HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-6-24, Page 4Be Wise and Bay Your Blue tor Black Salt Now. j: Blue: and Blacks are advanc- ting greatly and are continu- ally advancing. Fortunately I had a large stock, purchased at the old pitice, and antherefore rt rc i t1 a 1 • position to .ave V:ni stoney if you buy now : don't (klay and then have to pay a much higher • pricy later ou. We have then in all price. fro::! IMIlareer $15.00 to $22.50, W. C.•Pridham's Good Clothes SOLE AGENT for the famous Society Brand Clothes Hive you tried our new Bread ? Cre-O-Malt --the tastiest iia town. Nice soft crust - close -grained made from Fleischmann's Yeast. Everybody trays it is the best yet. Try a loaf. Thera is thorough satisfaction for those who buy our Cake. and Pasts-. 11 you do not knt w bow good they are, we should like you to try them. Smith Bros. The Ohl BMWs East ft. Bakery Phom 184. McLaughlin Buggies Call and inspect our new stock of the above high- grade Buggies. We have the latest 1915 designs to suit all re- quirements. McLaughlin Carriage Store HAMILTON 'TRW " ,''X' er fHE SIGNAL GODIRICH t ONTA RIO PORT ALBERT. Wgng..oAT, hell ML WAS L*-wsg.-Oa Friday eves-. lag. July 9th, an illustrated lecture end he Presby- terian eb re(t en “A Vives in St. sit WSW Lite," Icy C. W. D. Cceess, B. A., of Loedoe. Tbie should be a very inter - the gwr l heha R0000dl atteedaeo .b.M are Invited. LAWN 8.64'1AL.-Tho well-known Blac,utone orchestra mad the prraelar Illimars. Parsons and Sturdy. of Gods - rich, have beeu outraged for the imam al lawn sucial to be given by the emigre- gation of the l'huieb of Ragland on Wednesday evening, July 7th. There will also he several booths and a sale of fancywork by the Leda.; Guild. Supper, served in tice brimmed. of the church from tufo 8Oclock. Admission 2.1e.. children lite. fareau HERR[ Fr.+TrvAL.-Don't to -- Feet that next Tuesday evening, June :y►.h. is the data of the ,ptrewberry te.tival to be given by the Women's Missionary Society of St. Andrew's I'r.shytertan churh. The :card Regi- ment baud. of tiodeticb, has been ro- w/grit km the evening, so a good t'ma may lie expected. 'Then will he w is • coram and fancywork booth. and *upper will he served on the church lawn from 11 t K e'clnck. - Admission 3'c., children 1:r-. Everyl.rdy wel- Cun.A. I: NI( ,N Srnor.:. Pit NII .-It is fully expected that next Monday will heftier of the Loges. piruic day that Pott %Ils•r;`'haa mien lot some time. S. S. N•i. 1 will hold it. annual virni.e at t 1+►e and the S. S. No n. Create a Shepparilt.ur t.•hgola have jn:ned i Their will Lean retie large progre of races and sports tills year. k evety.ine ha. given eery lib's 411y t ward., the fund. The ebildten a looking forward to a big day', duti and we hope t they will not 1.. di.. pointed. If the parent- would lit cu -operate with the child, en it would d o t w d t he .urer.- uf the I.irnir. There will al..) he a iefteshe.ent hot t h on the grounds. Everybody curve and enjoy it good days outing. Hutt ►•+ -Mrs Tho- Green is visit - i '1 • tt•t.. tla at. Blyth t .i. perk • Mr. and \Ira. .Ia'oh Mc(ire, jr.. of Window, fame up ro the strainer Greyhound last Thursd•f and visited at the home of Jaco'. Me(iee, s-. They recuts -d in th-ir '.r or Tur.day Mee. %Vw. Brindley is visiting for dein-liter. Mi-. N. t o:clougb. in Unde- rfelt for a few .lays . Miss May Dickeou i, home from the ti. C. 1. fm r 'he holidays . -...,,,i.. Mos: Caiiphell has I. -en •i,.itin,f her granddaughter, Mr,. %Vatter King-are:I, at Carlow for the put two week■ lie. Clove Myer o' Stretford, arrived ill the adlage !art %Vrdnr.da `with�Is party of five ern a . nti •'r • '1".•-• herr 1 men veru busily engaged in building a large cvt- tear..p.u•.+1, .-.sptopei:y besit;e the 1 lake. It will certainly matte an. excel- lent rummer home, with a fine view of both liver and lake. ....Mr. and Mr.. .1. M. McGee. jr., and Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Mr•(iee, sr., motored to Selfntth on Snnc'ty no.; visited ft ienda and rela- tives t .ere. '1 bey returned home as is Rhase sham of the faces Cric111c int left in the blood by disordered kidneys lodges along the nerve which bran. -hes from the eye poor the forehead. and across the cheek to the J aloe of the nose. The cause is the same as is ed Rhewnatism-- deoedered Kidneys. The cure is like. wise the ham.- Dodd's Kidney Pills Mrs. John Durst Mrs. A. Walker returned lost week from a brief visit with friends in Sewfortit and 'vicinity. Mi-, Carrie. Holzhrageen, of Tnr- rui unto, is speeding tee summer under the parent 11 roof Mr. and Mrs. rn .1 1'. Duret spent the week end with nr frit -oda at Hensall .. Mr. D. F. S: hw+nz bps let a rontraet for sev- re era! hundr.d'raids of fencing to Mr. ori J. Yonngbinr. of Auburn Mrs Rei ' f I Ropfrl is vi -firing at her home Ic at Tireed Tar a few weeks Ale. ft -lost Blake is the happy posse►,..r of a Lrandnew ,yhv girl lir. , ('ars. Mohrirg .neat • few dace with friends in Benmiller last week. %Verse-otv. Janet1rd. To Aonttry-y FAR)teit, CLrit.--Mr. Anon (it oh, of Pr e.t un, i, to address the mend. -r• of the Colborne Farmer' Club on toe evening of June -nth in the Teini,eraree Ha 1. Hermitlike, and will al.n deliver an address during the afternoon of July i.t w: the telephone picnic. A• Mr. Groh is general mana- ger of the United Fasters of Ontario, ererenne interested in co-operation should endeavor to bear him on either Of these i.ecasi,n.. at R. so ca ru DUNLOP. TUESDAY, .lune Y..''. Miss Anna Stew art is visiting blends Sl. H• lens. Mr. Percy 9tewart is baring en treian well monk on hi•. faun. Mr. (leant, of Ashfi.•Id, la doing the j..b. Mr ` Fled Q laid is laid up wi.i a re hand,* cwse of blood -poisoning,' used by coming in contact with a .t3 nail. Mr. and Mn. Jame+ ('hishclm were called away suddenly last Friday wnrning by th- ayrddeu death ..f the ladye sister, Mn. Whaler; of Strat- i tut,[. ! Mr. (.antro. of the O. A. C.. Guelph, is making an exhaustive survey on the term. of Mesete. Clutton, Shaw I asci Horton. So the dtaios sunk in the near future will he laid with mathematical exactness Mr. Henry Tisdale, of North Dakota,. paid his brother-in-law, Mr. ThomasJr well. a visit last week. He left here over thirty years ago and sees great changes in Ooderich and ticini:y. Mt. and Mr. Blair, of Detroit, were among the visitors that cease orer no the 'amebae Gr.ybotuwl last weep Mr. Blair returned to his home next Iday. Mee. Hiair heel their two children will speed some time with her sister bees. Mt*. Robert McDonald. The W. •M. Society met last Weds ne•dac afternoon at the manse in (iodersab. The Cnlnn aux ilia. y met there also. Mies Graham, of Sealortb, was present and nave some veru inter- esting reports of work being aorne to Montreal. A pleasant and profitable thee wen open' by all. About thirty member, were preen. 0ARD.N PARTY.-Tbe Leeburn gar. den tart will la held on t h. grunode of M. E. N. Mhaw„ on %lednesdav, July 7th Ice cream. fruit and rarefy 'tooth* will be in evirlence, and also • (*bey wort and m'• ehane.ws booth. Tea will be se ved from • Al till S o'clock.. Mud. will be furnished by *be Gods -rich band. A good time may 1. . expected. OOLBURNE. Memel, June 21. CniLDagg'a DAT-Cblldrsnc day will iJbIied Mich► e. Su�y,ulyln pest years this eslebestioo proved to be one of reel emcees. and great blessing. rad this time the members as well as the program committee are sIsing 848, beimno efforts aytheof chiMres'e day the to make 1. best- alt. 0811. dren, west. sad emu diseases who were formerlmom embers Ori that dry. expeetisg t0 be pres- ent A' good program is snbei a n ailditioo to the revs/sr Prepared. ggs arevs/sr illmtrrativee k will be gives by the pastor. mmher of object• w11 be shown which were made mad have beet used by the inhabiteers of Mine and Japan, ones es root gloves. chopsticks. writing brush. perseM, rod others. A reel reel tan glove Moira will be ow. Jest es for f0ir need by the people of China nil- tzpa..tios win be given en each of the artistes sad wW undoubtedly be of 'Merest b all. AN are lavited lo come and use .sd beer sj b. ause Mies ale p. Ja. ust as My as, as wren as to hoar the r.W 1(h kl> en, wbisk will Marls No master where I wander or roam. Tenemit,, Jose EL Ouse is one ward that always reminds !naps. -Miss Ida Tremens. la nimb- us of Mme -"Math•,," logos eabodsd shit with be Anse. BAYFIELU. Tuten.Y. June'.'. Mr. Hugh McLaren. of Port Elgin, visited Iriends in the village over the week -end. The Rankin family of Vetroir ar- rived r.n Friday of last week at their simmer hem., ••Glenl,.,1e,'on the Terrace. '3 beir cousin, Mies Meredith accompanied them and is the:guest of 11r+. Donaldson. M'Ventten pupil. of thi,,school and the surrounding schools are writing on the . ntrance examination+, here Mi.' week. JIr. f3eet'v. of Varna, is the presiding examiner, while Misa, Stirling is taking the same .work at Varna. It is repotted on Rand authority that Mr. Rowntree, of, London, the owner of Lake fide Park, has sold twenty-one lots of Inc Park property this spring: so we tray expect to see quite a flourishing colony of cottages in the near future. The \Vutueu', Missionary Society of St. Andrew's church held a very suc- cessful quilting bre on Thnr,Aay after- noon of tart week, when mix fine warm quilts were made and bound ready for tire urlesion hoe. As the Society has four more qugh; still to do, it is proposed to bold another b -e on Thursday of this week. WESTFIELD. Tuesn.te. June new"; Note.. -Mr. Hermon Wight - man. "o1 the Canadian Soo, is visiting hit father, Mr. John Wight man Mis• Maty Barkley, of Dungannon, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. A. Camp- bell Mr. Will McClure with his wife end fwe.iiy, et Dungannon, spent a day at 11e home of Mr. W. H. Far- rcw recently. ..Mr. John Wightman ices erected a new veranda at his residence, which improver its appear - LYRIC : ppear- LYRIC: THEATRE THE PREMIER PICTURE HOUSE Showing only the highest- • clam[ phornpley. HE Management of t h e Lyric Theatre vii): to announce that they will run a big double program consist- ing of 5000 feet of. pictures each night. with an entire change four times weeekly, Tues., Thur.. Fri. and Sat. F.ach program will comprise every variety of subjects, all the highest -class obtainable, and guaranteed to please every taste. Every Friday of each week will be shown the greatest of all detective serials -- "[lie Ez rleits of Ebbe" in 15 episodes with such well known stars as Pearl White, Arnold Daly, Sheldon Lewis and others. Don't Forget the Date Friday, June 25th To spend an enjoyable even- ing visit "The Lyric" Admission: IOc and Sc - batter than the best, and this NOTE. Notbfog Theatre gets it EVERY time. - Lr 1 1 11 • ti• aims wry mems A number hem here •treaded the garden part in con- nection with Mleeeese church at Mr. Jobe SHIM last Friday evening. TMy had n good time, although It raised. The tanners around bete ',haat bees The D�oaaf�broek labor Methodist �ucchurch intends holding • basket picnic os June 21. A booth wiU M on the grounds 1Vest'Jeld church also intends bolding a Mettle os July let; baseball gams will be oar of the chief at tractions The eSely ebonies around here are begonia* to time, which 'sakesoee think that summer is advancing Mr. W. A. Rarrlean i�'.t to Leckaow atter visit - his ugbter, Mn. W. IL. Camp- bell. for some time. AUBURN. WrDNS.DAT, Jose ai. Mr. John Sturdy le not enjoying Lia, usual gond health at present. Juba Johnston received a ear of cement on Monday for his custometa. Mr. and Mrs. O. Mellveen, of Wat- ford. motored up on Sunday to si.it the latter'. horse. The Auburn b. ahs band atrended the Brussels horse rates on Wednesday afternoon and a lawn social at Walton the same evening. Remember the garden party -n Mon- day evening next under the auspices of Knox church. at 11r. Wm. Dubie's. (t. me end have a go •d(time. Our l Wage to mitres are working and erquiring for beat ways and treaus.for fire pratectioti for our vil- lage. "This is a ewe in the right direction. Mr. and Mr. Wm. Sturdy, late of 1Viugham. have moved their house. hold effects to their farm and intend orating in our village. 1Ve welcome h+m in our midst. - Mr. David L•ch.rt raire.l- his barns mit week, preparing to place cement walls underneath, which will tend to greater convenience. 31r. las. McGill bad the contract. 11 . R..1. McGee is erecting a driving -shed t his week. ' DKATII or Jolts 1VILLARD.--The spirt of John Willard took tit Hight suddenly on Mogday afternoon. Mr. Willard bad been fa.I.ug in health for" some time, s'though he was always able to attend to his duties. and be had teen outside only a few minutes before h. passed ewe\ . He was in his seventy-sixth year. He Ieaveas family Of flee children : Gen., in .>,Iberta : Royal, in Dunchtrrch ;'Charles, in Hamilton: Mts. ('oar. in Saskatche- wan, and Mrs. Wm. Pollock, in Flint. Mi b. The funeral takes place on Thursday afternant to Bali'. cemetery: COOLING WASH STOPS ITCHING. Just • tench of this mild. soothing wash. the D. D. D. Prescription, will give you instant relief fermi your burn- ing, nteh:ng skin and aheolute protec- tion front all summer skin troubles. D. D. D. is w scientific compound of soothing til of wintergeen and other beating elements. Isn't fail to try D. G. D. for any kind cf summer skin trouble. it will give you welcome relief. A generous trial bottle for 2Sc. Ask also about D. D. D. Soap. JAS. A. Ca3IPBELL. Central Drug Store. Goderieh. D. D. D. is trade in Canada. KIPPER. TrgxDAT, June 22 PERSONAL -Mrs. W. H. Johnston is visit iag friends in Asbfrld and West Wawanp,h this week_ Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dinsdale and little daugh- ter• are away to the Panama Exposi- tion at Sao Francisco Mr. and Mr. W. C. Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, of Iona were visiting in the home of • W. H. Johnston Mr. and Mr. V. Wood end little ,on and Min Ida Dinwlak, of Swots Barbara, Cal., are visiting tbe:r numerous friends and relatives in London. Exeter and this vicinity. Mrs. Wood, form- erly /doss Ili Llosdale, a, a young womac was organist of tbe•Metk'odist church and occupied • large place in the esteem of the oeigbborbood. AU of them received a bear[y welcome bete. .. Maar. J. Detweiler, A. Monteith, N. Jones and W. D. Her- vey have all new auto* this yea.. TROUBLE STARTED ON BOARD SHIP. Weil -known New Brea•wick Man Pell is a Paint. Melrose, WestmorelandCo.. N. B., Jane 2l.%,-l8pecIall.-'•Tice tint inti• matiou l had of kidney trouble,"write• Mr. R. S. Clarke -Lewin, a member or a well known New Brusswiek tasUy, "-:cut t ed while De board the • t rr,a- ship ma my return from England four- teen years ago lobes 1 tell is afaiat on the floor. Atter my arrival at rim. John my health became poor and i lost thirty pounds in weight. Tear after year i became weaker. 1 suffered trom heart trouble and tactvoesetess auxi i bream. irvitable and dyspeptic. My sight troubled se and m walk was un- steady. as i wirer d )miss dizziness., 'Reading a circular led me to use Dodd's Kinsey Pills and Dodd's Dys- pepsia 'tablets about Joest, 1014 and my improvement began at ogee. My strength came book in my legs. the dixxise•s left sax. my bowels became regular. and by New Year's. 1014 1 claimed 1 was Bored of disbetes, i would mot be without the Dodd'. medicine me any aeeo.a1." CARLOW. TOISDAT, JON2: The people of Smith'. Hill expect to have b lawn modal N the neer future. Mrs. Herbert Merdock. of Penland. Ge Oregon. is elating rge thither. Me. A. Smith'. HW wU1 hold a laws amidy y 1� Cvbow. Further asoeosssmset ks1•r, Mr. ANz. 14se.by, of B. & No. 1 teacher. * . �.ed his position as to c very sorry to lees The Carlow t"ame Sett .ire. s i.Dwagplayed at Cerium ea Me sibp well postponed os amses4 of ruin. Mr. R. M. Itemg is moklass mems.[ blanks for • fu Aden 8i, $ died 7 le ball�.g . tt. t John sneer Ms bars. i THE COLBQRNE STORE COLBQRNE STORE Every article you buy at this store bean the stamp of honest value. For every dollar you spend here you get its fullest purchasicg power. We E are keenly alive to all this, for we know it Is to our mutual benefit. 3 On Saturday of this week we will offer tarns of the best bar,abso_ . F - i f i F shown serif in months. t FLANNELETTES -Just got here this week direct from the mill. a large hale of Flannelette Remnants. all short ends from 2 to 10 )'ards in a piece. They were bought tt so much a pound. which makes them very cheap by the yard. GISGHAMS-We are still selling 124c and 1:tc Dress Gingham+ at IOc, EMBROIDERY SKIRTINGS --45 inches wide, -f•-c, for :;,ic. at only half-price. tin.^.te as low, ale 3c a aid. 1 1 A. lot of Embroidery Insertions a DRESSES -Twenty ladies' and girls' summer wash Dresses at a big reduction on regular prices. i 16 GLOVES-100pairspf ladies' colored line Gloves. Regular price '25c and 3..c_ Come and fp take your choice for 1,ie. j DRESS GO()DS-Just came this week, one piece black S rge 90c and one piece navy Serge 'Joe. g.= 3 -_ F J.H.COLBORNE• mffTTTmh1MTTTTmT!I ivemT!i vwflmT!1!!N!1lmmwowTq!T wwo .KINGSBRIOGE. TuE.nAY, June'`.' NeWe t'V'ftig 1\'t:EK, -Miss Pauline O'Reilly is home from Toronto... Mr. Jen ry O'C'onnor, sr., is on the stet list Mfr. Dianan, of I. )1 vis:tingatJamesoriMn • AVMs; m Motan, of tit. Peter's Seminary, Lon- don ; Wilfrid Garvey, William and John Long, of Assumption t •, sandwich ; tienevieve ti'Connor. t1 el - ler Dalton and Joarph darer}, of the Goderich ('oIkgiate Inatitu:e, are home for the summer vacation....... Mises Julia O'Reilly, who ismoyioe and bricking her house, had • couple of bees last week drawing geese: for 113. foundation. On Tbur..lay evening she treated the young peoples to a dance. A Road time wati reported. TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS II Next Thursday being a holi- day. The Signal will be published a day earlier. our district cor- respondents are asked to hear this in mind and to send in their news budgets to reach us by Tuesday at the latest. Dominion Dar Rates. • Round-trip ticket - at single fere will I b. sold by the G. T. R. for Dominion Day. Reuod_trip tickets at a fare and a third will he good going Wednesday, June YB, and retnroteg Friday. July lod. Get your ticket- from F. F. Lawrence k Sons at the down -town ticket office. tBLYTH . TUESDAY. June 22. Mrs. Barr bas resigned her position as pripcipal of Rlyth public school. On amount of an outbreak of otiph- , Iberia amongst^ the children of Bly b and vicinity. it has bean found nese•- • ►ry to erose the put lie mescal.. Dr. McNally, Use district health officer. . was here looking over the situation a few days ago. The Heepeler correspondent of The Guelph Memory has the following to any of a former pastor of St- Andrew's church. Birth : O. Sunday morn- ing Rev. J. 1.. Small began the fourth year of his misistry In St. Aodrew'e, preaching a splendid sermon on 'To- wa d the Soo -rising,' and in the coarse of big remarks alluded to the work of the peat three years. Rev. Mr. Small and Mts. Small are much loved by all sad it le t8s bops of the congregation that the sappy relations existing may be long continued" # Free Palmolive Soap This coupon signed and presented at the store of the desks; whose n+me appears below entitles the holder to 2 cakes of PALMOLIVE SOAP free of charge with each purchase sit a bottle of PALMOLIVE 31-HA8U00O er regular price 500. 1 hereby certify that 1 have purchased • jar of PALM.OL.1 V E SHAMPOO and received free of dame 2cakes of Name 3!. & No. - - FREE FREE JAS. A. CAMPBELL, Phm.B. Central Drug Store Cer. NORTH STREET and SQUARE Business 'Pboee eo s .. Re idesee 'Phone MRS Westeri University LONDON ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE Income troubled, -now 673.0110. Another Large Addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine. Greatly " Increased Enrol- ment in View. Write for particulars to : E. E. Braithwaite, M.A.. Ph. 0. President. FRUIT IIUi LETiN tK ).!arse[ t• peri twit e. Oast.! .mile is eves re buy e•awle r strawberries sem Have roar graver sneers Stagers P•manam. V grows tied. ttwy are wear at their bre sod [.seise Nes war. Omer/betties street ready Speak terser mew. Bac-Ewan Estate Ezeh•ivs agents toe SCRANTON COAL icer Ged.ri•h sod District Egg Coal, $7.23 Stove and Chestnut, ver ton $7.50 Dan Ouu*L MANED �ss.�t� lfaplew� �■Ized A sN illoshoot a.d M7ssg Molar or ) TILtPIRNIE , elm ell asirmam ills et CANADIAN PAC I FI -C DOMINION DAY SINGLE FARE -- Good cohost Thursday- July 1st. return limit Thursday. July lit, 11115. FARE AND ONE-THIRD - (iood going Wednesday wad Thurs- day, June 3Dth and July 1.0., return limit Friday. July :cod. 1015. (Minimum charge 25c.) Pacific Coast Tofns at low fates Including "CALI- FORNIA EXPOSITIONS" Psateet.rs true Jaw K*04.C.P.R. Aeest. se wise It G. afersey. Al. A...aet►erw ear. glee aha Yswse Ma. Terms. CRANE TRUNK p°" EM ,DOMINION DAY Exegtra iopr Fares SLE FARE -Good goipg sed rstsrsiag July 1st only. I FARE AND ONE -THIRD -Geed gdeg Jam Mk awl July 1st. Ritmo Wait July bd, 1011. Retorts tickets 0111 he sold between all statins la Maeda east of Pert Arthur. Secure ( yaw • thirsts early a et... Tr .h d'Arka mrslsa Ass•si`Aw•e �h„4. >yR. tet: r t• Mimes M.MwdleMMIs IPe aaoty promo. to en Baheds •M''tR- dew- Crew pno Md be •orst e tae ees.slao owl Os *Rood own ras�ta.ar� app pM,g,e 'p-ry y� ' 4 ODAK BETTER than a DIARY Keep * Kodak rapeed of the good times sow had throughout the year. Get your naisNag dose by an expert. R. R. SALLOW S WOOL The old reliable Iamiller Woollen /ill new ell peen is besieesa. A GOOD supply of Bed and Horse Blankets, Stock- ing Yarn, Sheeting, Home- spun Tweeds, Rugs, etc., ahrais on band for the wbok 1 e '!mini!, "A Man's Ability le M. P..•tesrr FRANK WEAVER lowerbss*► M otase site leeks etr..stsse tray Wes twee.. hoes � 1.061001111. ammo rests, --enicc. Crest ll•ra•silat snit elle• Nem and edWa mese ..erg.,, SOON Wen