HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-5-27, Page 8TMINOAT , Kew It MS IRX BIGNAL GODRRICH - ONTARJO somminamminomP WZ AR ��T �T SHOES for every SPORT end R[ R[AT1ON Worst Ity member ad the Tosstibr ll.- Orfatr 1104.1111 tt= for the week SOLD BY AU. qts - Many Colleges clow for Vacation at Midsummer Our College does not Mops sod Prides Tort otaletly dreisoleas. New bolter I. Moods. YAW. now et as Os cot position In tios sartnfoll_ Cnialorso tree 0111. W. J. IMOKOOM RIM HielimseriwChlesoall 'Wee Ms defy to ten the wand stalky ePerseagesers. Wham he lids thee ties ieribdoer has het • dad% bruin Is Mesa • sengemeed smarm eV sin to • firma gibed THE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING LIST 1915 The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $3. 75 The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire3.75 The Signal and Montreal Family Herald ' and Weekly Star 1.85 The Signal and Uturday Illustrated Globe1.85 The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1.85 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star The Signal and Toronto Daily World The Signal and Toronto Daily News The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire The Signal and Farmer's Advocate The Signal and Canadian Farm The Signal and Farm and Dairy Renewal. 1.85 The Signal and The Country Gentleman 3.25 The Signal and Canadian Poultry News1.35 The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free The Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.90 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser t.6o The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition 3. 50 Evening_Edition 2.90 Th^ Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness2.85 The .%:;.glial and Westminster 2. 25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westm• inster 3.25 The Signal and Catholic Register New 2.7o Renewal 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)3.40 The Signal and McLean's Magazine 2.75 The Signal and Horne Journal (Toronto)._ 2.75 The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) I.5o These pekes are for addresees in Canada or Greet Britain The Signal and Woman's Home Companion (New York) 2.75 The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.75 The Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal. 3.00 The Signal and The Youth's Companion (Boston) 3.10 The Signal and The Scottish American (New York) 3.25 Including postage to Canadian subscribers. The above publications may be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less $2.00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance : The Ikea and The Family Herald aad Weekly The Perused Advocate laalS SIAN/ 2.35 2.80 2.35 1.85 53. so -making the price of the three papers $3.2o. Tbil Signal sued The Weekly Sea St bi Tbe Torun Daily Star (Balk ism Viol . t 80 -the three papers for $3.65. If the publication you want is not in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any well-known Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through ilocal agent or by postoffice or express order (not by bank cheque) to THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED Godarich Ontario UNDER -RATED PEOPLE• Text: `Seeing 1 am a per Iran and IlgAtly esteemed." -t Sam. xvI11:23. I hold a brief for the under -rated, for these whom the world has not slued up properly. sad who therefore do not earn as much as they should, .how advice is not listened to u ft night to be, and who, consequently, cannot do the good they mlghl other, wise accomplish. There 1s ■Iways s reason for the discounting or talents I divide all possible causes into three chases: Causes which the underrated ones themselves can cure, causes for which the outalde world is to blame, and cause ,r which no Dae In particular kleossotive at sixty mites au sour. Getter the glean[ of your entuostaset 1n a boiler of power. Wait! Uu out spend all your evenings now tut others. Serie yourself flrrt, and thea you shall acquire sometbing shush with to bless the world. Next, the difficulty with sums people' is that they tall to get tutu step with great too...mettle. 'Phty have shinty, but not adaptability. They ca$sot ■dJu.t themselves to the occe- slon. Braddock was one of h:ngland's greatest soldiers, but be insisted on fighting ravage' in the wtlderneas with the same military precision nod manceuvrtng with which he bad fought Frenchmen au the open plate. No guerUla warfare fur him! 1110 ingtoalan suggestions for his troupe! So he lost, hot only his army, but his life! Some preachers cannot adapt themselves to their community They cannot popularise their material. Carlyle did not get Into step with the advaacl.g hosts of reform, so be said In 1860: "I never thought that the rights of a negro were worth discvsa- Ing, anyway." His heart did not de velop with his head. Boyne bide their ability In the![ tactlessness. I know an elderly man who L a fine penman and a good linguist, but he is constantly on the ragged side of starvation. He no sooner lands a position than he starts in to get himself disliked by his fel- lows. He imagines that he can curry favor by reporting the delinquencies of other employe, to. the chief. A Man gave him a day's work and an overcoat, but he lingered to pester hls benefactor by trying to sell him a book and solicit funds for a charity That man has been discounted on ac count of his bothering remarks and his boorish habits Slovenliness f. another cause of real merit being sold below par. Bamuel Johnston's great gifts shone forth at lot in spite of the gluttony and unkemptness which had handi- capped him for years. Horace Greeley stepped out to discuss with sa- gacity the questions of the campaign without a tittel from the crowd on account of his grotesque attire. Algal many are under -rated because they are careless about their repu- tation -not their reputation as •rtlst. or merchant, or preacher, but their reputation as men or women. , Repu- tation is what men are saying or thinking about ,us; not to our faces. but behind our backs. Reputation 1s the verdict which the jury of society is rendering In your case. The evt- Agee* may be olroumstantlal and frag- mentary. Take iyeed that the verdict is not .blared by a few isolated acts of yours. More and more our whole careen are judged by the moral standard. N>'ver again will the world endure the libertine or the drunkard In high places. Grover Cleveland was a great preildent, but 1 doubt whether be could be elected to -day with the same blemish which he admitted bar Ing In 1884. 1 yield to none In my admiration for Sir John A. Macdonald. but can you believe we would suffer his habits to -day, as our fathers did Arty "years ago' But this whimsical old world some- tln.es falls to appreciate her servants. Not always doss a man get what hie merit deserves. Men judge by out- ward appearances and sometimes most unjustly. We dare not declare that every man gets his exact dues. Many • pearl 1s still In the unfathom- ed covet of ocean. it was not to the credit of the voters of South Waterloo that they rej..eted the scholarly James Young for an Ignorant German black- smith No que•tlon before the elector- ate was big enough do justify that mistake. Blaine was set aside Lr the much smaller -calibred Harrisoa. The great Henry Clay was beaten by the negative James Polk Hooey Ward Beecher said that the world over-estimated the silent man. "There Is great cunning in judicious silence," be said. but the frank man 1. rarely taken at his full value." The frank man In the ministry often learns to his sorrow that it doe* not always pay in dollars to have positive opinions or to be frank In stating his position. Dr. Rainsford. who preached so fearlessly at Convo- cation Hall the other week, wrote some rears aro: "1t Is not guy to be • clergyman and speak your mind. It 1 were to leave tit. George'. to -day 1 very much doubt whether 1 should have a call to many churches, cer- tainly not to many Influential ones. Pt. Oeorge'a would not have called me oily they were w bard lip." The haat group of casaes of the malar -ming of men embraces the legitimate wariness of the world. Yowler 1. • y fellow with the gifts of a Cecil n)e 1n business or of a Bryan le siogaesee, bet the world does not know It yet- He must bide his time. That be t• sot elves his rtg.ltfnl place today M sobely,. fault. Re patient, young Devitt Toe will not loss be HOW You - Tou .111 at letath gat at bast tperehlmate rev►arIl 1111 theft. world Is not to be bleed ler _ your Stock at twenty-l!a cosi ea flea dollar until It 1e deafly astabdebel that It is worth • hshesa, le the e.d, cod's sass Ida. Napa may set witness their 1 r sowewltere. sem, day. am ger te their owe. The epees milli r bslldwe reined wit h on is M W steam d m the career. We millontel dm est" r ohmage' ditar,111 hl the tetrad amine tea fhgiMleL' Onie day the earewarlsd earth will resew deir euwaa. OMB .lew..taed, w CRIPPLED BY RHEUMATISM 4111 N.T. Awe. WWia. lo. Jags. lea. "Witt .s.. giros wed insi. has .t Or P11. .t ? tV. h.. 1 .. in ta. Ira ►r. I was �.� ►hell7....11.t.7717.411 for ...t sir . a Win .14r whim +.holes e• r }..hod No MOMp.1 f►..........e ,t.l lis iia. lu rye .l.Ip Miawda .►.... t...ard» ileo ..••,. w 1 ewr him/ to ba wahine thaw .. 1 111111, will - r..r whir pts and on se sawin tires in. DIAN. Yob can rreadily I..t7aaridd ass a bladder is anted. }inn will lase_ pains is the [[Dail of tlse or hips, your brise will be colored, brick dust or sewn sits will 'how in the leonine& your wrists or ankles may swell, all dam well 10 inactivesoon,put kidnrt¢t.eys which Gin Pflle ♦h.� e WPv.on "liaising ing Cowndsy"..in U. S. oohs tb...r."UMW Mk Tel..7ns now free II Illeniswelis Chenkin Co. of C.onds ISiir4 T. P s FIGHTING THE CUTWORMS Mum Cefityntien and Protection af Nerds Keep *Pe Pest Down Oubearens sad army worm are lade or lees &beaten every year. aid as a class. sank in hugnoteare with oar worst Insect pest. Times caterpillars ars smooth sail la shape c.ylintrical, and have sixteen feet; la color most of them resemble the sal in which thcy ride during the day. The Ilfe 11.3tories of eTttl our more common cut A ...ram are by no means complete S, lb,raste in the pupal state. or as half-grown cater liars, aud o!llers in the egg or adult s▪ everal hundreds of eggs. They see deposited in clusters on the leaves of weeds, gras ;es, shrubs, etc. Whim full grown the cut-vorms are about an inch and a t alf length. and enter the grotiod to the thliVth of on inch or two to transform to the pupal con- dition, the adult moth eznerging • rile in June. July and August. Under normal conditions. cutworms and army worms teed at elan- Aa the name "cutworm- indicates, these caterpillars cut off plants near the surface ot the ground or • little be- low it. Some kinds climb fruit and other trees and destroy the beds or young fruit, etc. Othen feed entirey below the surface of the grand. at- tacking the roots of grasses sal other pants. Cut v. c rm. when they lasseme true army worm habit The destruction wrought every year throughout Canted* by then Mean eitmotnts to a large sum of massy. Is some seasoc, when they neer la extraordinary ahanikiese. this leis totals hundreds et theummis -et id - Clan cultivation As factor in the ceded Mr This Includes ta. asibestini tag ot all reuse reneguing remove/ a crops. end of weeds. Infested lead pleegked deeply tn the tall. Irmo asilliodo destroy many ktheeremillag cennints and popes in the sell. eerie. protecting ot pints that are set set sanely. spiteders men et tie or paper mew be pined spend the dilesso ot Ors pints. As in see - slice muds. their attacks le thls wF will b. preheated. Birds, ben : do al Meseta sad Mss s:tie darts s e'p materially to ons trol cutwo-r. s Farmers Ionia.' turista sod others should aid la the work of prote t og our laseetiverws birds They are amo. t the hest fr.enda the t.rmer I.as, and this fan. g houl.' be 'nor* ear fully realized. Po.soned hraa, that 1.. brew perm- ed with Parts grc. n. Is the best ray for the destr,tttloa of cutworms sal should be a -:pi et 'mmedtttaty their presence b det : t d. Fresh bundle* of clover. etc., which hart been spray- ed with • strong solution of Parra gra' n or arse ate of lead mixture, are Coo very u.ef..! and ehoeld be ptassJ at sort nt nabs at art, througbAt an intes'e.t held. Testing Vitality et GOOts • simple teat of the vitality se aaw fans or garaen seeds caa be made as to/lows Place 100 seen. Whoa at random trori a sample, as a dist et ▪ ooper lightly with sae& manna sad keep in a wane Plan. Isbidd 'a Idtchen stove. until the sprouts 10 - pear. The Lumber of sprouts Wideb appear will elre an Idea of the pes2 cantage wide. may be expected to mew. It is udvisable te maks mose than on test and be guided by de average newts. A test ot this Idol la oneeldered MOP. trustiisirth; doe one in which the seals are libessia Notting paper Why Oar Eyes epodes dentinal causes a termed arm Ube it is tit• fanotlou ot the wade Ws Ireins* a War each thee It emus down, the repetitioc bee the effeet et covering .the eye with asesiderable Te. light alining on Mk moisture dam tbe swathed: effect. disidamelt as the merry empearenes ellikeeops is mused by tears, we are NM, obit them trom laughing se 0111 Warm antes Tears an Lai- 1=obed with our merry sad peg* peed is Vela:nut Vermatila has put Into Mete drea- d, remilation concerning the pea Muni= and sale ot medicines and tood procured. Piles 2 Years. ZAM-BUK Ws. W. I. Deseess of New [dlnbsr h, Ont.. writes. Far (weavers 1 suffered with bleed. lag poles. The wain was mese lateens. 1 tried Best en iso tb.. anther el the sae.Wd rues bat wlehsat dint. At last 1 decided to try Zara But TW. gave milk r.1110S hens the didi wltf mad persevere a iaar *.k attar wired re," Mr. t1 y S. leegct�s�, Panned. N. S.. says. -"I signed wrtl pills mad Meld get lad is give relief until 1 nisi sur Tits Int few appliw«mad od cl pais. 1 attssi.sd ming Z. -Ink and r sew cempimay ansd.' The show* hiders are talus tram beans& which have bees received hue* Ma sad warm who have ended their saris train pile* by using Zaral-Ink. Why sot do like- wise? Whether it be Piles, Eos•, Ulcers, oe ether skis disease, Zam- Buk glees quack [clad. As sees as applied. the rich herbal esseetes, el which Za .R.k is onneed, pees trace right to the cost d the trouble, sup the Irritation sad stineslate de Clof new keahly tissue. Zam- tie best core ler Cilia. Berwa, grams, Piles, Beira. Clapped Hails. Cold Sores. Ulcers, and all skis diseases ad seams. Alt drug- gists mad scares. or peopsd Irons Zam-Bok Co., Tomato. Price, 30c. bee, 3 boxes $1.25. FOR FRKR TRIAL BOX seed this article. nese of paPer- and le stamp (ter return post- age) to Zan ink Co., Tonne. BY BEV. BY_.O11 E. BTAUFYFJt Pastor Bond Street 1 ungregatlonal hutch, Tornio p•plied. Whet Illeseine et nine? ellosPosed of gases aril ot nake,eareek. of tow whit% are oar. skill am the cabmen by suctioa. sehla the titian/ eat of offialiedierlierreadtly explained. re. 4111Pides tall to the ground ot 1110100Met weight when they get be- Diffr ctiett at the °arrest of the Mims is • lot et earboide acid en 1111-11notte which mine with tit -i Ind eissensay becomes food tor add arm oilier gases welch ara pot estkety esesessed when they cane ken einamp. are blamed bY ell gall mere nil they. tee, become dittosie acid me. Get Your Counter Check Books Out of Town ? WE CAN FURNISH THEM FOR YOU AS CHEAPLY • AND AS GOOD AS AN 0 tl T OF -TOWN PRINTER C.AN Keep your trade at Home. LET US CALL AND QUOTE YOU PRICES The SIGNAL PRINTING COMPANY. Ltd FARE $322 DAILY BETWEEN BUFFALO & 1 vb. Immo sigi .0 was" sr a nos Sort woos of no owl& Illonsios ssonmods. isSTWIzis The Crest alp '311RANDINIV BUFFALO -Deily, Ml.lat to Dae.. 1st -CLEVELAND em".....e......---Wee-eVinalctiri.Z."";'tertvemelli4:41.6k1Ct'nbc.ii=i'w 71..ellar"" ‘"" ..4 ea Is l• dzialZie 41 •Itimi. Mal I owl amonlre Roo Canada's reeked , "ye Olds hams Lade' el Ilk wee ATH ; se was lie ilbst Candles paneling rapt. in sad ibe new nom Carless la 1113. The leader la every eneesauftlir Saga nods te-day int is the lees et dineenth et COON111111 Ask he •IfilDPA or. derma Mini IMMO Ca. UMW 1111111111111. I