HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-7-1, Page 7THE SIGNA
GREAT Slaughter SALE
of Boots. Shoes. Trunks and Suit Cases at the McClinton
Store has Jost Begun and will continue until the whole stock
is turned into cash. PRICES DROPPED TO ZERO.
Make it your business to be here. Don't wait, get in and procure your supply.
Take advantage of this rare opportunity. Its Boots and Shoes for men, women
and children we are showing extra special values. at
71c, $L1O% $1J9, $1.39, $2.39, sz4 stud 53.69 per pair
The above lines along with many others are exceptionally good values. People
are driving many miles to take advantage of this sale—Why Not You ?
See oar Trunk Specials for thus week—$3.48, $4.48 and $5.39
Walters & Company
Successors to
Butter Wrappers
The Signal Office-44-
ffice= -
Arts Comae only.
e s
Bala. L ttssswx.:eweoeaar
A mese maiden knows wbat he
doesn't want until alter b. acquires It.
Yen rat bene m. gr' eel of elide eawsery raise the Iwo tie( is she wo Id, We
(tilt hail M a fwd -.rod word bat - Traction" is a t..c -used We. Tise's
Ire they km,. arch eller se seed
"YedeireCasi' dem net w tine I. amide le trying.. reed.. • were d
Larsene et crease ss wan seta of rte Poulos "win mush grans* Nassar. h \
Ws. Fer hem It. • "-ted.- -C...Js •..very =ewe thee ea .miste width ie gird ssnigh
e" les 1M m.j"d► she ►e gleed e.turh ire dr espartos if as brow bsght 1
ten • fair tea-wsryd►i.p bins .q I ebewd p.a s% les Ike arti,i-assiAerei where**
Luper Limed( wee aiming this moos ler Us ems e.is.sre.
r• Pkesetay ens Lew Aweyt Is dist wL.'ls ser geed, might neve e..tipeei.ims i. pend
dimserer `ed erapedies i sorvis. le gator wards ss =roe arise ttw reel, are \dem r
DUNLOP TRACTION YM AD h sari,dJ.d ler eiessey the woad i,,,. thee .s ear
sea m.iae tin. import it freer where yen wilt era stew a mend si reedit dor we I
ogre) di. ' Meat t=rod Tim i. Al ,4sas •
risoiy dee ire w se =.sy tease« wise Cimsi•n mstedlb apse /
DIUNLCIP TRACTION TRIAD, asssrelfy went= nee= empis-. 'Maass'
`KseA • degas r • mine sayemmr ear/ yen Arun hey 'The MV.r
Two' bw we de ireephowo is s .e argeens= who yen shoed ase hew
theirs i oethaesire--earnswtst'i yea sdaQwrtireeeraet.
II wary Genies ..goseed Lis right ens Lo Romeo
nrniia diem would sees Le = Clsmisne
se Ley ...whine r ei
R. N. OMno. of Caboose township.
fere Lumley. has sold bis tar= to
John 8se,...
Rev. Mr. Ahs meter of the Church
Messiah • theMessiah as RLsct.dlae, ha. re-
d wood on aeeouat of i11-baalt h.
Moo. P Zimmerman paired away on
Jose Lath at her house at Barris. .
W bees Mawr Moved nu.sth
Albma Thomas, of IMts.vaie, .old his
teem sack ad issploments by .motion
sod has seel'Msd/ar active service.
JortEimeardt are to be lighted
y-`t nape whale
will Teepee eightaes arc lights
sow h use.
_ itthe. of Smegb•er of Mr. and )jr,.
le, was
aarvied o• Jew Ind to
George His -
kirk. of McMinn).
Luella. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
W . Cheerio. .f R.110•11. was married
gar home there cat hear lir d to
Mise Si..aKohn wise tarried os
Jule Whether home at (.\ triton to
Lori Carter.. prosperous farmer o<
Biddulph township.
hi ion Mildred Mrs, dmtg►ter of Ibe
late Rev. and Mm. Mo.., of Obesity,
w married w June lath to Dr. L.
Whitley, of O.rrl..
Anon Bemire, only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. (ark, of Hidlett, was
married on June gird to Wm. Clark,
also of that township.
Rev. A. L. Rowson. of Medicine Hat,
Alta.. • former Wroxeter pastor,
prod -bed is Wroxeter church on • re -
coot Sunday evening.
Ernest Coklougb, son of Mr. and
Mrs. H. (olclougl, of Constance. wag
married on June ht, at Forget, Sulk.,
to Mies lira Osborne, of that town.
At • loaeb.11 match at Greenway
between (;reeeway and Grand Bend
the hall struck the five-year-old son
of J. H. McGregor and book, his pole.
Mrs Robert Adam:, of Walton,
poised away oo June 2t. Slot was
twenty -wive° years old and is survived
by bet husband and four young chil-
By guessing the exact number of
heaps in a jar °4.^I6), Mimi Maggie Me -
Nab, of (hey township, woo a fine .et
of dishes hone Messrs. Leitch a Soo, of
Mimi Catherine E. Kyle, forrairly of
TLckenimitb, was married at Winni-
peg o° Jona lid to Wm. Jams Ches-
ney. They will reside in sutberO
J J. Mite:bell, license inspector for
North Huron, reports that since May
1st, 1914, be has handled fifty-two
liquor ewes and grouted thirty -sight
Mrs. Wilbur, smother of Mrs. H. A.
McCall, of Blenvalt, aped at Delhi on
June 11th. Sha was well known in
Bluevale vicinity. Mrs. McCall at.
leaded the funeral
Oo June lath Mies Mary Barbour,
of Bluevals, booth= the bride of B.
D. licelemagimecif Whiteeburch.
will raids or the groom's ?arta
M t bitethreb.
Mrs. Alex. McCall. of Morris, an-
s.uncea the engagement of her daugh-
ter. Atsa Bella. to Walter E. Perry,
of Meriden. Oosaaoticut, the wedding
to tike place shortly.
An aged readout of Stalky town-
ship passed away on June 21st in the
person of Cbri.topber thucbarute. He
was in hie eighty -stood year and is
survived by hie wife,
Robert Lindsay, formerly of Winni-
peg. died .t the home of his brother
oa the 2nd coaceesioo of Howkk, on
June 3kb, from paralysis, interment
took place at Toronto.
Joseph Oescb, for many years a resi-
dent of H.% township, passed away on
Jute 18th in his seventy-rlttb year.
He bad been in poor beelth for some
month. Hie widow and two sons
Mies 8mdie Farrell, daughter of
Mn. J. Farrell, of Kincardine town-
ship, and slats of Mayor Farrell, of
Kiricardiner was married on June lath
to. Edgar R. Made, of Kimcardioe
Provincial Officer Pbippen aceoen-
paoied by two deteetivs raided the
hotel of Philip richad& at Montt. = and
secured • yuantid of liquor. debacle
=1:418 before the asgistrate and
Mat J., daugbur of Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Knipe of Loan, wee married
on Jame 18 to Join Davenport, of
Galt. Rev. J. D. Ferguson, of Mosk-
ton, ws the otlicialie( minister. The
settee will reside at Oak.
Wbils driving home from Exeter,
Mee. J. McDonald avid daughter, of
Hay, were thrown from their bawdy
wham the boos took fright at • mntor-
eyek They were not serioxafy hart.
but the boggy arm sassier.
18. home of Mr. and Mrs. John
pretty Rudolph. of Logan, was the neap of a
pre daughter, twiddle* e• Jus M
Wad, w.
theer, Asan, was married
to August Kaufman, of Hra"iltoe The
young couple will reel& at HamUuos.
Robert Stewart. one of Heenan's
meet respected Mourne, died oa Jane
Bah. He was • native of McoWud
but tame le this rcxstry in 1AM and
settled Is ETMerne Is ship. ille was
rtesriied . MN and la cervi ver by ids
wife sad a family of four dairethws
and thele sone He was .ighty.os,
years old at his death
Jobe A. Roper= and Dow's!. Tay-
lor have maimed for setae movies is
the alrd Batten= at Lesdos.
Mr. eel Yet. A. t. Lloyd are w a
1.ls b nam F*MeiM tepee M B
din the vin Dosed* Jp Simi. 'hey OW/mrta
W. M. ebali sill s.nt et Viands
>wthem of
• ID
woe bent be
ow Ims
l /th isles live
elle wed reakket
away a Joe.
were bark
all of widow survive. One brother sod
three sates • eo survive.
A reed( wedding took place at e
home of Mth
Mrs. D. J. Boyd os June lltrd,
obis hoe dwght}e breams the bride
oe Thomas s. plasm.(, .< Mearns.
Rev. W. A. Bewdley, of T.eswater,
was the officiating miuirter. The young
eoeple will make their some at Lan-
des. Mr. Manning ie • brakeman on
the Loudon aid Wingham lice.
WUI Seen, soo of Mr. sad Mrs. EM
8sell. has enlisted at Landoll' with the
Army Medical Corp*,
A bylaw to lass debentures to the
ass of MUD., for the porpo.e of le -
mailing an eiretric light pleat will be
submitted to the electors. Voting
takes place on July ltitb.
An early morning weddingtook
one, at the bust. of Mr. and Mrs. Jas,
Jewell oo June 't:trd, wire their
daughter, Minnie E., teems/ the bride
of Ws. J. McAlister, of Dutton. Rev.
W. G. H. McAlister performed time
A teres attached to • mower ran
away sear the railway station sod the
mower -knives cerae in contact witb
the leg of soother horse bitched to •
coal wagon, logic! ing • deep wound
hi the foot and injuring the bone.
Mrs. James Turnbull . hu returned
to Toronto atter • two months' visit
with friends at Clinton and the sur-
rounding country.
Rev. J. K. FairfuU, pastor a the
Baptist church, baa been suffering
with oervous disorder and has been
mumble to occupy ids pulpit for the
past few Sundays.
The A. Y. P. A. of 8t. Pain's church
recently pretreated • wrist -watch to
Fred Sloman, who le with an smbal-
ance unit •t London and expects to
leave soon for the front.
Clifford Hunt, of SWforth, who has
been attending the School of Com-
merce here, was awarded the gold
medal of the Remington Typewriter
Co. fer proficiency in typewnti.g. He
wrote for ten minutes and averaged
silty -ave word" • minute.
Mimi Mary Cole passed away si beer
home here o0 J ane le;tb. 8be was pan
in Ireland aol was the youngest
daughter of the late Dr. Cole, wbo
pprtraacctoed medicine many years ago at
Bayfleki. In IOW the family moved
to Clinton and hate space resided here.
Tb. deceased is survived by one broth-
er. Henry, and Doe sister, Sophia, both
of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stewart atd .on
Gordoc are ewoving 10 Orangeville to
Brit Spear*, son of .Mr. and Mrs. H.
Spectre, was married at Loodos on
June Ylyd to Mies Jana Mercer.
Robert McMichael, of Fargo, N. D.,
is visiting W brothers and other rel-
atives here. It is upwards of thirty
Tears .inae he it -ft Ontario for the
Adelin., daughter of Mr and Mrs.
Hugh Murphy, was married at her
hoose here ase June Mrd to Dr. B. M.
Smillie, of Galt. Rev. F. H. Leckie
performed the ceremony. AP
led InSt. James' commie was dedicated
on Munfay evening last, when Rev.
J. P. Testacy, D. D , of Toronto, was
pewees( and gave an addres.
Mr. J. F. Ross. who had been mathe-
matical master et the Collegiate In-
stitute for several years, has been en-
gaged as principal and A. C. Hazen, of
P is.e+oe, has been engaged as science
The members of 8eatorti Methodist
church presented Rev. A. W. •red Ma.
Barker with an address and • combin-
ation bookcase and writing desk in
appreciation of their services during
the fur year, they have been at Sea-
The monitory of Stewart Bros.' staff
presented Mies Margaret Hudson with
• cabinet of silver, • box of t01:110 hoes
and an embossed bedspread- on the .ve
of b.r marriage. which took place at
KgmoodviUe nu June Zi to Oarnet
H.bkirk. of McKdlop.
Roy Ocoee was struck by • train and
killed at Oooksville on lupe 19. The
news of his death ease with such
.hock to his brother, Wellington,
with whom be lived, that be diad the
following day. The brothers were
nepbew, of Mr A. H Close, of town,
and the wife of Wellington was form-
erly Miss Ann Jackson, of ligsd-
vile. moWeUingt..n was menage" of
the woollen mills here seven years
Roy McKay opeoed • new grocery
hu•tow be the Smith aleck cm June
19th .
lira. Jansen Elliott has sold bee reai-
desee hers to Jams Logan awl will
remove to Str•tfoed.
The Red Cross Circle realized the
. um of tits) from the sale of Kege 00
Flag Day which was laid reeeatly,
W. A. Pryne bas gone to Toroesto.
where be bas a position with the
Porter Mfg. Co., dealers in druggists'
John Currie k 8oe have purchased
• piece of land outside the corporation
and will tart an up-to-date slaughter-
house me it to comply with tae re-
quirements of the hoard of health.
The eontraet aur putting doves four
blocks of psrmaast roadway .t the
south ,d of Main street W been let
to Tee. McL.as of WI.(h.m, for
The ooeseil will furs) the
Ths enmegentent l =mowed of klieg
Lia Hind, to Rev. John McL.rhlau,
Hindsef Winnipeg. Moe
known k.,..ad bee ile well
,peel tM poet
swtbs with her deter. Mrs. 8.
Peri.. If•e[ek is ssferis tram •
immeshed both and James efntaei
teem weemrd broken rite ea a remelt of
hallos tweets -ave feet when assffen
se way w whish they were week-
at the new milt loot week
JameAt no bona of Rieers&e
Farm a
end :
L. MarryN ihier gy .s .e...t.
omni.- d Oral. dee. A. Nab A. J. Ma
TiteemDAT, Jut 1, iSIS 7
ECONOMICAL .Heats the house well
without burning all the coal you can buy.
Gives steady, even
l.rrz,ace hest on least fuel.
See the McClary dealer or write for booklet.
Sold by W. R. PINDER
10th = 18th
$30,000.00 IN PRIZES
and Attractions
Prizes increased this year by
Excellent Program of Attractions
Twice Daily.
Two Speed Events Daily.
Fireworks Every Night.
New Steel grandstand,
Midway Better Then Ever.
of Toronto, and Fare and One -Third frown outside points
Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information fre.n the Secretary
A. M. NWT. Secretary
W. J. REID, President
tied the nuptial knotThe young
couple will reside on the groom's farm
in Grey township.
While Wm. Harris and George
Colvin, jr., were having some fun at
the W. W. Harris factory, Colvin
picked up • dipper containing sul-
phuric aced and thinking it was water
threw it .t Harris. Tb. liquid .truck
Harris in the face and inflicted severe
burns. it ie not yet known whether
the eyesight bas been impaired or not.
Now /s the Tine to Get Rid of nese
Ugly Spats.
There. no longer the slightest seed
of feeling ashamed of your freckle., as
the prescription othlae- d o u b t
strength- is guaranteed to remove
the= homely spot..
!Simply get an ounce of ntbine--
double strength -from any druggist
rand y u • iittJe of it night and should w00 see than even
the worst freckles leave begun to disap-
pear, while the lighter ops hare van-
ished entirely. It is seldom that more
than an ounce u Deeded to complete)
clear the .kin and gain . beautiful.
clear compiexioa.
Beau?* to ask for the double strength
°thi°e, as this is sold under guarantee
of sonny back if it fails to remove
Edmonton Is Doing Weil
The people of Edmonton, Alberta.
are raising • fund for the pureb•se of
eight machine guns to be pe..eoted to
the 49th and blot Bat s. Com-
mercial Lod.., A., F. k A M., hs.
contributed EMS. the pries of one gut.
This is the youngest Mammic Lodge in
the city and iselods several former
Goderieb men in its membership. Mr.
Roy W. Henry, formerly of the Star-
ling Bank here, im the secretary. Ed-
wootoe, b..idge its c0atrihotiois of
money and supplies, has mot over floe
thousand aeon to the front.
Liver Spots, Pimples, Dark
Circles Under the Eyes
are .l1 signs of the "Totem (clog clog.
wed. The liver and bowels too inac-
tive and the stomach is weak from ata
dlgeeted foods and foul gores.
the great fruit remedy, will make you
feel like • new person.
Winnipsj, Jute 27, loll.
After lekhg three box= of your
Fig Pills for stomach and liver troubles
i fed strong and well and abbe to do
my own work.
Mew. A. H. SAITLTgtL
!told at all dealers in 116 sod 50 -cent
boxes or sadel hy the Fig Pill (k...
2stThomas, Ont. tion 10 Noder(ch
P.. R. Willi.. dr.gBl1.
"My boy," "aid the sncose•ful mar -
0111102‘ "never let your capital lie idle.
Remember that money talk., but it
de.en't talk in the sleep." -Boston
"Wiry did you accept G ?'
"He wee .o math more erighod
the otter fs0owe." "Le what way r
' He was to ealy sues that oohed me
to be W ardor
le atneed from the be tWaah-
wed with tart. add eireulatirg
l. the had. Anda- et. Pi` ore all
terms kilatry pesed se sue 0. t Deak yw
graves -
thea B. sore you gat AntLQrl.
rms. !L V. l .l.. as .eery b... 1anakm .Ae e
Sold ably dst 0.L, °suds' dreg Nero,
Human Driftwood.
In our father' days the tarshead
was the son of a neighboring 1.rmer,
workioa by the moots for the asst
payment on a farm of his own. Now
he M usually • bit of human driftwood
floating en an uncharted sea, with so
anchorage for the winter ave pesilosa
roadetsads like Kinky Disk's piece in
"Chi: A letter from a tioutk Dakota
farmer throws a flood of Uget, mot alto -
8....o, geoendlyrev sK-
ment: leY develop-
are a few of the more striking
men who have worked for s is the
lasof t fewhis8 part mtpember
p pwtw oI
a oalebrat.d surgeoe, a choeoiagr ol.f
Maltese globe trotter, a side-
tracked v11 whomedmeaties
extended nintaar.not Ana'
etannulus, British sailor. Stat.s covatrymsutwo
flghtersan ex -convict, a long-haired
poet, a barber, an .soaped =oats Of
the State hospital for the hoses at
Cherokee, Iowa, • locomotive .ogln-
eer, end a man wbo said that his iaet
job had been boring bone in mac-
Rather different from the mss ciao
visualises as joioing the family at
mealtimes on • Western farm, isn't
It ?
"Moet of them," continues our
farer-eorrespoodent, "were defect-
im.ss in some way ; but nose of them
the e worm for their sojourn with
w. They were not all Incompetent -
and we can judge men only by the
Weekly do their work." -Collier'.
Bill-•"Bre. Sam, what are you put-
ting on all of those coats far r 8•m -
"It's like this. &11. I'm goiog to
paint my fence. and it says on the tin
'To obtain good results put on three
or more .Date.' And that'. what I'm
Husband -"Oa kis birthday before
their mmsviage .he gave blew • book
entitled 'A Perfect (rotle=e°.' " Wife
-"Any ebange atter • year of married
lifer Hueb.nd-"Ob. yes ; on leis last
birthday .be pye hien • book emitted
'Wald Asissai. i Hoye Met' "
Is Your Roof One ail
Those in This Town
that seed our st tent ioe ? Tie
longer yogi dei•y makl.g the -.wired
repair. the mere daag* the
ls :
your apnmee.
Tinning and Repagiri nsg
roof& also Wadies work. st sad
nadirs. le 7fkk woeli'.
dlo It well.
Better ..md tae we mow and he ready
for the swam weather.
Fred hkrnt
Plow W.