HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-7-8, Page 7i 1 THE SIONA L GODERICH, ONTARIO Dimity Tres enjoy loaner Bet t so dee" she bicyde owner tries then-rtk. tires tad went down Y quickly - the wtta.ry kind because the cornpdoas are on top sad alder both- Tlie owner avoids accidents became Dtnbp Trleeti.. Tread Team me skid-peocf-the V-n1oulded tread has a wonderful reactance to the coed ea times of per& r.m fester r lire Butter Wrappers GET THEM PRINTED AT The Signal Office • ATTRACTIVE WORK MODERATE PRICES Great Lake Cruises To the North (ountry Water Sea Voyages" - Os the Brant Lakes --ideal Trail awl Recreation Cruises -with di the material comfoeta-Iuxmioes aggene res sad pleasure eajoymew el scene tr.ast on the lamest User. wee e•rYid serene r dtala eal aysaarar ea herr.• encs-Wwtst res awl fele y�-rylq 1t.. bs Plinks r Mr..r•. W11Y. Wale -sed trade► ria snidest emea. i ' To Duluth, Fort William, Port Arthur, Soo, Illackinac, Georgian Say and She 30,000 Islands s The fee tlwtwws sonsons nor maws a. Y Own wmetliw la re ..desalt •en• r Labe ttaiahw--Gnaw Sig d►' ra wertha K� frac► raw •a We wee 'Weak" eekb needs be w wane v radii w ides to dr lie wed =m�psi� lewd " ■onad •' -A on slider Os men wry mews ONION Tat' CMOs Le m dust res Is par it two awls* W. owe belies s a a tela.° woman. saleidne new 011••••••••••- able er••ardorable we seer as kwsen res est wad Oboe IDOL abebellle.1 torea.ont w ...r, Wan. •.d cera No sea is seara&r. h Seam m. a senna tow... rw- Meel raw.5 Lad We e - rem Twee aka b.gsau� o . W .► .esu t t.o.w !rd. am meet &n 6e 0 les T•nsea re Xs= Thaws. .ft C.0 i•wigtG - era Twin.e. ea c.a.....a , . s.. Maim< dna ▪ .+a G..or saw P.m. V ger. mash.. UMW.. std how Weise etoma nnune red acne. o ▪ o . ram, iana ie. Toe ler on NORTHERN NAVIGATION CO. farnta Ontario Not Guilty. Jasper was • negro servant, Ione in the employ of the family. and his troubles were related to them with childish simplicity and trust. One morning be sought out the master of the house and said : "Mann John. dry bad me up lefnab ma eh.trt-h las' night fur tangosn' " "Well." be re- plied. "1 doq't suppose you were guilty -were you, Jaspet :'" "Van. suh ; yes, sub! 1 wuz guilty, mod dey proved it on me, too; but. 1 come out ods it all drab, soh. Ma frien's stick to me close; en' after dem otheh oiggahs done testify algin me. ma fries).* all got up and testify dat I had tenoned, but 1 wuz ro .trunk at de time 1 didn't know what 1 won loin'. 40 1 come out all cleah-w' de preacher 'scored 1 me Freckle -Face County and District Mies M. Clark. of soar Messealli watt as.rried rectally to Alvtu QIurin, of Zurich. Miss Kwestloe White. of Md*illop, broke bar eullarbo.e whew she tripped and frill oast day recently. The Commercial hotel t i$•na•it was recently sold by auctww fire Tao. Wm. Bettd.r was use purchaser. While at a bars -raising at l!> ande- boy. Wm. Lee feu a distance of nine feet and fractured his leg *boor the klieg, Mies Anal. 8. Cheadle sad Jewel* A. Edwards. of Fordwieb, were married osJurte gird- Rev. A. B. Dolman of- ficiated. Corporal George Knigbt, who be- fore enlistment waa janitor at Kioar- carliue hospital. is officially reported a• being killed iu dcUuu Thomas Watt, of Kincardine town- ship, fell .dlatanee of twelve feet in his new baro and bit ke his "boulder and several rib.. He bag since died. Stu and Wind !long Oat Ugly Spots How to Remove Easily. Here's •chance, Miss Freckle -face, to try • remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable dealer that it will not coat yo a penny unless it i removes the freckles ; while if it dot'. (,give you • clear complexion the ex - I prier is trifling. Simply get an ounce of .rthine- double strength -from any druggist and • few applications should show you bow easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a beauti- ful complexion. Rarely is more than o0. ounce oersted for the worst case. Be sure to ask the dtuggiat• for the double strength olhine., as this is the prescription sold under guarantee of money track if it fails to remove freckles. ••I see, Mrs. Nurich, that the Britisb soldiers have resorted to the tae of re- spirators.' "Heavens to Betsy ! Aint they gonna stop at anything short of murder "-Buffalo Express Mn. Rosenhaum-"Oh. Ja-oh, little Ikey has *wallowed 1 dime." liosen- baum-"Sand hint to bed midout his supper. Dot will make it aboudt efen." -Boston Transcript - ••If you'd adrsome •more genial man- ner you would get along better in business." "Huh ! 1 tried it once and everybody 1 niet wanted tb borrow money." -that me Transcript. KIDNEY HEAL/ACME is caused from the blood bring thick- ened with uric acid poisons circulating in the head. Anti -Uric Pills cure all forms of itidney trouble They are Mo good and w sure C. I. Cook is guaran- tees them. Be sure you get Anti -Uric Pills. B. V. Marion on every box. Bold only at C. I. Cookie' drug .tore. r lob t CANADA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER VLTAL-neweelair se [teed imitate••. t•e ber .a.ae WO este barna- "The -War Summary" A1m,.0 from th•• r.-ry .1e1- tb. greet F.nrop.an war began to Asr•at Mc the outstanding Tater. In e•■nadlan journalism coverts," the roa.let aa. boos ..The Wee $wa..sry" della es pares 1 and 2 of TUB GLOM. 1■ the .ew.iwt -••diel. tors the writer bit Olen his readers a pew plrt.ry of Il. development" 1■ all part" of the world. while the det.tllt ..f the me..mest• along. the eri.•n.l d frontier* 1... not been erM.onk.d IM r. -•der. of TSI •:LOB here bees esel.l..l to follow sm.-meetly and nub count/on,. rbc gener.l wallows of abs .apesMws r..ellr1. "TM war eneemert" of TI.i tUWmi 1s reproduced May by, several papers throughout tbs. 1)u t 1o.. The Editorial Pare TEE t.LOat on Ifo edlterl.I par• As. Mrlrea fn place boron. the public In proper py►re•n...11re thy breed be cerrood .f tow. Waste • tr.ttle This ...e1.•r ..f .rtl.-I-. has .Itr■rted taw ettestl.n nM sale of tb. 1 smelters people. bet of moll.,m wow sod )...real. In all porta .f the wer:d Thr scene L..ltn0 op hrM to .. war. the .1.anla ..r1a• IgM It. •..nein• t. •144 Ib. r..all■ Illsoly to Sow from His cation 01 ► .wltrflse bar. loon emelt with In bit bold .M Neer -e.1 fora Manu tries', of Tri OLogl/'$ dn.riat page. News Service Tit. /born teatore•. In .44tH.., to 5 --able mid batter ..rvlee trona the fneat OMNI... b.tl ie r5.sda, bar. plsred Tall It 111.00,11 tar In the Tend of t'anedlan pope+ an.t partly .t els Is ibo pbeaome.5I lacrosse .r 131-1 per .-cal. IM Tie Ot.OR*S dI.kt1•• dertsg retest aoatlin Other Features Th. •t, -stint patty tb, flaall.111 and rommetrlal portae, the terrines', pew. ..tc. nos. with is.. a441tIMot peg.. 1a welse.eay'a Wee deeded to ' m'.rm wad r nSntry 1.11.." ate aaflbl teed at a blib Meed and or ex.+Ileo.+. a N°.derd (bet Into ]rattled TUX CLOW le Its title .f cemmi s )O.tt..MI litoor.pepor, mid boa dire. It by meal theorem toe Lrg.at clresiama •e .5y worel.g paper le tae DemlWa. Local and City Papers • et all meas. 1.1e Tone Inr,l paper, Mt 1e tie geld d mlf+.p.rltaa ww•p.trr• TUX CLOS as.ln.eslle•ably ..erne we tar gr..sea4 vd.e to be bad In 15.545 Order te twee, S cent pot menthe. dealae M Mr m mete 41w5 MYan cot roar. THE GLOBE, Torose s, it- candliseted ea t or plan of fifty ease ago, with P. L. Hamilton, of Oak. who fur twenty yes r• wan precen- tor of the church, in charge of the service of praise. On Monday the congregattua hew a large picnic The proceed. from the twmbimod meetings totalled $3)J. At the anuua/ meellog of the East Hare. Fames eri lostitute the fellow/ - lug officer's were elected : President, Amos 8toitb ; tar vice-president . Rich- ard Proctor; Sad vier -president. Peter 8. Metiw.w ; seer.tary -measurer. P. - McArthur; auditor., A. D. Grant J. G. Tlar.twll. Tbs directors sue : Howiek-A. A. Graham, A. (iibsoo, T. A. Gibeoa, Wen. Koos mid Jas. Arnastroug. V. 14. Turn berry -J. W. King and Miller Proctor. Ms-- t.rsiW. H Fraser. Walter fiesUlie, John Clegg and Thom. McCall. G -Thin. E lliott, John Pearson, lid Fulton and Jas. McYadsean. McKdlot.-Joss. Soap- - son. A. Gardiner, Robs. Scarlett and Howard Hall, of the nth cuuucceessisi00. Morris, who recently purchaed£1arm north of Brussels, moved with' his family last week to their new home. Neil McLellan, an aged resident of 8tepheo. died at his home at Mount Cantel on June Sikh, aged eighty-eight years. Two sons and fve daughters survive. Some person. as yet unknown. de- liberately cut the tongue out of a two- year-old steer, the property of Hoary Jana., of Mitchell. The animal bled to death. Margaret L • eldest daughter of Mr. and Mis. Jame' Hudson, of F:gmond- ville, was married on June 2..tnt to Gar- net Hahkirk, of McKillop. Kew. jetties Argo officiated. Mrs. Robert Monk pared away at her home .on the Mill road, Tucker - smith, on June 211b. She had been an invalid for four years. Om two and ooe laughter survi ve. While administering medicine to a boom E. W. Stoekopf, V. 8„ of Zurich, was knocked down and trampled on. One leg was fractured in two places and he was otherwise injured. Jos. Barber, night clerk at the Pat - torero bcuse, Kincardine, was Lined =:1!11 and costa for keeping liquor for sale without a license. He bad 125 bottles of whiskey in his possession. Myrtle .hits, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John %Vehbter, of Fordyce. wan married on June :r'ird ter W. M. Mc- l'rostie. of Wert Wawenoeb. Rev. Wm- McIntosh performed the care- moey- Mies Lydia Mitchell was married at her borne at Moie.worth on June jird to Alex. Crete:. of the same vicinity. The young couple will take up their abode on the groom's farm west of Mole.wortb . Mrs. Peter Scott, a former resident of Wingham and for many years a resident of Culross township. died at Treswater oo June '2.1rd. One daugh- ter survives- Mr. Walter Taylor, of Wingham, is . btother. Ma ret. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Thos. Houston. of Fordwicb, became the bride, on Jute LS, of Robt. U. Muirbesd, V. 4., of l'onniston, Algoma district. The ceremony was performed at the parxowage, Furdwicb. Tiscitenae, Jute 8, Hits DURABLE --Fire grates are three -sided; last three times as long. Shaped in the c r • nsitne frrnace to grind up clinkers when "rocked". See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. >. Sold b W. R. PINDER - Jlta.rpb (br.ena. Hallett-Thw. Mc- when his only daughter, Mary. he- '1Milian, James Watt, H Young and Re. the beide 01 Nath a Stena , Jtrbn Heigham. Brussels . Thom• Rev. D. Perris uMldMr. and d sun Y !Scutt and WV H Kerr.Mn. ritswart will reside si ■t Edmonton,' P. Alta. BRt'ri3F.Lli Miss Catherine 11 Rutledge was Mr. and Mrs. TbomsiTnomson and arrird at her bunt.- here on June Tried' family tads removed to Stator -Lb. Ito Albert o_ Fothergill, of gnat we. where tory will in future reside. 1 wauosb. It... J. W. Hibbert psr- Ueorge Buchanan. B. A.. will team formed ;the ceremony. The young .peclal cadet training at Toronto dur- coupple will reside on the groo's fame ing the emotion and further quality in Ksat Wwawneb. m himself as • teacher CLINTON. Mies Verne Walker has arrived Mose, Jobe limiting 'end Mies Ranh, borne after compleliug her first year at , of Toronto, are visiting their friends Toronto Conservatory of Music. She in Gown. tusk first-class honors in vocal and honors in haamooy and radimenu• On June 'fifth Miss Bernice Beattie* *Charles T. M.rore, a former residentj Agnew became the. wife of George K. herr, died on June 2: led at Stratford, � Phelan. Rev. J. 1', Putti tied the He was eigbtyoue years old •ted is nuptial loot. tesunrv. ivedWhbiylethreeBsose"and htewocltedaugh•s- 1 weJlaco l-knbowTaoaid,of tToronTto, inttons fobrormer ke councilor for $term. I his leg between the knee and the ankle Miss l.iisie lie Ferguson 0"4" away a •few days ago. He slipped on a stone at her home on June 26th after • pain- ( while going down an embankment at ful illness from cancer. rib a was horn l'oronto. in Grey townsbip forty-five yeas ago The Canadian Order of Foresters st- and bad held positions of trust at 8yd- tended divine service at the Baptist ney, N. 8., Lethbridge. Medkio. Hat , cburrb on Sunday, Juno. ':ith. Visit - and Calgary. Her mother, six brothers ing member of tom Order were pres- and two sisters survive- ' est from tioderic la, lteaforth and Holmesville. Fire broke out in the furnace room Mr. John, Daley, with hi, family. of Thomas McKenzie's planing mill on left last week for Lucas. Sask., wbsre be bas taken up a homestead 1t b about forty years since Mr. Daley set- tled here SEAFORTH. Fire was discovered one day recently issuing from the roof of the house oc- Monday afternoon of last week. The Ore brigade made • quick response and quickly subdued the fiancee. The damage was not extensive. Re►. J. C. Potts, rector of Rt. Paul's church, has tendered his resignation, copied to ffect on ust 15th. exttiogui.hed K. the firemen cCaw'. It handl the I haw take Keene offered the pastorate of la roof t•a since byeen repaired. Toronto church and wishes to accept. P. A. O'Sullivan, cattle buyer. me. He has been rector here for about a cently shipped a consignment of i51 year• cattle which he had purchased in the Charles Ridout peered away at his district for shipment to France. He home herr on June :59th, aged eighty - paid about 817,ua1 for the bunch. live years. He was born in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner, of Zur- ich, have received official notification that their Soo. Arnold, was !tilled in action. Pte. Brenner joined the duh Battalion in the West and bad been in the treo.-bes some time. Kee. Father Gehl, who for eighteen years bad been pariah priest at For- mula, died suddenly at Drayton on June 20th from appendicitis. He was sixty-one years old. Three brothers are_with the Canadian forces at the front. Mrs. John Milker, sr., who for many years was • resident of the IOtb concession of Howiek, died suddenly at Harriston ntt lune dhb. She was in her ninety-first year and had been married over sixty years. Her hus- band, three sons and one daughter bur - vire. The home of Mr. and Mn. Robt. Fitzgerald, of the 7th sonoession, Ash- field, was the scene of a pretty wed- ding on Jame Y.l, when their daughter, Apns Beatrice, was married :o James E Culbert. Rev. ri. J. Bridgette per- formed the ceremony. The young couple- will reside on the 9th concession of A sb8eld. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ('lark, of Mullett, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday, June 3rd, when their only daughter. Annie Evelyn, became the bride of Wm Howard Armstrong, of Hullett. After the wedding trip Mi. and Mrs. Arm- strong will reside on the groom's farm east ..f Constance. John Campbell, a well-to-do farmer of the 9th concession of Howick, com- mitted suicide on June 311th by cutting his throat He had tomo In poor health and left the house saying he in- tended to go to Stratford to consult a doctor. He ended his life in a hay- field. He was sixty yeas old end leaves his wife. one son and one daughter. Douglas Fraser. who lived for many ears in the neighborhood of %Vittg- ham. died at Pilot Moond, Man., on June :lith. For seventeen years be taught *reboot at 8. 8. No 2, Turn - terry. and for eight years at 4. 8. No. 14 in the same townsbip. He was slaty wean years old and is mtrvived by to. wife, Mx eons sal two daughters. His aged rather, ergot sisters and one hruther alio survive. ilensall Observer : Judge Doyle held court here on Tuesdav in maser - ton with an appeal made easiest their aseeseme.t by the Canadian Orem Company. B. 4. Murraynd Al gentleman represented the Oompany, while tbe comes' sussi rep reeentsd by the Reeve and Ooaociflor. Smith. Nichol and the earl. " His Honor stated that be bad not dealt with • case of this chsrseter for tonne time and would kook Into the matter eirefully before rendering • dasbton. Cromarty Presbyterian ehnreh Aeid Ip jsMlom ewl.bratlnn on Fluidally and Monday. Jon. 2'7 and Wt. Res. R. M. Mamiltns. IL - of Toronto wbe.Mt his bnybood days near ereasitp, was tae speaks,. The oocalai t tttitetia A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Ms. W.R. Smith ou June S)tb. when their second daugbter, Agnea. was married to H.R. Scott. Rev. F. H. Latkin was the of- ficiating minister. The social evening held recently un - but had resided here for nearly sixty years. Otte sister survives. The Rid• out family was prominently identified with the early history of the Province. The father of the deceased was • judge, and an uncle was • member of the Government of Upper Canada. der the auspices of Seaforth L. 0. L. I EXETER. was well paronired and the sum of seven carloads of choice tattle were $I4' was realized. After paying ex- shipped from Exeter fast week, their pensee the balance will be handed over 1 destination being France. ' to the Red (how Society. Mine Mabel E. Allen. B. A., of Bor- lingtou, formerly on the staff of the Tillsonburg high school. has hear sp. pointed teacher in English and modern languages in the aeatorth Collegiate Institute, succeeding Mies Murray. who resigned. LUCKNOW . Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Ackert, late of Hclyrood, have taken up their resi- denceio Locknow. W. J. McClure, of Vancouver Island, blame on a visit to bis brother, B. McClure, and other friends. Herbert Graham, own of Mr. and Mrs. Robert I:rahaw, has enlisted for overseas service with the Eaton,r machine-gun battery from Toronto., which is now in training at Niagara. Mine Armstrorg, who for the peat year bad charge of the school just worth of the town. will not be hack after vacation. lire will go to Toronto to seek a position in ooe of the city echRevoob. , Geo. McKinley has concluded his pastorate of the Methodist church here and is succeeded by Rev. R. J. Garbutt. Both Mr. and Mrs. McKin- ley before leaving received presenta- tions testifying to the goodwill of the people among whom they had labored. The'1Vnmen'a Institute held a well- etiended slimmer meeting on the lawn at the home of Mrs A. E. iurnin on June `Leith Mrs. C. 11. Burns, of Tor- onto, was present and gave en instrnc- - tive address. At the close of the pro- gram Mrs. W. E. McDonald, who is retiring from the presidency of the local branch after six years' service In that position. and Mrs. R. T. Phillips, who has been secretary -treasurer for four years. were each presented with an address of .ppreciatioo and a cut - gime marmalade dish. WiSGHAM. John Quirk celebrated his eighty- second harthd.v on June Zttb. Roy Monday and Wm. Monk have gone to Listowel to work In lire organ factory. Fed. Nash bad the top of one finger est off by a circular saw while work- ing at the Bell factory last week. Mine Georgia Forbes, daughter of Mr. Thomas Forbeo, of W ingbam, was married at Winnipeg on Jon.'Med to Dr Noonan Warner. of that city. Miss Mabel Shall, of Wingham, was tamrled at Crestline, Ohio, on June 10th, to Spence Currie The groom Is a brother ..f R A. and Jobe Currie, of town. $r. Thomas Kew has gone to Paris for • omnt.b to take charge of his har- ems business there. Roy Stephenson, of Farb, M io charge of Mr. Kew's W. H. Willis, who for the past amen yeas bas been organl.t and choir leader of ltd. Pant's church. baa resige.d. He officiated for the twat time on June/Rh. A quiet wadding took pities at the hoar of John Ritcbie on June lith. SSTH�UDY Mb Comma only. SUMMER SCHOOL aQ oma MINIM QUEANY [INOSTON. ONTARIO Alli ilexATmON MZD1QMi SCHOOL OV gNL 1. M "1�l Teltat ORO. W. CROWN. RearSearer a Albert J. Luxton, son of Feed Lax. ton, of town, was married a1 Montreal uo lune ISIrd to Mis. Elizabeth Camp- bell McGregor. Dr. Campbell, who for the pest year had been engaged with' Dr. Routeton as dentist, has gone to Toronto to open a practice. Laura May. daughter of Rev. J. Wesley sod Mrs. Down, formerly of Exeter, was married at Omemee on June Lard to Rev. Andrew M. Mc- Laucblin, H. A-, of Toronto. After an illness of many months' duration, Mine Minnie Wynn pawed away at her home here on June '.lit h. She was born in Uehorne fifty-nine years ago. Five brothers and three sisters survive. A' pretty wedding took place at the home of Ur. and Mrs. Sweet on June 30th, when their only daughter, Floens May, became the hriie ut Dr. John (1. Reid. Rev. W. G. H. McAlister per- formedthe ceremony. Dr. and Mrs Reid will reside at Exeter. Exeter Lodge, No. ff . i. O. O. F., held its animal Decoration Day on Sunday, June V. A proceneion headed by twelve young girls, dressed in white, went to the cemetery and placed flower- ing plants on the graves of departed t)ddfellows. Mr. 1V. Bradt, N. G., gave an address. Thomas B. Carling died on 8atur day. .ird inst. He wan one of the prominent men of Exeter, mid eft the time of his death was town clerk. For years be was a general merchant, be and his brother Will conducting busi- ness tinder the flrm name of Carling Bros. When the partnership was dissolved, the deceased went into the insurance business. He leaves six daughters and one son, besides several brother*. John Hind and William Miners. who for many years were in partnership as builders and contractors here and at. Elimville, died within a few holm of each other. Mr. Hind pawed away at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. Lords Fletcher. in l'shorne, on tiunday..lune 'nth. at the age of eighty-five years. He was born in England and came to Canada in 1),yt. Ten years later be settled at F.Iimvtlle and be had resided in this district since. His wife, them daughter" and one son, Coon:411o, J.111. Hind, of Exeter, survive. Mr Min.eu passel away on Mooday, June With, at the home of his son, George. at Wind- ow, where he had gone alter undergo- ing en operation at London. He was barn in England girtnine years ago. but bail lived in Cutworm. and Exeter sines boyhood Four sinus and four daughters survive. Men. women and evilest 0f every age, all fled Rexall =Iles a perfect laxative. Sold only by C. Dunlop, the Resell More, ilk., 'Mc. and 51k. boxer. "Did you vee wb.e.. •n ofctoo I says that the ed Pnll Motrter.position b as an uplift r"Ha'. made • mgake ; be meant a hold.op.'-Haiti- more Apwrican. mow' won - clet ier mlSi."-- M oSSean1eem. I S apse bawd bet.' saint Rot nothie' 1 �a Is Your Roof One of Those in This Town that need our attention? Tbo longer you delay making the needs repair, the more damage th weather is doing and the gr•eated your expense. Tinning and Repairing roofs. also building gutters and leaders. is our part of this world's work, and we do it well. Better mod for ca now and be read for the coming weather. Fred Hunt Hamilton Street Phone 1'63 7 Spray Year Orchards Nothing Pays better 1 am agent for all Spray Material, Lime Sulphur. Dry Soluble Sulphur both Dry and Paste Ar• inmate of Lead. SPRAY PUCIPS -both power and hand machines. FERTILIZERS We have the beet brands and at all prices. Come In and see me be- fore placing your order. D. F. t1AMLINK. Onderich, Ont. UDI61 SECRET TO DARKEN GRAY HAIR Bring beck color. glow and thickmsut with Grandma's recipe of gage and Sulpbew. fire rmnn garden nos brewed hie le hear! tea. with sulphur and abahot •ddwl, mill turn gray. Streaked and Wool hour beautifully dark wad luxuri- ant rrmw* every bit of desire/F. Sop e mur itching and failing Mir. Mixinat tb. Sags Tea wad Sulphur recipe at know, though, is troutrissoser. An easier way is to get the reedy -to -um toaie. maing Mat 50 cats • large hotus. at drug down, kaows as "Wysta'e s.se and Sulphur Ceopouad," thus avoiding a lot of muss While wispy. gray, faded lair fa est S inful, wsi all dnetre to retain oar youth- ful appraise." and attrsstis.assa Sy darkening your hair with Wyetbls fhige and Sulphur. no one sa tall, beeness }1 dove it So laterally, so srea17. Tee NA andmdra a rough your sponse or *aft break with It draw tkie tb itdr, taking ono email strand at a tins; morning all gray labs have After asst se applimation or ter ywer lair lanae as hsutltslly Ant. veer. soft and Inearlaat •ed yea appear yam ylreager.