HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-6-24, Page 3THE SIMINAL IND ONLY 1 ENUINE 1 1 r i '.i .s,. es 88W•111 OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THB MERITS Ob IINARD'S LINIMENT BOOKBINDIN(,i MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LETTEHINO onLEATHER GOODS am milli S an GpNAy L,ttioderdh. en leaving A. 8. TA Y Li1R. S'1 aATFoaD. MEDICAL 1 14 (GEO. HEILEMANN, OaIE- PATH. .peetall.t In woman'.. and chll Inger daee.,.e, aon4.:Ironic asd n.rvou.4 .. ardent ere. ear. now and throat, partial deaf- er., lumbago and rkesrnatic e.ndit.loo.t Ade- noid. removal without the knife. rice at reldence. corner Nelon and 8t. Aodrw'e diem.. At hose el ire Monday, N'edn.eda RENCB MALE ADVANCE IS TOWARDS THE R Satisfactory Positions Are still Meld While Cerinter-attacks Avail Nothing Parts, June 22 -We have carried Metrteral to Alsace by as ult and have driven the Germans luck toward Mey- erhof In our drive sward the Rhine while aLlntatalne our glens .'n the s_c tor north of Arras sed gaining !teal successes in isolated encounters Co:arlow other sectors of the front. u: air aq adro. a have effectflely bent - herded the German aviation grounds on both sldts of the road from Vienna- jl.e-Chetesu 1; the v to Minn of the Argonne. Four hangar -war son ate ped two aeroplane and • ea;.- tive balloon \ :re bit. At BitaryJle the Gcrmauy d llre7ed a vl0lctt ::tack wjth asphyxiating Lomb.. Our ad- vanced lines gave .way at ceraln poluts, but an immediate counter- attack enabled us to retake our pre - ',Mug position. On the leeehts c: Meuse, we repulsed German cJunter- attacks. Our first attack media little progress. The second, on the cdit Crary, enabled us to carry further trenches east of which we occupied ou Sunday. North of the Fecht the Ger- mans attempted an attack against our positions on the .Iteichakorkopf, but were completely reie!'nt Pols Now Threatened ' • Rome. June 22 -Tile Ausjjans tsar Ing au investment by 1i^•cd - I Pols through the, cr::il^;g pf r.jr communicate:as con. ;tl:g the Either'enfnsula with the a ..ln''.nd, aro no . rushing trooes wh.:•li '.ere couctr.- tratcd at Pula norta wards, with the object of checking tee Itei.aa adtance southwards. Extr uralnary- recia- tlons bare been taken against aeria1 raids. Gunpowder tlpd ammunt'lon are being stored nnder•grour-d. A: hough Po!a is prcvisioned to with: land a lone eleg., the Austrians arc pesalmiatic, fearing that i$ the Italiana are aided bZ an Anglo-French naval gree they will succeed In taking the ortress. The Italians have begun to bombard the Austrian positions at ordica and Moos, iniac the Helm chain hills. ' The Austrian city al Man rghetto has been set on tire by Ita.- Ian shells. Rain and fog yesterday hindered the operations In the moun- tanious parts of the theatre of, war. However, In the zone of Monte Nets It has been pusible to complete _nl reinforce the italian occupation by tak• Mg pus/tasten of Resinous cemenand- Ing the routes ot 1•lezzu. On the Isonzo we repulsed two counter-attack[ during the night against the posttioua recently captured around Playa. as. . atutdar.: any cteainy by appo4stmient I t F. J.15.1rORSTER-BYE, BAR, nor and throat tit::;, Rowe aireeete. ew lcaArne. er, N.waaltulo mend1e ill pitad,, 4ieiden Square. seed Moorefield Yye Ho.pttsl, f England. !/floe. SJ 8. Waterloo Street, a LI a, tn., Yopo•oslte Koos Chard. Hour 9.1., es p. m., ton w. Telephme 114 tit bo AUCTIONEER. AUCTIONEER. f11HOMA8 GUNDRY i AV(.T1UMfalit, Hoa C. Goderkh. A11-lastruottsae by mal Zest et etan.l ultl.e wall U. promptly an gust,., w, i... caw. te.cpno..e 119 LEGAL It L. HAI' xAKKIST,1( 8.,LJ(lTt)R. NOTARY 1't,IsW.. Ilei. (lite -Sterling Ran \ Block. Hamilton 8_ret. e lod.t . 7.wpawn. Jet 'aro Heal Ltate 1.0111i. wad tn.mrance. wh PROUDINNYT,ALILLOKAN k ,tug Pttoeuvoor Lltkutll'Jt(. bOWC1Tuka, NOTARIZE! ha PUBLIC, tTt'. " lug ko Russian Attack Recovers Petrograd, June 22 -The tattle and Lubeczow reached .t ; crista en the Germans succeeded in break our line and began a rapid advance a north.rly directioe towards the, lege of Futeryy. Uur iat.intry. widen d spent tour dais in arduous light- . was exhausted. Gen. Volodchen- ordered eke Csiesacks and Clea. enera'• Dragoons to charge the Ger- a-+, who sirs seized with panic all fig the line seed took night_ Tate t Gerrncn Infant. y, opposing U3 at polut, was almcat euttrr.y elter- .ated with the satire. We coatin-, our purault as tar as the vtllagc Otesztce, where the German Fe. vet assenting the defensive, took a new front. Our cavalry captured ntitrailleuses in this attack. which : only 2e0 gilled and wounded succeeded in stopping the develop t of the enemy's success. The n y, belne shaken by this blow. e no terther attack; during th-- UtHe einem. ia8 r*arr...osed dear Ar Mane Meewiveie hub to lean at lowest ram. W. Paonaeoor, LC. J. L. Insiesasuur W. Pame:actor. Ja. KI oa ado tats 11 0. CAMKRON. K. O., Brants 1111 L. TTL1t, softener, notary entitle.liaises mf. flaasl2 thew) OsderK►, ward deer tree teed 1seaew. At Chetan Tksrsday 01 eaek week 1a gam on -*then !(greet oo.upied by lar. • Soper. office halm a a.n to. p.u.. .t r t1:11.ki1.1a3 t .LIltROW, LL.B.,nal: worMau tonne at t•ws.t rate.. Qade.► 41 BRACER, BARRIsTB1t, 80I.- 4-4 biter. NHotaryare. P.N/e sad egoire arcer yi•t-Cert Oodw4ck. haat ' INSURANCE. LOANS. ETC. 012,00/k PRIVATE FUNDS TO rvvV baa Apply t. M. 0. CAM \. Barrister Ras1ten straw. 0•dale . W•B. ROBERTSON.. VII LNB1.:RANC11 AGENT. ismaA aot nexus t Brttleh. Oaaastan and Aftwa r. fnCotir aero Lenora.,' Laau. r :: w !!M!1! t and Ofarante• Isnmrry The UJ. Oise at nr4denos, amthesot maw et Tb tads and et DOWN', stemes'Mime i-. MokILLOP MUTUAL FIRE 1N- raORANCIi CO. -(farm and i ated Prate MiatertaP O Seebeck P. beO 1 . Bison rtsteaFir rt..l..tk ; Jmkn hzesMobert linmotia L eRl► Mssisak : MN°ds J. w Y Alia. N__ Ssatsetb. aiglat kpliVitatl ' m a, KLsen risem • MAMMAS, ucassas WALTIdit KkLL.Y, J.P.. M. ONT. 1SVzR Or MAaRIAos LictA1tant Patent Solicitor WM. S. 'AMC, Lawyer (URI W R.grd Patent Attorney leas sipuat le Casale and U.ri. ie. ss - -V patent .slmosesals Trade nese Welmid 4 t moaned KI .art wNnisa pa suits. Pat- ents sin elelaistod le all countries. 99 8t. Jamie Oblast. Montreal. wens test up five COL We men enc mad da3 - FLAG QUESTION aAISED Ccrm;ray's Reply to the United States Witi Discuea Neatral Flag Question 1Vareineton, June 22 -The German coveted:tee! has given five specific rages to a hlch It is alleged that Great l:rltain has used false flags on armed merrhantr.ten which attacked German submarines. One of these eases af- fects the United rendes. It is alleged that the merchantman which rammed a German submarine displayed lu lars•• letters "Boston- Mass." The state department is expecting an of- ficial statement fru:n the German for- eign office that submarine ('29 was rammed by a 'Irttlsh merchantman 83. lag the Swedish nag. The use of the Swedish deg Is. of course, primarily a case for bweden and Great Britain but that the submarine was attacked ander a lake nag. will, be of impor- .ancwhen the reply of Germany to the Presidect's note has reached hen, Officials believe tLat the next note from Germany will be a demand upon the l'uned States that she shall look Into Great Britain's method of wan fare In the German zone and answer whether such methods do not at least palliate the Germau note against all L. Dynamite Outrage at Walken/1110 Waikervllle. June 22-A trem.n- loua explosion believed to have been doe to a bomb, partly wrecked the Pe. - body overall factory at Walkervill• early Monday morning. The plant was busy on a $1,000,000 order for uniforms for the British ■rmy German sym- pathism from Detroit are Mated for the outrage. Another attempted out- rage was brought to light what twenty rage was brought to light when tw.ety- 'oven sticks of dynamite were found ander the armories at Windsor A time nue was attached but In sons. manner It failed to work and there was no explosion. 1 THE etONAL : GODKRIcf : Oirr ra0 1 Have beautiful window decorations Nothing (fires to much pleasure u a well decorated window. Your windows will be the envy of your neighbors it you use the II c _Flat Rod -/or curtains awl draperies Guaranteed not to sag or tarnish Thele is it Kirsch Flat Rod in a color to match your woodwork or draperies. Every rod contains a written guarantee that it will not sag or tarnish, k's sis eery to Immo e ttise window K6r.elt ('once in and see them Flat Rol GEO. HOHMEIER i Seasonable Footwear WI:: feel the vers )Cast we can do for you when you come into this store, is to give you Shoes or Rubbers that will be n1 solutely coin- tortalee and will wear to your ratislactic,n We want you to realize that your well - late is our first consideration Our prices are more teasco able... REPAIRING (leo. MacVicar Notch side of Square Ooderich 1 Oil Stoves! --- We handle the New Per- fection and Quick Meal Oil Stoves, And have also two De- troit Vapor Stoves, 'prac- tically as good as -new, to be sold at about Ha /! Price New 'WOW ,ION W. R. FINDER Phone 131 Hamilton Street CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT.. (*aerie. bet practical training eekeol. We hese tlwrouyh cornea and thew enc d la■tractore in each of our detrrtrnent. Commeretsl. Qh•rtba.d and Tsiegrasky tsar Pul- sates ,,taped sod res .keetd read our Urte• free eatalslrse. Wrtts fork at lineD. A. McLACELA.N, PrladraL NEW6A TE STREET LIVERY Raving purchased the liv.ryehueiness of Wm. Knox, 1 am improving; the equipment and in- tend to provide Good Horses Prompt Service and Up-to-date Rigs 0. • Ste Austrians Rounded Up Toronto, June 22--81x Aualr4ano, two M there military officers t816 Sees umbers et a cosnsktes ar!lMs4 eft being M colr.waleatlon wIN OM>.aa styes le the Caked "EWE ISOM sr meted at Acton, ottalillglra and Owelpb stn Misaday sail US& 5a . All orders will receive prompt and careful at - ten ti oo t-tentfoo TttLerworx No. 173 for a good turnoot MARW QUOTATIONS JUNE 21 Toronto Cattle Market Extra choice steers..... 68 50 to Butcher steers, good..., 8.00 do. medium 7.76 do. common 7.25 Heifers, good to choice7.50 do. medium 7 00 Butcher cows, choice6.50 do. good 6 CO do. common 4.50 Butcher bulls. choice6 75 do. good bulls 6.20 do. medium 5.75 do. Db Feeders, 800t 1.0)0 lbs '1.a0 do. batty 5.60 Stekkers, 700 to 900 lbs7.00 do. med., 650 to 750 6.+5 do. light, 500 to 650. 5.25 Canners3.75 Cutter •• 4.50 Milkers, choice, each. 60.00 Springers 50.00 Calves, veal. choice9.ee do. medium 7.00 do. common 6 50 Iambs, yearlings Ruck lambs .... s. 50C. Ewes, light 5.50 Sheep, heavy and hucke 3.50 Hogs, weighed ort cars. 9.]0 do. fed and watered. 6.£5 do. f o 8.50 Whclesaet Prouce l••••••••••••••••••••• •- • i ? vtl'.alr, Jmia !1, MU ! •••••-••••••11, • .• • • • •• • $1.U I• r 8.26 ' 7.861• 7.60 t• 6.20 7.25 I- a. di 6.751 t 7.60 s• 6.30 1.00,, 4.. 1.60 6.00 I• 7.60 I 1.60 • 6.60 • 4.50 6.0) 80.00 75.00 10.00 8.00 6.01 7.00 5.7.6 6.50 4.50 • • • en - Toronto wholesale pt ices to the . - trade . • Eggs- • special (earth-, 24 to .25 Extras (selects) .23 24 - No. 1, (new laidI .21 .22 • No. 2 .18 .19 • Cheese.. w, !arse, 17c; do. twins, 17%c; old, lerge, _lc; de. tains 21u.c. • Butter- Cre • Creamery prints, fresh.. .28 .29 ege Creamery sc::da .26 .2R INF Dalry prints 21 .YJ • Bakers' 11 2l • Honey-Buckwhe-t, 7t/,,- a pound, it. tins; 7c to 7 die in barren; strained • clover honey, 12'r; 14c in 5-11,. tie.!; {• comb honey. No. I, $3 per doz,n; No, ,- 3. $2.40 per dozen. Poultry Live Dressed • Old fowl• :b .. 12c 14c 14, l' Spring !troller* 25c Toe • • • •• •• e. • Summer Stocks Are Now at their Best SUMMER STOCKS .IN ALL OUR DEPARTMENTS ARE AT THEIR BEST AND NEVER HAVE WE HAD A BETTER SHOWING. MANY NEW LINES ADDED THIS WEEK. NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS WITH ALL THE WARM WEATHER AHEAD OF US YET. NEW VOILES New Voiles in plain dainty and sheer, are popular material this and fancy weaves, so far and away the most season. Prices -25c; 30c, 35c to 50c a yard New Middies fo Nearly every girl will be wearing \iiddies this white. white trimmed, red and !,lure, in all siren• NEW BLACK AND WHITE STRIPES !slim. Black and White ;itrilses, the season's fair in Voiles, Batiste, Flaxen, etc., in all widths of stripes, at 25c, 30c, 35c and 40c per yard r Dominion Day season. Our stock i'. most complete in plain front 4 Fears, at -:,c, 81.00, 8122.1 and 81...0, our special values at $1.00 and $1.25. SMART NEW WAISTS 51.10 Just to hand another shipment of Embroidered Voile Waists in the laest style's and exccption- ally good Value at We would direct special attention to NEW PARASOLS An entirely new showing .'1 all the latest steles in Summer Parasols, all sparked at popular prices. From $1.N to $3,50 each • • • • • • •• •• • •• •• •• •• • • •. • $1,1• ea • ch • New Wash Skirts The smartest styles in Wash Skirts we have ever shown are here. .They come in Pigg Drill and Repp, extra well made to the latest styles, at $1.25 to $2.50 each• • • • • Chickens . 17e 201 • • Old turkeys..: 16c 200 • Turkeys ...... ... ... 23c 25n • - McCALL'S PATTERNS AND PUBLICATIONS • tacks ..-. 17c 18c • Potatoes -Ontario; Pe roe tag, out • • pf stare: ,r.: In ear rata; new Br,.,l- MILLAR'S SCOTCH _ • wicks, for per bag. out O[ stere; 5.'e wok Phea! ss STORE • is car lots. !`S■e Si Other Vegetable!-Turrirs,b,. Snc; • • solpstbag 40Cs bag. bCcaD asst, cra!e`$3 ;. ••••e••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• Toronto Grain Prices Manitoba dour quotatlor.- at Trr onto are: First patents. $7,50 in cot- ton, 17.20 in jute; strong bakers, 56.50 in • jute. . Ontario oat. -No. 2 whine LZc to 66c. outside; Na 6, 54c; No. 2, Clic, track. Toronto. ," • • Buckwheat -75e to 77e. ' Brea-Masi:oba, 626, In hags, Tor- onto, and shorts, $_8, Toronto, :ntd- dltngs, !9. Rolled'oat;-$3.40 to 13 ,0 per bag, ale)-O.,tari0 No. 3. 70c to ;;;e. nominal, oa..lde; feed barley, 65c to Tec. Manitoba -+hcct-Ray ports -No. 1 northern. $1 2 to 61 29; Nu. 2, $1.25' 'a $1.26t, : :< ,. 3, 51.22' to 11.23'-, :rack. lak•• ;:rets, Cor.: -No. 1, SOc to Satire 0.1.5., bay pole; Cana -'.a -t rotn, No. 2 fellow, 75c. Ontario noel -$5, seaboard., Peas --No, _'. nominal, $1.50 to 11.60. kye-`::, $1.10. Caraea ,' r :: rn cats -Nn. 2 at bay ?orig. Sr:: .-. •; No. 3. 57c to 58c; Nc. I ext: a , d. 57c to 58e. Ontario t h -t-Nu. 2' white, 31.14 to $1.16. outside. _ The Dawn of Cheers Markets "owarnt llle. Que -Thirteen factor - tri• offered to -day 752 packages ot but- ter and 1'3 boxes of cheese. Ten fac- tci les sped at 25'sc; two factories sold at 2sc, one factory unsold. Cheese sold at 15 11.16e. St. Hyacinthe, Que.-750 boxes of cheese sold at 15%c Belleville -Today 2,530 boxes ef- frred; 30u sold at 16tee; balance at 16 7.16c. Perth --Therm were 900 boxes of white and 300 colored cheese boarded here this week. All sold, ruling price, l5iec. East Buffalo Cattle Cattle-Reca.pts, 3,500 head; fairly ective. prtn,. . teen, $9 to $9.60; ship. (•at. 58 50 to 4e.90; butchers, $7.25 to !e.75. heft.,, $6.:a, to $8.25; cows, !:50 to $i, 'edlls, $5 to $7. Veals-it. e,pta, 1,900 head; active; 1450 to sir. Hogs--Re-.-.lista. 18.000 head; active; heavy. 57 91 to 58.10; milted, 58.16;. Yorkers. 59.19 to $8.15; pt... 67.00 Us i8; roughs, 56 50 to 51.16; stags. 66 to 66 75. Rheep and iambs -Receipts, 2.099 head; acne,; lambs, 57 to 510; year' lings, 15 to $t•. *ethers. 54.26 to $6.60; ewes. 53 to 55:„., sheep, mixed, $6.76 to 56. Chicago Live Stock Cattl..Recelpta, 18,000; market Arm; native, 56 86 o 59.10; Western steers. 57 to 5126; cows and heifers, 52.26 to 50; calves. 57 to $1.76. Hogs-Recelpta, 37,000: market slow; Ilgkt, $7 60 to 87.90. mixed, $ 7.46 to $7.90; heavy, 17.15 to 57.80; remelt 57.16 to $7.30; pigs, 60.26 t. 57.00; bulk of salts, 87 N to 57 /10- R heep--Recel pt., 0.Rheep--Receipts, 10,000: marts* Orem; sheep. 55.60 to It40; Ls native. 10.75 to 50.25; springs, 56: to 10.85 Young Womanhood. Girls upon the thresboki of woman- hood often dntt into a decline in spite of all care and attention. Even mponif land lively girls become week, de- pressed, irritable and listless. It is the dawc of wemanbood-a crisis in the life of every girl -and prompt m-wa utei should be Liken to keep the bl.snl pure and rich with. (he red tint of health. 1f the body is not in a healthy condition at this critical stage, grave disorders may tesult and future lite become a burden. Deadly consump- tion often follows this crisis in the lives of young women. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have saved thousand• of young girls from what might have been lifelong invalidism or early death. They are a blood -builder of unequalled merit, strengthening week nerves and pr'oducieg a liberal supply of rich, red blood, which every girl needs 19 sus- tain her strength. Over and over again i/r. Williams' Pink Pills have proved their value to women and girls whose health was failing. Miss Jennie Gereau, 8t Jerome. Que., says : "At the age of eighteen my Dealt h was completely shat tet ed : 1 was suffering from anaemia with all Its attendant evil,. The trouble forced me to leave school. 1 suffered from headache., was tiled and breathless at the least exertion. 1 had no appetite end my face and lipe were literally Noodles., A good friend advised the u.e of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill., and thanks to Chie great medicine i am again enjoying good health, with a good appetite, good color and • spirit of energy.' Every anaemic girl can be made well and strong thbough the (proof Dr. Williams' )'ink Pella. Mold by all medicine dealers or by mail at take a box or six boxes for 12.60 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Canadian Vessels for Ocean Service. Sarnia Observer : Marine men are giving credence to reports that the Canadian boat intere.ts are turning over many of their lake craft to the British Government and that before the close of this season all l'anadien lake steamers able to pass through the Welland canal will he operating in the trans-Atlantic trade, carrying muni - ti' R. STOWE WW...__n Salm May and Straw •• M.rehaots are now buying an treats Toronto. at tie fotlowlag mime; Baled hay, No 1 ton. 611.006•$17.110 de. No 2, tun . 14 00 3$.N %Jed straw, tun .... 7.00 8.00 tions of war to Great Britain. It is believed that the Canadian to ts. it. t, u ort n - is eel d n- 1 e ei as a• h Pacific Hallway fleet of steamers is be made one ot Britain's biggest mei Already the Angina shop. or the rk way at M.o•r.al :ire living tururd it great at uts f.ctut les and in a ►b time should he turning out large qua titles of arms and' ammunition, it reported. • That tete scarcity of ships u. a sour of worry to the war cabinet is believe in stat ine circles and therefore a go ernd transfer of lake freighters to th coast will he no surprise to rnario men. It is reported that Sir Thorn Shaughnessy, president of the Can duan Pacific Imes, will confer wit Lord Kitchener as to the trans -Atte tic shipping need,+ and the transport tion facilities obtainable. One ship the Scottish Hero, hes been cut in two and towed to the coast because she was too long to pars through the canal. Other boats may, it is pointed intoneout, he put through the 1'sne proced- ure and sent to salt water. The steamers Glenroyale and Turret Chile beve also been sent to England wit Cargoes. Itumora are current that representa fives of the British Governwent at now in the (creat lakes region pur chasing or chartering steamers for the ocean trade. With all boat. of the colasWelland canal size sent to the cos grain men see a congeotion of grain ■1 lower Lake Erie ports this fall whenm the rush is on. The smaller-sized}weesteamers have' in past ys handled great volumes of grain between Buf- falo and Port Colborne and the toast. All grain formerly handled by stirb ships will now have to be sent east by rail. Phippen When some distance from Mr. Ward's house, Patey stopped the horse, took a bridle rein fr•on, the harness and suspended himself to • tree nr post. in A passerby saw him hanging and h gave the alarm Mr. Everatt and Mr. Ward, who tied followed the fleeing - men, came up, land the dangling body e wse twit down. The three erten, by re.- i pirstory methods, proceeded in re.tor- Ilug conseiotivues• by the time COO. stable Phippen arrived. t NEGLECT ATTEMPTS SUICIDE. Desperate Man at Wingham Tries to Do Away with Himself. Wingham, June 20-.'After he had viciously assaulted his wife and had been stopped from choking her by neighbors intervention, and after he had been subsequently relieved of a razor, Edward Patey was again thwarted this morning in an at- tempt to hang himself, nut not until be had got himself strung rap and was so far gone that it required several minutes of resuscitation work to bring him to. I He is now locked up in the Wingham jail and will appear before Magistrate Morton at 10 o'clock tomorrow morn. lee to answer for all the above capers. He was arrested shortly before noon by County Constable G. Phippen, who answered a hurry -up call to the resi- dence of W. Ward, in the country. Patty carne to St. Helens district as • farm laborer four years ago. His wife had recently been attending Mr. Ward's wife. who is seriously ill. This morning Patey went to Mr. Ward's house and asked his wife if she was coming home. She said she could not leave the patient till she had im- proved. Patey, on a second refusal, at- tacked his wife, threw her to the floor and attempted to choke her. A neighbor named Everatt had dropped in to enquire concerning Mrs. Ward. and he and Mr. Ward, after a struggle, pulled the infuriated man from his prone wife. Patey moaned to quiet down. but later he was observed to take a razor from him pocket. and as he was about to open it the. two Men disarmed him. He then ran from the house, and, jumping into a rig which he had bor- rowed, drove down the road. Mean- time a call had been sent for Constable to elegem. the system of undigested 1 food. foul gases, excess bile in the 1 liver and waste matter in the bowels ; will impair your health. The hest system regulator ie FIO PiLLS. At all dealers 25 and 50 tenni, or the pig Pill Ca., 81. Thome,, Ont. 'Bold in Ooderich by F H. Waffle. druggist. The older we get, the longer we live, the more experience we have in the ups god down. of lit.. .He who meet• with no misfortunes cannot enjoy life to its fullest value. "'Erre' did you tell Bill Jackson that 1 pinched that shillin' wot you le ■t?" "Never raid no such thing, Joe. Ail 1 said was that i thought 1 might 'wee found it if you 'ado't 'elped toe to look for it !" CRAY HMR BECOMES DARK, THICK, GLOSSY Look years younger' Try recipe of Sage and Sa and nobody will know. Unmet everyone knows that Rage Tea •a Sulphatepri.l,.rly oo.pnmtd..L brings lead* the sutura) Mks sad lustre to the hair wben faded. streaked or gra: alas made dandruff. Ilrhing scalp ase sops falling ha.r Paan ace the only may to get this mixture was t, asset• it at home, whseh Is mussy and trowbie- fosmrt Nowadays se simply ask at any drug Morn for "Wysth's tag. and Sulphur ('o ind-" You a it g. t Qe aneDs kw about 50 cents. F. 7 tum this Old, famous ,once.'. boom* se sas can p•Issibty toll that you darkened your Wr, sa it (sees it so naturally and evwly. You dampes a sponge or soft brash with it .ad draw this through peer kali% taking one nnafl strand m a pees lair diem. and .Mem smother a torr p ttttatk. ee your hair brasses beautifully dark, Met nd ! glow fir• ilei ysm ask pen .