HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1915-5-20, Page 44 TlgvassAT, MAY lti. ISIS 1'H.R SIGNAL 3ODRRICH : ONTARIO Good Clothes are most expensive to build --- most economical to buy. Our Society Brand models are among the conspicuous cloth els values of the season. Inevery line of design, in every detail of finish, these Clothes dis- play the refinement, and elegance that classify them as dis- tinct among reput- able makes of Clothing. Special orders taken for SOCIETY BRAND. W. C. Pridham SOLE AGENT Godericb BLYTH. TUISDAY, May 18, Nin MneH DaMaeg.-Frost visited this locality a couple of nights this week. doing slight damage to the gram In low lands. but otherwise we have not heard of any damage. Ths rain of Sunday helped to take the trot out, but the weather is still remaining oold. 1t is to he hoped no heavy frost will Dome, es the grain le In • tender stats on account of the rapid growth at the beginning of the month. Orru'Erw KtscrID.-At the annual mestiog of the Ladies' Aid /society of the Methodist church held last week the following officers were elected : Honorary president, Mrs. A. B. Carr; president. Mn. Jas. Heekstep; vice- president, Mrs. R. Johnston ; record- ing se-retary, Mn. (Rev.) Jewitt ; as- sistant secretor , Al re. T. Brown ; treasurer, Mie. F. Haggitt. Mi..io AYY Mor'IcTY OrrlCgai .- At a recent meeting of the W. M. S. of the Methodist church, the follow- ing officers were elected for the ensu- ing year : tion. plesideiot Mrs S. H. Oidley ; president, Mrs. A. B Carr ; 1st vice-president. Mrs. J. Mains ; Sud vice president, Mrs. B. Taylor ; rec.- secretary. Mrs. J Colclougb ; eor..ec- retary. airs 11 Wightmen ; ts•saeurer, Mn. C. H. Bees.: organist, Mrs. I. Brown; am't organbt, Mrs. (Rev.) Jewitt ; superintendent of Systematic Giving, Mrs. (Rev.) Jewitt : superin- tendent of Mission Bund, Mrs. M. Young ; vet superintendent of Mis- sion Bend, Mn. E. Bender ; auditors, Mn. F. Haggitt an 1 Mrs. W. H. Mc Elroy : outlook and report committee. Mrs. Granby and Mrs. Burling. To Hornig BLYTH CAPTAINS.-Ar- rangewenta have been made fora pub- lic presentation to Captains Sloan and Jewett, of this town, who have en- listed with the 33rd Battalion for over- seas service. The two captains will arrive here on Thursday night and will be met at the G. T. R. station and brought to the town hall, where • number of addresses will be delivered and the presentation wade. These two gentlemen are the onlyrepre- sentatives Blyth has sent to te front. A WILL CAN.. -Mr. James Nesbitt, wbodied here some time ago. left a will bequeathing his farm in Morris to his son, Robert. One of his daugh- ters, Mn. T. McKenzie, of Clinton. con- sidered she was not used rightly and tried to break the will, and on Saturday the case came up at (lode - rich before Judge Holt, who after go- ing into the matter threw out the ap- plication and decided that the will should stand. Those in attendance from here were Rope. Nesbitt, Wm. Pollock, one of the executors, Thos. Code, who drew up the will, and Rich- ard Somers, who witnessed it. The verdict is a popular one in this local- ity. PERSONAL AND GVNERAL. - Mtge Ella Metcalf has, • slight attack of typhoid fever, but we are glad to say she is getting along well. Miss Annie Spafford, of London a trained burse, is attending her Masers. Brinton Bros. h . t'-. n busily engaged of late with a I • ,;e ittali pulling the wool off t wo car.osds of Awl raiian shoe kine. They have now completed Weir job and will have some very fine wool to put on the market .... Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tunney's three small children have been confined to their beds with an attack of spinal meningitis, but under the ireful attention of Dr. Alli.on i they are improving nicely. Aa 1 here are DO many caws emotive. the sol- diers, with fatal re•.ult, we would ad- v se he authorities to t.e: i he I/..rtor ton.. his i,.r:no•nt oti th•tu Mr. Tb. s. Colter 11 hitt trott•ng stallion to . 01.41) et H n•kuytham, (jue'.er•, fir the Minden., sun, of $7110 and arc .tu- peni.si it t•'. 1hut •a), Ti, its destina- tion .. \1.. Al. x. Haulm enter- tained a mintier of her young friends at her home on Thut•..Inv evemug.... Mr. and %Ire. J. L. Williams are vis- iting with the 1.tte,'s .titer, Mts. Henry John -tort. et H.-Iirr'se . ... Quite s 'ronhrr f her- are naming en taking in the rnrr. at Mitch. -11 tin the 24th, while other* will go to the Toronto races Messrs. E. Watson k Sons shipped two can of cattle to Toronto and one of hogs last week.... Mr. G. E. McTaggart has built a new garage on his property for his new car Mr. L Hill da building w band - goal. verandah on his residence on Dinsley street which will beautify it greatly .. . Mies Annie White, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Spafford, for a short time. left last week for London, where she will re- main • while Min Lily Carr, who has been sper.ding souse time at her horse here docs passing ben final ex- amination for • deaconess, left on Tuesday tot Toronto. where she will be engaged by the mission In her chosen profession, Spray Y cies Urcilards >I Nothing Pays batter I am agent for all Spray Material, Lime Sulphur Dry Soluble Sulphur, both Dry and Paste Ar- senate of Lead. SPRAY PUt1P5 -both power and hand machine.. FERTILIZERS We have the beat brands and at all prices. Come in and see me be- fore placing your order. D. F. HAMLINK, tinderich, Ont. SPRING Footwear in the neat and comfortable n e w spring models at McClinton's Repairing Promptly A ttended - to - CANADIAN PACIFIC For WINNIPEG and VANCOUVER Iea,'r Tnr..,.tn InJO p nt. daily Attrwrli,, Toxin to PACIFIC ('OAST POINTS Partimilar. from Jo.. Kidd, C p K toe Asset. w • M. n. moD. ooriirr King and Tease Streets. Tse.ts $C$OOL REPORTS. No. R. ASHFiRLD. Sr. 4tb-Lottie McKenzie 179, Isa- belle McDonald UM, Win McDonaM 146, WW Johnston 114. Jr. 41b --John Mala 137, McKenzie, I87, Rich West 1411,*Striate., iheenan 111, s 1ar Melvor iia Jr. 9rd and 1st - Heroid OolMnsoa 171L. tatbar4n• Me - Donald 101, Henry West 107, Leis Me. Keogh lig. *Masted pert of esernIne- tiass. J. O. Y. talre, Teacher. BACK- ACHE If you have 11'ackache you haw Kidney Disease. If yam neglect Backache it will develop into something worse -Bright • Dir ease or Diabase". There boo bac r. urhdney og yw is t ioe back. Cure the kis. Tb be dneyonly ons kidney medbut it cures backache every time- Dodd's Sidney Pills s eighty-four years of rite she wouldn't confess to being tired. WOUNDED. -All regret to hear that William Hocking, who formerly lived here for a few year. before removing to the West, where be enlisted for ac- tive service as soon as the war broke out, id lying in a hospital dangerously wounded. All sincerely pray for his recovery-. His father fought in the South African war, but was invalided home, where he died after an Attack of enteric fever. The family are cousins of Silas Hocking. the author. THE LATE Mite. CRAto.-A number from this neighborhood attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Craig in Hen - G all last Tuesday. '1 he deceased lady came to Stanley about thirty years ego from Ireland with her two sons, John and William. and one daughter, Hannah, who survive her. About fifteetear. ago they removed to Saskatchewan and engaged in farming near Moose Jaw, where they were very successful. Lest summer all went back to see the old home in Ire- land; with some thought of remain- ing there, hut they had lived too long in Canada to he satisfied with conditions in the old land and they returned to Hensel! in the fall. The deceased lady had reecbed the good old age of -eighty-four years, one month, and is sincerely regretted 'by her old friends and acquaintances. KIPPER. TrxsnAY. May is. THE Svrogrr A. -The following Tor- onto University students came back lately : M. M. Daher. in Faculty ; Miss M. E. Johnston, in medicine: G. K. Stephenson. in S. P. S.. and A. W. Johnston, in arts. The two latter have returned to the eity. G. R. Stephenson .ucceeded In getting honor. in his examination in his second year. A Victorious OLD LADY --Mrs. Henry Johnston and her grandson Cecil Johnston, both of MafekingR visited In the home of her eon, W H.1Johnston, la.t week. She was Iwnught down by her son-in-law. W. P. Reed, of Lane., in his auto, and although the old lady GRANS TRUNK SY'S EM REDUCED FARES account Victoria Day MAY 24th MINOLO FARR+dnod gnieg end re- turning May 94th only. FARO AND ONR-THIRD-Gond o- Ing May rind. sled and 94th. i.- turn limit May 96th, 1915. Return tickets Will be issued between ell etetMas In tlenada east of Poet Arthur and to Detroit and Port Hurts, Kirsh, Beffialo, Black Rock. Nlagers FUJI. and t)espenslon Rridga If. Y. Thketa end felt paeticuiare os applf- raties to dirket agents. r.III Aas6=1 Pews pm Two •.shoe. will W. ltnebd, vee In Ilio . ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• afternoon and one in the evening. We understand Mr. Percy Slander- 1 • son is now • profe•riosal chauffeur. having gone through • tort •zamirw tinn in Wingbam recently to that effect. Mr. Sind. r.rn is no doubt an adept with an ant,. 1 karst ulatWOO 1 A load of d•Mtaat es made up(roti Port Albert and Dun annumPreeby- t•riaa eburcbs i drays up to Teamster ors Tuesday to astend a Presbyterial assembly In that vfilatte. Rev. 0. Gomm and Mrs. (comm were •snag the delegates. 'glitz BAILORS' TAROLa."-A large .udienee was out to hear the play "The 8ailote' Tangle" last Wednesday evening. given by a number of Gode- rieh 4raaat t,. Tb• play was well eve and rsasw , Tee r e4ptrialw ire isd n the nelghbestilsod of M. Dawns or Wu. ()invite --Mad news was received last Monday of the sudden death of William (Arvin, son of the • late Hugh Oirvin. Particulars aro Dot known yet, but that be was • accidentally killed in Oklahoma. U. 8. • The remains will be taken to the tote of his uncle, Mr. Charles Oirvin, and buried in Dungangon cemetery Friday afternoon. • • • • •• •• ✓n • CARLOW. TUESDAY. May 18. Mr. Alexander Robertson has been very poorly lately, but we hops that be will soon he around again. We were all glad to *let& and Mrs. Alexander Young out to church hen again. It ..-wed like old times. Rev. W. D. Turner, of B)ytb, occupied the pulpit .•f Smith's Hill church last t.unday. His sermon was much appreciated. Mr. D. B. McKay, of Ooderich, is nut et "Loch Melon' these days super. intending some Improvements he is • making on the farm. • • • • s •• ••• • PORT ALBERT. WEDNESDAY. May 19. Commencing with Wednesday, June 2nd, the village store pill close every Wednesday st 6 of clock Lost '1 bureday afternoon the Women's Missionary Society of St. Andrew's church held its monthly meeting at the home of Jacob McGee and there was • good attendance. The ladies have just tient s complete out- fit for a thirtebri-yerr-old boy in one of the mission homes, everything • boy could possibly need in the line of clothing. They have also made and are still making quite a number of quilts. A LITTLE OsrK TAKEN -Mr and Mrs. Thos. Richardson hive the heartfelt sympathy of their many friends and neighbors in the lout of their Ii:•le daughter, Myrtle Once, who died Saturday evening, 8th int, after a long illness'ot pbeuwonio. The funeral was held on the (.allowing Monday afternoon, with interment in Dungannon cemetery, and was largely attended. The pallbearers were Masters Walter Tigert. Boddie Mc- Kenzie, Wilbur Mtrwait and Willie Petrie. NoTEW. -Mr.. Alfred Quaid and Miss Jessie McMillan are in 1'eeswater this week as delegates for 8t Andrew's church at r Presbyterial meeting. Dave Martin left on tuetday for Detroit, where he intends spending the sum- mer Miss Dora Y.brtenhals, of Clinton. was the guest 01 Mie Minnie Dickson over Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wellingron Oliver, of Ebenezer, are guests at Mr. F. Cun- ningham's this week....Cberlie Brown retufhrd to Depot Harbor on Satur- day, After speeding • couple of weeki with his parents, Mr. and Mrs W G. S. Brown.. . We" regret to report that Wm Brinley is in very poor health and ia-onflned to the house most of the time. His son, Jasper, has Qurchaseu s handsome wutnmobile.... uite • number of the farmers in this vicinity have bad lightning rods put on their huildinire during the past week ... .John Hutchison is very busy up in Huron at piesent moving and raising berms. Hs bas just fin- ished several jobs in this vicinity .. Messrs. J. Schoenhals, Graham and W. Finlayson, of Clinton, were in the village on Saturday on their wan to Kincardine. to attend the funerals of the tete Angus McDonald on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brewer and son, John, who came out from England last year and have been living at Kingsbridge, have moved into Albert McGee's house on the 4th concession. Mr. Breirer is engaged with Mr. E. Flynn for the summer. DUNGANNON. WEDNEeDAY, May 19. Mr. T. G. Allen has returned from a business trip to P•t.rboro. Mrs. Saunders, of Coo -Coo Valley, was the guest of James Whyard and D. Sproul last week. Mrs. Turner, Messrs. 1. Whyard and C. Sproul visited friends at Ooo-Coo and MalekInogg this week. The funeral of Mrs. Wert, who re- sided here for so mane1yare, and late of underlet, took place ltrr Dungannon cemetery last Friday. Mr. Chars Elliott.Cheeks one of our pro- ve merebanta, was 1n London week. and returned the possessor of a fine auto ear. fhb, maker threw for our villas We are now weeder Ing wbo le to be the rest owner ns. ibe of oschool-emote M • bogy .pet these tisesa Beside@ the ordinary sessions, ease M bald earth ssowning .ad woolen y (senor. No doubt tea ag vaeat ma will be hall.d with Amble aseeptanes. A $reds bnol nooveation will he Mid d the wheel Methodist ebereb here es Thrreday. All flenday wheels In the & Ariel ars tot be represented. • We are glad to know time Mr. Harry ••••••••••••• Gallagher, who recently underwent an operation, is improving rapidly and will likely be better than ever. Mr. Jack Robertson is preparing to build • new barn thio summer. Mr. Toomas Shields has the contract, which means • good job. Mr. Sam, Potter intends to remodel his barns this summer. Mr. Thomas Bellows, one of the pioneer. of Colborne. passed away at the home of hie son -in law, Mr. R M. Young. on Tburday. May 12th. The funeral took place on Saturday and • targe number of friends and acquaint- ances cquaint- to Northern Ontario to remote his and psdaid their lent respects to the work as Are -ranger, whicosuh positint yoneawhe BANRBALL FOR 191:, -The harebell bas held for lbs last ple Patrick Reilly. of laden Grove, spent enthusiasts of Smith'. Hill met rat the w few days of batt week in Ashfield and eeriest departmental store to organize returned home on Saturday accom• for the coming season, fully twenty-;, ponied by bis sun, Leonard five being present. The enthusiastic Michael Benniger end family spirit of the gathering led to •din- motored to Riversdale last Thursday. citation of the formation of • rural Rumors are stinal that several other baseball league, including. as they parties in this locality are contemplat- hoped, such places as Saltford, Dun - ng the purchase of automobiles. Rwnnon, Auburn, tilde and Carlow. During the early days of last week The members resolved themselves into several Derma. residing Along the lake an organized club. to ¢.•Tern which reported having seen • wildcat *brig the following were ele••t.d : Honorary the lake shore. An expedition in president, Lt. -Col. Varrne : president, which about a score of men partici- R. M. Young ; vine -president., 4. Shep- pail was organized, and the narrow pard: secretary -treasurer, Mr.Clayton'; strip of woodland in which the animal manager. Warner Welter. It i. to he was thn„ght to he was searched. hut hoped that such an co gganizuion may-ntheir efforts were fruitless. The cat is develop in order utast the social spirit , .1111 at largo. which ba. been so rapidly vanishing in the country Ville laa7 be again re- I DUNLOP. vived. , TUESDAY, May 18th. BAYFIELD. Mr. A. A. William., who was on the Mt,NDAY, May 17. I staff of the steamer Peliki this spring, Miss Maggie M•Iw,od left this week I u at home at pre"ent. suffei ing from agR an attack of infl tmmatory rheu- for an extended •isit at Port Dover. 1 marism. 1)r. and Mn. Met..ite have arr(v d at Miss Laine L.utenslayer, who hos their beautiful summer home, to spend been in Toronto for the part three a,, few weeks. 1 montha taking a probationary course Praut LIBRARY FOR BAYFIELD.--A at Grecs hospital, is st home at present movement is on foot to organize • pub- for • visit. lir library in our village and already Seeding is about over here end the sufficient names have been secured to farnien are busy preparing their furan o library association. A meeting ground for corn, of which there is to oi«'.uss plats and make further ar- likely to be an immense quantity re-igemente is to be held next week. planted. T. s enterprise ought to meet with the The bewvv white frosts that we have he -sty support of all Interested in the welfare of the community. WEDDED. -A ver quiet home wed• ding occurred on Wednesday after- noon of this week at the home of Mr. John Tough, when Miss Elizabeth Nes- hit, formerly of Belfast. Ireland. be- came the wife of Mr. Wm. Carnie, Stanley. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. McFarlane in the pre•eoce of • very few relatives and friends. After a dainty wedding supper Mr. and Mn. Carnie drove to their home on the Bronson line, where they will reticle in future. DR Ft rrriER't VISIT. -Rev. D. John•t.on, of Varna, occupied St. An- drew's church pulpit, morning and evening, on Sabbath last, Mr. McFar- lane taking the service in Knox church, Go derich. Next Sabbath the services in St. Andrew's and also at Bethany church will be conducted by Rev. Colin Fletcher, of Thames Road. Mr. Fletcher'a alma meter. Knox Col- THE COLBORNE STORE • g • • • • • Value! It has no good substitute. It is the best word in our language to describe merchan- dise. We must tell you about it. Therefore we must say value until you give us better word. It must be VALUE. A STOCK OF STOCKINGS Chet say store might be proud of. They will wear well, they'll wash, they will give you evilly satis- faction that s good stocking can give and the don't oost more than soma inferior makes. It is wise to buy Hosiery nt tbie lied We never sold better 26c hose than we are selling today. Don't forget our R pain for 2111o. Just 135 pairs to sell and can't get any more. NEED A RUU ? Does the home require touching and toning and beautifying a bit? Need • Rug? The main thing is to know where to buy. Out Rugs are all :hey should be. Prices Bedrock. SILKS We have great Silk values no* in 36 -inch wl.ttbs at $1.00 and $1.2$. These Silks are made from the finest quality of silk thread. CREPES Firm, evenly woven of good weight. Do starch rad fast colon. Jur price is at a point below whl.-h quallty cannot exist. 1So. D dt A CORSETS This Corset i- • great favori, with a !erre num- ber of corset wearer*. Note the reason -it fits eery, wean well and is low priced for its quality. Ask for 1) & A LACES AND ALL-OVER NETS A sew shipeoeat just in. The very latest for waists and trimmings. . 11. COLBORNE ••••••••••••• ••••••; lege. bas recently coeferr•d upon him thehonorery title of Doctor of Divin- ity and it is in behalf of the new Knox College that Mr. Fletcher will address the congregation next SAhbath. KINGSBRIDGE riIoNDAY, May 17th. Louie Dalton left last week fcr Detroit. William Hackett returned last week NEWGATE STREET LiVERY Having purchased the livery business of Wm. Knox. 1 am improving the equipment and in- tend to provide Good Horses Prompt Service and Up-to-date Rigs A11 nrden win receive pt and tandul at- tention. Titternowa No. 173 for a god turnout. STOWE been having lately have dope quite • lot of damage. Early fruits, such as cherries, plums. etc , will rotifer most : early potatoes end beans also show the withering effect, of the cold. Apple binsaoms will perhaps not be so much injured. AUBURN. WEunaeuAY, May 19. Mr John and Mime Melinda Lemp are Hamilton visitors this week. Robert Stalker has started his ditch- ing machine near Mheppardton. Rev. W. D. Turner, of Blyth. and Rev. A. Laing exchanged pulpit. on Sunday. Watson & Sons and 0. F. Yung - blot each shipped a car of cattle to the Toronto market on Saturday. The Social Circle committee intend having • field day at the end of June and promise • good time to a11. M. Lockhart and James Webster each received their purchases of grass cattle delivered by the farmers here on Saturday morning. Jobs Johnston bas completed cen- ent foundation. under John Syming- toD's stable and Wm. Reaves' driv- ing shed and erected a cement wall under his kitchen. C. A. Howson has erected • kitchen to the south of his house. PORTER'S HILL. WenNEanal% May Name. -Sunday school day at Bethel church next Sunday. the Gird. The pastor. Rev R. J. McCormick, will preach e.petiall to e children in the morning at 10.*) the Bethel Sunday school will hold • picnic at John Mo Clure's on the 24th. Everybody come and hring along your baskets A. W. Potter 1s attending the Methodist district meeting at Clinton this week. Mn. Stirling b home from Port Staslev, where else spent the winter. Mr O'Neil, from Clandeboye, visited at John Cox's on Rurday Wesley Vagderlwrrgh w Dou`las McDougall visited at Hill. seen lest Saturday. OM -BORNE. Mr. John W. Mwtord, wbo has beer vieitieg hl. brother, Mr. Martin Mugford, rstrreted to M. borne at Oosboeton. Obb, last week. T e regelar meshes altos Colhorse Farmers' Club will Its bald In the Tess - Hall, prsier. er Thursday. Maj 2Tth. at 7 30 *Week. wben Mr. J. J. Mer+iene. of !br'osto, seerettsry of the United Farmers of Osto.io, will be preset and tem give ea ad- dress. A trerdW levitation is extend- ed is everyone. 1 BEAUTIFUL HAIR GOOD DISPLAY THE DORLNW1:ND CO., OF TORONTO, LTD., Cauada's premier hair -goods house. a n- nonnce their visit to The hotel Bedford, (loderich, on MONDAY, MAY 310 when there will be shown •an exclusive sample stock of QL'AI.IT1' HAIR GOODS FOR LADIES in Switches, Braids, tions, Pompadours, Wavelets, etc. An invitation is extended to every lady to call and in- spect these goods. The Dorenwend Sanitary Patent Tou e hien absolute necessity to every man who 1. bald. It will protect your health and' make you appear years younger. Tndetectible Featherweight Hygienic ,, Be sure you see them on day of visit. A demonstration pieces you. you ander an obligation whatever. s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "0000 Tramforma- Remember the Date :-MONDAY, MAY 31st BENMILLER. TUEnnAY, May 18. Benson Long spent Sunday at home. He is working for the Sear - borough Map ('o. and is located In ' Logan township, near West Monkto.. 1 About 125 were present at the bee held by Mr. Hugh Hill last Thursday' to raise his been. Mr. Mat.. Moines, of Londe/thorn', was the carpenter. A card from Verne Gledhill, who left with the first Canadian contin- gent. received one day leo week. said that he Was in France at, I was being sent down to the base. lc was written on April 271h. Reran Orderlies make wt•o feel tine. You will feel better and I.ve lunger if you'll ken your howel. r ,r by the occasionaluseof Resell 1.,.ie lies. HOME STUDY Arts Courses only. SUMMER SCHOOL JrtY amid AOYEer QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON, ONTARIO ARTS EDUCATION MEDICIRR SCHOOL OF MINING CHEMIICAL MIEIM[CHAJnCAL CIViL MLECTateAL Ea10LMEER 1 NG ORO. Y. CHowN. Restatrar MILT.INERY AT W t i OLESALE PRICES We have a Select line of Millinery, of which we Invite inspection Also Millinery Trimu,ines in latest styles : We carry U full line of Ladies' and Men's Boots and Shoes Men's Suits This year's Spring styles. Nobby goods at bargain day prices . CALL AND SEE WHAT WE CAN DO POR YOU !LEVITZ Gr. restos i arm rod aware - - amide