HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-6-24, Page 9Just Girls.
P .queatly when a irl preserves
s; • letters it gets him in • pickle.
�tfe beard recently ul • girl so re
is* Au wouldn't even read coarse
Oh -4s who wool. n't go angling on
dm Sabbath will tl b for compliment.
an that day.
.,l1Vyou ark a woman for • mason,
P ' het lime to Roar ono up.
Tell • gill how Ia'aui iful .he is and
elm will h, likely t.. L •I1 -vc everything
glee you tell hes.
A woman who i. fend of "nihhing
tie and nursing gi ievancea is Out
slsneseartly suited f..r huftpiral work.
11took F.t b••. Torte U sands u
11111111 to m•lr it MOO of • rWct.key, Mi
a girl can stork •a tit •l•vof aw..i
two WILUtar.
Cobeg r 11 ,mor.
Father (une,y,., telly arriving at
Loa's roomilol; I.uo.r at. school, -1)0,.
Mr. Jinx liar lime?
Landlady Ien-mil( --Ver, bring bi:u
la.-Hichig to (l arguyl •.
"ROVGH ON RATS" clears nit
Rate. Nee, ct.. Is.•u'( D'e in the BY H.
Hnrl•r. l:,• aid 2i.• a'. Ulu,( and
Country Steres.
There is nothing like a "Tea Pot" f THE TOWN COUNCIL.
test at your own table to prove its
sterling worth i
TEA "Always and Easily the Best
BLACK, GREEN, or MIXED. Sealed Airtight Packages Only
A buggestion Made that the Setting pf
Tobacco, (:igarettes, etc . Be
Placed under License -Question of
Unpaid Interest on loans Gives
Council Concern.
fhe 'regular meting of 'ye town)
council was held un Ft iday evening
'Councillor Pruudfoot ryas ab.ent. I,• -
Ing cut c•f town. Mayor Reil was 181
the chair.
-------- - - - A delegation was Present consisting 1
meanders cit the Children's he eels. I
ety and r.prFaebl.tire' tram the \V ('
(lest Plied.
"1 I ate • settler that's of the Gonion
Mine's a Piy•nsuth R)2k.. -Bshi.
=ore Autrricaq-
Very Peculiar.
"Anythisg peculiar eland the ac-
cident e"
Yes. iu'er1. 'Etch auto delvera•1_
mit. that he Wu, h, 14400.."
IP-- - - arlt
That Tired Feeling
The tired feeling that.. % often
votary with `1 -. :ng weather is
✓ likely to result from th•
w earing of winter shoe., after
they have been -ailed in A.
from any of the other causes
ER ......i. that r
more at tent Ian bit
T.C.,tb.,rhurcheeandthe schnook. They
Chtenfutcewentof the law wit
n to
P. GADSBY gard to the.a'. of cigarett o and to
tinct(. to minors. Messrs. J k Ton,
A. Al itoberson and U. N. Elliott
t) tame. June Yl. -The Hon. Art h
'!t ighen, who sea. c:!„sen Soli. ito
General by it partially dumb (iovet
men' hrcau-.• 1t had need of his gilt
•peseb, go. r on arquinng merit
h..dauart, s for his good wo, k on
auntie. 1! is conceded that be is
f. ruuni hi, task well.
ter pa•srd him up. were the speaker,. They also sola
i. Not eo Arthur \leighen. [Id 'Was ,gritted that the sale of tntwe.0 Ire li-
n, i young, had his bailie all abead of bin), centred and Mr. Elliott gave some it: -
01! eerded the money mad the glory at:d formation as to bow It worked in
at hall K mind open to curtelll imptes- • 1084 ns *herr a 1.c0,14.4. lee W414cb..ro(14.1.
1hp stun,. Things could be put into him I !gayer 1t -id -a•d khat tar .• oiled
pet- and gt. ind nut again with c,bsider. wo,+ the 'pronely, medium through
able advaotsge. His acute.anglea in. , which t be law should he enforced and
tells -co tirade punctures in almost an it would inttruet itsoficers to see that
r sit j••ct rad be was • hair-splitfer would the law arae enforced. The matter of
bwituout equal in the House of Cowl- i licen•iug the rale of tobacco was sent
%_1 100018. !bps tions was :about the mild. I to the special committee to repast.
Pet Word one ...mid apply t, his res. A communication was ream from the
Kt tuning. The harder his caste•, the het- ,rea'retary of the Hydro -radial Associa-.
• Irr Arthur Meigben could !area 12. lieu inviting rile council to send dele-
e He would even call on the higher gates to the opening of the London k
• o,atheutatics or Getman rust apha•.ics Port Stanley radial road a1lou1 the
t if that were necessary to confuse the ,end of June. (In niuticu the Mayor
w issue. 11 i. %a it %raw ,harp at all poirtie land !terve Elliott weir appointed unle-
t and ...r way and another he Was a gates.
wigbty handy young man for a Gov A petition, signed by a number of
I. comment Willi u dull edge to have' I. citizens of the rout b -westerly portion
log around. of the town, was read. a1ki„g that
aloft( of the Solicitor.(,eneral's well- i they be given a better light service.
. known methods were in evid,nce at, It was sent to the water, Iight;.nd hat.-
the East Middlesex Un,setvatiit• tun- t bei, committer.
ventlon Kt London a fortnight ago. I Breve Elliott wanted to know why
One of thele wetbaade is to overtook the court house park waw burr icaded
the unanswerable. For instance, Mr. 'with sod• Ueputy Reeve Lair lrwaitr
Meighen spoke about. railway.. He said it was intended tri sod the edger
denied that tber- bad been any de. !of 'the walks, but the men had
grading done on tie N.ati0oal 'gran.- Ibsen an busy that it had been
continental Railway, although the timpossible to get the work done
Staunton-Guteli•ts'report, full of un- 18aatoer. The It..,. and Council -
scrupulous Wieetetetuent,, ie reganled I lor Moser thought :t was to., late in
'as one of the most degrading ezhibi- I the reason to put down rook. The mat
tions in Canadian hi*tory. He also ler was Irlt with the perkscurimittet
said that the Grand Trunk P.cifl.8 re- I The fipan• a corwuittee'. eep'eI con-
fused to take over the National Trans.. taitrd the following ; That Ztlat-r► be
continental because it cotLru0 ouch •'accepted .tit amount cf payment due
money' b tee P
The truth ie that the G. T. P. re- Septemherr1 (11, 8t 91. ,andt. ltlhatuthe
netted because ever eiuce 1111 tbe Corp Matter be wlerred to the solicitor to
servati4e Government bas been creat- adjust. The ,sport wast adopted.
nig Sawa in the contract by meddling 't he special committee presenter) the
with its terms- fore ish,ng excuses, in following report: That the full Tele -
short. for (he'll,. T. P. to draw out and phone Co, be permitted to erect !.,,les on
dish the Li hereto. When the National ' Monti Sal and Waterloo streets and Cal -
Transcontinental Hill was before the edonia terrace: that no action be taken
House, Leader Burden had aro alterna- 1,1 the loaner of petitioning the Pro -
live policy for every day in the week viucial Government to adopt standard
•xeep a Sueday, lbeae six policies time one hour ib advance of standard
Red from • crazy -quilt reales), time How in use: that 9:11"h, expended
1 M01.141 up of patches. from • dozen d:t• for each cube- uniform ; that Mai
(creat 18y stems to an all-wstrr mad Baker i,e granted a license to Peddle
that wouldn't need any rails what- i C erewui upon payment 01, a fee of $1'l
ever. Not one of Leader B..rden's al. land npa/n sati.lyrog. and hying up tu, t
tarn$tn'r railways I•egab and ended in 'the i-.Rola.ions imposed by the board Canada -somewhere or other they 1 of (Wenn- The report was adopted•
turned the trams over to the United i Moved tiv ('oanc,blors Wilm0 and
Stet es. t sevruth p,1i,y toward the 1 Moser the, the £surra r be notified t„
T R. has beet] adopted eine,. the have tbe toll in the Arra s bands not
l3ovetnmeut came into power, and !later than noon 0s. Friday, the y;tb
that is to knock the thing whenever 1 (nee Carried.
possible. Premier 11 rrdrn's concep- I Mayor Reel drew at tent:on to the
thm of an ell -water road tate.; shape fact that practically mooing had vet
in the Canadian Northern. which has Leen done in the ,natter of collecting
an ap,uintrr in the l'ahinrt in the the to're'ros on unpaid loco, Com,
',person of Finance , Minister White. lrlllur \\'i
The Static tor -Genera', who is not
nwniMr of the Cabinet but in rho,
touch with it. being lust tear en ,og
to catch it. whispery. enjoys [1,e poi
ilege of it responsible statement
Conservative tomo* Oatio4 con veotion
and other Id.lces of party resort. If
IS • wort of barter for the big show
meth thin Iwffulier iiindincat , aha
while he *Goals o for all the big rho
doe., the big show needn't 'tend fu
all he aa)•:.
1 In a word, the Solicitor -Genera
handles tl s r
tb argtuuentr [he' Cabinet
Minister. do not eats. to auk, mikes
use of the 1.y -product.. thi..wit •be
poison 1t.in1.,., and .at Of hie money a
dr zee times over by giving unnfti, ial
circulation to the tiling. the Govern-
ment would have everybody say het
thenpelvrs. Somebody he. In do the.
totweh-.t-and.g,Laway •toff and the
Solieitur-General is just the wan for
)(fejt b. The Hon. Arthur i, young
and au,bit"ns and when the p,e.rnt
Minister of Justice ret irer from public
life through ,sheer fatigue at drawing;
t a , sale. its fn.m his beloved rnuntry,
there ,s 11.1 douht aha; the SoIieitte-
.lirnera! will move up and come into
hi• rewa,d.
%Vben it came t 3 selecting talented
ya:ubg man who ahouLl he the out -
weed wind v's.
able sign n o
R ( tile Govern-
underground arguments, Ierre
was con•idetable delay Two pointe
had to ho roosidered-•uuld be do it if
hr would, and would he do it If he
ut.l? There was snot her prod igytroal
e %Vest who had just •, great aa, if
t prosier, oratorlc.1 elaiiis than the
ortage 1a Prairie man. 'Phis was R.
. coma. 01 Calgary, whose eluq"enp
is known frowsty* t. sea. The at um -
Ming Klock in It. 11. Benne,t', way was
that he cool 1 d, it Lit wouldn't- He
was young and full of Are, batt be had
had • career full of success, was rich
enough to le independent, *till had,
achieved a (rause of mind in wbi•.b
ideals werr more to hint than politica
preferment. Thu h•• pnoo.p iy proved'
by Coming '.cave." and Trading rr-I
hellions ■g..inat the Government for
handing over the rest of Canada tot
Meekenz,e and Mann. So far as party
pas, p .vee were runrrt oed R. Il. IJet.-
ns. 8. was a uuuv*i, .ujet. No they ,
to which it is usually ascribed, co
,Many Remedies are Suggested n"
bit we believe you will find „
A Pair of our Light. Stylish,
Corr fertable •,spring Shoes
.� Sure (Jure.
TIIF: ti11"i.: MAN •
C\ )NV ENii,N?T --- glr enuugnt Gee n.pott of the
Borns coal, coker of ' Twat r,therc�einathi`r..ut,lbi,teit baba covrndcthri'will
ttrr. as tpgteavvi,outhselitotie.
wood. Large feed doors make firing easy. good I part ofId moret. cash01 Cfedlt o1 In Elie power o take legal pro- ins'
(,u,1ubrre. from the Govrrnmept, fain date. Tor Mayor stud a was tea -
they pump that mach water into the possible to corvinet the sown'• bush
stock and pay for it in that way. At tiers without money: neither *as it
one time it hooked as if tbp C. N. k. good huvne.a 10 horr„w m.•c'•y 1111 s,x
' would hare to build • wading into the per cent. and to receive but five per
Fast Block to carry *way the subsidies, cent. on Tonne. The clerk woe in-
()%ing 4,. the ,boots en the pant of atructeri to .end a final Pott to those
\lr. Meighen's colleagues the prop!e of who err in arreu..
Canada are now involved in a part- Councillor \Vilson drew attenti.•n to
net -than with two railway promoters some vitt poles op Cambria toed which
who have let thew in for ,bligations were not now needed, ha%mg Leen
atun.tnting to trtv,isa,,.ain For alt used in connection with theu-W.Pl. H.
this 1eeponsihility the people of Can- The public %yolk -s committee were m-
ala hate $1".ns1 u, 1of watered •tock strutted to have then, ren,ored.
and \!(•hent e.uid Mann have the raiz- l'.rio: illor Minser wanted to know
Water pan is , filled , way. Every amendment to increase why the chairman of tee Nadi:. works
the people., contrt•1 or better Its recur- committee had put an retia mon to
icy in this railwev wet ruled out by work nohow consulting the eowrui:-
without removing. cadet• of the Speaker. kyr. Pugsley. tee. nerve Elliott, who is cheitivan
rslcnlatioo i. thee, win "r ins.•, Nar- of the .ommittee, mid the wo,k hail
See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. ken-lieandMennstandtom4kr¢ittiiit,-
Imo out of • railway in which they did
not put a rent of their own. Mr.
Meigben also dealt in a caai.al way
with "the foe:iou• Opposition.- "the
',sutler navy and other m.ttera, but
a• he will probably u+e the !arae argu-
Sold by W. R. PINDER
Great Lake
10 the
Water ria
Voyages --
On tae Great
Lakes -Ideal Third
• and lteereatios Owlets
--with all the monis'
ay,dgae-It sed pleassst a
tmwi w the Lamest lista ��
Fsw eased t� of dellgleal sof.. is a.n,irr �— wy..`.aw
dr -
Naar 1s■ r WT• r -M. Menial ft wsw•+ wars
Oalooth, Fort Wim.., Port Arthur, Soo,
aN 1 . 30sIMrs
Ilea* ttw.a ts.bs.tw row ....w mew
ktw treses. t.. ...-lose .re N W
a, W a. 'woiloid
Egg .y kyr .alta 4414
Igo mow dm.rIONS we.lig smr
Zigi Mod "$war^ -m w easter►
lie wales Ow
10111a se Yew Creates
tV w i s.a 4 ~am ewe mew
We kir.. bielli a iia .r •reser moxa
nmr,aae ill..
w=ewe a.rtmskrrrsarwsNsal eer
$, W. MSA. tui Prise, (lit•+.
Sersawas tremae gnaw
swim lb but. Om labia\
bib. tad new. 41818 , ts
sere, ob. at
ale .M a.., •r 4 a
Timm .41
=rot gag
11111.••I -
•..a. a - Pow tw ar y
i d Whi awe at
to be done and he felt the extra luau
was necesaat
Bylaw No. 13. the North AH,erican
Chemical Co. bylaw. ,.eentle voted
on, was given its final read.ng and
Bylaw No. I:, appoint me Councillor
menus again for answer can be kept 31oser it. n n,en,rer ..f the 141.441,1 of
for another tante. H. F. G.
Sensible Girl.
"!the4 a aeneible girl," said the floe
ttawelling man.
'.Yoe het she is," raid the second.
"Last night when 1 tookto dinner
1.efote ordering rhe waked if i woos
le -vow to gay the cheque yself or
work h into the expel ..e a'cc'ount."-
Dstroit Free Piro.
N t� p
Herades Braided
Fabric Water Hale
—Moulded--• ny
heath ap to 500 feet
G... mere servies wail
ll.0., eerie. -- sad O
swryeleg Ism, sea.
Vithstamde !YO ass
OW be Haellewwm
‘vATER N0s$
ralth, woe given the tequila -a num-
ber of readings and finally passed.
Bylaw No.' Ili, for the purpo.ws of
creating a perpetuity fund in connee•
lion with Maitland cense-term. "arse up
for its 'hintading• A. the M lawhad heel, alt ,, note its non and
second rendre the em,neil derided
that .t was • new bylaw. -4ecurd-
ingly it was introduced and given a
lint and se•ron,l reading. The council
then went i.to committer of the
while, with Reeve Els,ott in the rh*.r,
to discuss certain clauses. On again
reassembling the committee reported
recommending that the tyiew he re-
ferred hark to the cetnetety commit-
tee for luster cobsideratinn• ('+It -
The council then adjourned.
Wore' Em out
A teaeher had r.een at great trouble
to explain to bar class the meanie!" of
lb. w "notwithstanding" and, on
&shirk foe a sentence in which the
word occnrrsd, was •0alewh•t n.on-
gimeet d s.0 n re.re the fallow mg effort
tsv.ss a blushing mald.n of some eight
sesimers and winters
Please, miss. wT little brother H..
!• hole In the newt of his trousers, and
its notwithstanding."
Not in Slack.
"By Jule, I alp glad to ase you look.
leg so gar and festive r ..id Mr ,)h$.
Pod. "Yew, "PPM all Is baa -.k the Iatt
thaw i saTwoe -
"Yee," demurely replied Mrs
4rgws. who W lost haws • seamed
"Mit at wsw't • taut betal."
...... tont l f you feel Dackao►y et
1 I
Imre bladder troublo--Tako
' glom of Yalta
I 11
No elan or etaa.:41 who Neto
lady can snake a a.lslrae a1 fly{ fog* ora m n*iJy, says s 'well- new.
authority. Neat fortes uric' rad wale►
the Wood, then we get .ick. \
excites the kidneys, they her„ over- worked from tile strain, get slug
fail to filter the waste (nsb and
and Poi ear from
rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble
nervousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and
urinary •disorders come from slursrsb
1 Ge torment To (ne
Iti01YDAY, Joist 24, 1913 •
a uiHl sehe in the
,kidneys or your b..ek hurt. or if the
urine is eHwdv, offensive, full of sedi-
ment, irregular of passage or attended by
• resection of scalding, Stop eating meat
anti get about four ounces of Jad
Salts from any pharmacy: take a
tatleepro,nful 1n a gals v1 water before
ereakfart an 1 in a few .lays Mot, - kidney.
sill :.et fine. This famous salts is made I
from the :tial of grapes and Loren juin,
combined d Leith lithia, and has been used
for reerrations to flush and stimulate
the kidneys.—also to neutralize the acids
in grim so it no longer muses irritation,
thus endinc bladder weakness.
Jad Salta is inexpensive an -I cannot
injure: snakes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water drir.k which everyone
ei „u!d take now and then- to keep the
kidneys clean and active and the blond
Fore, thereby avoiding serious kidney
Somebody wondered.
in an account of a social gathering a
reporter described one nt the Lady
guest*. who Will114exrrptinnal411,11,11-..
a• poa•easing a tnrnt -that Juno might
envy.- The next morning, however,
he read in the paper that the lady
pa,.ae.eed a form "that Jousts) might
A Restful Lake Ride.
The largest Straw
range of
1 Ints we ever had ami one of
1111 '
the most pleasing.
Tilt' Showertyte Boater
This Hat is "showertyte' and is
waterproofec.' by the Ever White
Process. Ink or dirt ran be in-
stantly washed o.`f-
Dish Brim, High Crc wn, and Low
Crown Sailors. Also a ft
Panamas and Work Straw
'The Square - - Godench
Turd to be enjoyable must he rent- - - -
fitl, and at this season of the
year, tors elle and other interesting feature..
whether your trip takes you sestet or The Seearidhre is the largest and most
west, break its monotony, either at towel,. passenger *teenier on inland
Cleveland or Buffalo, by a refreshing waters of the world ; Ienwrrh :,til fret,
night', ttipacr"s« Lake Erie on • vet - bn'*dthits fret 6 ir, hes,:,ingateromes
triple H Luting hotel. C. A B. Line ! !and parlors accommodating Ilam pas-
•te•aten leave either city every even- tsengera, etlu•Iling in sleening capacity
tug and arrive early the Heat morning.the largest hotels of for country.
Thr Gime of the great ship Seeand-
her is attracting to the route a vast 1 The fares for chi. hake trip are iron
number of travellers to enjoy the than by rail, and also railway tickers
delightful lake ride and, at the same reading between ('level ar,d and pie,
time, in, ct her tfalo
1'c' n
i({c •
n re
aR t i ascent
interior I Sal
,o I for r tranaptortatiop on all
decorations, wonderful illuminating ('• •( H. line wteunetl.
- 1
Tor„a1.,. d..-. nu' u -k f..r helO-r ivpel. I*.
81,4n .1 .tire
self 1.•-rws. WKot ,11 ,woofk
nutror •'rodent- ..„-h .ms. a a1wl.Y.re bor. 81'. J. Ki.1.i,rr. r. 1•,41 .-iter iy - Ynoge !t
Y.mc• ..not , 8,., r 8..F!.,
Coal Oil
Silver Ware
We handle 'three makes, the New Perfection ; the
Detroit, for either oil or gasoline ; the Clark Jewel.
Call and see them demonstrated and get our prices.
It is "a penny wise and a pound foolish' not to
have a good refrigerator• You lose more in pro-
duce in one season than would pay big interest on
the investment. to say nothing of having your food
kept sweet and fresh. Cal}- and see our line of
Keep the flies out. They are big carriers of dis-
ease. Call and see our large assortment of Screen
Doors and Windows ; prices and sizes to suit
every person.
In Hammocks we have a very Targe range for your
choice ; prices from $2.00 to $8.uo.
June Weddings are now on. You will want to get
something nice for your friend. Have you seen our
nice assortment of Depos-Art Silver Deposit Ware?
This Deposit on china is Sterling Silver. The
pieces consist of Tea Sets, Cocoa Sets, Salts and
Peppers. etc.
Are you going to do any building ? We 'ave just
received another carload of Portland Cement. Call
and see us before purchasing.
Coal Now is the time to make arrangements for your
winter supply of Coal. Do not forget that we
handle Scranton Coal and that all our Coal is
weighed on the market scales. Chestnut Coal,
$7.5o per ton during June ; Stove Coal. $7.50 per
ton during June ; Egg Coal, $7.75 per ton during
June ; Summer Wood, $2.25 per cord ; :'Iard Wood,
$2.5o per cord.
Phones: STORE 22