HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-7-8, Page 9NT 11t1p as• of 5.y .assess a the many at raw re is an abase* =baste 'NO asslale ar mese seestmeet wfB is foe paring- \ will sosvlses owe sad Dog 1•11.Da ADA Ii NOME CO. N O ' �n! reed the meadows 1nadlaa ROTO tiosa for I(NAL. fore the )rid DITION 90 rail may end Edi - regular Order ith xawa Lily with ' per, asid or :1.110. RHD CROSS 1111 MORT/MAN ONTARIO. alledid bun Cobalt sod 1404hboeisg Peale Mn. T. O. Tvethewey, d (liroaz I lake P. 0. , Northern Oat ssik seeds Se TM *Siad notea peroses.. of tie Ci week which is Wog and by the I (swat Society in Aar part of Ontario. Th. lied Cress wotrkws iu Godes kb .may be inlet steed In knowisw What othss•A are ddsg for the sew wood eerie. The tulle* iog is the Greco for ()obeli ••With a grand total of aiming 3S. ono •eparet• piece.. the Cobalt lt•d taro.. flocl.tyesterday easily eelaWhbed a record for a Mad shipment . Eighty. Mx cases of Roods, all in peeper coodi- Mos for immediate deepsich to the Ste T line, wet* went Out from the arias of the Society on Alien- ate Wort to for TommT. k ie Istation. OUR OTFAWh LETTER Owen whinier rue will b, forwarded Owenwithutw onlay toy will u on 5.M that stage sot their journey to the (root. vb. appal made by ib. Red Cres Society for • itewrous contrilwtio. of BY H. P. GADSBY sse.suaries tor Ibe brave men 'lighting ter King and country. and for Ilttrrty °twines. July 8. _white the moans,. THE SIGNAL : GOD11UCH ONTARIO T01711110A1r. JOLT 1. »l6 O .',Rsh and RefreshingII 10 LAD D a'y B 7 is compose► clean, whole young leaves. Picket. •fight, blended right and packed right 1, rings the fragrance of an Eastern g. .den to your table., =ZajO=m r • Will GIZILIIINIMIr *std freedom, was r.epooJed b rnsg• tk,os and reerrmiaatioes u5. Zmbtalon silt ently by the citizens of the silver Aston latah, K.11; west 5.M burned dmp a, and their record sbipu-sit was, telegrams (unfree to excite moment their answer to the call. at the capitol, they cause no surprise "Seven branches and the patent so- It is coemeded that Mr. Leah 1. old Mety contributed to the consignment. enough *ltd rich moues to have set Bandages mode up the greater prepor- opinions. Tbeee +plutons. which have don u5. 5.M m rhiprut, and of thene emu eteal atriums? with advanc- ush needed article* thew were 2i,tlbtt dt •K•. r ruon tad bum from We Lab_ seat out. to wdditios there were rq, nal party in tell and lauded him fair proximately it,tiu/ surgical dressings. wed u •,ims „was those who wire. Many of which were steel' zeds Nearly in rubes cls se* and thing. like that. 1)11) niybIbis aru erre Glen inlelrsdesi, It is considered only natural that and socks and pillowslips made up vise ttemalndrr ..f the abipe:eet. The Mr Lob 'should eot.rtais the view. brooches cormfluting were tb..town. h<dew. Hee a cavpuratiie lawyer Uoslagu, Penn Cruadian, Braver, ed rest reprte, the yYlydoeed guide, Tlmiskatuinr. Guout Lake, al Irate 5.b pai.i philowp17 and tidw•iary eta 104. !edits on the East side of Cobalt (t loud of the sthe G. d iatsreed Lal., and tVe.1Cobalt. New Li.keerd retari••n. b. in_ the lie N. W. and the Wain were also' represented. The N. K. b. int especially Intimate. 'Nkomo .sell s 'td power as be does, shipment gives to Cobalt the prt ud Mr L ash teele uewt.lsss that public branches of 5.'.e Canadian Rod Crop. �o who have theae matters at their Society. the district loing a reeded disposal ars 100 consequently table to he esdy 5..y Tnrontc." gu,lty wed a.contreptly that Ary iefr- Girouz Lake is credited with twelve rid of to rite contrary +e better yet oases in (Lir ahiptneot. Soule newspapers are speaking of his arbitrary action in the Winnipeg boodle emended as eontempt of court, but. Mr. Lash'a contempt noes draper tban that. It is netuul that he should have contempt of courts. beeauee be ! id (.ebbe. with courts enol familiarity hreeds contempt, but that he should havers 1e41 mad -fashioned, eighteenth century . ootetupt foe the people need. bemire/ out. Very tew ,nen. in this democratic age and country can aff nil i', utile.+, like Mr. Lash, they b.apprtit i h• in the millionaire cies. and even then they And it more profit- ' alar to k.•.p 1t tinder cover. Mr. L•tan, according to The Mon- treal S •r, is one of the twenty•tbree Atlesrs oho are at the foundation of Canadian finance. Consequently be is a great Piller of the state, and pillars of the at ate are not always as respect- ful of the state as they might be. be- cause, they 'Film bow the .uper.truct- ore is built. Therefore when Mr. Lash That Tired Feeling pointed ,pinks the Royal Commission ap- by lb. people of Manitoba to search out and punish graft as a mere ioquiaitorirl body" he is speaking from the heart. these are, without doubt, the honest and deep-aeated eon- . t ittions of King Zehulon and it seems a great pity that •constitutional nlon- archv has no greater reward in its gift for • benevolent Canadian despot than • knighthood. unless. of course. Mr. Lash should remove to England, where he would at once gtavirate to Me proper place in the Hoarse a Lori.. Meanwhile -actions speak even louder than word.. The burning o(tbe tele- gram, by t!1e (Mci.ls of the 0. N. W. Company. of which be is president, and of which the l'. N. R. is practically owner, is a plain announcement that Mr. lash i e on the side of those in high , piens who are likely to be wronged In- having the truth told. lo some re - 'Teets his motives are held to he laud- able -he has sympathy with the tinder dog as long as the soder dog in Man- itoba is the tippet dog at Ottawa. Wbat'a Inore. there may here been • confusion of duties. The C. N. R. is now the partner of the Nationalist - Conservative t. tvernment wt Ottawa - the partnership heing in the.. terms, >Ht1,01A,t1 ti water for the people of distinri ion of arond place awung the The tired feeling that so often comes with aiming weather is as likely to result from the wearing of winter shoes atter they have heen ^s11ed in as from any of the other cause to which it is usually ascribed. litany Remedies are Suggested but we believe you will find A Pair of our Light. Stylish. Osrrfertabte Spring Shoos A Sure Cure. SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN A NEW ISSUE .t the Telephone Directory w lame bags pe eared. sad diner sad rlryrs toot .weengi be ea/arbd as w Leat N•Itager at were. Dam es. • tdsrase* r Thaw who have A tri I row tbM i t be 5am w.w premise* d wwdws Wbg oft gear wow la wdbsw..7 t... lie lel TeleplasseCe. of Caada TO CLEVELAND 'VERY THURSDAY SATURDAY QCUIDIO11 TOa�CLEVILAIO- VERT MTUEDAT army mo Peg IftwOr.Me P. IL del t. =ellndlyww4we 1116 Orli Lope Op ir Osim1 Orr Paw Saal erns tee Prewar Ya.e*-. Galt. 0. W. riwww. Ow*dee *0- *0 snag era Canada and 0E4 lel solid residuum for Mackenzie at `fano. in return for which Canada a vin the obliga- tions of a railway ea any wbkb is four hundred 'sailboat. dollars in debt. Keep track of this e* ction of Mr. Lash'e with the C. N. a 'or it is the coupling pin which bold,• train or thought together. The Cr R. is the partner of t be B nden (love •ent and Mr. Lash is a director . 'he C. N. It. He ie more than that- 1, t its cbirt ,-easel and bead lobby. Never were there such Inhbies as 'lees ulon A. Lash swinge. He penetratess, easily w.aere leaser men could not get a perp. He rwhes its blithely where even Sir Williams Mackenzie tears to tread. To see his great mind and deft band at work on Perlian.ent is both a delight and a literal education Sir \Vdliam may ern the ears in to draw it away, but ire Zrb.tion that lands the money. N The C. N. H. is a,psrtnce of the Bor- den tiovernment-chat is to say, ebe Government owus one-third of the C. N. R. common stock and the C.N. f:. owns %w. -thirds of'he(.nvert- meot. The C. N. R. owns Z-bulun A. Limb -that is to say, it owns him to I. its manoeur.ing brain at the cap-. it.l The C. N. R owns the O. N. %V. and the l.. N. W. owns 'Luebulon A Lash as ire pte.ilent. %Vbere the ownership is ad e'oWWiaed and com- mingled ie it any wonder that reasons become entangled 'r Looking at 'it from Mr. Lash's point 5.:t ‘few the C. N. R. has every right to consider itself an active, rather than a silent partner, and consequeutly to allow the officials of a suhoru.nate company to overlook any telegram* which might int ire the other member of the firm. It is to be hoped that this explanation will .&fence criticism of Mr. Lash, who. in betting the famous order to born telegram•, was inertly doing his full duty t , all the psrttre watt whom and about whcin be is cnr,cet ned. .., TEUIFIC' IN0zINWEST taeety OReestvs en Ids. Moselle•-- eueeiaae Caw Step Carey Freest Withdrawing Temps Paris. July i --Lovell ag the Fritsch -reaches with a burr.cane of high es - plosive shells, the Germans have launched another violent cgenslve t■ the west. this tiale•ea the Marlene. Heavy forces, saceplta forward to the attack to Le Prete wools, have stormed French positions eat=ading over a front of more than 1,5.00 yards, penetrating 416 yards late the maze of trenches. South of Nor:oy, to the Moselle, the C.rmsas also blew sip a French blockhouse with Its (stirs g*rrisoa near Haut d. Rh sept. The attack, which was (made cu the see tern border of lbw forest, wzs (se- ceded by a cannonade of trcr..cndous lob nslty and v:o!eace. Saug.:inary fIgbt!ag matinees art d 5.b:' maze of communlcat ng tretchts wtged with heed teen:airs a -d tayoact. Austrian Orensivs Fails Rome. July C -In thz. regi-cn of the Tyres there h::s b.a n a ecnti-.uance of artillery actl,cle, wptortd by small Italian det-cb'en.s pish:ng to- ward the front. _:e Hensel :ort was reached a number cf tames y:sterday. Supported by continuous artillery ere, the cnamy attempt•d to retake last uight t:ruches en the nonbern slope of "algrande, occupied by our Alpine troops on July 2. Th's attack, ieke those rreceding 11. was repulsed. Our !ternary renewed yeetarday with aicular violence ccunter-attacks 1 net several Innes rf pcsttlons con - pt 1 by un on the Ca -so Plateau. 1n . a of the tlrr of n:ac±lina guns ar d lllery, thcso con: ter attacks wart• t tett' with heavy lose a. We capt..r. t '0 prts_.nt n, t•. -o fi Id Can - DC It. gen. -d t,uniticni "According to ' r sere, rho Austn: n losses, es - p., .any 1r. a:r i rtillc,-y tire, have le. r. r, ri us '':u' 1 :st 1 w days. Russians Detain :newly 1'. - - t-rnd. Ju, ---It a now plain that t"e Ituas:aa. ;Saes .n the west may count safely a tie great hulk of Gk:ruany'■ (trees e\ .ot'g to be de- tain. et e- tale.et on the Ru-si-oat for pros ably s^veal months Inc. At pre sent the Germans ha tra`ghtened put their I n••, and a advancing alorg a northward line, 'a is ova! cne hundred and fifty ml1A lenelh, and extends from the Rho, 'Md to about a day's marchwest ot V4- tula. Taken together with t. 'ke- ratin operatiors In the Baltic , la- ces. 11 is obi" sous that Germany 1, - IDR to force a way into Russian . rftory frcm !Eat Prussia and Galicia. hehird the line of the Viet Constantinople Preparing For End Mitjfer0, July 6-A general land and ilea attack r.=ainst the Dardanelles was opened on Sunday by the allied forces. Cynic* are pointing nut that Mr. Prerarat'.ets are being made in Con- La,.u'. "'tilt" in bolding the aegisof a stantinople for a siege of the town. the l.. N. %`. and the C. N. R. over which to ea ieeted soon. -useless.. the accused is directly opposed to that, terse„ ---those who ase unmble to of the C. P. R . which handed over participate in the mane, de(epos of without question all telegram., in- the city --hive been ordered to quit criminating or otherwise, to the Royal the capital. All Christians also have Commission. It is also oppcl•ee1 to the been ordered to evacuate Coastantis- enlightened poli •y of Hon. Bob Bro.. err, whose organ, Toe V saioipeg Tele- epte. wbll,• the Mohammedans ac - gram, ie now breathing tbreetenN gs teeny In the capital are to be sent and .laughter against for sonnyto Asia Minor. Scutari, a city oa the patties (Dob wont. '.he Commission Asiatic coast of the Bosphorus also 5.r hew to the line, let the at tteemen, has been evacuated by the col pope - they old pals like Sir Itodwond tattoo. The Turks have mounted Roblin or new cbuma lik. Dr.Mont sgue, guns at such positions as to be able fell where they may The Honorable to destroy the great mosque sir flsdat Bch was anppA.edly clear of these Sophia. as soon as the antes enter Constantinople. Manitoba Parliament buildings before the trouble began and be calculates that none of the Portland cemeot will spatter on hire. The Hoo. Mr. l'aldwell's telegram that ••it means more to you than it does to U. can be construed m( e ways than one, but meanwhile it tells j nothing. Nobody know• what secrets, Dr. Simpson's strongboz holds. but the Honorable Bob is iz Wioniprg tc look alter Manitoba registration for the Coseer•vatives, and as his visit synchronizes,. so ,,tto speak• with the opening of Dr. Simpson's box, no doubt all will mod well. 1t is true that another Royal Commission will in- deaf, but the telegrams in that rase have long ago he.n destroyed, and so far as the G. N. W. is concerned lir. Lash will not have to promulgate any new rule assisting the dead past to bury its dead. While Mr. Lash claims to rise above the both parties in his independent at- titude toward the Ileal dipositioo of telegrams, his policy brings him to darer touch with the Manitoba scan- dal than most public moralists of bis statue• would care to go. However, ter tb. pure all thirty. er• pure, and while Bob Rogers may seem to bare the edge on Mr. Luh just now es a publk-.pit iced eitizen t mai is no doubt that Mr. last's yoney will Justify it- self In the long run. indeed, there Is every chase* of the president of the 0. N. W. becoming a great public b•asfaetor, because Ibis istoidens will lead ultimately to Mir Wationalisttion of the 4 to 100 OMNI slyest - of malegraphs aed people he the matorof ch, cheapness and .festive ••Wise• When that day tames the telegraphs will no more be seed to shelter crooks than His Melee- s e mall M now. 1.Jd..telly "mien of telegraph, will settle ..other grisva.os of long siandt.g- the pleases of the asw.papsre filthiest a sompa.y that cereal Idesn bsieg l this ..w.-ve.dl.g been.a noose 1M Sumner Vacations, A dellghtfel.hoe. vaeatMn oma he at the of the Oe.- .•elie.t Oew.t at Mbw Ln.dss. Watsh H11. Dieeh Lased a.d iPlshrer Mani, Z wham the following aureola/0s are offered 2 Warm sea hatless sort Whim and deep nes Wiles. Easy el assesk ewe sir n ewe. hem Metetreat. vis Yrs.d Weak and °Petrol Ver- mont ermont aaYwsy.. Write for ha.deome •ostr.bsd bosaht so.tainiag hall la- Drem4is to C. 1. sor.l.w, Dktr4.1 Pinine AgmOM. tattrk Rslt- v.atigate t Agricultural College German AIr Raid Minimized Londe., July 6 -The Arttfah Admin any announces that with regard to the Berlin report of an air odd' on Harwich the foliowtng ars the taste of the Incident, width. otherwise, ;7s hardly worth r'ecor'ding"' "Oa Baur- day forenoon a German seaplane anf aeroplane appeared oil Barwick-ytng very high. Our aircraft tamedIsksiy started 1n pursuit and drove them off. Tbe hostile aircraft than dropped their bombs Into the sea ad made their escape. still lying at a [mat "DM Awes Abe tphlrrtkhinsl saltsere le the tight ddl- r •1116 yes Jost as sem as she knew M was sees Miler sae went era wed Most= mare s.remsr weal."-florirh 'eithL" Submarines Were wase London J■1y ti -Th. big British Icer oto Californian limped into queens- rztartar yesterday a veritableut shambles atter hada( outran p Glenna submarine. Her wireless apparatus. bet bridge and upper weeks abet away, her tusaen ported Gad her decks 'Stored with dead and dy- bag• she accomplished the teat vastly attempted by 3 In -fated Armed)$ a week Gip ; e - same_, iiaterg, 5..,.y-1►.• ii ;•t r. Lesden'u Candid Opinion Lssdw. July 1- me arsimsess 1% seed to justify the sinking of the laeitaais _ might equally wen be used to Swift the attempt to murder Mr. M.rtMa. There M go reason why stellar attempts should at be node epee the lite of President Wilson or say other Americas who have flared to uphold taternational law," says The London "filar" la raps/ to Mr. Mast eaa's attempted seseaalsatto. Humeary WIN Mew be "Hairy" Parc. July S-Begtaalty Bssday Dent, rye Sour will not be Mail la wheat Neer to the Hestartss capital. sad the dally ratios for each pasts will be teereseed tram 7 to Safi senses, •ecord1S( to a d.epateh m Mesa by the Haves News Mosey meserlley from B'aspart by wee •r ......._ Outing Suits, Shirts and Trousers! You will soon be spending your vacation. Whither you arc going you will need an Quting Suit to thoroughly enjoy this warm summer weather. Come and inspect our large and varied range in these lines. ,ss r`L 1i1/ 1 ~ /1 1 (II ++ Suits Outlaw finite large choice of greys and browns, Norfolk style*, ver cool and dressy. Prices from 7 T• s12.N t. USW Shirts Large rang outing Shirts, ineleitllagt the Sport' Shirt. A - ji �1 flit •t- C --7 .l=-� 1I 1I. ---- ":� Al ^_�- rj•w, • _ �, , ..1 new and nobbi• shirt for outdoor life. Also fancy striped and plain cashmeres and cottons, soft collars. Priers 75c to sloe Trousers Pb in white dtuk Tronsrn, all sine., price*. $125 and $1.0 White create Trousers, plain and stripe .Bert•, all pore hl Serge" wool, finest quality Rood., ranging in price ISA t. $7.011 A varied range of Bathing Suits �`i.°" McLean Bros. "``" Atwell Hats... - Western University LONDON ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE Income Doubled, -now $75.11110, Another Large Addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine. (irmitly increased Enrol- ment in View. NVrite for particular to : E. E. Braithwaite. M.A., Ph. D. President NEW TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER ht st THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Catalogue on request. C. A. Ft.gwtao•F O. D. FtinlINo, Secretary. •'What does our party stand for Y' asked the machine *enarnr ' Yen• for one thing," repli.-1 a raucous voice Irmo the rear of the ball. I'bilatiel- phis Record. earueetoowereewerweeeewarerere FALL TERM OMENS SEPT. 1st -!-t..iOTT "r,erunt,�.elow, .,w ..-to. 5."r a 1. -torr ' 11:111 `. ". r. 5, 1•+'•--e-. W. t, t i....f W.V. the u,aue ..t nrlrntie•.,r. I .,I,iI.pC•,r w. J. F:I Lt.,rr. Prim :w h.,r6.:fit.. £KNeh le Kentucky. As layglish Ikea lh {M ie y Mlb. w tekvetited ~lees owlet t ezpressiene. Per to. stems. after a1•ts= ride 5.M pfefesear rgtprove.e ata e Md' yyeeVall .at r called owl a mem. "Maass." said the protestor. "out es get ossa* sena tweet bre 1 We'd Nib to bey sews of yes" '•Cs's bread 1 Chin bred, did ye' soy r mem .be skeekod to hascN, mot Mr mn...r amiable “Wily, erns y. If sa bead'. e!1 ye' wast, envoi .lyht 1f*ri,, fns times*" what 1 boat wet e•iki.• elle se hull bet." WARM WEATHER 1 SUGGESTIONS Coal Oil Stoves Refrigerators Screens Hammocks Art Silver Ware Cement We handle three makes, the New Perfection ; the Detroit, for either oil or gasoline ; the Clark Jewel. Call and see them demonstrated and get our prices. It is "a penny wise and a pound foolish" not to have a good refrigerator: You lose more in pro- duce in one season than would pay big interest on the investment, to say nothing of having your food kept sweet and fresh. Call and see our line of Refrigerators. Keep the flies out• They are big carriers of dis- ease. Call and see our large assortment of Screen Doors and Windows ; prices and sizes to suit every person. In Hammocks we have a very large range for your choice ; prices from 22.00 to $8.00. June Weddings are now on• You will want to get something nice for your friend. Have you seen our nice assortment of Depos-Art Silver Deposit Ware? This Deposit on china is Sterling Silver. The pieces consist of Tea Sets, Cocoa Sets, Salts and Peppers, etc. Are you going to do any building ? We have just received another carload of Portland Cement. Call and see us before purchasing. Coal Now is the time to make arrangements for your winter supply of Coal. Do not forget that we handle Scranton Coal and that all our Coal is weighed on the market scales. Chestnut Coal, i7.so per ton during June ; Stove Coal, $7.50 per ton during June • Egg Coal, 27.25 pet ton dunng June ; Summer Wood, 22.25 per cord ; Hard Wood, 2.5o per cord. ICOR IYOVR PLUMBING. HE.ATiNG. LAVLS - TROVGMING. TINSMiTMING AND • ELECTRIC WIDINGI. GIVE US A CALL. ALL WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND FULLY OVARANTZED. CHAS. C. LEE Phones: Wit t, STORE ss HOUSE 112 i