HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-7-1, Page 11
u w *host MU' .cock
et �sr-J.,etter-
`) I ods. Ir Bevr open,
yob used anything
to this line The Signal will be
glad to receive your order.
First-class Work Phone 35
e1xTY1 Yg.NT THAde-lava -
SAVE, Because -
The spectre of unemployment does not
haunt the man with a substantial re-
serve fund.
1111= 11113110111
Protect those dependent on you by taking a
policy in The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of
Canada --"Canada's only Mutual" .
Garr Ploneiso. 'P a Be, 364
■Os► 1. .
Inc I
'Phone 47 A. P.U. Boz 18.
NOTION TO CREDIr0RS. Recital and Concert at Knox Chorth
Monday €venom
The apirndid new organ of Knox
church will he heard Ir. public far the
first time next Mende? 'vesting. whoa
a recital will be given by Dr. Normals
Anderson• organist of New St An-
drew's church. Toronto one of rhe
most noted organists of the city. In
addition to the organ number, there
will be vocal ■(dov, duets sad •guar
tette■ 1 v Hest•clase !elect
This ill also be the format opening
of the summer school to be head all
IX tea Manu or yon ibrata ie J*wm
Oak tal'tHAxaa.. rR.. Lary Or Tea ?wry or
OorK ncli. 1. ma (over, or llvel.n. Re-
nnin Lrast►a Mancrua,T, l uva.iaa,.
Notice M hereby fives Io putee•w of K.O.
Bur. chapter 131. sec SI. that ail pews having
ear seism or etea.d. against the late Jame. ,
Beeban,.. Mr.. wet .died es fir about the
Owl day of J.... A. L. 1915. an res to '
seed by pert. poised. or to deliver te tie ..d.r.
rlg.oe. anissItsrs ter tail, J. O. Dseha•w•.
tie .seeds': of the said ,,tats their ease..
aad address. and tall paMlesests la wining
d thew claims sod etatemNt. at acces.t. sad
the gatuse of the remits. Ras h044 ytbm.
.a es before lbs Slat day of I..11yr Mi. after
which date the old txee'Wx w1L tlrsread
us! next week.
There will be a voluntary offering at
for door. boors open at 1.311 o'clock ;
program at 8.13.
,I The road and bridge committee of the
county council, with a similarcoruteft-
i tee from fifties count+, on Tuesday
visited th bo
distrIb.te din• amts of Mewed decsssed>,n'eag
the rows omitted thirsts. y.ieg NMI
snip te Lee .lanes et wk .w has then
.'tato. sad .M will .et be for the m-
ews eras, part thereof o deldbuteg to soy II
Yeses of .her chin shs,hrd net .sUee at -
tll. Use of the detribalise.
Solicitor* hr the Kxonatr4x_
Wend at Oodersh. this Seth day et Jess,
A. D. esu, ss -k
T,.dara addresed te ticker of th..kia.
will b. received by the W 5
rtela+e�pMaaYbTgsan ^I t1ate
the o atserrartiasal my', lhd caw. u waggly
10}�1. a ssus.saf y deemed
s.ds.iMei r ..ddwsp elge when dry
11i e. .M Mtn amid w ries et a>+
..d well tebrush 4 dews,
F le aW fir : am L One
W 01 I o t��1a��_ 4SL .
tessera drat arwrbiea °pias ...y(we taM
re Wsdswg.lew. t1.Tg a teataarilltsR. b (rgiy
An M he Moe G a rad sad
mesas, sed to the w hrartl.. wattalltilla
mhdsawa ad theirI...■sser. tM h eor
sop tomer sot aes,+ ser.M.L
1. L VPUX. ay. T. MUiDIST,
re. (,•h.,.....
Ws. the smdenkrsMd }sseaaw, de honor
a.(tgess�s• W etwe eels plane of lana.,. M I p e,
W ,.d y akereenne dudes Jtly ad Ito
C. J. Hamm.
(Wan ta.
W. It. Rhes,
row.tt Wswa.a co /1.t
fi'� WRi'na� t' a x r�
�l j'- so Mt
sr these wsweiropow,orbs AWAY at NAL
XPIRIflIgo o B0O ..4=241:1
mrd simam.ahw
waant.,i. d�M� est
.•••••••Atta4 ..../71%
JflATIT ebe et H_ros,
t==i:'tlm.h: mase
LL I,stskasw-
uodaty of ruroberr. and
Colrain townships• where • portion of
the boundary road io sinking. The
townships bare asked the county to,
undertake the repair of this road. tett
atter discussing the Situation the joint
committee resolved to recommend
that the counties do not undertake the
work .
delirious ice cresta in bulk or feisty
Particular people use Biaekstsitem's
bricke flet the habit, be particular.
Phone 240.
VICTORIA SCHOOL.'' , •. .. �.. 4117:-
lough, Norgiaa wfI.. >Itkl.
Polbwfag are the mond of the mld-
nosmor Ne1Mtoa ezasmaggess held
la Vissori• school. Names are In order
it ,sett
Ja. IT. TO an Iv.
Lodes MaDs.aM. Doris Budgets.
Mary Hewell, Charlie Wainer. Charlie
Vein, Johileo P ante Inose Newell.
Yen Wilson Meer.
porter. James
Anderson, Roy Dorothy Insith.
In se Hoot. Perry Lamy. HaspSanders, Glees Murray. ElidHtaa-
mmbe, Herbert Work, Erase Vides.
Rohm& Hamel.. Jona Sondem. Ila
Delosg, Alen. Donny. Reggae Ktag.
at. III. To JR. it'.
Laloris Harris, D.t_thy Manahan. %en
(MbMlra McKe.aie. Lena
Murray. ORv. Cookies, Marlon Lee,
Henry Taylor, Job. jtedferd, Miriam
Rost. iJ_Ns Hreverw, Toddle Johnston,
equate. Richard Floe Inas. Lorre ILrtnk-
waiter. Ertnat Mc('reatb, Goralmi An
desmon. Helen Hoene, t Margaret Bell,
AltzanJrr MCLanka. must
JR. 111. TO ea. 11I.
Freak Adams, Irene B• rkboldei
Grace VMlean. Fred Weston. (iron
Hawra. Ulfaa Wallis, M :caret Lyn,
Owner. ('athertse Hays. Norma Mac
dtYid. Mosley McLean. Alec. Mal
teurfffr Harry Leach. Wady, Grindrod
Laura Cousins, Arthur Carry. Job4,
Wallace. Mary McLean. Beoroo
ridge, Wooden Raadall, Harol.l Mutts -11,
ma. 111. TO JR. I.
AlNairn. Clifford Johnston.
Apar pity(.
ILea, CAarw Reward Me-
Taegari•EnloeOmega Taylor,
Followint are
motion emus
arranged In
1st -Class
Pass -Cl arfie
Aenorievo t, -
R. bio
flan_ �' a1t:�
reswab al the p,,.
The Eames are
_ 1a•.
grid, Sasser
Mr, Mary w
Moser, Basel
Jeffrey, Alan
voiles. 111.
Ch.....�Y rlh ame••Hyen
TO cat.
Is, -Claes H000/o-Mary Ryan, Rita
W oollcombe. •
Honors-Meras McIntosh. M.riel
Pace -Edwin Bbebler, Clara Foley,
Eileen V.flo Joseph Webb, Jack
Fellow., 6eot$e McKay, Philip Mc-
Dougal. LeureileWtey, NogNau Clear
100.1, Freddie chicon. 7
TO JR. 11.
1st -Clue dowers. Doris Would. umbo,
e Wise Met xrtb
gleno++-A(tlfie Huottr, Freddie
• Pant111. arae , Ernest -Robin -
Pinder, Gladys Murray. Albert Leonard,
Agnes $tulth. Herbert Akero)d, Elaine
Prondtoo:. Robert Proudtoot: Willie
Doialdo., Alhrrt Horns. pons An.
drew,. Harold Naeeele. Gladys McLean.
Mamie Smith, t lyde (parte:, Ben.on
Tbdr.too. Clarence Johtstun.
Fowler. !net Porter.
JR. 111.
Perry Barker. Augusta Hunted
Worthy Black. Willie Louemire. 11
Andreas. Morrison Baker, Mabel
warts, Monteith Leckie. G
James, Logan Mures -. Fred P
(ie. I Loa, George Howard,
raL IL TO Ja. III.
lbeensep. Bagman
Newer VeilsIt g
Mks. Isobel Murray. Donald
gees. Wuu. Bieck. Massie! Grab
Ba.M )[acKsssir. Willie Moue
amber' Howard. ?foresee Smith, 1'b
Thompson, 'Austin Harris
MIDDLE: 11. To .1P-. 111.
T7lem.a. Cott. Telford Linn
EMIR t. Kathken
tgeggidee Naci.. Wilfred R shop, Will
Bailor, Irene Black. Norval Wilsn
Earthy Hunfalvy. Char'.ie Harrison.
Wilfred Donaldxoo,wItachel Ste. wart.
JR. 11. TO +R. II.
Ilederick Silk. Glady-. Warner. Violet
Ro... Minnie Hodson. Marjory Rt:rke.
4. c-. Mrs -Donald. Dorothy Mallough,
Ciera Mc('reatb. NfUk Akeroyd. Byton
Waage, Willie FrVeth. 'Gwendoline
Randall )Marriott. Jean Anderieon
Lawses Croak, Gertrude Rix, 'Noria
'P... Ii. TO I11.
041110r*- Ruth Yartin. Willie 11
kirk. Elsie Reinhart. Ernest lsoak. Ma
Habktrk. Yahoo Dunn. Ida Latim
Hetes Thompson, Abe Smith. (butte
i.ymbnrner. Rent King. ,Tom Gundr
Georple 1lathteeon. equal, F.tlna Mc-
Farlane. Fa»-('hartfe Thornton. Colin
Murray. Stella 11(11. Mealey Wilson,
Florence McDonald. Jean Sproule, Mar,
garet Howard.
Honoree - Ernest Arm,tronfi, Shine
ieonakl*on. Geor-I:e Fllmhttger. Rut
Sanders Fred Morgan. Plass---Charles
Humber, Edna Randall.
JR. II. TO *R. 11.
Honors- Kingsley Harris. Elsie Cock
Meld, Donald Murray, Lilian Garrick.
RT 11. 1 L.a vM.
Pass -Ha alton, Gordon Ryan,
Pearl Met adfs Foley, Jtreph
Fair. Farr, Lo,,eio He hltere
Harty Barrett. Arnie Jeffrey. Anna
Dodge. •
Tbuty-third Battalion Receives Field
Kitchen (tom Huron Ladies.
London. June 24 i p't•t•e Pier s eport ).
1'wo .pgendiJ Hrld kitchens t t r
type perfected by the leCl•ry Monti_ al
facLurinK Co., of his cit we t
At 1)
JULY 1. 1915
Sports Held on Maitland River Flats -
A Sketch of the Work That Is Be-
ing Carried on at Auburn for Com-
munity Betterment.
Frday, June 25th, was • red-letter
day in are history of the Auburn di.-
triel. The day itself was added for ao
afternoon out of doors. The plan fur
Ili. occasion was well arranged aged
with • few unavoidable disappointing
features was carried through succeas-
fuliy. The movemeot in this d
has been retested to et variuusi
in The Signal, and Ft i lay al
was a manning up of efforts
have beeu 'zeroed for the I
months and we hope will open u
avenues fur the future.
A year and a half ago a general sur-
rey of threconomic, socia!, educational
ane religious noodle ions of H urou
euuuty was made. It was found that
these were quite unsatisfactory. The
rural poputatwu was becoming de-
pleted, which ecu very way. The
movement io and around Auburn is to
make these conditions better, w.th the
hope that the i ural problems might
find a solet:on and life be made nobler.
A year ago last May the results of
the ttir•vey were ret before the cone"
triunity by men who are experts in
Guilt work. This was th. fleet stroke.1
Torn last Maicb, alter careful plan -j
o iig and wide advetti�uty, a social
ser.. ice conference woe, held in the'
village, :he afternoon serriun iu the
lecture room of the Presbyterian 1
church and the evening the in the
?fethodist chinch. Au accuuo: of
this conference was t;iTrn in a former
issue of The Signal. At these meet-'
gr • acid centre ,mmittee wast
•painted. with power to add to their
umlrr, whose object was to try to!
rgan:ze the comuruu1ily end to wo.k.
r the desired end. T Dat committee'
a been at cork ever since and so Lir
Leen frilly well rewarded with
Sono after they were appointed t he I
tubers of the committee met mud
kxats•ed the situation. '1be wcrk
MI begun by levering' for games in
lses#a'( Ha1L' l jS14 even
re free. The aeries was brongb
-lose by a competition concert
deo the young ladies and
en the spring opened up and
rl busy time on the farm.
emitter kept on After nuns
P discussion and c errc.p„ndrnc
rice it was decided t•.• try toorga
sports of the community and. r
young boys and go Is in the seh
d Sunday schools how to play.
mitt,, gut in touch with JIr.
Laren. H. S. A.. the secretary
Guelph Agricultural Col le
M. ('. A.. who ri.ited the cos
early in the season anti gave
rt' valuable adt•ir•e During
t week in June \Ir. McLaren
ned for a couple of days and viii
of the schools in the district
wed them what they mete ripe
0 and how to do it. On June 2
returned Nitwits sad helped the
tee by advice and manna) eft
ay out the grounds for the
out of the t rent..
e program, was arranged in t
: The flue public echoed. I, erd
is an invitation to the
people to do basins, with
you. The ,Tian who does tett
advertise has no right to ex-
di.pect that people will heel
hen up to give him an ortder.
Reach /Nm by a Si real Al
----ice +w
MORE CASUALTIES, se in thk raw will well, I haw
from the ptatltTis l I as
lite bows very well, is ret berm thea
in the swap in Tort#Ito. I ds set
have to week o vett' hard sad 1 lila
the work well. There is a Y. M. C. A.
bonding on the uods_a "but." (AIL
the buidisgs ben are calls/ boy
They are about 40 or SO feet � aged
3} feet wide. Kath of these argstm.eo-
Pte. Samuel Frederick Warr, )1st data about thirty men There are
Battalion. about thirty-fve belonging to per bat -
Four casualties mums the Gods- talion) Tb. y. M. t• A ►en i. •
riellhorovalagdot at the front ora re- lunger huiiding Ibno the otbses, w,th
a ebb week, ■a shoel:
alis+, ars one end used ter • Canteen.
now very few of the °oder icb i or• of place where The; le •
the first contingent whose names bate stamp., candies t s or coffeye, seem,
act appeared in the ca.ual:y lista. soft drisks, Rick -casks snidest en •
- aoldi..r'shegei •c At the crier mad
)4r. and M Murdoch y)Imae.J� Id iaf TR* rllsior♦R ssil ymemat w sad glial...
Lighthouse street, left Oodeticb early are held. to lbs er sad~arts
in August, only a few days after the Ing are a few Ma• sb the whore
utntt war .farted, •ad duet t e ��s .ed fabler, whore
Utne. (Janadiao D h R yal men write letters. Writing a,ateetell
ia tersuon H• left England for y. fit°yell in Itt. minims The British •'Y" runs
w hick' _-. 7 part. and then ere three
art ewe - - of us to look alter the convert and
p new rl11Ri(a0a °)art.
---- TAel bendmastir and 1 have just
re turned from a king walk Moth is
au old castle about Iwo mile, fine
bete, and we went to explore it sod
its ,u,ns. It was giand and lar ex-
ceeded n y expectation• of old castle..
P.I t ..t it ale turns add part restored.
'flit y (lain' it wee built alveot lilp)
yeass ago -that is in the fifth cec-
tti y. 1 hey claim also that it is II here
1 1 r tear +'Hct kit is murderers for sed
their eonapiraey., They showed us
wb•re they arr.tppo.ed to have slept
the eim is-
The w ribs tare about tfjour feget i t i k at d
enclose lsbvnidibinkcart anrrre. The
old moa! can rosily to ttacrd, ,L -u the
ruins (Ithe uurgronanti chapel. '1 he
well* aur uratly all c.,reted with i. ye
and c:imbir g tore., that •re just c, e;_
ing out in W. ran. the flown, and
!.elle ate simply gaud, and the Lid
trees witLin the wall., mad the great
elms,. . ak and yew tiers outside vire
it aere .R.et. I•impiv ranrtt dr.-
eribe the whole thing as it ought to le.
the whole cuuut1y ,sone (*Gniitt nus
thang�ti,lg piclu.e ul leant y. Nu ame
der Eng,i ho►en are to beady to right
1,e Kits rid coumL1 v.
We air quire cou.fottahle in camp
hire Fade et the . Ricers is but °Led
with a batmen, that ie w man to Ix•1.►b
our but tons, keep butus.Lined, nuke
beds and he a general .eraat.t. It
makes one feel Ikea lord.
How are things gui.g at home? It
will be lovely there sow too, 1 alit
icily; CM$STltlt DpyA auptto dos ,see of ewe d j.
!to OTpoIreted RRoyal
y l ened(sn [Butene.+, re`t1F! .i'ally fl�w rl.nnwi y. 1,7•01: r r MY
torn. bide siug:ug. (heti.by,
the May. Corp. J,fac.)oeahl was a mint- tYltt.
1 hr. beef the Canadian militia and had At„,,!0„.k. Icx,kin JAV a ;:h.
11n ala, pet in Unit yeare At st. .1..hns in as yet no trail lids lead , me. The
e for mala wry training. 11. bar *int some Army P. O. ix so glutted that mail
4111 which ttog letters from the punt it wsnetamrs delayed two or [brew
soli which have appeared in The Signal. d...-.
°rel` Harvey Beattie i.. a wilt-kiown
The, Gttderich boy. a .on of Mr. and Jr.\ihr btugLi. lo g sees, t oto, and
A I..hn Herttie, cal' the Hartirrd rnwd. v. ti ( bane( is mfl' wce., 1 wish
" t J. H. grown w*. employed 1:a.1 near y..0 tuulu sir the flwarers, wild •red
Krs wr C C. I er'x and wav a member 0! tame, and the (,cave W t,I Ir , and the
mrit,: a the :Curd Iteginient hand His borne 1st nal grass. stove* Ind tiers. the
sprue is at Harnilton. gnarled ora uldrn,"the yew, ,yam.
the Samuel 1Vard 1. • sun of Mr• and cor-
neae, the ••.cy given," etc Then the
ed i
re- I Mr. �uuurl 1Vard, Slwnley rues. nude sing w muc�, the .kyl n ua cur-
t s -a kiwi, nightingale, thank 1 can under-
anJ A casualty of another .ort has or- stand t1 ordswottb, Shelley, Grays
cued corned in ty carr of ('apt Gntdor- Keats., a whole lot better now. last
4•.tr' McXeyin, who has -succumbed to the night1 sat and listened 1 a oightin-
eum- s(taft.01 ('upid. He was marri.•,I nn gale variate a while, run through atm
art i Jnnr Nth to a 1'oeonto girl and .wiled arra[ id Kea 'f note' then caws in
carry for Britain ( n tbe'Llyd, H. now holo. ofd read Kerr' beautiful
Thee it wee
the rank of captain in the den taI corps. u t f the eek,. I emuuful err *ern and
ideal walk. 1 tta,e ever srru. Vo
er-I A Prisoner of the Gerrtynr. many MMetrei.- spots, old castles,
ter vbiueheo,grave varus, battl.fleld..
the ' Yr. V. W. Cade, Trafalgar suet I. We have an uveal camp grouted here
he has received a litter from C'trn. W. H. a few miles Irotn Dove., On a clear
ng hie! of the 48Th Highlander., who,day we can see the coca u7 F.ance
uu.1 t• * primmer of war at t:n'tingi-o, Calais' and Hottlogne. British aero-
oo:a. ; Hanover, Germany. Corp. Fater plan+.. pew over our camp nearly
a•t. lived for many years with Mr. Cade dyes y day, •red we can ere warship+ in
fur and is like a men to him. He was the Channel any time.
c. 1 working in Northern Ontario last I was over las a hoipiL„i near herr
sen! year when the war broke nit and he trday where there are about rrty
n went to Valcartirr and joined the wounded soldiers, mostly Canadians
gal l'th Highlanders there. and was fight. Lord and Lids/ Markham have turned
It' ing with them when taken prisoner. their big bout, into a hospital, and
°. i The letter, which has passed thrnugb there they err with Irgm spot off, +yrs
he the bonds of • (lemon censor, is dated out. min. gone or bound In spigots
l May tl.h, and contains only friendly and bandage.. It is an awful war and
i_ greetings mind messages, .\o dnnht I wish that it were weer, or even the
it the pnsonprr air pretty strictly Tim- end in sight. But byre it bas been
aged in what tory n,ay smy. ('..rp, going un for misfire a year and we
eel Foster's mother, who lives at London,
ys• Eng.. has received from {rim two Tarda l'eotlnwd sa wee y
car ton each of which be asks for something
el to eat.
II A postcard was Merl wed nn Tuesday
t by his parents from John McLeod, jr.,
stating that he was web. it was
a l dated France, Jupe 14th.
✓ Pte. Maxwell Hoynban., son of Mr.
e and Mrs Bayaham of t'eetralia, who
. wee reported missing after the battle
e of Langemarrk, is now reported •
prisoner in Germany
The boys at the Prone have a good
friend in the person ret Mr*. W. Et's. tt.
who lives at the corner of tho Mill
I road and the Huron road in the Iaet
two months dm bas knit twenty.fnnr
Mir* of sock., by hand, all heaurifulle
done She is so tempted meu,II.r of
the (loderieb Township Patriotic So-
lr washlw Co,Me. Jeer w...
Corp Chaster 5. Macdonald, Royal
Canadian Dragoon..
Pte. John H. Brown, 1st Battalion,
Pte. W. Harvey Mile, 1st Battal-
a y' rented tg the 33r4 Ocet-s,as Ila+ t Sion o
by x deleiati ,o of Huron county fe
trey ladle* at Carling', Heights at noon I h■
rice'yesterdat-, has
Nerne The ldt:h was given such kitchens ! a
prior to their depeeture twin London,
and the 34th ion received iia me
quota In Guest Med .sly d
tM __
t w
aCtA 17 lunch .appreciate
)too- Ona' or the tooter* 1, the
am, large type for the men of the
rain, net and file and the other
let for officers. A couple (f taddit onel
kitchens are Yet required tor the needs
of the men,
by The ladies were introduced by Dr.
on, • Shaw, )pis. F. Jean Fitton, of
ie Exeter, reading the address,
n which was signed by Mary E.
Redmond. of Vbioglam: Al. O.
Manning, of Clinton: Elizabeth Gin -
son. of l,'odeti.h,and Mu.. Uacar Neil,
of $eafortb. Miss (iib•on, of Gode
rich, prevented the receipt for tb
kitchen., which were delivered t
Lieut. -Cul. A. Wilson, who re
plied suitably. Mr.. McTaggart, o
Clinton : Mrs. Walker, of l'linton
Mrs. Colson, of Seafortb : Mrs. Hea
mac. of Exeter : Mrs. Dickson, o
Pieter : Mrs. and .Hiss Hooper, n
1 Exeter: Mr.. (Rev ) Collin*, of Exeter
and others accompanied the party.
• Mr. Masgrove Speaks.
A. H. Musgrove. M. P. P., came
down with the delegation and ad-
kirk.dressed the t coops, who were par.ded ing
rY at full strength. briefly. He called at- sthe
er. tentiou to the good work ladies have 1-.
5* done in Red Cron. soties and in
a h1
e tee
o re
- firs
f tur
f be
to 1
0o the tillage were invited to en
contest -4 events hared on
deed efficiency test of t
M. C. A . Y %V. a' A , the you
k�.Waae. �the esdwtrtaed have wend is ear
ris qtr li silimpatilt dr,day sherseosaderleg
W. J. Rasp
Qc� same k law.
- Tama Moastow
Jean Pfsd.,, Charlie 8alk. Stanley
Ilk. Mode Wtxgaa,'Teddie tilaath, 'Do..
old , Illor'esce Grinrod, Roth
Btaice Welsh, Roth Wark.
ea. 1. TO JR. 11.
ci4at .'tImt C M mew. "We .t "11
s ee ,..cart.¢ mrd, AS w1i.dettn hum ~
�Olse� tin raltbee. +e
On'Rs•k • adbse
is Cf Ark IIIcPHlttt. R H. l Ashore.
B IYULRlt1, -1 All "TILL IQ1.IItlI
the lisst W RAM
Vii - A TWO -II R Y
were Toldraffle
Willie Copp, James Heat. Rereenson
mlth, Tom F-rvf.e. Harty Johnston
Oakley. Charlie Stowe, Verna
Btwwalee, Marguerite Spronle. Jessie
. Howard Alk., ary Forder,
oil Oraham. Sam Loraine
rat. 1. TO JR. 11.
*.. CW•a-RomoR.
Rarokt Hander.,,_, Jean inter.
Doaggiaia�Nir., Tem Bowman. n.
",...frosty, *48. Nivea*. Moil
c�4.w.m Welsh. Wellegoon Domiciles.
amps. Emmer-
.an Armor ag.A. cera.
Pile_ IlsTaegest. Assn Nowell, MarRyder
6eye Baal.'y, Tom
�• Lew Chretb Ince,
wednee `tet RsS Eyb. ��
F1 -
beam flabby. Sari Lir
Tem Gray. Reber Wormy, 1110. 11'
stereenakftlr PROMOTION LMT
a_vm~i_r.1 aS Legg, S10 $ Demise. Ilaass. Seem Ltdlth
Rwea, raiders leiwHPlemass
Mala, u .
m7 J•• Ihdeen rt, MsOmer
Wag,. hams Mer,
IiEllieiw�" .' Mii- i{Mwlime t>•ee•
other cue
Capacities, and declared that the ehu
fair sex of Huron county today per- 0.1
forms enact worthy of further laurel.. y
the troops in action require good fogad the
and such kitchens are calculated to enrdi
maintain a supply of the test avail- (Nl ern
able. Mr Musgrove facetiously ex -
pressed the hope that they would never and d
tall into hands that would utilize them
to line the Germans.. Tbe British, he and
+rid. have embarked upon a very dim- limier
cult task and it is up to threw at bone, mem
to take good care of the men in
the field.
Dr. Redmond. of Winghem. Capt. a boo
Beaman, of the 33-d Huron Regiment, enrol
and others were with the party.
While it was the intention to maks thins
the presentation informal. Col L. W.
Showman. coesasndi.g officer of the next
division. and others of the staff were tet'
present. Later the ladies. were enter- •
l time
a orgattzatiou, of the vara
reties and the '1unday eco
nine of these events were
°ted, five for the bays and four
girl,. Tbe boys were grouped a
ng to theirweight-thosehetes
d SI Pounds in unr, tbose brewer
WI m another. those between
1111 in another, those between 1
125 in soother, and tben the u
d into which any member of t
I srrtiods competing or
her of the Sunday erhoole ecotype
might enter and compete for h
1. The girls were not sogrott
11 over ten years of age we
led who would enroll. Tree ho
t. consisted of a 50 -yard drub t
mailer gt0up, .S yards for lb
group and 1(Ml yards for of all the
but competing against • differec
standard : three atending broad
Jumps : bop, step and jump : thrnw
tog w bard baseball for distance. an
pull-up with different at•adards fo
Mitt group. Seventy point• wer
allowed for a standard and from thi
were deducted points according to lb
failure to attain the at as,dar and
Cestiaaed en pap 14( iI
by' the oAlerre of the 44td Bat.
talion, at luncheon, in the oMeeri
Tbe Address.
The address read by Mrs Fitton fol-
lows :
To Lieut. -Orel. A. Watson. Command -
lag the Bird B5,ttanion of the Third
Oversea contingent. .y
Sta.-Tho severed et-ganis'�elte
working for the support of our forces
on settse week v, and representing the
various m.si i iiie. of the county
of Huron, feel 6eeply honored in Wog
allowed to participate in an additional
manner to the regular activities sad to
farther assist in UP. Netter .q. t
01 yswr'pleadid bat rad ion few the
{flied duellist their melee service. Wil
you, Cul Wilma, on lethal( of your
.Mcer,, non-tommiwioned oft•, and
moo, common's th. tiled Hat iii°,
acchret from us thee" two field k tlb-
ene; and it is out .ineereat wish that
lbs ' may mt.i the fullest require-
of W.
are un
work asegfecntieg lbw /Unpile!. other
vigerms prosecution of the might wit h
ree.1=Praese repereseatine massy our
sae Afro MIA* by watt
_ reepooded to the call frees
glee ime asd who have of-
fload Male esoridese is dolfeeee of the
=1,woszo highlyiherier. of fit -
dors. Is the oedema wort irtriel11417
mks is aside some mean* way, j•
pew beam sem so Meow that the
nest isilielegree mods= embed
deed lig sad 437 env-
wonourieal. sanitary and eoeveoient
kiteheng. We will he amply rewarded
If very ofbro your brave moo will drink
nor health ia gond measures of hot
igoth or is neurishlag eupe of Ma or
coffee. On baboon of the pat riotie ladies
of Huron sooty, we wish you Weary
lelleeette in peer virisdkl sad glorious
wort. Mary IL Iledssood. Wingless:
Giber% Goober* Joan Flees, gas.
ler (wermary Weiss &mew Patentees
Society); gins. Oster gell. betel&
NOX lie. of Pirtle. Mania/es •nd Death. In
...mod free of shsnre fnr .oteerde r.; otherwise
per Ineerinal Niemoilata notices. Dot
Weer (Sea eigin Hoe.. Ser. in all caw,
SA IAA/We.- At Ileginclee Mat he.p,tal Al
c RAW rtilltD. it Fort Albert. on astorday.
liUsToN- Aetsgwie how 1.11111. at
Memo. of Maaltsw 111•eitobit.
daughter of Mr. v Stewart. of Tweets.
1 And le the sallow am
The Mg which Muse ball with pride.
The nag fee 'ride* ear tethers Mod
Tbe Mg Well irsiard wham tie Weide,
Capt Fsiglase C.aptiessel with the
gaglish Scenery
Tbe foliewleg letter wa. received
front Copt W Pingland by hie par-
ent•. Mr mod Wm John Vineland. of
Willett :
Rharestgas Rag May IR.
DEAN MOTSIRR,- A hew thief
:=4„Yoe will en doubt he
how things are gem, with
Mb. William imago% et NW. ness n
Investment tinisietnnity -1Witasnia anew.
111111.11119 la Prlset Meillies run teems f
Ramp his Raw APR* - I
Tandem ter 'wafts wesdops-epent
nate wed emir Issessmas&Le. . • Sem-
Nee Telephone Illhatellr-adrealkinhass 006 9