HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-7-1, Page 4a • t )sliest, JULY t SM• Be Wise and Buy Your Blur for Block Sllrit Now. Blues and Blacks are advanc- ing greatly and are continu- ally advbncing. Fortunately I had a large Mock, purchased at the old pt ice, and am therefore in a position to save you money if you buy now ; don't delay and then have to pay a much higher price later on. We have them in alllprices from $15.00 to $22.50 W. C..Pridhani's Good Clothes SOLE AGENT for the famou. Society Brand Clothes Hate v oar tried tint- new iernew Bread ?- Cre-O-Malt -the tastiest in town. Nice soft crust - close -*gleed .Davie from Flei.chmann'+ Yeast. Everybody ;ata 'it 'in the best yet. Try a loaf. There is thorough sstistaction ft r those who buy our Cakes and Pantry. 1( you do not know bow gool They are, we should like you to try tbeeu. The OId Reliable Eat St. Rakers Phone 184. DOMINION DAY SINGLE FARE -- Good woisg Thursday. July let, retains lined Thsrday. July let. I9l& FARE ANO ONE-TIIIRD - fiood swiss Wednesday ..d Tare - day. Jose :354► red July L. rata limit Friday. Jely ked. 116. Minimum Merge !s.) Pacific Coast Tsars at Mew farms including "CALI- FORNIA KXPOSiflONS' rier M. G M.eulf. A., eathmaatPetsteelaw Roe Jaw E$Cm.PR aast. air Klet red Y. Ma. GRANO TRUNK DOMINION DAY Excursion Forel SWILL rAlltL-4o.a "Meg and retuesl.g July letlo.ly. IARE AND ONE-TNL ,-Goad ii Jae Slab cad July 1st. Setters Nag J.1y end. 191& Seas tiskete will be amid b.ew... alt statics. la Cads east et Peat Arthur. __ your Lakes early at Greed Thug& filet elbow iraast.tektim.Sglit t as Peeme Olttll 1 MYTH. TUaea&Y, Jew IR A Jana Oagito.T._B.osebiag that to. hover happened is oar bows ballets took piste es Saturday at 11.10 a.m., the oeaatios bear Me saesm- e los of the lotss. cos of llr..d Mr. J. Lybel. This way a meat ant for Mem. as tars is their Stet hey. sad as .seal with tae Hebrew mese it wee at de pal• fie eeloa. (batea .ember townspeople were hawked to ea teed ad were palest. betides a s�eem�.. bee of Moir awse e eafrom estW= points. Rabbi Jacob solo svey, 01 ')r- ats, was presest is perform the eara- mooy according mo w Old Tsrtsmsst rites. The Id's attar i. 8.m..L Atter tbe ee emosy . sumptuous re- past was provided for the sesseross g Te .rirop a 1f -lbs HOW tete held • Si_alms.) li tlag he Islsstry Hall os. . afteeeoo.. There way a Wee mace. more ir.terest being takes is this thea usual, owing to the dimension amongst the subscriber. os account of the pureba.e of the Bell Tel te Co.'s iarect 4 in !Myth by Met= Company. Mr. John Ellie was ap- plaud Mahan and Mr. Alez. Rader eeseetar� of the meeting. A eeseid- eeeMe discurlos took place os the Sn- arcial state.nat, which was at haat accepted. After this .tbe eleetios of directors took place By an Act of 'wetly passed by the Legislature the board is to convict of thrust, .sewed of ri .usny -• they 1,•.e had Ii.t•tee Mr. Lt.ztoo Hill headed the poll. a ith Mr. John Patter nett and Mr. Job. tit hats third, an testae will be the new romruissieaere. We uodetstaod Mr. Potter declined to act. *o this will chum a vacancy. NOMINAL AND Gli'NgKAL.-Mr. 0. B. McTditgen autoed to Serfs on Sunday and brought back with bleu Ma father and sister, who are *pead- isg • few days with bine sod bid brotber bete Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McGowan left on Tuesday morning for a trip of two or these tpnsths. It is tbeirintention to visit relative. at Detroit. Mich., and in Iowa; then they will go on 10 Portland and from there no to Bi iti.h Colun.biw and home tbrougb the Western Provinces. ..Mr. Wm. Scott, who has been spending the part three mouths in the Southern Stated, vi.iting relatives and taking in the Panama Exposition in California, returned home on Satur- day evening and reports having had a roust enj tyal.le trip The public erbool way tloroughiy fumigated after the diphtheria 'care and the examina- tions for second-class certificates are breast conducted there this went ..Mr. and Mrs.. 8. 11. liidlcv *Peet a taw days with relatives at Soutbamptcn and Pt. Elgin The several case. I of diphtherig in town are all getting b t et' and en there -aro no new cried the,town will ax.nh, freebf ire The coma ase all mild and in condrqueoce no,eriou, effects have resulted... .. The torn football team played a tie game with a team from Huf'ett at a garden party near Loodesboro', nn Thuradav night. the to we being 1 1. We u•tdetstand • return match will br played berm this wick The se- osins of Mn. Burr.., of Lucknow. were titought herr Lar tenial on Sat- ! artiay... Mr. R.tbt McKay. who 1 bad been id St. Joseph's iio-pitat, Loe- duo. for mem time, underuiag treat• moat for ias.mmatioa of the eyes, ie f l ogrv.eiag at.:ely a.d i. espeei.J hoose tine week... , The Ws Ib lad bat got all its i.wtrwme.ate and omen 'the tsainting of Mr. S. H. t14ley should MX,s be is .bap. to Oaf WOW ga.nd • swore, es it ha. the stater+.) for the i erakieg ..f a tared lewd Mies Miagg.e Hir.•nn..tf Breeaeia, se epeeto- i into • to", holiday, with her p.renta tir-e .. *rt. a •.saber Loge herw tor.a is t M Rat des parr, •r liar'st,-k no Fender ..nigh, and bar an wyog .1.4 tiesu. KINTA/L M•,e.naT. awes e24. • litre wherry pick tag and et•tat. thaw .r. the ode.' orf to eat !Ir sail fire Meee.. Mo-Duerue ems Mast.. K.,Ny..f W.. 4d speed the weak+ud at the hoses et thele seely. Mr. M l' MaeL.. sae. Mrs. R.hart lemou etas ebitdres, 4 1 Amara, are liaise et br std bait hem Ie► ser )hors and Posit Giles me home for their holidays Same Wim of teen anpradthetinviteties 4 tee Pose Lwew Ili► okosiory . wee ea sod were 'Notarising". at T be Mar .d Mea Olde bar on the ale esereeaiw d il«ww. Sabel dos.. bee. us Taal of 1 this week Mr. Tensed lumen mat in his t.migweleoo. the ,rbasl hard has reword the arrvww of M=o• ads. Poetised. 4 Dempe.N.. for the coat- . lag year 1 KiNGfsll1OGIL MONDAY. JOIN 94. Miss Pearl Oros., of Detroit, sad M.-. H Mr8ia.r.n, of Parkhill. ate viattisw DWI. Nests. Mr. ane Mr.. Jobe T. Lien. Mr. and Mow. Mit a.1 Saler. the Misses Veronlea sad Lorena 8,,.i.r sad Master Lector. all of Uodreaeb. epees Seadsy witb Meta berw. Maurice Grifle, of Godevich, le vis- iting his sister. lira The Miele. The Minas Laura prime sea Eileen Sonhas. teacher', aro boas toe the shatter vacation. Quite • .ember from batt atte dad the dace glees at lb. Point Perm on lase Med inst. Thomas O'Connor left os Saturday to speed Me remainder of tbe navies - ties steams on the Gnat La k ee Maw Angela Brophy and Mem John Bole, of St. upusuae. �p.ttaiidd a noise e visit to Kings. go la Thursday. Rev. Father Wanner, of Leedom. Pada Dees, of SL Augustiae, sea Father Peed. of Woodbine. visited hon Inst week. EXAMINATION RtteCLTu.-The m- wtlto of the promotion exa eleatlo. Is Ile. Joseph'. school. Ka.pbeadg., stn as follows egnIO$ M. (.0 J1tWl0S tr. Haul 8 weary. L.sg. Pak Fees -Mary 1. Hesery, M lbi.y. DenalihaIseldt. Js.: pr1�sDenali twos Joy, Melo Adth. WHIM .s t�1. to .aar l to _ Gesrwq. Mrsiea !ba -Agatha O'De era M= fine Mattie, Vltebw O'1Rlsay, an. Katie O'RMRy. awmwao to re1111111 ta. MNaee-'Margaret Pay. Maty Dab Woma's Weakness A wsat's r ep.eduethe ar=ses arty km she stoat W- as. sad cestlattok a eye. T .01 wibet di*o.deri. tb kldsays brings .bout • c+oaesppondi.g 4..... 1• � Dodd'. Kilo. al.. b rt' etai.g the kio�wey. to thew perfect condoles, prevent and esu those Hertel di► eiders � pseetiiarl1sst�.,o yam.. '1n retie s, stiSwieg osteo and lemma aNerns .pal the C et Lite. year best eris.dis Dodd's Kidney Pills toe. P•es-JobnO'ReWy,Georgethen eW. PART 11. to e1I1'OWD. Honore -Ruta Sullivan, Heise• Foley. iilliaab.th O'Cmeor, Clare 1.1% Reilly, Dente Dalton, Edwin Galley, Mari.. Di Marto. Pais -Ella Drennan, Cyril Austin,'. Harvey Matt. NILk. Morin 1Y, Juse 28. FARSWELL TO Ray. H. WILLAse.- On Thursday evening, June 24th, a representative gatbeting of Nile and Sbeppardtnn eongrestations met in the Nile elms ch pat lots to hid farewell 1 their pastor. Res. 11. Wiltans. Mr Wiliam has been a faithful and pop tiler minister, and during his pa.torate herr church attendee)* and interest base been greatly increased. Hts zeal in the discharge of his duties and bit winning personality Inv* gained hien enemy friends, who allowed their ap- preciation of his work here and their regret at his departure by pre. slog bins with a purse contaiuing $00 and the following address : • th .r Pater and Frieod,--w-e are sateabasd here toed/At on , he orcoetea of your departuree fnx t u.r midst to express ear aportent! on of Your life amrng us aged to ex et .1 our hearty 1�[[out w i.h'a •tar soar ooa:eueJ pn►-Mrlt a.d baptinr.r. Uunng the ;brae )ear. you MYe toe., ais.J u, we have lar -:rad w b,iso, .ad e.teemyou. A. umar4.•er of the Gr.peltou ha.• bean e. residers in noApld�ng tht trcwt psfucipie• ort which U: true U(r i. boyo you hare b.nn eloquent in expounding thea ; tad ea er in your tu.'.wg-. to u• •r have igen your ...runt de. re ru bf. a..• to a Lieber ',one of tnt.ujbta,.1 ifr. i,. ,MAufou. WitoormaSY. JIIS�O. Mr. JadlsMseiy, en, wtltilasse eery let. st Mr. a.tyy�y� ....�g{e.ee at w lurMsIFI k stature Mr. Btlklssoa's balmy. lots as Taal, to ssMse. at Sobsiaatille 'elate Mr. J. i1 Jaceme awe leas for hie bdldays. t b her hell - Maw Jas" Jamas AA ea-Toseda to jj01a her husband at Fa Ways. Air. after a year's abraa5''bsreing bar norther, who pared Away is April. Tb. Aware brass heed will etpply the needy at w Oolborus mwl.ipal Jtuly Int.sphose dpleat). at Beemillst os f de No. ei. a IMi ditlanday atter- sees is O. Illi. TIalFeRr.vs- The Spwurtb Lams of tbe Metho- dist Math sad the Yang People's Guild et Um Presbyteries eburs► ha.* aided to tasite ead•bo(4 joist eat- = That is a stay towards .bare► twosarl .stia.ab.ptbhegt hpgirtAuburn ba poshs whd eek -the oomasusly-esetre field day on =sea) last (aaem pent rf whichpu- tlshstl el.ewleIs . issue), ad Me Presbyterian garde" party eta Mon- day ..aiming. Theis/4er event took pas os. he ggrruuuusd. of MrWWiaa Dleoti. evsrl..tkleR t a giver,, ak aples- did pias ter sseb adt.theriog Than was a large at tsndesce and all seemed Atte h ooh themselves Ived a pre Illtb served P!'o' gram wee carried out In the epee' air, with Rev. A. Chug as chairman. Vocal solus and dusts were liven by members of the choir of Knox cherch. Oodericb, and '.44...see by Rev. J. G. Reid, of Lob >.q' : ReRev, W D. Om - way, of Au Turner, of Blyth. . Auburn seam band also aided in the ptograan. The Baptiste bold their garden party .bid evening cm the chorea grounds. DUNGANNON. oI Thomas. S. - 1 UA$DS PA.TT.-The garden party held os. June ZS' h, under the auspices of the Women'. )suit Ue. on the lawn of Mr. John Campbell was • spbadid were« in every way. A targe crowd gathered ear:y in the *vetting and par- took of • bouatUul supper. atter which ice cream and strawberries were served t) those wbo'd.rired them. The tooth, were liberality marooned and everyone wad cbetiriulav and quickly served. Tbs Auburn bead was in at- tendance end was very liberal with ars music, srhicb was highly appreciated. The proceed• amounted to about M. The Woolen's Institute is to be con- gratulated on the success of the even- ing. -We 1 a r In deed-. no: year.. In thought.. not breath.." and your pen 'nal lite among u. ha. ta:bfallr .how., tart roar hare ^been with Jeyes and 8.:re lea .aedut H. u. Your rhee:tutne..and 1554) arul nnteivat .ywi.t:hy bate 'utile chi, a better and brurbter cite. and have been wel- coatted by taro.e who have pa..e1 through born of het r,.emend a• well a. br o. all in o r b• tenter ttao.aea.. Anions 'tar Fount moo el the t• wr.auairy yua La, a warm lead. ..d .faun,.i admire... tar you have Urea tothem aa example of a l's. Isles a..t law and have a.M encs...n aa attractive de•bty er year vhr.•tf.l a .arwd..ktp .d ltadur.t ending .ad sort ..e.a...r.re a at ethos.. tea,'►. .puri. th.w lee rivet •iceedt. e y year dap•rt.re front rabid tae txr.k.se w .b.• tier b•t...0 surer s.. week. which tso y..r. have • treeerhrad. A. • tacgi►.e rapte,.ioe f they 'vekra. we are pre -...sing fhb pyaanr..ee which, sou wink yea mamma nun we a•art� fell wt.hr. ►at f. year yew field of lobar tan nay and wide.- rend oreortuni i+. for dui.. ■•ed .n f t ant oarrwn•.U. yu.•tlt. Kr. WL•- lw.ata•dyour I.5 1. family a.y ear y every -f net -tn trbatt of Nee and sepp:.rite° it )1. 1m w.... Utwsos Mn. J. H. Peot:and read the address and the pie..ntatton was made by Mr. 1,s. McCann. Mr Wdlau• was completely taken by slurp .es, but tapir -d in his usual bapoy Gann -t. thatIttng his ft lords Ger taro 'okra of ,,herr appreciation. • After • .hurt wilt; aro w whtlantial Lech. followed e , I., -Grease, w.. ,erred 1 y the members of the baseball ends. d whew' Mr. Wiliam. has been $s MIhwei.•tic ..Mather. Mr. H ili.ne and balmily leave *a Ili Women . Jute :Pat. for their new i home is C•ireacitie. await .ad Forest papers pleas - sops . ST. AUGUSTINE. MONDAY, June 1J•. Now% N.rtta.-Miss Hazel tine, of of Duutannon, visited at Wet. Thompson's last week Sir. and Mrs. D. Kirkland, of Tee.water, called on friends in this vicinity this week. Mrs, and Mi., firearm visited 1t iends in Oa.lerieh on Mon- day Sirs' Miller. of Jamestown, and My. King. of Listowel, spent the weak -cud at Wm. McAllister '• A number net people from this vicinity ■vended the plonk at Aubur. on Friday Mr RMS. dies, of Car- low, visited teemed* in Gila vicinity on Saturday. L EEBURN. Dori r Mots Tuts.- A 1.g time is 'tr- ied at the aneual garden party of Leeburo church. to I.r held on the grounds of Mr. E. " N. Shaw" Lake Shore road, on the evrn,ng ctWednes- day, July 7th. The ;card It -gement hand will be iu attendatice, and there well he ios cream, candy, etc., for sale 0o the ground... T.o will he served • from ti to (4 o'clock. Admission.. 2.4c Irbildren 151. A cordial welcome i- eztecded to ail. 000ERICS TOWNSHIP. The general meeting of the Uniteol Pat riot ic Society of Godert.•h town.hsp will be held at the home of Nn. l:eo. Falconer on W dnseday, July 7th, s.1 2 Sts p. me. The call 14 so urgent for hospital supplies andreocks that every woman to this vicinity should try to be p..ent, or material ran be supplied to has one warn finds it impossible to attend he bearing msstiugs. • LYRIC: THEATRE TIE PIEMIER PICTURE HOUSE elbowing only the highest - elan, phntnp.iay. Ii E Management of t h e i,yric Theatre w i n I. t o announce that they will run a big double program consist- ing of 50011 feet of pictures each night, with an entire change four times weeekly, Tues., Thur.. Fri. and Sat. Each program will comprise every variety of subjects, all the bighest-clad obtainable, and guaranteed to please every taste. Every Friday of each week will be shown the greatest of all detective serials • - "The Eipleitsef E$a ie' in 15 episodes with such well known stars as pearl White, Arnold Daly, Sheldon Lewis and a SECOND EPISO E Friday, July 2nd To spend an enjoyable even- ing visit "The Lyric" Admission: 10c and Sc NOTE. - Nothing better than the bat, and this 'Maitre gets it EVERY time. Hater 1s This? W• ore. (hie Hundred Ostler. Reward for any rye" at gent that canna: br cud by WII'. Catarrh re F. J. f H' ENET t Cn.. Totr(o, n, sur. the under..gt ed. 'hteee 1 henry for .e. Yet nt•e.a year.. and belie e blot perfectly bunaepte W Modena tau,,.. &haus. and fla•aetally seta to carry oat at.y- .lateatf nr u.bi. ties. \ytux.:. Heh. or Commence. Toledo. 0. Rate • t'atarrb Car.eat ta•ereafly. a 1- lest directly apse do nieco ...r. fares .f the erten. lab rot iter. Price 73 benne per bottle. OM by ea drsggbv. Tab Matti'. Faintly P111. for con.Up.tieu. - SUMMER SPORTS. Fesapeli. The executiveof dee' town football league het Wednesday evesise of labs week and animal foe the genies yet to baplayed The STrand True* team will play the Big 8111411 Monday, July 5th, ash the Big (4111 will meet the Maple Leafs oe Jody fhb. Should the U.T.R. win from tib Big Mill each would have the same somber of poiets and a Seal rune would have to he played for the championship. The G. T. R team went to Baybald as Friday eyaa ng and ea defect by a score of 3 to 1 On Mosd•y eating Bayfield suet the G. T. R. os Victuals Park is ase tri Ia. cleanest end meet hotly ems - tested game. 'Mama hen for some time. At the clow elf the fist halt neither sale badto score. Within a mase of y being re- sumed BeylhY tooted geal, which performance three moos' depilated hy tbe hoe's assay Pam that time to tbe does the game resolvmetal' bet* apded itself late some eat wok sae dem by lab Bealtesd No mon somas as5.4.e and the game *maga in • tie, 1.1. Apar tm. /met s Y. T. 8. IUM esnetale.d tM ! capper at et. Ualoa .a eby iNu• Gargoyled., ;:e tot w�eng .mad►b T end O. J. Hoberth * he eel.aene� a MNedead• to the Ce .r It la •. �rnr,r� THE COLBORNE STORE • Prwa Pind n JMWI s Level at This Store• A • We ire in a position. to takeover), advantage in the way of prices that the markets 3 afford, always alias for tbc;l gq d yna.g t paur"faij; share of tbadven- 3 cage gained. ' Make a dist of your4K'ygoods'needs. ,, '.' I jAbout goo ends, from one to eight yards to an end. Shipped direct from the mill. We bought them at so 3 much a pound, which means about twenty per cent. reduc j tion on regular yard prices. Our first showing of them was Saturday last. 1 YOU WILL FIND OUR PRICES CONVINCING. Flannelette Mill Fads 3 3 CORSETS -We are selling faster than ever. We have the right Corset at the right price-D.&A. GLNGHAMS-We are still selling 124. and 15c Dress Gingham. at 10e. DRESSES -Twenty ladies' and girls' summer wash. Dresses ata big redaction oa regalst prices. i GLOVES -100 pairs of ladies' colored lisle Gloves. Regular price 25c and 36c. Come and a take your choice for 1:1c. ie DRESS GOODS -Just came this week, one piece black Serge 90c and one piece navy Serge 9Oe a gp4!TTqupefNgITTTT!PTTTfPqTMMAngiT .Bout o! uitir!TT!lvT novo1w J. H. COLBORNE PORT ALBERT. W**DNPAUAT. June:.). Remember the illustrated lecture to be stereo in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church on Friday evening, July nth, by C. W. D. Cowes., B. A., of L"ndou. The topic of the adore.. 4. "A V loin to the V. ar Zone." and an intereatiog evening is expected. In addit,on to the attractions al- ready announced for .18. !Awn .oriel to he held by the Pert Albert Angle - co' congregatic' on the evening ..t Wednesday next.' there will be a toot - ball watch between Port Albert and Cedar Valley, the game to commence at 7 o'clock. •The strawberry festival last evening, under'tbe auspices of the Presbyterian Women's Uistonary Society of Pont Albert, was a great success. The :find Regiment land of Gader'ich was pres- ent and gave a program that was much enjoyed. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. EAST WAWANOSH. Minutes of council met nog held on June 2111.. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting- read and approved. The engineers report on the Blyth creek drain extension • affect- ing certain lands in the t 3Ienship was read and. provisionally adopted. Direc- t rt of the Wwygbam Agricultural Society were pre.eot asking for a dogrel i ,n in aid of that Society. Action in thin mat 1-r laid over for the pres- ent. A bylaw sum read and Fasted, autboriziug the Reeve and trees:wee to hollow money to meet the ordinary towcsbip expenditure*. The follow- ing accounts were pard : S. Mcllor- ney, cleaoiog out di -ch and repairing culvert at 8,4.er creek, concewion 11, 113: M. McDowell, poets for guard fence ou 8. boundary, $25.01); J. Dover poste for guard lease on 8. boundary, $10.2): A. Porteefie'd, rent of rood allowance, conceerioxn 9, *2 ; The Municipal World, supplieg, 83.30 ; J. Hucba,naa, commutation statute labor tax, $3.75 ; R. :Weil. commuta- tion statute labor tax. $2.50 ; S. Bolt. commutatton statute labor COX, $5. For gravel - R. Redwood pup, W. Straughan $7 10, J. J. Kerr $7.0), W. Salter 54.10, 8. Scott $3.10, W. Fitz- patrick *10.5'). W. J. Perks !x3.50. Mee. G. Naylor *4.e0, 9. McBurney 51144), H. Sniell a9.W. D Ctraw.ey $5.e., P. King 111.30. For shovelling - W. Buchanan V150, E. Walker $8 00 0. Cotter ><'L25, J. Young :1.511, J. Elliott S2 510, H. Irwin $1 50, be. Saiell $1.501. Neat meeting of council will he held oa Monday. July 25.6. A. PORTZIIFISLD, ((kik. Go to 8alkead'e for pure Adidas k.- crat, in sulk or fancy bricks. (helms promptly dellver.d. Phone s.4. Owen Sated Sun ; The watery of the Georgian Bay have been teceding ever since tbe Flood. hut this year the lowest mark in the Denny of tbe oldest resident has been reached. The water is folly eighties inches lower than last summer and about iv. feet below the level in 1850. Owner. of boat houses sad email wharfs along the river and hay will he compelled to either dredge out the slips, build Matthew in front of their prssast houses or, in some caws, move Use boat houses. The oosgregatioa of the Ooderioh Baptist chards has extended a hal to Rev. Horse. Grammar, of Graven - hunt, to beam* that pewter. 1t ie not yet known It be will .sspt. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Wanted mese vb4 amoral reams 1plIal ett develop ea a the alerts' Dendelenb M masefaes onamited i et row e.td late o e eemealty dor MUM there ls as almost saslmlted Seaae& If toe have ea bemired Us. eve hasty dollsn or leen M lamb whom year !Byname.* win be well ssesred. Mee was Ile. pa*Maa- an sell yes of Me watch win ewvfs- Imre $ flea lm lk a- 1 HY Get Your Counter Check Books Out of Town Keep your trade ▪ at Home. WE CAN FURNISH THEM FOR YOU AS CHEAPLY AND AS GOOD AS AN OUT- OF-TOWN PRINTER CAN. LET US CALL AND QUOTE YOU PRICES The SIGNAL PRINTING COMPANY. Ltd 1 1 Western Uziversity LONDON ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE Income Doubled. -now $73.800. Another Large Addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine. Greatly locoweed Enrol- ment in View. Write for particulars to : E. E. Braithwaite, M.A.. Ph. D. President PERTH DRY. TOO. Canada Temperaoe. Act Carried Neigbbaiag Gusty. The county of Perth voted last Thursday on the Canada Temperance Act ono carried it hy a majority art WU. Tbe Stratford Beacon says : ' 1 be adoptioe of the Canada Temperance Act was carried on Thursdalin the county of Perth, exclusive n( the city of Stratford, bya m.j.•rity nu the neighborhood o 200. This may be taken yynn indiestioe that tn. people geaettlly are anxious to get t id of the liquor trsfilc whim a immure short of Provincial prohibi:hon meets with such favor. Much depends on bow it is en- forced es to whether it will retain its bold. The sew Provinc al lice.•* board has promised that it will give the same attention to enforcing it as would be gives to enforcing the license law. Uro advantage In this respect will he that tbe large county of .Hurnn on the west is nosy a 'dry" area. it must be admitted that it is bard to convince a man that it is wrong to sell liquor in the county of Potts, while right over the boundary in Welli.gtos, Oafnri, Waterloo or Middlesex it remit... the sanction of law. The people o1 Perth. however, have chosen to hate it tbls way. The Beaotlp baa sot taken se I--• in chi. coateet. Itis rain of the t•i i.iun that the question of Provincial prohibition should be suhemitteld M a r.teresdnm, mod ia(op d• if approved by the major- ity electors- That would be a ' bunch more al measure abaswales. (.04 option or Mena a Temperas. Act. ,and It wouparty pianism.the 4oalies entirely slat 'of lee crease states r heti. We roe ripply ou with any gnddastity. W. ill deliver it oft say Las. Eow.sos, Plane Mo. Patent Sesketer W/. S. 111101C1, Lawlor IU.ai� CPease A py. ,W'.., ""pe;ee•11ssenty (AIM T',�...teMii'.: l.d trrwMlattsrai 4. sweat wild Expert ..Rause In Ment suits. Pia enletfar.waained yj wlM' N wok e r s.lerwae.q BETTER than a DIARY Keep a Kodak record of the geed times now and throughout the yens.. Get your finishing done by an expert- 4. xpert4. R. SALLOWS a WOOL The old reliable Ile miller Walks /ill sow s11,.... Reaisetaa, A GOOD supply of Bed rod Horse Blankets, Stock- ing tocking Yarn, Sheeting, Home- spun Tweeds, Rugs, etc., always on hand for the wboie seaa0on. lit ing al' rog your 11100016 both w..bM and mashed, sod the highest ais for tai or trade.:pe Jesse )loll)), Prep. I�Wy • • Oidaais -A Man's AWAY le Ills Pasepore FRANK WEAVER terms... et tome wed soy, bsaaallel Tem. Vas Como swami Iserat Norio. 'e� ;llebei "t' Comma S.st.rw sad ►ee tense red 8ttelesp.a awes Pommy GSM aim kiVi sl ti a els.•at halt