HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-5-20, Page 6THE SIGNAL f GODERICHt'ONTARIO CONVENIENT—Burns coal, coke, or wood. Large feed doors make firing easy. d.bmarine warfare Declared 1 •cvib ally Intl. -ran and Contrary to German Principles Washing:.t t. 'fay 11—The t :.:e.can note t• Ger tiny In the Luittunta twee was transmitted to Ambassador Gerard In Berlin last w.•ek to' prompt delivery. Secretary Bryan', statement is Ie:•gtby and abounds in expressions of 1:10 regard for the 17 Water pan is a filled "high principles upcn which '.he :1: ;wrist German govenaneat las a.• urnace without removing. ways acted." Accordingly 11 Colli ae on Germany to d savow the action of S>.z thelard dealer or write for booklet. Iia naval commanders in the Faiths. e: tilcC Cushing GuldigLt and Lute:ants in- cidents. All of tb se are formally Sold by W. R. PINDER: Complained o' as infringements cf th "sacred frees:oat of the seas" and tb- rlghts of A..ertcan citizens to travel ' freely upon the b'.yh seas. The not. Seasonable Footwear you cntue into tui. •tort• i1 1 o give you Shoes 01 ltubhrra that will be •hetdutely cow- fertable And will went to you: sa t is tart ion We want you to realize that your well. fate is our first con,iderat ion Our price. A:'• most reason able. 1 REP.4IRING Winghem .. — — reaanerts teat Germany moat ha held MONEY FOK MISSIONS. to strict ac•ountabil.ty for all thee- acts. affirms the pur•ose of the Unit. Sams Contributed by Methodist Con- ed States gu.er int to protact its greaauooa in Hums Canty, •travelling eta a t in indisputable right. relec•, the rapidity of toe warn - The :imolai report of the Cburcnsr y 'n, advt rt!:, t 1American merican papers Society for the Methodist Church of end ass' 1t$ tae Inevitable Inhumanity Caned.' shows that During the put .tf Germanys t.:e,thols of submartn • Church year the total amount rebore' ttar[are. for utissinnate purposes WAS gn;111,:11.17. IreinR =•21..1 P4 less than the total ex- penditure. The aruounta eontnbuted to the fluid by the different churches in Huron is as follows. Those pieces mentioned as Mint I n»" r epresent a single Church, those under "Cir cults" two or three churches : sera s:s. Brussel. $ G1at Clinton, tt'eeley Ontario. r lad Goderich, Notch 1l(J) Victoria :01 Iseaforth 429 1185 . Geo. MacVicar Godet•ich Auburn Arbneld Nueva le lirnmtllrr Belgrave Sheth. Bay field Centralia. Dungannon Exeter. Main James k itueilk Ethel YorJwieh [brand Bend.. Gorrie. Hensen Holnte*ville Lnndelboro Nile Walton Wroxeter Varna TORONTO'S GERMAN SPIES � r Three Most Important Arrests—St Kitts Bars Oa'faln German Athletes Toronto, ::a) la —"Two of tho :levcrest Gernan splay in Canada"— according to the statement of Mr. A. J. Russell Snow, K.C.. Gegl:trar t,• Alien Est tales—were arrested to Toronto on ,Saturday and 'r.terned at Bt•tnley Bariacks. The ..re Gustav Kiefer. aged 2Z!,andtodfri d 'Moser aged 25, of the firm of K.cfer. Moser f♦ C9., lispert.re and exporters, 1 Rr-:ck a.en::-. Toronto. They are • bathes of Karlerulte, Geri• tny, and 1.25► aa.e been :n Canada two years. Zell They. both :.re •xi'erlenced dra•_eh's- 11C1 non; they are well educated. alert 4'31 and keen. will plenty of 5elf-ass.-r- 54 :ion. The production of Kiefer's aotehook, bund on the grc :nd natl. Elft Exhibition camp. an') conta!ni.,g tea-. 745 eral pages of carefully preparel ob- I(tr6 servations and notes In German, re 413 tutted In it '-dtnte action. .ft 1.; 401 pro'able t!• ' .e military • a•:'''leCt . ' will conduct . roar •sea. d.h t t-ve.310 434 Ligation into :he edict end o, e-. 317 au.rns of tlx: L.:a ' :r- , '• Poth l 3115 been uncle: suspicion bees: se of •, :,t:. st-a.. ge ac:i.,,a since Ja::u.ry. George A. Hamm, con:mizalon ib Agent, 7f Wilson avenue, a:;d forme: n& Lieutenant in the German •41'11 J. was e3a ! also interned Saturday. (; • ! as for tome months barn under nb' rvatton 1141647 by the military authorities an,' police and sae several tim;s fo:n3 hang - $1 'ng around Exhibition camp under COLICKY CHILDREN. be lera.pret't of selling yanaleaeen t• tae Isoldiers. Fie has lately been :' yiag l i n get a pts : tt to visit Niagara. �Colicky children can be PromPtY This led to ..'s anent. crated by Bab)'s Own •rableta, because Ithe merman Runneel {beer rabic'', act directly 011 the ',tom- :'t, Ca'hitl.:ca. May 18— hires• sett and bowels and cleanse theist of ora of the llartln Road Il . a hay all impurities. Concerning them Nn. li•appoloted many Bcff'l , athletes Jar. l'. `slater, Summerville, . ti l ay refusing tha entries of all run- e t ttel : "1 have , used Btabyb Own iers of German birth or cxar.tctlon. TahRte and •m glad tar say l have the ra a opal Lc raa on ilettr.a Day. iounti them An excellent medicine for done promptly, thoroughly and reasonably. Well repair or renew your roof, feat yo.r chimney top, leaders, gutter. or entnie! in firrt- cla•, c..ndilion. FAMILY . REPAIRING. TOO It you want it'. Put a new copper trrt'o,u ane the wt-hboiler. mend ell kind. of leak, in (innate. Fred Hunt Ph.,„ Hamilton Siete! which accurately weighs, and automatically seals Lantic Sugar in dust -tight, germ -proof cartons. By this method of packing no hand touches the sugar from the Refinery to your pantry. Look for the Lantic Red Ball on each package colic and 10141 of deep.' The Tablets are sold 1.y tuedictne deaters or by STRIKES WARNING NOTE Mail at 25 cents • box from The Dr. W illism. Medicine Co.. Brockville, Out. IesMts. (lir.) Hunter hu received from her uepbew, espt. Dr. ('aweruli w on (sou (sou of the tete Dr. John D. Wsl- sanding positions on which the ▪ of London) a letter ackoowletlging Turco -German forces can take 1ta the receipt of a package sent from stand before we are able to move i Stern Fighting Before Allies Open the D:rdar.elles London. May 1S—Aahrn'•ad Bart- ett cables: "The first phage of the 7alllpoll fighting is over. The hattle 'or the possession of the heights of Achl Tlaba has come to a clos ►chi Tiaba is the fiat of the con Have beautiful window decorations Notting gives so much pleasure u a well decorated window. Your windows will be the envy of your neighbors if you use the —fee esneiss wed zfre ezies Guaranteed not to sag or tannish There i. a Kirsch Flat Rod in a r-eter to match your woodwork or draperies. Every end eonedea a writers geanoese tkst k wilt we sag or tarnish. Ire ea eats ea .M we esNweeles Washer mire the Kikadi Fief Red 1 ,.,,,1 d ... them GFA. HOHMEIER (ioderich containing gifts forwoundr soldier... The letter is dated April 21st, in France: s Lr. Wilson. "It is too bad," say "that l had no Canadian patients at the time, but I distributed toe tobacco and cigarettes so kindly sent by the good people of Goderich among the British wounded. Tbey were very pleased and grateful, poor chaps, and tot some sat teem I ant afraid it will be almost the lest smoke. It is wonder- ful the effect of tobacco. The first thing the wounded ask for is • 'fag,' and they •coitally hear any peon as long as the have something to smoke. W ala you please thank for me person- ally Mrs, Holt. Mas. Protdfoot, Misses Bitot, Aueehrook, Proudfoot, Strang, Roberts, Mllytdb who so generously sent gifts for distribution ? i described to the men the delightful little town on the shorn of Lake Huron where 1 hive spent am many hep;T days, and where my thoughts often turn. They were greatly interested, end deeply grateful, and tory send with me our heartfelt thanks. "We ate very busyjust now, as the result of the Neuve hg Ile fight, but the men are in fine spirits ar.d ver nptimre istir. Onotices a greet dif- ference in the wounded nnw and after the Wile of Ypres in October. i wish i could tell you eeme of my esperi- encw. but aril afraid the censor would not be kind to the letter. 1 tam leav- ing in a day or two for th • trenehmaeo will soon be In the midst of it. "Again our thanks to the good pm - pie of Ooderkb." Ladies and Gentlemen. ' If your hair 1• thin, faded or discol- ored, or If you are held, if you would makeoar appearance attractive and youthful and benefit your health and comfort. be ern you ors the Doren - wend Co.'s wonderful display of qual- ity hair goods at the Hotel Bedford, litderleh, oe Monday. May Slot Switches, braids, transforsnattoosa pompadour*, w•5.Ii ta, ere., ee nmesr• gnawed quality hair and worksaanahlp. Aho Dn,rv'nwend art hair -toupees for held .sen, including flan famous rani - eery patent atrweturre. You are oe- brrd a free demaestrstlon of say Kyle. Remetmbet the date—Mo.dsy. May *W. which automatically packs Lantic Sugar in white cotton and jute bags. Wonderful machines weigh and stitch tight each bag—no hand touching the product. These machines give an idea of the up- to-date methods employed in our new Model Refinery—where every step in the process of manufacture is planned to make—"Sugars of Extra Quality." 2 Buy in Original Packages Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited MONTREAL. QUE. ST. JOHN, N. B. hp the Gallipoli 'Peninsula and thus ;ommand the northern shore of the Yarrows. There are . others Just as formidable even if not more so. be- hind It. and unless the enemy ■udden- y loses heart all these positions must !e taken hill by hUl and trench by ;much, before the army can open the Yarrows gate to the fleet. Those wbo, In their Ignorance of the true state ►t anairs on the Gallipoli Peninsula. aspected speedy and triumphant sue ;oss will be disappointed." SECOND DNVISION LANDS UI Safely In England Sys Muslim For Shornelllfs Training Ottawa. May 1$—The Minister of Militia. Malor!;eneral Sam Hughes, announced last night that the second lknadlan division has landed safely as Ragland and bas gone to Shorn- slIt.% where it will be temporarily euartered prior to taking its place with the first division on (he Flas- Iers frost. The second contingent says Gr I Hughes, 1n all but Bile pefollce 1■ fully up to the standard se the first. Botha a Conqueror Loadoa. May 11—An official state - W et says that Windhoek. capital of Dorman Soothweat Africa, was cap- tured last week wttlout resistance by Cates of South Africa forces under Gisee .l Botha. General Botha has lensed a proolamatloe at Windhoek which says that. as the Commander $t the German foram violated The Rase Convention by poisoning the wells. General Botha has reserved Ike right to elect each roomfuls as lie may deem acting. Sr4tleh Seed«hip Lest Lefties. May 11—T1e British bet. Y.•hlg O.lfatb las been torpedoed la the Desdaa.0 . with a loss ee t.. MVM. Aaanme.mest of the loss M the Bernd was made la the Hasse of Uwsira Inst weak by Wheaten p.rchul. Met Lord d the continued froru page one. muniatte he would make even less of that eleven miles than the crow does and then Premier Borden's peace of mind would b. ,bettered. The weight of evidence istbat Prem- ier Borden s hiding place is somewhere in the lowlands where he can let well enough alone without observation from those who would make it worse by a general election. The call of the wild is, of course, a mere 'mese, be- cause Bob Rogers and Doctor Reid are calling wildly enough to suit anybody with en ear for (bet kind of music. (letting next to nature M another pre- text that won't wash, because there is plenty of nature right at bone. Otta- wa is now Clothed in the beauty of spring. The grass and trees are as green as a newly elected M. P., the skies as blue as Famine' Minister White's outlook. the mountains as pus pie as • peroration by R. B. Ben- nett The river sparkles like a ,liver shield and Dinoy Murphy's horses fiance upon the tide. The Belleau Oass1 has been termed on again Now that the warm weather has cone the sunsets, always highly successful• ran he viewed with comfort. The m000ligbt is at its old work and the Ottawa pacts are tuning up. The Chateau Laurier bas spread its awn - lege mad the nicest people in town are tak eg tea on the terrace. In feet, Ottawa is at her best. A11 of which goes to show that it wasn't nature that Presider Howden wasted to get nest to, b a oeetain dssss.t of human nate a Hist be wasted to dodge, when he west deb - leg. Tb. Premier leees41.4m the deb how to rem the Donau* et Meade. lie amts Memos b . die ee earthly .�.e nosmaim% IMO asses llemal obis tbe LaiLiserimengleirikediMes red sad ditty ream MM._ owd Osearls% bwith vrlth things to tell. Fishing is cart of Premier Borden's philosophy—it is the outward and vie - Agra of a lot of hard thinking. It will br the Premier's fate, a• it is every angler's. to have the biggest fish get away, hut what Is his *Very beside Bob Rogers', who had a general election get away from him after be actnally had it on the hook'! Being • philosopher Premier Borden noturally leaves a philosopher behind bim to sit rw the Rd. Sir George Fos- ter is the acting premier. 81r George baa peered the dangerotr age. No more nesse of traitors fcr him, no more feverish testimonials from Bir Mac- kenzie Rowell. Sir George ie now a philoeopber pure end simple He kooks back at politics over his shoulder. He is as safe to leave behind am Sir George Perley, who Is warming a chair for somebody I. the High Com- misaiooer'a office In London One philosopher can trust another Sir Robert Borden baa the greatest am - Odom. in Sir(l Foster. Meanwhile p�l measures B� not neglected. Dor- den went fishing • great howl bad come from Toronto against a general election. it was felt In Ottawa that Toronto couldn't be well, because never before had *be said • word agsinet a Oo.asrvatiee tioveresseet. Peet expertise wan that Toronto would swallow anything, en that them signs of a weak stomach wen viewed with alarm. Two days after Premier B orden disappeared witebrod and reel Bob Rogers wan ask gTand Toes to hold out tromp" was feeling her palms. The e.Mlt• emsforegathered at tea Limp IYmmatd • sad the verdict was that Otta- wa would have to go slow. Bob lingers was particularly alarmed. r mesas that Wi. and ether Tarp rltles ars the same and mom Im Mety t er th/mmMss to take tba std et gar itch Ito v helm 1. rarer e, athis e. the /r list at wee. H. F. G. Printing? JOB AND COMMERCIAL the signal. Great Lake Cruises To Detrott and Return Weekly "Frei Water flea ve age, Oa the Great Lias—bled Tamil — wifk i the materiel tomione—Mmises sppeimeseme mil plummet anjoymeon al ems e mud se As argest Lam. • I I.1�.ag�� ��as� sem r WM aw4�ns r amid= i• 1114w1141�1114w1141 /Y—far,ayftetter+,i Ilan t Oft emir Duluthhui. Fart Wiwi. Pert Mbar, $., aMae,#• ManitzN elltDila I.Iwors �.rCOWIN d 5, boo mmemEwe" wgran.�. gran • sod reline 1 saw stem r■ r Ovir es aarrUs IaM�� POND r assl'hhtate Ong lw �.aar r atm wl, w�� midi i .r h sew • 14ewr saiar"m'e w. `ant. nnw O_..ea Astir Ofdem Mw