HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-7-1, Page 9Catania M Al Right. The 6tetttlk Msee.ty toile • story ed a w eeetestly met. wbo at one time had $ Wood faro la Brun. county, Mt who west Wast with his oeigebose ted did hiriy w01. but declares it M tet the pities this Province 1a and 1110 omen here end aserificsd it t. mum sateen 1w ceder to mak. • quick elle W {et awe y. Last year. (e toor- moa with many usher•, be bad deity • tale atop. but nothing to whet ha ex. peeled ob.li be went out there It Wee band to market, because be was some agleam from an elevator or doom • etatiou- Ooodltioes were not the beat for bis t•mily, $cbool. and olurebes were a loug way off. He bed made the trip beck least for the of seeing of the ten who had his Ontario term was tinct of hie bargshe sod wasted to sell hack to him- H. was dis.pp d.i4 because be eased not get the ofd pi ee back. bet w has eon given up the me too of ouR orrAwAbat he ha • /aroter •gain is Ontario LE ifs wonder is that anytime hew- ing • Rood fermi in °markt was ewer enticed to go West, and no s.bt there ase buodreds thee. wbo BY H. F. GADSBY tesesld now cunts back if obey had the F TRE 8Ifl) A L : GOD&RICH ONTARIO "What's In A Name"? !t Well, if the nano is it means irreproachable quality and value. 'VII 1 O 711 oppoetuaI* y. Some of tbem wdL Toe reaction that bo set in. std that will °optinw, is hound. Tb. Mercury says, to benefit Oot trio, and Oularto Loin lands are about as solid an investment as there is on obs market at the pre. - set time. Will yoti he pone for doer and eves?" be timidly asked ••\o, Ruta D O th that I am a saff,agette i can; sever be your.. Hut you sway be- come meow wbeo you will,' she re - glad la • matter-o(d.et siert of way , I e Ottawa. June 9►,—Politicians at the Capita/ do ooh take much stock in a despatch from Eaglaod hinting that Sir Richard McBride may become AR•ot-tieoeral for British Columbia in London "if he is oot drawn into Fed- eral retitle. in ibe meantime It is within possibility that Sir Richard may he Agent -Omens' for his native Province in London. beca.u.e Sir Rich- ard likes English ways and needs the money• but the best bettors are wager- ing tea to one against his beingdrawn int t Peder sl politic.. Drawing Sir Richard into Federal politics would be drawing from the diweard, and that is never satisfactory. Sir Richard himself I. keen eooug to be an Ottawa stateetnan, so lee that he viers Otrsw• tbree times Tear to interview Premier Burden and honorable Hebert Rogers, Iwt t chances are all against hint. Premir Borden dots act forget that Sir Rob and was at one time his rival for t Conservative leadership and the Hon orable Bub long ego neut., d hin out as size I :cul lar sad a size ti bead. Sir Rich and did very well as long as be ha 1'hi own way in British C.,Iumbia, where !tit was a favor i'e son• tut worn th surplus of -promissory notes began t wear through in spots and s reilwa P olicy. ev idem ly conceived by Bindle the Sailor, began t , bear herd o0 be people. and Attorney -Gene bewser began to kick at doing alp tb mei work and taking ell the blame Sir Richard's glory faded rapidly. Al prevent the Hntuh ('.lumbi,. eVineton Churchill, the dirt British stat.agi i to notice "the Beal of bigb destiny oo his bnnw." Little did Mr. Churcotll tbiak wbeo be said that tbe seal was about to he shifted and that the destiny wuold M transferred to Loodoe to • shelf near hie own. the whole. therefore. Sir Hie chines, of being drawn into Fed politics are negligible, unless ..f co the Borden Government is food en of discredit to link icseU up with troubles in British Columbia jus the presence of the Honoralee RA) Rogers in the Dowinio0 ('.140.1 h it up with the 'mod'. RUSSIANS NOW PREQPARE TO O FOES MOVE Teutonic Allies Altempttrg an Ow Med Sweep to Warsaw•—Other Fronts Satisfactory Lemdon, June 2l --Northeast of Len - berg the Auetrt>Gerssan armies are pressing forward toward the pcsi(tose sstabllshed y the Rummies sootµ tar River Bug. Owing to the stubborn resistance et the Russian forces against Von Macke•sen co the Dole. - ler the Grand Duke Nicholas Ma had ample time to reform kb lines and Amer tip strong defences in this see - 1100. The Russians have defeated a Teuton attempt to split their armies by an attack 1n great force on the Lemberg-Bresetaay lines. The Ger- man movements all indicate a great attempt to invest Warsaw and it Is expected that the river Ran will be the scene of the neat beevy lighting. From three directions the Teutons are aiming attacks against the Polish capital. A mcvem�y t against ('holm. in Important Rumba. fwtram south Mat of Warsaw and due south of Brest on the second line et reported On how Petrograd. bu tar this move bard's Hent has failed. eral Italians Nearing Rlva wee Ronne. Jun 29 --Italian Infantry ougb forces, supported by their artll:ery the have made further important advance. t •t sn the ItaIo-Austrian front. South cit heti Riva at the northern extr.mlte of 055 lake Gardls the Alpine troops. eght- ;ag through narrow passes. some of which are banked by mountains 5.000 set high. have penetrated within six Miles of Riva- As • result of en- gagements to the Plkta sector the tallaca along the i. o have forced passage of tbe river between Sa- raido and Gorizia and have entreneb- ttd themselves on the eastern bank 'thin bailing distance of the Aus- trians. Gen. ('adorn reperta that the talians are maintaining their pose -...2 10 M•nitoha b Toe Honorable Bob is not exactly a It n discard. He is what the conjurors • calla forced card. That is to say, be forced himself. He saw it was time to be get out of that pack in Manitoba To I ✓ give him credit. he did his est to a - poste a new shuttle in Macitob• g he unci he sold pull off a I►antinion election. but before ` be could get w a squared away the house of cards fell - in on him. The evidence goes to chow 1 • that the Honorable Bab paid frttipuent 'docs everywhere and are advancing vtxits to Dr. bitumen, the Con.erva- , steadily. e tive organiser, wbose dart secret. re - o French Air Ratd Succsastful o tomer now i0 a safety deposit boa while 1 parts, June 29—Tnet(e baa beea ar- ra their owner seeks peace and •curt at tillery fighting north of Souchea, at d the battlefront in Flanders- it seeds Neuv11Ie and -Roc:'ntroari Between that the chief maxim n' of undrite, Cowie - cal statesmanship, "Don't write, Colue,'- the Oise and ,the Aisne the artillery ground e could not always be followed and some duel continues to our advantage. In of the secrets had to 1'. hired G,\.tV, the Argonne and on the heights of the Lactate these telegrams are hurtled. Meuse, at the Colow•e trenches, the Zebulon Leah, K. C. h.... • disensr. Germans have renewed their attacks ;t That Tired •FeelingM hie tlr•!I fp►1101 that so often tomes wills Sp hog weather is Oil likely to result from the wearing of winter shoe after they have bre. -sited in .as trout sny of the other mum. to which it is usually ascribed. g Iw•gi-suture doesn't know where i wands Sir Richard says it is dir solved sad Bowser sacs it isn't On top of alt that costes the affair of tee two submarines io which Sir Ricbard memo to hare played a lone band be- -rause he liked the feel of reel money The goo.' guessers are predi •ting that it Rieherd's Government will be in and lu• l if it isn't inve.t gates[ alone t Bred both as president of the G. N w, which bas • lively sense of &Mie , On the 2:th one of our aeroplanes was and chief counsel for tee C.. N. R. b able successfully to drop eight Combe o0 the Zeppelin hangar at ht ichs- dane sad t a coma, thy( teltrpsrams paten. Motor trouble obliged the mien than a month oW litter up the aviator to land during his return office and *et -item with hnai0ese. journey. Fortunately he was able to The Honorable Hetes tangential eon- reach Swiss territory. oectioo with the Jlsnitolie rerelatiogs `ring. the Barden Government in line I Seems Very Mysterious it Many Remedies are Suggested but we believe you will food A Pam of our Liebe,gtpliah, Comfortable Spring Shoes It?ot A Sure Cure. lhe mine lines as the late Minitoba iovern,u.ut is being investigated Mow. There i• also, meat for inquiry by Sr Charles Davidson in the split- 'be.i.te, ripe t of the submarine pur- chase Ulrich h2. never been extmined iw de(s•l. Wbieb 'means that British mdiai• net only baa. her own troebtes bot Sir Richard's too- t fact Bich will naturalle have a chart .n- g effort on his welcome home - rbe Bid -Government overnment has hail: enough trouble with spotted repute - roe. withous• t' iara ng more hasking Richert, McBride to acme in. Sir ir-h.rd will he more safely an 1 c wt - S H.A R M A N,t TBR SHOE IAN ?Sir R If„ • n eedy located as Agent -General iu here he can chum with FARE 1225 D!,T0 CLEVELAND P 1 EVERY TUESDAY—THURSDAY SATURDAY THE STEAMER "STATE OF OHIO" •wat�4tws., TOMO" staw,y Mil Ssessmase .v is w w ve" is seT +:+v sal ori to • . ' . . ' . . ' . net . Afros. � •a...me �araaatL •r`s.;1,�w.r CSw.awi rte.. tr t Ar For aro .est r e.s.ra`�..a C. • s- `e •• •'e` EXCURSION TO CLEVELAND—EVERY SATURDAY - ism ernes 100.0 P 10010p.Stora w11,M P. IL al brew tor art (,tar a• lecareer Demi T. Pr rwre tolhomm asses •0.15. P . car e :a tc `+ ;w" ^" c n w0 it A41- net tta+w. Oa M On CJ,gv.L►ND ei SUTTALA TRARw- co To the North Country Water•Z y+ a .. Yayaget"— - Oa the Great itrawl � a C• rr --with d the iwerial sopeitmeats tassel an the I. qua arms Liam. rt enjoyments of no tees r sere rgereser M.soarer •.swat. w IiaaMr Itmina ease lamer tar Leat beer ►fie mope* w Stew'. Webs Ile lar.Ara It.teremtt Stec. see to want To Dolma, Fart WUIIans, Port Arthur, SOo, aN idllairiraaaloloods...........�........ aw..et. i -stip.. er eqa� NORTHERN NAVIGATION CO. r.lrrTt.7 Ontario w h that amazing stair of &Mere to which qtr Rodman,' If Agin signed I Montresl, ] nit 23—The drowning what he 1555 1014 and tore up what he of a fourth soldier on duty on 1h_ didn't like and Ur- Mont ague was 1 w Lac,.ine Canal picket yesterday has ai.•k t i ss, that bpi Department was aroused the military and civil authori- eonductld honestly and the Hen. Mr• ties to Immediate action. The victim t'oldwell instructed the Provincial ties time was Pte. F. J. Rodney architect to jockey the figures w (bat trtntroae years old. Na was a mew ; the rake-off would stand the test of • ber of the Irish -Canadian Ranger* - royal commission- Speaking by and The gr''''' :wo drowniage were con - large the warning is against discards, sidtred p:re!y accidental, but wben one of which is the Hun. Dr, Mont• the third e-t.c occurred the nakiitary argue. The I ate Min:.ttr' of Poetic ' authorltits commenced a careful in Works for Manitoba was a hells,' hue- vestt-geticre a;ad the' will 1,e carred amid t•. Federal polities °lo.g fief, -.vee farther- now that -the tourt:. Sir Rodauo/ I H--..hlin rook him in- drow-neag has talon plat. Tbe disease mews t0 hove spread to the minor oM in various a )'s• lee- ghastly die ei er als and affected tbeut Furti:er Examples of "Kultur" h f i d u ort Nary League has issued the 10114)1- Horwood to Be -heater to herr his sp., I pendia removed Althon h his a Ing statement: "The s, arch of contra- Rr•ee o t rare Prorinctal .\rh't Amatorda.... June 2.'—The •German . moats was pretty bad it is not alleged bind carrying ships is in most cast s (bac 6r bad deliberately storied it aim/impossible. especially in the case et r meth ober state documents in strained of thesize and speed of the• his deg rttnent. Theo thecae was the Lusitania. There is. there tore, ou4 ' curious case of Mr. Hook and Mr. Salt, one way to prerent the Iters of (:er K name* naes for The Winnipeg Tele- man soldiers from t,;• ng threatened. ' grain to p!ay with now that r- is foot- and that is by sinking such ships with loom and tongue -free. Mr. Salt went out warning What the American to Denver in pursuit n( "health and capitaliata and ammuu:t:on makers was followed by Mr. Hook bearing think of this must remain a Shatter spriest to complete the cure. The idea of todiference to us." was that Mr Salt should take his 1 time asa)ut O. A paternal govern Stent was provldiog him web the towns to stay away. It did not wish to permanently injure his canatitutl..rt by hurrying him back to give evidence before a Royal ('ommiesioo- Beside., the scandal was too rotten to keep anyhow and no amount of Salt would cure it. Everybody knows what hap - of pened Om ha felt that Hook.they The highwaymen a tbeir bit too. ao they gave Hook the hack. They hooted the mons and let Hoak go, also his gold ware and trecrogis .mall change to carry him along a day or two env joke was on Solt, but tbe laugh was on Erma Met bad • eerier of humor. Shoe. Oettiaba robber. -in short, they gave Stook the Ontabaha Two other discards are giving the Borden Oo•er0meot a great deal of troubi.. Arthur De Witt Fost,r,M.P., ways be will run again and W F. tear - hind. M. P., anaemic -se that he still has the psttonage of Carleton county Although Premier Borden hurled these publicly and shed tears over them. *bey insist on rising again. For an- swer all Premier Borden can do is to toter bewildered deputation. to tbe burial service aa set down to Hansard. H. F. 0. SHE SUFFERED FOR NINE LONG YEARS. T1s. Dadd's Kidney PEO. Card Madams s•1•ager's ltlt.mattem. St. Anatole. Gloucester Oo , N� H„ Jane iRl- taps•i•I). --Cord of rt.._ heathen frame wide\ she had suffered iee Now years, Iladama Piset• Nab fir. a well-k.owa tiedre- •pad M tre.s.t of this placee tellies bar Meads that she owes her wast Nam cot health to D.dd', Kidney Pisa 'I want awveybody to ksow that 1 ...d D.diCs [iiddeeeyy AIM for rhesr.. them sed that 1 am perfectly cared." Madame foews Stella rBeMttestlem few sl..aeee. 1 aim W h.akaeha and centrage la r. *.mala. 1 bed • Maar beste in my 1 woe itrea�st 015 the b MN ag and lo•. Dodd'. Elderly PIM eated mmadebsdrboansetisse all my other trembles He Should Have Added "Just Yet" Amsterdam, June :9--A despa'ch from Berlin says that during a cruet visit of the Kaiser to the western frost. in a neighborhood where many of the German soldiers t ad been kill- 'bd. the Emperor alight,d from hes horse and kneeled on the ground, where he offered a prayer- Rising he said "Oh God. 1 did not want this WILT' Ssbr..rin.s Again Busy Land_n,Jane29—Tbe [►riti.h steam- ship ladrant. 3,64O OMs. was punk on Sunday Cy .t German robmarin, at a print southwlest of Tu.kar, Ireland- Tbe crew was •aro. The emelt bark Dumfrieseh1re, 2.:CF tons. which •si1•1 from Sean Francisco. January for [tuliin with a cargo of barley, was soak by • German sub- marine. The crew wadi landed at Milford H• en. Wales Mose Successes in Africa London, June 29 -A Germa■ fort and wlrele,p Pita tion near Pukobs. on the western shore of lake Victoria Ayanna. G.e an East Africa- was die .troyed by 4 British expedition from Uganda. Baty boats, .i sol nos, neve and valuate doeun. nos were tap tared and two machine tali were destroyed. Towhee; Petty Reyes. Amsterdam. Jane 2e--t•sas1a•tla. *pie bas decided t• etp01 the .ecru tarter* sad attarbm soothed to the America. and Itallea •tntsmir. as a mart of reprisal for the etpuleirle ol Tartish timed• . from Leedom Two Cherch salt. cewwww **rw • " rIIn. Jose 2.—YMswws slates that Me Bishop of Trieste baa ordered all ..peA.oua chart\ tells to M placed at the impound of the war elai.try TT►eer will be seed to help sweet tae MOM for brass for us00ltio.s Zeppelin Out Again Am.(endam, liar 2/ -Two Teppe hes peeled ever Wirth HollaM res A omen ••Yam !time wbet be I brlday "WI "mania Site west •t hastiest at mat11 after be Inquires it. fmal ops" •d at a by eltlt.dls. Faeroes r,..Fecv 1, NM • Outing Suits, Shirts and Trousers! You will soon be spending your vacation. Whither you ate going you will need an Outing Suit to thoroughly enjoy this warm summer weather. Come and inspect our large and varied range in these lines. Semi-Re/4y Outfitten Stab (fitting Suitt., large choose of greys and browns, Norfolk styles. very cool and dropsy. Pries. (rum Shirts Larne range 01 (luting Shirts, in. lading the "Sport" Shirt. A new and nobby Shirt for outdoor life. Alpo fancy •tri pe,' and plain cashuteresand cottons, soft collar., Price. •75c to :2,11. Trousers Plain white duck Traneers, all sizes pricey. White create Serge Trouser*. plai• and stripe wool. finest quality Roads, raGgidg in price $1.25 ami 51,54 eRr, to. all pure $S.N to V.I. A varied range of Bathing Suits McLean Bros. Arent Pdwell Hats g I J Maudie—"Mamuta, won't you please ask Dr. Dote to look at my little duckling } It is i11." Motber- "No, no ; run away ! Dr. [)oce isn't a binl doctor.•' Naudie—••W Well. papa mitt [est night be was • quack doctor!" '• W ben 1 Io.k ab tike cSsgregstioo.- said • London weedier. "i say. • whet e arc *be poor?' Whom 1 count the offertory in the vestry. I say, 'where are the rich "Had 1 the wings of • bird--'• logon the poet- ••You'd suffer,-" i0terruptee the prosaic person. ••Your wife would take them away tram you to trim a het- ' A nogentit. ie a man who a. to tell people wb.. the girl was tlAut be NEW TERM OPENS enzereet :..-fore they are, able to re - SEPTEMBER 1st • nlMebine IFALL. TERM OPENS SEPT. ht !.. t,'TT THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Catalogue on request. C.A. FLEMING.F GA„Principal. G. D. FLaet, u(, Secretary. r w tTaPm. sil •ttaWskatv.i eya- t-tkr) -ii ,aL :aai.Y.«•, v [n. it-,rn n.r.t doe.out 1., s totter reesnAlla st.ahri.dy I•••v-ea Nert ,oat loam ter YasavsadtTabBre, IWARM WEATHER SUGGESTIONS Coal Oil Stoves Refrigerators Screens Hammocks Art Silver Ware Cement We handle three makes. the New Perfection ; the Detroit, for either oil or gasoline ; the Clark Jewel. Call and see them demonstrated and get our prices. It is "a penny wise and a pound foolish” not to have a good refrigerator. You lose more in pro- duce in one season than would pay big interest on the investment, to say nothing of having your food kept sweet and fresh. Call and see our line of Refrigerators. Keep the flies out. They are big carriers of dis- ease. CaII and see our large assortment of Screen Doors and Windows ; prices and sizes to suit every person. In Hammocks we have a veryTarge range for your choice ; prices from 52.0o to ,00. June Weddings• are now on. You will want to get something nice for your friend- Have you seen our nice assortment of Depos-Art Silver Deposit Ware? This Deposit on china is Sterling Silver. The pieces consist of Tea Sets, Cocoa Sets, Salts and Peppers, etc. Are you going to do any building ? We have just received another carload of Portland Cement. Call and see us before purchasing. Coal Now is the time to make arrangements for your winter supply of Coal. Do not forget that we handle Scranton Coal and that all our Coal is weighed on the market scales. Chestnut Coal, 57.5o per ton during June ; Stove Coal. 57.5o Per ton duri g June ; Egg Coal, 57.25 per ton during June ; Sommer Wood, 52.25 per cord ; ;-ard Wood, 2.50 pet• cord. FOR IYOVR PLVelOING, HEATING, LAVES . TROt•GHING. TINSMiTHING AND • ELECTRIC it taim.G. GIVE Its A CALL- ALL W ORK PROMPTLY ATTLNDLD TO AND FVLLY GVARANTLLD- CHAS. C. LEE Phones: STORE n HOUSE lt2