HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-5-20, Page 10N Ttvfrs►T. MAT !i 11111 Porter's Perfect Fountain Pens Ahiwlutely the very best value given anywhere. Material and workmanship the best obtainable. Solid g o l d 1 4 -karat points. Manufactured by the L.E. Watermatt Co., and made in two sires. No. 1, regu- lar size, specially suitable for students, fitted with Clip Cap, price...... • 11.00 Satre Pen, size larger, fit- ted with Clip Cap, $1.50. Points can be had, fine, medium or coarse, and all pens are fully guaranteed. The Goderich Book & Stationery Co. (1E0. PORTEK Penslar Vanishing Face Cream will snake the skin smooth and velvety. It is better than other kinds. It does not dry the skin. 25c and 5oc a Jar at Penslar Store Jas. A. Campbell, Onrner North St. and Square Goderich Hus. 110 'PHONES Res. 3?i MARINE NEWS. Tb steamer Geo. A. Graham came r o. Monday with • cargo of wheat for the (iodericb simmer and cleared em Wedseday fox Fort William. Tie tag Robe. Downey, of Port Ool• hers*. MINN in for coal and abetter ea Tuna. .ed lett mgai. ou Wednesday. The r Val Cartier, which tial been lo hen twice title season, now lies on the bottom of the St . Clair River as the tseult of a collision with the steamer Osborne. The accident oc- curred on Thursday last in Lake Huron at the mouth of the river. The Osborne also sank. but has since been raised. There was no toes of life. Tom Carroll. Arthur McCluskey and Leslie Webb, Goderich boys, were among the crew of the Val Cartier. (lifts for the Soldiers. Members of the Women's Institute the feat week mad. a canvas., mainly .1 the business houses of the town, for Rtfte for the soldiers at the front, and met with a generous response in do- nations of money and goods. The fol- lowing is a list of the contributors, and the ladies wish to entire.. their hearty thanks to all : Western Canada Flour Mills, T. Morrow, F. F. Lawrence k Sons. .1 W. Craigie, Miss Garrick, H. L. Wet - sen, (leo. Hohmeler, W. J. Powell, 0. L. Coultis, Mn. L. B. Tape. W. H ( Bartieon; W. H. Robertson, McLean Bros.. R. J. Acheson, J. H. Colborne, A Friend, Mrs. Thos. Warrener, John Spahr, J. H. Pipe, John Cutt, J. Howard. Hodges. Bros.. Panna 1 Fair, Miller k Bon, .1. McClinton. Dean Bros„ Smith Bros., O'Brien k Leis W. Sharman, J. 0. Oaerie. Chas. Lae. H. Edwards, K. Pridhsm..1. .1. Mc- Ewen, W. J. Baker, H. C. Dunlop, Geo. Howneell, R. H. Cutt, Robertson k Mair, Geo. MacViear. J. S. Davey, C. Blackstone, The Star, Bropbey Brom., D. J. Curry Mier Rub E. Mc- Lean, Miss 8. Wells, 0.C. Wbitely, C. Sanderson. 0. 0. Newton, Mrs. Mar- wick. Mrs. McNevin, Mrs. F. T,rekle, Mrs. Nyles. Mrs. Carrie Dr. Taylor, T. Salkeld, C. J. Ramer. A. J. Paitridge. Blackstone.' lee cream is • real trot. Blackstone. icecream can't be beat. LOCAL TOPICS 94 BRIEF. The weatber bas been a bit chilly. but 1t win soon be warm again. Don't put ort getting that nonuser suit : sod you will need a light oveeeoat for tea cbWy evening.. rt hem tie falls bas the rood.. Be sure to read the opening chapters of "Peg n My Heart,:' the new serial Story to he commenced in The Signal next week. There have been several sharp frosts during the past week, and some dam- age has been done to fruit blossoms. but to what extent it is impossible to ay yet. Charges against T. H. Newell, at the Commercial hotel. Exeter, were heard befcre Magistrate Kelly on Friday. The charge of having liquor for sale was withdrawn, but for oblarueting an officer in the discharge of his duty Newell was fined *1011 and Ind) costa. A dance and euchre party will be bold at Hotel Sunset on the evenin6 04404104040.441144444.6.044+114.0 of May 24th, under the auspices of [sacEwal'f Estate Gnd.r{ch branch of rise Red Cross So - Misty. The hotel will be hated and patrons mire assured if their comfort being attended to. Mr. C. P. Bielman, jr.,and Mr. E. H. Ayer, of the White Star Line, Detroit, arrived In town on Tuesday evening by auto from Sarnia, to attend to the adverti.ibg of the .lune ezcursion from Goderich to Detroit. They are spend. ing the week In the district, billing the countryside with announcements of the popular Greyhound trip. KIDNEY HEAUACHE • caused from the blood being thick- ened with uric acid poisons eirculatiog in the head. Anti -Uric Pills cure all forms of kidney trouble. They are so good and m sure C. L. Connie guaran- tees them. Be sure you get Anti - Uric Pill.. B. V. Marion oo every box. Sold only at C. L. Coultas' drug store. Ezelueive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District Egg Coal, $7.25 Stove and Chestnut, $7.50 per ton BEST COAL MINED Any quantity best all Maple Slabs, Mixed Wood, Hemlock sod Kindling Moder or Pine.) TILIFIR1N its, Mee • imidgese elite or tH Make the summer more enroyable by purchasing • Camera. There's everything for p.cnre talons at car win. and we do prompt developing and printing. Headquarters for Patterson's Neil- son', and LowneY s Chocolates. C. L. COULTIS. Phm.B. THE Dat1GGIST n,e,.1l Nester. Uiiversity LONDON ANOTS[A OD[AT ADVANCE !Doom* liubled.-now S7l10110. Another Large Addition an Faculty and Equipment in Arta and Medietoe Greatly Increased Merril - moot le view Writs for pert letzten to : E. E. nraltilavelte, Ica.&Fh. O. PreMdeet WOMAN'S BEST MEIIICIN E Kill Aldus to TO 11114 -Than BAolteinittest. Own., Lock MO. tri. "I tam highly reeem mewl c fives" because they did me as awful lot of good and I oa..ot speak too highly about them. About tour years ago, 4 commenced taking ' Pruitt fives" for a general break -down and they did me a world of good. We boagbt a good assay dollar's worth. but 1 was money wellt beams they did all that you elafm foe them. Their action is so pleasant, compared with other laxatives, that 1 found only pleasure, as well as health, in taking them. They seemed to me to be particularly suited to women, on account of their mild and gentle action, and 1 tru t that some other women may start .eking "Frnitttine" after reading my letter, and if they do. I am satisfied the results will be the same as in my own ase". Mea. W. N. KELLY "Prult,m-tives" are sold by all dales at s(.c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size. ase, or sent postpaid on receipts[ from by Fruit -fives Limited, Ottawa. REO CROSS NOTES The following amounts have been re- ceived during the past week snit ere acknowledged with thanks : 300.00 -- The tion council : *23 01t -Mrs. Frond. foot (fourth payment I : $ w 3.u1-Mers. J. P. Hume. ZV. L Hotton l.econd payment ), Gro. Porter I.econd pay- ment) : 112.1*)-Meedame, McFarlane. Macklin, J. M. Field (third payment), Platt, Horton (second payment), C. Darrow Iseeond paynten' 1, Miss N. V. Colborne : 11.0) - Mesdames Strangg (fourth payment), R. Young (second payment). Carrie (second payment), Aitken isecond payment 1. Miert s Proudfoot (second payment). Driver, Swameld (second pavment), Murney, Mr. D. J. Neftel Ialtond payment). The regular meeting of the Red Cross Society was held in the town council chamber on Monday. As the treasury had been replenished during the week. Mn. Taylor was granted f$23.00 for supplier; Mrs. McKim, 1110.10 for yarn : and Mrs. Colborne, gat t'') for material for -nest.. A committee was appointed to arrange for a Red Cross tea and sbowet ; and it was de- cided to con1,nunicaie with the differ- ent women's nondenominational soci- eties of the town, namely : The Women's Institute, the different chap- ters of the Daughters of the Empire, the Rebekah'', and the W. C. T. C., asking them to co-operate with the Red Crow in canvassing the town for subscriptions. In anticipation ot, the absence of the secretary during tbe summer months, Mir Millar was ap- pointed to act as assistant secretary, and to take charge of the work during that time. The following contributions have been received by the Society within the past two weeks and many thanks are due the donors : :les Geo. James, 4 pun socks ; Mn. Janie,. Clark, Mies W. Ball, Miss Lob Mrs. Robt. Young. Mn. Robt, Mellwaine, A Friend,Mime M. A. Burritt, 8 pain socks each ; rs.Walter Kelly, Mrs. Burritt, Mn. Burkholder. Mrs. Summerville, Mrs. Moire, Mrs. Challenger, Mn. Thos. Bull. 2 pain socks each : Mr's. 0 Carey. Mrs. Robb. Clark, Mies Naftel, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Bell(Neboa street). Mrs. Tancott, Mrs. Hawkins. Mies 8. Foster (Port A bert), Miss Nellie Jane. Mrs. Handy, Mn. CnUffe, Mlle M. Clark, Mrs. McFarlane, Mrs. SUMMER SPORTS Proudfoot, Mn. Ford, Mn. McMatb, knitters in Dr. Hayden's office, Miss ---- M. Gut, 1 pair sock." each: Mies Lawn Bowling. Borritt, Mile M. A. Burritt, 1 cap The lawn bowlers will -open the sea- "ch. son with • tournament for the mem- bers on May 24th. Mr. James Yates baa generously donated six fountain pees as prizes, sod two additional prises will be offered by the club, pro- viding for first and secogd prune in two events in doubles. A special rate of fd hue been wade for new members who find it coo- venient to bowl only at oigbta and on holidays. Any such new members will he welcome to take part in the tournament on Monday next. Members are requested to be on band promptly s.1 0.30 a. m. Port Elgin announces • lawn howl- ing tournament for July 13th and 141b. Baseball. Three years ago at t be close of tbe baseball season there was a husoos of nearly 11160 to the credit of the town league which has since been lying at the (tank. The tams which beton league the lrue that year were the ro- quois, Big Mill. Twin Blocks and the Furniture Factory. R nfative. of these teams met nn ay even- ing and decided to wind up the affairs of the league. 1t ems agreed that the balance be equally divided among the tams, according to the agreement when the league wae organized. Amy team m desiring may draw iia &bare or turn it over to the Lakeside League club which has been formed this veer. Festbal I. The team known aa the "Y's- will hereafter he known as the Maple Leaf.. as there Is now ne Y. M. C. Al organizationin town The G. T. R tam Chet the testi hem the Big Mill in • fait, *team gear Let Thursday evening, when neither side scored a goal The railway mss were impregnable In gorel and en the defense {Lire. while the seam badIM advantage on the forward line, Um Waging moot of the play le Grad Trunk territory. The hall faled, how- ever, to get through. Lb. game ending In a tie. A. G. Nisbet wee the referee. On Monday er..i.g the Mapes Leah test the 0 . T. R. and the per forsseees of Thursday events.' was re- 1 p•ated, imitator team bang able to register a more. 1. the ieerrsd bait the Grand Trunk team had the beet .t the ,fuss, bat were weak en aheed.g o. goal. Wei. Callow wee referee Rocks are still urgently needed. The leg may be shorter for the sum- mer mo.tbs-eleven incbee to where the heel is started will be about right. Yarn will be supplied at Mn. McKim's, Church street. "ROUGH ON RATS" clean out Rate, Mice, etc. Don't Die In the House. 15c mod 25r at Drug and Country Stores. Min OBf[UART. Kai. Willi Warr. Mn. Khoo West whose death we uno a000ed last ween wee a native ed Peel c hunty. havlog been boin tllheI bons towns/Op of Cbieguacousy in Elbe bed bee. • resident a Hees meaty for the past t h,rty-seer o reek and during the last tw.nt y fls a years had lived with her daugbter, Mrs. M. J. Young. at Dungannon sod Gosh - rich Mn. Robb. Ttelaven and Mrs. S. Thompson, of Dungannon, acrd Mrs. John Parks. of Oekburn, Mae., (ire *sate:. of the decea'edr and nes beother, Robert, of Ogema, k., also gut vine. The tuner.' took place on Friday from the residence of ille. S. J. Young to Duo.reonon cemetery. iter. W. 8 Hager taking charge of themes: - vice at the house and Rev. J. 8. Hooter oniciating at tie graveside. The pallbearers. all old friends from Dungannon, weir Meters. John Mc•I Lean, B. J Crawford, David Sproul, 1 Thos. Brothers, Robt. Treleaven and Samuel Treleav-i n )(R$. A. BEL('HER. After an illness extending over five months, of tuhetculoei.•, Mrs. Sidney Belcher p•ssni away on Saturday. May 13th, in bet twenty-,eventb year. she was the youngest daughter of the late Jobn Fotdeu and 'Ira. Emden, of Colborne tcwuship, and was married to her now sorrowing husband in Goderich township, ou August lib, 111(18, by the Tate Rev. Reuben Mill - yard. Of the union one daughter was horn, Jean, who is now nearly four years old. Six ht others end two sla- ters also survive. They are ' (some. of Hoqueln, Washington ; Charlie and Roy, of Hamilton; Rohert, of Detroit: William, of Calgary; Mrs. Chas. Stein- bach, ot Ketoses City : and Alex. and Mrs. Richard Stll+ of town. When in health the dec.'a•ed was an active member of Vtctot to street Methodist church, taking pert in the work of the Eureka Bible class and the Epworth Lague. The funeral tot.k place on Titbeday from the family residence, Albert street, and was attended by many friends and svi ipatbizers. ltev. A J. E. Ford conducted the funeral ger- i/ vices. The pallbearers were Messrs. George and Harry Belcher, Alex. and Charles Fordeo. Robb. Nicholson (of Belgrave) and Richard Sillib. Among those who came from a distance to at- tend the funeral were James Foster, of London ; Mrs. Wm. McGowan. of Blyth, and Mts. Wm. McGill. of Bel - grave, Intenwent,took place at Mait- Isndtcemeter) . KRA. HEYRT STOWH. McLaughlin Buggies Call and inspect our new stock of the above high- grade Buggies. We have the latest 1915 designs to suit all re. quirements. McLaughlin Carriage Store HAMILTON RTR*RT There died at her home. South street, Godericb, on Tuesday. May lttb, atter a painful illness of two weeks' dura- tion, Mee. Henry H. 8tnwe, in her sixty-fourth year. Deceased wee botn in Aahfleld township, heing the eldest daughter of the late Kenneth Marble - son, and bad lived in Goderich and vicinity all her life. She was married forty-four years ago to her now be- reaved husband and of the union five children wet* born, four of wbom sur- vive. They are: Harry R.. Carrie (Mrs. Geo. Dunlop). Florence and Ken- neth. all of tioderieb . Three siaters- 8arwd, of Kincardine; Mrs. J. J. Me- Keozie, of Point Edward. and Mrs. W. W. Wilcox, of Detroit -also pur- ely,. aterive. The funeral took place on Thurs- day afternoon of last week and was largely attended. Rev. Geo. E. Ross conducted the service..., assisted by Rev. Jas. Hamilton. The pallbearers were Mews. J. W. Smith, C. A. Nairn, Thos. McKenzie, Robt. King, Wm. Boyce and Alex. Johnston to addition to all the above-mentioned relatives those from out of town who were present at the funeral included Mrs. O. 8. Dunlop, Mrt. W. Milne, Mrs. Jack Cracknell and Mr. Samuel Garter, of Toronto; Mr. W. W. Wilcox and Mrs. W. Piper, of Detroit ; W. Bailey, of Alma ; Fred Stowe. of Wier - ton ; Mr. and Mrs. Carter. of West- field ; Robert Roes, of Amberiey, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Smith. of Luck - now. Many floral tributes were rent as a testimony of the esteem in wbich Mr. Stowe was held. Interment took place in the family piot at Maitland cemetery. eras or Ow/o, ern or Tomoo, l Laces CoowTv. Freak J. weldor partnered esti Mat Me Ile J. . boar/ k Co. deem towea ss 1. 11. Cttj' .1 County sod M. will W sum HUNDfKI DOG LARS for mob Gad every sus Of Catarrh Wit eaaset be cared by the wo of Haire Ottareb Cure. FRANK J. CHrNaY. SwoWore re sad � � utetxtkeay of �. a (Snots A.W.Ot.&AHON. Nora*Y Pvnuc. Hall's Caner► (tire le tats tolera.87 asci sot • Mend, no Me blood tl meowM of aa n•teeor t a F. J.CMIYtCO., Toledo. Q 8.14 by all(�P730. TBelle moth' V ter eswtfeatlsa. "i)sar sir." wrote the aaxioue mother. "1 am atraid Johnny is Dot trying enough." "Dear madam,re- plied tbe barressed assure you that Johnny is quite trying enough. He is the most trying in the class." -Naw York Globe. Mrs. Neseedd (complainingly► :When we go aoywhare now we have to take the old street ear. Before our sear. ri•ge you always called a taxi. Nswedd : Yes i tames the reams we have to take a serest car now -Boston Transcript If children ere feverish give • light laxative like Rexall Orderlies. whieb often removes the came Said osly by The Rexall Store. lOe.. Mc. •sad Mi . bozssu 000EIM011T.cesn•• Try at II To M e M es .7e e w�se LW t a rt to We= to el ista . fns* e. w. • Mr Special Selling of Black Suits YOUR CHOICE of On atur(13) 9 'fit $7.75 inisi NINE Ladies' Black Suits go on sale Saturday morning at this very low price. These Sults are made from serges and broad- cloths ot excellent quality. The workmanship is the best and the coats are Tined With silk or satin. The actual value is considerably more than this price as you will agree when you set them. Sizes 34 to 40. On sale Saturday morning at your choice $7.75 More New Millinery Ready The special Hata prspar.d for the Sum- mer Millinery Opening have been practi- cally all sold and our milliners have been busy this week getting ready a fresh lot that win be shown for the first time on Saiutday. New and atitactiveshapes, the latest fashion favorites shown in New Y.uk. All ate representative of the popular style. for lett' spring and early smuttier weer. 'sVe will he glad to have yon came and nee thee* new Hats. You will find them decidedly -out of Inc ordinary and the prices eery reasonable. e Niagara Maid'' Silk Gloves Special exhibition on S.turd*y of these popular high-rl.ss Silk Glotee for ladies. Throe Gloves are now made in Canada and are the equal of any Glove heretofore imported. Unexcelled for perfect fit and wearing qualities. Support home indus- try and ask for "Ni.g•,a Maid" Gloves wben hujing Birk Glove. for apt ing. To he had in short, medium or full length "HOLEPROOF t1OSIERI"' does a'.ay with darning day Have you tried the famous "No Darn' Hose? These ate heel -mine more and more popular for they do away with darning day. Mold by the box only and guaranteed by the maker. For ladies, 3 or tl pairs in a box at 112 101. $2.2.1 and *3 (11 per box. For boys or girl•, 3 rain in • box. per hoe $1.90. BIG SELLING OF LACE CURTAINS ON SATURDAY Saturday morning we start to sell • big lot of Lie Cur- tains. Thews Curtains come in 2% and 3 -yard lengths, buttonholed edges, neat designs. Every Curtain has good style and good value. They come to us direct from one of the rig mills In Nottingham and are as good Lace Curtain values as we have offered for many and many a day. For easy selling we divide them into lou as follows :- Lot No. 1. 411Ie Lot No. 2 . - '7 S Lot No. 3 Lot No. 4 1.111 Lot No. 5 1.25 Lot No. 0 1.45 Lot No. 7 '1.55 Two Axminster Rugs at a Bargain Two only Axminster Rugs, best quality English make, seamless, +size :i x 4 yards, neat. small two-tone pattern in green shades. Regular value $42.50. Special for these two only is!•tb New Embroidered Cotton Voiles New Embroidered Cotton Voiles just to hand. 27 foches to :4) inches wide. neat, dainty designs on fine quality voile. White only, at per yard.. leo. YOo to 111 1i Saturday Hosiery Specials Special in Hosiery for Saturday selling. Extra good value. Seamless Lisle and Cotton Hose, white, black or tan : also seamless Silk Boot Hoes in black only. Extra good valor at per pair •- ftp Very fine Lisle Hoeg in black. white or tan, spliced knees. heels and toes. A quality that will wear. Per pair .. ...Bio Extra fine Silk Boot Hose, • beautiful stocking and splendid wearer. Black or white, per pair Mao and Igoe R.bbed How for cbildren. Strong heavy rib for boys and fine rib for girls. All sizes, at per pair... .... 25e Hodgens Bros. DIRECT IMPORTERS. GODERICH, TELEPHONE NO. 25 ORDER YOUR AWNINGS NOW! Do not wait for bot weather to order your Awning.. We will be glad to give estimates and guarantee closest prices for Awnings of all kinds. A new Territorial. who quite learned his bruin.-... .entry duty one night when brought a cake from the r.n' he sat oo th•gr.ea mating the major .suntered no in undr had not f•'rm The ono y, not recognising ea. on lou, did not 'elute, and the major • ft lend stopped and said: ",Vl at's that you ren. A. have t her r ?" "Cake," .aid the sentry cake 'h. gond u+tute.11y. "Do you know wbo re• ani- I act. r be asked. "No," said the 1 caw -e' -„ ter- :MISS:SARAH 01 BUST. with the SAAR letwnwT Company, se Viewer,* Opera me.el.g Mon DAT. MAY riot. sentry, "unlessyou're the major's groom." The major shook bis bead. "Guess again." he growled. "May- be" -bete the sentry laughed -"ay be vou're the major himself r "'that's right, ( am the major," was the stern reply. The sentry scrambled to his feet. "Good grantees r' be exclaimed. "Held foe cake. will vou. while I salute Y' UNURCN NOTES On Tuesday evening. May 26, Rev. F. J. Rutbertord. B. A., of Bemmiller, will adder the Bpwnrth League cf North street. Methodist ehurcb. An invitation is extended to all An Impressive servi* was bald in Knox cburcb on Sunday evening in honor of the memory of Does-cor- potal William Palmer. kilted in the r. - cent Alighting In Flanders. An able ser- mon urs delivered by the pastor. Rev Geo. R. Row, and the music included the Russian, Preach and British na- tional anthems. la Mr. Ross' absence on Sunday next the services in Knox church will be conducted by Mr. H. K. Uaakey, of Toronto. Mr. (]sakey has en inter- natiooal reputation as the bead of the laymen's taissio.ary movement in Canada mid ole address ou Sunday will be beard with mono interest. Rev. John MacNeill, pastor of Wei- mer road Baptist church. Toronto, will preach the aenivereary sermons at the Goderieb Baptist church on Se a r hey Nth. mad also w111 give a bobt� lecture on Monday melee. May 31st. Mr. Mwlfsll le one of the moat proem Meat prrsbsn 1. Canada and two wedge elle tineelted the bacealaurabte saes*. Milleelleiler Ualvereity, New Tr! Sts.. The spp.rteslty to bear Yrs ehwM net be etheed by any wbo OW ma posetbiy attired y of tea met - A Woman of Few Words. Mrs, Barry R. Bye. Maas .crest, remedy Meese Out., endow : "Your ash tt uble.3se Me , 544., great . 1 leave (stetsa three boxes and now feel like Selag and better thee I have felt tee yam, and 1 give year F10 PILLS an tea preba, ter they ars the best I have emir tried."' At all stood re. Its AMM. (federieb. emu ~d SO Oat S _ _PM _ «. a. 1w•s• wwerle. by