The Signal, 1915-7-1, Page 2aseetivereleggemeellewee7 01110111111111WWWWWWWwwinememes, a TuUllieD•T, JOLT 1. 410) TSB SIGNAL PRINTING OU.. Una Postmann* Tim Illasoot. & pl gu.Tstas= =kw iglu la 0,sgartea:triaas7r -Tskrolatim Ns SO Ormichaersoli Titans.-Oas 1 seid rutty coat. rer you:_it paid strUgly la advsaes this edtwW bo amsotal to sabecelbors to tie 1 thous tbe rota le Om Dolior sad Arty Costs straitly to advissers gaissortbare wise Mi to reosins Tins thossi. rurslorty by mod When bhet itt asiltation parabia. will muter • tsvaraultsaistaniatrag the publieli *rot ts t chomp of 0011000• Moire& both old ood los sow odium sboald Is given. Bonn tomes. ahoy be made by beak draft. wirer moray =mat Milos order. r reinsured totter. Malmo unity essamenue at 5217 114. Alovitarrusi so Tamest -Kates for dleolay 0214 •asteeut advertisement. wilt be, (lien oa &Pell antra Legal and other ad vert lever L.,. ten costa per Ile* for Oro treeion and four mote pee line for each sehruuent loverUne. kat/oared by a melee( maid nonpareil -twelve I5.5 10 0. took. horse" ord. of Ws linos and under. Fore FIsr. per year. Ailverthie- most. of Log. round. Strayed. Bitsoilen. Vacant. t uotion. Named. Moos* foe Bak or to Reid. Vanua for Bole 01 to Rosh Article. tor Sete. qtr.. not 'summit Marta Una., Tiessty. are One. warts iumelMo ; One Dollar fur end moola Fifty Centfor melt ..ute.eouent month. Larger advertimemota is Wriarelloi0. An noencessmal. to ordinary reading tree. Tee erste per line. No Norio. I,ce nue Twenty - eve Cents. Any soles, Ow object of whir -his the p.euMry Moat of any Wilfrid - a al se air octet low 1.bs arreitiond on ad r - treessont and earned socordutirtY. To Coansiseovaawris - The caoperstiottsig our .mb.eribe• • ae4 ...dent cortlat,• Unit- e d towards soaklue Two Pio £L5 woe. -eased of an ion,u, eort.ty adder Outdoing- • r com manicotion will be .0iva4•4 rn .t car, Lair.. the 'mate and arine... of the sonar. no noreaarily for twahlication. but aa 521 freed Writ New. strew vrea14 reach THS eleIA1 edln• out Wee Lhaa Wedneoloy nous of sacra week. TH1 RSDAY. JULY 1, ltiv, EDITORIAL NOTES. lwat7-11015 The Mettle Leaf forever! Canada -the kid werloYL School's over tor SWUM, term. and Aren't the borrows?? Let us celebrate, and As we celebrat. remember our brave lids at tbe front who :Ire fighting in the name L.( Canada. Canada-. first contingent has been badly battered. but there 14 coneol- &don in the i•ertainty that our boys have made even greater havoc in the rank- of the enemy. The Toionto Star ask... who is a Canadian Thee Hie varioue defini- tion., but we are garepared to dricribe 04 a Canadian ,111y ho lives in Canada and who wants to be called a Canadian. ' Mr. Z A. Lash alys it was from a eert.e of duty he 411lieird the deetruc- tion of the telegrams wat.t.d in the Manitoba inquiry. Now it will be somebody:a duty 13 show Mr. Lash that km sense of duty has A tvsd twist in it. Toronto is having • discussion as to the proper pronunciation of the word Oral an. Winne say ••ft-ali tr." others ••Eyedeliao." It is hattUy necesseey in this rende of intelligence to say, that the improvedptonunciation is ' It -Abate- t he first syllable being -the tome as in. I he word Italy. t.o.* G.A. 1 did not want this WAt." i. !Aid DI he IlOW the Kant's.* cry. time for him to realise tIlt.. to any good PtIrPcIe. was IvOt Jul.. 'Abell be could have prevented the ever by a .woril. Is j• Only now he it. brie nnir g to we what a crime against lioninnity it it for *bleb he is reirponsible If further reeruite are needed for Canadian war contingenis there is no indication tbe faet to be seen in this part of the countiy. There lo no re- cruiting station ; tbete are no recruit- ing -posters or advertisements: there is no official intimetion of any kind that soldiers are needed for the Colin - t t s's eei vice. Imagine the feeliags of Dr. Dern - bine when a British watehip took in charge the vessel in which be was [loosing 1110 Atlantic and escorted 11 to • Briti-li port for r somination be- fore allowing it ti proeeed to its de,. tination ! It would hard:t have hecti a Rower hieni:iation if he had been compelled to parede on deck and sing nBrit•nnia Holm the Wave.- - -_ Gsrland, the meniber for Catleton. now admits that he got foam Powell. his drug clerk. the profits fioni the male of surgical oupnlies to the Militia lepaattneot last August. It wits a very innocent pereon who believed anything else, wit out Garland's .1- i, niiesion Firom fi t to last Powell tom acting under ( arlancts direct ions. The seat for Cmleton tabould be va- cated. As a contemporary observes. the Toronto and London exhibitions are kept in public mind Ivy means of ad. all'Ierer the Provinee. Th men at the vertieemente and patent distributed head of those innitutions appreciate the fact that pohlicity- is nereareary to success. Already their advert i•ements are appearing in the newepapers throughout the Province. while the local fall show hoard has not made • step in advertising the tioderich exhi *1 1. sot too much to eay that there biss bees lees graft in Canada than in say other country that has equipped armies for the confliet in Europe. Termite News It may not be 'leo mooch- for The prto make web* stateummet -it is to say saytbiag--hat that dose aot make LIM ettudessent true. Neither is it well to gloss over the fact thag there has been • deplorable antottat of graft in connection with artny supplies in Outside. As for other countries, we recall the dictum of thee Oraad Duke Nicholas of Russia, who declared that af he found any coetractor graft- ing in War supplies be would ba•• him banged. There have been • number of cases in Csaadai which would call for the Greed Duke's, remedy. The Signet has Imeo asked, and bas declined, to publish on appeal tor con- tributions to • "%ecstatic food," tbe object being to raise money to pur- chase sandbags t ar Canadian *Didier* for use in trench warfare. Tire Signal has gladly 'even its space for appeals in behalf of various movetneuts for the aid and coinfort of the Canadian soldiers. and will continue to do so, amounting et a privilege to be able in this wit to assist in the great cause ; but it draws the line st this proposed “eandhag fund.- If sandbags are required for the„ use ot the soldiers, surely they Should be provided by the Militia pe- partment. just as rifles and ammunition are supplied. Tbe greater the need of them. the greater retuiun t te n.ed tilled by tikorgami el action of the Department, mei not left to the har•ht.i.td results Lf an appeal to private individuals. As well depend upon privet. effort for the supply of guns and shells se* otifforins for the uve of the army. Mont people, we ase• here, will take this view of the matter, and to publish an appeal of Use astute indicated would, in one weaken the appeals erbkill are being 'tirade for Bed Cross work and jot other worthy causes t whieb private envy% limes, can be usefully directed. Our Native Land. Lori. whoa for .01 al...kind we Ivry. Of every clime aod caret. 0 Lear lit for our native Mad. The Ian,* vre love the nimt. Our far b r. arool..larea ire here. And here our Mediae dwell. Itur v balder. too: bow shoind we lore *• Aso:ber la,,d.q ...I4 1 0 Emir 1 our Awn - from every f -e: With pear -2 oiir born prourroui tome our (nit, eras n. Our Geld. witty olouti Al•••• ae, ha the iactsd lore 01 knowledge. truth and Thee: And let our hallo sand ,i'lley..tesut The •unrr. of idlest). • L., ot the notion, I htP, to Thee 11141, watty "recommend: lit Pi our ,.•!lire al.d Oud• lAtot, ,v-eviv-titut Friend. WHAT OTHERS SAY. - -- Biz Tourist Trade This Summer. strutted Beacon. It it estiniated that $1110,000,t0in use• ally spent by Coated States tourists in Eurtpe will be *petit in tbe United State* and Caned,' this rummer. l'hie. can`scar.cely fail to be a good elver - Giessen; for dna comp IN A Comparlion. . • Ottawa Jokroll. Britain is training one man •otit of evet y fourteen of her population. Can- adain tuainIng nne teen out to eves y 116y -three 01 bets, Lot', try to te. member, that when we see tempted to Como. of our ilisie in the war. , The Boreed the Fano. - Tim Farman-. Advocate. - Man, a hoe hes carted company wit bah. tants for t be sealers that no parent, no t ..cher thought it worth while to explain to hiou *Rh souse patient interest the thing, he was wsiking witb. Segnetbing tinne t san unmeaning - toil is needed to intorise the average youth. Should Not Mean- St/Ignatius. Immo, et Ar. A t m uce does n•,),. mean p.4 cal vtlig• Dation. It turatts that thine is to be a Creation of quarrelling and letternese, DOt that their most be no discussants of Wilda(' .1 iestem4 on their meritsif avl-e alaayortioeuropyl JO that era.. their would lie uo need of any e.bei trier. Germans Don't Save Live,. it s111(1100 1 11411*.` The Germane base never been AN* to controvert the et.tement that although Bittern has saved 1.1.94:2 wens - he 4 of the crews el ihiessit wriothips I lost ite battle. the Germans have not ea yea one mangle Brits • le mita in ewe. ler circumstances. It will he reneern. ' tiered tile& wham Admits! Crednehe ,Iers went down no attempt 0.00 14. by the lierineee to rave any of the men. Te Say Media( el Keller. retina 1%. rte. How many people have noticed whet sentience t be, letter K appears to have bad in the career ot Lord Kitchener He was born in the county tif K.i1. y. and lai• present count re seat i is in 'oat Hi• one hit of work as war rt t respondent tin the ituseo-Tur- kisla ta'ara was dated fees Kewerisra. As Miadar of the Egyptian Army. be wit.• in the employ of tM. Khedive In hie Khartoum campaign. h• woe fight- ing agaiii•t the Khelifa, and in South Africa he was fighting against Kruger. surely it i a good omen that be *baud be vIt. the War Office when our armies are noweed to t Ise Keifer and NMI K I tick ! Germany's Case Disprieved. barbecue Herold. We have said before, but it will do no barn, to sat it again. that the leek of preparatioa for war which the allied nations reveal prove' conclu- sively that there is Dot aa atom of truth in the German coateetinn that thole nations were, and long had beak is • conspiracy to erush Oetessessy. while the intworeee ions. for War whieb henesay bo. made prove eonelusively that it has Mee (ke- yway's Intent")s la sew\ We Heats as mew ea • greed shame primental It- self Germany knew th&t eh* bad the machine bottled the ears, and she kaew also that her rivals had nos= aot hellortes Una Great Britain : li=raiLa 41611"1111.1""il THE SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO fight, brounbt on the eler tor the pur- pose cd crashing Prange and Resela. while Mueslis" to deal wills HAMM after Germany's slimy bad hew made Krueger. Tin Loyal Sees. Philadlasibto Record. ln South •frica the reasarkebie Oakes a sot tau ono forum, Boer general hes b esmoonvicted of treason la eighties against Ragland, but Gesi very nearly all the Brews are loyal and • coasiderabie body of them have been fighting for linglitod wakes Germany. Whatever the coaduct of General tie Wet may ham been it was wise not to ecotone, him to death. but to let him off with • heavy fine and six years' imprisonmeot. What has secured to lingland the loyalty of the men who, lose than fifteen years ago. er• re mektog • otlff light against ber for their national existanos, is the gener- ality with which they have been treated, and tlee fact that they are in the erjoymeot of self-government. Clemency Lammed de Wet will do much more to retain the goodwill of the Boers than extreme 'weeny would have dale Britain and the Limited Stud. La. Lagrlr. Timm Many German -Americans are woo• dering orbs- it 11 that in view of the action of England in in Is12 and again during our civil war, Americans do not hate her and wish success to , he German &rine. %Veil. a goal deal of hereditary hatred was eztinguished seventeen years ago amino our war with satin. When k'rance hesitated. and Everts stood aloof. and Germany w•s sullen. and Italy unfriendly. and Austria alsonst dared to menace us, and we stood in denger of an alliance of the powers of continental Europe rags inet ute the hearts of the people of Greet Bit sin welled in one mighty writ' of sympathy 'award us, and the Britigh Government robed itself in the eraninerf the legh chancellor of na- tion*, and said to the waiting conspire - tors: ''We forbid you born giving nt romfort to this tiring dies') attain of Spain and its war with the Visited Ste. ev.- . eat Britwin•t cinched forth , the strong *ran of it- injunctive power and soil: -We bid you take instant herd 01our injunctiou, for if you ally yourselvee against the Atneri:ans we will ally ourselves with them viberrver we comew twain. The throne of that 0 ram "hall wt. k ar.d quake. .Aad menace be void int %ado. • For :21.1 are lord. of • exit., you (or land. And se are lord. of the math; • The Premier Investment One of the well-known investment houses of Toronto, 3lesers. A. E. Ames & Co., states that io no experience ex• tendiug over a wiener of a century thet-e bee teat ham such a wide intereet lit tiovesement ami urinicipal invest- ments as at the present. Diticrito- 'hallos investors tat all classes, such 111 ingtilatkee companieta, banks, loan rOni- palates and prireate trivet srs, Are all tsking advantage of present opportait.- 'ties. Thiele due to the past •plenditl record of Canadian municipal securi- ties for ateoluds safety ani present at- tractive prices. _ The Inhabitants of the Earth. An Amer can writer has made an ir.- te estirg ct nipilation concerning the inhabitants 11 On» earth and the fact thet one-hailf of them are directly an- I tweeted in tbe Win' of the nation* now going on in Europe There are now 1,721.1110,4 0 men. women end childless, I civilized end uncivilized. liviog on this planet. I./1 these 1)lik3/11,1011) -1.r 1111.0.0 than otot half -Uteri Wars Tbilisi:or- lation of tbe -nations PflInreireg Lite Altos hi as :-Brat i.h Enipite, 4.I1$1 (05*; Prance ard coined... 11. nie.kiest; Russian Bennie. 171.10i:10i ; Italy and colocie.:cLeet.ter : Belgium and Congo, 23.1fieetesa: • Japeo„ Seriio ,tiet,ete and Moatenegeo ralateell: total i.17.21riniel, lba popate. 1' a the nal iouS or. the -ode of the Teutons ie as follow.: Gartman Empire. ' 7.1,11oure5JAu-tele-Hungary, 61.300.- te1*t Turkey. 31.:010.11102. or a total of 13p,tesit.iOn. On the -face of It, these -would seem to be overeibeiming odds in favor of rbe Allies. But the Deere fact that Japan. with het 67,1110,0e0 iriparlation. con donaioate siameiklioto proper, of Chia& throwea flew*Moe tbe insportasce of popidation in retie tion to efficiency and militia, pre- patednese. -Scut t American. TIIE WAR. 41.11414011.0401911414191144414111•11.0.110•40* Pfilf+iNT VW /CT. lo this dearth a nialfy decisive mews throughout the wdole field of the campaign ow naturally turns to the sensational sod, kw • military mese. useless actin"' of the last few weeks. The white mind woo/ally and iisatinctiveiy turns to Gunn, as, indeed, the enemy intended that it should. W. are always to set oureelves. whenever an enemy does anything, from the movement of a baton y to tn. sending of a political telegram. why be does it, &lad bow his action can possibly hear upon the cooduct of the war. kin action may often be foolish; we may often ere it to have been • bluodee ; but at is never quite tuesiningless. Let us therefore begin by contrasting the operations of che Allies in the Walt wi,h Come of the German forms. The Allies in the west, as the ire- provemeat in their munbers haa grad- ually MUM about, atPthey have pro- vided themselves with more aod inure heavy artillery anal ith a larger re- el...notation ot naunit lour for the same. have with every massing week concen- trated aka. mar more clearly opal the purely military objects of the war. For inetaracc, the tiret L14141 made by the French of their new •trengt Li in heave pieces was to push forward In • belt of the (bowp.e U44411 they com- manded the communications of the etiecuy between: Argonne and Lille That done, they bait el. Next they worked south and north a the S.. Mibiel wedge, until here also they could bombard the enemy's comen11111- cation*. They pushed tot ward to Ube .beights north •od eatt of Pout • Mous- son Unlit twin tires, heights they were In range, thougb datuant rouge. of the chug eautheru conmeinications - of Metz. In t tie Vilegess al, very bear expansevery slowly, hut with cuotiii- uous deterutinatiou. they pushed on until they occupied sianitar positiona. frau which they dominated at long range the main radio ys of the Gen plain. That ,..one, they fell back on tte defensive. Their air service, over and *424 ,7,' its mein work of ob- servation. dropped bombs upon cei- eon heariquae:rre teeperially the great general Lieradqoarters at blezictesl, upon the rail aay j.111CI lona, upon lite airship 'shed:, anl upon stores and miutniisptioanist. lcularly to be n, t iced tbat ali itos c<sa 01 puiely military woik became naoreand mote restrained. Ai It were, and was more mod more exact- ly dirested wetted, purely audits, y unjects as tbe whiter passed int,. spring and as the moment tor an of- teurive approached. Te whole tning has been aptly comp tiled to the laying of foundetiouo hy an engineer Is -fore he builds, and the nearer the unonent has come fur eiectiog the walk upon the foundations, the tuore minutely and tho.oughly has Cie allied work concerned rani( with those founde- tions alone. There 4. begssi lees and less, as the weeks raked, of chance blows 0.• of tentative adventure. There has been a steadier accumulation of men and munitions. a soniewhet in - crewel rigor to the 1,1crkatie by sea, and, as WI perfectly right, a sanne. what increased .eves ay in the censok ship. Sow canna" e with 164o process and its caniulative chat ac:er the . action of tbe eceuty. He Orgies as early as Decenilwr with announcing au attack upon Wausau., %%bleb alt *121 ended in O disaster for biumell. He later au- nouncets" after the local defeat of one Hitieion army corps. I he total destruc- tion of the tenth Russian army. kir proclaims [bat the 1 iiigheraiment of Rheims is an aet of retaliation, lie drips bowie. upon watering places along the Keit Lomt. where- -a$ almost evetynbeee in England n,.wad.t's- 11 11.010 Lilleird, hut whiee be carefully styles as being -fort Med platers.- lie anneurces that he wit1 Ilali hos chant men by submarin,. but at first he attempt • to save the crews. Ile proceeds to is policy of siukiog them „with or without aaving the c.o.s. indifferentlylie announces hie greet oftener, in ashes in terns* MI extreme rhetoric which do not c..rte.pousi *Lb the (sets. He makes A raid upon the .Itic coaet .1 [(moos Safe and Timely Investments A e no period in our experience of OVET a quarter of a century, have there been so many new in- vestors in Government and Municipal debentures as during the past six or *even months. This is due to the fact that these specirrities con- stitute the safest class of investment, and that owing to p t financial conditions, they are now obtainable at most advantageous prices. 77ity are readily resaleable and are being constantly purchased by such discriminating investors as Banks. Insurance, Loan and Trust Companies. Our latest list contains fun particadars of such high-grade debentures as: Warr. esterettert iservanto eery. 144110ve GOVT. 11.400ve Italre Sy, errs ovlisettg recensions simisMasea Yonne newts Malasesim MAIStrv• OfTV T0111001TO Toone 1110411114 5*7 TOwei w TOWN 117. TT sier•ree WINSIWIDE wATIO 11111117. .0 war, anon.' Issoreset misseete woe &winnable fo immell as weell ea largo aswereesses Write for our West laid anti panipiilet r-rpialtaing /nag fAe nature of debereare mestrity. A. E. AMES & COs Istemnissat basisea Union Bank Building. Toronto euo. a. a. Moo* 11 111. Tamileaspe V. Dleadlataalli P.J Oavetwbe 0,alma which ow bow no direct effect upon the eampsient as • whole. He mods out more than we bosubastia taisnrimis 10 relating, twoiliessailied with his re*ne ing boom a od Calm care teat 16.7 .6011 be published abroad. lie shoots W extreme rang., without Wowing. large Meth Into , Inttieg at ma- dam, end mitts so conceivable military objesi. H. tato tbe Lueltasiia. pro - duets, an offset nee side of which. its horror and ate meaty. must bear so reimio• to the sumli oargo of muni- tions thereby prevented from reaching his foe. and ktis Press, which acts uader orders, particularly emphasises thed side of all these isctioes which is calculated to •ffectnot military, but ciwilIon opinion. I would even go so for as to say that Our use of poisonous name which he hes developed falls under the swot category. That they are efficacious in driving men from their treechee we luaow. But there is somethiellt eke. The Using could have bees dose with chemical agents that would not have the peculiar effect of drew poise:toe. Again It 1. an agency expesisive in preparation and in time. Again'tt Cah only be used under ispe:tial Ciret101- Masons of weather. Asain it is 00 agency that bas only been used on one tinfraction ot his whole line Now 1 would not deny that in all this the enemy is putting his very full- est military effort forward AI well. But any point is that the moot remarkable part of his recent activity bus been this appeal to the nerve of neutrals and uf belligerent civilia.na. When he dropped a few Oriente into Dunkirk from • range of over twenty utiles. with bis gone at an extreme elevation, with no earthly chance of bitting avy one military target, he produced to our Pone erauly the effect which he desired. There was first sa net voila fear lest his fleet might ht. in the North Sett: Kitt, astonishment that heavy gunft COUld deliver shells at range so great. When be 'Yank tbe Lusatania be excluded tor the moment froth tbe attention of most neutrals and of all civilions the very much mote important developments rt the few days succeeding that tragedy. And rI wonder. for it wit. a thing more awful by far in its effect upon the iinaginstion than the really worn more dioluieting advance of the Aus- tro-Germens iu Galicia. a What does this obvious aod inrreas- ing direction of tile enemy'. elicit 10 to- wards polit'ical effect MUM? It Means that of ;lie two weapons upon whti-h Penni* lies always relied. he is now relying moor upon the tertor of the rivil'an population than upon the purely- military art. She is *till rely- iog upon both. but relying mote than 'ever opon the first. *eel that means, in its tort), that she belie•er this moral effect upon the civilian poptila tion to he becoming 11101C roil more her best chance .1 04 Gaining en incon- cluelve peace. ,I am not here concerned with wheth-r lel- calculation is wise or un - w i.e. still km am I onaceraea with an e-tituate of its morality. I am only coneiderisig bow the war stands 'in the mind of the German General Staff and of what they probably conceive the future to be. And I diecetn an in- creasing doubt srliettier they can by militery means alone &thieve what has now berome tbeir somewhat modest Alai, 01 007101 the state, To acquire nti hegemony in Eur.pe, to eliminate the French from ehe list of the gmat neutral powers, to forbid Russia fu:tire infltience in the Ballanst keep the Italien forces rusted ur ally. to exploit econ- omically .the Turkish tenitury in Asia -to do nue 0125 11: these thinge in even the r -mote future, uo one 01 their directing minds is now so foolish as to hope. The whole plan, carefully maimed and diligently prepared, has failed. In one retract, indeed. and a moot itoptrtant one. that • plan may conceivably still be permed. I mean ths special duel against Great Be ittrin the surpaseine of British seabotne commerce by German, the acqoire- meld of 'colonial possessions at the repine of Britain, and the ex- pliaitetion fur tbe future of those par- Oculisi. ecnnomie field, in which Eng. lend has gained supremacy. It was 1.11t on. chapter of this w bole progrene The moat important thing by far was t become the chief power in Eur ape; the attack on Britain would tallow as a enteral Courite. But the attiLtk 00 Baitain Lae now become the only feasible pert. of the net ional ambition. And it can lo pursued at the price of an tarinclusive peace. It the Ger- man organism is *pared, if the Prus- sian Empire rensans in being after the war, 111,/ bine else of the program will standbut an attack on Britain segre- gated trona *11 112. other lost IllinhiDons is still permitted 11 would be ao at- tack delivered no longer 1.y the chief power in Eutope. only hy one power among man,. and that power de- graded an.; weakened as zonspared walla it, rest Continental neighbors. But the attsck could lit delivered if °sly an incosclusi vie peace were patched up: and that inconclusive passerthe enemy believer, can beet to. speared by roncentrating his moral eff..ts upon reared and civilian people. but part i-ularly upon the opinion of [hie country. That is the moral of rall Mkt Crescendo of bort ifl- est ion which bee used priesonons gases against tbe extreme 01 the British lImi.; Which has .belled Dunkirk at twenty-two tulles and lost • gun) and yet not shelled Nancy at fifteen: whieh has sunk the Lositania; and which proposes to burn, one atter another. • group of civilian bithitadiuos lo them Iolanda -Hilaire Bence in Land and Water I Ireadont • • • A I, maw despatch say.: Th. dea Wootton of the second contingent is a metter a much .peculation. It is eviterally believed that no move will be made for 'soothe. It is hinted is einem whew the truth should be known that tbe second division of Canadians may join other oveteem forme in the Dardanelles, bat prob- ably this will depend upon the pro - =oared. in that region some weeks At the meow moment the etteosid contingent is complete. The reserve battalions are at a very low strewith, as oven with their pressen awatiere- which aro low they are largely mum =of invaAd t officers has ..._.1ed 16.lided tom. • wimp *4 • • • A espy of a paper. putelisholl its Bee - lie. tearaway. hes bore resolved la Qmoda, soutalaing tie fairer's( hiders W. ACHESON & SON Saturday and Monday BARGAINS Every item in this list is a bargain in- comparable and prices are for Saturday and Monday only and prices are made to reduce our immense stock. JULY 3rd AND 5th Ribbons Pure silk, best quality. in moires, plaids, duchess anti taffetas, 5 to 7 inches wide, all colors and black ,and white. regular prices 3-5C, 40c, 50c and Co4 .1c. at 25c per yard Lace Curtains White Nottingliatn Lace Cur- tains, 300 pair:, neat, new and hand -tone $1 •-)0 'Cur- tains at per pair $1 $1.00 Curtains at per pair 75c .00 Children's Wash Dresses Pretty styles, made of crepes, ginghams, in plaids anti stripes and neatly 59c trimmed. 75c for..... $1.25 for . ...... 95c White Quilts American 4 -ply Crochet Cot- ton white Quilts, large double bed size, neat patterns, regu- lar price $1.50, 2 r tlays at each 1. Ladles' Collars 20 dozen voile, Swiss and ninon, latest styles in a do/en beautiful patterns, 50c, 60c and 65c, all at 35c Taptstry Rugs Splendid patterns and corrvct colorings, roaanks.s 3 x 4 yards.$12.00, for $9.00 3 x 3 )ards,$10.00, for $7.75 -11 4 yards,H8.00, for 113 111 Handkerchiefs :00 dozen embroidered and hemstitch, fancy linen and Swiss, regular 'roc ansi 4 35c. all at laC W. ACHESON & SON eating item with reference to Berlin. Canada: 'In tbe district of Waterloo, Prov- ince of Ontario, is a cityit .it hy Ger- mano and beating tbe name of Betio. This name ceused the Mt Of tbe lish populoton and now the eaud city hears the wine of •Kitchenet.' In this farmer Berlin, tiolf Kitebener, just as in all other cit Aro of Canada, pot icrinen are pal rolling itt. .trerta for the purpose• of looking up un eons who bate the look of Gett1111.44. A. 1100n as euch perions are found and. when spoken to. betrayed by their German accent. they are gartered at once. This •igtlance has become espectaity worse .ince SOME. bioulythtostaing in Montreal has taken place. All public buildings are sharply watched for fear of explosions, tierman printed literature will soon he Prohibited front mitering Canada and the pule heation of hierman newspapers will soon cease. Then airsolute sierknese will reign within the Dominion and its German population Will hear of nothing 1.0* lirii ish •ict _ Canadian Fruit Trad As Mowing comma extent how tuu:h good fret( -At litearte tt, Canada lit ill worth while noting the eanount of nand in other dilectious tirade formerly dooe by the countries et was this& hes open for cultivation , by this country. At 13e Canadimi 'fruit growes. conterente held at tirainsny last September, Mr. J. A. Ruddick, dairy and cola rootage cow- Itiossionor. stated [bat be had t akee & petted ot tim years and that he fouad the lama tattoo of applo• tram lies - many to Britain varied eath year trout .5.1sor 1,,, Kuno lioshel Isixest, MOM bet g I WI, f MI „ 11").1110 0 40 alik MU boom. 110111 France !row .10,01X/ 16 aamuboxeis ane trona Portugal trona l71.ile1 tar 3.10. Int holes. Lit pears toe impuirt *time varied 'rum 4,4') to Zeitgerbushel bones trout lientasny. Iloilo efeeter to rattle, INI boxes from Belgium and frusit I.‚44l to 5116,1M la_sies frOsw Port iagaL Large quantities were oleo Imported how the Nethei lends which may not I now be avail.ble Mr. Ruddick prug- noel traded an ancrteeed denmad tue dried end evaporaterl fruit from target Britain for um in the army. III 1913 Canada exported of this une to the United Kingduan 121.1M pounds to Newfoundland 111,4111 pound• And to tierinany 247,er2 pounds. Of course the trade wits!' tiermany will be cut off, but the exportations stiould ex - Prices of Ford spare parts have been re- duced an average of• ten per cent. A Ford touring car may now be bought, cart by part, for but $38.87 more than the price of the car ready to run. An- other big slice off the "after cost" of motoring. Ruy-ere of Pool cars will share in our proets if we sell 30.11110 caws between August 1, 19111. and Anglin I. 1915 Runabout $540; Town Car pw() F.() R. Fred, Ontarin. with all equipment, including electric headlight*. Cara oil vhaptly and side at