HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-7-1, Page 10White Terry Bath Towels, good close strong weave, good dryers. White Special '' for 25c 1• Tw..oay. Just 1. Igli W. QNAL : (ODERICH, ONTARIO Hoi Weather GOODS DOKOTHY SHOPPING BAOB- Made of sea grass, nicely limed, several vises, price 15c 091LRBIBLE WASTE PAPKR BAtliE S --A variety of coke - Hags to eelset fromk spacial irrioe` I uc and 16e. NOUMEN:IPER'8 WAXED PAPEK-21 *beets gas waged issuer, inhabit for lilting tins to prevent sticking have* Rrewltg tibl, abm line for packing lun- e!Mms, picnics. Ste-..peeial pita tit ger package. eauJler pack- ages ,.c. PAPER TO W ELLI Nei - use per eel. D�.ison . d. high•spacrepe Paper Mr doge.. 36c per b..dred. Den.how's crepe paper Tahiti Oo- vert, el a M, >6e. • De..isio.'s crepe paper Lameb Clothe, 15c. Drinking Caps, 5c per package of 5 Cups. Paper Picnic PIM... 5c per dorsa up to ".Se. Full stock of Teems Rackets, Ten- nis Balls, Croquet, etc., etc. THE GODERICH BOOK & STATIONERY CO. 1'(IRl I:R HEADQUARTERS ---_- FOR Amateur Photographers 1.4 ,u remind you that we will be glad W receive your films at Ault time to i.e &rumps/ ¥ 7111d Nur business is iners•asing,whiclt is evidence of the fact that we me giving satisfaction. We fully lrorrant,e all sir work and finials it on shortest notice, Everything for taking pictures at our drug store C. L. COLITIS, Pbe.B. THE DRUGGIST manna Bi- 1HacEwan Estate F:xdusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for (iodench and District Egg Coal, $7.25 Stove and Chestnut, $7.54 per ton BKHT GOAL. MINED Any quantic best all Maple Male. Mixed Wood. Hemlock and Kindling (Cedar or Fine.) TELEPHONES, office 91 resdence I nt or 61 IcApoi-Ntifi, _100,.4, 1`r ,ALL KODAK .1 • SUPPLIES Developing and Printing Jas.A.Campbell Cairn! Ina Sure Thom 9n Ralston* SSI J TEE 111901P1TAL AT CLS EDIMIL Efda•d l lamYblten h whish Cameos Soldiers Are Iliengkt Mad M Uriah. Toast*. Jima i,-s1ett ie t am., baspitals 1• wbige ems .ad wounded soldiers .re beteg btomb& bask to health. there ie p.rb.pe io itsodteMloa whish will appeal to �.- dense were than the Dosages of tiei- •N•ght hospital .t wh d.a, a hewti- fe1 cometry bone, ahsg the upper residbes of the Hangs. wkieb MY `ivai to the Banish Wes USIo. by Waldorf Astor. The covered trash @bort, probably the floeet i• the ooeeatry, with iia appe.dages, outb tie golf Ilnks.ad close to the fool ground. within the gorses of the woods, has tem turned into a hospital building arable of lcidieg over IW patients. This aeoomarodatiem bassinet been increased to 5011 bed.. The following interesttan dreoeip- Goo of Ileo tweet= is takes hem • Loudon paper : -Whet iretween w dowers of the building aad the Cooed*. Red them Society. this bo.pital es • model. The great asigbt of the bonding and its ft 11y�..e coot issue. Il weed. Asian ItoSdrd with light and air. The oper shag room is one of whicbbe.pi- tal might be proud. The X.ray\sone. tense small. bag received high praise. Thr Ioboratory, the medical stole., the dinafsctor ape other iso teres of {be equipment ars all of tae best thet cats be gut. •'11e whole atmosphere is cheerful. There are beds in the wards by which nes does not lower -bods where the signs of pun or of exhaustion ors woe- fully patent. For the most part .mit- tog (aeon greet one. and the wee are laughing and talking .o contentment a. they .it knitting or 'wok tug Just outside of the terrace is a row of beds. Every man *I to seam Out /prods so tunny hours of the day out here where he may waicb bis stronger fellows playing howlaor football No wooder tbat the wounded beal quickly. sad the prostrate dream and sleep them- selves tuuulhly back to.treogtb." The staff consists of twenty officers, thirty-eight nurses and 1"211 tion-coss- mis.ionei officers rich men, with many female :-oinks and servant. All this will mean * considerable outlay of money. It should be remembered that this hospital is • Canadian institution in eve, v way. it is manned by Canadian doctors anti nurses, by Canadian non- commissioned officers and wen it Hier Yes ('anadian wounded and its supported and kept up by Canadian money. It only :cumin& fur the Caaa• dian people as a whole to • give their whole -hearted financial support to this Canadian hospital where our fe'low- countrymen will 1.. brought back to health and strength RED CROSS NOTES. The Red ('cors S.uirt y a.•knowledgee with t boots the following donations: From Britannia branch, 10 lbs. show - tient e,tton, 131 yards gutz-; Maple Leaf chapter, I1*) yards cotton ; A Friend, IIU yards cotton ; Mn. Jordan, safety pins ; Mn. and Mies Proodfoot, 1514 moutbpecer. 75 face -cloths and bandages; Mrs. Reynolds, or.. 42 face- cloths: Miss Dark. 3 pillows, SU snnoutbwipi., 1 packet absorbent cot- t on. 1 picket absorbent gains., 2 sib- sorber.t gauze bandages, 2) loweb, 24 Pairs socks. A hale was sent to Tor- onto valued •t g13.:C A hearty vote of thanks was trod= ed to an those who supplied old linen .Further• con- tributions will he gratefully received. Sub.cripti.ro• gralelsll-: acknowl- edged by the Society : itis. Kate %Vat - son, $2 Mrs. Nut Strarban $4 Mrs. Lane. $1 : Middleton parish, 91; rake sold at linen *bower Mrs Phakul, Inc : tea held in Masonic Temple by Misses. McLeod and Hostgarth, nisi); Mrs. Joote-Bateman, 92. The Society acknowledges with thanks the following donations from the Dungannon Red Cro.s Society. pec Mrs. McNrb ; del yards of rooms, 1110.24 ; 110 yards tattoo, $7.3:i; total, 916.510. At the legulat tuonthly meeting bell on Monday, June 21st. it was de- cided that . cheque for 915) be serol to beady smarten At the regular meetioe of the Red Cross tsoriety it was decided to ask the different sister societies for their efficient help to meet together and formulate • plan to canvass the town for • weekly subscription. the funds to he used for the different societies to carry on their work. The Ooderieh branch of the Red Crow Society gratefully acknowledges the following .ub.criptio.0 : Mr. A. M. Rohm -t000, $5 ; Mr. Hume, 96: Mrs ('hoe. Robertson'e Bible class, Victoria street Methodist cbureb, refund for rent of Oddfellowi Hall for linea shower, ht. The followieg communication was received from headquarters : •1 beg to •eksowldge with thanks Lite generous doom ton of sheet^. towels. pillowraass, chocolate. eta, etc , from God.rieli trance. Tours faithfully, O•aa.a Rod Crew Society. per M. K.- di The Society wishes to thank the fol- low/it= ladies for cootrib.tio.s of socks : Mrs. W. Horton. 6 pain ; lira W.K. Kelly. 4 pain; Mn Mellwaia, Mn. Mair, 3 pairs each : Min R. Rattail. Mrs. A. Klliott, Mrs. Oen. Wil. hams, Mn Burkholder, Mrs. Beryitt. Miss M. A Bnrritt, 2 psis ester ; Min Hodge, Mho. Dark. Mrs, Cunliffe. Miss WbitelMiss Lewis. Dorothy Dorthy Davis. Min Bernie. Davis, Mrs. Oo1d- tborpe, sr.. Mw (loft, Miss Rlaie Galt. Mrs. Howie, 1 pair each. Ili. Rritarnis besseb of the Red Crew Society reports receipts of Witt 42 shite Ira orgaaisaliea os tb► Ileb cif September last. This imelee= proceeds of sales of candy and boars. made eook,me in October. must've theatricals in November and the darees lac hundred ad fifty dopase lies bora hooded over to ibm peewit tbeloty sad IMO h.s beam rower) bulal to the tlelwi.s relief trod, amid the ivm•inderthss 111&100 la tm. Bim ) was spent toe .uppfire porebmsed fry the monshants et/ tae tows these supplies 1,1Mt pads were .p, sad the reotmal., of the material was bsded t.. Mew. 'rayke to be made sip. At the Jae emoting K was de Seed to edifiers for the eameeer he Mail Maes Q.ngwwe Peart EMIm TOM* : it will not AUBURN'S BIG DAT. Er1YOm/ W pas. 1. pia. .ailed amsardi.gly gibes the standaada weer cace.ded Tet sengirls' ate eosdsted of an AJI'op ladi.s chub race, a poi at. rate with «•.Basis of time ; oatobise • boll, and walk orf •1"st-swathes twelve feet lora on edge, two and • half 1.K hone the The coated co•aistod of pouts weft fee weft maw= send Meal., sebeel The total somber of pedals made by each echeol or 8iae•7 *Weal sae kepr track of oft property arranged sown °area with • secretary arab each group. Thee* pouts woes mus- sed up fur ruck section sad total es 'alba sat of Web school amid b.d.y school .ltd the number of points made ~divided by abs dotal sewll tuat, and the sebeol he either ow that roads the highest per oat of pointe for each poseil.lo coeteetaat won the laaeels of the day. The mark el distinction for the =boot that woo was • puma* of Masse= felt cloth on which was worked tb.. inearptiso : Aoao.w 11015 COMMUNITY PLAY DAY. *1 the time of the meet lie 8a.da schools had not headed in their o meat. hese* the award there has not hear made As tar as the public reboots were coecerued it was much e•sisc and the award was made at supper time The schools competing were : No. 2. West Wawaoosb township. • 16, East Wawaoosh , •• 3, Colborne '• 9, H.Ihstt •' 5. Hallett Orae of the most dtsapfoiotiag thiwg, war that No 2, West Wawanosh, dropped out of the coolest at the last moment and to that eaten defeated lee purpo.e of ibis effort. The con- testant• for some obtbe other schools began the contest and then left, with the result that their average suffered. There were Goose wbo did not come even to enter, wbo also told against their school. There was one =hoot, time seuallest of the lot, that bad every COOlertant on the field and every one followed the course through, with the iuev,iat•le result that they won the pennant, the laurel of the day. This was No. lei, East Wawanosb, Miss Man suet J tick soo's school. In all the efforts .d the committee have 1. -en well repaid, but they have one hope for the future e.uce o.. of this work, and that is teat everyone in tie varicose schools and 8..day =boots in the years to come will co-operate and help the organization, whatever it might he, that has this work in hand to make it • soccer§ by seeing that eve'v possible person is on the course. One of the great results of the work has been the exhibit of the possibili- ties that are in the community., (beet u this ie. vet another is no Iter treat -the revelation to the p••ople in and around Auburn of the beautiful play -ground for young and old alike right at their door. These events were carried out on the Maitland Hives" fiats south of the main toad west of the village The thanks of the committee and community are due to all who co-oprr- aied 10 mak. the day A,, success, the amen to whom the Held belong, the Auburn brass hand, the even who helped in directing .be way to the people who came .ud h. their presence encouraged sed last but by no means feast Mr. McLaren. ..f Guelph, wbo with a good deal 01 self- •acnCce left his woe k in Ouelpb and came out hen 1 o assist us. Truly the Young Men's Christ ion Assoei.tioa, as association that is supported solely by voluntary sub.criptnoo., i. doing • ...Rhly work. a work the mate might well recognize by giving financial backing. The meet is put for this year : let all work stead- ily for more effteieary in another. C. T. A. INSPECTORS. --- Promo's! Lace.ss Board's Appointments I* Hares County. Toronto, Juoe :51. -Huron county will try out the Canada Temperance Act under t he moat strict and effici- ent administrol ion which can be pro- cured by the Provincial board of 11- ese se commissioners. Some time ago • Hums deputation waited upon the hoard. It reprs.eatee thee. Ilse law es brought into force by the franchise of the people was not being enforced. The board hewed, considered, sad acted. The board has divided the county to two dietricts. loafed of Ghees as formerly. These w111 be known se North and South Huron. Under a Government oeds-in-Oouncil, ap- proved yesterday oft the recommenda- tion of the board, J.• J. Mitchell and John Torrance have bees ap- pointed Isii tors for ties .torah sad south d cis rvepectivrly. These of- dciaL win also lie sworn is se peace r.fllce* wi:h the full autbnrIty of coe- m.hks The former inspecoral eat- eries bays bees *tressed to Ml, which will he paid by the os..ty, awl it is u.dermt gid that the inspectors will devote their whale time to the work of preveutisag the operation of -Wad pigs" and ill salsa. The two new districts mated by the Provincial Mad are mad. up am fol- lows: Noe* Huron-Tnwnmbipm of Morris. Tare beer a Howick. Waw nosh East and West. Adhld, Orey sad Cnlbor.e, villsoes eat Wro,eeor. Myth and Rnaaeois, and the towels a W Ingham and (iodseirh ; Reith Horne Townships of tilesphen. Hay, Tooker - *mitts, lioderick chose, Staehy, McKillop, Hulktt, villages of Kees., Hayfield sad Hemeall. sad the low.. of INahsrth and (linens. The two sew districts feIIow the linea of the .mw coaetllaoawm of North sad South Heron for Fedora! al purposes. Meows Mitchell tied Tor- rence are the foresee license laysrtors in North sod excels Harm 1tt.a reetNe- l7. he kmir bows tie ream umnil axe.s wilt have tit be moved to conform as a wbiek will have gre.lt r thaw at 'rat. Ltavt meek. r ea Me was wee Lbeo•e.k mol linea with • Wail bat. Ua may rear two sad orae bowie dose togetber snake It a very d•ageeoit peeeeedhpt .10 ..tsd it bye•ee�.ciideot the Ild levies 04*. doe h steel bei be klIbil tla he plenty of eases thee busts are .t • sale diem**. and tie should nem tbaa they .re of t toad enflletumsly 1a ensure safety. NEM PRISONERS MAI WITH HORROR 5 Ow Treater in *atm Canape lie read Oawl fleas= 'vim aeseadinL BOO 11-2eaterd•y ale' tsnycttated Mltiab .Wbrs crowed the freakier lits Bell -Nd oa the r way to aagtaaL A greater portion of the party. Namely. thirty-fo.r doctors amid 201 moa, wore of the medial ser- vice. flet rem-{alag two kaadred odd being men mobbed 1■ the war and beapable of tanker military service Tho Party be* Deva wattle. at Bras - sets obit *Nal arrangomeats won made for the master of an ostial member of wounded Germans trots MSS4-.d. Treated week every ee•- *lanais. by the Gorman medical staff sad Nursing systems, they passed from Beeline and were beaded late the care cf eke Dutch. oboes Rod CAN authorities showered on thew every cosceteab1. t1Ndaess. Tee Oorfana and Bslgiaaa had them - .ribs demmotot E,.ebea station as mash r . tribate to the British as la parpara1ios for the welcome to the Oerm.as expected from Knglan 1 At R000tsdaal the British were over- whelmed by 'Meatiest. from the Dutch tube provided them with cooling drinks, food, sad •obaeea A cheer kr set of wounded and ambulance mer: saver entered Holland Their delight at meeting their fellow countrymen woe Intense. .Tbelr desire to express disgust at the treatment la German) was unbounded from officers and men. sad nothing but -late. of disgust were told of food is the German camps They said mea were being kept alive merely by food sent by relatives O.e utffcer said; "The food was rot ten. and perfectly detestable. There L • great lack of food. Most of the mon are living on parcels from home. Three who do not are dying either from starvation or disease. The lar gest proportion of Medical Corps men were taken pri?oner, after the retreat fres Mona. They remained behind to attend the wounded. Several told me with indignation how they wee+ dragged away In the midst of dres- sing the woad of their tofdler .coma rades. to some cases the doctor: were arrested in the very middy, of the operations. CONFESSION AT WINDSOR PLOT FULLY EXPOSED Night Watchman With Two Others Plotted to Cestroy Windsor • Buildings Windsor. June 3'I ---Alter the relics had grilled hint for hours without re- sult. Wm. Lefler of 549 Waren avenue, Detroit. watchman at the ".'a;a 'Electric plant. has made a confes- sion to Crows Attorney Rodd thit he, with two other Detroit men, co -.- spired to Mow up Windsor fa^torus and public buildings. Resides Leder. the two other tarn were engaged :o the plot, which contemplated rot ortr the entire• de.;tructlon of the Winds Armories- baa pt the Canadian Company's Mont in Watkorvire. the Dominica Stamping Company t Forl. the Tate factory, as w-• ;I a.t vever:a: other large manufacturing Masts. Leiter deefSres he was sedec:ed as Lt. man who w►: to plant 111 • bomb at the Tat: factory. but tits hetet failed him ao,l t -e did not finish tea lob Alpert Kaltschmi it, wbo for femr years was Manager of the Tate plant. together with k man nam: 1 Schmidt are named h'y Lefler i:i his confession The confession made to Crown Attor B ey Rodd yesterday afternoon w.a brought about after t.efler's wife had come over from Detroit and seen ham in his cell at pori. a bea1gsartar. The cinfe.sioa as related by the police, was a follows "1 have been employed with Albert Kaltrchm dt. who was Manager ,f the Ta:e plant to Ford City, for four years When the war started the plot to blow up fac- tories was lint introduced to me by a mea whom 1 met in Mr. Ka!t .ehmidt'a office. who offered mo $20' if 1 would handle the dynamite at the Tate plant. Several months .go this man commenced to amagttle dyna mite Is eke vault of the Tate factory. Another man named Schmidt was to bring over M,, ruses and time clocks sad 1 was to *apply the salt -eases 1 boogdt two of these In Detroit, and took thea over to Walkenllle with- out say gw.ttona being asked by the customs officers.- Saturday af- terglow Lehr waa arraigned before Magistrate Mars of Walkervt l.. He wait changed art* conspiring with others to deaory property and endan- ger Rea, ;'*bout being asked to g leed,& he wasa}manded for eight days .ad was sala►.to Sandwich gait. sdmia.kmn'e levers Plight Alberta Fleell Has Cowed as Ur► palraltelse Amount of Dewlap* ad*oatm. Alta. Jen. 11--Ne•Ny filly blows have bee. swept away he the W.'tsetl•1 waters of the Saskat- chewan Riveri hoe bemired more are mitt** or partly ebmerg.d, two thawed Not* are li mwlsss, sad propertyestimated roughly •s bait a dollars kms bum fjfte thee' tar the most disastrous g�gd lathe Itl.tery of Mlx.oatou. TM city power =sot sad pimping tastier are epernttag seder abs rsaats= data f ealty. sad tkt plants may be tweed be 'Uwe dews W mimeo It the S ow are drones ,nem the boilers Is tae maim ~lea M wa.erw.eke ape the em..to tied , ma' the eftld tea. sp. e •.rdlua 1111Me. la Tremble Leads= Is.. *-J.ba illfward i*wreaes. • Oamadlas .medlar. IPSO digit= ere""a7rwbbpaA W yM1it i uta. wimp: sarrdeat* emv at* * abs point hyneet. e1 SW the mmol tar Ow Wel All This Week • Unusual Display of s-- 1Vew Summer Styles WHITE MERCH•A NDI SE THE big shodnng of White Goods now in full swing and every corner of the store reflects the special efforts being made to display the White Stocks for Summer Wear. '.1 C Corset Covers, made from good English cambric, nicely trimmed with cotton torcbon We. White Cotton Drawers, good quafty, trimmed with wide frill and clusters of tucks. Extra good value in White Cotton Undervests, without sleeves, with half sleeves or with long sleeves. Several giood styks to select from. White Knitted Drawers. same quality as the tests. Penman's famous White Lisle Hose with spliced heels and toes. Children s mercerized Lisle Hose, fine rib, extra strong heel, sole and toe. All the best 25c values tae have been able to Find Bath Towels 2 for 25c New White Voiles opened upQuite the prettiest, quite the daintiest. quite the nicest lot of tt-hite W.h Good, we have had for a long time. Just in and ahis week. Exactly the correct thing for a summer dress, at per yard 35c. 45c, 5(k and 75c. 25c anywhere, Some even more. Part of a purchase. For the Big- White Event, per 19c Corset Cover These are worth big Embroic.ery Embroid. 19c Yard Dimities 15c Fine Dimity- Muslin,. suitable for children's, wear or waists, also White Waistings in numerous neat and attractive patterns. Special pct yard 15c �' These re are ally an exceptionally good Hose for the money. Silk Boot Hose Heavy quality silk boot and ankle, strong spliced heel and 50c toe, perfect, fitting. A splendid wearer. Sites hp to W. Per pair 5,0c 1 4 Suits $s.95 Thr_e do not come under the beading of--\Vbits ' but they are the let of the special line of Suits. on sale. just four of them. High -cliffs garments that are worth the price two or three times over. Any one of the four only 63,95 6 Suits $12.50 Just .ix left, one black, two navy, one green, one copenhagen blue and one grey. Regular price $15.1111 to 925.00. Esety Suit right up to date. Your chance for a good Suit at or - near the half-price mark These six must be sold. Chace of the lot only - 912.50 Verandah Su lies Our stock oi&Vera.dab Comforts is particularly good. We can supply yon with Awnings. 'Rugs. Matting*, etc., gine ycn good qualities and quote on close prices. DIRECT IMPORTERS BROS. GODERICX, ONTARlO b t k OBITUARY. JOHN IASATrg., 5T.a7 Oat.. Mr' John Vaaatter, fitb.r of Mr. J. W. V•a►tter, of Ondericb, died at his house at Stratford on Saturday Mgt, at the good old Gee o1 « t seven year*. This deceased suffered a paralytic stroke about too days before his death. He was a native of the oouatr of Oxford. ha 4 had lived la Stratford the greaterart M his life. MASONS AT ST. GEORGE'S. Rm. j. E. pe tbeekshes Adios..* Mem • bin 1 Maithe d Lodge Maftlaed Loder. No. 33, A.. P. it A. M., to the ouster of about 1)1, attended dltbe smevieo a ,$e Ororge'a amebae o. fiinday monde". Rev, J. B. FFatbarlaghnm, the rector. who is also ebonite *f the lodge, addressed the boles txkla s as w tmxt the words hrumd i..t Tj�ttss, 7tg : what west thou And 1 ISM. •A plemblitw." Hs was a e•hioet-amedt sad carpenter by trade His wife, tour woe and woes ygs we set we base 1•M two daughterly wlrvire. The funeral cows, epee mem ee tae eras of oar took place at Stratford oft Monday. ors •.d we aim here today to ask tie Goal of all truth to teeiemee our work COOLING WA,,M Iwith Hie ewe plumbline. There bee hem much 1n the peat mar to tut tied STOPS I C1I INO. try we. hat if we lire Gem true tome Miele we have owseoss. 11s the Just • um* eel this mid.raa emblem, of w Order. the mime. the womb, the D. D. D. Pre.atpt wtqIsvel ram* tie ees�as, w seat add dire yes Imsta.t relief from your born- . th. pbesMbss of Gobi stead trash. hoe, *thing .lin amd .hg.lr.ts Motee- i <b. TDi s,�a�n 1.607aa7 Mmmdnt., by *Web trove h ties a.awmener .hkroiblsa (a1e � bat th. blehe.t le the D. D. D. r a sMntih s eepoisd of est_. ttradb, Imo my* stalidard oil of .*s..S.ss ted other d weld w ssm*sw ss. it tie Itsw e i a641"re iablse r tL� Dw aril a try D. os Q for mm Lw, "um \w sae R+ut gird o earner .Lim erw.kl.. It these an ra. snassi. ter wblJ no Wel bottle lot give you sreka.sa areae. A tenons _ D. D. D. Seep. !r. Ai eke ahem standard I. Wmt of peddle opinion. mod JAS. A. UAMPBELL tbh is mem sawed ei d1fd.mpran the Owfta Drwg tWe, 0+4;4.11. law of the seats. Iats..t3e.ml law may be brokenhat imtsaitiemal D. D. D. I. sed. Is. Oa.ada lee o latm will send.... Another stand ail 1. thee ..i by ma s.p-nym.l "MOVO11 aR arrear ties God le If we bare Ekua Mks Me.- Die is et p Seed up le our he ,� �y Mk wand lr Drag mod tion to taw bretlar, ear .u�004 ear .nonny sad our Sled. W, ehmaM continually test oar rte by the i>( and Oed her given we. A.otbd, eVia.we 71.tawto *ion He within am- flees lc web •• �, the se jority belay wrong. or alor»i may be blessed. but if we as .lone with our eoiseloaee It alp seldom lead as astray. We sawed sometimes ewes Ithe thet and be measured b Ymd' m and ego if we sive hrlw.d anti ottam ion basses, d lest 'Yoe WgW. ham pawed Yeses. of Isla 1 aye years el woodreas have slowest Ihrgottea r et vie eouatry. the Mlv.tla.s and bed- ships ie al byewing c� w� to M the wilderness� beia se lehpbeehlinee righ esus tbst w01 net steed t win he appb01 M •11 satins nae 001* b� to lbs., builtism � emit �wbble ethers se ham eft to ems. to the Eli we hove nmery Wimple, tmilt 7• to *haft thus whlah we= Mto the etemdeedd ef le w hs. wO .1 Wm eerie ter the higher stenderi pelitie minim or of hue =tirel ed'e tenth. Then e we may gather whom „r. -tam*_ 1. M numb are ellen eirviiew s, 1wt rwhd. s, ,,,,ar�' A ? .heir .1.t.lr' Iu$'N' rf Mr r W*stilaw , ty sitsioffita ,r�e�4. ` *sunless