HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-7-8, Page 3THS SIGNAL : GODERICH : ONTARIO 1tivaimay. JRLY 11. a THE OMIEINAL ANI ONLY ENGINE RIWA$>Z OV IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MIIBITS Ob DNAIVS UNBENT tO O KBI N DIN U MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bowed er repaired. )LD LIIITNIU."6Ui ea LRATHZB GOODS arra rem sty. mea k"a"ete a bbawhee �. S. TAYLOR. eta*T.Om0. MEDICAL frit. OII I. HMILEMAN N. 08TE- PATY .eseislin le wees.r: esti eW Ws diaries *raw mhfseie e,/ earns= dew ass e7R W. sae MA threat. penal dial - et. leedede sad reemestee es....l Mrs Ade. rw see 1 snag.. (1w %rue. velem et ideate. ,mer %. 1 ..n ...d . erdnw i term £► atalbame alba Marko*, udeeedere 1 ads 0B7.:.ay amoeba b seeehem•a- ll . V..1. R. YOIWTER-RYB. BAR. ti d Ami.. Sm. Ne ee l hi I� [mak des $Aar tied `Mead i Xismbed. geedeed. Oleos /I til Mused *. K. CCl w& M s. tama. Ste eRea" 7eeSrws. Teeahme- Aucnofns, 11031A8 BUNDRT AUCT1UNsgs: yon ai�eicce will b. cuu leetasetlem b 7mai . See to Imeddeeoe teleseees lir. LEGAL tt. HAYS LARalsTaa. eOUC K)R. 9.O'1'ARY Pelmre-amrtteg Bask sock. Bemgms 8100. mesa Twepeeee is tel Nausea Leer cad lawraeee. !ROUDllxyl', lIL.LORA.N t PROs: UFWT htielelluRS. 7cotAH1Ds PORLIC. SIC. NO estt ar!e!w sal deer trees Hat woree lode nomad to rola- meet krweet motes teneaeoor. [ C. J. L. lemmas W. P.ocarvotr. Ja. • O. O .NRSON. L rC...�lBLBRI lima rise.. a toed 4 ' e s At Muse Tunas, b ser. me. like Mem a ea. reel p.m •ULM GAItkWW, LLB.. IisAK- 1= emerges. M. me, OM. 1311eeee-eetree end ea limed mutes SLABS&. BA HIPITBR. SOL- Mae. OLMae. Iles. Peelle .ad Cam -lomat Meese. O.dr4r►. �l. 1MfI1RAMCZ, LOAM$. RTC. LA(141 PRIVATS FUNDS TO /ways" lase. Amity • H. a CAM- 'g.- Heesdese sweat. eMoli 5. MOBRRTOON. uNt IAJICI &omrr. as mumu e t guar e. I'-eedlee ad a:rytiellunsem atm Oir Lunn. ,...neaoroin lemes re :Tee 11.1l sem awl Mas R IMSy keeeeesten em esse. ?bees De ILLOP MUTUAL FIRM 11Y - Tiffin DEGREE TERRORS .TRIFY GERMAN CRANK The Weeded Aaaessle M J. P. Mew Iia Says Marilee lBermes ooled ea Oleo Slav aa Oleo Cove. N.T.. July F -leash Hail, the Maser Corwil Udverslty :astrse- ter, who attempted to assassinate J. P. Merges at Eastlate. Long island, Mr. Merpa's summer bone sear here S aturday, has confessed that he was the man who set the bomb which =plated la the Ualtd Stara Cap.tot at Waa'lagtan last Ptrlday sight. Holt admitted tbmt•be attended to seek os: Presiding Wilmot at Cornish, N.H., alter shooting Mr. Noreen. )tr. Mor- ita is reedits easily. no vital ores% being sleeted as a result of th? thoot• lag. Holt was locked up la the G'en Cove Hall, and issued a statement swrttng teat M was impelled to go to Mr. Morgan to persuade Is ea to stop the aklpment of munitions cf war from this ce,untry abroad. Leder the persaiston of the thirst degree Ho t talked freely of his bombde signing QwUdesttoe�. R•Ithout seen per• suasion be had evenly admitted tarsier la the day that he had gone to the Morgan home with the intent:on of remalalag there till Mr. Morgan did asaething to end the litaropeaa ear. What ;we wasted Mr. ':organ to d.) ares to preterit the farther shlpmeut aimed of American-made munitions war. The man who enfolded this nu - mai story of bo:: b-placingg and at- tempted asaaaslnatlon talked coolly and with dr.mage fnakaess. ft. b as American citizen notice born, stout thirty -dee years of age. He bad be. a student at Cornell and records shoe k tseght German. Tried to Wreck Capitol Holt told pis story to a cell of 'the Glen Cori jail As the day wore on be weakesed. The quantity of Wood be had lost from a terrtlle blew on Hu bead was greet, a:.d the strain told oe htct during the afternoon. Maas night came and with Lis coc- teNlon of rte Wsablagtoa outrage. Holt was a wreck. He huddled bac . sad was apparently comatose. Be: the detectives refused to let him resr. and used every mans to get the the prisoner to tell his .tt.ry. Atte two hours Halt replied wearily to tie. questions they asked. Holt said h entered the Capitol and' strolled around through the corridors wither. meeting a 7olicemin. lie spent Rai: as hour 1a the building. arranging the bomb. "1 didn't want to hurt an) body," he said. -I just wanted t. tall the attention of the nation to the terrible murders being •:om:..+ted t' Europe. And 1 didn't w,•.t to dam- age the Oarttel any mc.,t than was necessary." After,, placlt:ti the bomb Stolt went W his room and wrote le:- ters to the aew.paper and to the President to -explain why he bad set the bomb." .eermlk P.0: y . Iso- v P. P. 0.• m Yen,. area 71w . �_�1 ; Jobe •rmieWe dei t Jeesse meow. sed• Behcet : lis eleeles L �Alu. meal.eek. feller seers% saes sad nes Omsk nerds at ▪ % Okada, Mret.mulaseems a eeeeser. gmitam smear. eemmsea WR1ABf 1JC» rsici S. LLY L oU&?. J.P.. SI er MAJUDAdlI 1.11=1111111. !'magna Seamier red. S. BABCOCK, U.l►.d 11•01 Peenet.At V . T- ..Il..t.d r ler.st ..Ila sewed weed i Mamie in potent swam. Pia - demi 1w all eatrakritm. Ile St. artist. wwred- was der tm/ues_M_. ilinOWIWWWWDOWWWWIMOWee ophey Bros. ROOOID> i1$ Wang Nord alsci$ts lad 8■Mi sr, 1 1wgm► - w ass. .. BATH MB" VERDICT Murderer Sentence 10 Mang -Still Protests Hie Ineeomnee Loudon. July 6-A verdict el sante was brought In by the jury tett week 1• the ease of George Joseph Smith. charged with the murder of three of Ma wives. It had been alleged by the Crown that Smith bad kiUd his wires while they were in their baths and bad eoillctd insurance mosey on theft. Items. Smith was ',steered to death. While Justice Smitten was elemmlag un the ease. the prisoner ex- claimed: `You cannot hang me for murder: I've dose .o murder. This Is a dirges(' to a Christian coo■try.'. After Justice Stratton concluded his summing ■, it took the jury just tweaty-two minutes to Sad s verdict cf sulky against Smith. Asked If he had anytbf:g to say before sentence was passed. the prisoner. who seemed du• d at the verdict. lock a full half culotte before showing that be vs&;s- ed the purport of the gazettes. "I can only say 1 am sot wilily,- ha faal:y .oral. Independence Day Passes Quietly Leaden. July 4 -Very little eery- mony marked the celebmtioa b7 Americana in Ludoe of the one hun- dred and tblrty-dnth anniversary of American Independence. Ambassador and Mew. Page received Informally but there was no mach "crash" at the ambassadorial reskietce as has mark - rd the tweet in rsceot years when entertatl *g was done co a large scale and Ragland was full of Aaaiesa tour iia. Canada at P.acs Ceseteeary Bellingham. Wash-. July 0 -Repro imitative* of four nations and the Pulite coast States participated 1. a celebrities re the Candia.-Ameeleaa boundary line sear Blaine yesterday of the 100 years of peace betimes Great Brkale sad the Uatt1 States The matinee repreareted at the err. modes were: Oreat BMWs. Caased& the Uelto, States. Japes sad Swatter 1..t 11 Have beautiful window deooratioos Nothing gives so much pleasure as a wel decanted window. Your widows will of your neighbors if MCI �.tsuE Rat Rod -hr meanm wad ole+erdse CmfemmMed met els acs or tarnish These is a Kirsch Flat Rod In a color to match your woodwork or draperies. Every rod commis a written gueinnes dm it wall nae tog or mai We ea easy ee $am w ate_ eMas wieder with the kliera6 Plat Rad Lome in and ken them GEO. HOHMF.IER Switzerland imam, N%utrataty Paris. July 6-'7'he Poderal Comet of swltserta.d decrees six emathe 1. Woos or a ass of 6,060 frame, or bath. for anytime who was' -tis. b speech. by wrttkrg er by Uleatratk t. exposes to hatred or asmtemPt a b#.lg• matte. Its ruler se its Ger wasent There ars lesser lot serer penalties fee anyaae SSIBag er air eslatiag absetve pubBsatfws. A South Afet.a bait Jelaaneebvs, July 4 - 05015.1 Jan Christian Smuts, Mtadgter .1 hs toter. Mass ad Defame of the Mies of forth Africa. bee a.a mored that the fertb Ablaut Oeraawl his Wowed to a se a esetgapel of veberne.re for serwteo 1a Savoys sad sloe a Owes of heavy arefhrr. les 1n espoatlag a retie Sam ibe her portal Qere.waR Seaso nable Footwear.' WE feel the very least we can do for you *ben you come into Ibis store is to give yon Shoes or Robbers that will be absolntely com- fortable and will wear to your e. tielact ie n We want you to realize that your well - fate isour. .first eonsideration Our prices are most reason able. REPAIRING Geo. MacVicar North side of Square Ooderich A Danish ewrggma W d6wrared Y e ornate for the Dermas gam W. P. oarlsere meigmi es r the mom Wf O._.mmb ins bee aamsph* Oil Stoves! We handle the New Per- fection and Quick Meal Oil Stoves. • And have also two De- troit Vapor Stoves, prac- tically as good as new• to be sold at about Hall Price M. ..' W. R. PINDER Phos. 131 Haatltoo Street rAItCE DORS TerswMo Cattle Market RUT* chow steers.. ..111.26 to 5* 1+ Buteher steers, meed.... 1.60 0.25 40..m .. 7.36 7 . g.5 da 7 00 7.26 Heifers. good to choice. 7.60 7.6s i da odium 7.00 7.25: Butcher cows. choke_ 6 60 7.31 da good 1.60 0.00 da common 4.60 0.76 Hatcher bulls. choke6.75 7.60 ' do good balls 6.20 6.30 da medium .. 6.75 6.00 do. rural bologna4.60 4.76' Feeders. 100 to 1,000 Ib7.00 7.25 do.bu!�p 6.10 6.00 Stockers. 7b0 to 100 lbs. 7.00 7.2;1 da reed.. 160 to 750 6.25 6.60 do. light, 600 to 610 1.25 6.50 Canners 3.75 4.50 Cutters 4.60 6.00 Milkers. choice. each60.00 20.001 Springer, .. . '3 00 41.30 ! Calves. veal. choice 9.00 9.76 do. medium 7.03 1.04 do. common 5.60 6.00 Lambs. yearlings 7.00 1.001 Culled lambs ' 7.00 2.01 ! Buck lambs 5. W 6.75 i Ewes, light 6.60 1.50) Sheep, heavy and bucks 2.10 04.10 Hogs, weigh, d oft cars. 4.25 .'....i do. fed :.ad wet- red. 9..00 da f.o.b 2.65 ,.. Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale prices to the trade:- TIP - Special ((artona) .... .24 to .26 Fatras (selects) .23 .24 No. 1 (new laid) .21 .21 No. 2 .19 .13 Cbeeee-New. large. 14 ; do. twins.. 15%c; old. large, 22c; do. tw.as 22%e. Butter - Creamery prints, fresh.27 .23 Creamery solids .26 .21 Dairy prints .21 .23 Bakers' .19. .21 Hooey -Buckwheat. 7%c a pound. la tins; 7c to 7%c in barrel"; strained clover honey. 12%e; 14e in 1 -lb. tins; comb Morey, Na 1. 13 per dozen; Na 2. 12.40 per down. Poultry Leve Old fowl, Ib .. 11c 12c Spring broilers ... Old turkeys... lic 20c Turkeys ...... ... ... Ducks Dressed 14c ]ie' 17e 20c' 23e 25e 17c 180 Toronto !Grain Prices Manitoba flour quotations at Tor- onto are: First patents, 17.10 In cot- ton; second patents. 16.50 in jute; strong bakers. 14.30 in Jute. ! Ontario oats --No. 2 white, 56c to 68e; No. 3. 56c to 57c. I Buckwheat -74e. Bran -Manitoba. 226 In hags. Tor ' onto. and shorts. 128. Toronto; mid Idling'. $29. Rolled oats -P.40. to 82.50 per batt Barley-Ottsrio No. 3, 70c to 72c nominal, outside; teed barley. 64e. Manitoba wheat -Bay ports -No. 1 northern. $1.362; No. 2, 11.334; No 3. 11.304. track lake ports. Corn -No. 2. S1c. cif.. Lay ports; Canadian.. No. 2, 79e. Ontario four -$4.70, seaboard. Peas -No. 2. nom'nal. Rye -No. 2. 11.05 to 21.10. Canada Y: stern eats- o. 3 at lea) ports. tae. entailed wheat -No. 2 white, 11.12 to to 51.14. outside. "A Man's Ability Is His Passport" - FRANK WEAVER tfrwAkser of .t.mic sod Vole* meee0M:.ti Tamar Via Craw. sed Mete Swoon 10enrem, OmrAn* Swat C.ned. Iliewear..e w losoonosoort Poo toms as inhrmatien nail • rowans moos woos NEW6ATE STREET LIVERY Suing Pesdamd lb* Beery, beeiaese of Wee. Num. 1 am improving Ore egeipenet aid in- trad to provide Oood Horses Prompt Service and tip -to -date Rigs AS cedars will lissive prompt mei saeefd el- ided's,. Tmaratiora No. 1M ger a good teraowL H. Q. STOWE East Buffalo Cattle Cattle-Recelpta, 4,000 head; ac- tive and 15e to 26e higher: prime suers. 38.10 to 110; shipping. 22.75 to $9.50; butchers. 17.50 to 89.26: heifers 14.10 to 15 76: cows, 13.75 to 57.25; belie. 16 to 67.25. Veath -Receipts. 1.4e0 head; active and steady: 14.50 to 111. Hogs -Receipts. 15,000 bead; ac- tive; heavy. 18 to 11.10; retied. *1.15 to 5820; ycrkers, 85.15 to 81.25; pigs, $1.25: roughs. 66.60 to 10.76; stags, 85 to 15.76. Sheep , rd Nobe -Receipts, 2,410 head: aet1.-e: Iambs. 87 to $t0.7:; yearlings, 55 to 82.50; wetberle 67 e: 57.26: ewes. 13 to 66.50; sheep, mixed. PILO to 64.76. . Mileage Live Steck Cattle -Receipts. 16,000; mavtet weak; native steers. 11.70 to 59.20; western steers. 17.20 to 51.40; cows and heifers. 13.20 to 59.36; calves, 67.25 to 910.25. Hogs -Receipts. 24.000: market slow; light. 17.46 to 57.76; mixed. 17.15 to 17.70: heavy, 16.90 to 97.11; rough. 94.90 to 17: vats. 16.21 to 67.60; talk of sales. 97.20 to 17.00. Sheep -Receipts, 10.000; market stow; sheep. 66.76 to 64.66; lambs, active, 97 to 110. Meets--Waeleaala Beef. forequarters. ewt$10.76 to 111.76 do. hindquarters... 16.26 14.01) Caresses. choke 12.70 11.75 do. common 10. 11.75 Vials. commas. 7. 9.00 de. medium S. 11.00 da prime . 12. 14.00 Hera hogs 't .. 5.N 10.60 do. shop ).. 12.74 12. M Mutton, heavy 1.1 9.60 11.00 go. 111ht 12.00 14.60 Teeramt loathe 17.011 19.00 Neared Live Nook Cattle receipts. LIN; cows sprt.gees. MN; mime. 1.110 ; mad Mamba. 1.200; bogs. 2.040. Prime hooves 2'ie to 8%o per posed; sedan% 14ie to Se; easaarea. 4tee to le; eaves, be to Ile; ISMS 61ie M gibe: Won% Ku use; belga Ilk per muted. SSW May Dad 01005 1<wrtbaMe aro sow baying ea arta Tomato. at the tsSowiag irIMM haled 1041. Me. 1. 6•0•04•1‘ M. M►. 1, r 14.00 1$. Salsa straw. tar 1.05 1. e. Watch Our Special Piece -Goods Sales Reduce the High Cost of Dressing! Plain and Moored Limes Used to Advantage to a Smola Tattooed Dress McCall Pattern,. Ws:tt N-.- cote; Skirt Yo. e6.•. Ten yt tae loamy mew deur., ( r Jolt. 1'rtce, 1i «•nee exL- Thir Smart Porch Gown Showing the Quaker Collar and Bell Sleeves Is Easily Constructed at Home. Striped linen is one of the coolest and, daintiest of materials for summer wear. It is attractively- shown in this simple costume with guimpe of organdy. The skirt is full and the ixlclice is one of the new surplice designs. The organdy guimpe,' with its wide Quakes collar, is a distinctive feature ; the bell sleeves are cool and becom- ing, and the pointed girdle is a detail that saves the frock from severity-. This is a dress that is appropriate for the street, shop- ing, etc.: for general morning wear, or for the beach. Developed in one of the soft summer silks, plain, sttiped or figured, or in a silk poplin, which is an excellent wearing material, this would he a charming dress for afternoons. The gnimpe may be of organdy, linen, net or chiffon. - Developed in Summer Silk. this dress costs but $6. tS To develop this frock with 313 -inch skirt as illustrated in Summer Silk requires 6 3.4 yards of :3F. -inch material. 5 -Ps Yard of i1 -inch organdy for collar and vest and 1-2 }ard of plain :36 -inch silk for the belt 'Pattern No. 6580) which completes the costume. The shove wire ie for size 38 and includes the McCall Patterns Noe. m85- 118io&f10 and everything necee.ery for snaking. Smaller or Iarter sizes at only slightly lower or higher figures. The perfect fit and simplicity of all McCall Patterns make the very newest styjes possible to the woman of modest means. Special Values in White Voiles Another shipment of white Cotton Voiles in plain and fancy weaves just to hand. Many of these Voiles we will not manage to get again this season. Plain White Cotton Voiles, extra sheer, beauti- ful quality ..double width, at per yard, 30c, 35c, 39c and :;(k. Fancy figured Voiles in checks and stripes in the season's most' popular designs. Double width, 3.5c to 60c per yard. Black and White. Stripe Materials in voiles, organdies and batistes. Black Nash Goods are most popular. Our showingtis most up todate in narrow at 20c, 25c and 35c per yard. and white stripe and wide stripes Ladies' porous -knit umbrella drawers, lace Special values in ladies summer vests, porous - trimmed; per pair 3.5c. knit, short or no sleeves, extra quality. 25c each n ' For the Verandah Awning Stripes in best quality in green, red and fawn, extra heavy, special per yard 25c. Jap Matting for the steps, porches, churches, etc., only the best quality kept in stock, at keenest prices. Japanese Bamboo Verandah Shades in all widths to stat all verandahs. From $1.2.1 each accord- ing to size. Special values in heavy quality Mikado. Veran- dah Mats at 81.00, $1.50 to 54.50 each. McCALL'S PATTERNS ARE THE BEST Mee Si Millar's Scotch Store The Square, Goderich, Ontario Plume Si For middle-aged and elderly people the ideal laxative is et:tea:es The gentle but sure laxative Their Wort nes the Meds le peel.. moth - lag sed strengthening. With e�vnseie� m�e ne w Iemctw bowel ammarW.c awl izreitNice through we.t- ses., mature 1e a to parterre her proper ftsectis.e sed weds melstaace. Resell Orderlies W the esu etees sed rasa:_�.a�ta' fmmcttons of the Hver, stomach sed bslweb. seser- hie • pwtte action wtthowt They ere the perfect iterative for ase elderly people .ad belay es plot to tate are . toes to childres Rand •neem .. ia.. «r maser odierem. end w. ,reed yaw essa4 rler e r come ren ter m mml7. Medi 1e Gass& .ad mad 1• metal here at tee. Mc mad gee sod at Sega Slam only. Get a Rem Today ham H. C. DUNLOP, DRUGGIST GODERICH, ONT. • tr l