HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-5-27, Page 4Good Clothes
are most
to build ---
to buy.
Our Society Bt tnd
models are among
the conspicuous
clothes values of
the season.
In every line of
design, in every
detail of finish,
these Clothes dis-
play the refinement
and elegance that
classify them as dis-
tinct among reput-
able makes of
Special orders taken for
W. C. Pridham
Spray YOU Orchards
Nothing Pays better
I ani agent for all Spray
Mater ill, Lime Sulphur
Diy Soluble Sulphur,
both Dry and Paste Ar -
semi a of Lead.
—both power and hand
We have the best brands
and at all priers.
Come in Arid see me he.
(ore placing your order.
G.xlesich, Ont.
in the neat and
comfortable n e w
spring models at
ft- pairing
Pn a ptly
A ttended
TommosT. was.
Ts. HOUDAT.—The 1114h of May
was peste
',sly quietly in town
n umber toot in the races at Mitchell,
while a few wear w the races at Tor-
wThose I° stored * Immo
r: he Gime Seeing ail other
quiet ways. The opining of the howl -
tag grows took platy on the nth and
there • goodly lumber enjoyed the
day very •iedy.
A Btu Dunoawra*nott.—Oseofthe
greatest celebrations ever ts.dered to
!hisses of Blyth was elves to Cap-
tains Sloan and Jewitt, oa Thursday
evmi.g last. The two amities arrived
Isom on the 7 p.m. train from Les-
ion. where they are in trailing for
overseas service. They woes met at
the station ivy • large number of the
cities.* of Myth and vicinity sad
e bortlyi afterwards • preemies wits
formed, with four men os boeeebask
lad the Auburn band followed by
e tekteea autos and • gnat many
others waking. The procession came
up Di.aley street to lndurtry Hall,
which was soon Riled to the dour, and
• great many could not net in. Reeve
Milne acted as chairman and in a meat
speech explaioed that the sleeting was
called for the purpose of honoring two
of our eitiseos who were going to the
seat of war to fight our battles. A
n umber of other speeches were made
sad rotor rvocal music was given by
kraal artist.. after which Rev. T. 1
Fur, to whom most of the credit is
due for the success of the evening,
rem the addreis to the boys and Mr.
A. Eider presented each with a purse
of gold Catharine Hardisty presented
Capt. Jewitt with a bouquet of red
twetican Beauty noses and Loretto
McCaughey pretreated a similar bou-
quet ,tu Capt. Slogan. who both re-
sponded by kissing the donors in true
soldierly fashion. The captains also
made neat speeches, thanking the
people of Blyth for their krodnee+ in
remembering them in this way and
exprewing their readiness to tight for
their King and country.
Slater, of Mimico, has been here for
the put few days. He bee purchased
the lumber and tools of his deceased
brother, and has shipped the same to
Mimico Two young men got into
a scrap on Monday night and the re-
sult was that one of them was pushed
through the plate glass window of Mr.
T. McElroy'sstore, which will make it
an expensive scrap for some person.
Arts Coarses only.
'WI sea AVOW.
ti.tnlila� 11r`{1Ol�Jlllti s
GEMC�tGEM_. caoWN..s.bber
THE 110001! THE
Pure mood la Absolutely
Necessary To Health
r l -A-11' W n NI IGS
These Wonderful Tablets.
Mad. of Frit Juices, Are Th.
Best Of All Tonics To
Purify And Enrich
Tau Blood.
Pure, rich blood can flow only is a
clean body. Now. a clean body is one
in which the waste matter is regularly
and naturally eliminated from the
system. The blood Cannot be pure
when the skin action is weak, when
the stomach don not digest the food
properly, when the bowels do not move
regularly, when the kidneys are
strained or overworked.
Pure blood is the result of perfect
health and harmony of stomach, fiver,
bowels, kidneys and skin.
"Ptltit-a-lives", by their wonderful
action on all these organs. keeps the
whole system as clean as Nature in-
tended our bodies to be clean.
" Fruit-a-tives" tones up, invigo-
rates, strengthens. purifies, cleans and
gives pure, rich, clan blood that is, in
truth, the stream of life.
"Fruit-a-tives" is sold by all dealers
at soC. • box, 6 for $2.50 trial size 25c.
or seat postpaid oa receipt of price by
Frnit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
2ltb, when their relatives and
.The frosts of the ast week have
P all assembled to do honor to the uc-
done considerable damage in this sec- rasion,
hon, more espr.ially to the grans and Mr. tiro. Howatt, sr., of Winghem,
hay crop, and some soy the crop is attended the silver wedding celehra-
ruined, which would be a bad loss to tion of his daughter, Mrs. Johr. Phil -
the farmers. Some of the fruit tilos- lips, and is calling on old friends here.
some also were injured Miss Maj He ie looking hale and hearty for
Spafford, of Loudon, spent the holt- ' eighty-two years of age.
days with ber mother herr Mr. l
Roy Sims, of Toronto. visited with his NILE.
relatives here this week Mr. W. I ANarUBK St•ci'gwa —The annual
Leith, of Stratford, was a visitor in 24th of May entertainment of Nile
town on the 24th Mr. R. M. Mc- Methodist church was a great success
Kay contracted inflammation in one of again this year. A splendid .upper
his eyes last week and on Friday he was ,served in the basement of the
went to I. ,.idon and expects to he in
the hose .al there for some time re-
••eiving tieahurot. His father-in-law,
Mr. J. M. Hamilton, visited with him
on Monday Mr. W. Moore was et
Kirktoo laif week and while there die- elocutionisty,'tif Goderich, all of wham
posed of his last year's McLaugtiliu were heard with delight. Mrs. J. 1'
automobile Mr. F. McCaughey, '.infield was the accuupanist of the
of Clinton, who bas been assisting his i evening. The pastor of the .bunch,
ueele at the Cou.meroial hotel Wr for ?Rev. 13 Within., •i•te,l as chairman.
Putt couple of week., bit. r"'urne.l w , The proceeds am untrd to the band -
hu home U. resume his pos.ti in theta.: some total of $Id'.
Mrs Thompson and daughter,
Misr Jessie, of Clinton, vi.ited with'
her daughter, Mrs. 0. E. Me-•l'aggart,
this week .. Mrs. Boyd, of Tttessa-
lon, ie -pending a few weeks as the
ueet of -r dsogbter, Mrs. J. H. R.
Elliott Mr. and Mrs. W. Robe,t-
son, of Wingtsam, visited with the
wInt rk en's mot her. Mrs. Fields, this
rU. a, D. S aures and son, LomDao
Wiugham, spent the holidays with relatives herr Mr. H. lridley, of
Exetc., i-i-itrd his cousin, Mr. S. H.
("Wiley, i.e... this week .... Mr. and
Mrs. tV. Phillips were at A•ih.rrn on
Monday in attendance at the silver
wodiiing o! the farmer's brother there.
Little Jeanette Poplestone, who
hiss had a slight attack of diphtheria,
is, we are glad ut say, nicely on the
way to recovery.
church, and afterwards a musical and
literary entertainment was given in
the auditor' upst tire. The artists
j were Mr. C. J. Pink, soloist, of Lon -
dun ; Miss Aitken and Mrs. Hutchison,
wRDlrru i, kV, . May t.
Miss May [,candy, of Hlytbvisited •
Mr.. Elgar Laweon.
.lohn H. Jackson. of Sebriogville,
spent the holiday with his parents.
Miss Marion Wilson. ❑f oli I(iI visiting her sister, Mrs.(iron. HHamiamiltt on..Mr. and Mrs. Win. Munch, of Clin-ney
ton, visited friend.' here over Sunday.
Miss Fanny Scott move.! into part of p e 11
Wu' Dollies hoose in our village last
Mr. Roy Patterson ham secured • sit-
uation near Barrie and left un Tuesday
Dr. and Mn. Weir .'pent the holi-
is Rheumatism of the back.
The crouse is Uric Acid
in the blood 1f the kid-
neia did their work there
wr.,ld he n.. Uric Acid and
no Lumbago. Make the
kidneys do their work. The
sure, po.;t;.c and only
cure for Lumbago is
. •adv
Tr eIa {rte ..e N wwwwr tee rmr
• A. w► w
May se . ruts suedes
Ki 11 d zmArC. ■ i.=
days with the Doctors mother in
Stratbrn .
Wn.. Plunkett had a valnatale cow
killed by the evening l'. P. R. express
on Seturda .
Mr. and Mrs A. Asquith are on a
visit to their daughter, Mrs 0. Mc -
Breen, at Watford.
Mr. and Mrs. (!liver !'lark, of town,
visited the latter's mother, Mrs. R.
Roberto'', Witmer.
Our village father' are trying to find
the hest mean. of securing • water
supply fen Ore protection.
Mrs. Henry McBrien, of Detroit, is
renewing acquaintanere here and hav-
ing a well-earned holiday
Mr. and Mrs. (leo. K. Donated[ vis-
it .4 their daughter at Tavistock over
the holiday. returning on Tuesday.
Mrs. Walter Mare end family, of
Ooderich. spent Victoria Day with
Mrs Moore's father, Mr. J. Lawson.
Misr Annie Jackman and Miss Jkml-
ma ?loglaod of (city Hall, Toro•in,
spent the holidaywith their permits,
Mr. and Mn. W. T. Riddell and Mr.
Wm. Patterson motored to Ripley oa
Sunday. returning on Monday after
visiting friends.
Mr. Gen Finan.!r has the oontrsct of
rekleg the ,bocce off our *resat!. Thi
will improve eery much the appear
eves of nor road.
The Amhara braes bead went over to
Blytb ea Monday onetime to maim is
the demonstration in honor of O.►•
tains Moan and Jewett
John J. W !boa sold one of tis borne
and delivered it at Ssstore& o. Mere -
to Sennas. Ower tor hie driven
Mr, sod Mrs. Jolts PYUlipe eels
bested their sheer wedding nn res
1 S
TvnsDAT. May IS•.
• ries D. Ronan serest 8uad y IA*
6.4er4:h es di♦ss.
b Kr. Media.nes. the ho!Way at hit
Mr. aid Mrs. W. Pickard were Lon -
rico visitors 11 is tweet.
The Mie Holland s peat the boB-
drt) wdrade ra at L ,dose
iia vomited ad with Tor-
0a f. over the hoUdaJ���
Mt. /. T. Wailer is ♦iuisg his
sista., Mrs. B. Tebbutt, at lit�Olands,
Yrs. (Rev.) W. Godwin hes returned
horse atter 'Mitiog her daughter, Mrs.
(Rev.) R. J. MR'ormlck, at the parson-
age here.
Having merabased the
livery h.nl.ilss of Wm.
Koos. 1 am Improving
the equipsseat and in
tend to provide
Good Horses
Prompt Service and
Up-to-date Rigs
All orders will receive
prompt and careful at-
Ttrt,.r•Hnxa No. 179 for
• gond tem.-mt.
TUZSDAY, May 16th
Mfrs Luby of Goderich, visited here
last week, the guest of Mn. Tobin.
A little daughter arrived at the
home of 14r. and Mrs. Fred Quaid en
Victoria Day. A Zoog and happy 1i1y
to her.
A good branny of the natives spent
Victoria Day fishing, though only in-
d.fferrat luck seem to have been the
result of the sport.
Mre Tichhourne and her daughter
Olive, of Angleere street, Goderich,
spent tsu.day with the former's daugh-
ter, Mr.. Horace Horton.
The W. M. Society met At tba home
pf loo
rs. Will k on Wednesday of
last-w•wk There was an average at-
tendance. Mrs. Hamilton gave a full
repeat of the first annual missionary
meeting held at Hamilton three weeks
,•.••••••••••• •••••••••arra N•••••••••••
• THERE is something that you want that could come from this store.
Nothing to hinder your coming and getting it. Our goods are all they
:.a Could be and our prices are right, too. •
Eighteen Law. WWI.' to be sold at sacrifice
• prices. Nota the bellowing reductions in price,
$1.16 and $1.60, for 7111.
• 1.116 and 1 611, for. 1.00
• 2 76 and 3.00, for. 1.00
8.26 and 8 50, for 1.00
• 4.00 for 2.7S
• in prices from 60e to 104.00 • pair and a big stock of
2 Madras Nets, Scrims and Muslin, from per yard
12 jo to SOo
• We have great Silk values now in :brunch widths
at 111.00 and 111.211. These Silks are made
• from the finest quality of silk thread.
• This Corset it- a great favorite with • large num-
her of corset wearers. Note the reason—it Ms
• easy. wears well and is low priced for iia quality.
Ask for 1) & A.
TUroDAT, May th- •
Thomas O'Connor is staying with his •
son, Charlet, here.
Mil s Carrie McCann, of Dungannon, •
spent Sunday here.
Morgan Dalton made a business trip
to Stratford last week.
Wilfrid Austin. 1.1 ei.dericb, paid a
lying visit to our barn Ia.t Friday.
Mtge Florence Tighe, of Clinton,
is visiting her cousin.. the Misses
Mr. and Mrs. John Boyle. Miss
Stella Dean and Miss Gladys Grubb,
of St. Augustine, visited Asbfllid
friends. last week.
Misses Genevieve O'Connor, Patricia
Sullivan and Madeline Sullieaw, Wal-
ter Daiwa and Joseph Garvey, of the
Godericb Collegiate Institute, and
Miss Marie Sullivan, of Guelph, spent
the week -end and 24th here.
Fathers McRae. of Godesich ; Desn,
of St. Augustine; Fallon, of WVing-
bam ; Huss! of Kiukora ; Kelly. of
Logan, and White. of St. Columhan,
are assisting Father McCormick with
the forty hour= devotion at St.
Joseph's church this week,
Tt,sDAa,May 25.
Miss May Redmond and - Miss A.
Brophey, of the G C. 1.,. spent the
'solidity, at their buries here.
Mr. and Mre. John Boyle and Miss
Gladys Grubb spent Sunday with
Kingsbr,dge friends.
Miss Marjorie Leask, of Tcrootr,
and Miss J. Leask, of.Moo..•jaw, spent
the holiday at Wni. McAllister'•.
Miss Ellen Tooiup•on spent the
week -end at her home herr.
Mr. P. Edge, ut Toronto, has re -
tui reed home aft"r spendibg • few
days witb Mr. and Mr.. O. Heist y.
bliss Stella Dean is visiting her par-
ents at Kingsbridge.
Messrs. Robert„and Wm. McAili+ter
and Wm. Redmond spent Monday at
Port Albert fl.hiug..
Mies L.trie lohuelon, of Wingham
high school, was home for the week-
Mrs. C. H. Burns, of Toronto, will
address the Women's Institute on
June :kb, at the home of Mrs. Wm.
MCAlli.ter. Everybody welcome.
The general meeting of the United
Patriotic Society of Goderiph town-
ship will tau held at the home of Mrs.
Walter Hick, Huron road, on Wed-
nesday, June god, at 2.30 p. m. A
Image attendance is wished for and a
cordial invitation is extended to all
women to attend.
A Complete Wreck.
Two shipments is this week. These ars the vr'y
latest creations direct from the =thereEvery
few weeks new deigns are appearing w
to have the latest Prices from Itile to 7180
• A new shipment just in. The very latest for e
wsieta and trimminga.
that any store might be proud of. They will weer
well, they'll wash, they will give you every satin
faction that a good stocking can give and they •
don't cost more than some infer for makes it is
wise to buy Hosiery of thio Lind We Dever sold
helter lye hose their we ase selling today. Don't
forget our 2 pairs for Mibo. Just l2. pairs to sell •
and can't get any inure. •
••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••
WKDRttSDAY, May :d1.
Miss MacCoy, of Toronto, was the
guest of ber sister, Miss MacCoy of
Dungannon, or Sunda)' auu Monday
of this week.
Mr. Roy Medd, of Goderich, was
home on the lith.
Mears. W. McClure J. Walkow, F.
Jones and S. Medd attended the r aces
m Mitchell o.0 Vitoria Day. P. San -
aerosol motored theire in his auto car.
They repo, t having a pleasant time.
Mrs Wilson returned to Goderich
cu Sunday, after visiting her hove,
Mr. end. Mn. D. Sproul'►.
Mips Mary Snyder, of budericb, wall
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Devil
Henderson, this week.
Mrs- Turner is vi, tang friends in
Goderich this week.
Mr. Jas. Siliott has completed
building the walls of ler stable on the
mann grounds, Needless to say, the
workmanship is 0. K., and for new
etruciure promises to be a very valu-
ably attachment to the prr.pelt)-.
Mes-rs. T. Allen auil J. MCVerlaine
are busy stock taking in J. Welkuw's
store this week, Mr. Macfarlane hav-
ing returned trim his holiday trip.
Mr. F. Roes .pent Victutia'l)aywith
friends up at Amberley and Lnchal.h.
Mr. Everett Mallougb, of To. onto,
formerly of this place. called in
friends neer Victoria Day.
Mr, Geo. Case talk a trip to Toronto
last Saturday to see bin si,Lei, Moo,
Ethel, who is on the teaching staff
the. e.
Mise Vera Du is home for her
vacation after completing a course at
tt.e Notnrel (oltrg�.
S1'NDAY st.Hu$L tt-OKKI:Kt, OKeiAN-
Izlt.--The Sunday school convention
held in the Methodist church here last
Thursday .sits not largely attended,
but the failure in at trndawce was more
than countetscted by a spirit of
eothcsiasm. The chief speaker at
both afternoon acd evening erasion
was Rev. A. Luca., of London. a u.an
of wonderful experience. Those who
failed to bear him missed inspiring
addresses. Rev. H. Willans, county -
secretary, delivered a tine address in
the evening. Rev. J. E. Hunter and
Rev. Gera. Gomm also took an active
part in the discussion. Rev. G. Gower
taring appointed secretary pro tem., he
read the following recommendations
to tau submitted to the convention :
(1) That the couvention aaeaibled
form it township unit of the Sunday
School l Association of Ontario. (2) That
the following be officers for 1915: Pres-
ident. Rev. G. Gomm ; vice-ptesident,
Mr. J. Duston. ; secretary -treasurer.
Mr. H Treleaven : department super-
intendents—(l) teacher training, Mies
M.Bailie; (2) missionary. Mrs.R. David-
son ; (3) elementary department. Mr.
(i. Harris ; It) temperance, Mr. D.
Finnigan : (5) adult Bible class, Mr. F.
Mr. E. Caesar, of the Soo, a at pres-
ent the guest of his brother, Mr. H.
From the After Effects of
Pneumonia Followed
By Diphtheria.
Frequently the after effrcis of ill•
newt are wore serious than the original
trouble This was the case with Mrs.
Jame. B Moir, Mutana, 'task. Mrs
Moir writes : "Some year. ago, while
we were still living in Nova Scotia, I
was taken down with a severe attack
of pneumonia. I had sufficiently re-
rovered to he around, but had not
been able to go out when 1 was at-
tacked with dl.pbtberia. in my weak
ened state it look a terrible hold on
me and neither my friends nor neigh-
bor, thought i would recoveri did,
however, pull through. bait was a
physical wreck Thr muscles of my
throat were parelyxed, so that even a
sup of water would flow back through
my nostrils unless they were held
closed. My voice was almost inaud-
ible, and my eyes so badly effected
that 1 feared I was going to lose my
eyesight. 1 could only walk with as..
mistime, and it looked as though I
would be • helpless cripple. Medicine
after m dlcine wasneed hut did not
help m. Then a neighbor advised
Dr. Wiliiama' Pink Pills. f began
taking them hot had the utmost diffi-
culty in swallowing them owing to
the condition of mythroat. However.
couple a uple of xes had been used
i found it easier to take them, which
was • sign they were helping me,and 1
felt greatly cheered. i do not know
how many hones i took, but 1 con-
tinued their use until i was as well
se ever, much to the surprise of
all who knew ms, as all thought I
maid not get better. Sinop then 1
haus eevssl times taken the pills
when eon down and have always been
greatly b..nged by them.”
For the atter sife0w d divers and ail
wasting theins!e thorn le use medicine
ens equal Lor. WM' Pl.k PYY.
They searleh the him4, build ot 111.
serene, restore for ramekin led !ring
back d+mplsts beealtl and strength.
gold by elf -04101.s deniers or by mal[
at t0 emit a boa or oda boxes for PAD
from the Dr. WUllrms' Medicine Oa.,
Brea wills Oak
LTD., Canada's premier
hair -goods house, an-
nounce their visit to
The Hotel Bedford,
Ooderich. on t�
MONDAY, MAY 3151 r
when there Will be shown
an exclusive sample stock
GOODS FOR LADIES in Switches, Braids,' Transforma-
tions, Pompadours, Wavelet' etc.
An invitation is extended to every lad, to call and in-
spect these go.,.ls.
The Dorenwend
Sanitary Patent
i. an ahsolai.. necr..ity to
every man w ho i. bald. 11
will ...eel -1 your health
sod mak.; y .o appear
5 rate) ger.
Featherweight Hygienic
Re sure you see them on Clay of s jsit.
A denxrn-tration places you under no obligation
Remember the Date :—MONDAY. MAY 31st
A young stranger, in the person
of • baby hey, arrived at the home of
Mr. Wm. Mole on Victoria I)a He
bas come to stay. Congratulations.
Aram or OEM, etre or ?MEM. 1
Liras ('overs. 1
Frank J. Clean makes oath ria he 1.
,..aye periaer of the arm of F. J. Cheney It
Ca, dean! bwuhsr 1a the ('Its of Toledo.
Comity and State atoew+M, aa4 that add arras
will nay the eau, et QNK HUNDRItt' [Na4
LARS for reek and weary sale of Catarrh (bat
.asset be cured icy thy en of Hall'. ('.bard
leer. ',RANK J. CHENEY.
Beefs to Woes me and esb.erlbsd le sr
warns. thin mixt! day of Dse.abr. A. D.
� tar.t.i A. W OLEASUN.
Noraav Pvn2i-
Raa'. catarrh Care le taken lat.reatty, and
see Meetlaya�on the bleed and .seers ~tame
d rho •r't F Jd. (;RL t cel . tel Aso. 0,
ScaldW alle, , se
Take Rafe PUS kw w.uMttwn
Ideal Vacation Route
ODNytsaOMTlY a.AOstttso
Poistt •air earn
French and Pickerel Rivers
Severn River
lauskeks lakes
Rideau Lakes
Lake Omsnrls
ase! enc Os4Mlr W Taus SLOT e0
e.t.a Testa
1<tan s ti tie st.'� .RP.•- envier
BurrLike Gas
Detroi'-Vapor Stoves
elelleMellEelleile'- WWI
Nothi.ik• to Learn About
Simply light the burners and `et the
cooking on at once. You have an in-
tensely hot fire to cook with. .1s the flame
strikes directly against the bottom of the
kettles. We know this stove does splen-
did cooking and baking, as we use one at
our home. Call on us and we will be glad
to show them to you.
Howell Hardware Co
Phone 37 Shelf and Heavy Hardware