HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-7-8, Page 8Jif !kw, MIMI WEAK AIDEDDUS PIA ELsi i Ws L marimr_gmarimmiliotimIsourbin ttY I alb -.I-. Z �*. Cwmweel 1 epan It t oil sr andsay w bweons& and ase- ilassainn I wall • Knit sin nine W elm fee Ear and l tied IL k amsaMegmd0edby and ret slakk &IC edit* 1 tit vimmat �t s al MKar=Bilmeaam~ Weather mel War. Lodi O•atomsr—Tee, this M better weather mow Rase peons think all the rain en W a lit tiso see wile simmod by ted firma of Maryann in Desmdifttlw't gas Mw feet ass mo. fir [ aomaesker we oMtly bred very fie waiLbor dories the *Mb AJaMM. ver.--Panek. ''It•• a Laa.affsl day. -Tm.- rs- pibd O. U. WoNaeb. tea mond pes- simist. mint snasnsn-bie fee this tam at Ibis year.=ilelmMs Amen- MIL b e e 'WEAR WY 0011 tor SHOES and RLCRCATlON WNK MI 11 ALL gin SNK REAMIS ARE YOU ON WAY NET ? Aselyele .hews Ne 0111er.•M Il. Mem "Ref' sod- varississ if you have remissness or gout. - are susertas with t»Mrttta, the foie tar is very likely to cwt "rad- meat tram your diet Yoe will be Mimed "wetter moat however. ad MWtem. It has bets a widely accepted theory teat "red' stint t set only inferior la .utrttive malting. tat meaner* Irritating le oases of rttes'satlaa and etadred at forums. TM theory estate been to the early pan al the ink mature, when as Ibgush surge.., Ar erne, asserted that there was a difference la the food vflee, of the tee varieties of meat as wen as fin their Irritative proper SIM. It the bees accepted without gSsettoo 1■ all the fears, never skew• has been seethes* cballeaged u*W Ions recmotly. If the protest Is lista. It is at least Wumaa sad uolghtl. 1t minas Mat • cbemloal investigatlw reveals rkgrk4s 1. 1'W asst whisk differ- eatletea ft from "white" meat as a Wa ser rbesmatae► both ase view DOW d muscle time.. Thy ora rest ages& le altemsesse content alkeio 'i fed inane of •a .alas trrl. nIst nes bees toned la "rd" meat, reit Is tea sheen aide te discover boy of Its comuumata from which At aa aliment Is likely to be pan. IRS stage or toe dlseatlw* • pt." o nestles et feast to tem dietary den rlaumatse does sot enter tate no Dreamt .eatr.,*rsy• it may las Keay an s Mdr.Ye or permissible. 'Ins plot is that the two gads of Math '~lied .s au hers." The sbermJMc, mead to eat whits Bust tram tt ao Wager setlsass the «sv- 4sips d teenmatn ray at hot vesture area bed steak or a bit of gams. Ad K 1• sailors Y s mutt. theta M the m aeWms ntsstetten,ahat a nos amnia sr "waits- sheat woad rw Myth ham es much tetra path and n e eteaWmtlse wbatue.r. Or non emasesnbg ylt. M ss the )setaaco• do of Imam' .etlority b Quite Maytag the agency or ntateth,510 wtffeektg. Literal. Net McDonald's two nieces were spending their 'bummer holidays at Mr re0dsoc.. The day following their arrival being Monday. they hotb ac- cepted bur Invitation to accompany bei to the ebureb service. Both were attired entirely In white. They were ✓ ather late heatetiap the church, and ap the three passed down the aisle the minder was giving out hie text, which read : "What are thew whish are arrayed In white robes r The com- mis rather startled to hear en 1teDoeath making the rep! 'lhey'n no two nieces tree hdla- • A small. heo-pecksd. worried -looking sees was about to take u .gamin - atlas ter Iib iaeur.eee. "You don't dissipater do your *eked the physician. as be mote ready foe the test.. "'Not a fast -liver or mythieg of that sort r The tittle Elsa hesitated a moment. looked • bit frightened. then replied in • small, piping voice: "I sometimes chew a little gum." 1 4 LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC —:—AND—:- SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OF SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Wnie ter Parte:Wars I.OTTIE ARMSTRONG. P. LIYPORTH WILLGOOSE7 Registrar. Mss. Sac. Mumma) Principal. Address: -334-6 Dundas St., London, Ont. DON'T WAIT Do It Now HAVE YOUR HOUSE WIRED BEFORE THE SPRING RUSH BEGINS; AND AVOID THE RUSH All wiring done by the latest Hydro -Electric rule. All work guaranteed. T Electric repairing of all kinds promptly attended to, at rea- sonable prices. 1 We carry a complete and [up- to-date line of Electric Fixtures and Supplies atr all times. ROBERT TAIT lil r'!'8!C 14a11818 draft Ba t rIRB 4 8PICl4L T Y Wass p–JUUIT NMOL--Ikelss p4 ram MYONAL cRDRRICH ONTA RIO y WAR Wil UNLOCK UST OiL SUPPLIES sydsey IL North, se Leedom Meg. fonder sad editor in the Petrolesat Tear Hoak sad other trade pobtie•- tloas, bee wine& the tollowtag arti- cle as the,s•Ioekiag of all Duggan as sae result of the war. Oso of the most thaportau open, Mies la weigh_ the Alltel beta hem engaged L that d opealag ap the sea routs from the ooagt/ or Rums and Romanis te the highways oe the worth. Tee military erecta of tele so- das tloa may be or vied signiticaate, but the *oceanic effects are still or, veal, Messaging. as they do, the wel- fare of millione within sad "ethos( these two coustrlse. fit is a tatter of coos knowledge that the principal morose from which we draw our ou for lighting, heating ter test sad for asatorcars, are the Mmited Dfetes. Ramie. the Dutch lin deg. !Mammals and Mexico. Soo. af- ter Iho war broke out part of them soaves was eloped to us; and the Si- am repres.nUng the shipments to this country from America are els punt of the wocderfsl response of our need made from that quarter. Datfag these past few mantes the ell wells or Russia sad Roumania oontlwad to produce ell, fad had to eoatlwm to do so where Mbar was available, tot the closing down of a producing well is • costly. and one* rufaous resort The oi.l must either be pumped varemittlngty or water, t haw Suadreds of feet down, may per canto through into the well sal flood (f, beyond redemption. A few figures will slew clearly web& Also o..s.tion a Ram's export troll has dose to the ell industry. Romania Stores The eatpat of oU from Russian oil IMAM &nougats approximately to eight Wilke toes a year; of wOdch. after rdsdng, • large quantity goes tato lbs interior. and the balance Is ex- ported. In the year 1913 the total guaatity lit different oil products smoaMsd to about nve mWion toms; 1a 1914 this had Wien to about thrN• . ndaeW; million tons. Ret thin le aot the worst of the case, ter, la mesemiesoe of the stoppage of imparts *mink the Dardanelles, the P losion had seesaui•ted to the extent d emosedu.katt million tons. or.halt as meth swath compared wtth a year awe ptorllesnagty, or unfortunately. sev- e ral everal of the newer districts, such as the Ural—Caspian and Etta -Caspian districts. are increasing their prodec- Soa rapidly, and the storage accom- modation for all this ever-growing gea■tity of oil is not sufficient In the year 1913 we relieved Russia of Wrty-otx million gallops of different de.ertptlons of oil, mon thea a third .r which was benzine or petrol; teat year, owing to the war, we could only gal twentyoue million gallons. This y.•r we have taken nothing trout her or any description. so that it h eeds little Imagination to conjure up the vast stops of liquid and .ole, wealth welch are waiting to flow through the Dardanelles. Romeenle IN In similar plight but rather wane. Inaslescb as her organ- isation and facilities are not so ample. Herlot U. indeed. a !card one. For years past her oilmen. backed by the government. have striven energeti- ealty to build up a prosperous Indus- try. Her ambitions lay In the dlrec- tloa a securing some portion of that most profitable section a the trade. the manufacture and sale of benzine or petrol. And her success was con- siderable Reunt..la and Galicia Tae total output from Roumanian wale to 1913 amounted to 1,851,1"00 teas; in 914 to 1,771.000 tons, not so great a docile,. cocsfdering the .d - verse conditions. But, unfortunately, . he Is one a the Innocent who suffer. sad only the opening of the sea route seats and the resumption of her ex- port trade can save her from disaster. Compered with Resale her olI Industry is small. yet at the end a last year the accumulated stocks of oil amount- ed, according to the "Petroleum Re- view," to 600,000 tons. fAND THIS IS CULTURE! Vdd111 Vodlanoy. a victim of Ger- man savagery. was visited In l.Htau Hospital In Russia, by a well known Lett author. who asked him to describe W experiences. As the man was un ale to speak with his m.ttlat•d tongue. paper and • pen were given h1msad be wrote the following "Tilt torture was practised on me by the Germans le the forest near WeIL I was seam - lag Suddenly 1 met three Germane. Gee of them was • motor .es-cousa0- e lseed officer and the otter two were emblem soldiers The .os.eoaafe- e lo.ed officer asked m• t. Rs.sien where our chief leaden were and how Louisa aur forret were, 1 wweese wttb absolute silence Hs Heeted .l me 'We will soon 'sake you ,peak. you Rsselu pig Shea be drew • &weer. sad ..t of , ret, say right mid thea left ear 1 stood aid was ,Dent- The &mattes was repeated, with firs same result Them la • tory of hatred. he seised use by the throat. mid est es ay tong... While he wge doing this I lost cea- selessness. sad I did net enMO to y seams till the merwlig, whoa 1 foul 'sym.lt Illeg is a sod of Meet" Dartmoor eoevlet Prides was orlgln- ally Iw111 to r'ee the prtosevs a war during England's straggles with Napo Mme it N e1abeed that bait as beer el the goo..-et.p does as much 1.r the motels@ of tem leg es lett l dere realm ~wag " " ' SHARP I1TACK Nenols Neves, Yemen W.w.. d Um• tisesity Adv.Mturow Type A Resslaa girl of 11 Alexandre Rehlttseva& L51.rers by name, has re caved • somnlsaion lu ua. of the reSfsMq or Lion Cossacks. Her pro- motion romotion from the raaka was • reward et nomad service.. During one of the tattles in the Suwalki Government, the d. .set to 'thick she belonged was surrusad.d by superior numbers sad captured. From certain remounm which the Germans tet fall, and train te. way la wbleh they looked at her, M wee evident they had guessed the sestet of ber sex. Perhaps tam was Iho mem that. when the oCier pelsonsts were dfv.sted a their pro- perty. Ye was allowed to retain her watch said compass The prisoners were locked up In • churck, outside whirl • sentry patrolled. During the evenlag the party was visited by several Gernup officers, who seemed to take a lively interest la Alexandra. and laughed • good Mal among themselves. When all was galet the prisoners broke • window sad clambered out, and Alexandra felled the sentry with a stone. The refugees succeeded in recovering their hones, and picked up one or two stragglers, who increased their num- bmr to' .vee. nits force attacked a thanes patrol of 1* Uhlans. and cap dared them all. The lleuteaaat in command Of the patrol. a discovering the number of his captors. flung off his hat and ton h ie hair with rage. He was found to be carrying docu- ments of importance. and they were brought to the Russian Commander of Alexandra, who seems to halve been the virtual leader in the whole affair. She 1s a medium height, slender and graceful, and talks of her experiences of war very much as au ordinary girl ar her years might speak a • tee party e ROGER' THE FATAL GAS Alkali Workers Long Familiar With Pole.n Clouds Used by Germane The deadly chlorine gas that is be - Ing used by the Germans Is utilised for more peacelkl ends by the alkali workers at Widnes and SL Helens, Engkaod. For chlorine 1s the gas which, pump- ed as to slaked lime, transforms this Into bleaching powder. Tile workmen nicknamed ft "Roger"; why. nobody seems to know. But the term 1s uni- versally used. and always quite readily understood, for at the cry "Rogei s coming! Clear lads!" so frequently beard in the alkali works, there fol- lows Immediately a wild rush of men away from the danger zone. But 'Roger," in the shape of a green. perceptible. and palpable poison. fog - borne along on the wind. follows hard no their heels; and woe betide the poor wretch who stumbles and 1s over- taken by 1t. Such. a one is said to be "gassed," and the alkali _workers at. finis that no one who has once under- gone the experienec is ever again quite the same inn. Then 1. always some- thing wrong with his br,.thing. This, however. only applies to men slightly gassed. \what the workers tall a "teed" of chlorine kills a man ostrl'lfltt inside of an hour or so. Of course, the workers tike every pos- atble precaution. such as, for Instance, working wttb goggles on their eyes. and bulky murales over their mouths made of twenty thicknesses of flannel but despite everything accidents fre- quently reequently happen. Nevertheless, constant familiarity with this particular danger breeds a certain amount of contempt for it, as for most others. and the regular alkali workers often speak slightingly, and even jestingly, of "Roger " They even mete see er elm for their own ends aeon oe asion. For instance, the fac- tory yards are sometimes Infested by stray, prowling cats, who steal the men's dinners A favorite dodge Is to decoy pussy to where the green fog is, when, of sours*, that cat becomes a dead tat without mon ado. Another incident that show. the *smelly power of chlorine occurred in Wide*s some time back. A hawker from a distance came with a donkey cart. and drew ap in a yard attached to some eb*mleal works ober* bleach• Ing powder was being made. Suddeu ly then rose the familiar cry of "Rog- er is coming!" followed by the usual rush for safety on the part of the workers. Only the hawker. Ignorant or the t.w*lsi danger, stool gazing open-mconthed at tam eying figures, and wondering what ell the commotion was sout. And he would have been eaoght by the green gas. without Smite, had not • burly workman pass- ed tor a moment to pick him up to h is arms aid bear elm. kicking and rtrmsglag. to safety He did **Levee got a tart* let he chlorine, but whet be returned s few minutest later he (Dead hl• donkey ,ton.-deed—poison- el by "Roger " A VERSATILE LABORITE t 44... Arles H.odersen Warned Mrd le WM Nigh Pe.ltion The Rt Roe Arthur Hotelman. M.P., wloem ks wledge of labor ques- tions piled teem a place is the cosII ilea gov.ratwt, has bad t romaatle saver. Ns was been la Gl•agow Is ISM sad started Nth as u Ieon- h eut er le a Newcastle factory. air seaasNng ase Mt praisty. sad be was Mira • elleea/s Stoma? m his .pare dam. His Malty and paiseverseea. seam stale ea tapered . em his fel- low .orhes% sad after many yearn' wart as a Veal. Uatoalat leader be metered Per lumen/ as labor member ter 1 . Lartterd Castle divides or Dar Men r lies. Idl. le sew Aatr.me of tea Labe party. *at Is s Privy egselg0S .lbWeels7SS sett a ptigder REPULSED Daasa.. Cgna&- Relined Am la Tea. f11'11P,aiFa.atr«- MR. F. J. - MN 6:i: (lerrard 81 Masts Tosoato., Fur two years. I wog a victim of Ano lsdlgrstioe edit Cos /s %7e Sforwat-A. It afterwards attacked my Heart, and I lutd pains all over the body, w I could hardly move moiled. '1 tried all kinds of medicines Lut none of them did pee any good. At last, feting on the advice of a frieud, 1 decide.t to try'Fruit-a-tires'. 1 bought tete first boz last June, sad bow I am well, after using only three boxes. 1 recommend'Fruit-a•thes' to anyone suffering from Indigestion, no matter bow acute". FRED J. CA\•EEN. Simple Indigestion often buts • to /hurl Aftsets, Catarrh of fit Sfosseat aged roosters! distress tittered end body. If you are bothered with any Stomaeh Trouble, and especially if Constipation troubles you, take'Fruit-a-fives'. 50e. a boz, 6 fur T2.33, trial sire, Me. At all dealers or seat postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. WOMAN AS A CITIZEN Mrs. Noels McClung on the Respo► abilities of the Ballot Here are a few excerpts from an address delivered in the West, ty Mrs. Nellie McClung. the charming spe*ker and wr.ter known to women everywhere thr.:ughout Canada: "It is argued sometimes that a man's grandmother did not want the vote," she !it'd. "If she w.. alive to -day she would want it. 1.Itb the Introduction of mush moder.i labor- saving machinery tato the home the woman is now the lels,red class. She had be.n accused o' passing h_r time in frivolous things. All serious things have been cleated to her. The tendency a civilization has been to make ber light and trtvoious. 1 hope that the opening up of activities for women. throwing upon the woman greater responsibilities, will result In making woman measure up to het responsibilities." She voiced the -injustice of the In- equality et the criminal code, which made the punishment for stealing a cow 15 years. Wasn't that suiicient to make people think' She asked 1f 1t was always going to happen that drink and war could take their children, while they didn't have a voice In it all. But It was not going to continue when women appreciated that they had pct too mean an estimate upon themselves. "We blame the military aptrlt 91 Germany, and properly." she geld, "but w• also think bitterly of the apathy of the German women who get by and watched these things hap- pen. appen. They have been wonderfully patient and good and sw f s*crlficing. If the theory was good that the woe men wbo were most obedient raised the bast sons, then Germany would be ono of the finest raoes of men oa earth. It doesn't work out Instead of respecting those good women, their mothers, they made a abteld of the women and children of Belgium. "But the Belgians have shown us there is something loftier (ban to live —that there Is something more than life. We . owe a great debt to that nation which we must be prepared to'pay It ever they come to this coun- try. One thing 1s certain, there will b• gr groat Influx from Middle Europe 1.1651. land of the new day. What ate.we going to do far them', Are w.•going to fiing open ted bar to them? Are we going to offer them osrold political ideals, or a rover Sad broader citizenship' Polities hsm at home means pull—what ran 1 get wkat kind or job is there for M7 11 eta 1s .11, we should be &Mmmdeaf ourselves. for we should a snit, et black ingratitude. W mast,Rst • larger Ideal of citizenship, krsedt+s the very world. t don't like taelpatrietlsm d 'My country 'tie of OW mail 1a that t seen no disrrapse: 'Maar Meads seisms the border. It 0)544 s not as mach 1.• us We want to get past the day when M order to *tomes ell love of our min country we must ,mat odium . o that of (.then .oantrle4. W• must Amt past the day se maallerfl trade relation: ethic► Med to brood sespieta 5.4,.e. MaNmth. LONG FEARED ITALY Aerobia . greeted W edes.ttl Fe.rl.. times Against Nee Owu4lwte Any Tim Austrian def.acee ales the o orthea•teru frostier of Italy are .t g reat strengtk. Aeetrin. although salted, mall the waim.se.aeat ad the great tnternauomal conflagration by the beads of the Triple A111aace. to Italy. W devoted cokesal sans ed mosey durine the Mat garter et a o.atur•y to fortlfytag her beeadMlr � agalrw t that poer, cep dflet ally n1gaty rampart of Alps ..teadles mon Verona to ]lOUM ovary amenable Ilse et approach Orem the south bee It. barrier Net meekly s. armored work lo • cow m.sdlag position for love -range fldat- lag. and an auxiliary barrier 1n the Valleys below, armed with vakk.dttag and t'.ehIse guns. Armored ober tortes. powerful searchlights, sutler. ground cables. and signal stations aid to the defence. Reade* th.m eat.etar works. the Tyrol, which juts est like a bastion into the Lomb.rd►Veoettaa plain. has a group of forts at Rive. fdbther at Eransenafeate, to protect the railroad junction. and. finally, an is oessely strong fortress at Trent which may be described as the bel/ o f the Tyrol, and 1. surrounded by a girdle of batteries and armored tong. New Zealand's P.raests The New Zealand goldlers' Posthorn Act provides. In addition to the .seer out pensions for soldiers' wives, for the payment to the widows, Dot Daly of offcers, non-commissioned o1eoers. but to those of private, also, of one years pay le addition to ber pension, wttb an amount equal to one-third of the gratuity to each of the children uader age. The New Zealand Act provides that a pension may be coo- tlnued to sons until they attain the age of eighteen, and to davghti s as. 111 their taenty-Ant birthday. INVESTMENT , OPPO Walnut empMal b tdns1SP one of sami moos rateable 54.s* assesses es 1a the Dominica. saYrJ1—' q..nt1ry et ewe material M be aetetwoeMwi Wide • eo'saodlty see widish tore t as Massie sallealled isaesA. It yes flare etas hundred to tee hmidred dollars ter moue b meths wMre yoga tavestmsst wilt be weed smeared. Men write for pulite- lam and peospeMus whicS will oosvl•ce yes .t W aesehnely sure aid hares Marais- Ansa P. O.. Box 10e, Hast- Elme. Oen e. Here's a Bargain! This is a time when everybody wants to read the news, especially the tecord of the tremendous world-shaking events in Europe us which Canadian soldiers are taking part. THE TORONTO WORLD authorizes us to take subscriptions for that paper, in combination with THE SIGNAL, at a low rate for six mouths, and therefore the following offer is made : THE Toronto Daily World including the splendidly illustrated WEER -END EDITION ',seven papers a week) and The Signal will be sent for six months for $I.90 Persons who have already paid for The Signal may secure The World (including the Week -end Edi- tion) fur six months for 81.40. The regular price is 82.50. The World is a Morning Newspaper. This offer is open for a short time only. Order now, as the combination offer may be withdrawn at any time. Remember—three papers (a morning daily with the latest news, a big illustrated weekly paper, and the leading local paper) for six months for 81.80. Send subscriptions t0 THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED Coderleh - Gatario GRANULATEDEIClitA with the fruit • you order kr preserving. Tell hint, too, that ren west it m the Packages originated for Sum r — 2 or 5 � Cartons for 1 100 Id. Cloth Pkgs. Than you wr1'oe.wM+rb Sgt the GE NUiPIER DPATH— Caefds's favoring sugar for teepee generatiorm--ted Nagar to whose preserving parity �ceo safety trait food CAW* iocAR LIMNING CO.. MONiagAL 13e ON1111111, 1