HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-6-10, Page 84
Many 0oakses clow for Vacation at
Midsummer. Our Collage does not.
dqerawt e��md Ms.sM/W pewe/a. itla .
ansa z 6 feta peskMe la {hs .artsKatL
Coneecewri ef N..Mts UJ.«tity
Mance • alae ie *doom.
London. Oat, May It-tb. West-
ern Usiv.eefty registered soother
smoked step to advance is its annual
eosvooatios os Ihid.y eveai.s. when
thirty-two degrees wen esuferred in
arta and maltase, the are clam be-
asing the Mega* that has ever gradu-
ated from the Uslvenity. :teeo
iodate. eebolanbipe sad pri..s were
paeeseted to etndente of tie different
years who had (Nes most .esesedul in
various courses during the past see-
Ii was announced that a movement
os foot to erect a new medical
R during the oomi�Dg year and
that Df.lii. W. HCI. d Miuoeapolia.
W hese secured as the director of
hoer Imedises of Public Health, one of
1. 01 lb* Uuiverei'y.
Gentlet=1 was manifested ie the
vetoes of Dr. Hill to Canada, ae be is
smoldered one of the strongest leaders
ae the continent in question• of public
The degree, were conferred by Presi-
dent Braithwaite, who presided at the
convocation. The address to the
graduating Baas was made by Rev.
D. O. MacGregor. and the valedictor y
was given be Mr. R. E. Charles.
Heard Down Town.
"Spore my face le dirty," said the
oMoe boy in the elevator, 'what Nosi-
ness 1e that of your P You ain't my
No, but I'm bringing you up," re-
plied the elevator man. -Boston Tran-
The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $3.75
The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire 3.75
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald
and Weekly Star
The Signal and Saturday Illustrated Globe
The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto)
The Signal and Toronto Daily Star.
The Signal and Toronto Daily World
The Signal and Toronto Daily News
The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and
The Signal and Farmer's Advocate
The Signal and Canadian Farm
The Signal and Farm and Dairy
New I.6o
Renewal.... 1.85
The Signal and The Country Gentleman 3.25
The Signal and Canadian Poultry News1.35
The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free
Press 1.6o
The Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.g0
The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser I.6o
The Signal and London Daily Free Press
Morning Edition 3.5o
EveningEdition 2,90
The Siznal and Montreal eekly Witness1.85
The S• -nal and World Wide 2.25
The S ;,t .1.. I Presbyter'zn 2.25
i 'te :..ignd . 1 Westminster 2.25
lite Signa,, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25
The Signal and Catholic Register
New 1.7o
Renewal 1.85
The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)3.4o
The Signal and McLean's Magazine 2.75
The Signal and Home" Journal (Toronto)i.75
The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) 1.5o
Them picon are for eddre..e. in Canada or Greet Britain
The Signal and Woman's Horne Companion
(New York) 2,
The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.75
The Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal. 3.00
The Signal and The Youth's Companion
( Bos ton) 3.10
The Signal and The Scottish American
(New York) 3.25
Ineludlog postage to °studio suboeribers.
The above publications may be obtained by Sig-
nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any
publication being the figure given above less $i.00
representing rhe price of The Signal. For instance :
•rb1� sad TO Pax*? Herald ted Weakly
Tbe Par'i Advocate (433leer =eves) ii
snaking the price of the three papers $3.2o.
Tim Signal and the The Tames s� eekly �
(dale $t.4ei ..._Lie
$3 -as
It will aid 110 Toone
to kat whet to use to mike
Aust pts. Here Is a reliable
Tabs • generous halt p:ut of
pastry hear, one generous tablespoon-
ful of sharteaing, half • teeapoontul
et salt, bait • teaspoonful of baking
powder. Sift the dry Isgredleots, rub
la the shortening. moisten with cold
water only sufficiently to roil out.
wet pie crust Is never crisp; a quer
ter of a cupful of water should be
ample. Rcll thin.
Pte crust should be rolled In one
dlrectloo---.way from you.
Uo .not put meat directly on the
tee; It draws the flavor and spoils it
A not! moistened with alcobol is
effectual in cleauing Vane keys
Place Uny canton flannel disks or
soft ,doylies betwden your decorated
plates when not In use as a protection.
It l easy to epee glass fruit jars
without the aid of a knife 1f a hot
Move plate Is put oa 'op and allowed
to remain for three minutes, this
will allow the lid to be easily un -
'armed and not injured.
For a plower Girl
beige frock d Ilse wattte orpndt.
'OM smote, suitable for • weddini
er iaarty.
haled (leap
ENO a good -steed rump .took, a
Mlme&0i• than as tach thick. 1 pound
peel sausages. 2 yolks of eggs.
Spread the .teak out and beat It a
Nene write a roller. R.move skins
boa the sausages and mtx them with
ilite egg yaks. Spread over the beef-
steak. roll up and de. Cover with a
oteseed paper and put In • pen with
moms dripping. Roast in the oven.
hosting well. for about en hour and
• half. Serve on • hot dish wttb
beton gravy or tomato woe around.
Cottage Cheese
To skim milk at a temperature of
about 71 degrees Fahrenb0t, add
mous& bettensllk to coagulate It
say. 10 per one Naxt on the vys.l
la hot water and beat to 10 or 15
degr... rehrenheit. When the cera
tones, cot tine and heat to IN to
107 &'gree* Jabnsnbat int steed
X of an bour, teen dip the cd into
a straining doth and dela Salt to
Mete. and add 1 mason thick arena
10 10 pounds cheese.
A Gentle Sheerer Both
Atter w.ahing the hair. • geed wag
to thoroughly cress it la to 1W • ew
WW1 tin Sower aprtnklIng ma with
water and suspend on a nail er hook
above the head .ver the eetllah. Th.
water comes with just rose enough
to rinse sad the aprinkt•r cra be um
se ofisn as aeeeseary
-the three papers for 4b5.
if the publication you want is not in above list, let
us know. We can supply almost any well-known
Canadian publication.
Send subscriptions through local agent or by
postoffice or express order (not by bank cheque) to
Goderich Ontario
Ts UR Palm Rost Orb
As maw" aveoawe are Qs+el,
with 11s sides Mthaed out, las • aglow
did device for�ntting pans. els , to
and from the Tido will obviate
the nenesslty ol baantag tion sed
wal preweet eseay beteg
To Wash Min Deem
A Maly Me deal washer sr tics
alai beetle el., tee aae,eer for Ile
lied tad dela. is mode hem Ike
wire benne et a paps beast. VYa
is etrdAMaM oak *Mk Ike kook
lett ea sae Sad.
Mwdlag Weave
likes tbs Meese tem ell lte�
i M.•w pall em for eller halt oat
wen • bumer.la Neat no • glade
toss east tic. okay ~,i Maw
• MN ea 1a. _ ,
2.000 GINN DID
Peevish Poses Newel Flellaille Algal
lMMdsMap hens--wlplaala Per
ttir-outer Amara
14ede a. Alas 11-7r.t ehessain Om
Inas dead . were belt as the telt le
a tert1fe battle Ought east of TOip
M Matt peoteeday after the 01011011,
wakes rvdatesesmeate by atllllaatr
Ma tree M Moe Masai had lista
el a Matereee stfaa a the PIgaeh
eseaptInw ewe Kaes e1 treater lost
In Sesiare Fightbif r1v.i
Mg Mat oast! of Amor in lelesalty
1s developing et Mb pant where the
Oemeees epMmwtly Meer ss attempt
t. pesetrsle Oar Utas sad tkrmalse
ere lash et the army laming the
lvsoa above Arena. Beewes& tib
treat sad Arras soother aeagttttiery
was fought esolklast of
where several loattiM
Ossa dead were limed ea Ike till
fiber ewe German Baas of trench..
IMPS tSSatber with age Wig*
Ws. The artillery dad north of Anes
Saws with nadfafalaal Bary. a earth
ills way prepared by domes a hat-
arMalas of Preset set artlllery. M. Wail -
/ *Sae forcing 1ls wary ttreugk
mase of trenches and rede&bta.
lost night the Phew se tee pelts
bad reached the central rsgsebt at
the Germans and had repelled various
coaster -attache. Berlin agents that
Wears Trsey le Mont the Fr.vc1 pose
bated their advanced treadmill'. Be-
tween Solasons and Rheims the Ger
mans have been driven back more
than 100 yards. In Champagne near
Mandl les Hautes, 'wood line Ger
ams forces, beteg brought up to
en the first line came under
gas and were dkpersed. Paris
reports the use of a burning liquid
with which 161 trenches of the Ger.
Moos near Vauquols were sprinkled
l reprisal /or the German use of
lethal gases.
Win In Centel Afrka
London. June 8 -The colonial omoe
el•ooanoes: -In further operations
the. German town of Sphinx.
on Lake Rearms (British Cen-
tral Africa) the enemy was drives out
of Me town by naval bombardment
and a charge. A quantity of riles.
emmunitlon and stores was captured.
Elm German armed steamer Hermann.
ecu Wiseman wen completely de
stroyed. Our landing party lost one
lean slightly wounded."
"The Governor of Ceylon has len
Sandy where riots of Buddhists were
repressed on Jape 3. He found Colom-
bo quiet. but the district was per-
turbed by e:tsorder owing to a sudden
eetbreak of racial and commercial
edeoeity agalnst the Moslems."
British at Feetub.rt
London, Jut i --The "bye -Witness"
Sao: The fighting proceeds on the
/Ieetubert front. Our guns have se-
verely damaged the German tranches
Dear Terme-Du-Bois. A working party
l infantry. who attempted to repair
tbaR, lost heavily."
Isonzo Uwe Taken
Rome. June 8 -General Cadorna re
pants as tollows "While along the
Ohne front our outposts are proceed-
ing regularly with the occupation of
important posltions, meeting with
bale resistance. and Mille on the
Iay.rone and Folgarta I dams the
artillery duels continue, we have due
hig the last few day. engaged the
esemy along the whole of the (so.ro
Sae from laporette (Karfrelt) to the
Oa Strong advance contingents pro-
rolacted by artillery lave solidly estab-
lished themselves on the river line for
the purpose of throwing up bridges
to dominate both banks. The Italians
ere seriously threat.cing Tolmin0.
Strong bodies of Italian troops. bril-
liantly preceded by canary have
erosaed the lower bongo, throwing up
bridges under the many. fire sad
llort8ytng their positions, trying to
moire liberty of tianoravree for the
day wben the employment of muses
et troops 1. decided upas. Our losses
have been comparatively small."
The Mtnlstry of Marine announced
Met night: 'This morning our destroy-
ers again bombarded Monteleone
Three off the lead batteries near
11Mle D eine replied. sad one of them
VW silenced. Wille the matte Itself
was burned. Ism night an Italian
dirigible again bombarded Pole. the
Anstrlan naval base, and dropped
bombs. which etploded on points of
military value."
Netted roar /absaztass
lbeerese Raiders Wider Tay Sriege
Neatly Trapped •. Return
New York, Jade $-user German
submarines woe captured 1s the
Firth of Tay la • reesst raid. accord-
ing to officers of the liner Csmerosie
from Glasgow yesterday. These craft
paved ender Tay bridge. the lathiest
bridge is the weld. ad were caught
os their retire 1• nets spread by the
port asthorltive. The sehmarines
here kept entaaaled el leers. sell the
Cameroon' ofc-era atter which Met
were allowed to eotse tap. Tic. crew'
were toued to to etksested. and ear
ve rderr.d Immediately.
anElaItallaa Ptsa.ms
Uwpmdeing Ce-+/awtIsm Agreed Open
et Reseal Cear.rewee
London. ruse ll -The Pees Buret.
•aao.aees east a Ike ae.tfsg lbw
tweets the weldor et the falba
treasury and this 1leai r at Ile
s'aeig.er. Wei al Ntesi awn 4. as
r.sg.moum were eaaalelel fee da.
dal mowedmowed.ketwevo fltsgetee and
Italy. neer M.elstlea was es es
operate and ea their Sowell re--
seareee aka Gam
WA& at l tin drptasaletst
seal tial kinaa
WUOLE Filily
l'hia•lhum Seep Tag Ai
W. teeeentelei ass.
SCOTI,eID, OW., Aug. 25th. 1913
•'thee+ -rives„ are the only pill
manufactured, to my way of thinking.
They work completely, no griping
whatever, and one is plenty for any
ordtuary person at a dose My wife
was a martyr to Coaatipatioe. We tried
everything on the eeleadar without
satisfaction, and .peat !arse sums of
money until we Opposed os '•Pruit-
reti ve.' . I cannot may too much in
tbeir favor.
We have traditions in the family for
about two yore and was would not use
anything eke es long as we can get
Their action Is mild, and se distress
at all. I have recommended them to
manfamily etb.ruse,. thpesele '.pk, mad our whole
Thom wbo have been tared be. , Fruit-
rtives" are pond and happy be all a
sick or aliag friend .hent these won-
derful tablets mad. Iran fruit juke..
50e. a box, d for 42.80, trial a.. 25e.
At all dealers or seat es. receipt of prise
by Fssiit..-tiw Limns& Ottawa
Why Mlle Turns pour
We are told by Ibos* who study the
ways and ravages of the mischievous
microbe that bo is very laid of sugar,
and that he delights to gratify this
liking by turning the sugar to milk
Into an acid which sours the milk.
These microbes are constantly In the
air, alive though tnvls4tple, and ready
to drop Into the milk when they tun.
If 1t were poaslbie to keep the milk
from the air after the cow is milked
it would not turn sour.
Warm milk is particularly inviting
to the microbe and favorable to Ws
operations. He doe* not get along
well under chilllug condltloas and
that is why the sweetness of milk
can be preserved It It I kept cold
Bolling fresh milk changes the seem
1n such a way that the microbes can-
not feed upou It.
Cleaning a Hair Brush
An siiosileat way to class • hear -
brush le to take 000 -halt euptal d
salt and flour to equal proporioaa,
mix and rub through the bristles of
the brush two or three times. Shahs
the mixture all out and the brush will
be clean as new. This Is better Mimi
washing the brush, for It does sof
gotten the bristle..
Kindness to Cage Sleds
To rid canaries of the parfel*ss
wbick affect them, place a suss
white cloth over the cage at MOIL
In the morning 1t will be eover.d wits
very minute red spots. almost in-
visible without • microscope, wllo►
are the vermin so annoying aril fatal
to birds Burn the cloth and repeat
II necessary.
To Mix Setter and Sugar
Butter a.d sugar to be c •.mel
for take or hard sauce can quickly
be redeeed to the right cood1taea/
by the .Y of a wooden potato masher.
nest Warm the =Wag bowl behave
MOM 1a tie lagawthatm, the& mesh
Ae wan+t b a icicle Sae+► Mass
*talc �. saes; NOM
A secret is something known to but
00e pereon.
le Fee.teats the auger In Deush sad
1e Mena Breed Ild/bk
la the dayb tram which breed is
Stade there is a lot of sugar, which
eoetalas e•rbo .. bydrogeu and uay-
gee. It L necessary to ferment this
sugar to make bleed edible, and yeast
1s need become It has she Power to
do ells.
11 is made from a plant having
this quality. Fermenting sugar 1s
egminket to burning It. and there
are two results. One 1s *he forma-
tloa of eartionte acid gas A great
dW of c11. gas la aught to the dough
In the corm of large or small bubbles.
and some or it escapee tato the air.
711 part that cannot e.ca.e cae.ee
the dough to rise and makes the
bread light.
The ,holm to breed are the little
pockets which b11d the carbonic son
gas. The .test at the bubbles V to
lift the body of does* so that the heat
can pawl:W seedily and hake it
A Dainty Nightgown
b'very girt loves to hese pot!
nightgown.; therefore the t..O*
flea following 1s wan /• awera 10
every girls heart a desire ae make
1 dainty slamb.r robe.
Oct a gown over • idemmeadleem
making the nosh swam sad smftl s-
ed. 1111 1n the soalops with bode&
hole stltriee. Osb a day fiscal
&prep is neoeseary for the boat et
the pee for the reesoo that dashes
pre eat at latervak around the gown
Bad aebitw the best leas. 'Through
Its ettebee, which. by the way. nest
be hadaeholed, ribbon Is res--,lak,
blam>hawsgar or any color • girl Ray
lib. *large bow is tied .t the front
:nosh the ammo' of ribbon used
ea flus toms makes It unnece.sary
Mpaemerwery elaborate design stamp-
ed MOM •Mho smbrkl. The high
11101111b of die sues gives the night
sllea eke moire 1b. which 1s deer
le emery -demtelne heart
the owe et the ribbon might prove
pnotieal to the woman who wishes
ie add daintiness to • gown without
batSag to spend nisch U. with the
taw A readyatade nightgown
uat easily he Improved by awns
qtr. slots sad the ribbon.
that ere a_akiet pea 1101 ae tally.
It fees, yak 404. f lei. it your
al your
beck Ikeda airdy gl1 Nr-af
Iwur 't�a"fteset t . 1..
ossuw is tke arise
bones, 1a Mirka oohed sad Stara.
ave 1a oM�..Q yea ameba a batch
- er saasas,ia the mine
after wrart
owWWr was
Lima. I
....a sol
and aGin d"Iasi Si "
l ler r.A t1 miler the
sane "OINO" for
free hlal Mresdme&1.
- Afar •..
14 z2b. • - l echo,
gab Own= •els.
Offir< sal a+aagse
asn�Osi i)
(het Your Counter Check Books
Out of Town
Keep your trade
at Home.
t - .. Tb. Cr. *4 'MtiAl -•• •••
•_�iM ea.t.a.r simmer.e .sr Nt.e ....1 ar wtl m.essta ..eawa.ar
"OTT Or w~! ; Marasm..at fw..m.r. - "CITY Or sul/Atb'
BUFFALO -Daily. �l.t to Dee. 1st -('LEVEL AND
¢tea=�r atttipaw..�-r. - - t ser. t�....��t!l�ni�i.1.. -. ass: {�
1-' ...imp...fry
�.ew Damn 4 W r.ib web r/ a
en w er mwtti lie r.w timbe4 woe for tube . is C. ii. LLt.. "'s"+ r" r..,e,eru.. ►.
beak orligirlair
w i .. F.s♦ww�1,M ems.,' .,. .b ..'.e :. : Y.The �