HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-6-24, Page 7Repairing Neatly and Promptly' Done As Usual 1 THE SIGNAL GODEILTCH, ONTARIO "Ifittr# ,••;•:jr. • • ..........omvicrocilAtrO," ."4,4 favienam. Joss Il. MOO I HE COODONIPOIMONGNININDOMMINDOMINIOODODINDIDIONNDOMPOWOMOMPINOSS. %dll INV IC AT SLAVGXTER .A. E High -Class Boots, Shoes and Rubbers High -Class Boots, Shoes and Rubbers AT THE McCLINTON SHOE STORE as been a huge success and will be continued until the whole stock is cleared out. Each day will bring forth SPECIAL BARGAINS to anyone, who requires anything in:the shoe line. You Save From .20 to 50.c\° on Every Purchase The McClinton Stock of High -Class Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises and Rubbers, amounting to $10,300.m, has passed into our hands and will be thrown on the market in this store at Sacrifice Prices Profits not considered for a minute. Every dollar's worth must be cleared out. It will be cleared out, as we will make the prices do it. This is your. Greatest Opportunity. Leather. Goods owing to the war were never known- to be so high as at the present time. You will now be able to buy anything you may require in Boots and Shoes at less than maker's prices. JUST A FEW OF THE BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY, JUNE 26th, AND FOLLOWING WEEK. MEN'S SHOES e • TABLE NO. 1. $50 pdra at bles'a Tam aod Meek Shoes, in latest styles, beet neakea, nyder it.f0,116.00, for.... .$3.69 per pair 186 pits of blen'a Tan and Black Shoes, just arrived for • this asmosta irear. Regular 86.60, 06.00 and $8.50, for..... $4 48 per par See Our Extra Specials on the Bargain Tables. TABLE NO. 3. 150 pairs of Ladies' Oxfords in black and tan shades, lace and button, best makes. Extra Special Slaughter Prices. to clear One -Half Marked Price Children's Shoes, all sizes, while they last ..... . ..Extra special prices 79c per pair TABLE NO. 2. 200 pairs of Ladies' Shoes in gunmetal, patent, aid vici kid, good clean stock. Regular sell- ing price $3.25 and $3.50. Slaughter Sale price 12.39 per pair TABLE NO. 4. One Lot of Boys' and Girls' Shoes. Good 'strong holiday shoes. On sale at 11.19 per pair LADIES' SHOES, 300 pairs of LadiesShoes, in gunmetal, with or without cloth tops. also in patent leather, best makes, newest styles, regular $4.50 to 65.00, for 13.69 per pair Other Tables, Counters and Shelves Loaded with Bargains, so arranged that it will be a pleasure to show them. 111111011*sssss SS 111011.11.001.104NNINIMINNIIINIMMINIMENIIIMINIMINIMIMINIIMINIMINIIINININIIMMIND 4104.11111110110 EINWININNAMMIN/MlimlimeN404.41011•40404.4.404.1.1111 These are only a few of the lines. Remember this entire stock is on the market at SLAUGHTER PRICES. No such sale of High -Class Footwear bought in the regular way would ever be attempted. Just think of it, in the face of the present market buying High -Class Boots and Shoes, such as the HARTT, REGENT, EVER -RIGHT, McCREADY'S, AMERICAN BEAUTY; MISS CANADA and other well-known lines of shoes at less than maker's prices. Be here early. Don't miss this chance to buy shoes at your own prices. Repairing Neitly and Promptly Done As Usual EAST WALTERS 8 COMPANY SUCCESSORS TO JOHN H. McCLINTON SIDE SQUARE • •40 TERMS OF SALE CASH Phone 226 , • it'