HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-6-24, Page 1To January 1st, 1916
Tin SiGNAL %MI be seat to 8
tie esmalning months of 1V16 to
any Dew tuber:abet In Canada or
Omit Britain for Fifty Wsab,
10 United States address t18.;.
THI of Weddi1lteeytAL hasMMtaa oo pl.e.
llns ng tloosry.
printed is latest style. Samples
cheerfully shown.
NIXTYARVA ITR !ice -Ne, taws
SAVE, Because -
The protection of the home necessitates
careful conservation of finances.
those dependent on you by taking a policy in
The Mutual Life Assurance-Cx
of Canada
"('anads's only Mutual"
PHotrt=.h : UFiICL at; Hoosd 160. P. 0. line
. C. B. RED :: CEDAR
v-ooD1t1CH 'PL.A 'IifG .111.1e. S,
JAMES 1BUUYA)oiAN, etaatti 3'T •IAD suorAi.R.
'Plea 47 A. P.O. Box IS.
1J PHONE evar1CH,
ITC tollowtne same* hate been welded oe
ebanere,l "Inc. Ammar, 1st, 1915. Punas ITT . Sig WILLIAM JEWELL
oa•TAau PUCE ox XINa urn., will sell by public nue'ion at lot 7, anre•-bon
Name. Circuit and 3. W. 1.. eolbsrte, 3 wiles from (lode, k b, 1:
ries No. miles Ircw 11enmWer ori
Acke..o". Oso I61i now IS
litchis...Ina .. Iib • is TCK SDA Y. JUNI.: artly
siestas... Tho. ..... 111 ••• a oommenc!ng at one *clout sharp:
xl;oo . l'kaa 13tu 11 Netwm.. -one team agricultural gelds
stash. Yeo 13.5 " is rears Ute : l *gticnit oral mare• d i 1
Cos, J oo. A .'Lal 3 , foal by -ids : 1 year. sit
1, !thorns
Darer year. ofd.
�'• Herb.. LV 13 ID foal ; 1 Pelb►eee. nun. s yeah old, with
Connell, tom .... .-•lib 12 foal by side: 1 rhe -tout serr1ago mare, s years
Umdoer.. Waist. leo It old. bred by Ha envoy ;1 cirriyro mare. a year,
Mlerdhar. •delbeet 'tit a old ; 1 carnage gelding. 5 yes; old : 1 matched
x Bannon, A'Wort .... It 13 pair rhe.t eta cantons mare-. t and .1 years old
xJoiallon lts•beet .. .... 23S 7 1 jet Masa mare. 5 years old..oead rad al et
xxyVMsag�� . lA I2 1 ■fr$rn ltunl told ing. Hiring :t year.. bid by
a W 2 •nal Lang et .,e; 1 carriage 1.1410 . 3 'ears
tit - Pere... 1M u o:d; 1 road.ter 5147.3 years old: 1 eldlt�,.:
Reber'.... L'4 M year. o.d. bred A Toone i, bio, u: 1 gaging.
x tgReg. D..\ .,. ..,(Ar Lx 2 2rar.bid. bra by (:ee. FerInean.. terse; 1
IMeriiee. Ymd _up M ge of r !) ear. u14, bras by Knott's "Beattie.
Ti'awerty, Herbert ND la Call.. ' Ane eow. 7 free,. ad, milking, due to
to Hsi.rryy� � ..Ip 3 calve Jen. 18 '5. 1 cow, 1 year. old.
able tis te muktog due to eels* Janson 1st\.
141 s 1 row. 4 years old. fresh calved : I
�wradr7 HI 3 heifer. ; yews old. tre.h raised: 1 hinter, J
-- Ids 7 years we. •iietoea] r,Jwn.rota:1heifer. 2year.
d/is. J. .133 H ell, doe to .altr Jan. :eh.1 diyam. I year.
r marked x anise., s.biselbwa ell ; 4 rues, 2 ye.r4 std . 4 ewer.. 1 year sed : 2
AD•11 CANT CLOS. swarm 1 yeast: 1 purebred Durkani bull. J
tl'ee y ~ y Pie nig., s weeks old ; 7
Plea -Ore e*.h:e brood sow : In
a*nwug p1g
Bhap-Poor ewes with .even lambs : !ewe.
1 ars44.
mina -Au sum. of en. And ander, cr.h :
over Diet ameont. eleven a,s.tke °relit soul be
aeday aheresees duds. July and Aa- (Ovens* tatnMbiag approved Mat rete•. or e
now diseosat of Rn per eget. straight auerwbd for
C. J. Haagen. eaoh on reedit aa. to.
Rk c.PiLea. d Everything advertised must podtive:) he
Jenne Hrur, post of.
Props 'Car. Asrtleeee r.
Ws, the esdeeslsnsd'}aNeato. do berths -
Tees maims so glans et bastes.• at 1 p m.
s et wikw ll I�ieesrie ,� Sorbing «la �tt
meet taillike Weals, year Msedan u an 1 et
day. the M of ewe. 1sts, at 11 traits* Is
oosiwted eo atm e. poetise ut(wsrtsi an n -
P.awiei Jews Ilt5. Mia
laws Cfiwb
likirlD iN TB R BLOOD OI► Tli
IP YfiL! ON p "
It rem wain le gals" sena iket win now
good amok mends sot Ze egehelege dittoes.
EMT nit Ottannae
Aired o
ewe et the
'a stable, ThildrIS slisest.
12 booktied
write�p se ese to
week toe these w� sot re-
quiremea slerady bs asaal: dselwg
*antler. V ya =f►ea. 42,
ut.atieg • q P.
11 111101TA113111 We the emelt/ re Reiii
i''_,_tinneyntea, Tomas.
Iler Caws 4. Na 11, Aolt-
it. P.1714sod, Ost. SIM
•he as et peers seekers/
V lied Amon Oertsetek.
mew t• Ir. a 'tutu n Intiortra.
Heaottord. (151. Mit
FOR wit
Wet et
I NW no
-GODE,IOH. ONTARIO, THUI SDAY, JUNE 24 1916 THR aIONAL PRINTIMu os,., eiltt't'1t:D. PF etdmitsfaa
The Collegiate Institute etneed foe
the academic year on June Itltb, to re-
open on Tuesday, September 7th
The exantiaations Jur faculty sec -
trance, normal entrance and junior
and bunur matriculation begar. un the
0th lest., end will close on the 41Atb.
They are uoder the cverslgbt of Inspec-
tor J. E. Tots, Mr. %V. E. Hoggartb
send Mr. U. M. Wood.
There are 107 candidates wr.iug at
Goderich on the high nchool enUance
rxamioalk,n, the largest numher
in the history of the school. The
number in the inspectorate will
exceed :M. There are also some tbirt v
candidates writing at various centres
on the public reboot graduation. All
these pipets will be read by the en-
trance board of the inspeet.orate, com-
posed of Principtl Hume. cbairmwn,
Inspector Toa, secretary, and Sestet
Vincent, of Kiotail. Mr. Long, of Vic
toric school, and Mr. Spark, tit Exeter
continuation school. The results .•so -
not be Announced until after the repott
thereon has been submitted to the
Educ11ion [kpwrtment end by ii
accepted. They will probably be pub-
lished bunt the middle of July. The
Pt tra• papers"have been of a SCUM-
-what easirr standard than tboee ..it
forme: year..
The G. C. 1. Literary Soei.ty has
been doin3 it• test in belpingt 3 allevi-
ate the suffering and distress caused
by the war. The sum of I123.01/ raised
by a literary entertainment was given
to the Belgian relief 'fund. Fur
the Red ('row worst a ••Goderich
Collegiate Institute bed" has been
installed iu Clivedrn hospital at s cub'
of gahte 1. This latter sum has leen
made possible by a donation front Dr.
Harald Taylor of g3.111, a benefit night
at the link geoerously given hy Mr.
(:cldthotpe and netting s'b0.0.5, and
the rest from Uie sale of the latest
venture of The B clety-the (:. C. I.
Review. a praisewcrtbv public•ttion of
some thirty page•. There are ab out
fifty collie* were of The Review on
band. and former t). C. I. students,
who were active members of the -Lit-
would enjoy a read of it.. Twenty -rive
cents bent t', Wilfrid Dancey,. the
editor-in-chief, or to Dr. Strang will
secure a copy. The proceeds will go
towards the Red Cross work.
The remits -of the pronottoo,
Farm 11. Petr Adamson aortal
Fufl promotion 1 granted to those
making an average of 60 per rent. on
the Easter and Jun. examination*,
while to those making from 15 to 5il
per rent. provisional promotion is
granted, conditional on their ability to
carry the higher work. Supplementala
will have to he taken by a few in
either the lake week of the holidays or
the flet week of school in September.
of which due personal notice will he
The subjects to 1* '•supp'ed.' are in-
di:ated after the names thus: -A,
arithmetic : Al., elgebr a ; Ar., art :
Gg., Reogt+.phy: fins geometry ; Gr.,
grammar; S., spelling: Sc.. science;
le., French ; A. H., ancient history ;
B. H., British history.
The reports to individual students
will be ready on Monday, 2tth inst.,
and may he bad by ceiling at the resi-
dence of rife prinerpat.
utinotFIti At. D1to.i,)( AS AwARDED.
la) With honors in bookkeeping,
stenoyra y and typewriting --Behest
Griffith L6, Joseph P. Notley 78.R,
Harold Edwards 78.7, Edrieann %Vat -
son i r..).
(h) With honors in stenography
and typewriting -Laura Price 8'4.4.
Full promotion -Greta Martin 72 6,
Ton (:lazier 70.3, Harry Sanderson
87.1, Muriel Spain IA.) '18.9, Alpert
Swale 81.9, Veneeha Doyle (A.) 64 3,
Aileen Armour IA.181.7, Helen Webb
1A.) 61; Hazel Phalen 59.2, Hazel Wil-
rhyme Wave WI el
fulmar one rellirjr:
NINT.-00111011 AND ROOMS
• lira
Pens, Inks, Papers
E.terbeook, Speacetian and Crown
Pans. The heat pens made. Price
.1.00 per gross, 10o per dor ,
or a dor_ for f)t;o.
Lill expensive Peng. foo per box
or a• per dor.
Waterman's Ideal Fountain Peng,
*2.50 up.
Pot ter's Perfect Fountain Peng,
made by the i.. R. Waterman
Co , two sixes, NO 1, *1.00, No.
2, size larger, $1.50.
Waterman's Fountain Pen Ink,
toe per Crottle.
Stafoed'., Stephens and Carter's
lake, used rte world over, front a
en bottle for private me to a
7M or 00e quart hottie for
ogles ase.
Popabr Note Papers
Rajah Linen, Lotus Lawn, Duteh
Pabrle, Dimity, Crane's Kar.
1.Inen Crane's Lines Lawn and
(kneel. NM !'inlet. Prices range
from Go per quire up to !Hies
Rnvslepee to nsateh Prove Se per
Pkg. op to Sae. Lem azp.ndve
envelopes 2 phis. for fes.
Come to Goderich Biggest Program
forDominionDay in the Count y
Trades Procession
Floral Parade
Horse Speeding Events
Baby Show
Good Music
Baseball -Kincardine vs. Goderich
Athletic Contests
Lacrosse and Football
Five -mile Motorcycle Race
Highland Dancing
son 58, Olive Clark (A157.1.
Honors -A. Hur49 141.3, E. Wallace
711.1, V. Kerslake i
Pies -E. (ioldtborpt. '7t3
Motets 72.1. O. MacKry 7d, M. Ke
(%1.?, J. Griffith the E. %%ilaon 6E3. 7,
\Viltierug it7.`t, V. Washington 66.S.
aleph y (10.7,S. McNally a3, M.'Bak
7, \V Mc llaous 64 :i. E. Stoddart 64,
I-may)1'homp son IA) Ki 2, M. McLeod
61.5. N. Di^k.on 61.1, leHaechler (111.7,
R. Levy 3't.4, E. )Jutney (Al 59, T.
Lai'hw.ite iS)- $.0, 11. McPhee tis(.:.
A. Wiggins (A) :alio M. L-Jdy 1ArllF)
5115, U. Btedwin (A. Gr.) 36.4. L.
Laeiten.Ia er (A) 36.'_', A. Anderson
(A1 511'2, H. Buchanan ISe.1 18, V.
Hamilton isi 53.6. C. Hays (AI 35.'2, H.
Symonds 1A i 53.1.
1.. Jiffrcv and It. Milliwn, who were
prevented iron taking their examine-;
tione,ere promoted on their wort of
the year.
FRAM FORMIl. T., )'nitM 111. H.
B Putt 64, V. Prldh►*Ci.t1, H.
Murney 62.6. C. .Dalton 81.d, A..
Saunders ltu.3, M. Griffin Mt.
The promotion of those writing on
the lower school ezauriru.tions will be
made known atter the teeidta tit that
examination are announced.
FROM FUR)( 111. R. To FORM 111. A.
Progress on New Factories -Paget Cent -1 Latins Present Field Kitchens to 33
pany Open New Line of Manufacture.
A letter received at this office front
Pte. J H. Brown gives stone tieing of
Ted Rose. front whom his parents haus
not heard for many weeks. litowu
says : "1'be last time 1 saw Teddy
was on the mornine of the S4rd of
April, when we made t he awful charge.
He was Iyiog at env bide and we made
a few runs, then Ted got his first
wound and he ran Itch to the dress-
ing station as far as 1 know. 1 had
to advance. but 1 do not know if he
ever gt t t herr or not, as l have never
heard of hint
Rose's parents have mete enquirire
through official channel-. hut they have
no definite news as to what has hap-
pened to their eon. He has not been
offleially reported as wi*.ing.,
Pte. Brown soya there isn't anything
in the report that the Hermans .-annoy
,hitt "they band out the Ir,ud in
byoches r 1 us."
C:baster Macdonald, r: the Royal
Canadian Dragoons, writing to a
friend in town, gives some news of the
HURON COUNTY'S GIFT. I.odericbhoys: '1 brhewe Phili ((;amyl
rd Jtes-Hwteman i• also o in drydork :
Battalion general breakdown J McLetels both
rims tetrad To FORM ii• is In hospit .1, slightly w, unded
is Tbe work on the new Ilaecbler fee
,j tory is progre.,lug rapidly. The mit-
side wall. are now almost to tbe fill
A• height and work on the laying of the
rr -
Honors -L King 51.9, G Newton
M. Urabaw (5..1, 1. Hower& (IOt, Y.
Johnston 61.0, N \Vhitiev (A. H.161.5,
C. Willie us til.:t. (i. Russ (Al Gni.)
00 5, H. Shackelton (A. H.1 57 :, L.
Bowler (B. H )383.
'The promotion of those writing en
the lower whim! ezandnation will b.
ancdunced after the results thereon
are puhlished.
In Form 11. Grace Pinder wins the
scholarship with the splendid total of
4111 out of 5tltr, but is closely followed
by .Iran MacEwen 415, and Madeline
Sullivan 413. -111 are worthy of the
highest praise for their excellent
standing. but Grace has held the lead-
ership in her cats for the third sac -
erosive year.
The palters have not been written on
for the Form III A scholarship.
.1. P. Ht'ME,
Mrs. Barrett Receives an Interesting
Parcel from Her Husband at tbe Front.
Mrs. J. \V. Barrett, Quebec street,
received by mail on Tuesday front her
husband, who is with the troops in
Flanders, a parcel ccnteining a num-
ber of interesting trophies from the
war zone. The parcel, which was
neatly packed and sewn in a piece o_
rough canvas, was stamped with the
censor's stamp hilt bore no postmark
or postage stamp It contained some
very fine lace, probably handmade, a
quitted rug for a baby • creel*, a fine
Targe shawl iu black and white cheek
pattern, and a Belgian lady's over -
waist of red velvet: but that which
drew most attention was two small
pistols of quaint and very ancient de-
sign, evidently not used in the present
Another article of great interest waa
a German p -pe which has all the signs
of very recent Ilse. It hag a carved
mouthpiece of amber : then the *tem.
in the form of a lady's forearm and
band, very finely moulded. support•
the bowl, which ig larger than an or-
dinary duck-egg Another pipe, but
of ordinary deeign. ale) *as in tbe
parcel. Airs. Barrett harm not yet re-
arived word from her husband as to
the histoey of the emitents of the pat -
eel. MOVIPPIIII.Pf 1.• ago she received •
pair of baby's hoots from her bugbear!
wheels be said were purehased very
near the Milne line.
Mr. Barrett left here with the lot
Bettalion. Ent Canadian comingent,
with the rank of atalf-gergeant. He
w ow holds the rank of regintental ser -
The Sig Shoe Sale. .
Magma Walter, Co.. the new boot
and shoe 141011, had • big day an Satur-
day. the etore loping crowded odny
iemt. They are much gratified at the
enema* of Obeli- sale. which has been
motioned through the week, and they
ga• in prior, to order that thgry ray
tuna a largo part of their big stork
hoe mob. They also desire the
kith= mind time they wilrorres
and Panful attention to
. Soo She blo att. on
laplotoettip beet. Um Blainatooe's
"Mob Mnierioh" lee teems Om all
being pushed forward. Sow. -
co the flooring on both the second and
third stories hes already been laid.
The building is' very substantial anti
care hes beet) takes, in selecting the
timber used for joists and supporta.
The pet s wbi It support the first and
second Hoots rest upon solid cement
foundations. Tbe cruse -joists fit into
steel at ckets counected with the tim-
bers which run lengthwise of the build-
ing. The sawtnilr and boiler and
engine looms are practically c,.mplrte :
the sawmill, indeed, has h en in coo•
sinuous operatiuu since eat autumn.
Much of the lumber nereseezy to com-
plete the building is betug tuanuf:a--
tured at the plan..
Londdn, June 2*.- The prra,;tadi
of two Held kitchens to th. officers a
men of the .t:rd Battalion was at
at noon today ray a committee of lads
from Huron county. The gilt cittie
from the ladies of tole diatritt, and
was deeply apps related by the battal-
ion member....
Those ladies who were present and
who mane the prebel.t \t1nl, were : \
Fitton, 15xr•er Mrs. Neil, S.-aforr
Mts. A. E. Colson, Srafurth : N
' senit r and mete are fine and fit: saw
on them both this morning." This is
nd t-ratedJune 5th.
ade -
ee From Pte. Aitchison in Hospital.
The following letter from Lachlan
Aitchison, brother et Mrs. J. E.
'dutch, of town. has been received by
his mother at \\'iughao.. At will he
Ire. seen, it wan wti.ten by a cbaplhn in
the httipita:l in whiten be is lying
n, wuonded
mood, tVinghaiii ; Met. Manning,
Clinton. and Miss 1; 'Loon, Goderich.
(Members of "D' Company were pres-
ent, and the officers of the battalion.
Lieut -Cul. tVikon, in a Abort speech,
fittingly thanked the ladies fir the
gift. saying that when the men got to
the front 'the sons kitchens would
At the N. A. C.,Co. Plant.
At the North Awet i •an Chemical
Cotupany's salt plant a gang of wren
with three teams and scrapers are
engaged 'satiating for tbe founda-
tions ui the new building : while
W ant her gang of then are framing tim-
ber. and preparing form. in readiness
toe the concrete and carpenter work.
Ne actual building has yet been done,
"tlti3l�. points w aft "tall
Page Graia Door C0tipaey.
The Paget (train Dnor Company Das I
secured an order the In•sl6 shell CAMPY
for the !leper, went of Militia. These'
carer, which are I:it14zP't i.ebe■, ore,
;•ade to hold six three-in,•h shell.. The two ends are made of good sound
tnt•ch, the mire tit spruce attd for top
and bottom of pine. Theta is also au
loner piece tit pine with sir circular
boles drilled in it which fits over the
uo•e of the shell, to keep them in posi-
tion. The hexes are clamped firmly
together with steel bands which ar
fastened on witb screws, and are aus
plied with rope handles at the end
which are clamped nn but do ni
penetrate the box. The contract fo
wahine the rope handles has been sol
let to C. 0. Lee. and Fred Hunt ha
Moe 1•. loll.
R Sre•ior. \e. •, 'trtiunerr Hoepi:e(. Abbe -
rule. Snare.
Dian .M \a.tM,-As chaplain in the
above hospital 1 am writing for your
coo, with has conte in wounded. He
is seriously tout not dangerously
wounded in the side with shrapnel.
move of inestimable benefit. and Tb.y have no yet y,ut the pieces out.
is ,Asirr now be 1s settled in
they weir enjoying thh savory messes bur he
that would tie concocted in their boilers 1 r,1. He l,ad a tad tiute, with o• Isere,
the w
of u six boors in the Uatn. He gut his
the kitchen possible woands In going to help a wounded
Col. Shannon also said a few words,
n nue over
by •shell and arwtber came o
ouid always think of the ladies throng down from the trout passing
mn, whose ktadnes• had mads through two field bu.pitalr and thirty -
sod 'banked the ladies. Three roue- I comrade who had been k kat
S h artily. wounded your son. He hopes anon to
ing cheers were given for Huron al ug and
county, in which all 'oineJ a (ezDloded the sane place and
_ Juke Eckert-- - {iowl;stae't• pry'
"Mother is the v.4iele that gum*
liven will nae to reale her debut into
the motion picture world. She was
the star in the plsy when It wit. seen
on the stage, and with "Mother' her
name has always bee o associated.
The heroine of the play is the mother,
She is the head of a family of six chil-
dren. There are two grown boys, t w
grown girls and two small hay.. tib
hes been the tnother ..f eight. hut lib
has Icst two of her dear ones, !eh
is* plain little woman, whose whol
life is her home and her children.
On her husband. death, she finds
emelt( with money enough to rear her
ffepring in cornr..rt : but hef' Ldys
Dawe been spoiled, and four years
before the opening of the play for
West eon has run away and married
chore. gill, whose tastes .run to
ostly dinners, imported gowns and
ilo ride.. He has Waetrtl liis share
f his father's. estate, against which be
cost borrowed money, and, ei meet the
xtravagant demands of hie wife, he
as stolen from his employers.
He forges bio mnthrr's mime to a
Ute for $10,(Mm. When cornered and
rought face to face with the facts, be
hreaten, to kill himself. Here it's
he gentle mother who cornea to bis
scue and calmly admits that the
ignatnre to the forged note is ber own.
Her second non is caught in the toils
f another designing chorus girl, the
tater of the eldest son's wife. Just as
be weber naves her first-born and
raves him to her home again hy her
acritices, so she save. ber aecnnd eon
rom the woman who would waste hi_
triwony, through her cl..ver work
y appearing as a slattern in the eye
f the girl with theex'ravaganttestes
'er daughter's love affair are *leo set
ght by the mother, while she does
not neglect the younger children and
their fun.
:Ars. Wetherell aunts up bee idea
of motherhood And mother -love in her
all -embracing hove• which does not
permit any harm to come to her chil-
ren. even thongh it means suffering
nd expeneo. to her, personally.
Sot ideal is the vi•ualizat,on that
Ise Dunn gives of Mrs. Wetherel
that she bee become known as the
floret Interpreter of mothers visible
on the cur7eut stage. In "Mother"
Mins Donn has given the stage and
the screen a most memnrrole chsrec-
terizetion. Tbi• char mine offering
will he seen at the Mo„lel Theatre .on
Tuesday and Wednesday. June .'31 and
able tu write himself. I ho be
corery. Yours very truly.
don't worry
wing on the Cerada Temperance
Act io Perth eininty tease place today.
The Toronto obervetory reperts
" that yesterday was the coldest l'ird of
e June on recced.
e Thineday, July s. is the date fixed
e for th.• &nowt! union Sunday school
'gent., ion from Seaforth to tioderich.
The Paget Company has branched
out another line of work and is no
enaaged in the manufacture of auto
trucks Orders have been plared with
various firms for sufficient stippnes.
such as engines, gearing and axlee. to
build t wenty-dve of these trucks. The
first is well on Ws wey to completion
and it ie expected to have it in the
parade on Dominion Day as the Mgt
auto truck built in tiodericb. Many f
lof the parts are entirely coo•tructed
•t the Company • plant here, such ors b
the spokes and rim. of the wheel* and 0
:the body of the truck, and as the other Iparts are purchased from different ri
firms, who make a specialty of oupply-
Iing these particular pert.. •Il the
assembling is done at the factory here.
Orders !save already been placed for
new machinery which vrill be inat ailed
to (*albite the handling of this new
A Dominion Day attraction (het is
not advertised on the bill*. not halting
been arranged in time, will be a bane -
hell match between Kineardine and
Goderieh. This will be • part of the
Afternoon proeram at Agricultural
Park. Kincardine has a strong team,
and is good exhibtion ef baseball may
be expert's'. There was much dirap•
pointrnent at the ontiation of baseball
from the day's program. and followere
of the old favorft• game are corres-
pondingly pleased eith the prospect of
IPPRiP1( a match between these two
Presbyterian Summer School.
The Samlner School at Hodericli will
ripen July 5th and cosi inue Ull Jul%
12tb. The Rehm! promisee to be the
beet yet held and the opening service
accompanied by t gran& organ re-
cital on the new inetrament now being
built In Knox annuli. Ail application*
for attendance should be sent to Rey.
Try Retail Orderlies, the modion
laxative. They are mid ow a -
batik guaraateis hy H. 0
Mogan store, 10r , 35e. aadD;Otrosees.
"A Fart Worth Knowing" -that
you can buy the beet ice crrarn ia hulk
or fancy bricks at the Ha/moral Cafe
If you bites Out Geed 00111P. leeSO your
order or phone 'NM" and have it deli••
As mut Thursday is a holiday.
The Signal will go to press earlier
then usual, aed advertise.» aro
ask /4 to mead in eopy foe their
nigannee of advertleassest not
Inter them Monday eirsoing.
A. 31.. will, attInd divine *creme on
Sunday morning next at St. Orerge's
chui eh.
Particular people use Blackstene's
delirious lea C1141111 in bulk or fancy
brick s. O et the habit, he particular.
Phone 2441.
Mr. drallIP• S. Hume. of town, was a
examiner ion• sif the Institute of Char-
tered Acsountants of Ontario.
Mr. end Mrs. H. Jonee. Dungannon.
announce the engagetuent of their
daughter. Mary Olive (Nitiy). te Mr.
marriage to take place in July.
Yesterday was the openiog day at
the Point P'Arm. There was a lame
number present from tewn end coun-
try, •nd an the evening A dans,
enjoyed, with music supplied by the
Stewart orcheetra.
Clayton Walton, son of Mr. Thomsm
Walters, had his arm broken by being
throwr, fruin bis bicycle while riding
on the Stouitre last Saturday. HP wits
trying to avoid a collision with an
automobile when hi• bicycle skidded
and he was thrown to the ground.
A copy of a steel engre•ing of the
city of Trent. in the Tyrol, toward
which tbe army ist now ad-
vancing. Wan leaned The Signal by
Mr. Arthur Citizen evict wat on •iene
an the office window for couple of
vreeks, attracting much attention.
JDOP si nu cord, of hard-
wood et n. b. Mt eorteosoloo 11. a,„hagid.
*Moe 0.1. -own or Lane-. at ' •eleek p no.
rano will Ow often." foe sale mit tiss mine thine.
TUSsOroi. Joss IS -.terries mkt Of fano
Jima! proprietor. rodollis sii
Birth.. marriage. end Deaths 1•, -
wined free of chary, foe smberibee. , Istossi
1.1, per inowrt los. lo Milleadsam nitlUass sot
Iszost Siso eight lime. We. is iga woe,
sr..Ar; ER Al Viosidiswer.
*en Eleanor.
Itisortossed -P. Mat 11111-•••
Peer Otsllorelbsee -4110111•1101 litegregbile TIM
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nisager. O. IX. wed
doorbler Kath.