotham*
be the forma neer Skav11 I was seoot-
tug. ttuddenly 1 met three Germans.
Gee of them was • sealer me -commis -
Mooed officer. sad the other two were
eommoo soldiers Te 0or..ewlsts.
.loused officer asked es. t• lllasdaa
where oer chief leaders were sad law
large our (ores were, I answered
wtth absolute plisses. lis sheeted r
me 'W• will *nos mate 700 streak.
you Russian pig.'
"Ten he drew • dagger, and eel ee
first. my right and thea left .are 1
stood and was seat The gesso s
was repeated, with ate same ,meek.
Thee ta a fury of hatred, he seised me
b1 the tkroat..ad eat of my Magna,
Willie be was daias this 1 lost eon-
.elease .•, sed 1 did not ewe to my
ewes till the mimes. whirs I timed
myself lying to s peel of bleed."
Dartmoor eowtiet Prises was mite.
ally 3.411 to receive prisoners of war
denim lteglsad's straggles with Napes
It le clewed 13.01 halt as hour of
the seem -step dose as mach per las
swim of the leg se MU & amyl
Late earoldis --
Alkali Workers tong Familiar With
Poison Clouds Used by Germans
The deadly chlorine gas that 1s be-
ing used by the Germane is utilized
for more peaceful ends by the alkali
workers at Widnes and St Helens,
For chlorine is the gas welch, pump-
umped on to slaked lime, transforms this
Into bleaching powder. The workmen
nicknamed it "Roger"; why. nobody
seems to know. But the term is uni-
versally used. and always quite readily
understood, for at the cry "Roger's
coming! (Tear tads!" •o frequently
beard In the alkali works, there fol-
lows Immediately a wild rush of men
away from the danger sone.
But 'Roger," In the shape of a green.
perceptible. and palpable poison, fog -
borne along on the wind, follows hard
on their heels; and woe betide the
poor wretch who stumbles and is over-
taken by it. Such a one Is said to be
"gassed," and the alkali workers af-
firm that no one who has once under-
gone the expertenc' is ever again safe
the same man, There 1a always some-
thing wrong with his breathing.
This, however. only applies to men
slightly- gassed. What the workers
call a "feed" of chlorine kills a man
outright Inside of an hour or so. Of
course. the workers Like every pose
t ilde precaution, each as, for instance,
working with goggles on their eyes.
end balky mu.zlss over their mouths
made of twenty thicknesses of flannel,
but despite everything accidents fre-
quently happen.
Nevertheless, constant familiarity
with this particular danger breeds a
certain amount of contempt for 1L as
for most others, and the regular alkali
workers often speak slightingly, and
even jestingly, of "Roger." They even
make use a him for their own ends
upon occasion. For Instance, the fac-
tory yards are sometimes Infested by
stray, prowling cats, wbo steal the
men's dinners. A favorite dodge Is to
decoy pussy to where the green tog 1a,
whoa, of course, that cat becomes a
dead cat without more ado.
Another incident that .bows the
deadly power of chlorine occurred in
Widnes some time back. A hawker
from a distance came with a donkey
cart. and drew up In a yard attached
to some chemical works,where bleach-
ing powder was being Wade. Sudden-
ly there rose the familiar cry of "Rog-
er 1a coming!" followed by the usual
rush for safety on the part of the
workers Only the hawker. Ignorant
oe the teeylle danger, stool gazing
open-aont.edd at the flying ngurre, and
wondering what all the eommotlon
was •out. And he would have been
caught by the green go, without
doubt. had not a burly workman paus-
ed for a moment to pick him rap In
his arms ,and bear him. kicking and
etremgllnm, to safety. He did net even
get • taste of the chlorine, but whea
he returned • few mlautes later he
found hie. donkey stoaedead—potion-
ed by "Roger."
Dangemes Ceedlti . Rdi.ed Jost le
flees By'154a s eN.e"
MR. 1..1. CAVttM
832 Gerrard St. Teat, Toronto.;
Fur two years, I Pres a victim of
Ar -ale isrligexlio. sad Cal Ie 77.•!
..tronsach. It afterwards attacked my
Ileart, an,! I had 'pains all over the
body, so 1 could hardly more around.
'1 tried .11 kinds of medicines tut none
of them did ape any good. At hast,
acting on the advice of • frieud, I
decided to try 'Fruit -a -tires'. 1 bought
the ant box last June, and now 1 am
well, after using only three boxes.
I recommend' Fruit-s-tives' to anyone
*ulering from Indigestion, no matter
how acute". }TED J. CAVEEN.
Simple Indigestion often leads to
Ilea,1 --Marks, Calami of the Stonsach
and roasters/ distress '1 wired end body.
If you are bothered with any Stowach
Trouble, and especially if Constipation
troubles you, take 'Fruit -a -hives'.
50e. a box, 6 for $1.110, trial site, '.','>c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
Fru;t-a-tices Limited, Ottawa.
Mrs. Nellie McClung on the Respo..
sibillties of the Ballot
Here are a few excerpts from an
addrtss dellrered in the West,- t y
Mn. Nellie McClung, the charming
speaker and writer known to women
everywhere throughout Canada:
"It la argued sometimes that a
man's grandmother did not wont the
vote," else sa'd. "1t she was alive
to -day she would want 1t. With the
introduction of much modern labor,
saving machinery- into the home the
woman is •now the k . 'red class.
She had bran scouted o' passing her
time in frivolous things. All serious
things have been closed to her. The
tendency of olvtltzatton has been to
make her light and frivolous. I hope
that the opening up of activities for
women, throwing upon the woman
greater responsibilities, will result In
making woman measure up to het
She voiced the. Injustice of the 10.
equality of the eriminal code,- which
made the punishment for astatine a
cow 15 years. Won't that suMcient
to make people think'
She asked If 1t was always going
to happen that drink and war could
take their children, while they didn't
have a voice In it a11. But It was
not going to continue when women
appreciated ..that they had put too
small am estimate upon themselves.
"We blame the military spirit of
Germany, and properly," she said,
"Out we also think bitterly of the
apathy of the German women wbo
sat by and watched lheee things hap
pen. Tey have been wooderfnlly
patient and good and self-sacrificing.
if the theory was good that the wo-
man who were most obedient raised
the best sons. then Germany would
be one of the finest ,sees oe mea on
earth. It doesn't work oat Instead
of respecting those good women, their
mothers, they made a shield of the
women aid children of Belgium.
„But the Belgians have shown us
there 1s something loftier than to live
--that there is something more than
We,owe a great debt to that
nation wbkh we must be prepared
to'pay it ever they come to this coun-
try. on. thing Is certain, there will
he angriest Influx from Middle hurope
toe/Ms land of the new day. What
•+••PrP gang to do for them' Are
we•gulag to fling open the bar to
Are we going to offer them
'old political ideals. or a newer
broader citizenship' Politics
at hams means mei—what ran
.1—.bat kind of yob Is there toe
mit 1f tits is all. we ebould be
.03.010 d.of ourselves. for we should
he guilty et black tngretltude. We
dtmsttget • larger ideal of cltlsenship.
kiraadsas the very world. i deal like
th.e17steioWm a 'lily reentry 'uta of
test,' sail 1a that I Man n0 dlsresptct
tsiour *Meads acmes the border. It
•pMtes east as much t" us We west
to get past the day when in order to
emerge. ear In.e of our Own country
we must cast odium , n that a ( cher
woaatrl.6 R' a mull pt past Ib. 4.
a essysral trade ,Walken *hick
Med to brood smsptslsa bsIwwea
eop1".', •
tai Moil Areleur Mender.n Worked •'d
Mare es WI. Min Position bre
1 g
The Rt Boa Arthur Henderson.
11.P., whose knowledge of labor goes -
lion• seised from a place in the coali-
tion govenesenf, hu had • romantic
tosser. fie was bore In Glasgow In
1331 mid started life as se iim-
eoslder la • Net►caaUe factory. ills
schooling was bet pranty, and he was
rhtlg.4 31 ddaeate Memoir In hie spore
um. rile shindy and persevermaee
coo• garde ea Impreeslon on his fel-
low swim* 'tad after many years'
week es a Tails Ualbnia lever be
1lneeret Poiliten.t as labor member
Wu WM la
divines of Dur-
ham> Ne M sow Cheeriest'
id the Lease party. lam M • Privy
pemudllew M We•Lys. sad • peppier
bry Tpose1sh
Atmtria . tweed W sensed /.Mees.
Mee Against Mer OMth.e Atdr
The Austruu defences ideas the
•ortdl,meteru twat*, of Italy are of
great strength. Austria. akbsaSa
salted. mail the ootnmeaoamaat of the
great international coalatrwtlea hl
the beads of the 'MIAs autaim A M
Italy. has devoted cWus•al same et
mosey during the last quart., at a
matury to fortlfytog bar batsman.,
agalast that power, especially that
=it7 rampart of Alpe exteadlag
Verona to flotsam.
fl'very accessible Itse d apprvaeh
fives the south W its barrier tort.
a•a•1ly as armored work 1t a cum -
'needing position fur Ioogiss.gge Wil-
iam and as auxiliary barrier to the
Valleys below, armed with quiekaflig
and machine guns. Armored ober
tortes, powerful searchlights, ender
ground cables, and signal stalker add
1n the defence. Besides them snarler
works, the Tyrol, which juts oat Ilk.
• bastion into the 1.ornbitrdoYeaWCl&a
plain. has a group of forts at 1tee.
Fnother at Frsnseofc;te, to protest
the railroad junction, sad, 110&@7,its
lmotensely strong for':ese at 'hest,
which may be deeerlbe•1 as the M•P
of the,Tyrol, and 1s surrounded by •
klydle of batteries and armored forts.
New Zealand's Pensions
The New .^.ealaad doldlers' Pesaloes
Act provldee, 1n addition to the gesre.
ous pensions for soldiers' wives, for
the payment to the widows, not Daly
of officers, non-commissioned allows.
hat to that, of privates also, of ose
dear's pay In addition to ber pension,
with an amount equal to one-third of
the gratuity to each of the children
under age. The Mew Zealand Act
provides that a pension may be cow
tlnued to sone until tics atetin the
age of eighteen, and W daughters ear
W their twenty-nrst birthday.
WHOA mow .aladtb lta.tanl yy u la MSeeelillli tee a
st raw
seelerfail be he a.s.loesst.t tae. a
sommetalle#w. 11 yea he base
Shore .
huadr.d M two h.drtsd daSan es awes
to Ian* wore dew niv.sun-1 wil1
be soli essaeed. tlbem write log pastime -
len sad p.' -p.ease white inn wvhace
yea ot Use mere tad largo
rotes•. Musa, P. ,Ste lie, Ram -
doss. Ona.
Here's a Bargain!
This is a time when everybody wants to read tbe
news, especially tbe record of the tremendous
world-shaking events in Europe in which Canadian
soldiers are taking part. THE TORONTO
WORLD authorizes u.5 to take subacriptioas for
that paper, in combination with THE SIGNAL,
at a low rate for six mouths, and therefore the
following offer is made :
THE Toronto Daily World
including tbe splendidly illustrated WEEK -END EDITION
',seven papers a week) and
The Signal
will be sent for six months for
Persons who have already paid for The Signal may,
secure The World (including the Week -end Edi-
tion) for six months 'for 11.40. The retuler
price is $2.50.
The World is a Atorninn Newssaper.
This offer is open for a short time only. Order
now, as the combination offer may be withdrawn
at any time.
Remember—three papers (a morning daily with
the latest news. a big illustrated weekly paper. and
the leading local paper) for six months for $1.510.
Serd subscriptions to
God/rich - Outerio
the '.
with the fruit you Grier for
Tel lion,o, the* pea W e
die Packages originated for
deCartone or Seger -- 2 sig 5 II.
ClothPhis.20, !f0 er
100 lb. C
Tee you Al '31 L JL at
Caasde's �M—
sager for Vises
gesaralieea—alt. woe Isyou oin sabdy trust • -' w,
whom preserving pretty