HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-5-27, Page 5THE SIGNAL r,Hu#U1" WERE you rose faultiest miles •m die oountri--- Iein maw* up- Ilowout-two miles to • tithe. phase -end no spent tire or tie sleeve ? Nice feeling! But don't let it hep pen -! Purrsf moi+ 69 stocking your tool box with • pod supply 40. repair m.tanais. East Street Garage News'from the Front. After a long interval of silence, Mr. O. V Carey b•s st last heard front his son, Philip, who 1e with the Canadian soldiers in Europe Philip has been in the hospital, which accounts for his not having wittiest home. A card and letter have been received from him lately. In tbe letter, received this week, be ►totes that after his hospital experience he returned to the trenches just before the hig battle of Ypres. He saw Willie's Telmer killed and Ted Ross wounded. He kot through the battle safely himself. This Pews ret Ted Rose is all that bas leen received of him lately end hie people are rather alarmed, as be ,had been writing home regularly. Eo- quiriee are bring made through official channel', and it is hoped that he is not seriously wounded. as his name has not app.ared in the caaualty IiJtm. LOCAL TOMS. C. O. F. Chinch Parade. Taw annual church parade of the lee -bars .1 Court ti No, ss. (Jasadlao Order of Foreseen, wed take tee to Bt. George's church oa Sun- !!•• Jus. 13 b, at 11 a.m., wb.. Rev. J. B. FotberioRb•m will address thea Visilisg brethren ere cordially invited to attend the service Changes in C. P. R. Timetable. The C. P. R. timetable is to be changed on May dIth. The .owlet train a to (save at 0.46 a m. Il of 7 06) sad the noon train will leave et 12 o'clock liseteed of 1146). The fiat train will arrive at 1.16 R w. ().- stead of 1206) and the evening train will an iv. at 9.60 (lostsad of 990). Still on the Search. Nothing new bag developed in con- nection with the Bean murder rys- te. y. The Crown officials, however, have not thrown up the case, but ere sill pureeing everything that looks Tike • due The Bean family alma?* making renewed efforts in the natter. Teeing David Bears has recovered from the indisposition which prevented his attendance at the final suiting of the i nti ueet . County Rifle Shoot in June. The rifles in the possession of the various elvinan rifle associations hav- ing been "commandeered" by the o41- itatautismities, it was supposed that the big annual "shoot" at the Point Farm would have to he passed this year. However, Mr. J T. Goldthorpe. the energetic proprietor ot the Point Farm, is making arrangements which be hopes will permit of taw bolding of the shooting tournament at about the usual time in June. A bather an- nouncetnent will be made next week. School Grants The following are the grants for in- struction in agriculture and sebool g arden work for 1914 in West Huron Inspectorate : ri, S. No. 9, Col- borne, Mies M.E. Inglis, teacher. 63.11; T1Lode1 : 7heatre FORMERLY THC RTA* THE SHUBERT & BRADY FEATURES are making a fine showing at this -theatre. It is very evident that the people of Goderich appreciate good Photo -Plays, as is shown by the very liberal patronage that this New Theatre is. enjoying., On account of the length of the N. Y. Hippodrome's stupendous spectacular production of "America," 7(100 fret, and every foot a feature, the shows will .tart at 7.34) and 9.15 sharp. NO WAITS. NO I)ELAI'S. Every Thursday 4 "THE MASTER KEY*. it is not too late to get interested in this Mysterious Serja1. We use the !Universal '?i or 3 Reel Feature every night. The most comfortable place in town to en joy an evening's entertainment. We are adding "Originality" to our JKotto of "Quality." ADULTS 10c CHILDREN .. S. NA +. aedeelah. MawM. ley - der, taaabsr, $1&I/ : S. S. Nes. A Stan- ley,Mr. John eNt temeher •14.19 t i➢ S. S. No. 14. Stasloy. Mr. Win. H, Johnotitn. tesch•r, S.t1U ; S. H. Ills. 17, West Wawawoe8. Mise MaEnl Hallie, teacher. $M.frP. A Hazardous Voyage. The moodier, eater • red brother of Mn Join Hareiaoa, Victoria' street. landed at Quebec oe Wedoe•day troll the 111061111111e Northland. The steamer was aonomspaaied foe • day and a half from the F.aglitb shorn by . British wbmaries. On Suwday a Germwn sub-. wallae waif sighted sad the host west e ve hominid miles off her eouwe in her rein from danger. On arrival at Que- bec a Mamma who represented himself as • doctor was arrested es • spv. Wedded at Toronto. Mr M. Robins, the well-known gents' furnisher, hes been oat of town this wee. on • pleasant errand. When he resume in • few days be will bring with bias his bride. to whom be was wedded is Toronto on Sunday last by Rabbi Levi Tbe wedding ceresweey was performed on Sunday afternoon at 3 n clock at the bridee s home on Beverley street and war followed by • g rand reception. The b i.le was Mies C. Brenner, a beautiful end charming young lady. Aworg tangs present at the happy event were Mewls. Ernest Colborne end Walter J. Buabaaan, of town. Tbe Signal presents its coo- gratulation and beet wishes to Mr. sod !Ara Robins. A Farewell Luncheon. Members of the Mene.etuog Canoe Club met on Thursday evening at an informal luncheon with Mr. J. W. Kitts as the greet of honor, and es - pressed their warm .,teem fur aim and their regret at his departure from town. Mr. Kitts left oo Saturday for Kennett Notre, Pa.. wbere he and h is family win make their home. Another little affair at the Canoe Club port evening Cast week was the presentation 'of prizes won in the billi- ard and pool tournaments recently concluded. Mr. H. W. Craigie was ppeewwe�ntaed with a set of military hair- brushes. and Mt. Walter Shipman with an immense bottle of olives, doi.ated hy Mr. .1 W. Totten. School Children Perform Cleverly. Victoria Opera House was well filled on Friday evening. when the manual Empire Day entertainment was given by the staff and pupils of Central school. The program consisted of choruses. drills, tableaux, etc., and was decidedly interesting and well p. r- immed Aa practically all the pupils of the school were on the stage at one time or another, it :s impossible to mention all who took part, and indeed it wopld he difficult to select any par- ticular number on the program for special mention where all were so cap- ably executed. During an interval in the program Principal Sharman was called before the curtain and presented by the pupil+ of her own room with a handsome bouquet. Miss Sharman and her assistants deserve high credit for their indefatigable efforts in prep- aration for the entertainment Popular Company a: Opera Moues. In spite of many counter attreetiooa, the Sarah Gibney company were greeted by a large house on Monday evening when they opened their en- gagement at Victoria Opera House. 'The Bachelor and the Girl' wad the bill for the evening and it woe put on in a wanner that earned the hearty approval of the audience. Rides Gibney and her company are ' favorites in (lode'ich, and it will be learned with pleasure that they are continuing their engagement here for all of next week. There will it a change of play nightly. the program for the week being given in the advertising column of thin issue of The Signal. Tom,rrow (Friday) evening, the ever popular "Fast Lynne" will be the attraction. and on Saturday the farce .omedy, "My Uncle from Japan," will afford many good laughs. On Saturday. in addi- tion to the evening performance, there will he a matinee at'2:i0 p.m. JOB AND COMMERCIA Printing? t1 �e %ignat VICTORIA OPERA IIOUSE Engagement ,A 11 Next Continuing Week OF Sarah Iiibney and Co. PltE5ENTIN41 Monday "Thorns and Orange Blossoms" Tuesday -"When We Were Twenty-one" Wednesday -"In Old Kentucky" Thursday "Way DowmEast" Friday --"The Third Deree" Saturday "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Matinee -Saturday it 2.30 p.m. PRICES • • • 35c, Z5c and 15c Plan at Edward-' Cale LYRIC THEATRE TVR Panne. PICTURE HOUSE !Stowing Only the highest clam pbotoplays Special Attraction! Monday and Tuesday May 3111 and June IM Jeers Laky presents MAX FIOMAN and LOLITA ROBERTSON supported by an all -.tar cast nn The Man on the Box that well-known ronickiug romantic comedy Complete in parts Remember the hates - May 31.1 and June 1st Beosgb rail-, ae our programmes speak for themselves Special Note The specialties of this Theatre are : The very best picture, the very hest projbctions with the very beet ret equipment. :bus en- suring our patrons alway. an Sp -to -date. bright, snappy and interesting programme with no unnecessary delays. Always run on schedule time, two cow- p:ete allows each and every eveo- iog. Pay us a visit and you will be more than satisfied. t+, Admission as tonal 10• and ao Everybody Welcome I 1 1 1 Ne moria to 18 . week. Tombs Welted Mew' (labia r eto*Warbler.ai bet *Warbler. 24...24...W . paw. st fllarear- ten, Diemen earl l..rd.y►iev. Mrs. J. Itetttl.. spent the Jett Y •t.. Mikes lass lark co paw. Me. a.l Ln. Robert 1 Ilsvisiting br Mira Mme/ et Laud.•bers• visited Mr .n.e.r. Mr. J. R Oslb rr, es Viable* Day. R•'peniog services will be held at the S+Nation Army citadel. Waterloo street, on Saturday and Sunday, to be conducted by Staff -Capt. Waite, of London, awisted by the Lit. Marys S.A. Moos hind. Meetings will be held Saterley at '-' p. w. end Sunday at I1 a. in., :t pe. In. and 7 p. to. Capt. Gernw and Lieut. Froud are the local officers. Duff -Meads. An early morning wedding was sol- emnized at Vietot is al ;vet Methodist parsonage by Rev J E. Ford on Sat- urday at t1 o'clock, when Sarah A., youngest daughter of Edward Meads, of Ro+.eau, Ont., became the pride of l Nomas John Duff. eldest son of the late Robert Duff and of vire. Duff, of (lode!ich. The couple Were unattended and after the ceremony returned to the home of the groom's mother. on the Huron road. where • patty of nine sat down to • dainty wedding break - feet. Mr. and Mrs. Duff afterwards left on the G. T. R. train for Toronto, whore the honeymoon was spent. Tbe bride '• drew was of blue silk . poplin with black hat. Beautiful wedding ,' gifts were sent to the young couple by many friend+ at a distance as well as by those in town. They have re- turned to town and have taken up their abode in Mr. DefT'• new re+.i- dentee on the Huron road 1 LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF Alma/err we berg tier/fwae Msd to •. a sit arise and awedlawedthe beDYry. Mr. T. IL 16L1eti. of tar war et the Lue.a rt.. Pager. souls tows Is. the MOMS. Ia sattMd H...+e Yea Z. J. limey Martye with tries& le tindewea ter a few dare Mr. Clarence Uraa•m of Twest.. war rr a.sths Vtdorte !Jay Tidiest le Dews. Mr. tate end eaYdaea, mf Ileirt• .041 d Mr. sad Ms.. A •wltate weer W _ y. Mill LcMw. 11. A.. et el, OM - Meade Imilltiebe. we beim Ise no Mier lath McDen.eh .1 files Mr paresis. Mr. sed Mn. 1. W. Mew. Wm. r ..s rb ell. et Toseee. le rtstthtg ase deter. Mn. tlllk .sd .taw ,Natayss is toes.. tars MattisvMea. M A.Metk. W boss yields' Me b4ss.d. Mrs. J. It. Misted. the pant week. 111•. Area. N. Racer and trod. frees To. raw. rifted tier cart. Yrs (a1to Gros. es ten 11th. Mir nesltl. et Tensilew.. Use geed tato week et her .•gain. Ml-. Eddie T,. 17g$a avenue Mr. Met Murphy bar Wine a parttime le ten realms" mall Emile!. wits Idol a. W headquarter.. Mra W R Jasmine= and da.ehter-. Mferer Marlow wed Beth. of Termite. widest Meade as tows over the Malay. Pres M. 1'. Moore returned barna res week atter • two week. ret cel•b her rioter. Mrs lit R. Marshall. of ltralMed. biro. IRat.. D. V. Mentos. and 5' ewUk of Lsed.n, were given* of Mr..o.t Mr'. Hkk en Sunday nod Mesday. Mr. Arehl. Toes. n( the !t► Artillery Hr1- g.Ae. -swanned at Klew.ten. rpeat the week end with hir parents la town. Mr-. P. B. ►moi .pent Um week -end at 9t. I'.th.riw with h...on. Mr Rummell Fos, of ,he 1 'pion Hank .teff In that due. tin. W. .1. Revers. el Thief River Fall.. ' Minn.. h.s lot, r.w other wan after vwttng Sir...nd Nr.. Ri• hmond Orr then week. Mea 5 ,...•11 Hndee. and Maldive. nit Hide Park. Ont.. .telt the holiday with Sr. anti lire Henry Allen Britannia road. Mr. and Mire John McDonald and M.+• Acne, McDonald. of London, were vl+ltnr• .t the home of ( ape. Ang•n McDonald over the bond. t . Mr. and \In. William Campbell. of Drumm, • were the Rn..t• of their nephew.. Rett si4 H.IIWay Smith. Ea..t street. during the holiday .eawor. Fred, Rate. who had Wen railing on this . tamer Kerrors. whl.•1 w, ntered here. arrived home on Tuesday. the Hearer. having left Montreal on Thur -day of last week for 'Eng- land. . A GREAT PREACHER. Rev. John MacNeill Has a Reputation in Both Hemispheres. Rev. John MarN.ill, of Toronto. w'bo will speak at the Haptist church on 1 Sundry next at Il a. m. and 7 p. m., has a worldwide reputation as a preacher. iturin'g his pastorate at Winnipeg he we. known as "the Spur- geon of the Nest." in the summer of i 1913 and 1914 he supplied the pulpit of t ' PERSONAL. MENTION. the City Temple, i.ondon, England, of which Rev. 11. J. Campbell is the J n-. loos le wan home from Harlin for Victoria Day. Mr. W. J. Marrow wa. up from Ford 1'ity for a holiday . drat. NU. Dora Hop :In. •pn ret the holiday with pastor As the Baptist •-hurter has a seating capacity of less than :ilii. it i'. Advis- able for those who wish to hear Mr. MAHE OF CANADA i Are Tear Mitre Learn Is Save Each maturtng son and daughter should have a personal Savings Account In the Union Bank of Canada, with opportunities to save regularly, and training In how to expend money wisely. Such an education In thrift and saving will prove Invaluable in later life. Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMB -- e�. // // /J 7/' STRATTORO. ONT.. lat� stanse. bent m t pr•ctll train( fir. W. ker. t rMeM .aptsbessd Instructors uof��wvadr UMW,�.elseNe sea YAM fererite kelt at mare D. A. 5cLACfiiLA.. Principal. ft lends at OAR- MacNeill to attend the morning ser - Mr. Wilma: Wp:ie .t-':,: the holiday at his, •ice. as the church will doubtless be home in Durham. crowded in the evening. moFlorence De L.,og ytmilted at Stratford On Mondry evening Yr. MacNeill during the holiday. will lecture on "Britain and the War." Mr. \orman Romb.il wew home from To - Special offerings will be applied to the ronto for the holiday. SIrv. Uooege Arra + t :be Twenty-fourth (building fund. .1 friend..,t Srsfwtt't. Mn. Wilmot. of W�•aaasaaaa. Wireoodn. la visit- MARINE NEWS. ion her winter. Mire Porter. _ Ile. Father O'Neil. d Parkhill. was in town for a few day+ then week. Mb.. Blan.'he de Hendry •pent the holiday with friend. at Stratford. . GRAND TRUNK( R IkwAY SYSTEM ATTRACTIVE TRIPS TO Muskoka Lake' Lake of Bays Georgian Bay Algonquin Park French River Kawartha Lakes Maganetawan River Tiraagami, etc. Round trip [mutat ticket. now on -.le from et/min atonal. in . .ntar:o a' very low fares. wit liberal .too oveux MVSKOKA EXPRESS - Learee Toronto 1..11 a.m. daily. except Sun day. frit Mlu+koka Whatf. Hontsrtlle.khroa nein Park end North Hay. 1 '.mew.^ion+ are made u Mo-ko►• tyharf for Muskoka Iakw std at Hnnt.eil'e for point. on 1 Eke of Heys. "aria. L./heart Buffet car to Algonquin Park P.rlor, Llhrar> I 'ate car and first c1...+ ..eaebes to North Hey. Full pwrti.nlars and ticket.' nn *preparaton t• F. F. I.AWRKNI'C k SONS, Town t'.-eneee and Ticket Agents, Phone K I.A('DKR. statim Ticket Agent. 1'hon.• Y!• Anis 40. McLaughlin Buggies The tug Marion E. 'trotter. fron, 11, Amherethurg to Hyng inlet, and the tug France. W., of Owen Sound, hound from Collingwoud to Toronto and John • Graham. The tnteraeeat with a seowload of steel piping. carne took place ;n Colborne ceuseterv. in for shelter on Wednesday , Thetir.t pontoon for the breakwater TH.014A.•'11.1, Oa4. extension i• now complete and the A lifelong resident of ('•.Iborse second one n .11 under way. township, in the pet ...ft of Me. Thoma (ileo. Frampton, while eng. ed at Sallows. parird awe' ar th. Matte of his work at the Bermingham plant on his daughter. Mrs. Itod M. Y.nr.g, .is Monday. met with it painful accident, Thurday. Man lath. Tat. 4..........4 He was in the ant of drawing • bolt had been in twilling health for Ibe feet from some cement woe k and put forth year and a half and had been r.siesto l more strength than wee neer'.+ary: t, the b..uorf..rthe last .even week• the bolt came out easily and be over- He was born in ('e thn se tnw..►.p. balanced, falling a distance of eight November 1st. 15115. a n.oa of tar Mt. feet. Several ribs were Ltoken and' James gallows and !tares Moen, The injuries were sustained to hi. head ..arty part of his life .was versa rirer- and lege. He was token to Alexandra Inc the timber off !me fate.... '8. 1e8 1 hospital, where favorable progress. 23rd. 1.4)7, kw mea married t . .!Dyn' e A Port Huron deepatch, May 'gird, l tireen, win died fro July 35.8. Nall is (' says : "The anadian freighter Val Januar', 1413, ."•os. wopand re? See earlier, which was wink in .•olh.ion 1 granddaughter. Nia- J•as t Sal.,w.. . with the F ('. Osborn. -at the mouth i betook • trip West .,.esdiee a8....t of Lake Huron ten days ago, was nuc•' a year with the rnen.heee of hia farw+h ce•efully raised this alternoon. A(•erII there. Oet aerount of • .lietht or kir bring putonped out the V•le.rt Ler was 1 while there. he ret.nrsu'd h.:mr. weee/- Call and inspect our new stock of the above high- grade Buggies. We have the latest 1915 designs to suit all re- quirements. McLaughlin Carriage Store HAMILTON `1THF:FT Have you tried our new Bread ?- Cre-O-Malt -the tastiest in t11wu. Nett soft crest - clone-gra:ne l made from F1eis.:hmann'• Yeast. Everybody says it is the best yet. Try a loaf. There is thouotgh satisfaction for those who buy our Cakes and Pastry. 1f you do not know how good they are, we ,hould like you to try theta. Smith Bros. The 014 Reliable East St. Bakery "A Man's Attd ty 's 1-14 Passport" FRANK WEAVER (Professor of Mum( and Veer. geeced(st, Teacher Vmu C.t,ve .red Amu,,•S.n.w. LONuON, OW moo 5.-.!.., - Brawn Control. Enwew on .re For terms and .nfort, .4on .opt, PURTERa BOCK STORE hr ice now- nsatmg colt, wvon . f ('ot5.e' ne Ow hilt..(.-, towed to the Grand Trunk elesa•or ing his alt day, with the mxews(sst.. d dock, where the balance of her canto his testily in Colborne t.•wn.hip. 'Nr. will be removed. Thr boat will then Mellow,. pleasant appoint ion and 30.00d ►.•• taken to some drydock in the lower mature won fox tome matey friend.. by ' lakes." whom his death i. •incerele eesr.'troc He we. r, rsxn.rer 1 smith • Hill Pre.- byterian church bring one of it. oid- 1 est • ontmoniranl. and In politie. Is. weer a •teunch kn*er.J. rhrw - rasa land ens daughters aur...-- . fames.I Garnet and Natri., of It ore. Al - After en illness , 1several months1 beets : Mr. John Voting, of Ytl.hald, Matilda *mon, beloved wife of Mr. Alberta: \Ire. R M Voting. Mr.. Jar- Jaioes B ,w..,,.n, pe.eed sway on n via M.Hride and Will T. Sallow.. of Thnreday, May 'Jath. She wea torn Colborne township; Mrs. N. A Milford. at Mitchell in Ito- year Ianl and when 1 of Goderich ; Mr.. Harvey Reid, of a young woman was married to Mr. West Wawanoels. Tb.te are nineteen Ru -h, who p•sne.l away three years grandchildren, and Ih• following Imo l.ter. Som.- fifteen veers ego the de- t ler.. and brothers : \1rr. John W. nght, ceased wt to Goderich and in 111119 Berkley, Califnrnie ; Nes. Andres she era• in o tied to Mr .lames Bow- , Bogie. Colborne : \I r-. Janna•. Greer..nn in. He -ids. h, r husband, she i..nr I fort Huron ; Mr. Hort. Moore. (ireR- virr+l by two brother.. Arthur and cry, Michigan: \Ir. %Vm Hr,lphey, Hoh.rt Mutton, of Mitchell. The hen Mr. R 11 Mallow- •n.1 Mr. .Rohn S 1- 14eek pales• on Saturday from thy'; lows, fioderich. The funeral serene - The wendro.ed rasa W serinea paint. of advantage over the meek,. drawer 1n the race tins cee..s.. TINA 1. why garm.•tv male by �1�ato Ito Tailor are **tight for by men who are partic•mr. a contort, .1) .e and ga.od war Mg violins. are wowed to patron. of Pridh.m. Maitland Reynolds• a young boy at- tending Central school. bao ria leg broken while playing with ann. of his ecboolmmates on Friday hest. Oommencing May 89th then will b. • MM Of summer millinery at miss Oausem's, Hamilton street. Dee, 'Taylor. $mmer•aon and Hunter are ai Wading the Provin•tal medical convention at Teterboro' this wee► . Ws understand an invitation is being extended to the Associate M to meet 1a Ondeticb next veer. A great deal of interest i• being taken In the productions ■t Ilio two moving pieture bows.s of the town. They acv putting on g...d pictures and providing a very in,. w• ing line Of entertainment for the people of God.rleh and vic.nity. Tbe lawn howling near. n In 13ode- eleh opened on lbs lath .• 418 . good tornest of bowlers. Te •, .vest• is doubles were on tbe panne .a. toe all day, !.!epilog is a win 1,.. H T. "A- wards sad Andrew P.c e, in the *vet waist. with T. McDern. t.a Isad F. Words as waaewup The Beet Vssa is the second etc ' a MM. wen s. 0. Midget lad A. J ' • ohltbe rye•, eeltb Clem!. GINS* and r.ed Heat taking wooed place. THE POPULAR TRIP OF THE SEASON • STEAMER GREYHOUND 0 oderichto Detroit RETURN 51.50 Going to Detroit. Tuesday, Jere tstb Return from Detroit Ther.hy, Jene t7tb Osericd bad bali& Monday, June 14th It P.M. WHITI STAR LiNK ORIS at. Mira OBI UARY. Wks. JAMe..s iiow' es, That Tired Feeling The I sly forbears that .0 .ften ciao,* wails :.pe tone weal ber •s tikety Io mesh fr.m the wa.er%ng Id wistter slsne+ after awry Mit. ow t.11ed ,e w feels sew of thy. other causes to .11' ti .t .. usually a.rribe.l. M.ln) Rtmedics ire Suggested bet we bwd..ve you will rind Pier A Paof our Light. Sty, ah, Ie5 Qoerfertabte r.ng Shoes Sure Care. SHARMAN THF: Sittig: MAN ere resident on St. Datil'. street, the onSaturdaya(ti•ruoonwrrecondurtw{ 'writes*. heing e..nd,i t 'd by Re.. J. E. I by Rev. A. Laing. (tanto,. of Stout b'. Ford The patllwerrt4 were Messrs. , Hill church, end '1.e ...inning( wets* 1 i 1 Robe. Kilio•t, Fred Leckie. Benjamin ' at rest in Colborne eeo.etery, a ve v Packwood and Wm. Johnston. to -Mayer conMree of sorrowing f rends teuuen• took place et Maitland t wace ing them to the place of in - comet!, v. YWi. EA 11LIN. One of the gumtree; tridents of Ash- field pan.• d away inllthe death of Re- becca M .Icy. s ilow ot tbe late Jo: . Echlin. which of -rutted on May Ran. The dare,- .1 wan horn eighty-one yr.'s as o. Ih- Muted States. bob Mot 1,,. d to 0 .nada . or. her marti- me..Ixiy-• • e years . For forty - flee yeas- a o..1 r♦ n a resident df A■hI1.II hu. hand died ten yea,, ••e he ,. surrive'd hy laid son. an nngMe"s. fbr goes ate Ria 1. W see., of *shield i Semen. t. • . a I)en.el, of H(tegb- Iors. M. .: tt 1 d, of Moots.•I, and G.. Penn.. !yenta ; and I the deo 1 Mr mimick, of Crom- well. M hf•.. park. of Tor - net.. . 1 e e1 -Prefers on ten 11 .1•.e rd by Rev. H. la.'... it r. ts, Conway, ad ,i, r.. . ueears. ()bas. U•tvel, 1 slaw in, Jabs Delft* ferment. the palltwooer•. were M ••r Will and H. R. Mallow.. R N. Y a g. Haarrev Reid. Jarvai. N• Ht.1.• and H. A. Tufford. A LE•OFR FOR AGENTS The `WI t. 1 ... No ,r• threw a deeds powerful, .1.1tr t1.8'. • ieal to 'low or dinnIy 1wmr,•. D a .o -mute. and en. -•,n.ri . n+l . tl 1 v, the eetlaarii Rar.•er. tarn'- .+H -h n. wawr.M toll oil temp. v,• n ed, .,.4 "he ttlg m..ney. Wtdr sw•ke If -n• •nted. ►:selewir. Tear boy Si..n. +r d Me for mere awl etre. to age 1.. 1.. n. •. H U.LYAN, 9llnern y \. r.h. ne l' .''n'- . New Ooods fl THE `IN(il:k "sTORE 1• ;ups'. Ladies' Read % -made W.n1-t Lace Cloth. Silk. CT.. Children's Ready -mad, sizes ... Children's Coat+, Boni All lines of St.l,nperd 1 Embroider ing. THC a1NGEw M •TOR[ store flake Vol • sir Mnslin.etc In ped i)resses I.ckings• etc. .,ods and Sill • s ' • $2.25 • %car fe tO t15C cads for . L. r ' SPE