HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-6-24, Page 8• ewvw*T. JO,* 1t, 1913 SUFFERED EVERYTHING For Years,RestoredTO Health by Lydia E. Pituita es Veg- etable CasspoggsL Ceaain www are continually writ. bet no web twain am fife two fdbwiag, whisk aro heartfelt expressions of grati- tude far restored health: Oha1Md Statins, Oat. - "I have ta- ken lei g. ltakbam'e Vegetable Compooad a n d found any medicine to compare with It. I had ulcers and fall- ing of womb and doctors did me no good. 1 suffered dreadfully for years until 1 began taking your medicine. 1 al- so recommend it for nervousness and in- digestion- " - Mrs. HueaT' Q aa&, Glanford Station. Ont Ch.etsrvlll., Ont - " 1 heard your medicine@ highly praised, and a year ago I began taking them for falling of womb and ovarian trouble. " My left side pained me all the time and just before my periods which were irregular and painful it world be worse. To sit down caused me pale and suffer- ing and 1 would be so nervous some- times that 1 could not bear to see any one or bear any cos speak- Little speeks would float before my eyes and I was always constipated " I cannot say too much for Lydia E. Pink banes Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, for there ars no medicines like them. 1 have taken them and 1 recommend them to all women. You may publish this testimonial." - Mrs. Sim- mers J. Mains, Chestervills, Ontaris, Canada, Enjoy the little ot every day. The great favors of fortune cove to but few, and those that have them ,e11 tis that the quiet., homely joys. which are within the reach of us all, are infinite- ly the best. You find yourself refreshed by the presenoe of cheerful people. Why not make earnest effort to confer that pleasure on others? You will find half the battle is gained if you never allow yourself to say anything Bloc my. it L all right for a man to know himself, hut many a man. if wise, would not boast of the acquaintance. Sold by tug( doe dtL Mon 1F ogysue>�ieroi iammammin . ,e....-,..,.,. •... ".�. Win.` James Uloakey, of Belgrave, Is visit -1 injury lag ft rode In California and taking in have the big esbebotiuri. A L M.rrteoan, of Nt. Joseph, cant a sturgeon 1e.ently that weighed I52 pounds when dressed. Mrs. Mary Currie, of Mount Carmel, died on June loth, of pneumoni., at this age of bovinity -two years - Mies Eli,%b•th Morison, of Hihb•rt, is a succes.fol Krado•te of the Hoyel Alexanra hospital at Fergus. Wilfrid I_ Fresco', formerly of Amberley, has satiated with the Mc- Gill Battalion for overseas duty. Karl Elliott, of Ooderkb, bas been re-engaged as teacher by the Moles- wurth.cbool hosed for another term. Alex. N'yne.a, formerly a resident of Pordwich, died recently at Van- t'ouver, where be bort lived fora num- ber of years. Zion Methodist church, on the Rlim- ville circuit, celebrated it i golden jubilee on tiunday and Mouday, J woe lath and iltb. J. A. BeII was sleeted by at -cisme - tion *i a township councilkrr of Tuck - enniith, to 1111 out the term of R. 1). Bell, deceased. Miss Agnes Cutnminga,twbo bad been living a itb her si.tnr, Mrs. Duncan Mctirrgx, of Kippeu, died there tea June lb.b after a loog illness. On Thursday, June lull, Maude, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Thos. Dick- son. of Hrucefleld, was married to Geo. lilenn. by Rev- A. W. Barker, Russell Edgar Love, son of Mn. W. 11. Love. of Ethel, was married at Ingersoll on June 9th to Miss Items Moon. They will reside at Dundas. Suean,,daugbbr of Mr. and Mn. Ed. De►jardiae, of the lith coal session, Stephen, was married on June lith to Henry Deejardine, of the Mauble lime. Miss .lemic A. McArthur, daughter of Mr. and Mts. H. McArthur, of the 2nd conce..inn of Hay township, was married on June 9th to Hoy Lamont. On Wednesday, June 184.13, Mien Jennie A. Jackson and Wm. Wesley Coleman, both of Hay township, were married et Hensen by Rev. E. F. MeL. Smith. Dr. M. J. C. Bean, who has been • resident of Henson for several months, was quietly harried at Byron on June 15th to Miss Selina Bell Foster. They will reside at Hensall. Rev. 1. W. Kilpatrick, Methodist minister at BArray., goes to Shedden, Elgin county, and iiusucceeded I.y Rev. H. H. I'arnabv. The change takes effect the first Sunday in July. Mr. and gee. J. S. Cameron, of HruceffelJ, announce the engagement of their daughter, Harriet, to William Henry, of Kindersley. Sask., the mar- riage to take place Ibis month. Rev. David Roans, a Methodist minister well known in this county, was superannuated at Use recent meet- ing of the London Conference. lie will make his home at London. Dr. J. W. Peck, son ot Nathan Peek. or Stanley, iuteode practicing at Himself, where he has opened an of- fice. He is a graduate of Seafortb Collegiateand McGill Medical School. Martha Ethel, daughter of Mr and Mn. James Mose, of the lith conces- sion of McKillop, was quietly married on June lIlth to Carlyle Houston, of Stanley township, by Rev. R. E. Page. Ronald Lemont. for °ter sixty years a resident of Turnberry, died at the home of his brother-in-law, Eli Jac- ques. in Kinlose, on Jurie Ilth. He was sixty-nine yeses old and unser. ried. R. S. Hays, banister, of Seafortb, bas entered atilt against the townships of Hay and Caborne in behalf of Mrs. Davis and con, of Se•fortb, to recover damages for personal injuries and for LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC . - :-AND-:- SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OF SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Wnte for Particulars LOTTIE ARMSTRONG, F. LINFORTH WILLGOOSE, Registrar. Mus. Bac. I Dunetm) Principal. Address: -35{-6 Dundas St., London, Ont. DON'T VYAIT Do It Now HAVE YOUR HOUSE WiRED BEFORE THE SPRING RUSH BEGINS, AND AVOiD THE RUSH IMIZEM All wiring done by the latest Hydro -Electric rule. T All works guarantee.l. Electric re lung of all kinds promptly ttended to, at real 'tonabk prices. We carry a complete and Zup- to-date line of Electric Fixtures and Supplies at: all times. ROBERT TAIT Ekcirieiu RZRCTR/C & AV ES and I/ g4 TARS 4 SPF1.1.1 L r ) Ofd S!—JUST PHONi—Hoose 193 ram SIGNAL GoDSRUCH : ONTARIO horse and buggy said to alertsln.d owing to the of the sold towY/los to fail keep the lecke road lo re properly gags Ted. The Zedsh Herald sathe hay crop is that 41111110o will b. It gbt this year. The elovar It all eabort that • farmer remarked that .vim • baabla-bee had to get down on Its limpet to And the flower. Mn. Jahn Hopfee passed awa • at her borne near Wroxeter on June I2tb. She had been unwell for some tiume. titre was the daughter of Mr. and Mee. John McLean, of Howick, and was twenty-eight years old. The eagegement is announced of Margaret Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Ma's, James Logan. of Ottawa, to W w. J. Hocking B. A.. son of Mn. James Hocking, se Cromarty, the wedding to take plaee-onJune Irjb. Adam Albrecht, an aged resident of Hay township, passed away on June 15. H. was burn in Germany seventy seven years ago, and had lived in Cau oda for forty-five years...Two sone and three daughters survive. Eunice, youngest daughter of Mrs. J. Neil, was married at 1Vrozster on June lith to Thomas Ferguson, of the Iith concession of Howick. he eete- soony was performed by Rev. R. S. Lsekland at the p•rsooage. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. lieo W. Procter, Morris township, on June 9th, their eldeet daughter, Jennie, wits married to Janus Martin Grigg, w prosperoes far,nei of Kama Wawano,h. Rev. 1. W. Kilpatrick officiated. Mary M. Drysdale, daughter of Mr. Robert Heyde'', of Hensall, war mar- ried on June 16th to Percy Hicbardson, The ceremony was held at the borne of the bride's sister, Mn. McNeil, at. Concert, Alta., at which place the newly -married couple will reside. Miss Kuaiee Peddle, graduate nurse of 1Vingham general Mimi 1•1, -wan Guietly married on June 111411to Gibson illespie, of 1Vbitrchurch. The cere- mony, which took place at the manse, Whitechurch, was 'performed by Rey. J. Ure Stewart. Alter the honeymoon they will reside at 1Vhitecburch. Rev. Thorne. Jackson, for fifty -Ave ears e forme at 81. Thomas iconrJu-se I1died at th. is Sixty year, ago he located in Grey township. He was eighty- two years old and is survived by two brothers, Rev. Oeo. Jackson, of Walkerville, and James Jackson, of S(*nlev town- ship. The Jackson 'Mfg. Co.. who manu- factured clothing in an old church building at Zurich for about a year, are removing their plant. They Save found it difficult, since the war began, to procure sufficient material to keep all their factories running and conse- geently decided to close the %urkb factory. Milton Ehlers, son of W. Ehlers, of Dashwood, was, seriously in- jured tart week while working at the Massey -Naris plant at Brantford. He was crushed I.•- tween an elevator and the roof of the factory amd suwirsed a broken leg, • hrokeo noes and other serious injuries. times are entertained for bis recovery. A great deal of interest was token by the people at Bruce County in an action recently tried at Walkerton, W. H. McFarlwne, the county registrar being sued for slander by Gro. D. Mc - Kar the former deputy registrar, McKay was dismissed by McFarlane Nome rnonthe ago, and McFarlane a(terN•rde went around telliog people that McKay bad taken money that did' not belong to him. The jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff for 850 and costs. Ripley Express : That the 'back to the land" movement is browing war never better deuwnstrateu than when Mr. Dam. McDonald, son of John Mc- Donald. ex -Reeve of Huron, purcfaaed the Hawley fat m last week. Dan has for some years been drawing a big sal- ary- as superintendent of the plants drilling for oil in the Canadian %Vest and the Vkited States. The slump in operations tame a year ago, and Dan came back to his own native Feed. After being pitched on the billows of lite be decided that farming was good enough for him. He purchased one hundred acresol aro-claw land, with a good house, large herr and • crop growing in the field. CLINTON. Mrs. S J. Allin has gone nn • visit of several weeks to her daughters, Mrs. Turner and Mian Mayfrid Allis, of Herrina. Wilfrid J. Hudson, son -In-law of Mrs Pinning. of town, died at Strat- ford on June Hath after an operation for appendicitis. His wife and four small chiklren survive. Mrs. W. 11. Wawa, of Bolton, paced away at Toronto on Jun. 13th She was a resident of Clinton for twelve years, removing to Holton last autumn. Mrs. Oteleigh and Thos. Watts, of town, are daughter and nor respec- tively. Mr. D. M. McTaggart has retereed from a visit t i the Panama-Paci8e Exposition. He states that it is a Ilse show, but the ettesdasee has been away below the expectation. The Oa.adian beilding is one of Ile main at traetiose. Fred Stephenson, son of John Btepbensoa, of town, hair lasso ap. predated Poperisgsdest of the Boys' Club *1IagasiMase. e 1t�e bad etperigees I. pl H rur yrn4 work ijt London, Paris, Wine pig, Port Arthi YOU CAN BEGIN ANY DAY et THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE oats Mow OwTaaso ch.. son b404l411 aid 'eess•wd noiresf sepeteww (b ynem te.eeaM,ee Neds.ou e tae sr renew Chis egve be. 0. C. D. trts,r ► sere fiery. HE STRUCK IT RIGUT_AT LAST Mos Illifeelso A/meet Two Team. kelt. wHITMae tilt St. Veber St., Moatne&L "In 1912, I was taken suddenly i8 with Acute Slos.e.4 Trouble and dropped in the street. I was treated by several physicians for nearly two years. I was in constant misery from wy stomach and my weight dropped down from 225 pounds to 160 pounds. Several of my friends advised me to try 'Fruit-a-tives' and 1 did so. That was eight months ago. / began to iarpro v aliwett atria Me firs! deer. No other medicine lever used acted so pleasantly and quickly as 'Fruit a -tires', and by using it I recovered from the distnssiitg Womack Trouble, and all pain asd Consliltatisa and misery weer aired. I completely recovered by the use of 'Fruit -a -Urea' and now I weigh 208 pounds. I cannot prai.se'Fruit-a-tiers' enough". 11. WHITMAN. 50c. a box, 6 fur V2.50, trial sire, 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit -s -fives Limited, Ottawa. and Fort William. His new duties will cosamence in September. The house of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lovett was the Deese of aret[ wed. ding on June 16th, when their daugh- ter, Mary Ethel, became the bride of Howard F. Williams, of (ioderieh township. Rev. J. C. Potts performed the ceremony. After the honeymoon the young couple will reside on the groom's farm on the Maitland conces- sion of Ooderich township. EXETER. Her. S. F. and Mn. Sharp and daughter left last week for a three months vaeatiom at Simroe, Ont. EIruo Howey bad the misfortune to have the top of bis thumb taken off in a jointer at the planing mill last week. Reginald ('ase, formerly • resident herr, was married at Poet Colborne, on June 10th, to Miss Kilinunitb, of that town. T. B. Carling 1 inn clerk, bas been {ranted leave of absence owing t n i11- be•Ith and Joe. Senior has been ap- pointed as acting clerk, Bettie May, daughter of Mr. John Hawkehaw, of town, suns quietly mar- ried on JaneWth, at Detreit, to A. L. Northwood. They will reside at De- troit. Wm. Ballantyne was presented with a Morris chair by Britannia Masonic Lodge on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his initiation into that lodge. - - Private Fred Mallett, who ie in train- ing with the S'inl Battalion at Lon- don, was married recently to Emma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. D.ivis, of Exeter North. BBAFORTH. Word has been re-ei.ed of the death et Chris. Pripet, a former resident bete. He died at London on the 15th inst. Mr. O. Baldwin, who was recently elected to the presidency of the Noble Biscuit Co., 8t Thomas, is a Seafortb old boy. Mr. and Mrs. V. %V. Hoffman, who for the Past sixteen years have resided in Manitoba, have arrived in $eaforth and inteod making their home here. Mrs. Wm. Robertson, who for wee time resided with her daughter brie, Mrs T. F. Coleman, died at Chicago on Jane 9th. Interment took place at Oakville. Mrs R. L. Box parsed away on Mon- day. Julie Mb, from consumption. 8he was the daughter of the late Richard Dteon and was twenty -live year. old. She had been married two yew. The returns from r.eent minstrel performances held here have leers turned over to different funds, as follows : To the Red ('rocs Hostility, 81St.t5 • field kitchen for 353rd fon, tri : tobacco food for the madders, Sal Tise combined age. of Mr. Alex. Davidson, of town, and his btoti,.r William. coitaty dark. Stratford, make Idsears. Abse. h eighty-four and Will .ighly-two. Both Nave been married over sixty yewrs and their wives are •1 ng and all are enjoying good health BRUel8ELA. W. B. 8traebasi B. A.. has Bose to Toronto to take IM position in the actuarial departindet of the Imperial Life 1.@wraeses Comps&v. Mn. CI as. Dodds and three sons, of Vaneootler, ars spend a venation Isere. 'LMA" MI* N a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Osn, Thomson. Harold egad. Roy Holmes and H. Kno= all /emery of tbte e lty, wbe hsee t • •a t�b doles duty at tie ha teleost w Preece. ass eo�atltod w, ended la the recent Serve Limit. I. P. Jackson, who hes /stood 11se artily tar oversees service, was vleittag hot brother here recently. hoot- -Joshes, sag mark, M South Athan and es hM rotate woe prmented srtth n t f erMeb b�ylrtthhe eitJ. . dd The esolvtiow task Me os Jewsni ansae MiPiekkr ass of aishasd Rest of 7oung cosh ass sas,i. • lag their honeymoon herr, but will re- shiret Pickford, where the groom bid • garage and blacksmith businese. Word bas awn neel* eJ of thp death of George Wilkinson, • forma& resi- dent of Heuse.ly, at Br•Jfurd, Nnt- lead, seventy-Ive years. b Meter. with whom be made his bear.. died three days after. Pnetrmoala was the cause. Neither waa married. WINOHAM. Mies Pero Runcis.a and Lawrence K. !rebind were alarmed at Stratford es May 310. Both were formerly reakinm. here. Herm dalrhier of Robert Oser. of the IN•eameaMna of Morris, was mar- ried en Jess lith to Tyadalt Ritchie. of =raw £.v. 1. A. McKelve y ofe Wm, Haneyreceived a cut on bis arm which it 'required several stitches to close when one of the knives flaw off a shaper which be was operating at Bennett's factory. Margaret, youugest daughter of Mr. and Mn. John McCallum, was mar- ried at the manse, on June 15th. to W. Christopher Netbery, of Haat Wa- wanoeh. Rev, D. Petrie officiated. Charles Munro, manager for the W. Davies Company, has pun -based a Ane motor twat and has launched it in the River Maitjaad. Ttls is an innovation for Wingbam and much Interest is taken in the craft. Cause foe Congratulation. Employer - Mr. Quill, when you Dame in this Morning I detected the odor of liquor About you. Clerk -That's fine, sir! Shows how very much better your cold i., sir. Encouragement 1 Mischa Elson tells a story of his early youth He was playing at a re- ception given by • Russian prince. and played Beet boven's"Kreutzer" sonata. which has several long and im- pressive rests in it. During one of these testa a motherly old lady leaned forward, patted him on the shoulder and said : ^'Play something you know, dear." Teeelter-•'18111gre is the Dead Sea ?" Tommy - "oar% know, ma'am." "Don't know where the Lead nota is ?" "No, ma'am. I didn't even know say of the seas were sick. ma'am " Golden Jubilee Tire celebration of the golden jubilee of Mt. Jeromi s College, Berlin, on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, mea one of the most important semi- public events of the year The Col- lege is one of the leading Catholic edu- cational institutions in Ontario, and in the fifty years of its existence has be- come known far and wide throughout Canada and the Coked States. The festivities in connection with the celebration gained particular HOME STUDY Arts Coarses only. SUMM BR SCHOOL JaaT are atrawr QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON, ONTARIO ARTS IDUCATtost nital CCSCHOOL OF MINING CML>KAL � $ all NG ono. ono. T. gown. 0s err i TURN ON THE WATER In the bathroom after we have pro- nounced it ►11 right. There will ir. no danger of leaks or any wafting for water. A Modern Bathroom put in by real sanitary plumbers will save its cost in doctor's bills *eery year. Let's put one in for you while you are renuvating'your bouse. Fred Hunt AaadYen Street Phone I. J prominence through the presence of the Papal delegate, Mgr. P. F. Stagni, from Ottawa, together with the arch- bishops and bishops! from Ontario, and hundreds of priests, as well as rin7 many of the alumni of the College, some of there occupying the highest civil and professional positions- Hie Excellency the Papal delegate masked Berlin on Tuesday noon, and in tot evening waa weloos.d to tIe city by His Worship Mayor Hett. Later oo • nagoifk-rnt display of fire- works was given from the rout of the MLitt College building. On IVednes- day the celebration was cosllaan b the solemnization of a Pontifical big masa in St. Mary's church, at which Mgr. Kidd of St. Augustine's Semin- ary in Toronto preached an eloquent sermon. A jubilee baagoet in the Col- lege for the many guests aad the alumni brought the festivities to a close. Over :lest participated in the dinner and toasts were given for Our Pope, the King, and ibe alumni and the alma nater. "Let us take the perm 'UaNsd w. stand divided We folk'. said Oa hes t urer on old as Nodes hew everytblgr, wlama esorytioq, obeys the law.""Humph r said the small man at the bask of the hall What about the 1sg1.' a pair e' supe r Spray Yost Orchards Nothing Pays MMU► I am swattorall Metesial. Limo Dry asktlis tato Dry aa& Paste Ar- senate of-3Nd. SPRAY PUAPS -both power maebIn oar hand FERTILIZERS We have the beet bread@ and at all prise. Come In and see me be- fore plaeiog your ceder, D. F. HAMLINK, t . oat. FARE $225 THE STEAMER "STATE OF OHIO" u... flaw s1 [l err *the Lome Pert leert4. Norrie mod 116e.0a.1 acrd air t...r. kM rt orw no mew auto r' wownw erwet dhe lei .roe d Ones.n, � , Or ttrrr eta C • n aye. ee'r.Y XCURSIO t TO C EYSLA ._¢VERY SATURDAY !rare row. M snaky. dewier. 11,10 P. be. W Oleo oft heti Ver 16 III hodeur s....4. d.Mr t.. M. M ry sew r..rrrieep as it ttiye Ora row am tat ee a.w Trp Ft. he.er morrow, atom a w. Pttowaoa Cela *ea. M er,iw, eta M Tats ciEVIIAND di a,,rw.1.0 yammer co J CHERRY JELLY Poo recto eras - cook terse Cork a Owe Yietb.i.. Prldsi l a 1015. Cleo 2 I. curates sou a heedhd el red .wrwew. and br.W seen and hamar ra a snarler : War In IMO pore- =Z er.tre� am wltb 1 14 lbw Pint l'e seer Md. and 8 mer -.ensu , ball a the Da.. -M. *bolt hot sn nese. Aha* owe le remove sewn se /h crime: rmiw fel s bower Mts )AseaIq.nla�rihe�' tee ono. WICIS re Mac w wadi art paw to preserve its luscious Savor for the winter days to come. TCanada for or over half a century AIX has been the favorite slow i rsestin. Because preserving utely pure a and dand with good you can use ityalways the same, full confidence te the its. recipes, year after year, with Fruit put up right, with ASO Extra Gressel +vied Sugar, wit keep as lows es you wish, and when opened a month or a year halon will delight you with its frashases sed flavor. sweeten it." :Cawates, and ' u ges.lee-- s aeerur, at 1. int. Put + 2 and $ ib. Sealed Cartons and fi 10, 20, 50 sed 100 lb Sags- 140 casaba tl/CA$ ammo ca. UMW aearuu_