HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-5-20, Page 5neighborhood have long looked upon the spot as an eyesore and are now undertaking to keep the plot in good condition. An Unfortunate Statement. A citizen calls the attention of The S' al to • statement in a recent issue of The Godrrich Star to the effect that beep all the teachers and scholars ct there are nearly one hunthis vacant t Victoria and Central schools and the houses in town. If this number is anywhere nearly correct, says this cit- izen, it most include the summer cot- tages, a large number of which are always unoccupied at this time of year. The statement of The Star is ing quoted in many outside papers and is not doing Goderich *ly good. Before Judge Holt. �f The case of Hnlme.ted vs. the County of Huron, which is an action brought by Mr. F. Holmeuted of Sea - forth to compel the county to provide him. as police magistrate for Seafortb, Tuckersmith and McKillop, with an office. fuel, light and furniture, and in which the eai.lence war taken some time ago, was argued before His Honor Judge Holt on Monday bias, when judgment was reserved. Wm. Proudtuot, K. C., for plaintiff M. (4. Cameron. K. ('.. and It. C. Hays for defendant. Morris—Doyle Mia Helen Het trod*. Doyle. ;Penna deugbier of Judge and Mr.. )tel Wald Louis Doyle of Godrrich, and Mr. Harr Camphell Mortis, manager of the i Harry Bank of Gon•,nerec at Seek Si.. Marie. Ont., wee • quietly Married no Wednesdayeverting, May Mb, at the rectory of timmaculate Conception church at Iteattle. flies Doyle bad been spending the part win - ser at Seattle with her .1.1. e, Mrs. F. R. Bourns and Mrs. W. B. Power. Mr. Morris was formerly nn the staff of the Goderich branch of the l'anadlao Bank of Commerce. Children's Aid See y The mosthly m ting of the Obil- dtreo'e Aid Society'' was held on the lith lest. at the roost hoose. The treasurer's statement for April showed enetribatkn,e est $l each from MIM Doan, Clinton : Wm. Hart. Bromfield, and Rey Muiereee. Gndericb : making a balsams ha the treasury of $Mases. Aeeowea toa111ng 87.10 were poised amid au sistisa it wasstrdeecided to pay wwaird-d tie 5ooletty residiny g Torroon- Toron- to. Oessey Agent G. M. Niliott pre - canted Me report lied In the same at twobee gtrte, tor when s oto iosb. W bees aaiie Mr admkesfos Into the dear Mid drab Wool at Belleville. It wee Collegiate institute attend such a ser- vice in Knox eh.trch on Friday after- noon, May :Nth, from :S 3f1 to 4.30 o'cloca . it will belunder the patron - Water and Light Commission. The water and light commission held its regular tweeting on Thursday evening. A letter from Mr. F. A. Dallvn, Provincial sanitary engineer, was read, outlining a uietboxd o 1 chlor- inating the town water, and -way re. ferred to the engineer. The engineer reported the estimated cost of in- stalling electric light service 10 John Dud on the Huron road w9.8 $120. On motion the application was granted and the engineer inrtruc:ed to install the service. The engineer reported that two additional street lights bad been placed on Hamilton street. The matter of placing a third light on that street was laid on the table. Two more streetlights were ordeted to be Every Thurdsy, "The Master Key." placed on Maple street and two on at tbe Model Theatre. Walnut street. On motion $2,000 was ordered to be paid the Canadian Gen- -- eral Electric Co. on the contract for the, equipment Of the sub -station. The $1(1,000 insurance policy on the boilers of the pumping station was EMS). env forward M the members meeting. members in me renewed. n h t' to locate actual A letter from Mr. Willis Chipman, trihuting to the relief of the wounded violettnns of for last. Inc prrsldent, enclosing plans and specification@ for a men of our gallant army. Mr. James Mitchell, sea. congratulated twenty -inch intake pipe, was laid be- fore the commission and approved and the secretary was instructed W re- quest Mr. Chipman to submit same to Board Pa the Provincial Bo d of H Ith for ap- proval ; also to write different firms for pries. A large number of ac- counts were ordered to he paid. Threshermsn to Organize. A meeting of threshermen of the district will 'be held at the Llneen's hotel, AVingham, on Friday,'June 4th. at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of organizing • branch of the Ontario Brotherhood of Threshermsn. Rep- resentatives of the manufacturers of threshing machinery and others inter- ested in the trade will he present Rebekah: Flourishing The annual meeting of Rebekah Lodge No. 1 was held on 'Tuesday evening, when the following officers were elected : N. (i., Mrs. T. Swart. : V. 0., Mrs. John Robertson : K. V., Mrs. H. Martin : F. S., Mies N. Tait : treasurer. Miss L. Gibson. The lodge has had a successful year. with • ron• siderahle increase in tbe membership. On Wednesday a large case of goads was sent by the lodge for the Cana- dian military hospital in France This case contained two dozen sheets, tour doyen pillow slips. four dozen towels, twenty dozen handker- chiefs, 2,1100 moul hwipee, Mk bandage rolls. It was decided to nuke tip an• other case, as h further material has been offered. Several of the town, - people hsvr eontrib.ited money, to- bacco or material. The contributors are Robert Elliott, Mrs. Smeeth, Mrs. S. Andrews, Miss (io:dthorpe, Mrs. %Vioter, 1 Seiber, Mrs. R. Doak. A Friend, MIA. Jas. Buchanan, Mrs. Taneott, Miss Amelia McLean, it. J. Acheson. Ernest Page. Frank Wood and H. T. Edwards. THE SIGNAL GODERIOH, ONTARIO T111OYDAT, MAT fe, 111 f 1 • i 1 What's In Your 0,1 Can MAYBE your engine's shig- gish—doesn't &s- liver .liver flee power it should—oats hot —smokes—and acts up in g+nasaL Did it ever occur to you that it may) be the oil you're using? Any piece of machinery) will devel- ops its highest efficient -9 only) when Prof trly lubricated. There's some- ttwre to it than simply 'Igreas- ing up." There's an oil that's just rtgl•.t 7".* ever9 part of your car—one that will vrw.you the results you should have. And we're in a position to tell you what it is and supply it. Wins also hMedquartsri for tis, and aunatokele sundries. East Street Garage Phone 243 1 1 i 1 First Reporter : 1 ascribed this statement to a person of the tint importance in the nation's affairs. Second Ditto : Why don't you men- tion hu name % First Reporter : I'm too osaideet.—Philadelphia Ledger. LOCAL TOPICS. County Council The June meeting of the county council will open oe the first day of the month, at 8 o'clock p m. Grocery Business in Liquidation. The firm of O'Neill t Co., �reee� hem has heIo Waimea ist $1=2 less titan throe months, has Rotas Into liquidation, with Mr. J. W. Crslaie is charge of the accounts. The store le closed this week. Central School Entertainment. The programa issued for the Central school entertainment, to he given to Victoria Opera Hews oa Friday even- ing of this week. Indicate that a very pleasant and intereetiog evening will be spent by those who ascend Goes Back to Detroit. Atthur Marriott, the young man arrested in Colborne towa•bip on Ap- ril 38th, was released on Tuesday by the local authorities raid voluntarily accompanied a United States officer to Detroit to answer toe charge of theft. For the Bylaw. Thome who are willing to midst on Saturday in petting the voters to the polls, by the loan of automobiles or other vehicIPe, are requested to leave word with Mr. F. R. Hodgen., secre- tary of the Board of Trade, Mr C. L Moore, of the American Road Machine Co , or at The Signal office. Death of J. E. Bradwin, Win*ham. The death occurred at Wingham on Fr idey last. I4tb ;net , of Mr. Joseph Edward Bradwin. en old and esteemed resident of that town. at the age of seventy-two beats. Mr. A. E. Brad - win, formerly of The Signal. is a son of the deceased. The remains were taken to Paris for interment. Women's Institute Sale. The Godericb branch of the Women's Institute held • eery satoceesful sale of homemade edibles on Saturday after- noon. The ladies of that organization hold such a reputation in the culinary line that the supply on hand was entirely inadequate to meet the de- mand and was soon exhausted. The num of $)S was realised from the Nle and flit additional was banded in by those who were not able to give sup- plies. Tbete was n beige amount of •e . • t!rtc theatre The Premier Picture House 0 0 Showing only the Highest Class Photoplays. .....•••••• 'Extra Special Holiday Attraction Monday and Tuesday MAY 24th and 25th DANIEL FROHMAN presents the Greatest of Motion Picture Stars "LITTLE MARY PICKFORD" in one of her Very Best Characterizations "Tess of the Storm Country" /1Lode1 : Aeatre FORMERLY THE *TAR BIG FIVE HOLIDAY PROORAflfIEI: Monday, May 24th The high-class service that this New Theatre is offering is showing its winning qualities in the very liberal patronage that It is receiving. The proprietor has bought, and is installing as soon as convenient, fifty more Opera Chairs. wbich will give all, when placed, the same comfort. The Big New Serial%"THL MASTER KEY" is a win- ner from the start. Remember the date—every Thursday. rHE SHUBEKT tc BRADY FEATURES every Trtesday and Wednesday are in 4, 5 and fl parte. Complete in themselves. May SS and VI, ,• WHEN BROADWAY WAS A TRAIL" A FEW OF OUR WINNING POINTS ARE: Courteous treatment. Fine, smooth. bright pictured. The best film servi'e. Featured stuff every day. Good ven- tilation and fine comfortable chairs. "2ualitq" is our Motto ADULTS lOc - - - CHILDREN 3c VICTORIA OPERA IIOUSE srnrsrmu •••••••—•••••• MONDAY, MAY 4th STARTINti ------ MAY 24th Miss Sarah Gibney and Co. PRESENT Sol Smith Russell's Pastoral Comedy The Bachelor and The Girl Sweet, Wholesome and Refreshing as the First Breath of Spring CHANGE OF PLAY NiGHTLY PRICES - - • 35c, 2Sc and 15c Plan at Edwards' Cafe A Superb Production Complete in 5 Acts. DON'T FORGET THE DATE MAY 24th AND 25th Admission as usual ape of the public school board one Col- Isgtaste Institute board. Suitable na- tional byau. have been selected and the scholars will be led 1n the service of praise by Mr W. Talbot Sharpe organist of Knox church, with a full choir of boys and girls trove V i.:toria sad Central school•. Rev. W. d. W rightun will deliver the address. Parents and friends ere cordially in- vited to attend. An offering will be taken for the Red Crow work This will be • great service and • must ap- propriate celebration of Empire Day. lar order cot w interfere with the Cen- tral school concert on the 81st, this service has been set fur Friday after- noon, the •. ith lust. Protect um Squirrels. It should be made very plain to the boys of Ooderich that tbey must not interfere with the squirrels in the court house park. The little creatures have become ver y tame and evidently delight in the freedom they usually enjoy ; but if they are to be chased or otherwise annoyed by cruel or thoughtless fess they will soon become timid and fearful of showing them- selves. We hope that the boys not only will not molest the squirrels but will protect them in every way. They are one of the pleasant features of the park, and it would be a pity to lose them. (Trouble In South Huron. There is said to be considerable 1 excitement in the southern part of the county over some expressions Nati to have been used by Rev. Mr. Smith cf Hensel) at • recent meeting at Exeter of the Ministerial Association of South Hui on. Rev. D. W. Collins wrote last week to The Exeter Advocate stating that Mr. Smith bad made a shameful and uncalled-for attack on the British army, which, he (Smith) said. "goes inti battle singing Tlpperarywhile the. oerwao army goes into battle singing psalms, praising God, and crying to (loft for victory." Mr. Smith is charged also with describing the British Army chaplain• ate 'A hunch of boozers.' The attention of Crown Attorney, Seeger war drawn to the matter, and' he referred it to High Constable 1Vbiteside, who io turn bas cotnmun- icated with Col. Sherwood, superin- tendent of Dominion Police, at Ottawa not only with regard to Rev. Mr. Smith's alleged statements but also ' with respect to the expressions of 'some other people in the southern part of the county. in official and other 'circles Rev. Mr. `smith is tact looked upon as possessing any traitorous 1 intent, hut is regarded rather as an eccentric who makes foolish state- ' ments with the seeming desire to be different" from other people. roc and 5c LUCILLE LOVE AND STRAND WAR Series Every Thursday and Saturday canned goods and preserves donated derided to leave the matter with Mr. by the merchants and others. Three' Elliott, and also a number of other were packed nn Tuesay and for- cases. The matter of boys under the warded for use in the hospitals in age of eighteen using tobacco was England and at the front. List week brought up and it was decided to defer a hale of hospital supplies, •slued at any definite action until the June ed be Thebethemean- ( the institute, who are thus con- time willendeavor tarmal BA NI1( OF CANADA i A _ValsarIe Feature eta Mil Acme' opened with the Union Bank of Canada to the names of two persons, LS that if one dies the family funds are not tied up just when they are likely to be most needed. The survivor can withdraw the money without delay or formality. Think it over—then open a Joint Account. • Goaierich Branch -F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager. PERSONAL MENTION, Ice•. J. B. and Mr.. F otherintham ere vl,lt- os• at Toronto this week. Mir Jewel. Mord le visiting at the home of bar uncle, Rev. W. J. Ford,llteoeo., Mr. Isamuel Pollard. 01 Mullett. -pent Sun- day with Mr. B- W. I ,rde, Bruce-treet- Mir* P14. Butter. of I4wrorth. wa., in town over Sunday. the vied of M4. .\noir Po!Iard. Rev. Wm. H. Wriehton i. attending the .umaser neeaion of M,•Madter C,.oer.lty at Toronto this week. Mr. and Mn. Graham Itobiu•on. of Torontn. were le town on Sunday visiting the former• parent ',l'apt• and Mr.. Wni. Kohl u -.,n. Ws are glad'tu . r Mr. T. 1.. Pre.t, who wad. be the hospital fora few weeks. out Again. He 1e rap4lly getting back to normal health. Mrs F, T. lytener and two sen.. of Ingersoll. are rI,ltins at the home of ll r-. P. MacKwan. Mr. Wegener was in town fora day or levo this week. Hie Honor Judge Hoyle and Mr-,. Doyle have returned to town atter -pending revrral weeks at Wa.hlprton. h. 1'.. and other point. In the South. Mr. M. G. t'•meroo. K, o.„ i. to .peak to- morrow evening at a nsSirtth' entertainment at herrn).. on The War and 4'.na,tIAn I'at- rlotbm." Mr. George Green left la•. week for Pickford. Mich.. where be will .ray with his daughter. Hua (iedertch friends wish him many happy d \ye in b1a new home. Mn.. J. 1.. KIIL,ran and taby Mary left this week for Vancouver to -pe, •"he. mer w41a lin K,Iknans sister .'..I hrdher-in law, the Hoo. Mr. Justice Murphy a' d Mrs. Murch). Wingbam Advance: Mr...tohn Slurdy and family left on Tuesday mora ieg for Ooderlch. where they will In future reside. Mr. Nturdy. bas .enured :\ 1,0•1 1011 with the G. T.11. in that town. • Mr. Joseph Hlake, of Hix ttapid.. Mich. hes been visit ne his brother. )ft. Wu,. Blake. of town. The combined age- of the two are about Ise yeares sod they are A batrty pair of > oar ng - sten. Dave MOMIILo, who lett I:oderieb on the reamer Turret Crown. left the boat et Mont- real and arrived home on Monday He asp maga, hater been rut $to a Month The Turret 1 rown ie plylug between Halifax nod Mont- real Mr. F. f:. Wetmore. proprietor of the Model Theatre, mos of hr. hnu.ehoht effects to town fife week and with hie wife and daughter hu• become domiciled 1n Park -t newt. In t house late) occupied by Mr,. .1. M. Hobert, and faintly. Mrs. James H. Johnston and daughter. MLA. :fates K. are the gueste thle week of Mr. and Mn. Heaver. Gab-rieh town -hip. Mr John- ston len Godrri, h •.oma time ago to open up • store at Drayton. Ont.. and Mr. and Mn. Cha-. Pennington ase noir tenants of Mr. John..tou's rosidence oa [hot -trees, town. Mr. J. W. KIM.. who ha. been with the Am ertcaa Road Machine Co. here for user two ear,. leaves do Saturday to return to Kennett ease, Pa., where he will again he en w th the parrot Company there, Mr. KATT: made w warm friends In Goderich and his intended departure la eaWh regretter. St. Patrick's Park. The triangular plot of ground at the junction of $t. Patrick's and Arthur streets has this week been levelled up, on his recent appointment to a Gov- ernment position. Empire Day Celebration. At the suggestion of the League of surfaced with good soil and sown with Empire. with which Victoria school is rasa seed The residents in that I associated, Principal Long has ar- ranged that Empire Day this year shall be fittingly celebrated h7• the teachers and scholars attending • special religious rer•ice conducted by the Ministerial :Association of the town. So worthy sen idles has been heartily endorsed by all concerned and arrangements have been completed to ADVERT IN TEE MORAL CLT REST RL$VLT$ THE •POPULAR TRIP OF tHE SEASON STEAMER GREYHOUND G oderich to Detroit RETURNAN DS1.50 Going a Detroit. Tuesday, Jess tqk Raton trove Detroit Tb.rsday. Jame \7th O.ierid' had bsilitilt Monday, June 14th $ P.M. WRITE STAR LINE Detroit lick. eet your ice creamsal Blacilstone's, wre it always b peed. Phddne 340. tc At Victoria Opera Mouse Mia Sarah (Abbey and her talented company. who are coming to Victoria Opera Hoose next week, will com- mence their engagement on Monday night with "The Bachelor and the ilirl." This company was very 1 ,r lar on a pervious visit to Goderich good Dov are expected DOOERICH TOWNSHIP. Mrs. William Doreen, of Thief River Falls, is vieitirg at Mr. J ale Orrs ;The Patriotic Society of (toderich township will have • sewing at the horns of Mr. John W. Salkeld on Fri- day. May 'Nth . Any lady :who ie in- terested ,n Red Cross work is cordially invited to aIteod. A hale oont•intip clothing for men, women end children, to the value of $80.90, has been for- warded to Mostreal, for the tenet of the Beigtast. 'ADZ IN CANADA BERMUDA a9uo3r sot ,SAUSBURY 2J<r 23� COLLARS ` WILLIAMS. GREENE & ROME CO.. !MALIN. ONTARIO, sa'••• Have you tried our new Bread ?-- Cre-O-Malt —the tastiest in town. Nicc soft crust — close -grained - made rirom Fleischmann' Yeast. Everybody -say; it i. the best yet. Try a loaf. , Th e is thorough satisfaction for those who buy our Cakes and Pastry. 11 you do not know how good they are, we should like you to try them. Smith Bros. The Old Reliable East St. Bake, y I'ho'nw THE FIRST STEP Often means so much. It h.,• arrant 40000e to thou -end• of young people who wrote for our a,t.Joruc a. the ftr-t step toward agood .al,,rifd podtion. Take the .cep rode). Addre.'. Central Hu.lneeeo allege, 3t Yon,,, +ttret. Tor Dote. W. H. SHAW. President. "A 1Man's Ability Is His Passport"' FRANK WEAVER 1 Professor of Move and Vocs Spec.alistl Teaches Vote Culture ,o0 An•s..< S.ner s LONDON, ONTARIO w.ehws - &eat\, Control. Enun:sa,.enl still Interprets,.rn. For terms ante ,nior maGon apply PORTER 8 BOOK 'STORE That Tired Feeling The tired feeling that Ito often '-,,,ries with Sp, ing weather fa as likely to result from the wearing of winter shoes Rfter they have been -Idled in as front any of the other rat,.es to which it is usually ascribed. Many Remedies :ire Suggested but we believe you will find A Pair of our Light. Stylish, Comfortable Spring Shoes .' Sure lure. S H ARMAN THE $}1('I MAN SINGER STORE Do Not Miss These Chikren's and babies' Spring Coats, all -wool, washable material. samples-- at wholesale price. Lades' Ready tet -embroider Corset Covers, lace trimntt., and stamped with small design, fine material, 7,0c ,,,,I �k. New' designs in Houschoki Linens, Pinot,/ Slips, Day Slips, Towels, Cushions, Centres and Scarves. A full line of Notions, Threads, Embroidery Silks 'and D. M. C. Threads. Mrs. L. B. Tape