HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-5-27, Page 3e THE OCL IND ONLY I INOiNE BRWAR1 OP' 114 ITA• TIONS SOLD ON 1 Y18E MINIM OP , IINAID'S UMIENR Boo Kill N111Nt� MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS Anil 1.113RARIES hound or repaired. tOLtt LETTERING 00 LEATHER 000DS All seder% peoseptio attemied te as nevem M5 at THY MILAN AL Oedwtst A. K. TAYLOR, Soar:noon. MEDICAL I R. GIGO. HKILKMANN, OatrE Patti. medusa. u 0.ea. sad Min dotted ineseesa assts. Atomic tad esrvese u• .lttl•ta era s.r, se.e .ad Brest. p•rttal deaf see. lumbago and-NStaatie amealtee . Ade miss rs50re t with ret tae hallo. Office • ra•lissw, mercer Nelms apo St. Andrew rues•, At hate Mike Meeday-• w'edaeday tlsd tiattsray.: any 'realm by appdstmeat R11R. F. J. R. YORS'i'RR-RYE, EAR,' JJ now and Unmet stay. 9e.ss e Yuck Upbthated5 W steal Uoleal Ami4.. Yat. Nese sad l besot Guides chases. and MsecesW liy5 Struts, . "tr-lteUaKssaalS . Me eery r, ffi- Londe td, olltrn ...Lit.. ea, t to t D. as- f rs s p. es. Telseaeoe AUCTIOIUL THOMAS t3UNLKY 1 AUCTWNYYR Box 1, Ucd.rtct AL ln4ri.4 .w. kyr tsad Sal: at er5ua. artkka WO/ ww y. raiaar eadrd to. I 6... :eNpaear 1.. LEGAL ltAKltI4rLu. i3 .Lll'tTOiL it 01-AItY Pauut. ell.. lance--M:Ming u.nk bl..ea, mousier .Jest. 40...e. o.i . 1.... W,n•w• M. •:al h..t.t. 1.4141.• mad ka.srsaee. t•I(ul' CDtJt)r, n1LW t Pin/u!)P001 IlAItl.141 Cite. nuuCITUMg. NOTAYIYti rt nuc. kte. utaoe us W eq.mu, •eessd dew hem filass - him.. Afoot, u-a.rwa. . drat. I...a. w It..$ at Wilmot testae. W. rrucwnxrr. C.t.. J. I. anomie W. Peocssugr. Ja Is. CA4litt*N, M. Go MAMMAS l at. •011011..... n51atr peens.r Maw - ,r1Wl. 51444.. v,a0r'ey Mira User rise ,..nese. At l:uews r.•n4., edese5 neva lit 1 (Mee w. AOw. 1 a.rva Moa sone err Jar. i Burr.. Lulea haul •x ... w.piss ' 'LLAttl.ra usrtnuw, !..Crit, a,4.t1 .i.., lt/a. a_wwwr. na...w(. •w. , twain .M•a. Menet to raw 4 loose., ,a.t• SKAUIa:K, BARRRISrhK, SUL- �• rlat.r, Smart Pease sad t.«."ranee.. •sake -..own Home. UoNrtes. r I.0 Labu *AM4 b. LOAM), 11fL. $20,Duo PRIVA'1t5 2LJ De -J 1 '�f+dll rasa. Apev to M. N. CA r- aKu.,. d.rrt.t.r Mssaelna sues. o_Lwtaa. ti. t14i$ ltTetU . /N01 ftANCY AY.rrT. .lea aitn Littman,* : tlrttIsa. C.aetlaa sed 40.3(1.557. aomerms tato aarrro4O' Luau. try : 1 s. tames A.r5Yt W temeamse .urt•n•.ln.....a........c b oases. he& iipso nr •1111 Uo.5.a?ss basun ; ram L.K. e .l rite are U.ataeuse holes. um.... rowlsO e. mretaers e5rdt of VW" Lurie sod ih. user. wrest.. hit as 114, sictilL1OP MUTUAL ?111. LN. ot. tt aN t:b t,0. hvis ant ramrod 1.0a &0 *.rte iasmrva. 050..1.-.. if. Merry Pea.. dsa/ert5 P.U.; J .. 155.51). 1 ss r'. .. temente r. 0.. T-,rr . tar., WO.- 11 rose. OsollOcsa r. 0. tJtrmeNY.-rA r. iWred5r. amdmr - : 455.. Y. otters. A warm ; w urea' ler.. Luirel----. 355.. /wi•s5a i0easeas.. James aver.. Medi eve.. 11.5511 teens. 3.511555 ; Oleate e. Mdi0.u, e.-meatAisostio1130. _ L.keaCWIM Walnuts err,. s twtta h..e -- •5111), e5tarvr..dq s-semese• snr par ., 1.0wee...ar-t OW ,.5.t etaw ieS tr-•w.. Ws 3. Alarm+ • CMS.lag aso..4.41Ma, se 5t U. IL Liam • Y.•,w, y..Jug.55a .AWA, taaraMrta. •asWliii UMW It A1.1111tt ! . *LYW.kt. J.P. NOL LtUCS. ONT. L U*OR Or ILASPZAOY LJCW(ias Patent dollutor EL S. Lawyer IRA) and rent Olin* Issa1sea.tlM AtmtT P1 WSW' .•santam.i. la - PlaMewl voltam M milord sons. Pat- ents mamboed M all setsasWien. In St. James Street. Montreal. wefts ave heenes posey eitoMetateilateellellatiMPIONPIMOMPIMAMMI Brophey Bros. OOD111RIOH tin Loan aysdsrs sad esiaisers Orates seedsdy affiant3d to at aasem. might • ds.i. PEACE AT HONE MILE WAR LASTS M► Wilfrid Lasseter la Advlslap Temasl Llbersie sf Dakar o Dlssyssee Cawada sad Me W a r Y1resto. May 111--110 Wilfrid LAMP lata first public uttarance of public policy Muer Parliament nee was deo livered at the Ontario Chub Frits. MOM helloes the sassal bwa♦wet cf tie Lowest club rsddtatsoa $Ontario. 'laN tar as t have as ortty over eke 4setlnles of tka Llbenl party. we Yalu sot do was thing to prevent the $Sett goveramea fro •. go14 ; 00 wah the pry meetia of It, w:r pol- tq.- was the d tt net prom)"e to the two hundred . cusp it •ta s !rota all Net Ontario. He asked for a tee or- ation se•tion by ?remkr Mende' that no elsettos vwusd be kid der.rg the war. Iben. •her a few a'les:000 ti the question c: a (': nad'aa as y. Per Wilfrid ,devoted muck Hie to a dL- enssfss of t`.e war la 's totalol wo Iseeertal and tsternalioaal proOlemt. 'Akar M the duty of the l..b.:sl try at this tuner asked irlr '%'1- W. eo •leg directly to his theme. 'Mist 1a what we mast know That -. as 1 t e It, is to see that tie Iliale Is pree. owed to an end a -d to a gnat vtcU..ry. The tame w1''l come LAMA we shall lace to r.sume these ;-illifial discussioca, but we di not ver to do o Marta; the -•ar. because ww think there is a- higher duty laid epos the Can►dlan foe Although we do not in all thlsgs approve the policies of the government. yet we can afford to post) nae our d.ffereacer acid give all out attention tot e w.r.' ler Wilfrid went oe to men: on the thief subjects of difference :,etwoo: the Fed. rs, parties •'V: a raw tot endorse thetr fiscal policy nor aai!n their policy In relatloa to the se Ce- ment and t. evelopmeat of the no:,h west.- he aid. He dealt -ext with the preparatloca for a general election. "".Oe saw preparations on the other side for as Immediate cr at least as easy disso- lution. ' sold Bir Wilfrid; ''we saw them pressing and pressing upon the Premier to this end. and we would sot therefore have been true to the. e0emtry a wterests had we allowed ourselves to IM caught absolutely ::a- ping should an eleetll.n here come suddenly - It was because of the continuance oe these agitations that be now a1realed to the Premier and to his colleadues for an lm:::ediate asaoaacemeat that there would be no early election. nor yet one during the war. -Following such a i ledge. 1 pledge myself and my party to eop all preparations for an election. 1 hen there shall be In o;:r thoughts nein:tog but care for the. war .nd he em- Wre's ..ecess. The time 's not yet too for orient fcr such a iLdge; it Is ow Ing tram the Premier to the country, it would have been fuir.r1 bad. it come earlier." declared t:a Liberal leader. We are yet In this enc'rtaitty that we do not know yet whether or Lot. Parlament le to be` diasoived." Sir Wlllr.4 added Hat the recent comments in tulpit and t -:t ii cG:.at.tu(-d a sefdcten: mandate for so -y• government aga.nst any e:ec- t.o.. dories the -. r ; t rtod. He fol ! eci'h0 atilt tee tare a that if an ek:t.cn were forced the L berate Towle. 1. ;:ru:y w.th strong convic- t`r. s a d a: e.ror; ?oftey, opposed 'a .iL•t t; oe .o t..e ;G.t.y of the pre- i:nt 3-..J4.. ;:h Lan. -ate v ., v.c.;'d prefer infinitely to rt., a - 41,c) ad„i ;rd. so patriotic - a :::rid and nonce, enc of - ,;!; to c-ss_tlonl of • political . usprcct Seated union o' r .be to ::moa enure of ..scclt-'. Thcrc was an r t. be fo::cwed. o.te o: ......s LLerooces for the de- . .:.t 0: the s'..preme qu.ation.- NS ORIS SUNK BY ALIJED FLEET c. Th,t 4.000 S,.Itan Troops ..cre Drowned-tta!ian Torpedo Beat Lcores A.b.- t. May 2e -An official report re efeed bere stater, that a submarine atL•i: .1 to the ■l!ied fleet hes pone - t J` •be Fog_ of Mormon and sunk ... •rt ••ran.p'-r:s. 1t is rumor - ' it ' . ..r.aah troops were ' erevn•d. .estrrday an Italian e-- over en:ered Poe L.** sea. a 1'.t:1e :r1: nd close to the .tsr.trol _tion b r:er and bo:nbarded 4'1 destroyed the q.:cy. landing stage, sea road bridge anti barracks and sank a;1 the motor bots in the harbor. snfferlr;. no losses among the crew and no damage to the ship. We cap- tured 47 ,rlaoners including one of - firer and fifteen noncommissioned omcers. The prisoners were trans- ported to Venice Italy and the Stat.. Washlrgton, May 25 -After two long conferences with Secretary o< State Bryan today Count \taccht DI toiler., the Italian ambtaador, an- sounced that there would be "no dlf- fiewltles between the '•sited States and Italy on the question of coatis. band.' Italian Beeerv.. .ady /dew York. May 25 -''firs thousand Italian residents of New Tort 1 ,s already melted to be seat hose tar serene la else war Is Monte&, Al. sago, Pk .iphla and othet eines r eagerness to feta fee oohs,.M ported. Serowe Lose. /4sstry aoslogs.. nay IM-+De.i.seta 11016 lag Ma *gala essamateed Ilbaatek Britishr sea d ateeks have bees the Mitt by 110 !sada. width are 'ss i� eesssetty with rresdh weemeae reports Mat gin es el1< ' have .11 bees q+ebw .ver fits ere isl1wal 41111111111% • ..■. ' aswna lseeaa sew bean a3ifilsslllla, w1I>•sra J 11111 THE SINAL : G ODZRICH : ONTARIO MOIES OF OWCATE CIIIIiAEN Shedd Read lb' Latter -Om SIhok AboutFrwlittli cHer , Chidd% Recovery rIs EntirelyReliable. s'MM'�' ga2=� ' s y ain emit Mr iftkaall she n& aswe gaveMrseemed fee help her N mai a.ediq Mrs Neibee•t laid me bow msec had dose Mr lltie eDo I decided to soit alp w wade e, and It has dose her so isch Mr ohs Is Nall the time, her 61: gone. doe is stouter more bt solar aidiss � ter Abe hes bum efts M pity Qlsw easetiesaad w- I without ibses.dleb.••-Mrs. ALPS= SLACK. We know Vaal will buildup Inns sass and make them beslfh Y. and robust. therefore we ask of every frail and skkly child this vicinity 10 try a bottle of Vinol, our dot oo. cod liver s.d tree mode witIf we ma induce you to try a bottle sf V1nol as a body-bsibder and strength - in eater for your child, and you do not lad it le all we claim, we will return your mosey en dataod H. C. Dunlop, druggist, Bedford Block, Goderich, Ont. LIBERAL NAVAL POLICY VINDICATED liactlltsa Tune. • No one will question the loyalty of the Royal Colonial lostitute, or 01 it. jotarnal, the United Respire, for both exist tor lbe purpose 0t consolidating and aLreogtheotug the Empire. Its an article in this ,uouth'e number by H. W. Wilson, ',Mittel "1'ne Week of tax Navy in the %Val the writer comes out strongly in 'support of the Australian uavnl ssoli. y, tvbicti is the saws es the navel policy of thy. Liber- al. of Ueuada. On one vexed point of pubic] the w.r. he ..y., and Use events which iwwrdiately preceded it. have shed tight -the question wbetbrr it is best for the dominions to maintain series of their own. in 01 peace, or, in place of buil,'tug ships, to con- tribute money to the Bnt.h navy. Australia followed the fleet coeliac. As the result she nad ut.e bathe cruiser (the Ausrralu), two li,eht cruisers, three de.troyere, and two submariner in Australian waters when war broke out. This was fortunate, as Admiral von Spee'r powerful fleet r.ceptel Irons Tmingeau and eluded the Brittsh Chine squadron. But fur the Australian force, the Australian 1' _mad would prob- ably have been raided and the Aus- tratian cast towns lei,' under contrt- but ion or destroyed. That would have been a grievous buwiliat.iou tor the Empire and for the Molter Country. Moreover, when One cnese tat sun Spee began, the Australia Nei its a good 'ptwttton to bead hew off cud olive him east. The other plan was tiled by hew Zealand. She built • fettle cruiser at her own emit, but -under pt-eseute from the Briti.h Aduliralty-with ,ig- nal petrels; i m pieced tee ship at the British Government's dispuwl. As the result, the British Trt.wury forced the Briti.tr novel authuritirs to reduce the meagre shipbuilding proposals by the equivalent of one b.ule c. uiser. So that New Zealand's dtrintereatedness did not actually etaengthen theBriti.h navy. A shin winch would otherwise bave been built by the Mother Coun- try was built at New Zealand's ex- pense. Had New Zealand retained control of her ship, an extra dread- nought Aust have been laid down by Greet Britain. And in that case it is probable that, bad the New Zealand ship been stationed in China waters, se wee originally intended, van Spee would have been destroyed at the out- set of his career and the Emden would never have escaped to commit. depre- dation. on British commerce. The Jos. tat the Good Hope and Monmouth, with the gallant Cradock and 1,3(1) lives, would have been averted -the one serious defeat which the British navy has sustained in the war. Here is soniething to give the (tan• adieu supporters of the Borden dread- nought policy meson to do some think- ing. But for the Australian navy, Australian roast towns would have been raided by the German warship., and very probably the Pacifl•t coast towns of Bt tlish Columbia would have muttered the same fate. The Australian fleet saved hot h cewntries from that humilistion. Another point made by Mr. Wilson ie that New Ze.lariti's gilt of • warship to Britain did not add anything to the strength of the Brit- ish fleet; and very likely Borden's three dreadnoughts would have just taken the place of three British noes. Had the New Zeeland warship been kept in the Pscilb, it is believed that the Emden would have beets sunk b. - tore *be committed her many depre- datione, and pnwsihly Cradock's ship. and 1,6111) lives would have heeo .sved. Had the Liberal Laurier naval pol- icy been carried into effect. then is no reason to doubt that it would have been • moot effective help to the Brit- ish Goveepmsut during this war. MAT 11 - Wheleoste Predme � labi 1 num la aas er.., tr .r Glenne- gMw. largos Mg da twfea. 1fi16e;.sly, Map Ile; 4e. talon 111%oh Dance.• (2resmery prints. fresh.. 32 .33 Creamery solids .211 .14 Ikalry prints .23 .ss Dalen' . - 21 .21 Dna.►-i rimes, bwabel, 12 10 to $3•.14; H.P., per bushel. 3210 to 13.26. Bo.ey--Buckwheat. 7Sue • posed. to tins; 7c to 7%e Is barrels; strata. ed clover honey. 12%e; :4e 1. :4b, Has; comb honey, No. 1. e3 per dos.; No 2. $2.40 per doses. Poultry- Live Dressed Cblckena 11c to 14c tic to fee Yowl 12c 14c 14o les Ducks 1Oc 12c lee Ile Turkeys 15c 16c 20c 2114 Potatoes-Ontarlos. 50c per bag, out Of store; 46c In car lots; New Bruns• wicks, ft...per bag. put of store. 56c la car lots. Other Vegetables - Turnips, bag. bec; carrots. bas. 75e. 'vets. bas. 40c; parsnips, bag. 40c. Toronto Oran Prices Manitoba flour quotations at Toe- onto oronto are: First patents, ;8 20 In cot- ton and 18.10 In jdte; second patents. 17.60 In Jute; strong; bakers, 47.50 In cotton and 17.40 In jute. Ontario oats -No. 2 frbite. 60c to 61c, outside; No. 3. 59c 10.60c. Buckwheat -78c, nominal. Bran -Manitoba, 126, In bags, Tor- onto, and shorts, 278. Toronto; mid- dlings. 129. Rolled oat= -13.40 to 13.50 per ons. Barley -Ontario No. 3. 73e to 76c. nominal, outside; feed barley, 65c to 70c. - Manitobs wheat -Bay ports -No. 1 northern, 11.64; No. 2, 11.61; No. 3. 11.69, track. Goderlch. Corn -No. 2, 79'i4c. c.i.f. to bay ports; Canadian corn. 2 yellow, '9c. Ontario flour -$6.00 to 16.10. sea- board. Peas -No. 2, nominal, 11.60 to 11.65. bat very r arce. Ontario wheat -No. 1, 11.45 to 11.46. Rye -No. 2, 11.17. Canada Western oats -No. 2 at bay ports, 66%c; No. 1. 64%c; No 1 extra feed, 64%e; No. 1 feed, 6314c. elides and Weol Toronto merchants are paying: o Country Markets -Hides flat, sur- , ed. 141.4c to 151Oc per lb.; part cured. 14o to 14%c; green, 12c to 11c; calf - skins. cured. :6C to 17c; ;.art cured. 15c; deacons, or bob calf, $5c :o 81 each; hone. take -off. No. 1, 13.75 to 24.25; No. 2, 12.25 to '3' each; sheep. skins, 75c to 11.75; horse: air, far- ' men' peddl:•r stock 25<• to ;oc per 15. Wool -Washed co:.bing fleece Verandah Furnishings FOR the nett few months the Verandah will be the most popular place of the home. We have every- thing in Mattings, Rugs, Runners, Porch Screens and Awnings. COCOA MATTINGS and MATS We stock only the beet quality Cocoa M.ttiogs sod can guaranIre Ibem to hive the best of esti.. faction. Every width in stock flow 22 inches to 43 inches wide, from 46a to 4110 Pbone or dere for measurements and estimatee promptly attended to. Extra quality Cocoa Door Mats, heavy, full size, Id inches by 27 inches. each $1.00 CANADIAN MOARZOOK Rugs snide of Cocoa yarns, very attractive snd durehle; colon are sun sod walerps•oof. Size 4 fent el inches M 7 feet 6 inches.... . 116.711 Size 4 feet 8 inches by 'D fret. $41.76 Japanese Bamboo Porch /terrine, natural colors, all sine. best quality, per square foot 4to Extra quality Awning Stripes in green, brown and red etriors, 31 inches wide, per yard . 440 Old Bleach Linens for ' Old Bleach Linens are too well known to need well assorted notwithstanding the great scarcity time. Oor special Old Bleach Set. consisting of 1 Cl' io', size 2521 yard., and 1 dozen Napkins to watch, m a variety of designs in two qualitiew, et the art 810.60 and $11.110 Old Blearh Huck Towels. Special values in Old Bleach Huck Towels, all at old pr ices, in plein ani fancy design.. From, per peir.. 1100 to 84.60 June Brides comment. Our stock is fairy' of these goods at the present Old Bleach and Gold Medal Bleach Tabling,. by the yard. All at old prices while the pieo.nt stork lasts, at per yard 1100, Iso. atlo 81.00. 81.211 • Extra special values in White Bed.pr.ad., extra large size and heavy quality, only 311 in the lot, at cost h $1.114 LATHE STORE THAT IS ALL A STORE SHOULD BE." McCALL PATTERNS AND PUBLICATIONS. 1VI illar's - Scotch - Store TELEPHONE. NO. 56 DRtIIS MITE YOUR KID ,coarse), 20c pi r lb.; washed fleece. i 1 fine. 32c; washed rejects. 20c; un- wa4hed cowibiur E. ace toast se/. tic. unwashed nue Ce-ce. 17c. Cheese Markets Nar.nee-637, white and 485 color- ed olored verse bearded All so:d . t 18 9.16c. P'cton-20 ftetor:,ts lo',rdcd 737 colored and 124 wS.to. AU so'd at 18(,c. A:eta-dr!a-4e4 bozos white c'.•eese cffer d. Al! sold at 16 1.16c. St. Hyac:n:hr. Qce.-There were 240 p 'kagen but:. r sold at 37,.; 250 Fox, a chat se told at 17%c. Lo::reg-Siatcen fartorics offered 1.447 boxes; no rales; btdd;r.g• 17c to 17;4c. ('ovanayille, Que -14 factories of- fer t: 733 packebes of butter. Two fect- r::. sod at 28see: twe;ve fact - torte antorte.: eon' at We., • Two factories encdd Chicago Live Stock Cattle- Receipts. 100: market Steady; native, 26 95 to 49.25: western steer:. 16.25 to 3790; cows and hell. ors. 13.20 to 18.70; calves, 16.50 to 9.35. Hogs-'7e-eipts. 11 000; markt slow: 17rh'. '7.40 to $7.72'4; mixed, 27.40 to 87.70; heavy. 17.15 to 17 65; rough. 27 15 to 57.30; p'gs. 16 to 17.25; bulk of rales, 27.60 to 17'15. Sheep-Recelpts. 1,000: market steady; sheep. 17 4! to 1, 50; lambs. nctive, 87.76 to 110.10. Zest Buffalo Cattle C, tt'r-Recelpts. 225; dull. Veals-flecelpta, 200; slow; 14.60 to Hcga - Receipt-. 6.500; slow; heavy and mixed, 17.90 to 18; yorken. 17.75 to 12; p'ss. 47.90 to 27.75; ro ghs, 16.7,0 to $6.75; stags. 15 to 11.50. Sheep and lambs-Recelpts, slow; sheep steady: lambs, 110.75; yearlings. 16.50 to wether. 81.50 to 18.76; ewes, 81; sheep, mixed. 42 to 1816. Moats --W MI.yN Beef. forsquarrn. ewt111.1e do. btadgwarters.. 11.44 Camases, tholes .... 11.44 do. common 11.44 872 1.000; 16 to 19.21; 12 to to 111.04 11.0 13.0 111.0 Teals, common 1.0 do. medium U_* do. prime 11.0 14.0 Heavy hogs 11.14 11.14 Skop lags 11.71 12.88 Mutton, heavy 11.0 15.11 do. light 11.0 11.04 Lambe 114.44 0.M Sprbg lamb. LW 11.11 TM Seed Market tel. Prices quotas at Tee see be amnia" merr•iante f reelasa•d somas,qn, Nie. Gov t 1eme 1. pas ctrl: iia clover. N 1... alt.11esta3.11 de. No. 2 13.60 18.44 do No. 1 17.11 i7. et Abate. No 1 11► 60 1t. N dos No. 1 11.44 13.60 due Ila 3 141.11 , Nb, 1 10.0 11.44 1 3.73 3.11 If your Back is aching or Bladder bothers, drink lots of water and eat less meat I When your kidneys hurt and your bock feels sore. don't get seared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of Crugtl that excite the kidneys and irritate tie entire urinary tract- Keep your kidney, eleon like you keep your h1•wels clean, by flushing them with a mild. harmlessvi snits which remort3 the body's uripc., •waste and stimulates them to their nor- mal ormal activity. The function of the kid- neys is to filter tLe blood. In 24 hours Cos- strain from it 60) grains of .acid and waste. so we can readily undt•rst;ind the vital importance of keeping the :U.1- neUrva i.,acti:ioveta. of water -you can't drink too much: also Fat from any pharmacist abo'.:t four ounces of Jail Salts: take t_ble.poonful in a glare of water '-'fore breakfast each morping for a for days and your kidney: will set One. This famous salts is made from the Grid of 'rapes and lemon juice. comb ned wi b litLia, and has twee used for geaerl- tioes to clean and .;,r.uiste clogged kid- r.:y-: a:so to neutralize the arida in wire so it no longer is a source of irri- tation, ti; us endin_ bladder weakneu. Tad Salts is tnce enaive; cannot .: • jure: makes • delightful efTlrvescrnt 1. •,i.i-water drink which 'veryone si:ould •• r •.t and then to keep their ki l• re's clean ai.d active. Try this, also cr. the waxer drinking. and no • ' you will wont r what broom u: r I idne' trouble Aad backache. Who don't you organize with us Turks and Bulgarians and Serviene to iernend our rights in the t'nited States :%' '•I haven't any special rights In the l'nited Staten," responded the other quietly. "1 wee horn here."- I.ouievtlle Courier•Journal Seasonable Footwear WE feel the very lever we can do for you when you come into this store is to give yon Shoes or Rubbers that will be absolutely cow fortable and will wear to C your satisfaction We want you to relice that your 'roti- fers is onr first eoneidsratioe Our prices tae most reason able. REPAIRINO (leo. MacVicar North side of Square Ooderlclf Have beautiful window decorations Nothing gives so much pleasure as a well decorated window. Your windows will be the envy of your neighbors if you use the aXr4rA Flat Rod -for curtains and draperies Guaranteed not to sag or tarnish There is a Kinch Flat Rod in a color to match your woodwork or draperies. Every rod contains a written guarantee that it will not sag or tarnish h'a ea easy to have ave attractive window with the Rinsch Flat Red I Came in and see them GEO. HOHMEIER 1Craw fold -"Hee you' wdr hinted yet about a new lapsing honnet ' t'ra h- shaw-"Hint.) tt=Why, she's issued en ultimatum." Buffed,' Com iel. TINNIN(i OF A done promp.ly, 1 rei.'.'uahly. W'e'll your roof, put pet lead, t-, gutter,. or Ohms condition. LL KINDS h•ororiohly and repair ..r ..•new r chitun" v top co trice in *find: FAMILY REPAIR 1f you wan: ir. P , buttons •m alt- ,r • all kir.d- 1,r leek. t INA, 7'00 • a 111•w copper 11 boiler, mend toosoie. Fred Hunt Hamilton. Street Great Lake Cruises To Detroit and Return Week ly "Fresh Water Sea Voyages"- Oa the Great Lakee-ideal Travel and Recreation Crises -with all the material appointments and pbsemnt esloyneste et atm travel on the Largest liners. W31 Os .sera omit= wi r30/•1 wood., r waat0t Wit-155alse Poem Ca= l.�00i•r 75 5.din Mobilo a,w es Letss swan,-rf ws Yt•rwood W1 LAY M t.d•54 • Outrth, Fort W1111w1, Pont Amor, So" Macho- bloc, Goorzloo Soy to Detroit Aad roturw o this iligniern Flet of UM Liners n•w.l•s tat .t. Ws ,.s. Woos ase sortmo too awn .r lam• s+wler--nwsess Sr lis ld•.ro•d was oustest.i KLM WOO Pees daft* w "W 14 r ems men mw s1ww sore soeetay." 5e ss riste r tom r 5. y Sri i 5e l.samw- los. m mrYwaA Cheese Year tint- Mw 1• • i sem rt Mases ww maw ni loin.•~ NM ite:5mr suedeo lanfiaee a t- Meatn fleas rwf e. 16. leallneallem. nee Ao • v. S.0.5rmpsn.r .... w raw w�, pSMwr , itruletaie uiv=are mei rte.. NOR)HERN N‘ ;CATION CO. `).(r 111.3 . ('►itesuit)