HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-7-8, Page 5LtAIIIT STRUT OARAOL
RLOULAR $10.00 ;
Special Sale at $6.75
Adamson Schobrehie,'
The wooer of the Peter Adamson
world a.bolar.hip In forst 111. of
the Collegiate Isetitute is Jobs O.
Aasenament Returns.
Aeeordi.g to the aaareeoe'e roll.
which has lately bare handed ie. the
population of ti,rdericb Is now 4.017rt.
The total epluatk.e M 1111.7W,263..•
The bwith $_.130, IN I.et year.
usiness aeeeseeCint it ROO iar*.
Last year It was 1j210.1eis. The s-
pume ais.saasent ie g:.1.A17, pe com-
pared with 1474041 Not tear.
To Raven Maple Loaf Grocery.
As will bs sore by the a.souatem.nt
M oar sdvertielso colza., Mr. P. T.
Dir a+ is to reopen the Maple Leaf
O try Hamilt'n street. on Satur-
day. July 17th, with an entire mew
meek. Mr. than i• already w.11 known
in the grocery business in I:.Iderieb.
e a 1 will no doubt nuke a meows of
bee Dew veotare as be bas of every-
thisg glee in which he has engaged.
Knox Chorea Garden Party.
The annual pardon party under the
ao.pices of Knnz ehwch will be held
on the church learn on thy evening of
Tuesday, July J. The mrd Regiment
band will he in attendance. Tea will
be served from ,.:r) to 14 o'clock. and
there will be booths for the sale of
hem.madeela.dy. hoi aim .ad foamy-
oamywoes. Admission Mc.
Accident t• W. McClure.
Mr. Wm. McClave, of Dus .spa)•
met with a serious accident ow the
•venies of July let. an a result of
wbieb he is Dow .afotimg with several
Broken ribs and a broken enllarbooe.
1. company with his too b.r Jobo, be
wart rewrote; from Beensiller is Ile
recently pur-head Peed ear whew
from some unknown came. on a clear
road. the mr.cbine turned turtle. Jobe
was thrown clear and .esettpsd maim
Pared. bet William was paned b•osalb
the ear. H. brother, who is a ,trong.
Muscular fellow. waged to raise the
car sufficiently to allow bin to crawl
out. IM. Hunter, of Goderich. was
gnaw 00 the seen. and attended to
the inj,rr.d mon, who is now making
progress t sward recovery. Tb. aeeid.c t
occur red about a pile levo Beomlkr,
near the brick yards.
Golden Wedding.
hood and womanhood at Mwel..tow,
Cornwall, 'mesa& whose IM7 ware
married by Pampa tiawkw os Jsas
11, . lair. Vosr years later they some
to Ossetia. rrttll•ll ares at Lindsay,
wham they t.mdaad for loot years.
aid them masoverd to Oodericb, where
they oosalaod to reside astll a mopes
of smooths ego wham they mama to
maks their home la Lean
whore their truly child, Mem, V.'S:
Cos, resides. The oebbratioa -Itrlrn-
gsy SVasbR was a the form of a
happy family roaalos at which a de-
lightful wppw was served. 11.1..$1ve
hoard being s.nouaded by Mr. and
Mrs. Dowoleg, Mr. and Mr.. W D. Cox
..d family ..d Mr and Mrs. Is. W.
Cos ..d family.. The oecssioi'ras re-
miniscent of �P7 Issidsuts of jhe
pest, with as at of �t M
He sad Mrs. w M
many y yet to enjoy life to
tbsir mew boors.
The following from The L.amingtos
Pot of Met week will be read with in-
terest lay the ataxy Meads of Mr. sad
Mrs. E. Dowsing in Oodericb. their
old home tows, and there will be
many cordial wishes here for their
continued health and beetroot,'
There was a happy function at the
horn..of Nr. and Mrs E. Downiig.
Elliott street. of Thursday evening last,
when, having completag fifty years
of married Mise, they eeletwatrd their
golden wedding. Mr. and Mre. Down-
ing were, both Win and grew to man -
Tire . New Transcontinental
1..n. t...t. sty. T. a N. 0. Ry . C..a.d Tr..k As 5y.rle 1
We tat► Des, C..h.lt
Aaron how Ortane.
Spi.aid R..d.l
L. Tor... 1
Hardt bey
•' tech..**
M. R'iamp.g ,
.ad ( mamas. Thr -..b t0. 5..s.r H.pbl.d. el 0...i..
Besse or Basemen... Msrwel.. Foot Lasspe eas-
Coswee.a:; 1 weds,. July 13.
014 p.n T... TVs 5ad L.. I'.a.iseg Ate p w. dal.
7.14 ea. Wed Fn. S... A1, R.... 501•.. ..
1.44 p n Una Fn. S... 5ede.eoe 1 )d • en •'
r 50 p..o Tt.. 5.t. !.:w. ' Ldlew.... 10130p in. -
q TMeO.i. Brie.,, �. tem -C.rsdir Rat 1..s at
ther host" a. Pri**. ttwest. V.►e.. M....
% torr... Srtd. 4 1J.ttsre 6gk..d
j ...rkw. isi t- ,..nn o. a diw� i.-
4 Tont ,.bl... tl.em..g
re. I..,.eries Mee, ... Cr..d T,.al, C•. Cwt or
T • N. 0. Its Apron. .. epakcat.w.
Mhe Rdwta.e. d . W Wetr, la here Mr tem
.o.smsr ,e.. 5..
Mr. James 5b.t•ir, el TMests. r WtM b ieres
la tow • tar sem.
Ile. J. W. Dyer. of dtrat4.14, vl.1tmd telaes
la tear es Manlike.
MM. (label IIdW.r 11 eParaU01 her vola
Oda witbC1. hes.. at Auburn.
hire Lao Mitchell. d 4owthom0t... M roe
i.m,IlL tee Ulmer. /a•i•fd.
Mr. C L. Coultas visaed W pontetal Atm
at teto5tw•Ter 1)5mt5100 bay.
MW Catharie Ilan le bows Isom Mounts
balm tar as senses r va*•tn..
Lir. W. T. Miller I. away on . belU•y trip le
Ihmeit. Crashed rood Knee Mts.
Mr. and Mn. Chao. Mar and family. el Loa -
era. WINO u soave tar tea baud ►y.
/1Lode1 : keatre
Begincing Monday. July 12. Her Serene Highness the
Princess Hassan will appear in six productions dealing with
her Egyptian experience in the harem of Prince Ihraham
Hassan. in
"Under the Crescent"
or "Revelations of an Egyptian Harem.' .
One production each week for 6 weeks, 2 reels each week.
in the following subjects
"The hiirple Iris" "For the Homer if ay %-/_.ae" - "The
Cage of the G.Nea liars" "la Name .1 a n
"SWaws a the Pyramids" . "Tee Crows of Death"
Tuesday and Wednesday, July 13 and 14
Mrs.WigpoftheCabbage Pte"
prod foam r itself, as it is dof Mrs. Rice's
-blown stories.
just a few new stars on the Universal Programme are :
B1ao h Webb. Henry E. Dixey, Florence Reed. Frank
n, Lawrence D'Oraay, . Wilton Lackaye. Helen Ware.
Not C. Goodwin. Julia Dean, Chao. E. Beans, Ward and
Votes. Marie Cahill, Emmet Corrigan, Herbs Kelsey.
Tile h.soon, Walter Belascb, Lydia Vecnlaas Titas, and
the I• versatiiF ivy. Rupert Julian.
We change our programme every night, beaded with a
feature with some of these Mars iu the leading roles.
Every 1Lnday-the ifla+� serial
"The Master Key"
Mee 1411tl Yeses Md tit. weak to tied lar
iter. Mr. J. Y. Ansel. at .utile. h. Y.
Mlle roan Yarrow Me lett w • ►dldas trip
s she Wait .ad will be away aU .aiiwr.
Mr. reed Mer. airsela die s .aa Melly bate
taken se thew ,e.basc. Sere tar the .e••e..
Mr. a5Jasle /IWt0wPS and +es Jobs. of
H..agtos. r t.ttd sews, .s Ns row. I.at week.
Mr. A- H. Ca.bn.e and Mr. Meek. ee Water
lee. eights en t.5.ene* thea.e ear day Ire
Mr. J. Meledee. d Thorne, was • seed et
the lama d Ms..rd Ms. Was. Mat10nda taw
hint. Phili.. of arasttesd. seem • tee ems
loo tows. tee greet et bot esoar Mr.. ttoh.tt
Mr.. IL W. Meld; it tt..a .. be. 0. .
. with
lernet utile daughter.
A: borrow. - ..
Mr. Campbell set da.eltenes
. of Terte.
he.. take* Jar. A.• M. Pets r • ,.. ide.ce ter
tee wiener.
Mn. Remeil 11ee and children. -d Detroit.
ere imams • tee w..14. Wilk Jur.. Patr1. k
ItlY..r tolls.
]lie. O. !MOO. the Miami W.Ikb.L•w and
Mew Mire Ifargua.i..1 1 union. .ram. lee i.1
so Jahr le tour
W. WHAM iItk MR la 1 week to *nit
her .w. Mr uta aayt0. 1.1.4 ser. tooter. Jur..
laoM.• .f fermata.
Mr. Thema. Wyt. el (uredos. with NM
.Lm and temJy. omit a haw ay- ,n On old
Yews tows tan peat wise.
We met to Mars that Mr. Jleeph McClos-
key no se tate. cera nes. 414 t.,u.1 1.. Dear room
of at. re.torrttoe to Narita•
Mr. A. Neel. of 005150. sal Mr. A. Hardy.
Id/ kis, a'Mr.. 0 tl'�.+'� tall L1rmw
Mar Y nein, : M.adoa+ld ret 'wised to W-
11lem ON. wenn der . too.. wee*. Tadashi" et
ler Nerve us Llganaoare .1,111.
• Men. J. J. (lelewee and ellMteo re awe
se a troy on Logo or thiel week.
et Inseam. N rox.ter a.d fieri te.
Mr. A. Hi.lep. of btuaRs.. war smog Use
IAmtawn tar swims Su Lobo sag "Waist
oda the cnwd K the Air... ottani Park.
Ur. A. T. ttmm-r.e• era. at Toronto but
weei attending • moieties i.4 the tlna1w
MI.1•-at t.•wma. et w est. • be M a member.
Mt.. Hy0Mpasd Mr.. D. M. Hem. and. oho
Loa... et H.a.'tee. are .imam the rats•.
. fetor. Mr- rel H. Moron. NeWgate.tr.at. o..
Mr. M...1. COMM' •md daughter. of Sebes
gstiMM,, Mol rent, Mr. Ana Mta Thermo '. 1.05 MA.•
- 11.11. •
Mr. Jsrep% 0. Mere. of Cleo. • le
riAJsg at 1011o.e of Mr. C. L. ]fear.. sr.
story resrs.eeta n rt. lass lira is the State
of t►eio.
Mr. helm. Porter and daughter. Harriet
lett no sdo ,of
esta. ]a e
Lib wer ' 1� Mr. to J wdet,1'totl t
NIS. d Mma11nd. Moos
The Room of Qsafili aid Roe
Atrmeit. showing median bat
the highest -am esotbs pic-
tures. Dewm.tle. Commie and
Western --mw to Neese the
most fastidious.
A esmpleta (ha•ge Tarilda7.
Thursday, Friday sad Saturday
of each week. Fleet -elan manic
each night and also Tridsy sight
of each week the greatest of
mystery serials
"The Exploits of Elaine'/
in 15 episodes. The 'oast elcit-
ingserial ever seremn.d.
Admission: 10c and Sc
Patrons of this theatre are al-
ways assured of a reamed sad
edoe.ting programme. the him
of the msoagement befog Q•ral
ity, Comfort apd Courtesy.
When of other .bgwe you've
hadour All.
If they toot exactly fill the bill.
Now do not show a nasty spirit.
Till you've stout an .vemag at
the Lyric.
with its SOW rod-
bsd, little curvature and so setkemble
grwdtests. all oostribstigg to the great-
est elegies of comfort by day or sight.
It traverse, a eouatry d wesdeered
possible it tee is which teen of Omegas&
of s.td4see will cane met their Immune
is the lotnee.
The region between) Cedfraa. and
Washes" is etre po.msssisg great, .t-
tradloa. for the epsrtemwm as well se
the settler, for hero are ats.ted seem
of the Asset anllag waters on the con
ti.ont, while big game ahosmM is tem
ftmvete. Than is .s seerC6..Rlag
mamas* of beast'. Great rivers,
Ionise north sad loath. hove their
goatee a this height of and. and hero
the ladies. unspoiled by civiliasUss,
still makes hie home. It is lodged vir-
eterritory, foe uta .mtwrwl Mecham,
mot yet been marred by Are or the
odors marries the Premium et
Ma.ltoba thettrraaii. rose thtosgh the
famous Nibigaei leas•tey of lakes)
her 1 1' s 5
ada' m.gm i�
deliver an address in Kew.: chorea 1m
conetioo with the wmsrer school
roareon "The Jew .ad the War."
No am should miss it.
In Kamthumb nest tbmelay will
b.. day long to he yeaasbered. At
the morning service tarms
new ers
bill be dedicated to the worship of tied
by ..revive co.dneted by Rev. Abl-
aut/erridcMillan. In Lb. eyesores Rev.
'ten: E. Roes will h e assisted by Rev.
J. A. Donnell. M. A.. one of the lec-
turers at the summer school. Al both
retrieve IN. nue new orgaa will be
beard for the Ant time in public wor-
ship. A liberal oderittg for Emoan
fend will be received at both cervices
No doubt the large auditorium of
Knox church will be toned to its
utmost by the atteodancc both morn-
ing and. evening.
M users. It if Mel'math and E. W. Peet". d
Taranto. were no taw* over - Demmer* leek,
)1r.. MO':rosin and little /smelter are sorsa-
t.g tie .nmmer In town-
)tr. J. C.:5tmrbere. who teaches at Tomo*
i• kolidaytng at hi. hose 11..% 1tield sad .peat
11em abs bay la liod.rii. ..nlmipwied A7
M r. J. R. Paterson. of Tcra.to.
K1o. *Mine He, ie... Mr. ffind M. Hilton
,. resider aro .peading the header In lioderieh.
Mr. P IL Deet and two sew an vMit-
tog 1a',trearor.l and Golorteb.
Mrs rdwa,d W. Hyde and tittle grandson
Mister id. lel. Hyde arrive.) on )ianday froml-
Masltt.a..r,4 are tee oven. ret the lady'. at
ter. >tn Jtet'arr•a, Pimentos toad.
Mir Vienne* Howler. who for mane noses.
ha. barn at the re.leeace of Mn. 0. Newel.
Kent.treet. lett nu Tetchy to Pan her mother
rise mLo
sister. et a:rd. Lashing. her old hone. •
Mr. and Mn Bell sod handy. e1Clinton.
wen rtwt0re a July l.1 at the re-idea.e of
the laser. brother. Mr. floosie ben. Mi..
Hen te.rbed wdl her uncle .ver the holiday.
Ilk- Lilian M..ltan seri. ed M•t week from
Calfon% where be his been entered es tee
papule .ewes' traehieg etas, and t.. MIt Lincleer
Mr. d Are. riesaeth al.I.w
Mrs. team 5 .ad Mess nurse* censers
1.taraed bat week Irma their *Nit to Wens.
iMeer. who at
.peel the mm ► som. D. C. They were amoimled ntb.ies4.
Pb at hed Rearms : M,•. E. lin et r.endine
ems et tete le 0.dertal We. J. H. Kelly.
Hollerith. hos
the hawed a .111'dedherreed ll.-:an cos late stored! N
M -a. Tbeeme obs bee ranted to Detroit
atter .05..100 two weeks with M,.. Petrick
rocs. eel teeter Oke wee see.sp..fsd by Mr.
Deasy /Ls. wle hat .e*a,eel . maws .t
Wu SA. of Wawa. atoms Nes the soot
dweekn.RN(t mR. w Moonndaay fur rx n1 . pad 11ng as
1 the c. -'. ft. ir M5tammes es July Mb from
Mont red.W
Mr. Chea. illymem5.. retsrdol (Jos a
1 p'eaae..4C 5(31ame0wenn
trey at
0. W. Khmer. of ■.ateee4. ohm Yew vigil.
wit -
Me .t beyasia.Mr tvia. .k y et Cheriettt _
Carolina. M rachises est tither. Mr. Mem\
Mew.M. .0.., ndon. He be rims enteral ma. dierdy mmen�.d
where be w11 male meows u /1Mtiwal
Mr. hags. Manor. Wool meet. len ba
wont to vitt her eseghter. Mn Pennon. at
ar.g ate. Mora. Mlm0..ia.d sow. a.anmpssid
es IM IMP bhe, 4.5(15.. Mn. wafts
• 0.05 nase{ss•g tatters
� s eaAenmO. )leo AdOp..
▪ smoor
Sormi McLses sod two /plane.
mania sae Ramovo. I.tt the. weak p. •0et*
t aro at m terdldaogtayy. ryafter a ppli at *154:Caress e 1
lora Ilefre.s . leks0ale me. sod
with � 1.bett1.•.
Mr Soar Qswltes, d aeaas.ew. N. T.. le
mime, stes.Out .• 1., presets, Mr. andIle► A)I*. Dlwlt.a Mtn e�udt�em le •• indeed
M espy�Mee •.ya witdak
h tem
ism Mr Le
Tnoroao*T, JOLT K lath n
MA uta the cheques •r cash
you mates. with your Pass -
took whirl! ve wa ratan)
the Deposit credited. Theo you can pay your bat by cheques.
Ire • trilltrillmor, huor 11 you want the cult yourself. send use a
cheque b yam own favor and v. ,111 loivard the mosey by •ebss
souk lel
Drop a and laic to the Maroapr abouts tt
Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
region. a.0t o .a
"'"`b°114".""1"."'"'"" heal -The Sigebal's Job Departtaest Turas Out Only the Highest
Eget traetsd
•'l1. N•lional" leave*
reg at of p.m Class of Work oa All Orders -A Trial Will Consists You.
at 5.15 p. m., w ving
ockrw .t /.lel µm. writ •
Toeomt.o.ightaw boon Inln,-arrival I - ,. - -- - IC the the Quern 17it y being timed .t IL i1,
At Winnipeg the firmed Trunk Pac-
iAe 1i.e. •Rood splendid connections
for all important points in Western
Canada, the Pacific coast, nada Ms,
etc., sod also ftrrwrh a ..w short
route to Alaska sod the Yukon. tab
verging tiee 1of*co is Rockies .� the Old Stand
other marvels of *conic brews.
The hog of ibis new roots "sakes
aro epoch ion the history of Canada, •r •
the new service will provide ,tfor last
through travel from Halite' to Plaice
Rupert, Vancouver, Victoria arra
other Pacific Coast cities. via an all -
Canadian route. the Canadian liovers-
meat Railways Ilntercolonial Rail•
way) in eh* Rat connecting with the
Brand 'freak Railway System in •
Cars' Station (Bo turej, Mon-
treal, theses T.miekamisg and North-
ern Ontario. Tranecostinestal Rail-
way and liranwl Trunk Pacific, roe -
meeting is the 110ioa Statism at Win-
nipeg. and forming • continuos. band
of steel from ocean to ocean.
Poblicatioos pertaisiug to this new
route with Deena to ocean sap may
be procured from all praeipal ticket
agents *ad passenger representatives
et the C*sadien lio.erweent Railway
sad Or•.d Trask System.
A New Stock in
Del rest sherries sew White. Mitek. 140*
Hour. all Millwork Pentarula grows me aid,
neat phoniest The Red Peer M tem- taw
eaeelbwee for wean, Mat. Hate emir get►
eco mean your made at sate. ltaspberries
WO" to arrive meat week.
The Society wishes to thank the fol-
lowing contributor, : Mrs. 3.Mat h.
three pair. socks : Mre. W. E. Kelly,
Mro. A. A. Williams. Mrv. F. Jordon.
Miss Andrew.. 2 pain mocks each
]Its. Aitken. or., Min Marjory Aitken,
Mies Dark, Mrs. A. Elliott. Miss Bur-
ette. Mrs W. .1. MONiveo, Mrs. B.
Stokes. Mn. 0. C. Whitely; Mrs. Can- 1
(iAe, Jura tiwafield. Mr.. Kammer -
sr.. Mtg. Surnruervilk, jr., Miss
1:lady. Field. 1 pair socks each.
The lboderirh Red Cress Society a--
kl,owlydgee with thanks the following
donation.: Mrs. Gledhill. 10 yards of
cotton for bandages ; Mrs. Pellow, 4
pillowcases: Miss Annie McKay. ''
pillowcssew ; Mrs. and Mies Pembina'''.
52 bandages1444 moutltwipes. 131 fats
ctot he : Mapie leaf Chapter, 2:) hand-
agis : The Women's Institute iDun-
gan0o0). $16 worth of eottos • Victoria
street church, 134 face clothe. 15b7
mouthwipea. I:L' bandkrtcbiefs, '240
1alndages; Mr.. Hick, Mrs. S. Ander-
son. Miss Robertson, Mies W.i.bing-
ton, 4e) tpoutbwipee. linen and aieet..
The thank. of the Society are ex-
tended to all those who kindly sup-
plied old linen. ..
A bale was sent to Toronto this
week valued at .bout $150.
The. following su bee ri places ere
gratefully acknowledge Rise Kerr.
12 ; Knox church Suuday scb'rol, filo
(per Mr Leckie).
Arrangements are being made for a
lam shower" to be held at an early
deft. Those doing up fruit at the
present time will kindly bear this in
The store known as the Maple Leaf Grocery,'Ham-
ilton street, will be re-oPened on Saturday, July 17,
with an entire new stock of
it will pay you to examine my goods and prices, as
1 havt decided to sell on a strictly cash basis, and
goods will be priced to satisfy the cash buyer.
Hamilton Street
Goderieb, Oat.
ton creams season is here. We ran
supply sou with any quantity. We
will deliver it at any time. EDWA Roo.
Phone 330.
Aesamcement of New Pasmager Rents
to Bo Opened os July kph.
mew rte
IN(Mse»tlwaA. C3. W. ltwe1e
we regret es mg. Ms
eYrglwrr- .sw.R the pact week but is ague*
topert14 ..0 Im/ d molest ye years slab
00 al M
An important railway announce-
ment le made this week The Domin-
ion le to have a new semi :Ye between
Evetern and Western Canada.
Fast passenger service is to be in-
angurat d fon July 13th between Tor-
onto and Winnipeg over the Canadian
I:rive ronset t Railway Itbe Trae•000-
tinentall. the Grand Trunk espies,
and the Tem' skimming and Northern
Oneself, Railway
Them three railway are combining
to "make this "row serele., ret. superior
elms in every reepeet. " his National"
is the appro'riate imam which bee
been chosen for the peritacipwl train en
both ita east and west -honed jourseyr.
This trio will leave Toronto each
Tuesday, Tburu lay and Saturday. sad
Winnipeg on each Suadsy. Tnssdar
mad T6lawdsy, its repayment .omiet-
iieg of colani.1 sleeping ears. eleetrie-
ligbt•d Mt -else coaches, tons St sad
atandmri sleeping cars and Maung ear.
which will be operated thrombi with-
out c
The mi by this w mote he.
tweet T to and le 127
ales• •tel ''The flattener will .!}0•
• fast room. reeerlog '0. dtssainml t
fort y -two boors. W eetbeowd
Mire.Nave ave Termite at 10.46 p1. s..
ever the Orand Trunk
lime are at Mirth Say at 7.0) .'alnek
seat morning. A splwelid daylight
rims is then meds neer the Teab kam-
1K and Northam OM.rim Rahway.
tM+� the e.Me bo.stl.a d Tim-
e1Pbsand the atmaetisg Oeb.lt AM-
parch Is ra.drd at 4.2 p.m. mod
' Th. s.N...r there amine its j.w
T e W1am.s s Galli of et. (ilesegmn'.
*web Weeds bewleg. phrase party
en the rester, grana. es Thursday.
Aussie Mb. Mh.r p arde cam. Maar.
ll.mssv.w trlwy Ziedeg Rem.
• RAW. w eased rosy ever th1{ met. lies •t oeroats. e
Offer Tremendous Price Concessions To You!
Wanted 300 Men
To wear the Hartt Shoes and many
other best makes we carry.`
26 pairs Men's Gunmetal Bal.. slip sole.
English last. sues rs to 10. Regular price
46.IMI. Slaughter Sale Price $4.4$.
Wanted 300 Women
To wear the Vassar, Lady Elgin,
Cleo and other good makes.
1 ".6 pairs of Lathes' l :nnmctai, Vici ititl -with
Fatent tire'•. and Patent Leatlter. hoes. Regular
l.ri•t $1.5111 anti 15. Slaughter Sale Price 1:1.1;9.
taffies' •an.l Mists' black
and tan Oxfords. ranging
from 11.75 to I:1.00 i*•r
pair,. on Slaughter Sak at
per pair 95c.
and misses black anti tan
Oxfords. regular 13 :.0, 14
and 14.50; at Half Price.
Men's gunmetal. patent
and tan Oxfords, regular
15.00, Slaughter Sak per
pair I:.69 .
Black anil brown canvas
Pumps. regular sc-11s,ig
price 11.514, Slaughter
Price per Bair 14:k.
iadjes' white cant'.*-
Pumps. regular 11.'2:.,$1 :41
11.75, Slaughter Sale Price
per pair 91•c to 11.39.
White canvas Oxfords anal
high Shoes at greatly re -
three(' prices. Ask to .'4e
Men's white canvas high
Shoes, 7. 7i, 14. h{, regular
$2 50. On sale 11.9s.
See our ligN showing 4)1
toadies' patent anti gun-
metal 'Pumas, all styles.
Slaughter Sale l'rice. 0
per cent. Ili -count off regu-
lar prices.
Sea Shore Running Shties,
sizes 9 to 1:1 anti' 1 to :r.
Slaughter Sale }nice. per
pair i',k---- -- -
White Waders for bathing,
regular :15c. Slaughter Sak
per pair. 2:,c.
The prices at which we have marked various items ARE LiTTLE MORE
THAN WE PAiD-practically less than the cost of making. You will never
be able to buy quality shoes at prices equal to these again. Every day is a gala
day for those seeking to make a small purse purchase a handsome pair of shoes.
We have also put on sale may lines of Women's, Boys', Youth's and Children's
and Men's Shoes which will be sold at prices ranging from
79c, $1.10, $1.19, $1:39, $2.39, $2.48 and $3.69 per pair
These lines are exceptionally good values.
Remember his entire stock must be sold (;)pt, so come in
flow ---Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
Walters & Company
Sueessoers to John H. McClinton
East Side
Swore Deal