HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-5-27, Page 9THE SIGNAL : GODICRICH ONTARIO
fltfdaaDAy, MAY 1'1 ilda, •
ECONOMICAL—Heats the house well
without burning all thy coal you can
Given steady, even
mace heat on least fuel.
See the McClary dealer or write for booklet.
Sold by W. R. PINDER:
with the SARAH GIBNEY fk0111raxi, at Victoria Opera
mencing MoNIty. MAY 24th.
House, lioderich. co m
Wipe Creatures Chlely Valuable Maw
Per TAMr M10•se--LaltlanN Like
tire Pleats Per Peed
Thousands of walrus used to be
killed In Hekring Sea sad Us* Arca.
Oe•aa every waist for their oil sad
Mary, but owing to tea &Mundane. of
oY aow betas produced tram other
soirees, the walrus has not bean
Masted so much for that purpoe• aa
they were In former years. In years
gime by the P aklmos delighted la
N ursing their weapons aad shorties
their sleds with Ivory before trop was
tatroduced to them. Although the
Mak of the walrus Is not palatable to
white men, 1t forme a staple food toe
he Eskimos. Whoa tho natives make
a killing. they dry vast qusatlil•s of
walrus flesh 'la the open air, and each
family stores It away In an under.
ground cache, to be used when other
rood is scarce The Eskimos use tbs
skin of the walrus to make their
Lammas skin hosts, and roofing for
their hooses They also use the akin
for making rope. The green hides
are split to the desired thickness, and
a strip 1s cut around and around the
hide until it is several bunred feet
in length. It is then stretched in the
open air to dry. The Eskimos use
the walrus hide rope in preference
to the best Manila rope that 1s made.
The natives of north-western Alaska
and Sfbetia use the entrails of the
walrus to make raincoats. The cut
of the garment is perhaps not very
stylish. but the material is et the
best; the membrane is tough, very
light, and absolutely waterproof -1
very important consideration to the
satires of that inclement country
Skin Very ,Valuable
The tanned skin of the warus is
in great demand t y silversmiths for
polishing the surface o: fancy metal
The green bode of the wa rub Is irons
two to three Inches in thickness. 'lb.
tanning of such a heavy bade gene!
ally occupies a year or more. F•or
this purpose the thickest part of the
skin is the most valuable. Tb^ soft
and tough texture of file leather mak s
it particularly desirable for po isa'ng
all kinds of fancy metal work. Fora
this purpose the bide is cut Into
circular shape. which mates a buff r
wheel of solid leather. So far there
bas not been found a sat[.factor: sub
stltute for this purpose.
- T - - - Owing to their impenetrable ha -rats
upon the Ice. and the fact that t .e
41.111111111. • El
price of ivory is constantly going
To New Subscribers
(�i�Tf �l�llil�
will be sent for the remaining
portion of the year (to any
address in Canada or Great
Britain) for only
50 Cents
and get the opening chapters
of The Signal's
New Serial Story
which begins in this issue
down. the walrus bid fair to with
stand the reveres of commercialism.
•A new industry has sprung up, h -w ever. that makes • walrtu skin as
valuable as the skin of a fur sea,
and this is again making the walrus
a very -much -hunted nnlmal. A Lon
don company is buying all the preen
walrus bides that can be traduced
The young walrus skins and the thin
parts of the big skins make hner suit
cases and sat.hels than any o:b r
leather. For this purpose the walru.,
akin Is split and when 1 roperly tan-
ned. the seatner fa remarkably pliable,
sod the grain rich and velvety
To supply this demand. many power
schooners outfit at Nome every sprits
to hunt walrus In Behring S. and
the Arctic Ocean. They take on
crews of Fsktmoe. who are s ird on
shares, and receive as their quota t'e
Ivory and choicest cuts of the wilr s
meat, the owners taking the skits as
their share.
Many Carcasses Lost
Notwlthstauc:tng that tneae vasa,
are good c:..iricsmen, a very 1..rd
percentage of the walrus that are a. et
are not re.o.ered. 7h• walrus aa-
very hard to kill. If there 1s any l:fe
left In them they wtil wriggle off the
ice Into the sea and sink in a [cry
short time. A dosen bullets may b
fired into the ho'y of • weir. s an i
tot have the des,rd effect Pr c71_
ally its on'y vulnerable Mort ls th
brain which is situated a rat e shat
tache. behind Its eyes. a:.1 ■boat
three Inches from the top of Its k.ad.
This. of course, Is no easy m: rk toy
hi especially 1f the hut:i re are sit-
ting In a boat. for the walrus ass
mostly found upon toe floes that -an
only to apiro-ched by a small boit.
With tkls promiscuous and wasteful
shooting a great many walrus ars
armada. and rolling off the icy Soca
tato the nes, are lost
The storms that frequently come op
as Sekrtas Ses wash hundreds of
these earras.eo up ow the shoves of
Maria and Alaska The Ivory le
basally recovered b the settees. hit
the Seek and the lltgta are generally
4peoliallosed beyond the mass of taea
AOaess- -41ted sad Gia
Prating the Gyroscope
te01 Wb of Parte hes ta-
enellod as electrisality &teen ,yma
Owes ed (peal In«e ter world
Vyal P,lase. M Italy Will Assume
Command le First Line -Com
pieta Agreement Witt, Alttea
Rome. Maye 25- Kiug Victor Km-
ynuel, accomprutwl by Gen. Brua:•tl
WE for the frost yesterday at
6 o'clock. The King's departure fol-
lowed that of all the the princes of
the royal house who have been direct-
ed to assume commands in the first
it... Italy's Snit day in the war
wltsessed only minor encounter., but
both on the offenrlve and defensive
the colon came off victorious The
Italian court ie to be transferred to
Florence for the duration yf the war.
the King, Queen and their suites oc-
cupying the famous P1tti 1'alxso.
Florence 1s chosen because 1t is only
a few hours' distance from liologna
where the general het•lquarters staff
will be established. Florence is also
the chosen headquarters of the Red
Cross. Priceless works of art from
Venice. ['dinep, Trevtese and other
northern cltiei have already been safe-
ly boomed in Florence. Precious
manuscripts have been taken to the
Florentine library. Three of the
royal villas In Florence are to be
used as hospital
A strict censor=htp has already
been established In Rome. News-
papers are required to furnish proofs
of all matter for publication before the
hour of going to press and all matter
referring to casualty lists, appoint-
ments. changes in command and .urn
eiists of operatloa by land or sea is
prohibited unless it comes from the
government press bureau. Italy's
prompt action in selling Austrian and
German ships has netted her prises
of war estimated to be worth $20,-
000,000. Indications are that the
Austro -German forces. following out
• plan of • mpaign devised by the
German general staff will attempt a
sharp and decisive blow against .taly.
The report that Fled -Marshal von
Hindenburg will conduct the oper-
ations persists. Italy has given her
adhesion to the agreement already
signed by the allied powers not to
conclude a separate peace. Her signa-
ture to a formai document to this
effect is imminent While nothing of-
ficial 'concerning Rumania. Greece
and Bulgaria was announced, reports
were In circulation during the day
that Rumania was aiready negotiat-
ing with the allies. Despatches from
Bucharest to -day said that news of
Italy's declaration of war caused great
satisfaction there Bulgaria has de-
clared she would remain neutral so
long as Bulgarian interests were not
directly affected
London Mail Crrticcres Kitchener -
Progress of Allies at Venous
London. May 24-A sensation .as
been created n England ly an attack
in the Daily Mall and other news-
papers owned by Lord 'Ntarthcuffe
upon Lord Kit hener. F.:l'owing is
the text of the Dalry Aid's attack
on Lord Kitchener which has stirrel
all England "Lord Kitchener has
starved the army in Frau � of hi:b
explosive shells. The admitted fact
1s that Kitchener ordered the wrong
kind of shell the same kit i he haul
largely' against the 'torn; He per-
sisted in sending shrapnel, a useless
weapon in trench warfare He was
warned repeatedly that t.:e king of
shell required was a :.olently ex-
plosive Mons!' which we IA dynam!t
1ts way through the Gerran trenches
and entente. menta aro a nable nu-
brave men to advance in safety. Th;
ind of shell our root so'dlers hay.
had has c -•-ed t d••,th■ if bun-
clreds of theta., Incidentally it bat
brought abolt a Cabinet crisis and
the formation of what we hope Is go
Ins to be a national government."
Public feeing has been outraged by
the attacks .'n Lord Kite le i^r This
has been reiew•ted 1, high circles and
It 1. desired en both sides that Zit-
chener should accept an Invitation
which ,will be tendered him to con-
tinue In the office of secretary for
war in the new ministry.
tellies Captain Killer
sondem Stay 25-- Captain the Hon-
orable it) :n Neville 6tgge. oily 'son
of Lord Stamfordbaat, private secre-
tary to the King. has hen killed •• gar
Pestul.ert. He was 2 _ears old He
was for pi .ic time a page of honor
to Queen V., :ori and King Edward.
There is new no heir to the barony.
A: strian Deserters
Rome. lay 25- 11 is reports d that
before we was declared more than
4 MIO Austrian solders st-tloned alone
the front!, r deserted and surrendered
their arms to the Italian border
forces. Thy y have been sent to an
Internment camp.
Will the Kaiser Command?
Rome, May 2F» --A report from (Sea -
states that the Kale himself
Intends personally to comm 1.d the
forces operating &palest Ila The
Kale*: is said t0 he colitu.Bing the
kustrlans to v wary until ke arrives.
Itatisrs 1" Canada
Ottawa. May 2:. Of the 41.411
Italiana In Canada. It • reported that
6,000 are r.servte'. • hose duty 1t
is to join the co Th s nualhar
d i , th addition
[scall likely be dos,
of voloateers
Rome, Mal 2
WINE late Mb.
leasoterrM at h
Malt d Use ern.
William of
as been
- 'tweet Si the
obis agarat
"1 usderetand that lou bats a sew
scoter car "Yee." "Do You drivel..
yourself ?" "Nobody dri..• it We
toes it"-Ws.bi hail Mar
"Dir you ever see a commix, of
we mea perfectly silent r "Yee. oboe.
Someone had asked which of these
pt twist was the eldest .'•-auIalp
"Pop, bow do the people all lb*
Weather Bureau Sod out what lien
of weather we're ��iiK to have Y'
"They ds.o't, sus." -Philadelphia Pub-
lic Ledger
Mrs- Legere Tells of Quick Care by
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Legere. Northumberland t'o.. N B,
May '.Ugh. -(Special) - Mrs. Hobert
Legere is telling her numerous friends
here of her somewhat remarkable cure
by Dodd's Kidney Pill*.
"My kidneys were so weak," Mr..
Legere states, "that 1 was unable to
sit up straight. When 1 attempted to
rise i was trouteled with • pain across
my tidn.ys that was almost too great
to hear.
"Tom great surprise one box of
Dodd's Kidney Pill. took all the pain
away and did me a lot of good for
other troubles
"i have persuaded my 'unhand to
try Dodd's Kidney Pills for his kidney
trouhir and 1 am sure tbey will cure
"How are the ape ings on Ibis ear?"
"Simply wonderful ! You don't notice a
child, and even when you run over •
grown man, it's no discomfort at a11!"
Ellie -"When Betty married old
Moneybags she Uave her age se twenty -
ave. She's older than that." Flo—
"Oh, i suppose she allowed our -third
off for crib." -Dallas Newt.
It is diftlyilt to convince a pretty
girl that love is blind.
A spider is seldom in danger when
his life bangs by a thread.
line of all the newest in Hats
for Summer wear .. -.
Straw Hats
Sailors and
A full assortment of Caps
The Square - - Godericb
Our New
••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••
• We have just received a carload of CANADIAN Farm Fence, Hog Fence
• and Poultry Fence. This Fencing is of the very best wire and heavily galvanized.
• We bought.this Fencing before the ; war tax was put an and we are going to
• .give you the benefit of it while it lasts. -
7, No. 9 and 12 wires; 26 inches high, .stays 12 inches apart; '_'c a rod'
7, No. 9 ,. :1I1 .. .. 1'i .. - .. 21c a rod
S, No. 9 „ 411 .. 32C a rod
7, No: 9 - ,, 42 ., .. .•, .. .. '27c d roll
No; 9 Coiled Spring Stet -1 Wire - - - - - ::ii'c a lb.
2x5 inch Barbed Wire at • - - - ' $3.00 per spool of �0 rods
3xt; inch " " . at -
- E::. l a (x r spool of t+0 rock
if you require Fencing now is the time •o buy if you want to save money.
ow do You test Slnugles?
A roof is not a thing to be chosen lightly,
You arc bound to choose metal as sure pro-
tection from lightning and fire. But how
can you tell which is best ?
Let us tell you how at. teat
Admit we lave as much at stake
aa you. We think w• have more.
Our whole future depends on its•
Iron we put on your and your
n•tghborr barna Th• life of
our Domino/nu Is the farmers'
good -will. c„ our own teat is
severe It Is our own way of
Insuring our business against
The galvanising which forms the
protection from runt and ruin, we
put to the British Government
tuts -acid testa This Is harder
on galvan;ring that the storing.
the wind. the heat, the treat of
10 rnty years.
But. when w• send out PRES-
TON Life -Lock SHIN'OLES w•
know that they will give the best
aerated bring new friends and
new business.
Safe -lock
Manufactured by TM1 METAL SHINGLE a S1D1N0 CO" Limited, Preston.
"Better Buil.ii• )3" How to lige .fetal to rr,e bit
advantage or the •arm fN>.'!' Duel/ before you
ere 41 .4.1 for e FREE copy
Ars you going to nib. r i "--1LIZILR? If so all and get our prices, whi, b are quit. interesting.
A earloed of PORTLAND CLMENT V ju.t in. 1f you require any, get it ort the car and *We
the cost of extra taming.
11 will soon las Ume for spraying Do not forget what we have a snap for you in LIME SULPHVR
at S6.00 per barrel.
Are you going to bars any PLVMRINO an..? w'e hsve two practical plumbers and guar•a$A
every job we de: and what is more. w.. i..v, • inspreti.•n and leer All work promptly attended to gad
fully guaranteed. Th. •.me spoil.. He.1intr. Meetnc Wirl,g and Steam Fitting.
• Have you enough COAL to ran, you through ti the warm weather? We have just received
• sstrerw1 ~Med, et freshly mined Pca
nn Oval and cn pi.M
. prompt •enthol to orders. All Coal
weighted oas '
a kat scai.e.
CHAS. C. LSE Phones: Mo ;t 12
••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• *a*