The Signal, 1915-7-1, Page 51 1
Want an Auto?
1)0 T011 Here •:
your chance
friald honest bargain on a Car !
We have a couple of glycal second-hand Automobiles to sell.
To say
-person pe> who
wants a good bargain in this line we
,a advise you to tall sad look these over. A sure swap. 0
1 McLaughlin -Buick Model 1; Touring Car, prac-
tically new tires all round, the -machine has just
been repainted and overhauled this spring, elec-
tric light, all round, full e.luipnleut of tool, and
spares. . good husky machine and one !CCA
that will go over any road. Take it for I JJV
1 Model N Russell Touring Car. This is a well-
known make and the whole machine is in good
f ()Met. It has joist been overhauled and repainted.
A good honest machine for hard work
and a real bargain at only........... $350
Don't Miss These If At All Interested!
East Street Garage
Ikt Next to Tows Hall. 'Pikes* 243.
="=1=0=101= ===I
LOCALTOPICS. sessmert of John Stevens. Park street,
- - `wan reduced from $1.:,111.0to al 1111
For Wounded Soldiers.;
The board of Alexandra hospital has
offered the use nt the hospital property
near the rivet (the old (',lwneron,pleeel
to the Milt: is Department for the ac-
cowmoxdation of wounded soldiers.
Assessment Appeals.
The coot of revision stet on Friday
evening to consider ss.eeenrent ap-
peals, The (. dericb Organ •Co.'s hp -
peal for the reduction of it. assessment .
tor school tax from $111,110) to $24,0110i
was laid over far further etnsidera•
tion. The company hs. a Axed asses -I
ent of S_1.11a) l fly general t se pun j
pried. MIS. 1) set was granted a
reduction grown $x'111 to $1311 ow twat
vacant In. at the lake 'bank. The as-
Two other appeals were not sustained.
The court adjourned to Wednesday
night of this week to deal with the
Organ Co.'s appeal.
New. W. H. Wrighton to Stratford.
Wee. Wee 11. Wright on, who for
the pert eighteen months has been
pester of Goderich Baptist church, has
letzepted a call to Stratford and will
take charge of • mission to be opened
le the south end of the city. The pul-
pit committee of the chureb bee en-
deavored M have Yr. Wright -1n stay for
next Man.lay, as it is the monthly role-
bration of communion. but Mr. Wrigb.
ion wished to have one Sunday tree
helot, raking up his new dull
bis addreases last Sunday he referred
to the many kindnes•.s he had re-
ceived at the hands of the people of
Starnped Goods
Call and see our Stamped Goods for m:broadery .( ail kinds.
Day Slips. Pillow Slips, Centre Pieces, Tray Cloths, etc,
Ladies Waists, Negligees. Nightgowns. New Styes of Corset Covers, etc.
Children s Dresses. Nightgowns and'Underwear
Cashioes Scarfs and Centres.
Tan and White Linen by the yard Mrs. Silks and D M. C. Threads L. B. Tape
_ 1
?dlodel : 7heatre
Fine Pictures !
"Fine Pictures." is the verdict of the patrons every
night ou leaving the Model Theatre. Even though it
tray not he their style of a picture. they cannot help
but admit that the "Quality'. is there.
The proprietor is negotiating for one of the biggest
productions evir shown ou the screen. for a near date.
On account of Me length of this big feature it will
ue eaitate running a matinee. t picture for one day
only) in order to give all a chance to see it. it is far
and above anything ever shown in Goderich. with the
moat famous personage in her line in the world, as
the leading character. Any house showing this star,
whether in movies or in reality, finds itself handi-
apped to accommodate its patrons Negotiations not
ieiug completed for a definite (late of this production
we are not at liberty to give name and date.
But keep watch of this space
Feature productions six nights in the week, including
comedy, detective, western and drama, with all of the
Universal stars in them.
Every picture see of "Quality." Better clam the best.
Big Programme Every Fnday Night.
Yours for the best obtainable
Ooder'kk and .sad be sever ea ed
to he treated hatter. Mr. and Mrs.
Weighty' eapect to leave town this
At the Waterfront
The only arrival at the harbor this
week was the stormier Prentiss. with
the .ebooner Uranus, which brought
la 1000 toes of anal for the ling Mill.
It is intended to raise the new coal
eooveysr at the mill teeny feet. so
Oast the owl will be disteillhted over
the steed without so much ■bov.11isg.
Twenty -live tone of cosh are used
evert twenty four hours when the
mill is In full opsratioo.
Edmonton is Doing Weil.
The people of Edtsooton. Alberta,
are rsiaiog • fund for the purchase of
eight lchase guns to be presented to
the 1016 and 51st Battalions. ons. Com-
mercial Lodge. A . , F. & A . M., by
distributed fit= .be price of one gun.
This is the youngest Maeooic Lodge in
the city and Include. ai.Teral former
Goderieh men in its memb.r.hlp. Mr.
Roy W. Henry, formerly of the Ster-
ling Hank hero, is the secretary. Ed-
monton, besides its contributions of
money and supplies, ha• seat over five
thousand men W the front.
O. W. S. Law Suits.
As the result of a timeline of repre-
sentatives of the municipalities inter-
ested In the defunct Outario West
Shore Railw..y, expert legal opinion
is being sought as to the advisability- of
log with law Butts against A.
V.Osler & Co. and tbe Toronto Gen-
eral Teets Corporation in connection
with the disposition of certain portions
of the funds nixed t, the municipal
guarantee. The municipalities ara:act-
ing together in the matter, and some of
the r. presentatives were doubtful about
going ahead with the cases and in-
curring further law coats unless there
were pretty sure prospects of winning.
An effort is being made to secure the
attendance of Hon. Adam Beck at a
public meeting for the discussion of
the future of the West Shore road.
Battle Pictures Barred.
The announcement comes from Tor-
onto that until the close of the war
moving pictures of actual fighting at
the front or even the studio home-
made variety will not be allowed
This is the ultimatum of the Provin-
cial board of censors, after • consulta-
tion with the military authorities at
Ottawa. The only war pictures that
will get past the censors will be those
of troops on the march, trench and
camp scenes and the like; actual
emcee of desperate struggles, where
armies are heli in d•uth grips, will no
longer be found on the -'movie" bills.
The reasons for this decision are not
stated, but one is supposed to be that
the eight of pictures of wounded men
cannot hut he painful to the feelings
of the relatives of men who have gune
10 tb. front.
Water and Light Commission.
The water and light cogen ..i.,n held
5 meeting on Thursday evening last..
The engineer reported the sale of 12.1
e0 -cycle metres to the corporation of
tbe town of Durham. These metres
were used in Goderich under the old
system of lighting. The water and
light collector was instructed to pre-
sent a list, at the next meeting, of all
who were In arrears. The engineer
reported that to install a 4 -inch water
main to the N. A. t'. Co.'s plant would
cost $47'i, a t-igch Maio would cost
d'irSl and to install electric power and
light would coat Vie). A letter from
Jar. )ta ssford was read asking tbe
commission to quote a price per WOO
Batons on water supplied. 1' was laid
on ;he table. (M emotion it was de=
tided to allow water for lawn service.
to be used any tine during the day
free" Marini to Nnmet. -The secretary
was instructed to ask for tenders for
scraping and painting the standpipe.
A suenhee of aeeottgq were presented
sed pawed.
The 010 -ties. Dance.
The ola-tame country dance held
last Thursday evening under the
auspices of tb. United Patriotic So-
ciety of Goderich township, on the
groundsof Mr. Isaac Salkeld, B.vHeld
road, was a most succe,liul event. lo
spite of rather threatening weather.
a great crowd gathered and enjoyed
erety moment. The grounds were
decorated with hunting and Chinese
lantern., giving them a very festive
appearance The evening's program
was opened by the singing of the Na-
tional Anthem. followed by a abort
address by Rev..1 H. Fotheringhsm,
after which Mr Salkeld welcomed the
people in his usual genial manner
A large dsocing floor, erected especial-
ly for the occasion on the ground..
proved to be the stain attraction of
the evening. Many thanks Are due to
those who assisted so ably in provid-
ing the music for the dancing. Mr.
L O. Parsons added variety to the
evening. enjoyment by • solo, and
Reeve Lobb gars an address in which
tie congratulated the ladies of the
Patriotic Society upon their gond
work Then were tables for the sale
of refreshments, etc.. and all wemed
too do • g.,od business The proceeJs
amounted to about $112.
Drainage Bylaw Quashed.
A sittings of the Ontario Diaioage
Couft was held at the court houses on
the 'Lith init. h the drainage referee.
Diming. F. Henderson. K. ('., to bear
the ease of McCann et al. vs. the
Township of West \Vawaeoeh, which
was an application made by Thom
McCann and a number of other rate
peyer. of the township of West Wa-
nosh to hate a bylaw of the township,
known aa the Young drain bylaw.
quashed. The applicants had appealed
to the county judge egalnet their pro.
Medassessments and Judge Doyle
allowed their appeals. hut the
township council tailed to carry out •
His Honne' finding,. The applieasts
t hen applied to the drainage referee to
set •aid• the whole scheme npos mo-
ors/ growds. end the referee, after
hearing aegtrasent el counsel for lbe
parties esteemed and for the town-
ebip, greeted the septic/Woe. bolding
that the eeemiremorua of the Monde -
pal Drainage Ittihad mot )rola observed
by the eoosell and engineer The re-
sult was that the bylaw was est Yid•
and the township was ordered to pay
the poste et the Ings. Charles
Gaevelw ter the ante
C , for the
ks▪ w.ship
ales arkd Lam eye 1.
mem no rllgas.r n1gyrry this thee.
W bat s thud labs I
We have a very comfortable tamp.
I have*room Is the 0dmsse' quarter
along with a emtrdsl tt laenteaa.t.. ea
the son of as naglaedb Marc\ ministee,
the other the sea of Vooderbase, the
distillers el Tomato. Ther are both
fine fellows.
A week elm &t sir 1 took servIe.
In Folkestone, a city of about 40.0181,
seven miles from hire, for Dr. Pi i.gk,
of Yukon fame. 1t wee a Osngrega.
tional cllare\. Alter service 1 was taken
to the home of one of the deaaom., •
working men wit& his little cottage. 1t
was • reproduction of the flee simple We
of Dickens. 1 Werth a different place,
for tea. • ',peen grsleer,' They were
having • pl0ie tie MIME qg
day and asked mss to go. f8l.. I wsst-
There were the manned W wife. two
daughters, sop, muss& aid their re-
sp.Ctive bean: and girls We went
to an ow country estate stout. three
miles out of til..' City is now
vacant. 1t is • deliabtfnl spot, a
typical old li^ li7b 9Qtr, with abomt
thirty hers p/ gerund. i-bt ?Nate
wane t0 sell the propel t y -106.61101.
It is situated at the tread . f s beauti-
ful valley, with • great .umher of
trees, fruit, shade i►nla ornamental,
tlowerbda to no mod running wild
and an old-faabioned thatthed barn.
It was an ideal day for a picnic and
they were all like Rids. W. had our
supper on the laws, took pictures and
wandered ahout. They seemed to take
quite an interest in entertaining an
officer from Canada anti 1 bad a very
enjoyable time.
1 have six days' leave coming to me.
Think 1 will spend a couple of days in
London, and the rest in Scott/and.
rawest arrivals awl have dans bum
sass swillisioutly to warrant a Joao -
moot, though they are Sae mama
Thee* talar battalion. lees .site et
sheath lafantr y BrIg./e. (lei H. D.
etches. who nee eom cad of Ibis
beinade, asd his Neff are new estab-
lished cm Dikg.L. Plain.
Ma joss-tiesessl Nam Steele iespeeW
the troops at Mendlieg J.nrdss-lb.
Outride brigade -ea Tuesday and was
greatly as .y t` b. . Today ex-
impede lb. Sixth Belgrade.
la eo.aestion with UYonel W. et.
P1.,. Hughes. it ielsteeestiag to sate
that he has no fewer than seven rela-
tives ea active service with the Osna-
dim forces oversew bore and is
Frame One of them is his oely nos,
and the other six are nephews, each
as only soa. Bo it seeam that the
Hughes family are most cecaa,aly M-
ing their bit aid than some.
. The Meath Mall the troops sow In
dip is perfect. There ie no serious
ilbe.. and yeas ones will go to the
front fit to the bigheet degree.
Tam -*Tr. Ana 1.• - •
IrelTorir Mims
limbs to Save
Money ?
Eich maturing son and
daughter should have a
personal Savings Account In the Union Bank of
Canada, with opportunities to save regularly, and
training to how to expend money wisely. Such an
education in thrift and saving will prove invaluable
In later 114. -'
Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMB#Matiatoti.
On Tuesday evening Victoria. street
Methodist church bell a social •ves-
isg w Veh moved to be very successful.
of of vocal and instrurs.otal
Yana tet[±spetwd with reading" and
brief eddrewes was rendered end ir-
treehments we:0 K(Y&.
The same evening North street
Methodist church held a lawn social at
which a goodly number were present.
Tennis and croquet were the chief al. at-
tractime. •oupttd oath tasty iefreeb-
meots The object in both instances
WWI 10 raise funds to send deJdicatee
Lo the Methodist summer school to be
held at Rt. Thomas during the "mood
week of July.
' Mite Belt is venting IVts.4. atTentsta
Mite Mabel tnraaa V in M*.kmta on s rase,.
lin. top.
Mir !Strang i• lose from .lrspoor fur tN
simmer .&. *teen
Mr. laa. MaeDesatd was up from Leedom e.
lf.sday Muting 15. relative, bore.
Mani.. -- kat Detroit tette%
=liana _ e [rote W*JUMP.
Iii• Ilay barn.. ` u"4.1s= to a;swa 1
the holiday with friends at 1. and.tor k.
Mee Lott!. ia tome lo, tae bola
day. tram licawe.,,lle. where he taachs u
the ped reboot
herr. Jame. of Toronto. is Malting bee aothee.
Mira Wm. Hriadhy, of Port Albert. sad mhos
Mali Yoe la the district.
Mrs. IRev. l J 11. Mc»ain. .f Tt1Sao.barg. v
.bating friend, n tow, and M lee t'i..l .f
Lim Robertson. \'i.• lora,4remr.
The:11 ase. L and May Boyd. of Torste,
aro *panting betide1a at tlic ..1 tb.0
tare r, Alto D. Hoyd. ttlttn momr.
Write soon. Your loving sow, Cedar Valley Monday school held its Mr. and Mr,. John twiner and anue he r
WILL annual picnic at the Point Farm last
ZEPPELINS DON'T SCARE. Centre Huron Liberals will boll
meeting their minuet meeting at Seafortb 00
Tuesday +afternoon of neat week.
The water and light ro0twission is
asking for tender* for the painting
and cleaning of the standpipe.
The board of Alexandra hospital
has awarded the contract for painting
the hospital building to Mr. D. Mac-
A salad tea will he hell on July 7th
at the grounds of Mr Alex. launder.,
in aid of the Arthur Circle, Tea served
from i o'clock to 7.
Loodoo Cala and Undisturbed - The
Canadian Battabosa is Englaad-
I>'pecial to lioderk1 ' h Ngsal by I.1auL W. a
ass rar1. I
London, June 1.-1 bear there was
a Zeppelin raid on London last night.
I Hod it hard to believe, as my sleep
WAY . t u i to as undisturbed as though, bad
been in - .However, it is oMc-
ialty announced, so, of course, it must
have occurred all right.
What a strangely adaptable animal
Juan is. Last night about 10 o'clock 1
wet Lieutenant Jimmy Bell, the fam-
ous Toronto Varsity centre acriwinage.
Jilumy greeted me with, "'We are w-
ing to have a'Zeppelin raid tonight.
I en iuired, "Who told you
He laughed and said. "Oh, big doings
.round Scotland Yard. The leper
have been reported to be un their
way.' •
• - Sure enough
"Sure goo....
Su we walked around to a corner
chemist's shop (drug .tore) and bought
us each A 31 a.hlight in case the lights
should go out about the time the ex-
citement started and we should not
get in oo the doings.
Having discussed the merits of res-
pire' ars in a facetious manner. we sep-
arated, retired for the night, forgot
all about Z •ppelius-didn't even dream
about tbsuu-amd wenaorribiy shocked that_ to bear in the tuornisg at., people
had been killed within • distance of a
mile to -two.
Little Stir about Zeppebn Reid.
,Nobody bot hers shoot 1.eppelins
today. "O♦, yes," they say, "Yee. it
was quite close. wean t it 1 know a
chap- who-" and so op. They don't
ku.•w very much about it and they
dein'. seem particularly interested. Of
course it wasn't much of • raid after
all. Only four people were killed and
probably twenty or 590 wounded -no-
body knows just how many there were
wounded. A. a matter of fact nobody
seems to know very much about the
whole affair. The press is absolutely
muzzled and one of the evening paper'
away*was suppressed away* it got • bit
free with its information.
This is Dot at all the wort of stuff one
is supposed to write clout the terrible
Zeppelin, but is the circumstances,
if one must adhere to the truth, then
the sad fact must be chronicled that
from • thrilling, spectacular stand-
point, this initial Zeppelin effort has
been a rank failure.
One must not, 1 suppose. expect tooss
much all at once. There is a poibility
that the Huns were just feeling their
nastyway about. They rosy get real nasty
when they get to know us better. lne
In the antiwe England sleeps the
sleep of the just -and the ionoesnt
In the abstract. e Englishman real-
izes he M at war. As a nation Eng-
land is not yet it is • big statement
to make -is not vet roomed. Person-
ally. 1 think a few well-placed bombs
about London slid the Western Mid-
lands would do much to drive the
truth home
Shot nett ffe, Folkestone, and en
virago' g
(:ooare now hecominmore Cana-
dian than ever. an,dians about on
makes • side kes nne feel se tbongh be th
were hark in e hill. of !'ape Hisston
rather the in 1h• heel of England.
TM TSecond Canadian Conthagest.
A finer set up. hatter t pen of men
• Weaned essed the los laity than the Ilse
sturdy. responsible chaps from Canada
who !sake up our second contingent.
Every person hew hie own pet regiment,
but among such oele.did iattalionv it
would be impoelable to draw compost -
1.oThp.e .
ogl•taoding characteristics of
souse of the regiments might be hr.efiy
vet down. The 21st for mesterei ap-
p.aranee and marching, Lb* Doth for
physique and marksmanship, the 14th
for neatness anal shooting, the 18th
for eagPeeressesto learn and its splendidofficers.staff of officers. Th. 22nd Rattails,
(French-Caadisse) in charge of bol,
F. M lia.det, from Amherst, N
nth , R ,
the th Batslalios, under Lt. -Col.. 11
A. Lela•i., free. Halifax; the 27th, na-
iler LL -OM. G. R. Ssidy, of Wleniper
the lato
lath ander Lt. -Col. Ton, of Vol -
sensor. mil eyfl
thet, el Calgtny, tun
lt y ,IpII
Mr. Cleo. W. Black has received as
appointment as spetial clerk at the
poetomce and will commence bis
duties today 1July 1s1).
There were rumors this week of a
new development in the Bean murder
case. but Crown Attorney Seager on
heiug asked about it said there was
"nothing to it."
Mr^ Otto. MacVicar bail an interest-
ing lubber display i0 one of his store
window,, showing the . rubber in
Tarboro stages of manufacture from
the crude article to the Hnisbd
Edward PAtey, charged with at-
temp• tiog W i,nwmit suicide near
Wingham last week, was being
brought to Goderich jail by Constable
Phippen when he escaped, end at
latest report be was still at large.
L. O. L. No, 1132 will attend divine
service at Elliott church on Sunday
leveeing, July lib. The members are
requested to meet at the Orange Hall,
corner North street and the Stiviere,
at 6.30. Visiting brethren welcome.
The grandstand at the 8eafortb race-
track was completely destroyed by
fire on Monday afternoon. Tbe cause
is unknown. - As the Seafortb races
are to be held Thursday and Friday of
this, week. the blaze .,ccpned at an
u nfortunate time.
The regular meeting of the I;oderich
branch of the Women's Institute will
be held at the home of Miss M. E.
Salkeld, Bayfield roast, on Thursday,
July K, at 3 p. w. 'rhos, who wish to
tide In the band wagon will meet in
the park at 2.15. A good attendance
is desired. Visitors always welcome.
Men of sedentary habits Hod Resell
Orderlies me idea laxative -their ac-
tion being gentle and natural. Sold
only by H. C. Dunlop, the Recall
Store, 10c., Mc. and 31k. hexes.
1353 .
41,4, of 1 b, sr, 'kiting at. am, 1e..
of Mn. Leine. • parent.. Mr. and nit.. 1 %no.
l'Sry.tat left last week on a .w1
tt Hltbecam iodd also to 10, , !.ter-tM . owes Vu
rl.. at Winnipeg.
hent Hornbeck. late of L.cksow. who., boa
hand hat the fine. with the t'aa.dlan lone.
Iasi. taken inane in tow. and i+ staying Rete
with bee infant child.
Mr. W. H. Roberts.s returned Monday
from kis trip to Nu,a cnida, where he •pent a
fowl weeks ,iaillag relatives at his boyhood
Immo and 54other pointe near Now lilaoitow.
Row ..5 i Y. Thomases. of .t Imer. neeretary
of lam London Conference of the Method,.t
hatch. 5. ,'►inng at rho p.resW home. North
.4.455, thea weak. We regret to my that hi»
imeth.5. 0,..lieorge I1aw.ron, t. in pant hash
and iter. Mr. Tborod• •tilt Jud now is
largely oe thi. account.
K inearl4.. Nevi!. Mn. IRs. 1 J. T. Ldtear
and daught.t. Misr Helen. of Kalamazoo.
Hied. Imre an i.ed at their booed cottage far
14 ..miner, rbey are ..rompenkd by Mr.
and 13,.. P. Doty 'nee Mw Leta. L.ilaerl. of
tledetkh. Mr. Ll3ear eri51 Join her tastily
met month
Mr.. Clayton L. Jecksiin will receive
on Wednesday. July 7th, from 1 to 6
o'clock, for the first time eine.- coming
to (loderich. Her sister, Miss 1'art hew.
of Regina, will receive with her.
Mr. Hou+•w 1(e •ee )our lire, rr for thane
Aelkios+ White 1,:hart , herrle, arriving
dally. The Ked tier l'herrtee for poen and
prservint are ready. Red commit.. com-
alomr neat week, all Niagara P.oimula
grown. !e. your Reefer legal. commit..
li vb.wter. Juno MM.
H bral roe hn.h ttain to fl tie
1154+, per M, -h .45 to .311
Barley per h.,.hsass .at 1 .4:
Peas per Imo, . to tie
nee), wheat. per Iu.5 .. 'ti to .;a
r bot. faeuly. wrens 3.4n to 351
►!oars patent, pee cwt' -... 718% to ' SM
Bran. per ton .. .. . ' *tor to .?.1.
,shorts. Per ton .:.5.11 10 3155
Ray. per ion . 3X50 to 1/:"6/
S.1. to 8.10
30 to 173
:1110 .In
' .18 to .M
.3s to 31
1'a. to 1.7(
7.Z to 7.13"
ry ani i. 473
51c11.. live weigh, per ewt. . s 7.1. to &lS
Sheep. 551 . AM to 7.00
Lambs. 515 cwt . 7.110 to 7.30
Sbeep.kioa to Las
Rote. per Ib , .11 to ..12
Tolle., rondo/sod.. per 11 J.; to
Db. per lb ,IL to
+766ebero. per ail .pt to .12
1inorr per lb .12 to .12
T.tkey. per Ib. sass .ill to .111
'.,row. loos. per ton
1 Wood, per load sass
• Hinter. per lb..
1-i5), fresh. per des ..
Potatoes per bosh- - '
A pole.. per bbl
tat tae hoteliers' Mather sat.
1'5411.- butebe 'eluate. "
Just the Stove You Want
Detroit -Vapor Stoves
Burn oil
or Gasoline
Like a city gas stave
Pelmet Velma. Stoves "Work Like
start your cooking like a . ilk ga.
sore : simply light the tut new like
.t gos '.tins. and place cooking Idrn.iM
on at once,_ It requires no attentions,
and you can go about your work, know-
ing that,you have a stearly, hot fore.l,islc
your cooking. 1t tes really the 1•..t dove
we know of sad sir cordially In.ile yaw
to call on ns to see i1. as we %tight to
plraacd to .11uw it to you.
Coal Oil
FARMERS to An, other !,mens rc.tuir-
ing lout 41.1 rail ,htAln 11 of Ira Al Ila'
per gadlun in Ili -gallop luta .tel steel
tank complete with tap et $l.,i0.
Thea is the cheapest slay to buy nil .n.1
when you buy from as you get site ,r ry
best oil,
Melt Ha;thr'die Co., Limtte1
Tie Best Place t. Bay Haub/are
Ca) t
Ir .-M*.eedlwe M 1 wee * H.l.w.r,
N. • Ns w fro wily togs.
"The War Sunintery"
A l... .•, rl, 15..• v.13 Aa, the great etwrnpean wnr fere. In Agitate'
1•.,. the onto...41w: 5. panne In Conduits.. yearnsllam ....ening the . omit.1
S . to. n -The war e..wmary^ daily w. rem. 1 ,,.A 2 of TNx r :IAt5R.
Ie, 14 .nwrlae.t 1.n.•I1•1. fermi 14 writer 1..• ry.rn 11. r.• a
pew 1I.nor .5 11. 1.-,.Inpine..w Is 111 pill. of t►. world. While the.
eft tile nI the ...... rse•.ta ells._ the este041.1 f,,.,lI r. have herb
ev:,$.w•5.4 Ili reamers of TNM IsIone has 1.en .•,.h5.4 d. /on.
Irtrlllgrhlly •nal n111 .n155Ar..•• IM'•neer•/ ...lien,. of Ile.- .I til• -mann.
rehab -The ,i or e...wari" of TNM LLona ,s .55417 by.
rreetal pals. 'hr. • rt .• of the lbw.b.b..
The Editorial Page
TN* /.1-mwr: ..1 It. ..11r,••.•1 fact he• -Ili lvr,. too passe before. Oho
pebise 1s jeerer erq•.yur rhe• I road 1•., hr remits. .I) 5t. 11t1*N
*trainee 711..nrk. 5 sett. i. • has Ott:. 5..5 IM ata.-n51..n wet nosy of
t4 1'aaollnit prop:, \tier ..f k -,,Ie,, on n and Jannal. 5.. ,o1 p,l.
0f 14 0051.1. T'Iranljl... 1...1.1/1...11...1.1/....h• th
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as the rte...•nl• •..rtnrt
Nle. Ila. .- 1I 5. petit • n+n n. ;I \•i) In/..,v from 'So••••a.w 11.of
binet11N les ba r.laa.ew .Iwo', with it. 15.,1 5..1.1 il..4 t bar . et form . basic.
t.rhtte of TUV SIL.US'e ,•.Modal fag,
News Service
The 55.rr 5 .0,,.. ., aA.111 i.•n 10 5 ..1 I. al .1 .Ian •••1,1 ••• (rot.. 14
ho.. ploy el Inc for In Ihn least of
r'ana.lias pep. a.. ...1 p.r11) ..015i, tie pi..,,.men/0 M. new .f ,y 1-a
per ,5r•r In TNM GLM5's win wblk.w .I.aM* r..•.5 rw.tha
Other Firearms
Thr y, rt ,or i :roe 4h, m...nelal x111•1 .or,bl peer. rh. •..•.o.w'r,
pear.• .a. ra. *ft11 rhe adMre.wnt parr+ ie W..t...dar • i..,r
to lair a...l r, 1.5f., r.. wulwln,a..1 al , alai. •Ian.l.r4 of
es.. net.♦ . •1111.111110 11.1 him lo•nawl INC GLOOM I. 11. 504. of
4'n 4 • 51.t$ ..3 Poo•pepr sof la. riven 1t 17 sena* lbos•wn4o r4
tsrrr.t . t. u.rlaw ..5 a,.) ....x.101 pallor 1* 1155 I1waln5w
Local and City Papers
few. •
,s •1 .mean. 1•k. to„r .t. ,I vol.? tont 1. /N hl mi
Poof rtropolltsa
h r'r• TNI. lalw)SR ,.nq...,Mws1.11 M. ♦ea 54 fMreg .tire.
I0 he had tw I a..4. I.ra.r It to *Iv St ti par 1.mggeh mar www
fur tour sin, the I1rw.
THE GLOBE, Taranto.