HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-6-24, Page 51
IIDo You anW t an Auto?
Here is your chance
to get a good honest bargain on_a, Car !
We have a couple of good second7hand Automobiles to sell.
CTo any per.,,,n who wants a good' bargain in this line we
advise you to call aud look these over. .1 sure snap.
, 1 McLaughlin -Buick Model 17 Touring Car, pras-
tically new tires all round,, the machine has just
O 'limn repainted and overhauled this spring, ecc-
tric lights all round, full equipment of tools a:1,1
sp,res. :. good husky. =aline and one esso
that .il! go over acy road. Take it for 4
, 1 Model lf Busse,: Touring Car. This is a well-
known make and the whole machine is in good
A good honest masiiitie for hara work $350
Don't Miss These If At All Interested !
East Street Garage
were bound for Miadusky.
Wind and weather permitting'. tho
tug Horton will leave today for Kin -
and two mild-scoli•. A contract has
twen secured for the removal of ae•eral
thousand yards of earth from the
mouth of that harbor.
Two of the pontoons built by the
Bermingham people have been towed
out and placed in posit tun at the In etik-
w•ter. Two more are almost ready to
be towed out to :aeir final destination.
A gang of nien are engaged strei.gth-
ening the weak spt t in the south pier.
The plank is being removed and ths
csvity between the timh.ws refilled
with .,tone. New planking is bring
put down where titter:red.
The dredge I isderiz•h is excavating
gravel at the nsouth of the river.
The Entrance Examinations.
Pupils from the public school* of
writing on the entrance examinations
et the Collegiate Institute this week.
Hume, Dr. Shang end Inspector Tom.
Tnere are irs all Psi papila taking the
exansinati in. of whom fifty-six are
Gotterich—forty titan the f.mmer and
' lateen from •he latter.
Beware of Ointments for Cataird that
• .1,ie,fryou thew. Hall .tatareh
. l'atrar nor be ...re you get the gene -
are. It tamers irterrially add diado,In Toledo.
Next to Town Hall. 'Phone 243.
Centre Huron L,berals.
The annual meeting of the Centre
Huron Liheral A•sociat ion wit: be held
Pa Canino** hell, See/ orth. en Tgewlay.
July tith. At 3 :10 p. ns. A good attend-
ance of Liberal, is devired.
C P. R. Off.cialsrl4e,v.
pointed out that the present timedoble
rely unaatisfactory in that it' gives
no opportunity for people east of
tioderich to come to town and return
ation is complicated hv the ciesire to
I make certain connections at eastern
' points. tut the oftleittls promised to
; give the matter tbeir earnest confider-
: atiou and see if aorne inure **liaise-
' tory titers ire Could he worked out.
officials. iriclulioir Ir. M. Murphy, I
district pos*.en6;••r forouto. M..
Allan Purvis, eoperintentient of the'
Loodiun division. and Ma.. D. Carmic-
London divisicn. were in
and in ;Le evening hid • conference
with tbe coon. il of the Booed cf Tr tee
w it b retereuce to t be U. P. passen-
ger service at this plint. was
At the Waterfront.
were the Gjentinnan and Geo. A. I; t oi-
evenirg with grain for the It Aerich
The steamer Prentina orrivsKt on
in tow th- schooner Crsnu-, which
had been lying here tor a week. They
Ml.. Mardi -rt I..w-oo is vleiChrt fdosiod• at
Corr. Lire".
Mira M ,nrea, of Taranto. b. the glee*. of her
coup in. Mr.. W . k. Kell', . t buten •:rovt.
Ms.. George M.. Phee ani of FA
sad Nrelrle el Le. Angelee.
/If seaforth.
rItur•.eil front a nare.:h .4.41./ with ti,r ...ter.
11/41110110ereer"""Ore""POPeorwetifte""porreborre/Oprof~#101101 ate t to.. an. *hi. week .c. Mr-. v •iii;,bel:. home
Kolar. left 'awe weer for 44manta 10 7.,,, a
Goan kli. bar ....Lind • mouton tor • Jae: cu...
La" wora on the t. eausies . and is now tri
1 two: .. %tot Ina relative. iii ...ha enoured tradereeh
i lin% C.- Flu, tourn awl Ili. 1.411le Graham. of
1 week. to 7!.eu paten:, NI:. Awl Mr, Jobb
i Grahain. Huron toad.
.rox Da .14100. Colborne e*.reett.
Sahli Eaward. who has torn &tuella, :be
Lodeipate Inwlist• Isere for she jest year. re
turned to Ms home at kilieto.... Paelt.. on
Mr. (intros W:rdette. who ha. teed ID the
teen transferred zo 1, roath ltd. will mot
Preveot tsrattnc. however. from looking sera.
1*-1luf at. Porente at 56* Meldlea and friends la
tloierieh this week. Mr Grah.un i• inanegst
of the Dotson Utstrib Iting v 0. and iii doing
well la the City of the etraits.
lir. and Mrs c G. Hooker et %Valuate. Wis.
ribusis. spent se, oral day. ta town lb. mat
week. alio leave today tee the.. house. arose,
sealed ,try Mrs. Books, • molter, Mr, la Owen.
who lia• wen ', betilag se. s stair .stisa Porte,
aad other relatives hare.
Mr.. Foot of tows. who is the wawa japes
mutative of The Tomato New.. lia• bees as
pedal ed to reonteetat the Caoadiaa Prow. at the
Astor hationa. Prime ..00.1frir• to be hold at elms
t'radelooa. tie leaves for Ram Froadlero this
Stamped Goods
Call a.nd see aur Stamped Goods for embroidery of all kind*.
Day Slips. Pillow Slips, Centre Pieces, Tray Cloths. etc
Ladies' Wa.sts, Negligees, Nightgowns, New Styles of Corset Coven, etc.
Cushions. Scarfs and Centres.
Tan and Whit:: Linen try the yard.
Embroidery Silks and D. M. C. Threads
Mrs. L. B. Tape
5 he
niodel : gheatre
since its opening has•gained the name of showing the
best in photo plays. subjects, players and clas.s of
films shown. "Quality" was the motto alityted and,
as in all business, ''Quality" is what the pUblic want.
It costs more, but people of ''Quality" want "Qual-
ity." That's why the Model Theatre is getting people
who have never before attended a picture show in
Goderich. They are learning that the works of the
best authors that the world produces are being
shown in Photo Plays, and the are being seen each
week at the Model Theatre.
Rev. W. H. Wrightoa will preach
in the Baptist church morn's* and
remise on Sunday. A stirring evan-
gelistic Service will tit held in the
evening. when Mr. Wrigliton will
Preach on "The Final Appeal A
heart y welcome is ex tended to all.
The Epworth League Vietoria
street Methodist church intends hold-
ing • social on Tuesday evening. Jilin.
'..1101. A program will bet preeented
ani refreehmente served.
After several week.' absence Rev.
Geo. E. Ross occupied his pulpit in
Knox church OR Runday least and
preached strong **Amon* to huge • on-
gregat ions.
argon 111 Knox church aro snaking
tallow* Moines. and tho test rumens will
be ready for sereire oa July SOL On
that eveniag a frond organ recital will
take placer under UM ihanctiou of Dr.
Anderson. orgasm/it of Rt. Andrew'.
church. 'forests's,. This will Os thrs
°peeing worvicie for the new organ, a•
wen as the first meeting of the Huai -
osier School. Knox church spay soOli
be congratulated ea bowleg one Of the
finest orgasm in t'anaulla.
, give Rexall Orderlies—they are mild
land pleasawt to take. Mold only by
IH. C Dunlop. the ltexall Store, Ilk.,
Munday. The
loth bers ices in Knox church next!
Tricirsiar. June 111th.
Supper will be dispenbed on the first wheat. Der b,..., fun tea 1 1.6.1
narks per bosh
The musical sere...-. for Sunday even- Noe. Per WW1
int, •1 North street liletbotlist church, Huelw1"4": l'er 4";
"lour. famity..nservo
will be as follows : 1 1.-loor patina. per est
..11.tbem --,t111. etill With Floe
Mt-. tilos ahd Mi.. 1lL. ....two
Next IS undo y will he Flower Sunday
Hay, per tor.
germ.. loo -e per too
Eggs. liven. yer
Three services nil he Lela iliiriiiv the. ti.„..."1/..iii:Vebe.,,,"htn'adperlucus,',....
will he given lav In! menthe'. of the Vanes.. rendered:per lb
nunday schtxd, insisted by the Stindas- Paco-. ie., lb
bchool orchestra. iii:h,tc.4.tesspe.rerib.r lb
The Ladders of the ne.tv l'aaavant Turk'"•
.411 to
in to
I en to
.1u to
IV. to
:ASS to
_fan 10
IVO to
ten to
.114 to
,1111 to
an to
650 to
dim to
tit to
.12 to
.10 to
.16 te
3 PO
1 Pa
1110DAY. JOIE 21
el a
Joist Amount'
cpened with the Union
Bank of Canada in the
names of two persons
ts that if one dies the family funds are not tied up
just when they are likely to be most rieeded.
survivor can withdraw the money w:thcut delay cr
Tlunk it over—then open a Joint Account.
Goderich Branch ---F. WOOLLCONI BE, Manager.
Ice cream seiteon t. here %Ye call
will deliver it at any time. Est.. suits
Two rinks i,1 tioderich lawn l.onter•
took pat t in 114.. compel.' ott for the
Faill trophy at ;Mitchell on oresday.
again carried off the cup.
, Lacrosse.
ooder'rh was In -dated to play la -
crease at London yesterday iii an
isaporatolt!.. 14o WI the t.4ant together
weld t gaine 11A-1 called cll.
first dolor of haw.. ill at MitrIwil 00
d 11111. for the 1144.14111",
1.11e -up of the 11.1h -rich hos. pit. uso
played hrre on July 7th.
For the balance of this month we are offering these extra special snaps
in Hardware. You will do well to look closely into these
extra values, as they are genuine snaps.
Lawn Mowers
inch wheel. Brock•the
make. guaranteed to cut
and give satisfaction. Rex-
ular special
It -inch cut. otherwi.e.
souse as above, regolat
I IL:orb cut, 0-incb wheel. BrCkville make. four knivee,
painted and adjustable. Regular di.:01 Speci
I I.l-iiich ent same as above but has extra brace in the -cuttingreel.
I 14 -inch cut, 104-inrh high wheel, four Modes. adjuetable, strongly
birth and fully guaranteed. Regular 113.75. Special........,84.18
2 litinch cut, 104 -inch high wheel, ball -hearing. (lot up in the Ver•
best usaterial and extra good value. Regular $7.40.
These Mowers are all of the Brock•ille make, shirts is a line we
hare handled for years, and know they are good.
A Snap in Grindstones
We have a number of extra fine Cutting stonea, which we cab let
you have at ric each
We never had *nicer range in stripes and patterns and never
better range of c010t14. Priced to suit all comer+ as follows
rt tr., 13.73. $2.50, SIM and $:.23
Linseed Oil Bargain
Here is a staple that is worth today. based on the present co,L E1.14./
per gallon at least. It is pure Baden Italy Linseed Oil at 79c a
gallon. \Vhy, we bear someone say, it costs more than that by the
barrel wholesale. This special is good only in lots not. exceeding
gallons and good only for days stated.
Extra special value in steel Claw Hammer 'ire
Trowels for cement wort, 41 -inch by 10j -inch fare. Just the thing
for finishing orf 4!c each
Hay Fork Rope
Pure Manilla -Hay Fork Rope. It is worth today btc per R'.
sale price is
Five Reasons Why You Should Use
chit -
For Interior Walls
Washable—Me1lotone is made to stand a good
oap and water washing, and effch time comes
out fresh and beautiful.
Faddess---Niellotone colors do not fade. This
quality adds to its long life and gives it a special
advantage as a backgrOund for pictures.
Sanitary—Mellotoned surfacels provide no cling-
ing place for bacteria -breeding dust nor crevices
for concealment of vermin. The fact that
Mellotoned walls may be frequently washed adds
still more to the sanitary qualities uf this splendid
wall finish.
Artistic ---The "soft as the rainbow tints" and
velvety flat finish give beautiful decorative effects.
Mellotone is admirably adapted to either stencil-
ing or free-hand decoration.
Economical—The splendid covering and wearing
qualities of Mellotone make its use an economy.
Ger . ceder ceo-ef of *WI *Mira
Detroit Vapor Stoves
Burn Oil
or Gasoline
Special -
The story is by Jules Ikert Goodman, and has beep
a great drawing production on the stage. Its title
alone is sufficient to warrant all those who attend fin
evening well spent.
We show a pwo or three•reel feature every night,
with a com ete change of pictnr4, except on the
Big Feature subjects.
Our motto of "Quality' • inclodes Leather -covered
Opera Chairs, restore Film Serrice.rowers as Illeichine and our
Operator Oast hooves how lb dhow it. No ansereanare waits of
delays between Mum Airytiody hewing other engagements
can see a show at tbe 'Worker' without interfering with them.
New Mimic, well rendered. Good Veatilation and Courtsocs
Ifor our
Watch our window
' A Rare Treat
C. L COULTIS, had.
rooms 19
N IL—Leave as your yams foe
I only Detroit 2-titir.urz
toed bias Stove
I only Detroit burner
new Oas Stove SILAS
2 only Detroit 3-berner
new Oft• Stoves 114.05
These are unquestionably
t be most coniplete summer
stove. on the market,
Like a city tas stove auitable for burning ertber
coal oil to gaeoline, aaall as safe if not safer than city gar.
TO LIGHT: yon simply torts on the gshofidith light it ens, it born.
up with • small blase, gradually in IreAlting until the whole burner
is a MAN of blue flue*
You ran boil or rook in
just half t be tlase it takes
with wick stoves.
Another special in Potr'. Elephant Paint all went like hot •keis
at price Oro sold at.
Here we are again wi•h • special on Maple Lest Paint. While Paint
today is costing Mr net gallon MO", Ore are actually 'telling thin'
high grade. first -quality, ready -mixed l'aint for less than regular
old price Wby Becomes we bare decided to carry only one line
&Da will dose out Maple Leaf quickly at the following prices :
loluart tins.
gall:tins $2.15
We stand hind and guarantee this
Paint to tie good Paint.
We will demonagratis
them stores in your home
and prove what we way
and this makers will give
1108.00 to anyonE whoa can
Style& the atroit Va.
we Stove or beard of
A Carlii of Best
Portland Cement to
be sold at
Best Going Price
The Howell Hardware Co Limited