HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-6-10, Page 6T. Jptr>t 10, Moi
Is TimmAY, Jrxg t,, !til:•
1By.J. Hartley Manners
.A Comedy of Youth Founded by Mr. Manners on Hb
• Great Play of the Same Title—Illustrations
From Photographs of the Play
Copyright. 1911. by Dodd. Mead b Company
CHAPTER IV. teeni.ouvd rrtin te.1 week.)
"He sympathizes with them. I don't
wept a wan like that working for we.
By night she was in a Lever.
• • • • • • •
One day in November Angela receiv-
ed the following letter:
Dublin. Ireland, Nov. 1, M.-.
1 want loyalty to my lutereste. The Dear Indy of Mercy -1 nava served ml
matte.bltt policy of IRlrke during buy sei•tena•. I am free. At first the horrible
father's lifetime belpod to bring about humlttt ttcn of my treatment. of my eur-
thi, pretty state of things well age ruurdngt of Ice depths 1 had to sink t0.
whist urruneloM will d., --new Droum, burned into me. Theo the thought of you
austalnarl r- Your gentlu voice, your
swtwp the ptare clean. rld of slovenly. beauty, your pity. your unbounded faith
CnCrttr'tiI ti nanta, clear away the tap. in me. strengthened my soul. All the
room braises. 1 have a definite plan d,rrmdatlon ftb from ma They were but
o a noDte end 1 was tor-
lgn.,bI. means t
to my naiad. If 1 tattle not to sell I'll tared that other} n:;zltt never know sor-
perfect my plan Lt L.ndop and Iegia row. I was•lraprin,n'd that my country-
ot orations as soon as lin eatlsaed It 1s amen mlgt•t know liberty. And so the load
'feasible and can be lot upon a proper Was I,gt'r .
Th• ,- ,more of those three wonderful
buaine-ss bawls. There's too mach sen- , days was so marvelous, so vivid, that It
Umcit In troland. That's been tbelr shone ear a 'tar through the btackneas
rola 1 am going to brin" a little cora- •1 thine tern) ie •lars-
waltocd resoles•.ly around the room en , Forgive rye f.:r writing tk:a to you. but
be ap-&t:. 19e stopiW0 by tbe windows iN T ' that rm are tLs only ane I't's
Pod harkened the magistrate. `�a :au.n y pilo u^.dux- ar;a t`✓ ',,m-
et'!- , IP IIS fit try. 1ratYia, el toy hopes and
"There's your man on the drive. I my Mrrb:aona -fades)
ot my very
Bees" And he pointed to where thouAhts.
Oi'unnell, with a soldier eacb side of I Tc•.t,y 7 met elle leader of my party. Ile
greet` -1, rt3 '•seely. At last i have prov-
-1111, was a•pwlj mot lig d07.D tbtl IOD I t -d r.. •1J' a worthy f,.11ower. They thine
�w•etn a, i It hes• 1 should leave Ireland for awhile.
the donf of the coon) opened, and 1 U 1 take Reny pari at ones 1 shall be
)Angela tame ti hnrrtelly and
N'ibt , accused again and sent'for a longe[ sen-
straight to where the two tuon et.•Od i They have rfered me ilia Position of
There was tate catch of a sub in ber 1 One of. the t, taker/ In a campaign in
voice as the 'poke to the magistrate. •1
�nlca'to raise funds for the 'cause
1 must f-st see the chief In 1-cndon. Jit
, "Are you taking that poor wot.uded rent a mesraf . writing In the highest
Men to prison? 1. terms of cry work and expre: s;ng • wt -h
'The doctor says be Is well enough to meet n;.•. 1 wonder it it would be
' l'°' :ble to rue You to London'
eo be moved." replied Roche. If 1 nm ,euv-to America It would ,peed
"You've not seen the doctor. I've ray goi:.g to speak to you again. if you
"eat gneationnl him. lie turd me you teal that 1 a:k too much da not answer
t.: lord 1 will nnderatant
bed not askel his opinion and that if out of the fullness of my heart from
you move blit 1t will be without his , the depths of my soul and whh the whole
se nctiOn." - 1 fervor of my being, 1 auk you to accept
over -
Kingsnorth Interrupted anarllj, an ire arsUtude at a heart awed to over-
Itow p: q.
"t'Iease don't Interfere." nod Wena end keep you. Tours In hom-
Angela turne,t on ,bt:n, Sit 1t'a you ; aze and gratitude.
wbd are acuding him to prisouY'
mon stns( bito play."� EInpnortD oD re"m to have taitcn held of my
heart and my rout end m Ilfe.
tb je M11111 6ltlei iritis leer beutbee.
dsapM, the tlb1stra(Mets of ber ulster.
YaaMt sad Yea Wresfurd.
YR Wrezford was a gentle little
white capped widow. wbo.e only hap-
piness Iu life seemed to be In worry-
ing over others' mlafortuDta anewas
ou (be bodrd of various charitable ea,
ganizatlons and was a busy helper la
the 0ekl of mercy. $tie wotsblped
Angela. as lobe bad ber mother before
her. That something serious bad oc-
curred between Angela and her broth-
er lies. Wrezford realized. but rhe
could and out nothing by questioning
Angela- Every time she asked leer
anything relative to ber attltuds Ange-
la was client
Ooe day she begged ]lira Wrezford
never to speak of ber brother again.
Mrs. Wrezford respected ber wishes
and watched her and nursed her
through her Convalescence with a ten-
der .ulicitude.
When O'Connell's letter came Angela
showed tt to Mrs. Wreiford,- to;etber
with her reply.
AnDo you mind if I see him herer
a n.Levl.
"What Lind of ntan t+ he?"
'The hind that hero.* ere made ot."
"Ile writes so striugely-may one say
unreservedly? Is be at genUcmanr
"In the real meaning of the word-
y "Of good fantl:y?"
"Not as we eat. lwate goodness. rib.
family were plat slmpbf peasants:'
"Do you tblutc it w! -e to see hirer
"I don't et/fishier the wi>itival. 1
billy lis:eh t0 my heart"
"Ton--yof lore blta1'
"S0 mgeh of !oro as ; can etre la
a'Ob• •-. rite:" cried sits tt�..•- .
tborou.;hiy ntarmed.
"Don't be afraid." said Angela quiet -
''Our ways lie wide apart- He is
working for t!te big:zest thing in life.
IIIc work 1s his life. I am nothing."
"But don't you, think it would be In-
oMarred. dear, to bare such a man'
come here:"
"tiler iullscreetr
"A man who has been in prison:"
and Mrs Wtesford shuddered at the
thought. She had seen and helped so
many poor cirtIms of the cruel larvi
and the memory of their drawu fact's
and,evtl eyes and coarse speoch gash-
ed oeross ber mind. :Vie could not•rec-
onctte one.comin, Into ber little home.
Angela answered her:
"les, he has been In prison. but the
shame was for his perse.Utors, not for
hien. Mill,
if you would rather 1 saw
hint &owewhere else" -
"Oh, no. my dear child. 11 yoc
whit it" -
"1 AO. 1 jest want to see him again.
Wester ■ U irersity
Income U.,ut,:c.l. -now p75.IIIU.
*bother Late. Addition to
larttlty alt Equipment in
A is loud Het!iciur.
Greatly Incsomed Enrol-
lment in View.
NVtite fat particular* to :
-E. E.:Braithwaite, M.A.. Pb. D.
Packet of
them to the •ufertug aid the op -1,1
Ile looked up et ber in wonder.
"1 daren'G Ttunk wbat 1 ami"
"You are the beat 11.at U in me. We
are testes."
•'A peasatt: A beggar!"
"YOU are the Dt.bleat of the• no!`I!'
"A convict"
vis ,.a,yyr was Corfuclbtd eu that
fila people should be redeemed. 1 -at
h.)ve given the paid your body n.0
that your people may be free" _ i
"It wouldn't be fait to yell,' be
• 11 yon leave me It mill be unfat!
to us both"
"Ob, my dear c:;c: My dear One:"
De folded her to bis arm..
"1'I1 ;ire We lest of my days 101
grant you and protect ;on nod bring I
yon bappine3."
"I sin happy da,' and her voice,
decd to a whisper.eW—
Three days afterward Nathan
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Kln""snorth retorted bat. at night from lender of a party -"tee Ktugano:th !THE ONLY MEDICINE
political ,
a lit' l benq•1 •t • party,^--ctrptrolt•na his folluwtra wits FOR LITTLE ONES.
It had been a gest evening• At last a band of term nod dr!vbn11 them 10
it seemed that life was about to give rote according to his judgment and
him what he most wished for. His 1 his decree.
dearest ambitions were, apperebtty, , By the time he bad reached home ho
Mime to be realized.I had entered the cabinet and was be -
Ile bad been called nn as a 'tench in11 eprol-en cif as the probable prefile
Conservetive to add his quota to the minister.
already wonderful array of brilliant Ile poured Out a liquor anti stood sips
r the tetters
admirable speakers. Ktngsnortb bad tieoueht by the nf;:bts poet One or-
st O'C a lam skid In him p excelled himself. Never bad be apo rested him- It had been delivered by
1.trute. deed to have your letter and to kn,aw you \cry wet., An_eta, wad the ken PO powerfully. Being one of Use band and arae marked ".lost Urgent"
"Don't do tips. 1 et:trent you -don't are free : gatn. 1 have often thought of lady. "As you Ktstt" only men at the banquet who bad en-, As be read the letter every vestige of
your m) cry during all these months and A week afterward O'Connell arrived joyed eren a betel glimpse of Ireland, color left nte-face.
In London. 'They met in Mrs. \Vrex Irish rte►
ford's little drawing room to Mayfair.
Theylooked at each other for some
moments without speaking. Both not
ed the 'fresh tines of suffering to each
other's fare- 'They- had teen through
as he writes be doe•3 me. 1 Rant to perorations of seasoned statesmen and pine 1t ns fie turn,.) aye
"I ata." I IIer answer: hear him spent: a_ntn. 1 want to wish
Nov. It IS-.
London, . t u godspeed On Ma )(turner."
My De'r r. onus - old
Angela appealed eir:n.g:;-to the tong-
Ik ( linen^e4 t° do anmrrhmg to amsuare ic. ,t
"Itut 1 barye no choice, glias Kings• i p iv when a trlend fa In need and alt
north." i evenu:-s of help ars closed to htm that •
iTee man can scarcely walk." she woman reaitree how helpless ane to
That they have not crushed your spirit
pletded does not aurpri=e me. 1 was as sure of
'Ma will receive toter,- attention, bS that es I am that the run to shining to -
neve we, :Ise. litt.;snorth." lIuche re- day. That you do not work actively In
sled- Ireland at enC. tai 1 am sure. WISP. ftaa� the long valley of the shadow of cor-
p bardirr,a Is not cnu-ate.
Angela faced her brother again- In a little while the English government row shoe they bad Inst met
"If y.Pi let that %rounded titan •go may realize how hopeless It Ie to try uo Itut O'Connell thought n.3 he looked
cangner o pr°D!e who nave liberty In their at ber that all the suffering he had
firms t!.'.s hlletse t.•d ty you will fr; ret l.ea: ti. Then they will abate the rigor
tt to t!:,• end of ,your 111.•" )ler face of their ualust laws. gone tbrun,b passed from him ns some
was dead whit". IIer breath was trona- when that day comes you must return hideous dream. It was worth it -
Ing thiekty. tier eyes were fail fled ; and take up the•-mtsslon with renewed
I ted the
streng.h a.d hope and stimulated by these months of torture-)ust to be
in h'itre•l un her brother's face. added experience of bitter suffering; looking fit her now; worth the long
"Kindly try to control yourself. 1 should molt certainly lake to see you black nimits- the labors 1n the bent of
%Afire) t " K1n"•north said eternty. , In I.ondo"-. 1 am staying with a distant
-Non alrorltl consider my position a c°nnectlon of the tamt'y. We go to the
south of France In a few weeks. 1 have
little more"- been very 13 -another reproach to the
"Tour �ition? And what Is his? weakness of woman. 1 am almost rotor -
/fen with everethtrg you want In life- Bred now. but tar from strong I have
to Ile still all day. qty only companions
are my Crooks and my thoughts.
Let Inc know when you expect to arrive
In London. Corn* straight here.
I have PO much to tell you. but the
that man with nothing. ile le helm
bounded to prison fur what"( rleadln;
- for Ms country! Is that a mime? Be
Pea slot down by soldiers -for What? words halt se they come to my pen.
For showing something we English sincerity. Looking forward
ELAseeing you. in KINGSNORTt alt
are always N astiug of ftellug our-
selves stet resent any other nation ' ,
foetiug It -patriotism'." CHAPTER V.
•'Slop:" commanded Kingsnorth. O'Connell Visits Angels.
'1f you tike that sick. wretched NA T II A N 1 E 1. KINGRNORTH
man out of this burse It will be * stayed only long enough to les
crime"- began Angela• land to permit of Angela's re-
1C1ngrnnrth stopped ber. lie turned corery- He trent into tbe elet-
to the wngtstrate, "kindly take the room only once. When Angels waw nnssrer,d hoateely.
/MOD away." him she turned her back on him and
' Noche more.) to tbe window- refused -to spent to him. "They Dave. not
Angela's bcart sank. All her plead- For a'mument a 0ueh of pity for lets or your courage?'
leg was to v:du Her vele, faltered young sister gave him a pan; at his "No." he replied
and broke: heart. She looker' et, frill and worn, the stronger."
"Very well. then, take him. Sen- loo deaperately Ill. After all, she was -I thought they would tie." she saki
fence him for Joint something his his slstre and, again, had ahs not been ptroodly.
own conntrymen will one day build a punished? Ile was wtlllnx to forget Alt the while he was looking at the
monument to hlm for dohs. The mo- the foolhardy things she had done and risk face and the tela Maspareacy of
rnent the prixon door cloves behind bim the tatter things she bad cold. her bands.
a thousand v tcee. sell) cry 'Shame," on Let bygones be bygones- H• ty "Rut you hare anffared too. you
yon Ind yourgovernment and a thou- *tired that he had neglected bee He have Deep ill. Were you In -dander?'
wand new patriots will be enrolled. would do so no longer. 1'ar from 1L Hle coke bad a catch of fear to e r
Amt when comes out from his tor- When they returned to London nil that 11 sated tba to him terrible ge des
red H would rate
the day with Itfe s outcasts around
blur, the taunts of his falters; worth
n11 the infamy of It just to stand there
lonkiol at her.
She bad taken his iife 1n ber two lit-
tle bands.
no had bathed his soul ail these
mouths In the thougbt of tier. He bad
preyed nl1ht nod day that be might
see her standing near hem jest as she
a •ns then. ace the droop of her eye and
the silk of her bate and feel the touch
of ber hand and hear the eigntake
tenderness of her voice- He stood mute
before her.
She held out her hand and said atm -
"Thank yon for coming."
"it was good of you to let me."
broken your ,pMt
tensely; "they are
lure he'll carry on the wort of Dat I would be remedied. a woo o
No. 11 was just a fever It Is peat•
and vengeance against his tyrants.He tyre of Der In every poarible way. 11• i am a little weak -a little tired Tbat
he made the Joln:ion of the r ques-
tion the main topic of his epeiCR
Speaking lucidly and earnestly. les
placed before them bis panacea let
'will fight you to the last ditch. Ton felt a genuine thr.11 course tbrougb
will pan too-"
"lt anything had happened to ava-
tar ever should happen" He barred
his face in his bands end messed:
"Ob. my Hod: Ob. my oedr
RU body .boot with the Wm Pe
tried rattily to cbeet Ameba pet
band gently on bis shoulder.
"Don't do that" sloe whispered.
He controlled blmnit with an start.
"It will be over is a sssssat Pant
a moment I as sorry"
H• modesty tacit ■t ler teat bb
bead bowed Is reverence. "fled bap
mer be cried falsify. "I leve yes. I
love your
lib. looted dews at boa. ber Me
iI• loved bort
Tow beat ot ler Mart spode IL "ie
loves your T1sff thretblaa et Mr
beats &beefed it. "Ho loves yesr TM
cry of Mr .oft wblapered it. "ge loves
She etre abed oat bee Mats te Mau
"My love le yes. jot M Yews ti
Waft j.i%_ea jab ear Ives and stye
Int ay torture his body, bat yon cannot
break his heart or wither his aptrlt
They're beyond yon. They're -they're"
-she stopped and lenly as ber voce
roes to the breaking point and tett the
Tb. magistrate went down the drive.
In a few mnm.nta O'Connell was on
Al. way to the courtbotsse. a closely
guarded prisoner.
Angela. from her window, watched
the men disappear. tabs buried bee
fate In her bands and moaned as she
had not dons &Ince ber mother left Mr
Just a few years before. The girlhood
In ber was deed. She was a woman
The nee great coos bad come to her.
trasefeeming her whole nature -lou.
Awl the man *be loved was being
curried away to the misery mad d•irs-
datlee of • convict.
Heednllly the wane die •way
The caw volae• bearing elf her brat
wbt lded.
A Met1e later, when her sham. IdettL
en, same is seareb eft Mr, .be toed
him as he thought of his generosity.
To all of this Angela made no &s-
Stung by her sllene.. be left tbe room
and sent for his otber slater- When
Monica came he told ber that whom-
ever Angola wished to r•ecogntze 1313
magnanimity she could *end for alma
abs wonld not find bim unforgiving.
To this Angela Melt no reply.
When the fever bad peered and she
was strnnlfer errssgements were made
for the journey to London.
As Angela walked unsteadily to the
carriage. leaning on the arm of the
D are. Nathaniel came (onward to ate
W it bar. Me passed him wit host a
weed. Nor did •be speak to bim este
see answer any remark of his during
the leag puree, os the tela
Wimp they reacbed Landes .be re-
fused to ge to the Yingssoetb bones.
where Mr brother laved. bet west at
oece to a abfaet remain ot ber moth -
sew Mn. W r•e ford. mad seeds ear
Maw with ber, se *be lad eMs dem
betar. 1313. retailed to bold eta,/ fnr-
I Bahy'o Own Tablets are the only
1 meoicina for little one", being glint 90 -
teed by a government analyst to be
si,-otutely free 1'1011 injurious dings.
^ They are pleasant to take, art tpildty
• but effectively, and shiny. relieve cou-
i.tipstinh, Indigcation, coli. and.imple
levet bard regnlele tit.• stomach and
! bowel,. Con !erring theist M i. Denali
Et•ing•-r, tieot-g-field, N. 1:.. Writes :
's Own
I medicine )
I can getthat atlwat•s dre the o enc
ilittle one+ good and 1 always keep
them in the house." TheTahlet. ate
sold by utedic•ne dealers or by mail at
23 cent% a box frost tha Dr. Williams
Medicine Co.. Brockville, Oat, . ,1
She: 'fir true that 1 hart- broken,
bite en:;agement and that I ati'I have
y mar ring ; hitt do )ou know why 1 r(-
rain Oat ring i Ne (ruefully-;: On
1the principle lialt,t to the victor 1e -
r figs the :pairs, 1 suppoee.-Bouton
I Transcrip-.
Client : 1 want to sue 1,r • eiroree
apd an allowance fit yl:AMI -a ie.u.
l ewe r : ‘'hat i• voter huetr*od's ir-
came? ('Hent: It's about that. 1
wouldn't wok fee more than the matt
makes. l'in not that kind•-13wton
I Ttanact ipt.
"There is nothing more importar•t
to a IN onan than waving her soul,"
ahnuted the ec•ngelii t "Coles. it is
keeping her .bane,' murmured the
(*rhino.rlit"i, who had barn sent to
r.nort the proceeding,. -)it. Louis-
-lobs -Democrat.
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Its gold and si:ver lace -::ori is traced in an utmost infinite variety
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pottery itself is strong and durable.
Depot -Art Ware is beautiful eeoefh to grace the most r-•Densira
collection ; it is dumbt), eaouih to stand daily use for years ands cue.
The wide variety of pieces, desigas and prices permits a choice to suit
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Mast desirable /or wedding presets.
Chas. C. Lee,
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"Then arose •ldpleasseee of Aur .let r
'Mb 111. Ma bearers were iathrfwad.
Wbss be tat tows the ensring tree
Ates be len the 'stases( be wee
la a "sedates et eAry Lyi.g Met
mold fie eesbleam daring Ile leas
drive beaus be (limed bis eyes eats pat-
►tined til. re(we. Rte /rglaatlsa
we ,be. ft tett wimp sad flew file•
boleti to WOK. M few Wiwi -se."
A Woman's Sympathy W a 4aiv — s kr/ss�s• t� 1 re. �y
ssaerssret s. IsH. to-wtr bbyM
= t, Il Mme We MW 'M's ees red
ftar ss r red
:az ids
m.. ere
risen a•